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Raw Blame History

Concept SCSC AS65 Merlin
origin .OR org
target address .TA
include .IN
comment * ;
>1 space
label at left
equ .EQ =
binary %00000001
macro .MA macro_name macro_name macro
.EM endm
if .DO if foo = 1
.ELSE endif
[.ELSE] (toggle)
- word (LE) .DA expr
- byte (LSB) .DA #expr
- byte (MSB) .DA /expr
ascii string
- normal use .AS "foo"
- arb. delimeter .AS dfood
- high bit set .AS -"foo"
- last high bit opposite .AT "foo"
hex string .HS
reserve space (block storage) .BS <bytes>

Things to ignore

Concept SCSC AS65
title .TI <lines/page>,title
file .TF filename

SCSC notes

.DO Conditional Assembly 5-9 .ELSE Conditional Assembly 5-9 .FIN Conditional Assembly 5-9 .MA Macro Definition 5-11 .EM End of Macro 5-11

Edasm notes


How to run

Boot from the disk type "- edasm.system"

Differences from manual

The manual claims that "MSB ON" is the default.

:ASM FOO.TXT SOURCE FILE #01 =>FOO.TXT 0000:41 42 43 1 ASC "ABC" 0003: 2 MSB OFF 0003:41 42 43 3 ASC "ABC" 0006: 4 MSB ON 0006:C1 C2 C3 5 ASC "ABC"

Sweet 16

http://amigan.1emu.net/kolsen/programming/sweet16.html http://twimgs.com/informationweek/byte/archive/Apple-II-Description/The-Apple-II-by-Stephen-Wozniak.pdf

R0 Accumulator
R12 Subroutine stack pointer
R13 Comparison results
R14 Status (prior result register << 8 + carry bit)
R15 PC
00 Return to 6502 mode RTN 1
01 Branch always BR 2
02 Branch if no carry BNC 2
03 Branch if carry BC 2
04 Branch if plus BP 2
05 Branch if minus BM 2
06 Branch if zero BZ 2
07 Branch if nonzero BNZ 2
08 Branch if minus 1 BM1 2
09 Branch if not minus 1 BNM1 2
0A Break BK 1 BRK
0B Return from subroutine RS 1 PC <- [—-R12]
0C Branch to subroutine BS 2 [R12++++] <- PC(R15); PC(R15) += offset
0D -
0E -
0F -
1n Set SET R7 3 Rn <- constant
2n Load LD R7 1 R0 <- Rn
3n Store ST R7 1 Rn <- R0
4n Load indirect LD @R7 1 R0 <- byte[Rn++]
5n Store indirect ST @R7 1 byte[Rn++] <- R0
6n Load double indirect LDD @R7 1 R0 <- word[Rn++++]
7n Store double indirect STD @R3 1 word[Rn++++] <- R0
8n Pop indirect POP @R3 1 R0 <- byte[Rn]
9n Store pop indirect STP @R3 1 byte[Rn] <- R0
An Add ADD R3 1 R0 <- R0 + Rn
Bn Sub SUB R3 1 R0 <- R0 - Rn
Cn Pop double indirect POPD @R3 1 R0 <- word[—-Rn]
Dn Compare CPR R3 1 R13 <- A0 - Rn
En Increment INR R3 1 Rn++
Fn Decrement DCR R3 1 Rn

Horrible error messages



The plan

  • Make instructions simple data.
  • Make the first pass do almost everything: pass two just sees data variants.

It's a bit tricky:

  1. Parse instruction.

    1. Set the current label to the current address, unless it's an equate
    2. Set the org/target immediately, updating current address.
    3. Force equates to evaluate immediately.
    4. Evaluate instructions.

How it works now

asm.Load for each line: Flavor.ParseInstr(…) passInst Set address if ORG in.Compute Update addr asm.Pass2 passInst