// Tests using integer conditions in && and || operator // This should produce '01010101', '00110011', '00010001', '01110111' at the top of the screen .pc = $801 "Basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .pc = $80d "Program" .label SCREEN = $400 main: { .label __6 = 2 .label __7 = 3 .label __11 = 4 .label __12 = 5 ldx #0 ldy #0 __b1: tya and #1 cmp #0 beq __b2 lda #'+' sta SCREEN,x __b2: tya and #2 cmp #0 beq __b3 lda #'+' sta SCREEN+$28*1,x __b3: tya and #1 sta.z __6 tya and #2 sta.z __7 lda #0 cmp.z __6 beq __b4 cmp.z __7 beq __b4 lda #'+' sta SCREEN+$28*2,x __b4: tya and #1 sta.z __11 tya and #2 sta.z __12 lda #0 cmp.z __11 bne __b9 cmp.z __12 beq __b5 __b9: lda #'+' sta SCREEN+$28*3,x __b5: inx iny cpy #8 bne __b1 rts }