# i6502 - A 6502/65C02 Emulator The i6502 is a emulator/soft-prototype of a hardward device I'm building. The goal of this project is to learn more about the following: * Go * CPU/Microprocessor Design * Computer Architecture * Assembler / Low-Level C * Operating Systems * Electronics (the hardware building part) A test ROM file is included, but it does little more than loading a value into the accumulator and storing it in memory. ## What's included in the emulator? * 6502 (not fully 65C02 yet) CPU * 16-bit address bus * 32kB RAM and 16kB ROM modules, addressable via the address bus * ROM loadable from file ## What's not (yet) included? * 65C02 support * I/O (6522, 6551) * Batteries * Tests ;-) ## License This project is licensed under the MIT, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/ariejan/i6502/blob/master/LICENSE) for full details. ## Contributors * Ariejan de Vroom (ariejan@ariejan.net)