mirror of https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc.git synced 2024-09-30 09:57:11 +00:00

705 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Culled Empty Block (label) @1
Culled Empty Block (label) model_ma_mem::@2
Culled Empty Block (label) @2
Culled Empty Block (label) model_ssa_zp::@2
@begin: scope:[] from
(void()) main()
main: scope:[main] from @3
call model_ma_mem
main::@1: scope:[main] from main
call model_ssa_zp
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@2
(void()) model_ma_mem()
model_ma_mem: scope:[model_ma_mem] from main
(byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*)(number) $400
(byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0
model_ma_mem::@1: scope:[model_ma_mem] from model_ma_mem model_ma_mem::@1
*((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a'
(byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← ++ (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen
(byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) model_ma_mem::i + rangenext(0,5)
(bool~) model_ma_mem::$0 ← (byte) model_ma_mem::i != rangelast(0,5)
if((bool~) model_ma_mem::$0) goto model_ma_mem::@1
model_ma_mem::@return: scope:[model_ma_mem] from model_ma_mem::@1
(void()) model_ssa_zp()
model_ssa_zp: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from main::@1
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#0 ← (byte*)(number) $428
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#0 ← (byte) 0
model_ssa_zp::@1: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from model_ssa_zp model_ssa_zp::@1
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 ← phi( model_ssa_zp/(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#0 model_ssa_zp::@1/(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 )
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 ← phi( model_ssa_zp/(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#0 model_ssa_zp::@1/(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 )
*((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b'
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 + rangenext(0,5)
(bool~) model_ssa_zp::$0 ← (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 != rangelast(0,5)
if((bool~) model_ssa_zp::$0) goto model_ssa_zp::@1
model_ssa_zp::@return: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from model_ssa_zp::@1
@3: scope:[] from @begin
call main
@4: scope:[] from @3
@end: scope:[] from @4
(label) @3
(label) @4
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@return
(void()) model_ma_mem()
(bool~) model_ma_mem::$0
(label) model_ma_mem::@1
(label) model_ma_mem::@return
(byte) model_ma_mem::i loadstore
(byte*) model_ma_mem::screen loadstore
(void()) model_ssa_zp()
(bool~) model_ssa_zp::$0
(label) model_ssa_zp::@1
(label) model_ssa_zp::@return
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#0
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#0
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2
Simplifying constant pointer cast (byte*) 1024
Simplifying constant pointer cast (byte*) 1064
Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
Simple Condition (bool~) model_ma_mem::$0 [9] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=rangelast(0,5)) goto model_ma_mem::@1
Simple Condition (bool~) model_ssa_zp::$0 [18] if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=rangelast(0,5)) goto model_ssa_zp::@1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSimplification
Constant (const byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#0 = (byte*) 1064
Constant (const byte) model_ssa_zp::i#0 = 0
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
Resolved ranged next value [7] model_ma_mem::i ← ++ model_ma_mem::i to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [9] if(model_ma_mem::i!=rangelast(0,5)) goto model_ma_mem::@1 to (number) 6
Resolved ranged next value [16] model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← ++ model_ssa_zp::i#2 to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [18] if(model_ssa_zp::i#1!=rangelast(0,5)) goto model_ssa_zp::@1 to (number) 6
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 6 in if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(number) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 6 in if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=(number) 6) goto model_ssa_zp::@1
Successful SSA optimization PassNAddNumberTypeConversions
Simplifying constant integer cast 6
Simplifying constant integer cast 6
Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 6
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 6
Successful SSA optimization PassNFinalizeNumberTypeConversions
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) model_ssa_zp::i#0
Constant inlined model_ssa_zp::screen#0 = (byte*) 1064
Constant inlined model_ssa_zp::i#0 = (byte) 0
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantInlining
Added new block during phi lifting model_ssa_zp::@3(between model_ssa_zp::@1 and model_ssa_zp::@1)
Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin
Adding NOP phi() at start of @3
Adding NOP phi() at start of @4
Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
Adding NOP phi() at start of main
Adding NOP phi() at start of main::@1
Adding NOP phi() at start of main::@2
Adding NOP phi() at start of model_ssa_zp
Calls in [] to main:2
Calls in [main] to model_ma_mem:6 model_ssa_zp:8
Created 2 initial phi equivalence classes
Coalesced [18] model_ssa_zp::screen#3 ← model_ssa_zp::screen#1
Coalesced [19] model_ssa_zp::i#3 ← model_ssa_zp::i#1
Coalesced down to 2 phi equivalence classes
Culled Empty Block (label) @4
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@2
Culled Empty Block (label) model_ssa_zp::@3
Renumbering block @3 to @1
Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin
Adding NOP phi() at start of @1
Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
Adding NOP phi() at start of main
Adding NOP phi() at start of main::@1
Adding NOP phi() at start of model_ssa_zp
@begin: scope:[] from
[0] phi()
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[1] phi()
[2] call main
@end: scope:[] from @1
[3] phi()
(void()) main()
main: scope:[main] from @1
[4] phi()
[5] call model_ma_mem
main::@1: scope:[main] from main
[6] phi()
[7] call model_ssa_zp
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1
[8] return
(void()) model_ssa_zp()
model_ssa_zp: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from main::@1
[9] phi()
model_ssa_zp::@1: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from model_ssa_zp model_ssa_zp::@1
[10] (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 ← phi( model_ssa_zp/(byte) 0 model_ssa_zp::@1/(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 )
[10] (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 ← phi( model_ssa_zp/(byte*) 1064 model_ssa_zp::@1/(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 )
[11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b'
[12] (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2
[13] (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← ++ (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2
[14] if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=(byte) 6) goto model_ssa_zp::@1
model_ssa_zp::@return: scope:[model_ssa_zp] from model_ssa_zp::@1
[15] return
(void()) model_ma_mem()
model_ma_mem: scope:[model_ma_mem] from main
[16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024
[17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0
model_ma_mem::@1: scope:[model_ma_mem] from model_ma_mem model_ma_mem::@1
[18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a'
[19] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← ++ (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen
[20] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← ++ (byte) model_ma_mem::i
[21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1
model_ma_mem::@return: scope:[model_ma_mem] from model_ma_mem::@1
[22] return
(void()) main()
(void()) model_ma_mem()
(byte) model_ma_mem::i loadstore 620.8
(byte*) model_ma_mem::screen loadstore 517.3333333333334
(void()) model_ssa_zp()
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 1501.5
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 667.3333333333334
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 667.3333333333334
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 1501.5
Initial phi equivalence classes
[ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ]
[ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Added variable model_ma_mem::screen to live range equivalence class [ model_ma_mem::screen ]
Added variable model_ma_mem::i to live range equivalence class [ model_ma_mem::i ]
Complete equivalence classes
[ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ]
[ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
[ model_ma_mem::screen ]
[ model_ma_mem::i ]
Allocated zp[2]:2 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:4 [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Allocated mem[2] [ model_ma_mem::screen ]
Allocated mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ]
Target platform is c64basic / MOS6502X
// File Comments
// Test two different memory models
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
jmp __b1
// @1
// [2] call main
// [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
// [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
jmp __bend
// @end
// main
main: {
// [5] call model_ma_mem
jsr model_ma_mem
// [6] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
jmp __b1
// main::@1
// [7] call model_ssa_zp
// [9] phi from main::@1 to model_ssa_zp [phi:main::@1->model_ssa_zp]
jsr model_ssa_zp
jmp __breturn
// main::@return
// [8] return
// model_ssa_zp
model_ssa_zp: {
// A local pointer
.label screen = 2
.label i = 4
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z i
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) 1064 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<$428
sta.z screen
lda #>$428
sta.z screen+1
jmp __b1
// A local counter
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp::@1 to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// model_ssa_zp::@1
// [11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b' -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
lda #'b'
ldy #0
sta (screen),y
// [12] (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z screen
bne !+
inc.z screen+1
// [13] (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← ++ (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z i
// [14] if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=(byte) 6) goto model_ssa_zp::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #6
cmp.z i
bne __b1_from___b1
jmp __breturn
// model_ssa_zp::@return
// [15] return
// model_ma_mem
model_ma_mem: {
// [16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024 -- pbum1=pbuc1
// A local pointer
lda #<$400
sta screen
lda #>$400
sta screen+1
// [17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0 -- vbum1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta i
jmp __b1
// A local counter
// model_ma_mem::@1
// [18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a' -- _deref_pbum1=vbuc1
lda #'a'
ldy screen
sty.z $fe
ldy screen+1
sty.z $ff
ldy #0
sta ($fe),y
// [19] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← ++ (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen -- pbum1=_inc_pbum1
inc screen
bne !+
inc screen+1
// [20] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← ++ (byte) model_ma_mem::i -- vbum1=_inc_vbum1
inc i
// [21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1 -- vbum1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #6
cmp i
bne __b1
jmp __breturn
// model_ma_mem::@return
// [22] return
screen: .word 0
i: .byte 0
// File Data
Statement [11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b' [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::i#2 ] ( main:2::model_ssa_zp:7 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::i#2 ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:4 [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:4 [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Statement [16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024 [ model_ma_mem::screen ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a' [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b' [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::i#2 ] ( main:2::model_ssa_zp:7 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::i#2 ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024 [ model_ma_mem::screen ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a' [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] ( main:2::model_ma_mem:5 [ model_ma_mem::screen model_ma_mem::i ] { } ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential registers zp[2]:2 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ] : zp[2]:2 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:4 [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ] : zp[1]:4 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers mem[2] [ model_ma_mem::screen ] : mem[2] ,
Potential registers mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ] : mem[1] ,
Uplift Scope [model_ssa_zp] 2,168.83: zp[2]:2 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ] 2,168.83: zp[1]:4 [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Uplift Scope [model_ma_mem] 620.8: mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ] 517.33: mem[2] [ model_ma_mem::screen ]
Uplift Scope [main]
Uplift Scope []
Uplifting [model_ssa_zp] best 1129 combination zp[2]:2 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ] reg byte x [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
Uplifting [model_ma_mem] best 1129 combination mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ] mem[2] [ model_ma_mem::screen ]
Uplifting [main] best 1129 combination
Uplifting [] best 1129 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inmem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ]
Uplifting [model_ma_mem] best 1129 combination mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ]
// File Comments
// Test two different memory models
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
jmp __b1
// @1
// [2] call main
// [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
jsr main
// [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
jmp __bend
// @end
// main
main: {
// [5] call model_ma_mem
jsr model_ma_mem
// [6] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
jmp __b1
// main::@1
// [7] call model_ssa_zp
// [9] phi from main::@1 to model_ssa_zp [phi:main::@1->model_ssa_zp]
jsr model_ssa_zp
jmp __breturn
// main::@return
// [8] return
// model_ssa_zp
model_ssa_zp: {
// A local pointer
.label screen = 2
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
ldx #0
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) 1064 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<$428
sta.z screen
lda #>$428
sta.z screen+1
jmp __b1
// A local counter
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp::@1 to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// model_ssa_zp::@1
// [11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b' -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
lda #'b'
ldy #0
sta (screen),y
// [12] (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z screen
bne !+
inc.z screen+1
// [13] (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← ++ (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [14] if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=(byte) 6) goto model_ssa_zp::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
cpx #6
bne __b1_from___b1
jmp __breturn
// model_ssa_zp::@return
// [15] return
// model_ma_mem
model_ma_mem: {
// [16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024 -- pbum1=pbuc1
// A local pointer
lda #<$400
sta screen
lda #>$400
sta screen+1
// [17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0 -- vbum1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta i
jmp __b1
// A local counter
// model_ma_mem::@1
// [18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a' -- _deref_pbum1=vbuc1
lda #'a'
ldy screen
sty.z $fe
ldy screen+1
sty.z $ff
ldy #0
sta ($fe),y
// [19] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← ++ (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen -- pbum1=_inc_pbum1
inc screen
bne !+
inc screen+1
// [20] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← ++ (byte) model_ma_mem::i -- vbum1=_inc_vbum1
inc i
// [21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1 -- vbum1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #6
cmp i
bne __b1
jmp __breturn
// model_ma_mem::@return
// [22] return
screen: .word 0
i: .byte 0
// File Data
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __bend
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
Replacing label __b1_from___b1 with __b1
Removing instruction __b1_from___bbegin:
Removing instruction __b1:
Removing instruction main_from___b1:
Removing instruction __bend_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b1_from_main:
Removing instruction model_ssa_zp_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b1:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination
Removing instruction __bend:
Removing instruction __b1:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b1_from_model_ssa_zp:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination
Updating BasicUpstart to call main directly
Removing instruction jsr main
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5SkipBegin
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
Removing instruction __bbegin:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination
(label) @1
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@return
(void()) model_ma_mem()
(label) model_ma_mem::@1
(label) model_ma_mem::@return
(byte) model_ma_mem::i loadstore mem[1] 620.8
(byte*) model_ma_mem::screen loadstore mem[2] 517.3333333333334
(void()) model_ssa_zp()
(label) model_ssa_zp::@1
(label) model_ssa_zp::@return
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 reg byte x 1501.5
(byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 reg byte x 667.3333333333334
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 screen zp[2]:2 667.3333333333334
(byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 screen zp[2]:2 1501.5
zp[2]:2 [ model_ssa_zp::screen#2 model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ]
reg byte x [ model_ssa_zp::i#2 model_ssa_zp::i#1 ]
mem[2] [ model_ma_mem::screen ]
mem[1] [ model_ma_mem::i ]
Score: 988
// File Comments
// Test two different memory models
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
// @1
// [2] call main
// [4] phi from @1 to main [phi:@1->main]
// [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end]
// @end
// main
main: {
// model_ma_mem()
// [5] call model_ma_mem
jsr model_ma_mem
// [6] phi from main to main::@1 [phi:main->main::@1]
// main::@1
// model_ssa_zp()
// [7] call model_ssa_zp
// [9] phi from main::@1 to model_ssa_zp [phi:main::@1->model_ssa_zp]
jsr model_ssa_zp
// main::@return
// }
// [8] return
// model_ssa_zp
model_ssa_zp: {
// A local pointer
.label screen = 2
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
ldx #0
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) 1064 [phi:model_ssa_zp->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<$428
sta.z screen
lda #>$428
sta.z screen+1
// A local counter
// [10] phi from model_ssa_zp::@1 to model_ssa_zp::@1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1]
// [10] phi (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 = (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [10] phi (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 = (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 [phi:model_ssa_zp::@1->model_ssa_zp::@1#1] -- register_copy
// model_ssa_zp::@1
// *(screen++) = 'b'
// [11] *((byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2) ← (byte) 'b' -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
lda #'b'
ldy #0
sta (screen),y
// *(screen++) = 'b';
// [12] (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#1 ← ++ (byte*) model_ssa_zp::screen#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z screen
bne !+
inc.z screen+1
// for( char i: 0..5 )
// [13] (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1 ← ++ (byte) model_ssa_zp::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [14] if((byte) model_ssa_zp::i#1!=(byte) 6) goto model_ssa_zp::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
cpx #6
bne __b1
// model_ssa_zp::@return
// }
// [15] return
// model_ma_mem
model_ma_mem: {
// screen = 0x0400
// [16] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← (byte*) 1024 -- pbum1=pbuc1
// A local pointer
lda #<$400
sta screen
lda #>$400
sta screen+1
// for( char i: 0..5 )
// [17] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← (byte) 0 -- vbum1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta i
// A local counter
// model_ma_mem::@1
// *(screen++) = 'a'
// [18] *((byte*) model_ma_mem::screen) ← (byte) 'a' -- _deref_pbum1=vbuc1
lda #'a'
ldy screen
sty.z $fe
ldy screen+1
sty.z $ff
ldy #0
sta ($fe),y
// *(screen++) = 'a';
// [19] (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen ← ++ (byte*) model_ma_mem::screen -- pbum1=_inc_pbum1
inc screen
bne !+
inc screen+1
// for( char i: 0..5 )
// [20] (byte) model_ma_mem::i ← ++ (byte) model_ma_mem::i -- vbum1=_inc_vbum1
inc i
// [21] if((byte) model_ma_mem::i!=(byte) 6) goto model_ma_mem::@1 -- vbum1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #6
cmp i
bne __b1
// model_ma_mem::@return
// }
// [22] return
screen: .word 0
i: .byte 0
// File Data