Inlined call (byte~) vicSelectGfxBank::$0 ← call toDd00 (byte*) vicSelectGfxBank::gfx CONTROL FLOW GRAPH SSA @begin: scope:[] from (byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0 ← ((byte*)) (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 (byte*) PROCPORT#0 ← ((byte*)) (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 48 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 53 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 49 (byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 54 (byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 55 (byte*) CHARGEN#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53248 (word) SPRITE_PTRS#0 ← (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1016 (byte*) SPRITES_XPOS#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53248 (byte*) SPRITES_YPOS#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53249 (byte*) SPRITES_XMSB#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53264 (byte*) RASTER#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53266 (byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53269 (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53271 (byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53275 (byte*) SPRITES_MC#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53276 (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53277 (byte*) BORDERCOL#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53280 (byte*) BGCOL#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53281 (byte*) BGCOL1#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53281 (byte*) BGCOL2#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53282 (byte*) BGCOL3#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53283 (byte*) BGCOL4#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53284 (byte*) SPRITES_MC1#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53285 (byte*) SPRITES_MC2#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53286 (byte*) SPRITES_COLS#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53287 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53265 (byte*) D011#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53265 (byte) VIC_RST8#0 ← (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 128 (byte) VIC_ECM#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 64 (byte) VIC_BMM#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 32 (byte) VIC_DEN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) VIC_RSEL#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53270 (byte*) D016#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53270 (byte) VIC_MCM#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) VIC_CSEL#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte*) D018#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53272 (byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53272 (byte*) LIGHTPEN_X#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53267 (byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53268 (byte*) IRQ_STATUS#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53273 (byte*) IRQ_ENABLE#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53274 (byte) IRQ_RASTER#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte*) COLS#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 55296 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56320 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56321 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56322 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56323 (byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56333 (byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 127 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56576 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56577 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56578 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56579 (byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 56589 (void()**) KERNEL_IRQ#0 ← ((void()**)) (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 788 (void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ#0 ← ((void()**)) (word/dword/signed dword) 65534 (byte) BLACK#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) WHITE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) RED#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) CYAN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 (byte) PURPLE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) GREEN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 5 (byte) BLUE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6 (byte) YELLOW#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 (byte) ORANGE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) BROWN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 9 (byte) PINK#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 10 (byte) DARK_GREY#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 11 (byte) GREY#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 12 (byte) LIGHT_GREEN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 13 (byte) LIGHT_BLUE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 14 (byte) LIGHT_GREY#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 15 to:@4 @4: scope:[] from @begin (byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53311 (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53308 (byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_OVERSCAN#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 32 (byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 64 (byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53760 (byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT#0 ← { (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 15, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 54, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 190, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 88, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 219, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 134, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 255, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 41, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 38, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 59, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 5, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 223, (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 154, (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 10 } (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53306 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53307 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53317 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53318 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53304 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53305 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53321 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53322 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53323 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53324 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53319 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53320 (byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53325 (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53302 (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53303 (dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT#0 ← (dword/signed dword) 120832 (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53309 (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 53310 to:@5 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1: scope:[dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] from gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky::@4 gfx_init_chunky::@6 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky/(byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 gfx_init_chunky::@4/(byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 gfx_init_chunky::@6/(byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 ) (byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0 ← ((byte*)) (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 255 *((byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0) ← (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } to:dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return: scope:[dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] from dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 return to:@return @5: scope:[] from @4 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54048 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54049 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54050 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54051 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54052 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54053 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54054 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54055 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54056 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54057 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54058 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54059 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54060 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54061 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54062 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54063 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54064 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54065 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54066 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54067 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54068 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54069 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54070 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54071 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54072 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54073 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54074 (byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 32 (byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 64 (byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN#0 ← (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 128 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54075 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54078 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 5 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 (byte) DTV_BLIT_AND#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) DTV_BLIT_OR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 24 (byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 32 (byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 40 (byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 48 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 56 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 54079 (byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte*) CHUNKY#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/dword/signed dword) 32768 to:@7 main: scope:[main] from @7 asm { sei } *((byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 *((byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 call gfx_init_chunky to:main::@17 main::@17: scope:[main] from main *((byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 (byte~) main::$1 ← (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0 | (byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 (byte~) main::$2 ← (byte~) main::$1 | (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 (byte~) main::$3 ← (byte~) main::$2 | (byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 (byte~) main::$4 ← (byte~) main::$3 | (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 *((byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$4 (byte~) main::$5 ← (byte) VIC_DEN#0 | (byte) VIC_ECM#0 (byte~) main::$6 ← (byte~) main::$5 | (byte) VIC_RSEL#0 (byte/word/dword~) main::$7 ← (byte~) main::$6 | (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 *((byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte/word/dword~) main::$7 (byte~) main::$8 ← (byte) VIC_MCM#0 | (byte) VIC_CSEL#0 *((byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (byte~) main::$8 (byte~) main::$9 ← < (byte*) CHUNKY#0 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← (byte~) main::$9 (byte~) main::$10 ← > (byte*) CHUNKY#0 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0) ← (byte~) main::$10 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 *((byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 *((byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 (word~) main::$11 ← ((word)) (byte*) CHUNKY#0 (word/signed dword/dword~) main::$12 ← (word~) main::$11 / (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 (byte~) main::$13 ← ((byte)) (word/signed dword/dword~) main::$12 (byte/word/dword~) main::$14 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 ^ (byte~) main::$13 *((byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/word/dword~) main::$14 (word~) main::$15 ← ((word)) (byte*) CHUNKY#0 (word~) main::$16 ← (word~) main::$15 & (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383 (word~) main::$17 ← (word~) main::$16 >> (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6 (byte~) main::$18 ← ((byte)) (word~) main::$17 (word~) main::$19 ← ((word)) (byte*) CHUNKY#0 (word~) main::$20 ← (word~) main::$19 & (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383 (byte~) main::$21 ← > (word~) main::$20 (byte~) main::$22 ← (byte~) main::$21 >> (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 (byte~) main::$23 ← (byte~) main::$18 | (byte~) main::$22 *((byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← (byte~) main::$23 (byte) main::j#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 to:main::@1 main::@1: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@17 (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::j#1 main::@17/(byte) main::j#0 ) *((byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (byte) main::j#2 (byte) main::j#1 ← (byte) main::j#2 + rangenext(0,15) (bool~) main::$24 ← (byte) main::j#1 != rangelast(0,15) if((bool~) main::$24) goto main::@1 to:main::@2 main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@8 if(true) goto main::@3 to:main::@return main::@3: scope:[main] from main::@2 asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } (byte~) main::$25 ← (byte) VIC_DEN#0 | (byte) VIC_ECM#0 (byte~) main::$26 ← (byte~) main::$25 | (byte) VIC_RSEL#0 (byte/word/dword~) main::$27 ← (byte~) main::$26 | (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 *((byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte/word/dword~) main::$27 *((byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) main::rst#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66 to:main::@5 main::@5: scope:[main] from main::@3 main::@6 (byte) main::rst#2 ← phi( main::@3/(byte) main::rst#0 main::@6/(byte) main::rst#3 ) (bool~) main::$28 ← *((byte*) RASTER#0) != (byte) main::rst#2 if((bool~) main::$28) goto main::@6 to:main::@7 main::@6: scope:[main] from main::@5 (byte) main::rst#3 ← phi( main::@5/(byte) main::rst#2 ) to:main::@5 main::@7: scope:[main] from main::@5 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } to:main::@8 main::@8: scope:[main] from main::@7 main::@8 (byte) main::rst#1 ← *((byte*) RASTER#0) (byte~) main::$29 ← (byte) VIC_DEN#0 | (byte) VIC_ECM#0 (byte~) main::$30 ← (byte~) main::$29 | (byte) VIC_RSEL#0 (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 (byte~) main::$32 ← (byte~) main::$30 | (byte~) main::$31 *((byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$32 (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 *((byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte~) main::$33 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } (bool~) main::$34 ← (byte) main::rst#1 != (byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242 if((bool~) main::$34) goto main::@8 to:main::@2 main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@2 return to:@return gfx_init_chunky: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from main (byte*~) gfx_init_chunky::$0 ← (byte*) CHUNKY#0 / (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$1 ← ((byte)) (byte*~) gfx_init_chunky::$0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 ← (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$1 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@7 gfx_init_chunky::@7: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#3 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 ← ((byte*)) (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 to:gfx_init_chunky::@1 gfx_init_chunky::@1: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@5 gfx_init_chunky::@7 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#9 gfx_init_chunky::@7/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 gfx_init_chunky::@7/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#0 ) (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#6 gfx_init_chunky::@7/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 ) (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#0 ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 to:gfx_init_chunky::@2 gfx_init_chunky::@2: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@1 gfx_init_chunky::@3 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#6 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 ) (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#0 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ) (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ) (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$3 ← (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 == (word/dword/signed dword) 32768 (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$4 ← ! (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$3 if((bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$4) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 to:gfx_init_chunky::@4 gfx_init_chunky::@3: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@2 gfx_init_chunky::@8 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#6 gfx_init_chunky::@8/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ) (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::@8/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 gfx_init_chunky::@8/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#5 ) (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 gfx_init_chunky::@8/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#4 ) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$7 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$7 *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ← ++ (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + rangenext(0,319) (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$8 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 != rangelast(0,319) if((bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$8) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 to:gfx_init_chunky::@5 gfx_init_chunky::@4: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@2 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#7 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 ) (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#5 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#6 ) (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@8 gfx_init_chunky::@8: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@4 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#5 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@4/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#7 ) (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@4/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#5 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#5 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@4/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#5 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 ← ((byte*)) (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 to:gfx_init_chunky::@3 gfx_init_chunky::@5: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@3 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#9 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 ) (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#6 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 ) (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#3 + rangenext(0,50) (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$9 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 != rangelast(0,50) if((bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$9) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@6 gfx_init_chunky::@6: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@5 (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword~) gfx_init_chunky::$10 ← (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 / (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$11 ← ((byte)) (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword~) gfx_init_chunky::$10 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 ← (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$11 call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@9 gfx_init_chunky::@9: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@6 to:gfx_init_chunky::@return gfx_init_chunky::@return: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@9 return to:@return @7: scope:[] from @5 call main to:@8 @8: scope:[] from @7 to:@end @end: scope:[] from @8 SYMBOL TABLE SSA (label) @4 (label) @5 (label) @7 (label) @8 (label) @begin (label) @end (byte*) BGCOL (byte*) BGCOL#0 (byte*) BGCOL1 (byte*) BGCOL1#0 (byte*) BGCOL2 (byte*) BGCOL2#0 (byte*) BGCOL3 (byte*) BGCOL3#0 (byte*) BGCOL4 (byte*) BGCOL4#0 (byte) BLACK (byte) BLACK#0 (byte) BLUE (byte) BLUE#0 (byte*) BORDERCOL (byte*) BORDERCOL#0 (byte) BROWN (byte) BROWN#0 (byte*) CHARGEN (byte*) CHARGEN#0 (byte*) CHUNKY (byte*) CHUNKY#0 (byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT#0 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A#0 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR#0 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B#0 (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR#0 (byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT#0 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B#0 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR#0 (byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR (byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR#0 (byte*) COLS (byte*) COLS#0 (byte) CYAN (byte) CYAN#0 (byte*) D011 (byte*) D011#0 (byte*) D016 (byte*) D016#0 (byte*) D018 (byte*) D018#0 (byte) DARK_GREY (byte) DARK_GREY#0 (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP#0 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD (byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_AND (byte) DTV_BLIT_AND#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B (byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START (byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN (byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND (byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_OR (byte) DTV_BLIT_OR#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB (byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE (byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK (byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR#0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR#0 (byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF (byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF#0 (byte) DTV_CHUNKY (byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 (dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT (dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT#0 (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_CONTROL (byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0 (byte*) DTV_FEATURE (byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0 (byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET (byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET#0 (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK#0 (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK#0 (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0 (byte) DTV_LINEAR (byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 (byte) DTV_OVERSCAN (byte) DTV_OVERSCAN#0 (byte*) DTV_PALETTE (byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 (byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT (byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0 (byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK (byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK#0 (byte) GREEN (byte) GREEN#0 (byte) GREY (byte) GREY#0 (void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ (void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ#0 (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG#0 (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE#0 (byte*) IRQ_ENABLE (byte*) IRQ_ENABLE#0 (byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN (byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN#0 (byte) IRQ_RASTER (byte) IRQ_RASTER#0 (byte*) IRQ_STATUS (byte*) IRQ_STATUS#0 (void()**) KERNEL_IRQ (void()**) KERNEL_IRQ#0 (byte*) LIGHTPEN_X (byte*) LIGHTPEN_X#0 (byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y (byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y#0 (byte) LIGHT_BLUE (byte) LIGHT_BLUE#0 (byte) LIGHT_GREEN (byte) LIGHT_GREEN#0 (byte) LIGHT_GREY (byte) LIGHT_GREY#0 (byte) ORANGE (byte) ORANGE#0 (byte) PINK (byte) PINK#0 (byte*) PROCPORT (byte*) PROCPORT#0 (byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO (byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO#0 (byte*) PROCPORT_DDR (byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0 (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 (byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO (byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO#0 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL#0 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM#0 (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 (byte) PURPLE (byte) PURPLE#0 (byte*) RASTER (byte*) RASTER#0 (byte) RED (byte) RED#0 (byte*) SPRITES_COLS (byte*) SPRITES_COLS#0 (byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE (byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE#0 (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X#0 (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y#0 (byte*) SPRITES_MC (byte*) SPRITES_MC#0 (byte*) SPRITES_MC1 (byte*) SPRITES_MC1#0 (byte*) SPRITES_MC2 (byte*) SPRITES_MC2#0 (byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY (byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY#0 (byte*) SPRITES_XMSB (byte*) SPRITES_XMSB#0 (byte*) SPRITES_XPOS (byte*) SPRITES_XPOS#0 (byte*) SPRITES_YPOS (byte*) SPRITES_YPOS#0 (word) SPRITE_PTRS (word) SPRITE_PTRS#0 (byte) VIC_BMM (byte) VIC_BMM#0 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL (byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL2 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0 (byte) VIC_CSEL (byte) VIC_CSEL#0 (byte) VIC_DEN (byte) VIC_DEN#0 (byte) VIC_ECM (byte) VIC_ECM#0 (byte) VIC_MCM (byte) VIC_MCM#0 (byte*) VIC_MEMORY (byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0 (byte) VIC_RSEL (byte) VIC_RSEL#0 (byte) VIC_RST8 (byte) VIC_RST8#0 (byte) WHITE (byte) WHITE#0 (byte) YELLOW (byte) YELLOW#0 (void()) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1((byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx) (label) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return (byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank (byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 (void()) gfx_init_chunky() (byte*~) gfx_init_chunky::$0 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$1 (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword~) gfx_init_chunky::$10 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$11 (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$3 (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$4 (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$7 (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$8 (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$9 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@1 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@2 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@3 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@4 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@5 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@6 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@7 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@8 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@9 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@return (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#6 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#3 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#5 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#6 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#9 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#0 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#4 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#5 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#3 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#5 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#7 (void()) main() (byte~) main::$1 (byte~) main::$10 (word~) main::$11 (word/signed dword/dword~) main::$12 (byte~) main::$13 (byte/word/dword~) main::$14 (word~) main::$15 (word~) main::$16 (word~) main::$17 (byte~) main::$18 (word~) main::$19 (byte~) main::$2 (word~) main::$20 (byte~) main::$21 (byte~) main::$22 (byte~) main::$23 (bool~) main::$24 (byte~) main::$25 (byte~) main::$26 (byte/word/dword~) main::$27 (bool~) main::$28 (byte~) main::$29 (byte~) main::$3 (byte~) main::$30 (byte~) main::$31 (byte~) main::$32 (byte~) main::$33 (bool~) main::$34 (byte~) main::$4 (byte~) main::$5 (byte~) main::$6 (byte/word/dword~) main::$7 (byte~) main::$8 (byte~) main::$9 (label) main::@1 (label) main::@17 (label) main::@2 (label) main::@3 (label) main::@5 (label) main::@6 (label) main::@7 (label) main::@8 (label) main::@return (byte) main::j (byte) main::j#0 (byte) main::j#1 (byte) main::j#2 (byte) main::rst (byte) main::rst#0 (byte) main::rst#1 (byte) main::rst#2 (byte) main::rst#3 Culled Empty Block (label) gfx_init_chunky::@9 Culled Empty Block (label) @8 Successful SSA optimization Pass2CullEmptyBlocks Inversing boolean not (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$4 ← (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 != (word/dword/signed dword) 32768 from (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$3 ← (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 == (word/dword/signed dword) 32768 Successful SSA optimization Pass2UnaryNotSimplification Alias (byte) main::rst#2 = (byte) main::rst#3 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 = (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$1 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#3 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 = (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$7 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#6 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#5 Alias (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 = (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#5 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#4 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#7 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#5 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#3 Alias (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#6 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#9 Alias (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 = (byte~) gfx_init_chunky::$11 Successful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination Alias (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#3 Alias (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#4 Successful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination Self Phi Eliminated (byte) main::rst#2 Self Phi Eliminated (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 Successful SSA optimization Pass2SelfPhiElimination Redundant Phi (byte) main::rst#2 (byte) main::rst#0 Redundant Phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#2 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 Successful SSA optimization Pass2RedundantPhiElimination Simple Condition (bool~) main::$24 if((byte) main::j#1!=rangelast(0,15)) goto main::@1 Simple Condition (bool~) main::$28 if(*((byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte) main::rst#0) goto main::@6 Simple Condition (bool~) main::$34 if((byte) main::rst#1!=(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242) goto main::@8 Simple Condition (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$4 if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 Simple Condition (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$8 if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=rangelast(0,319)) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 Simple Condition (bool~) gfx_init_chunky::$9 if((byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=rangelast(0,50)) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSimplification Constant (const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0 = ((byte*))0 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 = 7 Constant (const byte*) PROCPORT#0 = ((byte*))1 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL#0 = 48 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 = 53 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM#0 = 49 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO#0 = 54 Constant (const byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO#0 = 55 Constant (const byte*) CHARGEN#0 = ((byte*))53248 Constant (const word) SPRITE_PTRS#0 = 1016 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_XPOS#0 = ((byte*))53248 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_YPOS#0 = ((byte*))53249 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_XMSB#0 = ((byte*))53264 Constant (const byte*) RASTER#0 = ((byte*))53266 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE#0 = ((byte*))53269 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y#0 = ((byte*))53271 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY#0 = ((byte*))53275 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_MC#0 = ((byte*))53276 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X#0 = ((byte*))53277 Constant (const byte*) BORDERCOL#0 = ((byte*))53280 Constant (const byte*) BGCOL#0 = ((byte*))53281 Constant (const byte*) BGCOL1#0 = ((byte*))53281 Constant (const byte*) BGCOL2#0 = ((byte*))53282 Constant (const byte*) BGCOL3#0 = ((byte*))53283 Constant (const byte*) BGCOL4#0 = ((byte*))53284 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_MC1#0 = ((byte*))53285 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_MC2#0 = ((byte*))53286 Constant (const byte*) SPRITES_COLS#0 = ((byte*))53287 Constant (const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0 = ((byte*))53265 Constant (const byte*) D011#0 = ((byte*))53265 Constant (const byte) VIC_RST8#0 = 128 Constant (const byte) VIC_ECM#0 = 64 Constant (const byte) VIC_BMM#0 = 32 Constant (const byte) VIC_DEN#0 = 16 Constant (const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 = 8 Constant (const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0 = ((byte*))53270 Constant (const byte*) D016#0 = ((byte*))53270 Constant (const byte) VIC_MCM#0 = 16 Constant (const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 = 8 Constant (const byte*) D018#0 = ((byte*))53272 Constant (const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0 = ((byte*))53272 Constant (const byte*) LIGHTPEN_X#0 = ((byte*))53267 Constant (const byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y#0 = ((byte*))53268 Constant (const byte*) IRQ_STATUS#0 = ((byte*))53273 Constant (const byte*) IRQ_ENABLE#0 = ((byte*))53274 Constant (const byte) IRQ_RASTER#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN#0 = 8 Constant (const byte*) COLS#0 = ((byte*))55296 Constant (const byte*) CIA1_PORT_A#0 = ((byte*))56320 Constant (const byte*) CIA1_PORT_B#0 = ((byte*))56321 Constant (const byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR#0 = ((byte*))56322 Constant (const byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR#0 = ((byte*))56323 Constant (const byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT#0 = ((byte*))56333 Constant (const byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR#0 = 127 Constant (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0 = ((byte*))56576 Constant (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_B#0 = ((byte*))56577 Constant (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0 = ((byte*))56578 Constant (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR#0 = ((byte*))56579 Constant (const byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT#0 = ((byte*))56589 Constant (const void()**) KERNEL_IRQ#0 = ((void()**))788 Constant (const void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ#0 = ((void()**))65534 Constant (const byte) BLACK#0 = 0 Constant (const byte) WHITE#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) RED#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) CYAN#0 = 3 Constant (const byte) PURPLE#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) GREEN#0 = 5 Constant (const byte) BLUE#0 = 6 Constant (const byte) YELLOW#0 = 7 Constant (const byte) ORANGE#0 = 8 Constant (const byte) BROWN#0 = 9 Constant (const byte) PINK#0 = 10 Constant (const byte) DARK_GREY#0 = 11 Constant (const byte) GREY#0 = 12 Constant (const byte) LIGHT_GREEN#0 = 13 Constant (const byte) LIGHT_BLUE#0 = 14 Constant (const byte) LIGHT_GREY#0 = 15 Constant (const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0 = ((byte*))53311 Constant (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET#0 = 2 Constant (const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0 = ((byte*))53308 Constant (const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) DTV_OVERSCAN#0 = 8 Constant (const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 = 16 Constant (const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 = 32 Constant (const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 = 64 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 = ((byte*))53760 Constant (const byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT#0 = { 0, 15, 54, 190, 88, 219, 134, 255, 41, 38, 59, 5, 7, 223, 154, 10 } Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO#0 = ((byte*))53306 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI#0 = ((byte*))53307 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI#0 = ((byte*))53317 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP#0 = ((byte*))53318 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO#0 = ((byte*))53304 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI#0 = ((byte*))53305 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0 = ((byte*))53321 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0 = ((byte*))53322 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0 = ((byte*))53323 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0 = ((byte*))53324 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0 = ((byte*))53319 Constant (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0 = ((byte*))53320 Constant (const byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK#0 = ((byte*))53325 Constant (const byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO#0 = ((byte*))53302 Constant (const byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI#0 = ((byte*))53303 Constant (const dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT#0 = 120832 Constant (const byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK#0 = ((byte*))53309 Constant (const byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK#0 = ((byte*))53310 Constant (const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0 = ((byte*))255 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO#0 = ((byte*))54048 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI#0 = ((byte*))54049 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI#0 = ((byte*))54050 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO#0 = ((byte*))54051 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI#0 = ((byte*))54052 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO#0 = ((byte*))54053 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI#0 = ((byte*))54054 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP#0 = ((byte*))54055 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO#0 = ((byte*))54056 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI#0 = ((byte*))54057 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI#0 = ((byte*))54058 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO#0 = ((byte*))54059 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI#0 = ((byte*))54060 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO#0 = ((byte*))54061 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI#0 = ((byte*))54062 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP#0 = ((byte*))54063 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO#0 = ((byte*))54064 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI#0 = ((byte*))54065 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI#0 = ((byte*))54066 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO#0 = ((byte*))54067 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI#0 = ((byte*))54068 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO#0 = ((byte*))54069 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI#0 = ((byte*))54070 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP#0 = ((byte*))54071 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO#0 = ((byte*))54072 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI#0 = ((byte*))54073 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL#0 = ((byte*))54074 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD#0 = 8 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ#0 = 16 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ#0 = 32 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK#0 = 64 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN#0 = 128 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY#0 = ((byte*))54075 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE#0 = 0 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU#0 = ((byte*))54078 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0#0 = 0 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3#0 = 3 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5#0 = 5 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6#0 = 6 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7#0 = 7 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_AND#0 = 0 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND#0 = 8 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR#0 = 16 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_OR#0 = 24 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR#0 = 32 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR#0 = 40 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD#0 = 48 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB#0 = 56 Constant (const byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2#0 = ((byte*))54079 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT#0 = 2 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT#0 = 4 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT#0 = 8 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY#0 = 1 Constant (const byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ#0 = 2 Constant (const byte*) CHUNKY#0 = ((byte*))32768 Constant (const byte) main::j#0 = 0 Constant (const byte) main::rst#0 = 66 Constant (const byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 = ((byte*))16384 Constant (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#0 = 0 Constant (const word) gfx_init_chunky::x#0 = 0 Constant (const byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 = ((byte*))16384 Constant (const byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) gfx_init_chunky::$10 = 16384/16384 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification Constant (const byte) main::$1 = DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|DTV_LINEAR#0 Constant (const byte) main::$5 = VIC_DEN#0|VIC_ECM#0 Constant (const byte) main::$8 = VIC_MCM#0|VIC_CSEL#0 Constant (const byte) main::$9 = CHUNKY#0 Constant (const word) main::$11 = ((word))CHUNKY#0 Constant (const word) main::$15 = ((word))CHUNKY#0 Constant (const word) main::$19 = ((word))CHUNKY#0 Constant (const byte) main::$25 = VIC_DEN#0|VIC_ECM#0 Constant (const byte) main::$29 = VIC_DEN#0|VIC_ECM#0 Constant (const byte*) gfx_init_chunky::$0 = CHUNKY#0/16384 Constant (const byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 = ((byte))gfx_init_chunky::$10 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification Constant (const byte) main::$2 = main::$1|DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 Constant (const byte) main::$6 = main::$5|VIC_RSEL#0 Constant (const word/signed dword/dword) main::$12 = main::$11/16384 Constant (const word) main::$16 = main::$15&16383 Constant (const word) main::$20 = main::$19&16383 Constant (const byte) main::$26 = main::$25|VIC_RSEL#0 Constant (const byte) main::$30 = main::$29|VIC_RSEL#0 Constant (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 = ((byte))gfx_init_chunky::$0 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification Constant (const byte) main::$3 = main::$2|DTV_CHUNKY#0 Constant (const byte/word/dword) main::$7 = main::$6|3 Constant (const byte) main::$13 = ((byte))main::$12 Constant (const word) main::$17 = main::$16>>6 Constant (const byte) main::$21 = >main::$20 Constant (const byte/word/dword) main::$27 = main::$26|3 Constant (const byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 = gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 Constant (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 = ++gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification Constant (const byte) main::$4 = main::$3|DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 Constant (const byte/word/dword) main::$14 = 3^main::$13 Constant (const byte) main::$18 = ((byte))main::$17 Constant (const byte) main::$22 = main::$21>>2 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification Constant (const byte) main::$23 = main::$18|main::$22 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification if() condition always true - replacing block destination if(true) goto main::@3 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIfs Successful SSA optimization PassNEliminateUnusedVars Removing unused block main::@return Successful SSA optimization Pass2EliminateUnusedBlocks Resolved ranged next value main::j#1 ← ++ main::j#2 to ++ Resolved ranged comparison value if(main::j#1!=rangelast(0,15)) goto main::@1 to (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 Resolved ranged next value gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← ++ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 to ++ Resolved ranged comparison value if(gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=rangelast(0,319)) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 to (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320 Resolved ranged next value gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← ++ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 to ++ Resolved ranged comparison value if(gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=rangelast(0,50)) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 to (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 51 Culled Empty Block (label) @4 Culled Empty Block (label) @5 Culled Empty Block (label) main::@2 Culled Empty Block (label) main::@6 Culled Empty Block (label) gfx_init_chunky::@7 Successful SSA optimization Pass2CullEmptyBlocks Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) main::j#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) main::rst#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) gfx_init_chunky::x#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 Constant inlined dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#0 = ((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::rst#0 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66 Constant inlined dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#2 = ((byte))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$12 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$13 = ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$14 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::y#0 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 Constant inlined main::$15 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::x#0 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 Constant inlined main::$30 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 Constant inlined main::$10 = >(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined main::$11 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined main::$16 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383 Constant inlined main::$17 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6 Constant inlined main::$18 = ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6 Constant inlined main::$19 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined main::j#0 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 Constant inlined main::$23 = ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#1 = ++((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$25 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0 Constant inlined main::$26 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#2 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$20 = ((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#0 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$21 = >((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383 Constant inlined main::$22 = >((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#0 = ((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$1 = (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 Constant inlined main::$27 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::$10 = (word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$2 = (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 Constant inlined main::$29 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0 Constant inlined main::$5 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0 Constant inlined main::$6 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 Constant inlined main::$3 = (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined main::$4 = (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 Constant inlined gfx_init_chunky::$0 = (const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 Constant inlined main::$9 = <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 Constant inlined main::$7 = (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 Constant inlined main::$8 = (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantInlining Added new block during phi lifting main::@18(between main::@1 and main::@1) Added new block during phi lifting gfx_init_chunky::@10(between gfx_init_chunky::@5 and gfx_init_chunky::@1) Added new block during phi lifting gfx_init_chunky::@11(between gfx_init_chunky::@3 and gfx_init_chunky::@2) Added new block during phi lifting gfx_init_chunky::@12(between gfx_init_chunky::@2 and gfx_init_chunky::@3) Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin Adding NOP phi() at start of @7 Adding NOP phi() at start of @end Adding NOP phi() at start of gfx_init_chunky Adding NOP phi() at start of gfx_init_chunky::@6 CALL GRAPH Calls in [] to main:2 Calls in [main] to gfx_init_chunky:7 Calls in [gfx_init_chunky] to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1:40 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1:48 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1:61 Created 10 initial phi equivalence classes Coalesced [38] main::j#3 ← main::j#1 Coalesced [42] gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#8 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 Coalesced [43] gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#11 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 Coalesced [47] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#4 ← dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 Coalesced [50] gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#14 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 Coalesced [63] gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#7 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 Coalesced [64] gfx_init_chunky::y#8 ← gfx_init_chunky::y#1 Coalesced [65] gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#10 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 Coalesced (already) [66] gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#9 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 Coalesced [67] gfx_init_chunky::x#6 ← gfx_init_chunky::x#1 Coalesced (already) [68] gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#12 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 Coalesced [69] gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#10 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 Coalesced (already) [70] gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#13 ← gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 Coalesced down to 6 phi equivalence classes Culled Empty Block (label) main::@18 Culled Empty Block (label) gfx_init_chunky::@10 Culled Empty Block (label) gfx_init_chunky::@11 Culled Empty Block (label) gfx_init_chunky::@12 Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin Adding NOP phi() at start of @7 Adding NOP phi() at start of @end Adding NOP phi() at start of gfx_init_chunky Adding NOP phi() at start of gfx_init_chunky::@6 FINAL CONTROL FLOW GRAPH @begin: scope:[] from [0] phi() to:@7 @7: scope:[] from @begin [1] phi() [2] call main to:@end @end: scope:[] from @7 [3] phi() main: scope:[main] from @7 asm { sei } [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 [7] call gfx_init_chunky to:main::@17 main::@17: scope:[main] from main [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [13] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0) ← >(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 to:main::@1 main::@1: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@17 [21] (byte) main::j#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) main::j#1 main::@17/(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 ) [22] *((const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (byte) main::j#2 [23] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 [24] if((byte) main::j#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16) goto main::@1 to:main::@3 main::@3: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@8 asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 to:main::@5 main::@5: scope:[main] from main::@3 main::@5 [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 to:main::@7 main::@7: scope:[main] from main::@5 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } to:main::@8 main::@8: scope:[main] from main::@7 main::@8 [30] (byte) main::rst#1 ← *((const byte*) RASTER#0) [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 [33] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$32 [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 [35] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte~) main::$33 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } [37] if((byte) main::rst#1!=(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242) goto main::@8 to:main::@3 gfx_init_chunky: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from main [38] phi() [39] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@1 gfx_init_chunky::@1: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky::@5 [40] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky/++((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 ) [40] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 gfx_init_chunky/(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 ) [40] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@5/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfx_init_chunky/((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 ) to:gfx_init_chunky::@2 gfx_init_chunky::@2: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@1 gfx_init_chunky::@3 [41] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 ) [41] (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ) [41] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@1/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::@3/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ) [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 to:gfx_init_chunky::@4 gfx_init_chunky::@4: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@2 [43] (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 [44] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@8 gfx_init_chunky::@8: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@4 [45] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 to:gfx_init_chunky::@3 gfx_init_chunky::@3: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@2 gfx_init_chunky::@8 [46] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::@8/(byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ) [46] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky::@2/(byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::@8/((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 ) [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 [50] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ← ++ (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 [51] (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← ++ (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 to:gfx_init_chunky::@5 gfx_init_chunky::@5: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@3 [53] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 [54] if((byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 51) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@6 gfx_init_chunky::@6: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@5 [55] phi() [56] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 to:gfx_init_chunky::@return gfx_init_chunky::@return: scope:[gfx_init_chunky] from gfx_init_chunky::@6 [57] return to:@return dtvSetCpuBankSegment1: scope:[dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] from gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky::@4 gfx_init_chunky::@6 [58] (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 ← phi( gfx_init_chunky/((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 gfx_init_chunky::@4/(byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 gfx_init_chunky::@6/((byte))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 ) [59] *((const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0) ← (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } to:dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return: scope:[dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] from dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [61] return to:@return VARIABLE REGISTER WEIGHTS (byte*) BGCOL (byte*) BGCOL1 (byte*) BGCOL2 (byte*) BGCOL3 (byte*) BGCOL4 (byte) BLACK (byte) BLUE (byte*) BORDERCOL (byte) BROWN (byte*) CHARGEN (byte*) CHUNKY (byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR (byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR (byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR (byte*) COLS (byte) CYAN (byte*) D011 (byte*) D016 (byte*) D018 (byte) DARK_GREY (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY (byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD (byte) DTV_BLIT_AND (byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B (byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START (byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN (byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND (byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_OR (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB (byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE (byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK (byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR (byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF (byte) DTV_CHUNKY (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF (dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO (byte*) DTV_CONTROL (byte*) DTV_FEATURE (byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR (byte) DTV_LINEAR (byte) DTV_OVERSCAN (byte*) DTV_PALETTE (byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP (byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK (byte) GREEN (byte) GREY (void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE (byte*) IRQ_ENABLE (byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN (byte) IRQ_RASTER (byte*) IRQ_STATUS (void()**) KERNEL_IRQ (byte*) LIGHTPEN_X (byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y (byte) LIGHT_BLUE (byte) LIGHT_GREEN (byte) LIGHT_GREY (byte) ORANGE (byte) PINK (byte*) PROCPORT (byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO (byte*) PROCPORT_DDR (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK (byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO (byte) PURPLE (byte*) RASTER (byte) RED (byte*) SPRITES_COLS (byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y (byte*) SPRITES_MC (byte*) SPRITES_MC1 (byte*) SPRITES_MC2 (byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY (byte*) SPRITES_XMSB (byte*) SPRITES_XPOS (byte*) SPRITES_YPOS (word) SPRITE_PTRS (byte) VIC_BMM (byte*) VIC_CONTROL (byte*) VIC_CONTROL2 (byte) VIC_CSEL (byte) VIC_DEN (byte) VIC_ECM (byte) VIC_MCM (byte*) VIC_MEMORY (byte) VIC_RSEL (byte) VIC_RST8 (byte) WHITE (byte) YELLOW (void()) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1((byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx) (byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 202.0 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 103.0 (void()) gfx_init_chunky() (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 202.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 202.0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 42.599999999999994 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 157.0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 75.75 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 22.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 202.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 103.75 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 22.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 34.888888888888886 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 151.5 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 30.299999999999997 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 16.5 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 9.461538461538462 (void()) main() (byte~) main::$31 202.0 (byte~) main::$32 202.0 (byte~) main::$33 202.0 (byte) main::j (byte) main::j#1 16.5 (byte) main::j#2 22.0 (byte) main::rst (byte) main::rst#1 57.714285714285715 Initial phi equivalence classes [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] Added variable main::rst#1 to zero page equivalence class [ main::rst#1 ] Added variable main::$31 to zero page equivalence class [ main::$31 ] Added variable main::$32 to zero page equivalence class [ main::$32 ] Added variable main::$33 to zero page equivalence class [ main::$33 ] Added variable gfx_init_chunky::$6 to zero page equivalence class [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] Added variable gfx_init_chunky::c#0 to zero page equivalence class [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] Complete equivalence classes [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] [ main::rst#1 ] [ main::$31 ] [ main::$32 ] [ main::$33 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_WORD:4 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] Allocated zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:9 [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:10 [ main::rst#1 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ main::$31 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ main::$32 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ main::$33 ] Allocated zp ZP_WORD:14 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] Allocated zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] INITIAL ASM //SEG0 Basic Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(bbegin) .pc = $80d "Program" //SEG1 Global Constants & labels .label PROCPORT_DDR = 0 .const PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK = 7 .label PROCPORT = 1 .const PROCPORT_RAM_IO = $35 .label RASTER = $d012 .label BORDERCOL = $d020 .label VIC_CONTROL = $d011 .const VIC_ECM = $40 .const VIC_DEN = $10 .const VIC_RSEL = 8 .label VIC_CONTROL2 = $d016 .const VIC_MCM = $10 .const VIC_CSEL = 8 .label VIC_MEMORY = $d018 .label CIA2_PORT_A = $dd00 .label CIA2_PORT_A_DDR = $dd02 .label DTV_FEATURE = $d03f .const DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE = 1 .label DTV_CONTROL = $d03c .const DTV_LINEAR = 1 .const DTV_HIGHCOLOR = 4 .const DTV_COLORRAM_OFF = $10 .const DTV_BADLINE_OFF = $20 .const DTV_CHUNKY = $40 .label DTV_PALETTE = $d200 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_LO = $d049 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_MI = $d04a .label DTV_PLANEB_START_HI = $d04b .label DTV_PLANEB_STEP = $d04c .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO = $d047 .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI = $d048 .label CHUNKY = $8000 //SEG2 @begin bbegin: //SEG3 [1] phi from @begin to @7 [phi:@begin->@7] b7_from_bbegin: jmp b7 //SEG4 @7 b7: //SEG5 [2] call main jsr main //SEG6 [3] phi from @7 to @end [phi:@7->@end] bend_from_b7: jmp bend //SEG7 @end bend: //SEG8 main main: { .label _31 = $b .label _32 = $c .label _33 = $d .label j = 2 .label rst = $a //SEG9 asm { sei } sei //SEG10 [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK sta PROCPORT_DDR //SEG11 [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_RAM_IO sta PROCPORT //SEG12 [7] call gfx_init_chunky //SEG13 [38] phi from main to gfx_init_chunky [phi:main->gfx_init_chunky] gfx_init_chunky_from_main: jsr gfx_init_chunky jmp b17 //SEG14 main::@17 b17: //SEG15 [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE sta DTV_FEATURE //SEG16 [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_HIGHCOLOR|DTV_LINEAR|DTV_COLORRAM_OFF|DTV_CHUNKY|DTV_BADLINE_OFF sta DTV_CONTROL //SEG17 [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG18 [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_MCM|VIC_CSEL sta VIC_CONTROL2 //SEG19 [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #>CHUNKY sta DTV_PLANEB_START_MI //SEG21 [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_START_HI //SEG22 [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #8 sta DTV_PLANEB_STEP //SEG23 [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO //SEG24 [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI //SEG25 [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3 sta CIA2_PORT_A_DDR //SEG26 [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3^CHUNKY/$4000 sta CIA2_PORT_A //SEG27 [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(CHUNKY&$3fff)>>6|(0)>>2 sta VIC_MEMORY //SEG28 [21] phi from main::@17 to main::@1 [phi:main::@17->main::@1] b1_from_b17: //SEG29 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:main::@17->main::@1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #0 sta j jmp b1 //SEG30 [21] phi from main::@1 to main::@1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1] b1_from_b1: //SEG31 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1#0] -- register_copy jmp b1 //SEG32 main::@1 b1: //SEG33 [22] *((const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (byte) main::j#2 -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuz1=vbuz1 ldy j tya sta DTV_PALETTE,y //SEG34 [23] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 inc j //SEG35 [24] if((byte) main::j#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16) goto main::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 lda j cmp #$10 bne b1_from_b1 jmp b3 //SEG36 main::@3 b3: //SEG37 asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } ldx #$ff rff: cpx RASTER bne rff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpx RASTER beq eat+0 eat: inx cpx #8 bne stabilize //SEG38 [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG39 [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta BORDERCOL jmp b5 //SEG40 main::@5 b5: //SEG41 [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 -- _deref_pbuc1_neq_vbuc2_then_la1 lda RASTER cmp #$42 bne b5 jmp b7 //SEG42 main::@7 b7: //SEG43 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop jmp b8 //SEG44 main::@8 b8: //SEG45 [30] (byte) main::rst#1 ← *((const byte*) RASTER#0) -- vbuz1=_deref_pbuc1 lda RASTER sta rst //SEG46 [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_band_vbuc1 lda #7 and rst sta _31 //SEG47 [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_bor_vbuz2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL ora _31 sta _32 //SEG48 [33] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$32 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuz1 lda _32 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG49 [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_4 lda rst asl asl asl asl sta _33 //SEG50 [35] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte~) main::$33 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuz1 lda _33 sta BORDERCOL //SEG51 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //SEG52 [37] if((byte) main::rst#1!=(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242) goto main::@8 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 lda rst cmp #$f2 bne b8 jmp b3 } //SEG53 gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky: { .label _6 = $e .label c = $10 .label gfxb = 7 .label x = 4 .label gfxbCpuBank = 6 .label y = 3 //SEG54 [39] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG55 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_gfx_init_chunky: //SEG56 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #$ff&CHUNKY/$4000 sta dtvSetCpuBankSegment1.cpuBankIdx jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG57 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1] b1_from_gfx_init_chunky: //SEG58 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = ++((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #($ff&CHUNKY/$4000)+1 sta gfxbCpuBank //SEG59 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #0 sta y //SEG60 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 jmp b1 //SEG61 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1] b1_from_b5: //SEG62 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- register_copy //SEG63 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- register_copy //SEG64 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- register_copy jmp b1 //SEG65 gfx_init_chunky::@1 b1: //SEG66 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@1 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2] b2_from_b1: //SEG67 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG68 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vbuc1 lda #<0 sta x lda #>0 sta x+1 //SEG69 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy jmp b2 //SEG70 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@3 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2] b2_from_b3: //SEG71 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG72 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- register_copy //SEG73 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy jmp b2 //SEG74 gfx_init_chunky::@2 b2: //SEG75 [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 -- pbuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda gfxb+1 cmp #>$8000 bne b3_from_b2 lda gfxb cmp #<$8000 bne b3_from_b2 jmp b4 //SEG76 gfx_init_chunky::@4 b4: //SEG77 [43] (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuz1=vbuz2 lda gfxbCpuBank sta dtvSetCpuBankSegment1.cpuBankIdx //SEG78 [44] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG79 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@4 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b4: //SEG80 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- register_copy jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 jmp b8 //SEG81 gfx_init_chunky::@8 b8: //SEG82 [45] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 inc gfxbCpuBank //SEG83 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@8 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3] b3_from_b8: //SEG84 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG85 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 jmp b3 //SEG86 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@2 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3] b3_from_b2: //SEG87 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG88 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- register_copy jmp b3 //SEG89 gfx_init_chunky::@3 b3: //SEG90 [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_plus_vbuz3 lda y clc adc x sta _6 lda #0 adc x+1 sta _6+1 //SEG91 [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 -- vbuz1=_byte_vwuz2 lda _6 sta c //SEG92 [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuz2 lda c ldy #0 sta (gfxb),y //SEG93 [50] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ← ++ (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1 inc gfxb bne !+ inc gfxb+1 !: //SEG94 [51] (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← ++ (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 -- vwuz1=_inc_vwuz1 inc x bne !+ inc x+1 !: //SEG95 [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda x+1 cmp #>$140 bne b2_from_b3 lda x cmp #<$140 bne b2_from_b3 jmp b5 //SEG96 gfx_init_chunky::@5 b5: //SEG97 [53] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 inc y //SEG98 [54] if((byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 51) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 lda y cmp #$33 bne b1_from_b5 //SEG99 [55] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@6 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@6] b6_from_b5: jmp b6 //SEG100 gfx_init_chunky::@6 b6: //SEG101 [56] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG102 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@6 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b6: //SEG103 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #$4000/$4000 sta dtvSetCpuBankSegment1.cpuBankIdx jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 jmp breturn //SEG104 gfx_init_chunky::@return breturn: //SEG105 [57] return rts } //SEG106 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1: { .label cpuBank = $ff .label cpuBankIdx = 9 //SEG107 [59] *((const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0) ← (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuz1 lda cpuBankIdx sta cpuBank //SEG108 asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } .byte $32, $dd lda $ff .byte $32, $00 jmp breturn //SEG109 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return breturn: //SEG110 [61] return rts } REGISTER UPLIFT POTENTIAL REGISTERS Statement [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [13] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0) ← >(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } always clobbers reg byte x Statement [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 [ main::rst#1 main::$31 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$31 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:10 [ main::rst#1 ] Statement [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 [ main::rst#1 main::$32 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$32 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 [ main::rst#1 main::$33 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$33 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] Statement [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] Statement [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } always clobbers reg byte a Statement [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [13] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0) ← >(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } always clobbers reg byte x Statement [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 [ ] ( main:2 [ ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 [ main::rst#1 main::$31 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$31 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 [ main::rst#1 main::$32 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$32 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 [ main::rst#1 main::$33 ] ( main:2 [ main::rst#1 main::$33 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y Statement [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] ( main:2::gfx_init_chunky:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a Statement asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } always clobbers reg byte a Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:2 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:3 , reg byte x , Potential registers zp ZP_WORD:4 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] : zp ZP_WORD:4 , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:6 , reg byte x , Potential registers zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] : zp ZP_WORD:7 , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:9 [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:9 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:10 [ main::rst#1 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:10 , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ main::$31 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:11 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ main::$32 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:12 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ main::$33 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:13 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , Potential registers zp ZP_WORD:14 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] : zp ZP_WORD:14 , Potential registers zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] : zp ZP_BYTE:16 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y , REGISTER UPLIFT SCOPES Uplift Scope [gfx_init_chunky] 362.64: zp ZP_BYTE:6 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] 297.35: zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] 202: zp ZP_WORD:14 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] 202: zp ZP_BYTE:16 [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] 181.8: zp ZP_WORD:4 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] 25.96: zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Uplift Scope [main] 202: zp ZP_BYTE:11 [ main::$31 ] 202: zp ZP_BYTE:12 [ main::$32 ] 202: zp ZP_BYTE:13 [ main::$33 ] 57.71: zp ZP_BYTE:10 [ main::rst#1 ] 38.5: zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] Uplift Scope [dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] 305: zp ZP_BYTE:9 [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] Uplift Scope [] Uplifting [gfx_init_chunky] best 25250 combination reg byte x [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] zp ZP_WORD:14 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] reg byte a [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] zp ZP_WORD:4 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Uplifting [main] best 22650 combination reg byte a [ main::$31 ] reg byte a [ main::$32 ] reg byte a [ main::$33 ] reg byte x [ main::rst#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] Limited combination testing to 100 combinations of 768 possible. Uplifting [dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] best 22541 combination reg byte a [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] Uplifting [] best 22541 combination Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:2 [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] Uplifting [main] best 22421 combination reg byte x [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Uplifting [gfx_init_chunky] best 22421 combination zp ZP_BYTE:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Allocated (was zp ZP_BYTE:3) zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] Allocated (was zp ZP_WORD:4) zp ZP_WORD:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] Allocated (was zp ZP_WORD:7) zp ZP_WORD:5 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] Allocated (was zp ZP_WORD:14) zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] ASSEMBLER BEFORE OPTIMIZATION //SEG0 Basic Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(bbegin) .pc = $80d "Program" //SEG1 Global Constants & labels .label PROCPORT_DDR = 0 .const PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK = 7 .label PROCPORT = 1 .const PROCPORT_RAM_IO = $35 .label RASTER = $d012 .label BORDERCOL = $d020 .label VIC_CONTROL = $d011 .const VIC_ECM = $40 .const VIC_DEN = $10 .const VIC_RSEL = 8 .label VIC_CONTROL2 = $d016 .const VIC_MCM = $10 .const VIC_CSEL = 8 .label VIC_MEMORY = $d018 .label CIA2_PORT_A = $dd00 .label CIA2_PORT_A_DDR = $dd02 .label DTV_FEATURE = $d03f .const DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE = 1 .label DTV_CONTROL = $d03c .const DTV_LINEAR = 1 .const DTV_HIGHCOLOR = 4 .const DTV_COLORRAM_OFF = $10 .const DTV_BADLINE_OFF = $20 .const DTV_CHUNKY = $40 .label DTV_PALETTE = $d200 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_LO = $d049 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_MI = $d04a .label DTV_PLANEB_START_HI = $d04b .label DTV_PLANEB_STEP = $d04c .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO = $d047 .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI = $d048 .label CHUNKY = $8000 //SEG2 @begin bbegin: //SEG3 [1] phi from @begin to @7 [phi:@begin->@7] b7_from_bbegin: jmp b7 //SEG4 @7 b7: //SEG5 [2] call main jsr main //SEG6 [3] phi from @7 to @end [phi:@7->@end] bend_from_b7: jmp bend //SEG7 @end bend: //SEG8 main main: { //SEG9 asm { sei } sei //SEG10 [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK sta PROCPORT_DDR //SEG11 [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_RAM_IO sta PROCPORT //SEG12 [7] call gfx_init_chunky //SEG13 [38] phi from main to gfx_init_chunky [phi:main->gfx_init_chunky] gfx_init_chunky_from_main: jsr gfx_init_chunky jmp b17 //SEG14 main::@17 b17: //SEG15 [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE sta DTV_FEATURE //SEG16 [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_HIGHCOLOR|DTV_LINEAR|DTV_COLORRAM_OFF|DTV_CHUNKY|DTV_BADLINE_OFF sta DTV_CONTROL //SEG17 [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG18 [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_MCM|VIC_CSEL sta VIC_CONTROL2 //SEG19 [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #>CHUNKY sta DTV_PLANEB_START_MI //SEG21 [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_START_HI //SEG22 [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #8 sta DTV_PLANEB_STEP //SEG23 [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO //SEG24 [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI //SEG25 [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3 sta CIA2_PORT_A_DDR //SEG26 [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3^CHUNKY/$4000 sta CIA2_PORT_A //SEG27 [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(CHUNKY&$3fff)>>6|(0)>>2 sta VIC_MEMORY //SEG28 [21] phi from main::@17 to main::@1 [phi:main::@17->main::@1] b1_from_b17: //SEG29 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:main::@17->main::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 ldx #0 jmp b1 //SEG30 [21] phi from main::@1 to main::@1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1] b1_from_b1: //SEG31 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1#0] -- register_copy jmp b1 //SEG32 main::@1 b1: //SEG33 [22] *((const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (byte) main::j#2 -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx=vbuxx txa sta DTV_PALETTE,x //SEG34 [23] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx inx //SEG35 [24] if((byte) main::j#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16) goto main::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 cpx #$10 bne b1_from_b1 jmp b3 //SEG36 main::@3 b3: //SEG37 asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } ldx #$ff rff: cpx RASTER bne rff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpx RASTER beq eat+0 eat: inx cpx #8 bne stabilize //SEG38 [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG39 [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta BORDERCOL jmp b5 //SEG40 main::@5 b5: //SEG41 [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 -- _deref_pbuc1_neq_vbuc2_then_la1 lda RASTER cmp #$42 bne b5 jmp b7 //SEG42 main::@7 b7: //SEG43 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop jmp b8 //SEG44 main::@8 b8: //SEG45 [30] (byte) main::rst#1 ← *((const byte*) RASTER#0) -- vbuxx=_deref_pbuc1 ldx RASTER //SEG46 [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_band_vbuc1 txa and #7 //SEG47 [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_bor_vbuaa ora #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL //SEG48 [33] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$32 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG49 [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_4 txa asl asl asl asl //SEG50 [35] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte~) main::$33 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta BORDERCOL //SEG51 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //SEG52 [37] if((byte) main::rst#1!=(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242) goto main::@8 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 cpx #$f2 bne b8 jmp b3 } //SEG53 gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky: { .label _6 = 7 .label gfxb = 5 .label x = 3 .label y = 2 //SEG54 [39] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG55 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_gfx_init_chunky: //SEG56 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuaa=vbuc1 lda #$ff&CHUNKY/$4000 jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG57 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1] b1_from_gfx_init_chunky: //SEG58 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = ++((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 ldx #($ff&CHUNKY/$4000)+1 //SEG59 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #0 sta y //SEG60 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 jmp b1 //SEG61 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1] b1_from_b5: //SEG62 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- register_copy //SEG63 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- register_copy //SEG64 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- register_copy jmp b1 //SEG65 gfx_init_chunky::@1 b1: //SEG66 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@1 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2] b2_from_b1: //SEG67 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG68 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vbuc1 lda #<0 sta x lda #>0 sta x+1 //SEG69 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy jmp b2 //SEG70 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@3 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2] b2_from_b3: //SEG71 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG72 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- register_copy //SEG73 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy jmp b2 //SEG74 gfx_init_chunky::@2 b2: //SEG75 [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 -- pbuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda gfxb+1 cmp #>$8000 bne b3_from_b2 lda gfxb cmp #<$8000 bne b3_from_b2 jmp b4 //SEG76 gfx_init_chunky::@4 b4: //SEG77 [43] (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuaa=vbuxx txa //SEG78 [44] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG79 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@4 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b4: //SEG80 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- register_copy jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 jmp b8 //SEG81 gfx_init_chunky::@8 b8: //SEG82 [45] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx inx //SEG83 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@8 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3] b3_from_b8: //SEG84 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG85 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 jmp b3 //SEG86 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@2 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3] b3_from_b2: //SEG87 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG88 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- register_copy jmp b3 //SEG89 gfx_init_chunky::@3 b3: //SEG90 [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_plus_vbuz3 lda y clc adc x sta _6 lda #0 adc x+1 sta _6+1 //SEG91 [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 -- vbuaa=_byte_vwuz1 lda _6 //SEG92 [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuaa ldy #0 sta (gfxb),y //SEG93 [50] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ← ++ (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1 inc gfxb bne !+ inc gfxb+1 !: //SEG94 [51] (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← ++ (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 -- vwuz1=_inc_vwuz1 inc x bne !+ inc x+1 !: //SEG95 [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda x+1 cmp #>$140 bne b2_from_b3 lda x cmp #<$140 bne b2_from_b3 jmp b5 //SEG96 gfx_init_chunky::@5 b5: //SEG97 [53] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 inc y //SEG98 [54] if((byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 51) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 lda y cmp #$33 bne b1_from_b5 //SEG99 [55] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@6 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@6] b6_from_b5: jmp b6 //SEG100 gfx_init_chunky::@6 b6: //SEG101 [56] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG102 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@6 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b6: //SEG103 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuaa=vbuc1 lda #$4000/$4000 jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 jmp breturn //SEG104 gfx_init_chunky::@return breturn: //SEG105 [57] return rts } //SEG106 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1: { .label cpuBank = $ff //SEG107 [59] *((const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0) ← (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta cpuBank //SEG108 asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } .byte $32, $dd lda $ff .byte $32, $00 jmp breturn //SEG109 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return breturn: //SEG110 [61] return rts } ASSEMBLER OPTIMIZATIONS Removing instruction jmp b7 Removing instruction jmp bend Removing instruction jmp b17 Removing instruction jmp b1 Removing instruction jmp b3 Removing instruction jmp b5 Removing instruction jmp b7 Removing instruction jmp b8 Removing instruction jmp b1 Removing instruction jmp b2 Removing instruction jmp b4 Removing instruction jmp b8 Removing instruction jmp b3 Removing instruction jmp b5 Removing instruction jmp b6 Removing instruction jmp breturn Removing instruction jmp breturn Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination Removing instruction lda #0 Removing instruction lda #>0 Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination Replacing label b1_from_b1 with b1 Replacing label b3_from_b2 with b3 Replacing label b3_from_b2 with b3 Replacing label b2_from_b3 with b2 Replacing label b2_from_b3 with b2 Replacing label b1_from_b5 with b1 Removing instruction b7_from_bbegin: Removing instruction b7: Removing instruction bend_from_b7: Removing instruction b1_from_b1: Removing instruction b1_from_b5: Removing instruction b2_from_b1: Removing instruction b2_from_b3: Removing instruction b3_from_b2: Removing instruction b6_from_b5: Removing instruction dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b6: Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination Removing instruction bend: Removing instruction gfx_init_chunky_from_main: Removing instruction b17: Removing instruction b1_from_b17: Removing instruction b7: Removing instruction dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_gfx_init_chunky: Removing instruction b1_from_gfx_init_chunky: Removing instruction b4: Removing instruction dtvSetCpuBankSegment1_from_b4: Removing instruction b8: Removing instruction b3_from_b8: Removing instruction b5: Removing instruction b6: Removing instruction breturn: Removing instruction breturn: Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination Updating BasicUpstart to call main directly Removing instruction jsr main Succesful ASM optimization Pass5SkipBegin Removing instruction jmp b1 Removing instruction jmp b1 Removing instruction jmp b2 Removing instruction jmp b3 Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination Removing instruction bbegin: Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination FINAL SYMBOL TABLE (label) @7 (label) @begin (label) @end (byte*) BGCOL (byte*) BGCOL1 (byte*) BGCOL2 (byte*) BGCOL3 (byte*) BGCOL4 (byte) BLACK (byte) BLUE (byte*) BORDERCOL (const byte*) BORDERCOL#0 BORDERCOL = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53280 (byte) BROWN (byte*) CHARGEN (byte*) CHUNKY (const byte*) CHUNKY#0 CHUNKY = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 32768 (byte*) CIA1_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A (byte*) CIA1_PORT_A_DDR (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B (byte*) CIA1_PORT_B_DDR (byte*) CIA2_INTERRUPT (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0 CIA2_PORT_A = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 56576 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR (const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0 CIA2_PORT_A_DDR = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 56578 (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B (byte*) CIA2_PORT_B_DDR (byte) CIA_INTERRUPT_CLEAR (byte*) COLS (byte) CYAN (byte*) D011 (byte*) D016 (byte*) D018 (byte) DARK_GREY (byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF (const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 DTV_BADLINE_OFF = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 32 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_ALU (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_CONTROL2 (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_DEST_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_LEN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCA_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LIN_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_HI (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_MOD_LO (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_SRCB_STEP (byte*) DTV_BLITTER_TRANSPARANCY (byte) DTV_BLIT_ADD (byte) DTV_BLIT_AND (byte) DTV_BLIT_CIA_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_CLEAR_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_DEST_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_DISABLE_B (byte) DTV_BLIT_FORCE_START (byte) DTV_BLIT_IRQ_EN (byte) DTV_BLIT_NAND (byte) DTV_BLIT_NOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_OR (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT0 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT1 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT2 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT3 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT4 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT5 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT6 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SHIFT7 (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCA_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_CONT (byte) DTV_BLIT_SRCB_FWD (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_BUSY (byte) DTV_BLIT_STATUS_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_SUB (byte) DTV_BLIT_TRANSPARANCY_NONE (byte) DTV_BLIT_VBLANK (byte) DTV_BLIT_VIC_IRQ (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_NONTRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_WRITE_TRANSPARENT (byte) DTV_BLIT_XNOR (byte) DTV_BLIT_XOR (byte) DTV_BORDER_OFF (byte) DTV_CHUNKY (const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0 DTV_CHUNKY = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 64 (byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF (const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0 DTV_COLORRAM_OFF = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (dword) DTV_COLOR_BANK_DEFAULT (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_HI (byte*) DTV_COLOR_BANK_LO (byte*) DTV_CONTROL (const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0 DTV_CONTROL = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53308 (byte*) DTV_FEATURE (const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0 DTV_FEATURE = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53311 (byte) DTV_FEATURE_DISABLE_TIL_RESET (byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_HICOL_BANK (byte*) DTV_GRAPHICS_VIC_BANK (byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0 DTV_HIGHCOLOR = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 (byte) DTV_LINEAR (const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0 DTV_LINEAR = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) DTV_OVERSCAN (byte*) DTV_PALETTE (const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 DTV_PALETTE = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53760 (byte[16]) DTV_PALETTE_DEFAULT (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_MODULO_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_HI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_LO (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_START_MI (byte*) DTV_PLANEA_STEP (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0 DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53320 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0 DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53319 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0 DTV_PLANEB_START_HI = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53323 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0 DTV_PLANEB_START_LO = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53321 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_MI#0 DTV_PLANEB_START_MI = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53322 (byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP (const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0 DTV_PLANEB_STEP = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53324 (byte*) DTV_SPRITE_BANK (byte) GREEN (byte) GREY (void()**) HARDWARE_IRQ (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_BG (byte) IRQ_COLLISION_SPRITE (byte*) IRQ_ENABLE (byte) IRQ_LIGHTPEN (byte) IRQ_RASTER (byte*) IRQ_STATUS (void()**) KERNEL_IRQ (byte*) LIGHTPEN_X (byte*) LIGHTPEN_Y (byte) LIGHT_BLUE (byte) LIGHT_GREEN (byte) LIGHT_GREY (byte) ORANGE (byte) PINK (byte*) PROCPORT (const byte*) PROCPORT#0 PROCPORT = ((byte*))(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 1 (byte) PROCPORT_BASIC_KERNEL_IO (byte*) PROCPORT_DDR (const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0 PROCPORT_DDR = ((byte*))(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 (byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 (byte) PROCPORT_KERNEL_IO (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_ALL (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_CHARROM (byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 PROCPORT_RAM_IO = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 53 (byte) PURPLE (byte*) RASTER (const byte*) RASTER#0 RASTER = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53266 (byte) RED (byte*) SPRITES_COLS (byte*) SPRITES_ENABLE (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_X (byte*) SPRITES_EXPAND_Y (byte*) SPRITES_MC (byte*) SPRITES_MC1 (byte*) SPRITES_MC2 (byte*) SPRITES_PRIORITY (byte*) SPRITES_XMSB (byte*) SPRITES_XPOS (byte*) SPRITES_YPOS (word) SPRITE_PTRS (byte) VIC_BMM (byte*) VIC_CONTROL (const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0 VIC_CONTROL = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53265 (byte*) VIC_CONTROL2 (const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0 VIC_CONTROL2 = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53270 (byte) VIC_CSEL (const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 VIC_CSEL = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) VIC_DEN (const byte) VIC_DEN#0 VIC_DEN = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte) VIC_ECM (const byte) VIC_ECM#0 VIC_ECM = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 64 (byte) VIC_MCM (const byte) VIC_MCM#0 VIC_MCM = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16 (byte*) VIC_MEMORY (const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0 VIC_MEMORY = ((byte*))(word/dword/signed dword) 53272 (byte) VIC_RSEL (const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 VIC_RSEL = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 (byte) VIC_RST8 (byte) WHITE (byte) YELLOW (void()) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1((byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx) (label) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return (byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank (const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0 cpuBank = ((byte*))(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 255 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 reg byte a 202.0 (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 reg byte a 103.0 (void()) gfx_init_chunky() (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 $6 zp ZP_WORD:7 202.0 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@1 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@2 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@3 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@4 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@5 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@6 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@8 (label) gfx_init_chunky::@return (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 reg byte a 202.0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 gfxb zp ZP_WORD:5 42.599999999999994 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfxb zp ZP_WORD:5 157.0 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfxb zp ZP_WORD:5 75.75 (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfxb zp ZP_WORD:5 22.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 reg byte x 202.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 reg byte x 103.75 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 reg byte x 22.0 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 reg byte x 34.888888888888886 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 x zp ZP_WORD:3 151.5 (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 x zp ZP_WORD:3 30.299999999999997 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 y zp ZP_BYTE:2 16.5 (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 y zp ZP_BYTE:2 9.461538461538462 (void()) main() (byte~) main::$31 reg byte a 202.0 (byte~) main::$32 reg byte a 202.0 (byte~) main::$33 reg byte a 202.0 (label) main::@1 (label) main::@17 (label) main::@3 (label) main::@5 (label) main::@7 (label) main::@8 (byte) main::j (byte) main::j#1 reg byte x 16.5 (byte) main::j#2 reg byte x 22.0 (byte) main::rst (byte) main::rst#1 reg byte x 57.714285714285715 reg byte x [ main::j#2 main::j#1 ] zp ZP_BYTE:2 [ gfx_init_chunky::y#6 gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ] zp ZP_WORD:3 [ gfx_init_chunky::x#2 gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ] reg byte x [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ] zp ZP_WORD:5 [ gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ] reg byte a [ dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ] reg byte x [ main::rst#1 ] reg byte a [ main::$31 ] reg byte a [ main::$32 ] reg byte a [ main::$33 ] zp ZP_WORD:7 [ gfx_init_chunky::$6 ] reg byte a [ gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ] FINAL ASSEMBLER Score: 19882 //SEG0 Basic Upstart .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .pc = $80d "Program" //SEG1 Global Constants & labels .label PROCPORT_DDR = 0 .const PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK = 7 .label PROCPORT = 1 .const PROCPORT_RAM_IO = $35 .label RASTER = $d012 .label BORDERCOL = $d020 .label VIC_CONTROL = $d011 .const VIC_ECM = $40 .const VIC_DEN = $10 .const VIC_RSEL = 8 .label VIC_CONTROL2 = $d016 .const VIC_MCM = $10 .const VIC_CSEL = 8 .label VIC_MEMORY = $d018 .label CIA2_PORT_A = $dd00 .label CIA2_PORT_A_DDR = $dd02 .label DTV_FEATURE = $d03f .const DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE = 1 .label DTV_CONTROL = $d03c .const DTV_LINEAR = 1 .const DTV_HIGHCOLOR = 4 .const DTV_COLORRAM_OFF = $10 .const DTV_BADLINE_OFF = $20 .const DTV_CHUNKY = $40 .label DTV_PALETTE = $d200 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_LO = $d049 .label DTV_PLANEB_START_MI = $d04a .label DTV_PLANEB_START_HI = $d04b .label DTV_PLANEB_STEP = $d04c .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO = $d047 .label DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI = $d048 .label CHUNKY = $8000 //SEG2 @begin //SEG3 [1] phi from @begin to @7 [phi:@begin->@7] //SEG4 @7 //SEG5 [2] call main //SEG6 [3] phi from @7 to @end [phi:@7->@end] //SEG7 @end //SEG8 main main: { //SEG9 asm { sei } sei //SEG10 [5] *((const byte*) PROCPORT_DDR#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_DDR_MEMORY_MASK sta PROCPORT_DDR //SEG11 [6] *((const byte*) PROCPORT#0) ← (const byte) PROCPORT_RAM_IO#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #PROCPORT_RAM_IO sta PROCPORT //SEG12 [7] call gfx_init_chunky //SEG13 [38] phi from main to gfx_init_chunky [phi:main->gfx_init_chunky] jsr gfx_init_chunky //SEG14 main::@17 //SEG15 [8] *((const byte*) DTV_FEATURE#0) ← (const byte) DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_FEATURE_ENABLE sta DTV_FEATURE //SEG16 [9] *((const byte*) DTV_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) DTV_HIGHCOLOR#0|(const byte) DTV_LINEAR#0|(const byte) DTV_COLORRAM_OFF#0|(const byte) DTV_CHUNKY#0|(const byte) DTV_BADLINE_OFF#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #DTV_HIGHCOLOR|DTV_LINEAR|DTV_COLORRAM_OFF|DTV_CHUNKY|DTV_BADLINE_OFF sta DTV_CONTROL //SEG17 [10] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG18 [11] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL2#0) ← (const byte) VIC_MCM#0|(const byte) VIC_CSEL#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_MCM|VIC_CSEL sta VIC_CONTROL2 //SEG19 [12] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_LO#0) ← <(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(const byte*) CHUNKY#0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #>CHUNKY sta DTV_PLANEB_START_MI //SEG21 [14] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_START_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_START_HI //SEG22 [15] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_STEP#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 8 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #8 sta DTV_PLANEB_STEP //SEG23 [16] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_LO //SEG24 [17] *((const byte*) DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 sta DTV_PLANEB_MODULO_HI //SEG25 [18] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A_DDR#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3 sta CIA2_PORT_A_DDR //SEG26 [19] *((const byte*) CIA2_PORT_A#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3^((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #3^CHUNKY/$4000 sta CIA2_PORT_A //SEG27 [20] *((const byte*) VIC_MEMORY#0) ← ((byte))((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 6|>((word))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0&(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16383>>(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 2 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #(CHUNKY&$3fff)>>6|(0)>>2 sta VIC_MEMORY //SEG28 [21] phi from main::@17 to main::@1 [phi:main::@17->main::@1] //SEG29 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:main::@17->main::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 ldx #0 //SEG30 [21] phi from main::@1 to main::@1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1] //SEG31 [21] phi (byte) main::j#2 = (byte) main::j#1 [phi:main::@1->main::@1#0] -- register_copy //SEG32 main::@1 b1: //SEG33 [22] *((const byte*) DTV_PALETTE#0 + (byte) main::j#2) ← (byte) main::j#2 -- pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx=vbuxx txa sta DTV_PALETTE,x //SEG34 [23] (byte) main::j#1 ← ++ (byte) main::j#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx inx //SEG35 [24] if((byte) main::j#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16) goto main::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 cpx #$10 bne b1 //SEG36 main::@3 b3: //SEG37 asm { ldx#$ff rff: cpxRASTER bnerff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpxRASTER beqeat+0 eat: inx cpx#$08 bnestabilize } ldx #$ff rff: cpx RASTER bne rff stabilize: nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop cpx RASTER beq eat+0 eat: inx cpx #8 bne stabilize //SEG38 [26] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0|(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL|3 sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG39 [27] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuc2 lda #0 sta BORDERCOL //SEG40 main::@5 b5: //SEG41 [28] if(*((const byte*) RASTER#0)!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 66) goto main::@5 -- _deref_pbuc1_neq_vbuc2_then_la1 lda RASTER cmp #$42 bne b5 //SEG42 main::@7 //SEG43 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //SEG44 main::@8 b8: //SEG45 [30] (byte) main::rst#1 ← *((const byte*) RASTER#0) -- vbuxx=_deref_pbuc1 ldx RASTER //SEG46 [31] (byte~) main::$31 ← (byte) main::rst#1 & (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 7 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_band_vbuc1 txa and #7 //SEG47 [32] (byte~) main::$32 ← (const byte) VIC_DEN#0|(const byte) VIC_ECM#0|(const byte) VIC_RSEL#0 | (byte~) main::$31 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_bor_vbuaa ora #VIC_DEN|VIC_ECM|VIC_RSEL //SEG48 [33] *((const byte*) VIC_CONTROL#0) ← (byte~) main::$32 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta VIC_CONTROL //SEG49 [34] (byte~) main::$33 ← (byte) main::rst#1 << (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 4 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_4 txa asl asl asl asl //SEG50 [35] *((const byte*) BORDERCOL#0) ← (byte~) main::$33 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta BORDERCOL //SEG51 asm { nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop } nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //SEG52 [37] if((byte) main::rst#1!=(byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 242) goto main::@8 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 cpx #$f2 bne b8 jmp b3 } //SEG53 gfx_init_chunky gfx_init_chunky: { .label _6 = 7 .label gfxb = 5 .label x = 3 .label y = 2 //SEG54 [39] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG55 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] //SEG56 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuaa=vbuc1 lda #$ff&CHUNKY/$4000 jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG57 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1] //SEG58 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = ++((byte))(const byte*) CHUNKY#0/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1 ldx #($ff&CHUNKY/$4000)+1 //SEG59 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1 lda #0 sta y //SEG60 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 //SEG61 [40] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1] //SEG62 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#0] -- register_copy //SEG63 [40] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#1] -- register_copy //SEG64 [40] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@1#2] -- register_copy //SEG65 gfx_init_chunky::@1 b1: //SEG66 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@1 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2] //SEG67 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#7 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG68 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 0 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vbuc1 lda #<0 sta x sta x+1 //SEG69 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#5 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@1->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy //SEG70 [41] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@3 to gfx_init_chunky::@2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2] //SEG71 [41] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#0] -- register_copy //SEG72 [41] phi (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 = (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#1] -- register_copy //SEG73 [41] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@3->gfx_init_chunky::@2#2] -- register_copy //SEG74 gfx_init_chunky::@2 b2: //SEG75 [42] if((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3!=(word/dword/signed dword) 32768) goto gfx_init_chunky::@3 -- pbuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda gfxb+1 cmp #>$8000 bne b3 lda gfxb cmp #<$8000 bne b3 //SEG76 gfx_init_chunky::@4 //SEG77 [43] (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuaa=vbuxx txa //SEG78 [44] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG79 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@4 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] //SEG80 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@4->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- register_copy jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG81 gfx_init_chunky::@8 //SEG82 [45] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx inx //SEG83 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@8 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3] //SEG84 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#2 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG85 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = ((byte*))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@8->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1 lda #<$4000 sta gfxb lda #>$4000 sta gfxb+1 //SEG86 [46] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@2 to gfx_init_chunky::@3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3] //SEG87 [46] phi (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#8 = (byte) gfx_init_chunky::gfxbCpuBank#4 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#0] -- register_copy //SEG88 [46] phi (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 = (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#3 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@2->gfx_init_chunky::@3#1] -- register_copy //SEG89 gfx_init_chunky::@3 b3: //SEG90 [47] (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 ← (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 + (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_plus_vbuz3 lda y clc adc x sta _6 lda #0 adc x+1 sta _6+1 //SEG91 [48] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 ← ((byte)) (word~) gfx_init_chunky::$6 -- vbuaa=_byte_vwuz1 lda _6 //SEG92 [49] *((byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4) ← (byte) gfx_init_chunky::c#0 -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuaa ldy #0 sta (gfxb),y //SEG93 [50] (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#1 ← ++ (byte*) gfx_init_chunky::gfxb#4 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1 inc gfxb bne !+ inc gfxb+1 !: //SEG94 [51] (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1 ← ++ (word) gfx_init_chunky::x#2 -- vwuz1=_inc_vwuz1 inc x bne !+ inc x+1 !: //SEG95 [52] if((word) gfx_init_chunky::x#1!=(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 320) goto gfx_init_chunky::@2 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1 lda x+1 cmp #>$140 bne b2 lda x cmp #<$140 bne b2 //SEG96 gfx_init_chunky::@5 //SEG97 [53] (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1 ← ++ (byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#6 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1 inc y //SEG98 [54] if((byte) gfx_init_chunky::y#1!=(byte/signed byte/word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 51) goto gfx_init_chunky::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1 lda y cmp #$33 bne b1 //SEG99 [55] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@5 to gfx_init_chunky::@6 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@5->gfx_init_chunky::@6] //SEG100 gfx_init_chunky::@6 //SEG101 [56] call dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG102 [58] phi from gfx_init_chunky::@6 to dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1] //SEG103 [58] phi (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 = ((byte))(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384/(word/signed word/dword/signed dword) 16384 [phi:gfx_init_chunky::@6->dtvSetCpuBankSegment1#0] -- vbuaa=vbuc1 lda #$4000/$4000 jsr dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 //SEG104 gfx_init_chunky::@return //SEG105 [57] return rts } //SEG106 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1: { .label cpuBank = $ff //SEG107 [59] *((const byte*) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBank#0) ← (byte) dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::cpuBankIdx#3 -- _deref_pbuc1=vbuaa sta cpuBank //SEG108 asm { .byte$32,$dd lda$ff .byte$32,$00 } .byte $32, $dd lda $ff .byte $32, $00 //SEG109 dtvSetCpuBankSegment1::@return //SEG110 [61] return rts }