#!/usr/bin/env python2

import os
from PIL import Image

glyphmap = {
        "ampersand": "&",
        "apostrophe": "'",
        "asterisk": "*",
        "at": "@",
        "backslash": "\\",
        "bar": "|",
        "blank": " ",
        "caret": "^",
        "colon": ":",
        "comma": ",",
        "dollar": "$",
        "emark": "!",
        "equal": "=",
        "grave": "`",
        "hyphen": "-",
        "langle": "<",
        "lbrace": "{",
        "lbracket": "[",
        "lparen": "(",
        "percent": "%",
        "perfcurs": 10,
        "period": ".",
        "plus": "+",
        "pound": "#",
        "qmark": "?",
        "quote": '"',
        "rangle": ">",
        "rbrace": "}",
        "rbracket": "]", 
        "rparen": ")",
        "semicolon": ";",
        "slash": "/",
        "tilde": "~",
        "underscore": "_",
        "0": "0",
        "1": "1",
        "2": "2",
        "3": "3",
        "4": "4",
        "5": "5",
        "6": "6",
        "7": "7",
        "8": "8",
        "9": "9",
        "al": "a",
        "bl": "b",
        "cl": "c",
        "dl": "d",
        "el": "e",
        "fl": "f",
        "gl": "g",
        "hl": "h",
        "il": "i",
        "jl": "j",
        "kl": "k",
        "ll": "l",
        "ml": "m",
        "nl": "n",
        "ol": "o",
        "pl": "p",
        "ql": "q",
        "rl": "r",
        "sl": "s",
        "tl": "t",
        "ul": "u",
        "vl": "v",
        "wl": "w",
        "xl": "x",
        "yl": "y",
        "zl": "z",
        "au": "A",
        "bu": "B",
        "cu": "C",
        "du": "D",
        "eu": "E",
        "fu": "F",
        "gu": "G",
        "hu": "H",
        "iu": "I",
        "ju": "J",
        "ku": "K",
        "lu": "L",
        "mu": "M",
        "nu": "N",
        "ou": "O",
        "pu": "P",
        "qu": "Q",
        "ru": "R",
        "su": "S",
        "tu": "T",
        "uu": "U",
        "vu": "V",
        "wu": "W",
        "xu": "X",
        "yu": "Y",
        "zu": "Z",

def build_font(name, path, gridfiles):
    img = Image.new("RGB", (112, 64))
    pix = img.load()
    for gridfile in gridfiles:
        with open(os.path.join(path, gridfile)) as openf:
            glyphname = gridfile.split('.')[0]
            glyphchar = name_to_char(glyphname)
            render(glyph_coords(glyphchar), glyphchar, openf.read(), pix)
    img.save('./fonts/' + name + '.bmp')

def name_to_char(name):
    if not glyphmap[name]:
        raise Exception('unknown glyph')
    return glyphmap[name]

# Return the row and column that a character should be saved in our bitmap
# font.
def glyph_coords(ch):
    if type(ch) == int:
        code = ch
        code = ord(ch)

    row = (code & 0xf0) >> 4
    col = code & 0x0f
    return (row, col)

def render_row(offset, row, line, pix):
    row_offset, col_offset = offset
    row_offset = row_offset * 8
    col_offset = col_offset * 7
    col = 0
    for c in line[1:]:
        if c == 'o':
            pix[col_offset + col, row_offset + row] = (255, 255, 255)
        col = col + 1

def render(offset, ch, grid, pix):
    row, col = glyph_coords(ch)
    lines = grid.split("\n")
    render_row(offset, 0, lines[1], pix)
    render_row(offset, 1, lines[2], pix)
    render_row(offset, 2, lines[3], pix)
    render_row(offset, 3, lines[4], pix)
    render_row(offset, 4, lines[5], pix)
    render_row(offset, 5, lines[6], pix)
    render_row(offset, 6, lines[7], pix)
    render_row(offset, 7, lines[8], pix)

for root, subdirs, subfiles in os.walk('./fonts'):
    if subdirs == []:
        fontname = root.replace('./fonts/', '')
        fontname = fontname.replace('/', '-')
        build_font(fontname, root, subfiles)