CONTROL FLOW GRAPH SSA @begin: scope:[] from to:@1 (void()) main() main: scope:[main] from @1 asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } to:main::@return main::@return: scope:[main] from main return to:@return @1: scope:[] from @begin call main to:@2 @2: scope:[] from @1 to:@end @end: scope:[] from @2 SYMBOL TABLE SSA (label) @1 (label) @2 (label) @begin (label) @end (void()) main() (label) main::@return Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin Adding NOP phi() at start of @1 Adding NOP phi() at start of @2 Adding NOP phi() at start of @end CALL GRAPH Calls in [] to main:2 Created 0 initial phi equivalence classes Coalesced down to 0 phi equivalence classes Culled Empty Block (label) @2 Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin Adding NOP phi() at start of @1 Adding NOP phi() at start of @end FINAL CONTROL FLOW GRAPH @begin: scope:[] from [0] phi() to:@1 @1: scope:[] from @begin [1] phi() [2] call main to:@end @end: scope:[] from @1 [3] phi() (void()) main() main: scope:[main] from @1 asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } to:main::@return main::@return: scope:[main] from main [5] return to:@return VARIABLE REGISTER WEIGHTS (void()) main() Initial phi equivalence classes Complete equivalence classes INITIAL ASM Target platform is c64basic / MOS6502X // File Comments // Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .pc = $80d "Program" // Global Constants & labels // @begin __bbegin: // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1] __b1_from___bbegin: jmp __b1 // @1 __b1: // [2] call main jsr main // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end] __bend_from___b1: jmp __bend // @end __bend: // main main: { // asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } lda #'a' ldx #$ff !: sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x dex bne !- jmp __breturn // main::@return __breturn: // [5] return rts } // File Data REGISTER UPLIFT POTENTIAL REGISTERS Statement asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } always clobbers reg byte a reg byte x REGISTER UPLIFT SCOPES Uplift Scope [main] Uplift Scope [] Uplifting [main] best 49 combination Uplifting [] best 49 combination ASSEMBLER BEFORE OPTIMIZATION // File Comments // Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .pc = $80d "Program" // Global Constants & labels // @begin __bbegin: // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1] __b1_from___bbegin: jmp __b1 // @1 __b1: // [2] call main jsr main // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end] __bend_from___b1: jmp __bend // @end __bend: // main main: { // asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } lda #'a' ldx #$ff !: sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x dex bne !- jmp __breturn // main::@return __breturn: // [5] return rts } // File Data ASSEMBLER OPTIMIZATIONS Removing instruction jmp __b1 Removing instruction jmp __bend Removing instruction jmp __breturn Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination Removing instruction __b1_from___bbegin: Removing instruction __b1: Removing instruction __bend_from___b1: Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination Removing instruction __bbegin: Removing instruction __bend: Removing instruction __breturn: Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination Removing instruction jsr main Succesful ASM optimization Pass5SkipBegin FINAL SYMBOL TABLE (label) @1 (label) @begin (label) @end (void()) main() (label) main::@return FINAL ASSEMBLER Score: 34 // File Comments // Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .pc = $80d "Program" // Global Constants & labels // @begin // [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1] // @1 // [2] call main // [3] phi from @1 to @end [phi:@1->@end] // @end // main main: { // asm // asm { lda#'a' ldx#$ff !: sta$0400,x sta$0500,x sta$0600,x sta$0700,x dex bne!- } lda #'a' ldx #$ff !: sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x dex bne !- // main::@return // } // [5] return rts } // File Data