mirror of https://gitlab.com/camelot/kickc.git synced 2024-06-02 00:41:42 +00:00

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package dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.CompileLog;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.signature.AsmFragmentSignature;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.TargetCpu;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
/** Cache for ASM fragments. The cache remembers all synthesized fragments allowing for faster access after the first synthesis. */
public class AsmFragmentTemplateCache {
/** Hash and lastModify information for the fragment system. */
private final AsmFragmentSystemHash fragmentSystemHash;
/** Name of the sub-folder holding the fragment cache. */
public static final String CACHE_FOLDER_NAME = "cache";
/** The folder containing cached fragment files. */
private final Path cacheFolder;
/** The Target CPU (each CPU has it's own cache). */
private final TargetCpu cpu;
/** Cache for the best fragment templates. Maps signature to the best fragment template for the signature. Maps to NO_SYNTHESIS if synthesis was unsuccessful. */
private final Map<AsmFragmentSignature, AsmFragmentTemplate> cache;
/** Detects any modification of the cache. */
private boolean modified;
* Creates a cache
* @param cpu The target CPU
private AsmFragmentTemplateCache(Path cacheFolder, TargetCpu cpu, AsmFragmentSystemHash fragmentSystemHash, Map<AsmFragmentSignature, AsmFragmentTemplate> cache) {
this.cacheFolder = cacheFolder;
this.cpu = cpu;
this.fragmentSystemHash = fragmentSystemHash;
this.cache = cache;
this.modified = false;
/** Special singleton representing that the fragment can not be synthesized or loaded. */
public static AsmFragmentTemplate NO_SYNTHESIS =
new AsmFragmentTemplateImpl(new AsmFragmentSignature.Singleton("NO_SYNTHESIS"), null, null, null, null);
/** Prefix for the fragment hash file header. */
public static final String HASH_HEADER = "//KICKC FRAGMENT CACHE ";
/** The prefix for fragment header lines in the fragment cache file. */
public static final String FRAGMENT_HEADER = "//FRAGMENT ";
* Get a cached ASM fragment template
* @param signature The signature
* @return The cached ASM fragment template. null if not in the cache. NO_SYNTHESIS if synthesis was unsuccessful.
public AsmFragmentTemplate get(AsmFragmentSignature signature) {
return cache.get(signature);
* Add an ASM fragment template to the cache
* @param signature The signature
* @param asmFragmentTemplate The ASM fragment template. NO_SYNTHESIS if synthesis was unsuccessful.
public void put(AsmFragmentSignature signature, AsmFragmentTemplate asmFragmentTemplate) {
this.cache.put(signature, asmFragmentTemplate);
this.modified = true;
public TargetCpu getCpu() {
return cpu;
private static String getCacheFileName(TargetCpu cpu) {
return "fragment-cache-" + cpu.getName() + ".asm";
* Creates an empty memory-only fragment cache
* @param cpu The CPU to make a cache for
* @return The new empty cache
public static AsmFragmentTemplateCache memoryCache(TargetCpu cpu) {
return new AsmFragmentTemplateCache(null, cpu, new AsmFragmentSystemHash(0L, 0L, 0), new LinkedHashMap<>());
* Creates a disk fragment cache
* @param cpu The CPU to make a cache for
* @return The new empty cache
public static AsmFragmentTemplateCache diskCache(Path cacheFolder, TargetCpu cpu, AsmFragmentSystemHash fragmentSystemHash, Map<AsmFragmentSignature, AsmFragmentTemplate> cache) {
return new AsmFragmentTemplateCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, cache);
* Attempt to load a fragment cache containing all best synthesized fragments
* @param baseFragmentFolder Folder containing fragments. (The cache is localed in the sub-folder named "cache)
* @param log The compile log
* @return The map with all best fragments from the cache file. null if the cache file is not found.
public static AsmFragmentTemplateCache load(TargetCpu cpu, Path cacheFolder, Path baseFragmentFolder, CompileLog log) {
final AsmFragmentSystemHash fragmentSystemHash = AsmFragmentSystemHash.calculate(baseFragmentFolder, false);
final Date before = new Date();
if(!cacheFolder.toFile().exists()) {
log.append("Creating fragment cache folder " + cacheFolder.toAbsolutePath());
return diskCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, new LinkedHashMap<>());
try {
File cacheFile = cacheFolder.resolve(getCacheFileName(cpu)).toFile();
if(!cacheFile.exists()) {
return diskCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, new LinkedHashMap<>());
if(cacheFile.lastModified() < fragmentSystemHash.getLastModified()) {
log.append("Deleting outdated fragment cache file " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath());
return diskCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, new LinkedHashMap<>());
LinkedHashMap<AsmFragmentSignature, AsmFragmentTemplate> cache = new LinkedHashMap<>();
BufferedReader fragmentCacheReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cacheFile));
String hashLine = fragmentCacheReader.readLine();
final String hashPayload = hashLine.substring(HASH_HEADER.length());
final String[] hashes = hashPayload.split(" ");
final String hashLF = hashes[0];
final String hashCRLF = (hashes.length > 1) ? hashes[1] : null;
// Compare cache file hash with fragment system hash
if(!fragmentSystemHash.matches(hashLF, hashCRLF)) {
// Cache file hash does not match fragment system hash
log.append("Deleting hash mismatch fragment cache file " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath());
// And make a new cache to hold the fragments
return diskCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, new LinkedHashMap<>());
// Read the first "real" line
String cacheLine = fragmentCacheReader.readLine();
StringBuilder body = null;
String signatureText = null;
while(cacheLine != null) {
// Determine if the line is a new fragment or the continuation of the current fragment body
if(cacheLine.startsWith(FRAGMENT_HEADER)) {
// New fragment - first put the current one into the cache
if(signatureText != null)
addFragment(cache, signatureText, body, cpu);
// Clear body and initialize signature
body = new StringBuilder();
signatureText = cacheLine.substring(FRAGMENT_HEADER.length());
} else {
// Continuation of body
cacheLine = fragmentCacheReader.readLine();
// Put the last fragment into the cache
if(signatureText != null)
addFragment(cache, signatureText, body, cpu);
final Date after = new Date();
final long millis = after.getTime() - before.getTime();
log.append("Loaded cached fragments " + cache.size() + " from " + cacheFile.getPath() + " in " + millis + "ms");
return diskCache(cacheFolder, cpu, fragmentSystemHash, cache);
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error loading fragment cache file " + cacheFolder, e);
} catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem reading fragment file " + cacheFolder, e);
private static void addFragment(LinkedHashMap<AsmFragmentSignature, AsmFragmentTemplate> cache, String signatureText, StringBuilder body, TargetCpu targetCpu) {
AsmFragmentSignature signature = AsmFragmentSignature.parse(signatureText);
final String bodyString = body.toString();
if(bodyString.startsWith("NO_SYNTHESIS")) {
cache.put(signature, NO_SYNTHESIS);
} else {
AsmFragmentTemplate template = AsmFragmentTemplateParser.parse(signature, AsmFragmentTemplateParser.fixNewlines(bodyString), targetCpu);
cache.put(signature, template);
* Attempt to save fragment cache containing all best synthesized fragments
* @param log The compile log
public void save(Path baseFragmentFolder, CompileLog log) {
if(this.cacheFolder == null)
Date before = new Date();
// Calculate a new hash which handles all systems
final AsmFragmentSystemHash newFragmentSystemHash = AsmFragmentSystemHash.calculate(baseFragmentFolder, true);
File cacheFile = this.cacheFolder.resolve(getCacheFileName(cpu)).toFile();
try {
PrintStream fragmentFilePrint = new PrintStream(cacheFile);
if(newFragmentSystemHash.getHashStringLF() == null || newFragmentSystemHash.getHashStringCRLF() == null)
throw new InternalError("Error saving ASM fragment cache file. Not calculated for all systems!");
fragmentFilePrint.println(HASH_HEADER + newFragmentSystemHash.getHashStringLF() + " " + newFragmentSystemHash.getHashStringCRLF());
for(AsmFragmentSignature signature : this.cache.keySet()) {
AsmFragmentTemplate fragmentTemplate = this.cache.get(signature);
fragmentFilePrint.println(FRAGMENT_HEADER + signature);
if(fragmentTemplate == NO_SYNTHESIS) {
} else {
if(fragmentTemplate.getBodyAsm() != null) {
final String bodyString = AsmTemplateBodyPrinter.print(fragmentTemplate.getBodyAsm());
final Date after = new Date();
final long millis = after.getTime() - before.getTime();
log.append("Saved cached fragments " + this.cache.size() + " to " + cacheFile.getPath() + " in " + millis + "ms");
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error saving fragment cache file " + cacheFile, e);
} catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem saving fragment file " + cacheFile, e);