package flavors import ( "encoding/hex" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // h converts from hex or panics. func h(s string) []byte { b, err := hex.DecodeString(s) if err != nil { panic(err) } return b } type asmFactory func() *asm.Assembler func TestMultiline(t *testing.T) { o := lines.NewTestOpener() ss := asmFactory(func() *asm.Assembler { return asm.NewAssembler(scma.New(), o) }) ra := asmFactory(func() *asm.Assembler { return asm.NewAssembler(redbook.NewRedbookA(), o) }) mm := asmFactory(func() *asm.Assembler { return asm.NewAssembler(merlin.New(), o) }) tests := []struct { af asmFactory // assembler factory name string // name i []string // main file: lines ii map[string][]string // other files: lines b string // bytes, expected ps []membuf.Piece // output bytes expected active bool }{ // We cannot determine L2, so we go wide. {ss, "Unknown label: wide", []string{ "L1 LDA L2-L1", "L2 NOP", }, nil, "ad0300ea", nil, true}, // sc-asm sets instruction widths on the first pass {ss, "Later label: wide", []string{ " LDA FOO", "FOO .EQ $FF", " NOP", }, nil, "adff00ea", nil, true}, // Sub-labels {ss, "ss:Sublabels", []string{ "L1 BEQ .1", ".1 NOP", "L2 BEQ .2", ".1 NOP", ".2 NOP", }, nil, "f000eaf001eaea", nil, true}, // Sub-labels {mm, "mm:Sublabels", []string{ "L1 BEQ :ONE", ":ONE NOP", "L2 BEQ :TWO", ":ONE NOP", ":TWO NOP", }, nil, "f000eaf001eaea", nil, true}, // Includes: one level deep {ss, "Include A", []string{ " BEQ OVER", " .IN SUBFILE1", "OVER NOP", }, map[string][]string{ "SUBFILE1": { " LDA #$2a", }, }, "f002a92aea", nil, true}, // Ifdefs: simple at first {ss, "Ifdef A", []string{ "L1 .EQ $17", " .DO L1>$16", " LDA #$01", " .ELSE", " LDA #$02", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a901ea", nil, true}, // Ifdefs: else part {ss, "Ifdef B", []string{ "L1 .EQ $16", " .DO L1>$16", " LDA #$01", " .ELSE", " LDA #$02", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a902ea", nil, true}, // Ifdefs: multiple else, true {ss, "Ifdef C", []string{ "L1 .EQ $17", " .DO L1>$16", " LDA #$01", " .ELSE", " LDA #$02", " .ELSE", " LDA #$03", " .ELSE", " LDA #$04", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a901a903ea", nil, true}, // Ifdefs: multiple else, false {ss, "Ifdef D", []string{ "L1 .EQ $16", " .DO L1>$16", " LDA #$01", " .ELSE", " LDA #$02", " .ELSE", " LDA #$03", " .ELSE", " LDA #$04", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a902a904ea", nil, true}, // Ifdef based on org, true {ss, "Ifdef/org A", []string{ " .OR $1000", " LDA #$01", " .DO *=$1002", " LDA #$02", " .ELSE", " LDA #$03", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a901a902ea", nil, true}, // Ifdef based on org, false {ss, "Ifdef/org B", []string{ " .OR $1000", " LDA #$01", " .DO *=$1003", " LDA #$02", " .ELSE", " LDA #$03", " .FIN", " NOP", }, nil, "a901a903ea", nil, true}, // Macro, simple {ss, "Macro, simple", []string{ " .MA INCD MACRO NAME", " INC ]1 CALL PARAMETER", " BNE :1 PRIVATE LABEL", " INC ]1+1", ":1", " .EM END OF DEFINITION", " >INCD PTR", "PTR .HS 0000", "ZPTR .EQ $42", " >INCD ZPTR", }, nil, "ee0808d003ee09080000e642d002e643", nil, true}, // Macro, conditional assembly {ss, "Macro, conditional assembly", []string{ " *--------------------------------", " * DEMONSTRATE CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY IN", " *-------------------------------- MACRO", " .MA INCD", " .DO ]#=2", " INC ]1,]2", " BNE :3", " INC ]1+1,]2", ":3", " .ELSE", " INC ]1", " BNE :3", " INC ]1+1", ":3", " .FIN", " .EM", " *--------------------------------", " >INCD $12", " >INCD $1234", " >INCD $12,X", " >INCD $1234,X", }, nil, "e612d002e613ee3412d003ee3512f612d002f613fe3412d003fe3512", nil, true}, // Macros, nested {ss, "Macros, nested", []string{ " .MA CALL", " JSR ]1", " .DO ]#>1", " JSR ]2", " .FIN", " .DO ]#>2", " JSR ]3", " .FIN", " .EM", " >CALL SAM,TOM,JOE", " >CALL SAM,TOM", "SAM RTS", "JOE RTS", "TOM RTS", }, nil, "200f08201108201008200f08201108606060", nil, true}, // Check outputs when origin is changed. {ss, "Origin A", []string{ " .OR $1000", " LDA #$01", " .OR $2000", " LDA #$02", " .OR $1002", " LDA #$03", " NOP", }, nil, "a901a902a903ea", []membuf.Piece{ {0x1000, h("a901a903ea")}, {0x2000, h("a902")}, }, true}, // Check turning MSB on and off {ra, "MSB toggle", []string{ " ASC 'AB'", " MSB OFF", " ASC 'AB'", " MSB ON", " ASC 'AB'", }, nil, "c1c24142c1c2", nil, true}, // Merlin: macros, local labels {mm, "Macros: local labels", []string{ "L1 NOP", "M1 MAC", " INC ]1", " BNE L1", "L1 NOP", " <<<", " >>> M1.$42", " PMC M1($43;$44", " M1 $44", }, nil, "eae642d000eae643d000eae644d000ea", nil, true}, // Merlin: macros in other files {mm, "macro in include", []string{ " ORG $E000", " USE MACROS", "PROMPT = $0033", " INCW PROMPT", " NOP", }, map[string][]string{ "T.MACROS": { "* Increment word", "INCW MAC", " INC ]1", " BNE INCW_END", " INC ]1+1", "INCW_END EOM", }, }, "e633d002e634ea", nil, true}, // Merlin: macros override the 3+1 zero-page rule {mm, "macro vs zero page override", []string{ " USE MACROS", "A1 = $0033", "A2 = $0035", " CMPW A1;A2", " NOP", }, map[string][]string{ "T.MACROS": { "* Compare word", "CMPW MAC", " LDA ]1", " CMP ]2", " LDA ]1+1", " SBC ]2+1", " EOM", }, }, "a533c535a534e536ea", nil, true}, } for i, tt := range tests { if ! { continue } a := if tt.b == "" && len( == 0 { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): test case must specify bytes or pieces`, i,, a.Flavor) } o.Clear() o["TESTFILE"] = strings.Join(tt.i, "\n") for k, v := range tt.ii { o[k] = strings.Join(v, "\n") } if err := a.Load("TESTFILE", 0); err != nil { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): a.Load("TESTFILE") failed: %s`, i,, a.Flavor, err) } err := a.Pass2() if err != nil { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): a.Pass(true) failed: %s`, i,, a.Flavor, err) } if tt.b != "" { bb, err := a.RawBytes() if err != nil { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): a.RawBytes() failed: %s`, i,, a.Flavor, err) } hx := hex.EncodeToString(bb) if hx != tt.b { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): a.RawBytes()=[%s]; want [%s]`, i,, a.Flavor, hx, tt.b) } } if len( != 0 { m, err := a.Membuf() if err != nil { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): a.Membuf() failed: %s`, i,, a.Flavor, err) } ps := m.Pieces() if !reflect.DeepEqual(ps, { t.Fatalf(`%d("%s" - %s): tt.Membuf().Pieces() = %v; want %v`, i,, a.Flavor, ps, } } } }