from textwrap import indent, dedent class Block(object): def __init__(self): self.size = 0 self.bne = None self.bne_long = False self.labels = [] self.instr = [] self.rts = False def empty(self): return self.size == 0 and self.bne == None class Assembler(object): def __init__(self, name): = name self.blocks = [] self.b = None self.label = 0 self.new_block() def reserve_label(self): self.label = self.label + 1 return "_%d" % (self.label) def emit_label(self, l): if not self.b.empty(): self.new_block() self.b.labels.append(l) def rts(self): if not self.b.empty(): self.new_block() self.emit("rts",1) self.b.rts = True self.new_block() def new_block(self): self.b = Block() self.blocks.append(self.b) def bne(self, l): self.b.bne = l self.new_block() def emit(self, op, size): self.b.size = self.b.size + size self.b.instr.append("\t" + op) def merge_rts(self): blocks = [] prev = None for b in self.blocks: if b.rts and prev and prev.rts: prev.labels.extend(b.labels) continue blocks.append(b) prev = b self.blocks = blocks def merge_labels(self): map = {} for b in self.blocks: ll = b.labels if len(ll)>0: first = ll[0] for l in ll: map[l] = first for b in self.blocks: if b.bne: b.bne = map[b.bne] if len(b.labels)>1: b.labels = b.labels[0:1] def reify_branches(self): # in practice all branches are forward # could be clever and try to find a backwards rts branch island pc = 0 map = {} for b in self.blocks: for l in b.labels: map[l] = pc pc = pc + b.size if b.bne: pc = pc + 2 # optimist delta = True while delta: pc = 0 delta = False for b in self.blocks: pc = pc + b.size l = b.bne if not l: continue if b.bne_long: pc = pc + 5 continue target = map[l] diff = target-(pc+1) pc = pc + 2 if diff < -128 or diff > 127: delta = True b.bne_long = True for x in map: if map[x] >= pc: map[x] = map[x] + 3 for b in self.blocks: l = b.bne if not l: continue if b.bne_long: b.instr.append("\tbeq *+5") b.instr.append("\tbrl " + l) b.size = b.size + 5 else: b.instr.append("\tbne " + l) b.size = b.size + 2 def finish(self,io): self.b = None self.merge_rts() self.merge_labels() self.reify_branches() self.header(io) for b in self.blocks: for l in b.labels: io.write(l + "\tanop\n") for i in b.instr: io.write(i + "\n") self.footer(io) self.blocks = [] self.new_block() def header(self, io): io.write("\t case on\n"); io.write( + "\tSTART\n\n") io.write("cp\tequ 5\n") txt = """ phb tsc tcd phd pei cp+1 plb plb jsr _action rep #$20 lda 1 sta 5 lda 3 sta 7 pld pla pla txa plb rtl """ io.write(indent(dedent(txt),"\t")) io.write("\n_action\tanop\n") io.write("\tldx #0\n\n") def footer(self, io): io.write("\tEND\n")