package cpu // Helpers and instruction-builders // setNZ uses the given value to set the N and Z flags. func (c *cpu) setNZ(value byte) { c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_N) | (value & FLAG_N) if value == 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_Z } else { c.r.P &^= FLAG_Z } } // samePage is a helper that returns true if two memory addresses // refer to the same page. func samePage(a1 uint16, a2 uint16) bool { return (a1^a2)&0xFF00 == 0 } // clearFlag builds instructions that clear the flag specified by the // given mask. func clearFlag(flag byte) func(*cpu) { return func(c *cpu) { c.r.P &^= flag c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } } // setFlag builds instructions that set the flag specified by the // given mask. func setFlag(flag byte) func(*cpu) { return func(c *cpu) { c.r.P |= flag c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } } // branch builds instructions that perform branches if the status // register masks to a given value. func branch(mask, value byte) func(*cpu) { return func(c *cpu) { // T1 offset := c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.r.PC++ c.t() // T2 oldPC := c.r.PC if c.r.P&mask == value { c.m.Read(oldPC) c.t() // T3 c.r.PC = c.r.PC + uint16(offset) if offset >= 128 { c.r.PC = c.r.PC - 256 } if !samePage(c.r.PC, oldPC) { c.m.Read((oldPC & 0xFF00) | (c.r.PC & 0x00FF)) c.t() } } } } // Individual opcodes func adc(c *cpu, value byte) { if c.r.P&FLAG_D > 0 { adc_d(c, value) return } result16 := uint16(c.r.A) + uint16(value) + uint16(c.r.P&FLAG_C) result := byte(result16) c.r.P &^= (FLAG_C | FLAG_V) c.r.P |= uint8(result16 >> 8) if (c.r.A^result)&(value^result)&0x80 > 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_V } c.r.A = result c.setNZ(result) } // adc_d performs decimal-mode add-with-carry. func adc_d(c *cpu, value byte) { // See // fmt.Printf("adc_d: $%04X: A=$%02X value=$%02X carry=%d\n", // c.oldPC, c.r.A, value, c.r.P & FLAG_C) bin := c.r.A + value + (c.r.P & FLAG_C) al := (c.r.A & 0x0F) + (value & 0x0F) + (c.r.P & FLAG_C) if al >= 0x0A { al = ((al + 0x06) & 0x0F) + 0x10 } // fmt.Printf(" al=$%04X\n", al) a := uint16(c.r.A&0xF0) + uint16(value&0xF0) + uint16(al) if a >= 0xA0 { a += 0x60 } // fmt.Printf(" a=$%04X\n", a) a_nv := int16(int8(c.r.A&0xF0)) + int16(int8(value&0xF0)) + int16(int8(al)) c.r.P &^= (FLAG_V | FLAG_N | FLAG_Z) if byte(a_nv&0xFF)&FLAG_N > 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_N } if a_nv < -128 || a_nv > 127 { c.r.P |= FLAG_V } c.r.A = byte(a & 0xFF) // fmt.Printf(" A=$%02X\n", c.r.A) c.r.P &^= FLAG_C if a >= 0x100 { c.r.P |= FLAG_C } switch c.version { case VERSION_6502: if bin == 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_Z } case VERSION_65C02: c.t() c.setNZ(byte(a & 0xFF)) default: panic("Unknown chip version") } } func and(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.A &= value c.setNZ(c.r.A) } func asl(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := value << 1 c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_C) | (value >> 7) c.setNZ(result) return result } func bit(c *cpu, value byte) { if t := c.r.A & value; t == 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_Z } else { c.r.P &^= FLAG_Z } c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_NV) | (value & FLAG_NV) } // Note that BRK skips the next instruction: // func brk(c *cpu) { // T1 c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.r.PC++ c.t() // T2 c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), byte(c.r.PC>>8)) c.r.SP-- c.t() // T3 c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), byte(c.r.PC&0xff)) c.r.SP-- c.t() // T4 c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), c.r.P|FLAG_B) // Set B flag c.r.SP-- c.r.P |= FLAG_I // Disable interrupts c.t() // T5 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(IRQ_VECTOR)) c.t() // T6 addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(IRQ_VECTOR+1)) << 8) c.r.PC = addr c.t() } func cmp(c *cpu, value byte) { v := c.r.A - value c.r.P &^= FLAG_C if c.r.A >= value { c.r.P |= FLAG_C } c.setNZ(v) } func cpx(c *cpu, value byte) { v := c.r.X - value c.r.P &^= FLAG_C if c.r.X >= value { c.r.P |= FLAG_C } c.setNZ(v) } func cpy(c *cpu, value byte) { v := c.r.Y - value c.r.P &^= FLAG_C if c.r.Y >= value { c.r.P |= FLAG_C } c.setNZ(v) } func dec(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := value - 1 c.setNZ(result) return result } func dex(c *cpu) { c.r.X-- c.setNZ(c.r.X) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func dey(c *cpu) { c.r.Y-- c.setNZ(c.r.Y) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func eor(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.A ^= value c.setNZ(c.r.A) } func inc(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := value + 1 c.setNZ(result) return result } func inx(c *cpu) { c.r.X++ c.setNZ(c.r.X) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func iny(c *cpu) { c.r.Y++ c.setNZ(c.r.Y) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func jmpAbsolute(c *cpu) { // T1 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) c.r.PC++ c.t() // T2 addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) << 8) c.r.PC++ c.r.PC = addr c.t() } func jmpIndirect(c *cpu) { // T1 iAddr := uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) c.r.PC++ c.t() // T2 iAddr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) << 8) c.r.PC++ c.t() // T3 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(iAddr)) c.t() // T4 // 6502 jumps to (xxFF,xx00) instead of (xxFF,xxFF+1). // See switch c.version { case VERSION_6502: if iAddr&0xff == 0xff { addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(iAddr&0xff00)) << 8) } else { addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(iAddr+1)) << 8) } case VERSION_65C02: addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(iAddr+1)) << 8) default: panic("Unknown chip version") } c.r.PC = addr c.t() } func jsr(c *cpu) { // T1 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) // We actually push PC(next) - 1 c.r.PC++ c.t() // T2 c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) // Ignored read on stack c.t() // T3 c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), byte(c.r.PC>>8)) // Write PC|hi to stack c.r.SP-- c.t() // T4 c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), byte(c.r.PC&0xff)) // Write PC|lo to stack c.r.SP-- c.t() // T5 addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(c.r.PC)) << 8) c.r.PC = addr c.t() } func lda(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.A = value c.setNZ(value) } func ldx(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.X = value c.setNZ(value) } func ldy(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.Y = value c.setNZ(value) } func lsr(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := (value >> 1) c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_C) | (value & FLAG_C) c.setNZ(result) return result } func ora(c *cpu, value byte) { c.r.A |= value c.setNZ(c.r.A) } func nop(c *cpu) { c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func pha(c *cpu) { c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), c.r.A) c.r.SP-- c.t() } func pla(c *cpu) { c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) c.r.SP++ c.t() c.r.A = c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) c.setNZ(c.r.A) c.t() } func php(c *cpu) { c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() c.m.Write(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP), c.r.P) c.r.SP-- c.t() } func plp(c *cpu) { c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) c.r.SP++ c.t() c.r.P = c.m.Read(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP)) | FLAG_UNUSED | FLAG_B c.t() } func rol(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := value<<1 | (c.r.P & FLAG_C) c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_C) | (value >> 7) c.setNZ(result) return result } func ror(c *cpu, value byte) byte { result := (value >> 1) | (c.r.P << 7) c.r.P = (c.r.P &^ FLAG_C) | (value & FLAG_C) c.setNZ(result) return result } func rts(c *cpu) { // T1 c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() // T2 c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) c.r.SP++ c.t() // T3 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP))) c.r.SP++ c.t() // T4 addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP))) << 8) c.t() // T5 c.m.Read(addr) c.r.PC = addr + 1 // Since we pushed PC(next) - 1 c.t() } func rti(c *cpu) { // T1 c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() // T2 c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP)) c.r.SP++ c.t() // T3 c.r.P = c.m.Read(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP)) | FLAG_UNUSED c.r.SP++ // T4 addr := uint16(c.m.Read(0x100 + uint16(c.r.SP))) c.r.SP++ c.t() // T5 addr |= (uint16(c.m.Read(0x100+uint16(c.r.SP))) << 8) c.r.PC = addr c.t() } func sbc(c *cpu, value byte) { if c.r.P&FLAG_D > 0 { sbc_d(c, value) return } else { c.r.A = sbc_bin(c, value) } } // sbc_bin performs binary-mode subtract with carry. Broken out into a // separate routine so sbc_d can call it to determine flag values. func sbc_bin(c *cpu, value byte) byte { // Same as adc, except we take the ones complement of value value = ^value result16 := uint16(c.r.A) + uint16(value) + uint16(c.r.P&FLAG_C) result := byte(result16) c.r.P &^= (FLAG_C | FLAG_V) c.r.P |= uint8(result16 >> 8) if (c.r.A^result)&(value^result)&0x80 > 0 { c.r.P |= FLAG_V } c.setNZ(result) return result } // sdc_d performs decimal-mode subtract-with-carry. func sbc_d(c *cpu, value byte) { // See carry := c.r.P & FLAG_C // fmt.Printf("sbc_d: $%04X: A=$%02X value=$%02X carry=%d\n", // c.oldPC, c.r.A, value, carry) // Compute normal sbc, and set all flags accordingly sbc_bin(c, value) switch c.version { case VERSION_6502: al := int16(c.r.A&0x0F) - int16(value&0x0F) + int16(carry) - 1 if al < 0 { al = ((al - 0x06) & 0x0F) - 0x10 } // fmt.Printf(" al=$%04X\n", al) a := int16(c.r.A&0xF0) - int16(value&0xF0) + al if a < 0 { a = a - 0x60 } // fmt.Printf(" a=$%04X\n", a) c.r.A = byte(a) case VERSION_65C02: al := int16(c.r.A&0x0F) - int16(value&0x0F) + int16(carry) - 1 a := int16(c.r.A) - int16(value) + int16(carry) - 1 // fmt.Printf(" al=$%04X\n", al) if a < 0 { a = a - 0x60 } if al < 0 { a = a - 0x06 } // fmt.Printf(" a=$%04X ($%02X)\n", a, byte(a)) c.r.A = byte(a) c.t() c.setNZ(c.r.A) default: panic("Unknown chip version") } } func sta(c *cpu) byte { return c.r.A } func stx(c *cpu) byte { return c.r.X } func sty(c *cpu) byte { return c.r.Y } func tax(c *cpu) { c.r.X = c.r.A c.setNZ(c.r.X) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func tay(c *cpu) { c.r.Y = c.r.A c.setNZ(c.r.Y) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func tsx(c *cpu) { c.r.X = c.r.SP c.setNZ(c.r.X) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func txa(c *cpu) { c.r.A = c.r.X c.setNZ(c.r.A) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func txs(c *cpu) { c.r.SP = c.r.X c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() } func tya(c *cpu) { c.r.A = c.r.Y c.setNZ(c.r.A) c.m.Read(c.r.PC) c.t() }