mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 04:08:58 +00:00
8571 lines
544 KiB
8571 lines
544 KiB
Fixing pointer addition (word*~) bsearch16u::$7 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items + (byte~) bsearch16u::$6
Fixing pointer addition (word*~) bsearch16u::$15 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot + (number) 1
Fixing pointer addition (word*~) bsearch16u::$1 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items - (number) 1
Fixing pointer increment (word*) init_squares::squares ← ++ (word*) init_squares::squares
Fixing pointer addition (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word*) sqrt::found - (word*) SQUARES
Fixing pointer array-indexing *((word*) utoa::digit_values + (byte) utoa::digit)
Fixing pointer array-indexing *((dword*) ultoa::digit_values + (byte) ultoa::digit)
Fixing pointer array-indexing *((word*) SQUARES + (byte) sqr::val)
Fixing pointer array-indexing *((word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte) atan2_16::i)
Fixing pointer array-indexing *((word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte) atan2_16::i)
Warning! Adding boolean cast to non-boolean condition *((byte*) strcpy::src)
Warning! Adding boolean cast to non-boolean sub-expression (byte) atan2_16::shift
Identified constant variable (byte*) HEAP_TOP
Culled Empty Block (label) @1
Culled Empty Block (label) @2
Culled Empty Block (label) @3
Culled Empty Block (label) malloc::@1
Culled Empty Block (label) @5
Culled Empty Block (label) @6
Culled Empty Block (label) @7
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@11
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@12
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@14
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@16
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@17
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@4
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@5
Culled Empty Block (label) @8
Culled Empty Block (label) @9
Culled Empty Block (label) @10
Culled Empty Block (label) @11
Culled Empty Block (label) init_squares::@2
Culled Empty Block (label) @13
Culled Empty Block (label) sqr::@1
Culled Empty Block (label) @14
Culled Empty Block (label) sqrt::@1
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@9
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@10
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@11
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@12
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@28
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@29
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@21
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@22
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@23
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@31
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@32
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@14
Culled Empty Block (label) @16
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@14
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@3
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@15
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@6
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@10
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@13
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@11
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@16
Culled Empty Block (label) @18
Culled Empty Block (label) init_angle_screen::@5
Culled Empty Block (label) init_angle_screen::@6
Culled Empty Block (label) init_angle_screen::@7
Culled Empty Block (label) init_angle_screen::@8
Culled Empty Block (label) @19
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@17
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@18
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@11
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@12
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@13
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@14
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@15
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@16
@begin: scope:[] from
@4: scope:[] from @begin
(byte*) heap_head#0 ← (const byte*) HEAP_TOP
(void*()) malloc((word) malloc::size)
malloc: scope:[malloc] from @17 @21 init_squares
(word) malloc::size#3 ← phi( @17/(word) malloc::size#1 @21/(word) malloc::size#2 init_squares/(word) malloc::size#0 )
(byte*) heap_head#12 ← phi( @17/(byte*) heap_head#23 @21/(byte*) heap_head#5 init_squares/(byte*) heap_head#24 )
(byte*~) malloc::$0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3
(byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*~) malloc::$0
(byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0
(void*) malloc::return#0 ← ((void*)) (byte*) malloc::mem#0
malloc::@return: scope:[malloc] from malloc
(byte*) heap_head#13 ← phi( malloc/(byte*) heap_head#1 )
(void*) malloc::return#5 ← phi( malloc/(void*) malloc::return#0 )
(void*) malloc::return#1 ← (void*) malloc::return#5
(byte*) heap_head#2 ← (byte*) heap_head#13
(word*()) bsearch16u((word) bsearch16u::key , (word*) bsearch16u::items , (byte) bsearch16u::num)
bsearch16u: scope:[bsearch16u] from sqrt
(word) bsearch16u::key#4 ← phi( sqrt/(word) bsearch16u::key#0 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#7 ← phi( sqrt/(word*) bsearch16u::items#1 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#7 ← phi( sqrt/(byte) bsearch16u::num#2 )
bsearch16u::@6: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u bsearch16u::@10
(word) bsearch16u::key#3 ← phi( bsearch16u/(word) bsearch16u::key#4 bsearch16u::@10/(word) bsearch16u::key#5 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#6 ← phi( bsearch16u/(word*) bsearch16u::items#7 bsearch16u::@10/(word*) bsearch16u::items#8 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#3 ← phi( bsearch16u/(byte) bsearch16u::num#7 bsearch16u::@10/(byte) bsearch16u::num#0 )
(bool~) bsearch16u::$5 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 > (number) 0
if((bool~) bsearch16u::$5) goto bsearch16u::@7
bsearch16u::@7: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@6
(word) bsearch16u::key#1 ← phi( bsearch16u::@6/(word) bsearch16u::key#3 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 ← phi( bsearch16u::@6/(word*) bsearch16u::items#6 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#4 ← phi( bsearch16u::@6/(byte) bsearch16u::num#3 )
(byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#4 >> (number) 1
(byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word*~) bsearch16u::$7 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*~) bsearch16u::$7
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$8 ← ((signed word)) (word) bsearch16u::key#1
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$9 ← ((signed word)) *((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0)
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$10 ← (signed word~) bsearch16u::$8 - (signed word~) bsearch16u::$9
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word~) bsearch16u::$10
(bool~) bsearch16u::$11 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 == (number) 0
(bool~) bsearch16u::$12 ← ! (bool~) bsearch16u::$11
if((bool~) bsearch16u::$12) goto bsearch16u::@9
bsearch16u::@8: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@6
(word) bsearch16u::key#2 ← phi( bsearch16u::@6/(word) bsearch16u::key#3 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#3 ← phi( bsearch16u::@6/(word*) bsearch16u::items#6 )
(bool~) bsearch16u::$0 ← *((word*) bsearch16u::items#3) <= (word) bsearch16u::key#2
if((bool~) bsearch16u::$0) goto bsearch16u::@1
bsearch16u::@9: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@7
(word) bsearch16u::key#7 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(word) bsearch16u::key#1 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#9 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 )
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#3 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#8 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(byte) bsearch16u::num#4 )
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#1 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 )
(bool~) bsearch16u::$13 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#1 > (number) 0
(bool~) bsearch16u::$14 ← ! (bool~) bsearch16u::$13
if((bool~) bsearch16u::$14) goto bsearch16u::@10
bsearch16u::@13: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@7
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#1 ← phi( bsearch16u::@7/(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 )
(word*) bsearch16u::return#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#1
bsearch16u::@return: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@13 bsearch16u::@3
(word*) bsearch16u::return#4 ← phi( bsearch16u::@13/(word*) bsearch16u::return#0 bsearch16u::@3/(word*) bsearch16u::return#2 )
(word*) bsearch16u::return#1 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#4
bsearch16u::@10: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@15 bsearch16u::@9
(word) bsearch16u::key#5 ← phi( bsearch16u::@15/(word) bsearch16u::key#6 bsearch16u::@9/(word) bsearch16u::key#7 )
(word*) bsearch16u::items#8 ← phi( bsearch16u::@15/(word*) bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::@9/(word*) bsearch16u::items#9 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#5 ← phi( bsearch16u::@15/(byte) bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::@9/(byte) bsearch16u::num#8 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (number) 1
bsearch16u::@15: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@9
(word) bsearch16u::key#6 ← phi( bsearch16u::@9/(word) bsearch16u::key#7 )
(byte) bsearch16u::num#6 ← phi( bsearch16u::@9/(byte) bsearch16u::num#8 )
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#2 ← phi( bsearch16u::@9/(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#3 )
(number~) bsearch16u::$17 ← (number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word*~) bsearch16u::$15 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#2 + (number~) bsearch16u::$17
(word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*~) bsearch16u::$15
(byte) bsearch16u::num#1 ← -- (byte) bsearch16u::num#6
bsearch16u::@1: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@8
(word*) bsearch16u::items#4 ← phi( bsearch16u::@8/(word*) bsearch16u::items#3 )
(word*~) bsearch16u::$3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#4
bsearch16u::@2: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@8
(word*) bsearch16u::items#5 ← phi( bsearch16u::@8/(word*) bsearch16u::items#3 )
(number~) bsearch16u::$18 ← (number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word*~) bsearch16u::$1 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#5 - (number~) bsearch16u::$18
(word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*~) bsearch16u::$1
bsearch16u::@3: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@1 bsearch16u::@2
(word*~) bsearch16u::$4 ← phi( bsearch16u::@1/(word*~) bsearch16u::$3 bsearch16u::@2/(word*~) bsearch16u::$2 )
(word*) bsearch16u::return#2 ← (word*~) bsearch16u::$4
@12: scope:[] from @4
(byte*) heap_head#37 ← phi( @4/(byte*) heap_head#0 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 ← (number) $ff
(word*) SQUARES#0 ← (word*) 0
(void()) init_squares()
init_squares: scope:[init_squares] from init_dist_screen
(byte*) heap_head#24 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(byte*) heap_head#29 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 )
(byte~) init_squares::$0 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#6 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word) malloc::size#0 ← (byte~) init_squares::$0
call malloc
(void*) malloc::return#2 ← (void*) malloc::return#1
init_squares::@3: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#7 ← phi( init_squares/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#6 )
(byte*) heap_head#14 ← phi( init_squares/(byte*) heap_head#2 )
(void*) malloc::return#6 ← phi( init_squares/(void*) malloc::return#2 )
(void*~) init_squares::$1 ← (void*) malloc::return#6
(byte*) heap_head#3 ← (byte*) heap_head#14
(word*) SQUARES#1 ← ((word*)) (void*~) init_squares::$1
(word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*) SQUARES#1
(word) init_squares::sqr#0 ← (number) 0
(number~) init_squares::$2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#7 - (number) 1
(byte) init_squares::i#0 ← (byte) 0
init_squares::@1: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares::@1 init_squares::@3
(word*) SQUARES#17 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word*) SQUARES#17 init_squares::@3/(word*) SQUARES#1 )
(byte*) heap_head#25 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(byte*) heap_head#25 init_squares::@3/(byte*) heap_head#3 )
(byte) init_squares::i#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(byte) init_squares::i#1 init_squares::@3/(byte) init_squares::i#0 )
(word*) init_squares::squares#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word*) init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::@3/(word*) init_squares::squares#0 )
(word) init_squares::sqr#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word) init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::@3/(word) init_squares::sqr#0 )
*((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2
(word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(number~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 * (number) 2
(number~) init_squares::$4 ← (number~) init_squares::$3 + (number) 1
(word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (number~) init_squares::$4
(byte) init_squares::i#1 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 + rangenext(0,init_squares::$2)
(bool~) init_squares::$5 ← (byte) init_squares::i#1 != rangelast(0,init_squares::$2)
if((bool~) init_squares::$5) goto init_squares::@1
init_squares::@return: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares::@1
(word*) SQUARES#8 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word*) SQUARES#17 )
(byte*) heap_head#15 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(byte*) heap_head#25 )
(byte*) heap_head#4 ← (byte*) heap_head#15
(word*) SQUARES#2 ← (word*) SQUARES#8
(word()) sqr((byte) sqr::val)
sqr: scope:[sqr] from init_dist_screen::@10 init_dist_screen::@4
(word*) SQUARES#9 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(word*) SQUARES#18 init_dist_screen::@4/(word*) SQUARES#19 )
(byte) sqr::val#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) sqr::val#1 init_dist_screen::@4/(byte) sqr::val#0 )
(byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*) SQUARES#9 + (byte~) sqr::$0)
sqr::@return: scope:[sqr] from sqr
(word) sqr::return#4 ← phi( sqr/(word) sqr::return#0 )
(word) sqr::return#1 ← (word) sqr::return#4
(byte()) sqrt((word) sqrt::val)
sqrt: scope:[sqrt] from init_dist_screen::@21
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#13 )
(word*) SQUARES#10 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(word*) SQUARES#20 )
(word) sqrt::val#1 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(word) sqrt::val#0 )
(word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#1
(word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*) SQUARES#10
(byte) bsearch16u::num#2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#8
call bsearch16u
(word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1
sqrt::@2: scope:[sqrt] from sqrt
(word*) SQUARES#11 ← phi( sqrt/(word*) SQUARES#10 )
(word*) bsearch16u::return#5 ← phi( sqrt/(word*) bsearch16u::return#3 )
(word*~) sqrt::$0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#5
(word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*~) sqrt::$0
(word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*) SQUARES#11
(word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 / (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(byte~) sqrt::$2 ← ((byte)) (word~) sqrt::$1
(byte) sqrt::sq#0 ← (byte~) sqrt::$2
(byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte) sqrt::sq#0
sqrt::@return: scope:[sqrt] from sqrt::@2
(byte) sqrt::return#3 ← phi( sqrt::@2/(byte) sqrt::return#0 )
(byte) sqrt::return#1 ← (byte) sqrt::return#3
@15: scope:[] from @12
(word*) SQUARES#46 ← phi( @12/(word*) SQUARES#0 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#37 ← phi( @12/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 )
(byte*) heap_head#32 ← phi( @12/(byte*) heap_head#37 )
(word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 ← kickasm {{ .for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2
(word()) atan2_16((signed word) atan2_16::x , (signed word) atan2_16::y)
atan2_16: scope:[atan2_16] from init_angle_screen::@3
(signed word) atan2_16::x#9 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::x#0 )
(signed word) atan2_16::y#1 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::y#0 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$0 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#1 >= (number) 0
if((bool~) atan2_16::$0) goto atan2_16::@1
atan2_16::@1: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16
(signed word) atan2_16::x#5 ← phi( atan2_16/(signed word) atan2_16::x#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::y#2 ← phi( atan2_16/(signed word) atan2_16::y#1 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$3 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#2
atan2_16::@2: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16
(signed word) atan2_16::x#6 ← phi( atan2_16/(signed word) atan2_16::x#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::y#3 ← phi( atan2_16/(signed word) atan2_16::y#1 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$1 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#3
(signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← (signed word~) atan2_16::$1
atan2_16::@3: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@1 atan2_16::@2
(signed word) atan2_16::y#15 ← phi( atan2_16::@1/(signed word) atan2_16::y#2 atan2_16::@2/(signed word) atan2_16::y#3 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#1 ← phi( atan2_16::@1/(signed word) atan2_16::x#5 atan2_16::@2/(signed word) atan2_16::x#6 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$4 ← phi( atan2_16::@1/(signed word~) atan2_16::$3 atan2_16::@2/(signed word~) atan2_16::$2 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 ← (signed word~) atan2_16::$4
(bool~) atan2_16::$5 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#1 >= (number) 0
if((bool~) atan2_16::$5) goto atan2_16::@4
atan2_16::@4: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@3
(signed word) atan2_16::y#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::y#15 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#2 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::x#1 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$8 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#2
atan2_16::@5: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@3
(signed word) atan2_16::y#13 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::y#15 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#13 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@3/(signed word) atan2_16::x#1 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$6 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#3
(signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← (signed word~) atan2_16::$6
atan2_16::@6: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@4 atan2_16::@5
(signed word) atan2_16::y#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@4/(signed word) atan2_16::y#12 atan2_16::@5/(signed word) atan2_16::y#13 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@4/(signed word) atan2_16::x#2 atan2_16::@5/(signed word) atan2_16::x#3 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@4/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#12 atan2_16::@5/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#13 )
(signed word~) atan2_16::$9 ← phi( atan2_16::@4/(signed word~) atan2_16::$8 atan2_16::@5/(signed word~) atan2_16::$7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 ← (signed word~) atan2_16::$9
(word) atan2_16::angle#0 ← (number) 0
(byte) atan2_16::i#0 ← (byte) 0
atan2_16::@15: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@27 atan2_16::@6
(signed word) atan2_16::y#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::y#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::y#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::x#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::x#10 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(word) atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::@6/(word) atan2_16::angle#0 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(byte) atan2_16::i#1 atan2_16::@6/(byte) atan2_16::i#0 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#9 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 == (number) 0
(bool~) atan2_16::$17 ← ! (bool~) atan2_16::$16
if((bool~) atan2_16::$17) goto atan2_16::@16
atan2_16::@16: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@15
(signed word) atan2_16::y#19 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::y#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#17 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::x#7 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#19 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(word) atan2_16::angle#12 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#2 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(byte) atan2_16::i#6 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#6 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#0 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#0 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#4
(byte) atan2_16::shift#0 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2
atan2_16::@17: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@15 atan2_16::@27
(signed word) atan2_16::y#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::y#7 atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::y#8 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::x#7 atan2_16::@27/(signed word) atan2_16::x#8 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(word) atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::@27/(word) atan2_16::angle#13 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 / (number) 2
(bool~) atan2_16::$10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#4 < (number) 0
(bool~) atan2_16::$11 ← ! (bool~) atan2_16::$10
if((bool~) atan2_16::$11) goto atan2_16::@7
atan2_16::@18: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@16 atan2_16::@19
(signed word) atan2_16::y#18 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::y#19 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::y#20 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#16 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::x#17 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::x#18 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#18 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(word) atan2_16::angle#19 atan2_16::@19/(word) atan2_16::angle#20 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(byte) atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::@19/(byte) atan2_16::i#11 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#12 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#14 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#4 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#15 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#0 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#0 atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 )
(byte) atan2_16::shift#2 ← phi( atan2_16::@16/(byte) atan2_16::shift#0 atan2_16::@19/(byte) atan2_16::shift#1 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$18 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 >= (number) 2
if((bool~) atan2_16::$18) goto atan2_16::@19
atan2_16::@19: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@18
(signed word) atan2_16::y#20 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::y#18 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#18 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::x#16 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#20 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(word) atan2_16::angle#18 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(byte) atan2_16::i#10 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#11 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#15 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#14 )
(byte) atan2_16::shift#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(byte) atan2_16::shift#2 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (number) 2
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (number) 2
(byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#3 - (number) 2
atan2_16::@20: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@18
(signed word) atan2_16::y#16 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::y#18 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#14 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::x#16 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#16 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(word) atan2_16::angle#18 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(byte) atan2_16::i#10 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#11 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#14 )
(byte) atan2_16::shift#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(byte) atan2_16::shift#2 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$24 ← (number) 0 != (byte) atan2_16::shift#4
(bool~) atan2_16::$19 ← ! (bool~) atan2_16::$24
if((bool~) atan2_16::$19) goto atan2_16::@25
atan2_16::@25: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@20 atan2_16::@24
(signed word) atan2_16::y#14 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::y#16 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::y#17 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#13 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::x#14 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::x#15 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#14 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(word) atan2_16::angle#16 atan2_16::@24/(word) atan2_16::angle#17 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(byte) atan2_16::i#8 atan2_16::@24/(byte) atan2_16::i#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#8 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#8 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#9 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#10 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 atan2_16::@24/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#11 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$20 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 >= (number) 0
if((bool~) atan2_16::$20) goto atan2_16::@26
atan2_16::@24: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@20
(signed word) atan2_16::y#17 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::y#16 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#15 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::x#14 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#17 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(word) atan2_16::angle#16 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(byte) atan2_16::i#8 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#8 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#8 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#4 >> (number) 1
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#4 >> (number) 1
atan2_16::@26: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@25
(signed word) atan2_16::y#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::y#14 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::x#13 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(word) atan2_16::angle#14 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(byte) atan2_16::i#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#4 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#6 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5
(byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#3 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#7 + *((word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22)
atan2_16::@30: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@25
(signed word) atan2_16::y#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::y#14 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::x#13 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(word) atan2_16::angle#14 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(byte) atan2_16::i#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#7 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#9 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@25/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#7 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#5 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#6
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#7 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#6
(byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#4 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
(word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#8 - *((word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23)
atan2_16::@27: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@26 atan2_16::@30
(signed word) atan2_16::y#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(signed word) atan2_16::y#10 atan2_16::@30/(signed word) atan2_16::y#11 )
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::@30/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 )
(signed word) atan2_16::x#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(signed word) atan2_16::x#11 atan2_16::@30/(signed word) atan2_16::x#12 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#13 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(word) atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::@30/(word) atan2_16::angle#3 )
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::@30/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@26/(byte) atan2_16::i#3 atan2_16::@30/(byte) atan2_16::i#4 )
(byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#5 + rangenext(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)
(bool~) atan2_16::$21 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#1 != rangelast(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)
if((bool~) atan2_16::$21) goto atan2_16::@15
atan2_16::@7: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@17 atan2_16::@33
(word) atan2_16::angle#15 ← phi( atan2_16::@17/(word) atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::@33/(word) atan2_16::angle#4 )
(signed word) atan2_16::y#4 ← phi( atan2_16::@17/(signed word) atan2_16::y#5 atan2_16::@33/(signed word) atan2_16::y#6 )
(bool~) atan2_16::$13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 < (number) 0
(bool~) atan2_16::$14 ← ! (bool~) atan2_16::$13
if((bool~) atan2_16::$14) goto atan2_16::@8
atan2_16::@33: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@17
(signed word) atan2_16::y#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@17/(signed word) atan2_16::y#5 )
(word) atan2_16::angle#9 ← phi( atan2_16::@17/(word) atan2_16::angle#1 )
(number~) atan2_16::$12 ← (number) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#9
(word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (number~) atan2_16::$12
atan2_16::@8: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@13 atan2_16::@7
(word) atan2_16::angle#10 ← phi( atan2_16::@13/(word) atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::@7/(word) atan2_16::angle#15 )
(word) atan2_16::return#0 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#10
atan2_16::@13: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@7
(word) atan2_16::angle#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@7/(word) atan2_16::angle#15 )
(word~) atan2_16::$15 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11
(word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← (word~) atan2_16::$15
atan2_16::@return: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@8
(word) atan2_16::return#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@8/(word) atan2_16::return#0 )
(word) atan2_16::return#1 ← (word) atan2_16::return#3
@17: scope:[] from @15
(word*) SQUARES#44 ← phi( @15/(word*) SQUARES#46 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#33 ← phi( @15/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#37 )
(byte*) heap_head#23 ← phi( @15/(byte*) heap_head#32 )
(word) malloc::size#1 ← (number) $3e8
call malloc
(void*) malloc::return#3 ← (void*) malloc::return#1
@21: scope:[] from @17
(word*) SQUARES#36 ← phi( @17/(word*) SQUARES#44 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#25 ← phi( @17/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#33 )
(byte*) heap_head#16 ← phi( @17/(byte*) heap_head#2 )
(void*) malloc::return#7 ← phi( @17/(void*) malloc::return#3 )
(void*~) $0 ← (void*) malloc::return#7
(byte*) heap_head#5 ← (byte*) heap_head#16
(byte*) SCREEN_DIST ← ((byte*)) (void*~) $0
(word) malloc::size#2 ← (number) $3e8
call malloc
(void*) malloc::return#4 ← (void*) malloc::return#1
@22: scope:[] from @21
(word*) SQUARES#35 ← phi( @21/(word*) SQUARES#36 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#24 ← phi( @21/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#25 )
(byte*) heap_head#17 ← phi( @21/(byte*) heap_head#2 )
(void*) malloc::return#8 ← phi( @21/(void*) malloc::return#4 )
(void*~) $1 ← (void*) malloc::return#8
(byte*) heap_head#6 ← (byte*) heap_head#17
(byte*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← ((byte*)) (void*~) $1
(void()) main()
main: scope:[main] from @20
(word*) SQUARES#21 ← phi( @20/(word*) SQUARES#26 )
(byte*) heap_head#26 ← phi( @20/(byte*) heap_head#31 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#14 ← phi( @20/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#18 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*) SCREEN_DIST
call init_dist_screen
main::@17: scope:[main] from main
(word*) SQUARES#12 ← phi( main/(word*) SQUARES#6 )
(byte*) heap_head#18 ← phi( main/(byte*) heap_head#10 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#9 ← phi( main/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#4 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#1 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#9
(byte*) heap_head#7 ← (byte*) heap_head#18
(word*) SQUARES#3 ← (word*) SQUARES#12
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*) SCREEN_ANGLE
call init_angle_screen
main::@18: scope:[main] from main::@17
(word*) SQUARES#28 ← phi( main::@17/(word*) SQUARES#3 )
(byte*) heap_head#34 ← phi( main::@17/(byte*) heap_head#7 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#20 ← phi( main::@17/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#1 )
main::@1: scope:[main] from main::@12 main::@18
(word*) SQUARES#22 ← phi( main::@12/(word*) SQUARES#27 main::@18/(word*) SQUARES#28 )
(byte*) heap_head#27 ← phi( main::@12/(byte*) heap_head#33 main::@18/(byte*) heap_head#34 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#15 ← phi( main::@12/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#19 main::@18/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#20 )
if(true) goto main::@2
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1
(word*) SQUARES#45 ← phi( main::@1/(word*) SQUARES#22 )
(byte*) heap_head#43 ← phi( main::@1/(byte*) heap_head#27 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#34 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#15 )
(byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*) SCREEN_DIST
(byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*) SCREEN_ANGLE
(byte*) main::fill#0 ← (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL
(word) main::min_dist_angle#0 ← (number) $ffff
(byte*) main::min_fill#0 ← (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL
main::@4: scope:[main] from main::@2 main::@5
(word*) SQUARES#37 ← phi( main::@2/(word*) SQUARES#45 main::@5/(word*) SQUARES#29 )
(byte*) heap_head#38 ← phi( main::@2/(byte*) heap_head#43 main::@5/(byte*) heap_head#35 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#26 ← phi( main::@2/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#34 main::@5/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#21 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#5 ← phi( main::@2/(byte*) main::min_fill#0 main::@5/(byte*) main::min_fill#4 )
(word) main::min_dist_angle#4 ← phi( main::@2/(word) main::min_dist_angle#0 main::@5/(word) main::min_dist_angle#5 )
(byte*) main::angle#4 ← phi( main::@2/(byte*) main::angle#0 main::@5/(byte*) main::angle#1 )
(byte*) main::dist#4 ← phi( main::@2/(byte*) main::dist#0 main::@5/(byte*) main::dist#1 )
(byte*) main::fill#2 ← phi( main::@2/(byte*) main::fill#0 main::@5/(byte*) main::fill#1 )
(bool~) main::$2 ← *((byte*) main::fill#2) != (const byte) FILL_CHAR
(bool~) main::$3 ← ! (bool~) main::$2
if((bool~) main::$3) goto main::@5
main::@5: scope:[main] from main::@4 main::@7 main::@8
(word*) SQUARES#29 ← phi( main::@4/(word*) SQUARES#37 main::@7/(word*) SQUARES#38 main::@8/(word*) SQUARES#39 )
(byte*) heap_head#35 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) heap_head#38 main::@7/(byte*) heap_head#39 main::@8/(byte*) heap_head#40 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#21 ← phi( main::@4/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#26 main::@7/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#27 main::@8/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#28 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#4 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::min_fill#5 main::@7/(byte*) main::min_fill#6 main::@8/(byte*) main::min_fill#1 )
(word) main::min_dist_angle#5 ← phi( main::@4/(word) main::min_dist_angle#4 main::@7/(word) main::min_dist_angle#2 main::@8/(word) main::min_dist_angle#1 )
(byte*) main::fill#3 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::fill#2 main::@7/(byte*) main::fill#5 main::@8/(byte*) main::fill#4 )
(byte*) main::angle#2 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::angle#4 main::@7/(byte*) main::angle#3 main::@8/(byte*) main::angle#5 )
(byte*) main::dist#2 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::dist#4 main::@7/(byte*) main::dist#3 main::@8/(byte*) main::dist#5 )
(byte*) main::dist#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::dist#2
(byte*) main::angle#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::angle#2
(byte*) main::fill#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::fill#3
(bool~) main::$6 ← (byte*) main::fill#1 < (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(number) $3e8
if((bool~) main::$6) goto main::@4
main::@7: scope:[main] from main::@4
(word*) SQUARES#38 ← phi( main::@4/(word*) SQUARES#37 )
(byte*) heap_head#39 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) heap_head#38 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#27 ← phi( main::@4/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#26 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#6 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::min_fill#5 )
(byte*) main::fill#5 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::fill#2 )
(word) main::min_dist_angle#2 ← phi( main::@4/(word) main::min_dist_angle#4 )
(byte*) main::angle#3 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::angle#4 )
(byte*) main::dist#3 ← phi( main::@4/(byte*) main::dist#4 )
(word) main::dist_angle#0 ← ((word)) { *((byte*) main::dist#3), *((byte*) main::angle#3) }
(bool~) main::$4 ← (word) main::dist_angle#0 < (word) main::min_dist_angle#2
(bool~) main::$5 ← ! (bool~) main::$4
if((bool~) main::$5) goto main::@5
main::@8: scope:[main] from main::@7
(word*) SQUARES#39 ← phi( main::@7/(word*) SQUARES#38 )
(byte*) heap_head#40 ← phi( main::@7/(byte*) heap_head#39 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#28 ← phi( main::@7/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#27 )
(byte*) main::angle#5 ← phi( main::@7/(byte*) main::angle#3 )
(byte*) main::dist#5 ← phi( main::@7/(byte*) main::dist#3 )
(word) main::dist_angle#1 ← phi( main::@7/(word) main::dist_angle#0 )
(byte*) main::fill#4 ← phi( main::@7/(byte*) main::fill#5 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#1 ← (byte*) main::fill#4
(word) main::min_dist_angle#1 ← (word) main::dist_angle#1
main::@9: scope:[main] from main::@5
(word*) SQUARES#23 ← phi( main::@5/(word*) SQUARES#29 )
(byte*) heap_head#28 ← phi( main::@5/(byte*) heap_head#35 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 ← phi( main::@5/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#21 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#3 ← phi( main::@5/(byte*) main::min_fill#4 )
(word) main::min_dist_angle#3 ← phi( main::@5/(word) main::min_dist_angle#5 )
(bool~) main::$7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 == (number) $ffff
(bool~) main::$8 ← ! (bool~) main::$7
if((bool~) main::$8) goto main::@12
main::@12: scope:[main] from main::@9
(word*) SQUARES#27 ← phi( main::@9/(word*) SQUARES#23 )
(byte*) heap_head#33 ← phi( main::@9/(byte*) heap_head#28 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#19 ← phi( main::@9/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 )
(byte*) main::min_fill#2 ← phi( main::@9/(byte*) main::min_fill#3 )
*((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@9
(word*) SQUARES#13 ← phi( main::@1/(word*) SQUARES#22 main::@9/(word*) SQUARES#23 )
(byte*) heap_head#19 ← phi( main::@1/(byte*) heap_head#27 main::@9/(byte*) heap_head#28 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#10 ← phi( main::@1/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#15 main::@9/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#10
(byte*) heap_head#8 ← (byte*) heap_head#19
(word*) SQUARES#4 ← (word*) SQUARES#13
(void()) init_angle_screen((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen)
init_angle_screen: scope:[init_angle_screen] from main::@17
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 ← phi( main::@17/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 )
(byte*~) init_angle_screen::$0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $c
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$0
(byte*~) init_angle_screen::$1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $c
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$1
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#0 ← (byte) 0
init_angle_screen::@1: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen init_angle_screen::@4
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#0 ← (number) 0
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0 ← (number) $27
init_angle_screen::@2: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@1 init_angle_screen::@9
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0 init_angle_screen::@9/(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#5 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::@9/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#5 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::@9/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::@9/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#6 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte) init_angle_screen::x#0 init_angle_screen::@9/(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 )
(bool~) init_angle_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 <= (number) $13
if((bool~) init_angle_screen::$2) goto init_angle_screen::@3
init_angle_screen::@3: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@2
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#5 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#3 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#4 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#5 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#4 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 )
(number~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 * (number) 2
(number~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (number) $27 - (number~) init_angle_screen::$3
(word~) init_angle_screen::$5 ← ((word)) { (number~) init_angle_screen::$4, (number) 0 }
(signed word~) init_angle_screen::$6 ← ((signed word)) (word~) init_angle_screen::$5
(signed word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$6
(number~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 * (number) 2
(word~) init_angle_screen::$8 ← ((word)) { (number~) init_angle_screen::$7, (number) 0 }
(signed word~) init_angle_screen::$9 ← ((signed word)) (word~) init_angle_screen::$8
(signed word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$9
(signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word) init_angle_screen::xw#0
(signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word) init_angle_screen::yw#0
call atan2_16
(word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#1
init_angle_screen::@9: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@3
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#6 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#4 )
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#3 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#4 )
(word) atan2_16::return#4 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@3/(word) atan2_16::return#2 )
(word~) init_angle_screen::$10 ← (word) atan2_16::return#4
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word~) init_angle_screen::$10
(number~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (number) $80
(number~) init_angle_screen::$12 ← > (number~) init_angle_screen::$11
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← (number~) init_angle_screen::$12
*((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
*((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13
(number~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (number) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
*((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#4) ← (number~) init_angle_screen::$14
(number~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (number) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
*((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#4) ← (number~) init_angle_screen::$15
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::x#4
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2
init_angle_screen::@4: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@2
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#3 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#4 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#3 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#5 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#3 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@2/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#5 )
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#3 - (number) $28
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#3 + (number) $28
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#3 + rangenext(0,$c)
(bool~) init_angle_screen::$16 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 != rangelast(0,$c)
if((bool~) init_angle_screen::$16) goto init_angle_screen::@1
init_angle_screen::@return: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@4
(void()) init_dist_screen((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen)
init_dist_screen: scope:[init_dist_screen] from main
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#2 ← phi( main/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 )
(word*) SQUARES#24 ← phi( main/(word*) SQUARES#21 )
(byte*) heap_head#29 ← phi( main/(byte*) heap_head#26 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 ← (number) $30
call init_squares
init_dist_screen::@19: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#41 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#2 )
(word*) SQUARES#14 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(word*) SQUARES#2 )
(byte*) heap_head#20 ← phi( init_dist_screen/(byte*) heap_head#4 )
(byte*) heap_head#9 ← (byte*) heap_head#20
(word*) SQUARES#5 ← (word*) SQUARES#14
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1
(byte*~) init_dist_screen::$1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $18
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*~) init_dist_screen::$1
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#0 ← (byte) 0
init_dist_screen::@1: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@19 init_dist_screen::@7
(byte*) heap_head#49 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(byte*) heap_head#9 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) heap_head#30 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#40 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#41 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#17 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#14 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#14 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 )
(word*) SQUARES#40 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(word*) SQUARES#5 init_dist_screen::@7/(word*) SQUARES#25 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@19/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 * (number) 2
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$2
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 >= (number) $18
if((bool~) init_dist_screen::$3) goto init_dist_screen::@2
init_dist_screen::@2: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@1
(byte*) heap_head#46 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) heap_head#49 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#38 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#40 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#9 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#14 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#14 )
(word*) SQUARES#30 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(word*) SQUARES#40 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$6 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 - (number) $18
(number~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$6
init_dist_screen::@3: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@1
(byte*) heap_head#47 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) heap_head#49 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#39 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#40 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#12 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#14 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#12 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#14 )
(word*) SQUARES#31 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(word*) SQUARES#40 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@1/(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$4 ← (number) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
(number~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$4
init_dist_screen::@4: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@2 init_dist_screen::@3
(byte*) heap_head#44 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) heap_head#46 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) heap_head#47 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#35 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#38 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#39 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#9 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#12 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#12 )
(word*) SQUARES#19 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(word*) SQUARES#30 init_dist_screen::@3/(word*) SQUARES#31 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(number~) init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::@3/(number~) init_dist_screen::$5 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$8
(byte) sqr::val#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0
call sqr
(word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#1
init_dist_screen::@20: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@4
(word*) SQUARES#41 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(word*) SQUARES#19 )
(byte*) heap_head#41 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(byte*) heap_head#44 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#29 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#35 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#7 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#8 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#8 )
(word) sqr::return#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@4/(word) sqr::return#2 )
(word~) init_dist_screen::$9 ← (word) sqr::return#5
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word~) init_dist_screen::$9
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#0 ← (number) 0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0 ← (number) $27
init_dist_screen::@5: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@20 init_dist_screen::@22
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::@22/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#7 )
(word*) SQUARES#32 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(word*) SQUARES#41 init_dist_screen::@22/(word*) SQUARES#42 )
(byte*) heap_head#36 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte*) heap_head#41 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte*) heap_head#42 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#22 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#29 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#30 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#5 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#6 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#6 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@20/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#0 init_dist_screen::@22/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 )
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$10 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 <= (number) $13
if((bool~) init_dist_screen::$10) goto init_dist_screen::@6
init_dist_screen::@6: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@5
(byte*) heap_head#52 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) heap_head#36 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#14 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#4 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#8 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#13 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#4 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#13 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#4 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#36 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#22 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#6 )
(word*) SQUARES#43 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(word*) SQUARES#32 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$11 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 * (number) 2
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$11
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$12 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 >= (number) $27
if((bool~) init_dist_screen::$12) goto init_dist_screen::@8
init_dist_screen::@7: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@5
(word*) SQUARES#25 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(word*) SQUARES#32 )
(byte*) heap_head#30 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) heap_head#36 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#17 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#22 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#4 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#4 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@5/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#4 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#2 + (number) $28
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#2 - (number) $28
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#3 + rangenext(0,$c)
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$21 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 != rangelast(0,$c)
if((bool~) init_dist_screen::$21) goto init_dist_screen::@1
init_dist_screen::@8: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@6
(byte*) heap_head#50 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) heap_head#52 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#12 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#14 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#7 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#9 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#13 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#9 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#13 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#31 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#36 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#5 )
(word*) SQUARES#33 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(word*) SQUARES#43 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$15 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 - (number) $27
(number~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$15
init_dist_screen::@9: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@6
(byte*) heap_head#51 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) heap_head#52 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#13 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#14 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#7 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#13 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#13 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#32 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#36 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#5 )
(word*) SQUARES#34 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(word*) SQUARES#43 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@6/(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$13 ← (number) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
(number~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$13
init_dist_screen::@10: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@8 init_dist_screen::@9
(byte*) heap_head#48 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) heap_head#50 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) heap_head#51 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#12 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#13 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#6 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#9 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#7 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#8 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#9 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#23 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#31 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#32 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#3 init_dist_screen::@9/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#4 )
(word*) SQUARES#18 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(word*) SQUARES#33 init_dist_screen::@9/(word*) SQUARES#34 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$17 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(number~) init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::@9/(number~) init_dist_screen::$14 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 ← (number~) init_dist_screen::$17
(byte) sqr::val#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0
call sqr
(word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#1
init_dist_screen::@21: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@10
(byte*) heap_head#45 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte*) heap_head#48 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#4 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#7 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#6 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#5 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#7 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#13 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#23 )
(word*) SQUARES#20 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(word*) SQUARES#18 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#1 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#2 )
(word) sqr::return#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(word) sqr::return#3 )
(word~) init_dist_screen::$18 ← (word) sqr::return#6
(word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word~) init_dist_screen::$18
(word~) init_dist_screen::$19 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#1
(word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word~) init_dist_screen::$19
(word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0
call sqrt
(byte) sqrt::return#2 ← (byte) sqrt::return#1
init_dist_screen::@22: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@21
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#1 )
(word*) SQUARES#42 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(word*) SQUARES#20 )
(byte*) heap_head#42 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte*) heap_head#45 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#30 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#13 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#8 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#3 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#5 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#5 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#5 )
(byte) sqrt::return#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@21/(byte) sqrt::return#2 )
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$20 ← (byte) sqrt::return#4
(byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 ← (byte~) init_dist_screen::$20
*((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#4) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
*((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#4) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
*((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
*((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::x#4
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2
init_dist_screen::@return: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@7
(word*) SQUARES#15 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@7/(word*) SQUARES#25 )
(byte*) heap_head#21 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) heap_head#30 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@7/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#17 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#4 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11
(byte*) heap_head#10 ← (byte*) heap_head#21
(word*) SQUARES#6 ← (word*) SQUARES#15
@20: scope:[] from @22
(word*) SQUARES#26 ← phi( @22/(word*) SQUARES#35 )
(byte*) heap_head#31 ← phi( @22/(byte*) heap_head#6 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#18 ← phi( @22/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#24 )
call main
@23: scope:[] from @20
(word*) SQUARES#16 ← phi( @20/(word*) SQUARES#4 )
(byte*) heap_head#22 ← phi( @20/(byte*) heap_head#8 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#12 ← phi( @20/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#2 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#5 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#12
(byte*) heap_head#11 ← (byte*) heap_head#22
(word*) SQUARES#7 ← (word*) SQUARES#16
@end: scope:[] from @23
(void*~) $0
(void*~) $1
(label) @12
(label) @15
(label) @17
(label) @20
(label) @21
(label) @22
(label) @23
(label) @4
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16 = (number) $f
(const byte) FILL_CHAR = (byte) '@'
(const byte*) HEAP_TOP = (byte*)(number) $a000
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#0
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#1
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#10
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#11
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#12
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#13
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#14
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#15
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#16
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#17
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#18
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#19
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#2
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#20
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#21
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#22
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#23
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#24
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#25
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#26
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#27
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#28
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#29
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#3
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#30
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#31
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#32
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#33
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#34
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#35
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#36
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#37
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#38
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#39
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#4
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#40
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#41
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#5
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#6
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#7
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#8
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#9
(const byte) RADIX::BINARY = (number) 2
(const byte) RADIX::DECIMAL = (number) $a
(const byte) RADIX::HEXADECIMAL = (number) $10
(const byte) RADIX::OCTAL = (number) 8
(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL = (byte*)(number) $400
(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD = (byte) 2
(word*) SQUARES
(word*) SQUARES#0
(word*) SQUARES#1
(word*) SQUARES#10
(word*) SQUARES#11
(word*) SQUARES#12
(word*) SQUARES#13
(word*) SQUARES#14
(word*) SQUARES#15
(word*) SQUARES#16
(word*) SQUARES#17
(word*) SQUARES#18
(word*) SQUARES#19
(word*) SQUARES#2
(word*) SQUARES#20
(word*) SQUARES#21
(word*) SQUARES#22
(word*) SQUARES#23
(word*) SQUARES#24
(word*) SQUARES#25
(word*) SQUARES#26
(word*) SQUARES#27
(word*) SQUARES#28
(word*) SQUARES#29
(word*) SQUARES#3
(word*) SQUARES#30
(word*) SQUARES#31
(word*) SQUARES#32
(word*) SQUARES#33
(word*) SQUARES#34
(word*) SQUARES#35
(word*) SQUARES#36
(word*) SQUARES#37
(word*) SQUARES#38
(word*) SQUARES#39
(word*) SQUARES#4
(word*) SQUARES#40
(word*) SQUARES#41
(word*) SQUARES#42
(word*) SQUARES#43
(word*) SQUARES#44
(word*) SQUARES#45
(word*) SQUARES#46
(word*) SQUARES#5
(word*) SQUARES#6
(word*) SQUARES#7
(word*) SQUARES#8
(word*) SQUARES#9
(word()) atan2_16((signed word) atan2_16::x , (signed word) atan2_16::y)
(bool~) atan2_16::$0
(signed word~) atan2_16::$1
(bool~) atan2_16::$10
(bool~) atan2_16::$11
(number~) atan2_16::$12
(bool~) atan2_16::$13
(bool~) atan2_16::$14
(word~) atan2_16::$15
(bool~) atan2_16::$16
(bool~) atan2_16::$17
(bool~) atan2_16::$18
(bool~) atan2_16::$19
(signed word~) atan2_16::$2
(bool~) atan2_16::$20
(bool~) atan2_16::$21
(byte~) atan2_16::$22
(byte~) atan2_16::$23
(bool~) atan2_16::$24
(signed word~) atan2_16::$3
(signed word~) atan2_16::$4
(bool~) atan2_16::$5
(signed word~) atan2_16::$6
(signed word~) atan2_16::$7
(signed word~) atan2_16::$8
(signed word~) atan2_16::$9
(label) atan2_16::@1
(label) atan2_16::@13
(label) atan2_16::@15
(label) atan2_16::@16
(label) atan2_16::@17
(label) atan2_16::@18
(label) atan2_16::@19
(label) atan2_16::@2
(label) atan2_16::@20
(label) atan2_16::@24
(label) atan2_16::@25
(label) atan2_16::@26
(label) atan2_16::@27
(label) atan2_16::@3
(label) atan2_16::@30
(label) atan2_16::@33
(label) atan2_16::@4
(label) atan2_16::@5
(label) atan2_16::@6
(label) atan2_16::@7
(label) atan2_16::@8
(label) atan2_16::@return
(word) atan2_16::angle
(word) atan2_16::angle#0
(word) atan2_16::angle#1
(word) atan2_16::angle#10
(word) atan2_16::angle#11
(word) atan2_16::angle#12
(word) atan2_16::angle#13
(word) atan2_16::angle#14
(word) atan2_16::angle#15
(word) atan2_16::angle#16
(word) atan2_16::angle#17
(word) atan2_16::angle#18
(word) atan2_16::angle#19
(word) atan2_16::angle#2
(word) atan2_16::angle#20
(word) atan2_16::angle#3
(word) atan2_16::angle#4
(word) atan2_16::angle#5
(word) atan2_16::angle#6
(word) atan2_16::angle#7
(word) atan2_16::angle#8
(word) atan2_16::angle#9
(byte) atan2_16::i
(byte) atan2_16::i#0
(byte) atan2_16::i#1
(byte) atan2_16::i#10
(byte) atan2_16::i#11
(byte) atan2_16::i#2
(byte) atan2_16::i#3
(byte) atan2_16::i#4
(byte) atan2_16::i#5
(byte) atan2_16::i#6
(byte) atan2_16::i#7
(byte) atan2_16::i#8
(byte) atan2_16::i#9
(word) atan2_16::return
(word) atan2_16::return#0
(word) atan2_16::return#1
(word) atan2_16::return#2
(word) atan2_16::return#3
(word) atan2_16::return#4
(byte) atan2_16::shift
(byte) atan2_16::shift#0
(byte) atan2_16::shift#1
(byte) atan2_16::shift#2
(byte) atan2_16::shift#3
(byte) atan2_16::shift#4
(signed word) atan2_16::x
(signed word) atan2_16::x#0
(signed word) atan2_16::x#1
(signed word) atan2_16::x#10
(signed word) atan2_16::x#11
(signed word) atan2_16::x#12
(signed word) atan2_16::x#13
(signed word) atan2_16::x#14
(signed word) atan2_16::x#15
(signed word) atan2_16::x#16
(signed word) atan2_16::x#17
(signed word) atan2_16::x#18
(signed word) atan2_16::x#2
(signed word) atan2_16::x#3
(signed word) atan2_16::x#4
(signed word) atan2_16::x#5
(signed word) atan2_16::x#6
(signed word) atan2_16::x#7
(signed word) atan2_16::x#8
(signed word) atan2_16::x#9
(signed word) atan2_16::xd
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#0
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#3
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#4
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#5
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#6
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#7
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#8
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#9
(signed word) atan2_16::xi
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#10
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#11
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#12
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#3
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#4
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#5
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#6
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#7
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#9
(signed word) atan2_16::y
(signed word) atan2_16::y#0
(signed word) atan2_16::y#1
(signed word) atan2_16::y#10
(signed word) atan2_16::y#11
(signed word) atan2_16::y#12
(signed word) atan2_16::y#13
(signed word) atan2_16::y#14
(signed word) atan2_16::y#15
(signed word) atan2_16::y#16
(signed word) atan2_16::y#17
(signed word) atan2_16::y#18
(signed word) atan2_16::y#19
(signed word) atan2_16::y#2
(signed word) atan2_16::y#20
(signed word) atan2_16::y#3
(signed word) atan2_16::y#4
(signed word) atan2_16::y#5
(signed word) atan2_16::y#6
(signed word) atan2_16::y#7
(signed word) atan2_16::y#8
(signed word) atan2_16::y#9
(signed word) atan2_16::yd
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#3
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#4
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#5
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#6
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#7
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#8
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#9
(signed word) atan2_16::yi
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#10
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#11
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#12
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#13
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#14
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#15
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#3
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#4
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#5
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#6
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#7
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#9
(word*()) bsearch16u((word) bsearch16u::key , (word*) bsearch16u::items , (byte) bsearch16u::num)
(bool~) bsearch16u::$0
(word*~) bsearch16u::$1
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$10
(bool~) bsearch16u::$11
(bool~) bsearch16u::$12
(bool~) bsearch16u::$13
(bool~) bsearch16u::$14
(word*~) bsearch16u::$15
(byte~) bsearch16u::$16
(number~) bsearch16u::$17
(number~) bsearch16u::$18
(word*~) bsearch16u::$2
(word*~) bsearch16u::$3
(word*~) bsearch16u::$4
(bool~) bsearch16u::$5
(byte~) bsearch16u::$6
(word*~) bsearch16u::$7
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$8
(signed word~) bsearch16u::$9
(label) bsearch16u::@1
(label) bsearch16u::@10
(label) bsearch16u::@13
(label) bsearch16u::@15
(label) bsearch16u::@2
(label) bsearch16u::@3
(label) bsearch16u::@6
(label) bsearch16u::@7
(label) bsearch16u::@8
(label) bsearch16u::@9
(label) bsearch16u::@return
(word*) bsearch16u::items
(word*) bsearch16u::items#0
(word*) bsearch16u::items#1
(word*) bsearch16u::items#2
(word*) bsearch16u::items#3
(word*) bsearch16u::items#4
(word*) bsearch16u::items#5
(word*) bsearch16u::items#6
(word*) bsearch16u::items#7
(word*) bsearch16u::items#8
(word*) bsearch16u::items#9
(word) bsearch16u::key
(word) bsearch16u::key#0
(word) bsearch16u::key#1
(word) bsearch16u::key#2
(word) bsearch16u::key#3
(word) bsearch16u::key#4
(word) bsearch16u::key#5
(word) bsearch16u::key#6
(word) bsearch16u::key#7
(byte) bsearch16u::num
(byte) bsearch16u::num#0
(byte) bsearch16u::num#1
(byte) bsearch16u::num#2
(byte) bsearch16u::num#3
(byte) bsearch16u::num#4
(byte) bsearch16u::num#5
(byte) bsearch16u::num#6
(byte) bsearch16u::num#7
(byte) bsearch16u::num#8
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#1
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#2
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#3
(signed word) bsearch16u::result
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#0
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#1
(word*) bsearch16u::return
(word*) bsearch16u::return#0
(word*) bsearch16u::return#1
(word*) bsearch16u::return#2
(word*) bsearch16u::return#3
(word*) bsearch16u::return#4
(word*) bsearch16u::return#5
(byte*) heap_head
(byte*) heap_head#0
(byte*) heap_head#1
(byte*) heap_head#10
(byte*) heap_head#11
(byte*) heap_head#12
(byte*) heap_head#13
(byte*) heap_head#14
(byte*) heap_head#15
(byte*) heap_head#16
(byte*) heap_head#17
(byte*) heap_head#18
(byte*) heap_head#19
(byte*) heap_head#2
(byte*) heap_head#20
(byte*) heap_head#21
(byte*) heap_head#22
(byte*) heap_head#23
(byte*) heap_head#24
(byte*) heap_head#25
(byte*) heap_head#26
(byte*) heap_head#27
(byte*) heap_head#28
(byte*) heap_head#29
(byte*) heap_head#3
(byte*) heap_head#30
(byte*) heap_head#31
(byte*) heap_head#32
(byte*) heap_head#33
(byte*) heap_head#34
(byte*) heap_head#35
(byte*) heap_head#36
(byte*) heap_head#37
(byte*) heap_head#38
(byte*) heap_head#39
(byte*) heap_head#4
(byte*) heap_head#40
(byte*) heap_head#41
(byte*) heap_head#42
(byte*) heap_head#43
(byte*) heap_head#44
(byte*) heap_head#45
(byte*) heap_head#46
(byte*) heap_head#47
(byte*) heap_head#48
(byte*) heap_head#49
(byte*) heap_head#5
(byte*) heap_head#50
(byte*) heap_head#51
(byte*) heap_head#52
(byte*) heap_head#6
(byte*) heap_head#7
(byte*) heap_head#8
(byte*) heap_head#9
(void()) init_angle_screen((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen)
(byte*~) init_angle_screen::$0
(byte*~) init_angle_screen::$1
(word~) init_angle_screen::$10
(number~) init_angle_screen::$11
(number~) init_angle_screen::$12
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$13
(number~) init_angle_screen::$14
(number~) init_angle_screen::$15
(bool~) init_angle_screen::$16
(bool~) init_angle_screen::$2
(number~) init_angle_screen::$3
(number~) init_angle_screen::$4
(word~) init_angle_screen::$5
(signed word~) init_angle_screen::$6
(number~) init_angle_screen::$7
(word~) init_angle_screen::$8
(signed word~) init_angle_screen::$9
(label) init_angle_screen::@1
(label) init_angle_screen::@2
(label) init_angle_screen::@3
(label) init_angle_screen::@4
(label) init_angle_screen::@9
(label) init_angle_screen::@return
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#3
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#4
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#5
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#3
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#4
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#5
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6
(byte) init_angle_screen::x
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#0
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#2
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#3
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#4
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#3
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#4
(signed word) init_angle_screen::xw
(signed word) init_angle_screen::xw#0
(byte) init_angle_screen::y
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#0
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#2
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#3
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#4
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#5
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#6
(signed word) init_angle_screen::yw
(signed word) init_angle_screen::yw#0
(void()) init_dist_screen((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen)
(byte*~) init_dist_screen::$1
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$10
(number~) init_dist_screen::$11
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$12
(number~) init_dist_screen::$13
(number~) init_dist_screen::$14
(number~) init_dist_screen::$15
(number~) init_dist_screen::$16
(number~) init_dist_screen::$17
(word~) init_dist_screen::$18
(word~) init_dist_screen::$19
(number~) init_dist_screen::$2
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$20
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$21
(bool~) init_dist_screen::$3
(number~) init_dist_screen::$4
(number~) init_dist_screen::$5
(number~) init_dist_screen::$6
(number~) init_dist_screen::$7
(number~) init_dist_screen::$8
(word~) init_dist_screen::$9
(label) init_dist_screen::@1
(label) init_dist_screen::@10
(label) init_dist_screen::@19
(label) init_dist_screen::@2
(label) init_dist_screen::@20
(label) init_dist_screen::@21
(label) init_dist_screen::@22
(label) init_dist_screen::@3
(label) init_dist_screen::@4
(label) init_dist_screen::@5
(label) init_dist_screen::@6
(label) init_dist_screen::@7
(label) init_dist_screen::@8
(label) init_dist_screen::@9
(label) init_dist_screen::@return
(byte) init_dist_screen::d
(byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
(word) init_dist_screen::ds
(word) init_dist_screen::ds#0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#2
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#12
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#13
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#14
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#2
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#4
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#6
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#7
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#8
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#9
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#12
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#13
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#14
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#2
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#4
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#6
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#7
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#8
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#9
(byte) init_dist_screen::x
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#2
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#3
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#4
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#5
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#6
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#7
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#8
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#3
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#4
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#6
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#7
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#8
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0
(word) init_dist_screen::xds
(word) init_dist_screen::xds#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::y
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#11
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#12
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#13
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#14
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#2
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#3
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#4
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#5
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#6
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#7
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#8
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#9
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0
(word) init_dist_screen::yds
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#0
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#1
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#2
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#3
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#4
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#5
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#6
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#7
(void()) init_squares()
(byte~) init_squares::$0
(void*~) init_squares::$1
(number~) init_squares::$2
(number~) init_squares::$3
(number~) init_squares::$4
(bool~) init_squares::$5
(label) init_squares::@1
(label) init_squares::@3
(label) init_squares::@return
(byte) init_squares::i
(byte) init_squares::i#0
(byte) init_squares::i#1
(byte) init_squares::i#2
(word) init_squares::sqr
(word) init_squares::sqr#0
(word) init_squares::sqr#1
(word) init_squares::sqr#2
(word*) init_squares::squares
(word*) init_squares::squares#0
(word*) init_squares::squares#1
(word*) init_squares::squares#2
(void()) main()
(bool~) main::$2
(bool~) main::$3
(bool~) main::$4
(bool~) main::$5
(bool~) main::$6
(bool~) main::$7
(bool~) main::$8
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@12
(label) main::@17
(label) main::@18
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@4
(label) main::@5
(label) main::@7
(label) main::@8
(label) main::@9
(label) main::@return
(byte*) main::angle
(byte*) main::angle#0
(byte*) main::angle#1
(byte*) main::angle#2
(byte*) main::angle#3
(byte*) main::angle#4
(byte*) main::angle#5
(byte*) main::dist
(byte*) main::dist#0
(byte*) main::dist#1
(byte*) main::dist#2
(byte*) main::dist#3
(byte*) main::dist#4
(byte*) main::dist#5
(word) main::dist_angle
(word) main::dist_angle#0
(word) main::dist_angle#1
(byte*) main::fill
(byte*) main::fill#0
(byte*) main::fill#1
(byte*) main::fill#2
(byte*) main::fill#3
(byte*) main::fill#4
(byte*) main::fill#5
(word) main::min_dist_angle
(word) main::min_dist_angle#0
(word) main::min_dist_angle#1
(word) main::min_dist_angle#2
(word) main::min_dist_angle#3
(word) main::min_dist_angle#4
(word) main::min_dist_angle#5
(byte*) main::min_fill
(byte*) main::min_fill#0
(byte*) main::min_fill#1
(byte*) main::min_fill#2
(byte*) main::min_fill#3
(byte*) main::min_fill#4
(byte*) main::min_fill#5
(byte*) main::min_fill#6
(void*()) malloc((word) malloc::size)
(byte*~) malloc::$0
(label) malloc::@return
(byte*) malloc::mem
(byte*) malloc::mem#0
(void*) malloc::return
(void*) malloc::return#0
(void*) malloc::return#1
(void*) malloc::return#2
(void*) malloc::return#3
(void*) malloc::return#4
(void*) malloc::return#5
(void*) malloc::return#6
(void*) malloc::return#7
(void*) malloc::return#8
(word) malloc::size
(word) malloc::size#0
(word) malloc::size#1
(word) malloc::size#2
(word) malloc::size#3
(word()) sqr((byte) sqr::val)
(byte~) sqr::$0
(label) sqr::@return
(word) sqr::return
(word) sqr::return#0
(word) sqr::return#1
(word) sqr::return#2
(word) sqr::return#3
(word) sqr::return#4
(word) sqr::return#5
(word) sqr::return#6
(byte) sqr::val
(byte) sqr::val#0
(byte) sqr::val#1
(byte) sqr::val#2
(byte()) sqrt((word) sqrt::val)
(word*~) sqrt::$0
(word~) sqrt::$1
(byte~) sqrt::$2
(word~) sqrt::$3
(label) sqrt::@2
(label) sqrt::@return
(word*) sqrt::found
(word*) sqrt::found#0
(byte) sqrt::return
(byte) sqrt::return#0
(byte) sqrt::return#1
(byte) sqrt::return#2
(byte) sqrt::return#3
(byte) sqrt::return#4
(byte) sqrt::sq
(byte) sqrt::sq#0
(word) sqrt::val
(word) sqrt::val#0
(word) sqrt::val#1
Fixing inline constructor with main::$9 ← (byte)*(main::dist#3) w= (byte)*(main::angle#3)
Fixing inline constructor with init_angle_screen::$17 ← (byte)init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte)0
Fixing inline constructor with init_angle_screen::$18 ← (byte)init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte)0
Successful SSA optimization Pass2FixInlineConstructors
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (bool~) bsearch16u::$5 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 > (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#4 >> (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) bsearch16u::$11 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 == (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) bsearch16u::$13 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#1 > (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (number~) bsearch16u::$17 ← (number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) bsearch16u::$17 in (number~) bsearch16u::$17 ← (unumber)(number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (number~) bsearch16u::$18 ← (number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) bsearch16u::$18 in (number~) bsearch16u::$18 ← (unumber)(number) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $ff in (byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 ← (number) $ff
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (word) init_squares::sqr#0 ← (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (number~) init_squares::$2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#7 - (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_squares::$2 in (number~) init_squares::$2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#7 - (unumber)(number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (number~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 * (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_squares::$3 in (number~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 * (unumber)(number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (number~) init_squares::$4 ← (unumber~) init_squares::$3 + (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_squares::$4 in (number~) init_squares::$4 ← (unumber~) init_squares::$3 + (unumber)(number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$0 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#1 >= (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$5 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#1 >= (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (word) atan2_16::angle#0 ← (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 == (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 / (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#4 < (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (bool~) atan2_16::$18 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 >= (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 2 in (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 2 in (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#3 - (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$24 ← (number) 0 != (byte) atan2_16::shift#4
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$20 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 >= (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 1 in (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#4 >> (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 1 in (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#4 >> (number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in (byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#5 + rangenext(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)
Adding number conversion cast (snumber) 0 in (bool~) atan2_16::$13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 < (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $8000 in (number~) atan2_16::$12 ← (number) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#9
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) atan2_16::$12 in (number~) atan2_16::$12 ← (unumber)(number) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#9
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $3e8 in (word) malloc::size#1 ← (number) $3e8
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $3e8 in (word) malloc::size#2 ← (number) $3e8
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $ffff in (word) main::min_dist_angle#0 ← (number) $ffff
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $3e8 in (bool~) main::$6 ← (byte*) main::fill#1 < (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(number) $3e8
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $ffff in (bool~) main::$7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 == (number) $ffff
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28*$c in (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $c
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28*$c in (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $c
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (byte) init_angle_screen::x#0 ← (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0 ← (number) $27
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $13 in (bool~) init_angle_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 <= (number) $13
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 * (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$3 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 * (unumber)(number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (number) $27 - (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$3
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$4 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (unumber)(number) $27 - (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$3
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 * (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$7 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 * (unumber)(number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $80 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (number) $80
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$11 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (unumber)(number) $80
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$12 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$12 ← > (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$11
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $80 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (number) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$14 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (unumber)(number) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $80 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (number) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_angle_screen::$15 in (number~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (unumber)(number) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28 in (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#3 - (number) $28
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28 in (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#3 + (number) $28
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $30 in (byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 ← (number) $30
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28*$18 in (byte*~) init_dist_screen::$1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1 + (number) $28*(number) $18
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 * (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$2 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 * (unumber)(number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $18 in (bool~) init_dist_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 >= (number) $18
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $18 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$6 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 - (number) $18
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$6 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$6 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 - (unumber)(number) $18
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$7 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$6
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $18 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$4 ← (number) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$4 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$4 ← (unumber)(number) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$5 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$4
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$8 in (byte*) heap_head#44 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) heap_head#46 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) heap_head#47 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#35 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#38 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#39 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#9 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#12 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#12 )
(word*) SQUARES#19 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(word*) SQUARES#30 init_dist_screen::@3/(word*) SQUARES#31 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$8 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(unumber~) init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::@3/(unumber~) init_dist_screen::$5 )
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 0 in (byte) init_dist_screen::x#0 ← (number) 0
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0 ← (number) $27
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $13 in (bool~) init_dist_screen::$10 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 <= (number) $13
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 2 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$11 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 * (number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$11 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$11 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 * (unumber)(number) 2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (bool~) init_dist_screen::$12 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 >= (number) $27
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28 in (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#2 + (number) $28
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $28 in (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#2 - (number) $28
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$15 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 - (number) $27
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$15 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$15 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 - (unumber)(number) $27
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$16 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$15
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $27 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$13 ← (number) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$13 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$13 ← (unumber)(number) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$14 in (number~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$13
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_dist_screen::$17 in (byte*) heap_head#48 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) heap_head#50 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) heap_head#51 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#12 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#13 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#4 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#6 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#9 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 )
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#6 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#7 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#8 )
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#7 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#9 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 )
(byte) NUM_SQUARES#23 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#31 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte) NUM_SQUARES#32 )
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#3 init_dist_screen::@9/(word) init_dist_screen::yds#4 )
(word*) SQUARES#18 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(word*) SQUARES#33 init_dist_screen::@9/(word*) SQUARES#34 )
(number~) init_dist_screen::$17 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(unumber~) init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::@9/(unumber~) init_dist_screen::$14 )
Successful SSA optimization PassNAddNumberTypeConversions
Inlining cast (void*) malloc::return#0 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
Inlining cast (signed word~) bsearch16u::$8 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#1
Inlining cast (signed word~) bsearch16u::$9 ← (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0)
Inlining cast (byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 ← (unumber)(number) $ff
Inlining cast (word*) SQUARES#1 ← (word*)(void*~) init_squares::$1
Inlining cast (word) init_squares::sqr#0 ← (unumber)(number) 0
Inlining cast (byte~) sqrt::$2 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1
Inlining cast (word) atan2_16::angle#0 ← (unumber)(number) 0
Inlining cast (word) malloc::size#1 ← (unumber)(number) $3e8
Inlining cast (byte*) SCREEN_DIST ← (byte*)(void*~) $0
Inlining cast (word) malloc::size#2 ← (unumber)(number) $3e8
Inlining cast (byte*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (byte*)(void*~) $1
Inlining cast (word) main::min_dist_angle#0 ← (unumber)(number) $ffff
Inlining cast (byte) init_angle_screen::x#0 ← (unumber)(number) 0
Inlining cast (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0 ← (unumber)(number) $27
Inlining cast (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$6 ← (signed word)(word~) init_angle_screen::$5
Inlining cast (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$9 ← (signed word)(word~) init_angle_screen::$8
Inlining cast (byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 ← (unumber)(number) $30
Inlining cast (byte) init_dist_screen::x#0 ← (unumber)(number) 0
Inlining cast (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0 ← (unumber)(number) $27
Successful SSA optimization Pass2InlineCast
Simplifying constant pointer cast (byte*) 1024
Simplifying constant pointer cast (byte*) 40960
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast $ff
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast $8000
Simplifying constant integer cast $3e8
Simplifying constant integer cast $3e8
Simplifying constant integer cast $ffff
Simplifying constant integer cast $3e8
Simplifying constant integer cast *((byte*) main::dist#3)
Simplifying constant integer cast *((byte*) main::angle#3)
Simplifying constant integer cast $ffff
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Simplifying constant integer cast $13
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast $80
Simplifying constant integer cast $80
Simplifying constant integer cast $80
Simplifying constant integer cast $28
Simplifying constant integer cast $28
Simplifying constant integer cast $30
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast $18
Simplifying constant integer cast $18
Simplifying constant integer cast $18
Simplifying constant integer cast 0
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Simplifying constant integer cast $13
Simplifying constant integer cast 2
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Simplifying constant integer cast $28
Simplifying constant integer cast $28
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Simplifying constant integer cast $27
Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $ff
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 2
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 1
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized signed number type (signed byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $8000
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $3e8
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $3e8
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $ffff
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $3e8
Finalized unsigned number type (word) $ffff
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $13
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $80
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $80
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $80
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $28
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $28
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $30
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $18
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $18
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $18
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 0
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $13
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 2
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $28
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $28
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $27
Successful SSA optimization PassNFinalizeNumberTypeConversions
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) bsearch16u::$17 ← (byte) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) bsearch16u::$18 ← (byte) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_squares::$2 ← (byte) NUM_SQUARES#7 - (byte) 1
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 * (byte) 2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_squares::$4 ← (byte~) init_squares::$3 + (byte) 1
Inferred type updated to word in (unumber~) atan2_16::$12 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#9
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 * (byte) 2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 * (byte) 2
Inferred type updated to word in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$12 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$2 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#2 * (byte) 2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$6 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 - (byte) $18
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (byte~) init_dist_screen::$6
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$4 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte~) init_dist_screen::$4
Inferred type updated to byte for (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$8
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$11 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 * (byte) 2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$15 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 - (byte) $27
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (byte~) init_dist_screen::$15
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$13 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
Inferred type updated to byte in (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte~) init_dist_screen::$13
Inferred type updated to byte for (unumber~) init_dist_screen::$17
Inversing boolean not [24] (bool~) bsearch16u::$12 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 != (signed byte) 0 from [23] (bool~) bsearch16u::$11 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 == (signed byte) 0
Inversing boolean not [31] (bool~) bsearch16u::$14 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#1 <= (signed byte) 0 from [30] (bool~) bsearch16u::$13 ← (signed word) bsearch16u::result#1 > (signed byte) 0
Inversing boolean not [130] (bool~) atan2_16::$17 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 != (signed byte) 0 from [129] (bool~) atan2_16::$16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 == (signed byte) 0
Inversing boolean not [139] (bool~) atan2_16::$11 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#4 >= (signed byte) 0 from [138] (bool~) atan2_16::$10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#4 < (signed byte) 0
Inversing boolean not [150] (bool~) atan2_16::$19 ← (byte) 0 == (byte) atan2_16::shift#4 from [149] (bool~) atan2_16::$24 ← (byte) 0 != (byte) atan2_16::shift#4
Inversing boolean not [174] (bool~) atan2_16::$14 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 >= (signed byte) 0 from [173] (bool~) atan2_16::$13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 < (signed byte) 0
Inversing boolean not [222] (bool~) main::$3 ← *((byte*) main::fill#2) == (const byte) FILL_CHAR from [221] (bool~) main::$2 ← *((byte*) main::fill#2) != (const byte) FILL_CHAR
Inversing boolean not [234] (bool~) main::$5 ← (word) main::dist_angle#0 >= (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 from [233] (bool~) main::$4 ← (word) main::dist_angle#0 < (word) main::min_dist_angle#2
Inversing boolean not [241] (bool~) main::$8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 != (word) $ffff from [240] (bool~) main::$7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 == (word) $ffff
Successful SSA optimization Pass2UnaryNotSimplification
Alias (byte*) malloc::mem#0 = (byte*~) malloc::$0
Alias (void*) malloc::return#0 = (void*) malloc::return#5 (void*) malloc::return#1
Alias (byte*) heap_head#1 = (byte*) heap_head#13 (byte*) heap_head#2
Alias (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#4 (byte) bsearch16u::num#8 (byte) bsearch16u::num#6
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#6 (word*) bsearch16u::items#3 (word*) bsearch16u::items#9 (word*) bsearch16u::items#4 (word*~) bsearch16u::$3 (word*) bsearch16u::items#5
Alias (word) bsearch16u::key#1 = (word) bsearch16u::key#3 (word) bsearch16u::key#2 (word) bsearch16u::key#7 (word) bsearch16u::key#6
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$7 (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#3 (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#1 (word*) bsearch16u::return#0 (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#2
Alias (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 = (signed word~) bsearch16u::$10 (signed word) bsearch16u::result#1
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 = (word*) bsearch16u::return#4
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$15
Alias (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$1
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$4
Alias (byte*) heap_head#0 = (byte*) heap_head#37 (byte*) heap_head#32 (byte*) heap_head#23
Alias (word) malloc::size#0 = (byte~) init_squares::$0
Alias (void*) malloc::return#2 = (void*) malloc::return#6
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#6 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#7
Alias (byte*) heap_head#14 = (byte*) heap_head#3
Alias (byte*) heap_head#15 = (byte*) heap_head#25 (byte*) heap_head#4
Alias (word*) SQUARES#17 = (word*) SQUARES#8 (word*) SQUARES#2
Alias (word) sqr::return#0 = (word) sqr::return#4 (word) sqr::return#1
Alias (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 = (word*) bsearch16u::return#5
Alias (word*) SQUARES#10 = (word*) SQUARES#11
Alias (word*) sqrt::found#0 = (word*~) sqrt::$0
Alias (byte) sqrt::return#0 = (byte) sqrt::sq#0 (byte~) sqrt::$2 (byte) sqrt::return#3 (byte) sqrt::return#1
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#37 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#33 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#25 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#24 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#18
Alias (word*) SQUARES#0 = (word*) SQUARES#46 (word*) SQUARES#44 (word*) SQUARES#36 (word*) SQUARES#35 (word*) SQUARES#26
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#1 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#2 (signed word~) atan2_16::$3 (signed word) atan2_16::y#3
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#9 (signed word) atan2_16::x#6
Alias (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 = (signed word~) atan2_16::$1
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::$4 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#12 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#13
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#1 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#2 (signed word~) atan2_16::$8 (signed word) atan2_16::x#3
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#12 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#15 (signed word) atan2_16::y#13
Alias (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 = (signed word~) atan2_16::$6
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::$9
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#6 (signed word) atan2_16::xd#0
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#4 (signed word) atan2_16::yd#0
Alias (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) atan2_16::i#6 (byte) atan2_16::shift#0
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (word) atan2_16::angle#19
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#17 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#7
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#19 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#7
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xd#7 (signed word) atan2_16::xd#8 (signed word) atan2_16::xd#4
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yd#7 (signed word) atan2_16::yd#8 (signed word) atan2_16::yd#4
Alias (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 = (byte) atan2_16::shift#3 (byte) atan2_16::shift#4
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#15 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#14 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#11
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xi#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#12 (signed word) atan2_16::xi#11 (signed word) atan2_16::xi#9
Alias (byte) atan2_16::i#10 = (byte) atan2_16::i#11 (byte) atan2_16::i#8 (byte) atan2_16::i#9
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#16 = (word) atan2_16::angle#20 (word) atan2_16::angle#18 (word) atan2_16::angle#17
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#14 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#18 (signed word) atan2_16::x#16 (signed word) atan2_16::x#15
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#16 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#20 (signed word) atan2_16::y#18 (signed word) atan2_16::y#17
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xi#4 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#7 (signed word) atan2_16::xi#5
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::yd#9 (signed word) atan2_16::yd#6
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#6 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#7
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::xd#9 (signed word) atan2_16::xd#6
Alias (byte) atan2_16::i#3 = (byte) atan2_16::i#7 (byte) atan2_16::i#4
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#14 = (word) atan2_16::angle#7 (word) atan2_16::angle#8
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#11 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#13 (signed word) atan2_16::x#12
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#14 (signed word) atan2_16::y#11
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#1 = (word) atan2_16::angle#9
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#6
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#4 = (word~) atan2_16::$12
Alias (word) atan2_16::return#0 = (word) atan2_16::angle#10 (word) atan2_16::return#3 (word) atan2_16::return#1
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#11 = (word) atan2_16::angle#15
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#5 = (word~) atan2_16::$15
Alias (void*) malloc::return#3 = (void*) malloc::return#7
Alias (byte*) heap_head#16 = (byte*) heap_head#5
Alias (void*) malloc::return#4 = (void*) malloc::return#8
Alias (byte*) heap_head#17 = (byte*) heap_head#6 (byte*) heap_head#31
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#1 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#9 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#20
Alias (byte*) heap_head#18 = (byte*) heap_head#7 (byte*) heap_head#34
Alias (word*) SQUARES#12 = (word*) SQUARES#3 (word*) SQUARES#28
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#15 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#34
Alias (byte*) heap_head#27 = (byte*) heap_head#43
Alias (word*) SQUARES#22 = (word*) SQUARES#45
Alias (byte*) main::dist#3 = (byte*) main::dist#4 (byte*) main::dist#5
Alias (byte*) main::angle#3 = (byte*) main::angle#4 (byte*) main::angle#5
Alias (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word) main::min_dist_angle#4
Alias (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#5 (byte*) main::fill#4 (byte*) main::min_fill#1
Alias (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (byte*) main::min_fill#6
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#26 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#27 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#28
Alias (byte*) heap_head#38 = (byte*) heap_head#39 (byte*) heap_head#40
Alias (word*) SQUARES#37 = (word*) SQUARES#38 (word*) SQUARES#39
Alias (word) main::dist_angle#0 = (word~) main::$9 (word) main::dist_angle#1 (word) main::min_dist_angle#1
Alias (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 = (word) main::min_dist_angle#5
Alias (byte*) main::min_fill#2 = (byte*) main::min_fill#3 (byte*) main::min_fill#4
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#21 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#19
Alias (byte*) heap_head#28 = (byte*) heap_head#35 (byte*) heap_head#33
Alias (word*) SQUARES#23 = (word*) SQUARES#29 (word*) SQUARES#27
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#10 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#2
Alias (byte*) heap_head#19 = (byte*) heap_head#8
Alias (word*) SQUARES#13 = (word*) SQUARES#4
Alias (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 = (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$0
Alias (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 = (byte*~) init_angle_screen::$1
Alias (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::x#3 (byte) init_angle_screen::x#4
Alias (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::y#4 (byte) init_angle_screen::y#6 (byte) init_angle_screen::y#3
Alias (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#4 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#5 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#3
Alias (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#3 (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#4
Alias (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#4 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#5 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#3
Alias (word~) init_angle_screen::$5 = (word~) init_angle_screen::$17
Alias (signed word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 = (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$6
Alias (word~) init_angle_screen::$8 = (word~) init_angle_screen::$18
Alias (signed word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 = (signed word~) init_angle_screen::$9
Alias (word) atan2_16::return#2 = (word) atan2_16::return#4
Alias (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 = (word~) init_angle_screen::$10
Alias (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 = (byte~) init_angle_screen::$12
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#2 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#0
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#41
Alias (byte*) heap_head#20 = (byte*) heap_head#9
Alias (word*) SQUARES#14 = (word*) SQUARES#5
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 = (byte*~) init_dist_screen::$1
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$2 (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#1 (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#2
Alias (word*) SQUARES#30 = (word*) SQUARES#40 (word*) SQUARES#31
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#14 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#12
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#14 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#12
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#9 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#2
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#38 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#40 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#39
Alias (byte*) heap_head#46 = (byte*) heap_head#49 (byte*) heap_head#47
Alias (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$6
Alias (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$4
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$8
Alias (word) sqr::return#2 = (word) sqr::return#5
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#8
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#8
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#5 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#7
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#29 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#35
Alias (byte*) heap_head#41 = (byte*) heap_head#44
Alias (word*) SQUARES#19 = (word*) SQUARES#41
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 = (word~) init_dist_screen::$9
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#3 (byte) init_dist_screen::x#7 (byte) init_dist_screen::x#8
Alias (word*) SQUARES#15 = (word*) SQUARES#43 (word*) SQUARES#32 (word*) SQUARES#25 (word*) SQUARES#33 (word*) SQUARES#34 (word*) SQUARES#6
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::yds#3 = (word) init_dist_screen::yds#5 (word) init_dist_screen::yds#6 (word) init_dist_screen::yds#4
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#36 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#22 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#17 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#31 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#32 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#4
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#13 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#4 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#2 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#9
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#13 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#4 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#2 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#9
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#7 (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#8 (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#6
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#12 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#14 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#4 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#3 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#13
Alias (byte*) heap_head#10 = (byte*) heap_head#52 (byte*) heap_head#36 (byte*) heap_head#30 (byte*) heap_head#50 (byte*) heap_head#51 (byte*) heap_head#21
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$11 (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#1 (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#2
Alias (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$15
Alias (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$13
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$17
Alias (word) sqr::return#3 = (word) sqr::return#6
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::yds#1 = (word) init_dist_screen::yds#2 (word) init_dist_screen::yds#7
Alias (word*) SQUARES#18 = (word*) SQUARES#20 (word*) SQUARES#42
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#13 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#23 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#30
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#5 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#7
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::x#4 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#5 (byte) init_dist_screen::x#6
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#5 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#7
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#3 (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#4
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#8 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#6
Alias (byte*) heap_head#42 = (byte*) heap_head#45 (byte*) heap_head#48
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 = (word~) init_dist_screen::$18
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 = (word~) init_dist_screen::$19
Alias (byte) sqrt::return#2 = (byte) sqrt::return#4
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$20
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#12 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#5
Alias (byte*) heap_head#11 = (byte*) heap_head#22
Alias (word*) SQUARES#16 = (word*) SQUARES#7
Successful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination
Alias candidate removed (phi-usage) (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#3
Alias (word) bsearch16u::key#1 = (word) bsearch16u::key#5
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#1 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#5 (signed word) atan2_16::x#10
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#1 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#12 (signed word) atan2_16::y#9
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#9
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#5
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::xi#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#4
Alias (byte) atan2_16::i#10 = (byte) atan2_16::i#3 (byte) atan2_16::i#5
Alias (word) atan2_16::angle#14 = (word) atan2_16::angle#16
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::x#11 = (signed word) atan2_16::x#14 (signed word) atan2_16::x#8
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#10 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#16 (signed word) atan2_16::y#8
Alias (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 = (signed word) atan2_16::y#5
Alias (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#3
Alias (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#3
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#26
Alias (byte*) heap_head#28 = (byte*) heap_head#38
Alias (word*) SQUARES#23 = (word*) SQUARES#37
Alias (word*) SQUARES#19 = (word*) SQUARES#30
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#6
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#6
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#5
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#29 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#38
Alias (byte*) heap_head#41 = (byte*) heap_head#46
Alias (word*) SQUARES#15 = (word*) SQUARES#18
Alias (word) init_dist_screen::yds#1 = (word) init_dist_screen::yds#3
Alias (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11 = (byte) NUM_SQUARES#13
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#3
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#4
Alias (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#3
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#5
Alias (byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#12
Alias (byte*) heap_head#10 = (byte*) heap_head#42
Successful SSA optimization Pass2AliasElimination
Alias candidate removed (phi-usage) (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#3
Identical Phi Values (byte) bsearch16u::num#7 (byte) bsearch16u::num#2
Identical Phi Values (word*) bsearch16u::items#7 (word*) bsearch16u::items#1
Identical Phi Values (word) bsearch16u::key#4 (word) bsearch16u::key#0
Identical Phi Values (word) bsearch16u::key#1 (word) bsearch16u::key#4
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#6 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#3
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#24 (byte*) heap_head#29
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#14 (byte*) heap_head#1
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#15 (byte*) heap_head#14
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#17 (word*) SQUARES#1
Identical Phi Values (word) sqrt::val#1 (word) sqrt::val#0
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#10 (word*) SQUARES#15
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#8 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::y#1 (signed word) atan2_16::y#0
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::x#1 (signed word) atan2_16::x#0
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::yi#10 (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::xi#10 (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3
Identical Phi Values (byte) atan2_16::i#10 (byte) atan2_16::i#2
Identical Phi Values (word) atan2_16::angle#14 (word) atan2_16::angle#12
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::x#11 (signed word) atan2_16::x#17
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::y#10 (signed word) atan2_16::y#19
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#16 (byte*) heap_head#1
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#17 (byte*) heap_head#1
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#14 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#0
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#26 (byte*) heap_head#17
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#21 (word*) SQUARES#0
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#1 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#18 (byte*) heap_head#10
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#12 (word*) SQUARES#15
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#16 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#15
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#28 (byte*) heap_head#27
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#23 (word*) SQUARES#22
Identical Phi Values (byte*) main::fill#3 (byte*) main::fill#2
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#1 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0
Identical Phi Values (byte) init_angle_screen::y#2 (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#2 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#2 (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#29 (byte*) heap_head#26
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#24 (word*) SQUARES#21
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#1 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#20 (byte*) heap_head#15
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#14 (word*) SQUARES#17
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#10 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11
Identical Phi Values (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#10 (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11
Identical Phi Values (byte) init_dist_screen::y#11 (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#11 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#29
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#10 (byte*) heap_head#41
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#15 (word*) SQUARES#19
Identical Phi Values (word) init_dist_screen::yds#1 (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#12 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#10
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#11 (byte*) heap_head#19
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#16 (word*) SQUARES#13
Successful SSA optimization Pass2IdenticalPhiElimination
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#9 (word*) SQUARES#19
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::x#17 (signed word) atan2_16::x#0
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::y#19 (signed word) atan2_16::y#0
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::x#4 (signed word) atan2_16::x#17
Identical Phi Values (signed word) atan2_16::y#4 (signed word) atan2_16::y#19
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#15 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#29
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#27 (byte*) heap_head#41
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#22 (word*) SQUARES#19
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#10 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#15
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#19 (byte*) heap_head#27
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#13 (word*) SQUARES#22
Identical Phi Values (word*) SQUARES#19 (word*) SQUARES#1
Identical Phi Values (byte) NUM_SQUARES#29 (byte) NUM_SQUARES#3
Identical Phi Values (byte*) heap_head#41 (byte*) heap_head#1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2IdenticalPhiElimination
Simple Condition (bool~) bsearch16u::$5 [13] if((byte) bsearch16u::num#3>(byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7
Simple Condition (bool~) bsearch16u::$12 [25] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@9
Simple Condition (bool~) bsearch16u::$0 [28] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@1
Simple Condition (bool~) bsearch16u::$14 [32] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@10
Simple Condition (bool~) init_squares::$5 [77] if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=rangelast(0,init_squares::$2)) goto init_squares::@1
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$0 [109] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$5 [118] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$17 [131] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@16
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$11 [140] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$18 [143] if((byte) atan2_16::shift#2>=(byte) 2) goto atan2_16::@19
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$19 [151] if((byte) 0==(byte) atan2_16::shift#2) goto atan2_16::@25
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$20 [154] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@26
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$21 [171] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1!=rangelast(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)) goto atan2_16::@15
Simple Condition (bool~) atan2_16::$14 [175] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8
Simple Condition (bool~) main::$3 [223] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@5
Simple Condition (bool~) main::$6 [229] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@4
Simple Condition (bool~) main::$5 [235] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@5
Simple Condition (bool~) main::$8 [242] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@12
Simple Condition (bool~) init_angle_screen::$2 [261] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<=(byte) $13) goto init_angle_screen::@3
Simple Condition (bool~) init_angle_screen::$16 [298] if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=rangelast(0,$c)) goto init_angle_screen::@1
Simple Condition (bool~) init_dist_screen::$3 [314] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0>=(byte) $18) goto init_dist_screen::@2
Simple Condition (bool~) init_dist_screen::$10 [333] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<=(byte) $13) goto init_dist_screen::@6
Simple Condition (bool~) init_dist_screen::$12 [338] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0>=(byte) $27) goto init_dist_screen::@8
Simple Condition (bool~) init_dist_screen::$21 [344] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=rangelast(0,$c)) goto init_dist_screen::@1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSimplification
Negating conditional jump and destination [171] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==rangelast(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)) goto atan2_16::@17
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConditionalJumpSequenceImprovement
Constant right-side identified [41] (byte~) bsearch16u::$17 ← (byte) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Constant right-side identified [48] (byte~) bsearch16u::$18 ← (byte) 1 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantRValueConsolidation
Constant (const byte*) heap_head#0 = HEAP_TOP
Constant (const byte) bsearch16u::$17 = 1*SIZEOF_WORD
Constant (const byte) bsearch16u::$18 = 1*SIZEOF_WORD
Constant (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#0 = $ff
Constant (const word*) SQUARES#0 = (word*) 0
Constant (const word) init_squares::sqr#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) init_squares::i#0 = 0
Constant (const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 = kickasm {{ .for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2
Constant (const word) atan2_16::angle#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) atan2_16::i#0 = 0
Constant (const word) malloc::size#1 = $3e8
Constant (const word) malloc::size#2 = $3e8
Constant (const byte*) main::fill#0 = SCREEN_FILL
Constant (const word) main::min_dist_angle#0 = $ffff
Constant (const byte*) main::min_fill#0 = SCREEN_FILL
Constant (const byte) init_angle_screen::y#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) init_angle_screen::x#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0 = $27
Constant (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 = $30
Constant (const byte) init_dist_screen::y#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) init_dist_screen::x#0 = 0
Constant (const byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0 = $27
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
Constant (const byte) bsearch16u::num#2 = NUM_SQUARES#3
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
if() condition always true - replacing block destination [213] if(true) goto main::@2
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIfs
Resolved ranged next value [169] atan2_16::i#1 ← ++ atan2_16::i#2 to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [171] if(atan2_16::i#1==rangelast(0,CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)) goto atan2_16::@17 to (const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(number) 1
Resolved ranged next value [296] init_angle_screen::y#1 ← ++ init_angle_screen::y#5 to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [298] if(init_angle_screen::y#1!=rangelast(0,$c)) goto init_angle_screen::@1 to (number) $d
Resolved ranged next value [342] init_dist_screen::y#1 ← ++ init_dist_screen::y#10 to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [344] if(init_dist_screen::y#1!=rangelast(0,$c)) goto init_dist_screen::@1 to (number) $d
Rewriting conditional comparison [261] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<=(byte) $13) goto init_angle_screen::@3
Rewriting conditional comparison [333] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<=(byte) $13) goto init_dist_screen::@6
Eliminating unused constant (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#0
Eliminating unused constant (const word*) SQUARES#0
Successful SSA optimization PassNEliminateUnusedVars
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1+1 in if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(number) 1) goto atan2_16::@17
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(unumber)(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(number) 1) goto atan2_16::@17
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $13+1 in if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(number) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(unumber)(byte) $13+(number) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $d in if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=(number) $d) goto init_angle_screen::@1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $13+1 in if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(number) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(unumber)(byte) $13+(number) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) $d in if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=(number) $d) goto init_dist_screen::@1
Successful SSA optimization PassNAddNumberTypeConversions
Simplifying constant integer cast (const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(unumber)(number) 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast (byte) $13+(unumber)(number) 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4
Simplifying constant integer cast (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7
Simplifying constant integer cast $d
Simplifying constant integer cast (byte) $13+(unumber)(number) 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Simplifying constant integer cast $d
Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $d
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) $d
Successful SSA optimization PassNFinalizeNumberTypeConversions
Constant right-side identified [24] (word) malloc::size#0 ← (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Constant right-side identified [30] (byte~) init_squares::$2 ← (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 - (byte) 1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantRValueConsolidation
Constant (const word) malloc::size#0 = NUM_SQUARES#3*SIZEOF_WORD
Constant (const byte) init_squares::$2 = NUM_SQUARES#3-1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantIdentification
Resolved ranged next value [37] init_squares::i#1 ← ++ init_squares::i#2 to ++
Resolved ranged comparison value [38] if(init_squares::i#1!=rangelast(0,init_squares::$2)) goto init_squares::@1 to (const byte) init_squares::$2+(number) 1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) init_squares::$2+1 in if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(const byte) init_squares::$2+(number) 1) goto init_squares::@1
Adding number conversion cast (unumber) 1 in if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(unumber)(const byte) init_squares::$2+(number) 1) goto init_squares::@1
Successful SSA optimization PassNAddNumberTypeConversions
Simplifying constant integer cast (const byte) init_squares::$2+(unumber)(number) 1
Simplifying constant integer cast 1
Successful SSA optimization PassNCastSimplification
Finalized unsigned number type (byte) 1
Successful SSA optimization PassNFinalizeNumberTypeConversions
Inlining Noop Cast [3] (void*) malloc::return#0 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 keeping malloc::mem#0
Inlining Noop Cast [10] (signed word~) bsearch16u::$8 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 keeping bsearch16u::key#0
Inlining Noop Cast [11] (signed word~) bsearch16u::$9 ← (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) keeping *(bsearch16u::pivot#0)
Successful SSA optimization Pass2NopCastInlining
Inlining Noop Cast [25] (void*) malloc::return#2 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 keeping malloc::mem#0
Inlining Noop Cast [90] (void*) malloc::return#3 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 keeping malloc::mem#0
Inlining Noop Cast [94] (void*) malloc::return#4 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 keeping malloc::mem#0
Successful SSA optimization Pass2NopCastInlining
Inlining Noop Cast [27] (word*) SQUARES#1 ← (word*)(void*~) init_squares::$1 keeping SQUARES#1
Inlining Noop Cast [92] (byte*) SCREEN_DIST ← (byte*)(void*~) $0 keeping SCREEN_DIST
Inlining Noop Cast [96] (byte*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (byte*)(void*~) $1 keeping SCREEN_ANGLE
Inlining Noop Cast [123] (signed word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (signed word)(word~) init_angle_screen::$5 keeping init_angle_screen::xw#0
Inlining Noop Cast [126] (signed word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (signed word)(word~) init_angle_screen::$8 keeping init_angle_screen::yw#0
Successful SSA optimization Pass2NopCastInlining
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [8] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [32] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 * (byte) 2
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [39] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Rewriting division to use shift [48] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 / (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Rewriting division to use shift [60] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 / (byte) 2
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [74] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [78] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 * (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [120] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 * (byte) 2
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [124] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 * (byte) 2
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [151] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 * (byte) 2
Rewriting multiplication to use shift [162] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 * (byte) 2
Successful SSA optimization Pass2MultiplyToShiftRewriting
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) malloc::size#1
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) malloc::size#2
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) malloc::size#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) bsearch16u::num#2
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) init_squares::sqr#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_squares::i#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) atan2_16::angle#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) atan2_16::i#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) main::fill#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const word) main::min_dist_angle#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) main::min_fill#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_angle_screen::y#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_angle_screen::x#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_angle_screen::xb#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_dist_screen::y#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_dist_screen::x#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte) init_dist_screen::xb#0
Inlining constant with var siblings (const byte*) heap_head#0
Constant inlined main::fill#0 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL
Constant inlined malloc::size#2 = (word) $3e8
Constant inlined init_squares::sqr#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined bsearch16u::num#2 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3
Constant inlined init_angle_screen::xb#0 = (byte) $27
Constant inlined atan2_16::i#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined init_angle_screen::y#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined init_angle_screen::x#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined malloc::size#1 = (word) $3e8
Constant inlined atan2_16::angle#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined malloc::size#0 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Constant inlined bsearch16u::$17 = (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Constant inlined init_dist_screen::y#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined bsearch16u::$18 = (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
Constant inlined init_dist_screen::xb#0 = (byte) $27
Constant inlined main::min_dist_angle#0 = (word) $ffff
Constant inlined init_dist_screen::x#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined init_squares::i#0 = (byte) 0
Constant inlined main::min_fill#0 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL
Constant inlined heap_head#0 = (const byte*) HEAP_TOP
Constant inlined init_squares::$2 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3-(byte) 1
Successful SSA optimization Pass2ConstantInlining
Added new block during phi lifting bsearch16u::@18(between bsearch16u::@9 and bsearch16u::@10)
Added new block during phi lifting init_squares::@4(between init_squares::@1 and init_squares::@1)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@34(between atan2_16::@27 and atan2_16::@15)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@35(between atan2_16::@15 and atan2_16::@17)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@36(between atan2_16::@27 and atan2_16::@17)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@37(between atan2_16::@20 and atan2_16::@25)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@38(between atan2_16::@17 and atan2_16::@7)
Added new block during phi lifting atan2_16::@39(between atan2_16::@7 and atan2_16::@8)
Added new block during phi lifting main::@19(between main::@5 and main::@4)
Added new block during phi lifting main::@20(between main::@4 and main::@5)
Added new block during phi lifting main::@21(between main::@7 and main::@5)
Added new block during phi lifting init_angle_screen::@10(between init_angle_screen::@4 and init_angle_screen::@1)
Added new block during phi lifting init_dist_screen::@23(between init_dist_screen::@7 and init_dist_screen::@1)
Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin
Adding NOP phi() at start of @4
Adding NOP phi() at start of @12
Adding NOP phi() at start of @15
Adding NOP phi() at start of @17
Adding NOP phi() at start of @20
Adding NOP phi() at start of @23
Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
Adding NOP phi() at start of main::@18
Adding NOP phi() at start of main::@1
Adding NOP phi() at start of init_dist_screen
Calls in [] to malloc:5 malloc:8 main:11
Calls in [main] to init_dist_screen:15 init_angle_screen:17
Calls in [init_angle_screen] to atan2_16:69
Calls in [init_dist_screen] to init_squares:156 sqr:168 sqr:188 sqrt:193
Calls in [sqrt] to bsearch16u:210
Calls in [init_squares] to malloc:250
Created 48 initial phi equivalence classes
Coalesced [7] heap_head#53 ← heap_head#1
Coalesced [22] main::dist#6 ← main::dist#0
Coalesced [23] main::angle#6 ← main::angle#0
Coalesced [28] main::min_dist_angle#9 ← main::dist_angle#0
Not coalescing [29] main::min_fill#10 ← main::fill#2
Coalesced [38] main::fill#6 ← main::fill#1
Coalesced [39] main::dist#7 ← main::dist#1
Coalesced [40] main::angle#7 ← main::angle#1
Not coalescing [41] main::min_dist_angle#6 ← main::min_dist_angle#3
Coalesced [42] main::min_fill#7 ← main::min_fill#2
Not coalescing [43] main::min_dist_angle#8 ← main::min_dist_angle#2
Coalesced (already) [44] main::min_fill#9 ← main::min_fill#5
Not coalescing [45] main::min_dist_angle#7 ← main::min_dist_angle#2
Coalesced (already) [46] main::min_fill#8 ← main::min_fill#5
Coalesced [49] init_angle_screen::screen_topline#7 ← init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0
Coalesced [50] init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#7 ← init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0
Coalesced [59] init_angle_screen::y#7 ← init_angle_screen::y#1
Coalesced [60] init_angle_screen::screen_topline#8 ← init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1
Coalesced [61] init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#8 ← init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1
Coalesced [83] init_angle_screen::x#5 ← init_angle_screen::x#1
Coalesced [84] init_angle_screen::xb#5 ← init_angle_screen::xb#1
Coalesced [87] atan2_16::yi#17 ← atan2_16::$2
Coalesced [91] atan2_16::xi#14 ← atan2_16::$7
Coalesced [93] atan2_16::yi#19 ← atan2_16::yi#0
Coalesced [94] atan2_16::xi#16 ← atan2_16::xi#0
Coalesced [97] atan2_16::angle#22 ← atan2_16::angle#12
Coalesced [102] atan2_16::angle#27 ← atan2_16::angle#4
Coalesced [106] atan2_16::return#5 ← atan2_16::angle#5
Coalesced [109] atan2_16::return#6 ← atan2_16::angle#11
Coalesced [110] atan2_16::angle#26 ← atan2_16::angle#1
Not coalescing [111] atan2_16::shift#5 ← atan2_16::i#2
Not coalescing [112] atan2_16::xd#10 ← atan2_16::xi#3
Not coalescing [113] atan2_16::yd#10 ← atan2_16::yi#3
Coalesced [119] atan2_16::yd#13 ← atan2_16::yd#2
Coalesced [120] atan2_16::xd#13 ← atan2_16::xd#2
Coalesced [127] atan2_16::yi#21 ← atan2_16::yi#2
Coalesced [128] atan2_16::angle#25 ← atan2_16::angle#3
Coalesced [129] atan2_16::xi#18 ← atan2_16::xi#2
Coalesced [133] atan2_16::yi#18 ← atan2_16::yi#8
Coalesced [134] atan2_16::xi#15 ← atan2_16::xi#8
Coalesced [135] atan2_16::i#12 ← atan2_16::i#1
Coalesced [136] atan2_16::angle#21 ← atan2_16::angle#13
Coalesced (already) [137] atan2_16::angle#23 ← atan2_16::angle#13
Coalesced [142] atan2_16::yi#20 ← atan2_16::yi#1
Coalesced [143] atan2_16::angle#24 ← atan2_16::angle#2
Coalesced [144] atan2_16::xi#17 ← atan2_16::xi#1
Coalesced [145] atan2_16::yd#12 ← atan2_16::yd#3
Coalesced [146] atan2_16::xd#12 ← atan2_16::xd#3
Coalesced [150] atan2_16::shift#6 ← atan2_16::shift#1
Coalesced [151] atan2_16::xd#11 ← atan2_16::xd#1
Coalesced [152] atan2_16::yd#11 ← atan2_16::yd#1
Not coalescing [153] atan2_16::xi#13 ← atan2_16::x#0
Not coalescing [154] atan2_16::yi#16 ← atan2_16::y#0
Coalesced [158] init_dist_screen::screen_topline#15 ← init_dist_screen::screen#0
Coalesced [159] init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#15 ← init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0
Coalesced [164] init_dist_screen::yd#2 ← init_dist_screen::$5
Coalesced [167] sqr::val#4 ← sqr::val#0
Coalesced [178] init_dist_screen::y#15 ← init_dist_screen::y#1
Coalesced [179] init_dist_screen::screen_topline#16 ← init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1
Coalesced [180] init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#16 ← init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1
Coalesced [184] init_dist_screen::xd#2 ← init_dist_screen::$14
Coalesced [187] sqr::val#3 ← sqr::val#1
Coalesced [202] init_dist_screen::x#9 ← init_dist_screen::x#1
Coalesced [203] init_dist_screen::xb#9 ← init_dist_screen::xb#1
Coalesced [205] init_dist_screen::xd#1 ← init_dist_screen::$16
Coalesced [207] init_dist_screen::yd#1 ← init_dist_screen::$7
Coalesced [217] bsearch16u::items#10 ← bsearch16u::items#1
Coalesced [222] bsearch16u::return#9 ← bsearch16u::$2
Coalesced [224] bsearch16u::return#7 ← bsearch16u::return#2
Coalesced [227] bsearch16u::return#8 ← bsearch16u::items#2
Not coalescing [233] bsearch16u::return#6 ← bsearch16u::pivot#0
Coalesced [237] bsearch16u::num#10 ← bsearch16u::num#1
Coalesced [238] bsearch16u::items#12 ← bsearch16u::items#0
Coalesced [241] bsearch16u::num#9 ← bsearch16u::num#0
Coalesced [242] bsearch16u::items#11 ← bsearch16u::items#8
Coalesced [243] bsearch16u::num#11 ← bsearch16u::num#3
Coalesced (already) [244] bsearch16u::items#13 ← bsearch16u::items#2
Coalesced (already) [249] heap_head#54 ← heap_head#1
Coalesced [253] init_squares::squares#4 ← init_squares::squares#0
Coalesced [263] init_squares::sqr#3 ← init_squares::sqr#1
Coalesced [264] init_squares::squares#3 ← init_squares::squares#1
Coalesced [265] init_squares::i#3 ← init_squares::i#1
Not coalescing [268] heap_head#1 ← malloc::mem#0
Coalesced down to 38 phi equivalence classes
Culled Empty Block (label) @4
Culled Empty Block (label) @12
Culled Empty Block (label) @15
Culled Empty Block (label) @23
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@18
Culled Empty Block (label) main::@1
Culled Empty Block (label) init_angle_screen::@10
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@35
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@39
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@38
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@34
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@36
Culled Empty Block (label) atan2_16::@37
Culled Empty Block (label) init_dist_screen::@23
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@1
Culled Empty Block (label) bsearch16u::@18
Culled Empty Block (label) init_squares::@4
Renumbering block @17 to @1
Renumbering block @20 to @2
Renumbering block @21 to @3
Renumbering block @22 to @4
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@2 to bsearch16u::@1
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@3 to bsearch16u::@2
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@6 to bsearch16u::@3
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@7 to bsearch16u::@4
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@8 to bsearch16u::@5
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@9 to bsearch16u::@6
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@10 to bsearch16u::@7
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@13 to bsearch16u::@8
Renumbering block bsearch16u::@15 to bsearch16u::@9
Renumbering block init_squares::@3 to init_squares::@2
Renumbering block sqrt::@2 to sqrt::@1
Renumbering block atan2_16::@13 to atan2_16::@9
Renumbering block atan2_16::@15 to atan2_16::@10
Renumbering block atan2_16::@16 to atan2_16::@11
Renumbering block atan2_16::@17 to atan2_16::@12
Renumbering block atan2_16::@18 to atan2_16::@13
Renumbering block atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@14
Renumbering block atan2_16::@20 to atan2_16::@15
Renumbering block atan2_16::@24 to atan2_16::@16
Renumbering block atan2_16::@25 to atan2_16::@17
Renumbering block atan2_16::@26 to atan2_16::@18
Renumbering block atan2_16::@27 to atan2_16::@19
Renumbering block atan2_16::@30 to atan2_16::@20
Renumbering block atan2_16::@33 to atan2_16::@21
Renumbering block main::@2 to main::@1
Renumbering block main::@4 to main::@2
Renumbering block main::@5 to main::@3
Renumbering block main::@7 to main::@4
Renumbering block main::@8 to main::@5
Renumbering block main::@9 to main::@6
Renumbering block main::@12 to main::@7
Renumbering block main::@17 to main::@8
Renumbering block main::@19 to main::@9
Renumbering block main::@20 to main::@10
Renumbering block main::@21 to main::@11
Renumbering block init_angle_screen::@9 to init_angle_screen::@5
Renumbering block init_dist_screen::@19 to init_dist_screen::@11
Renumbering block init_dist_screen::@20 to init_dist_screen::@12
Renumbering block init_dist_screen::@21 to init_dist_screen::@13
Renumbering block init_dist_screen::@22 to init_dist_screen::@14
Adding NOP phi() at start of @begin
Adding NOP phi() at start of @1
Adding NOP phi() at start of @2
Adding NOP phi() at start of @end
Adding NOP phi() at start of init_dist_screen
Adding NOP phi() at start of bsearch16u
Adding NOP phi() at start of init_squares
@begin: scope:[] from
[0] phi()
@1: scope:[] from @begin
[1] phi()
[2] call malloc
@3: scope:[] from @1
[3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
[4] call malloc
@4: scope:[] from @3
[5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
@2: scope:[] from @4
[6] phi()
[7] call main
@end: scope:[] from @2
[8] phi()
(void()) main()
main: scope:[main] from @2
[9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST
[10] call init_dist_screen
main::@8: scope:[main] from main
[11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE
[12] call init_angle_screen
main::@1: scope:[main] from main::@7 main::@8
[13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST
[14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE
main::@2: scope:[main] from main::@1 main::@9
[15] (byte*) main::min_fill#5 ← phi( main::@1/(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL main::@9/(byte*) main::min_fill#2 )
[15] (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 ← phi( main::@1/(word) $ffff main::@9/(word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 )
[15] (byte*) main::angle#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte*) main::angle#0 main::@9/(byte*) main::angle#1 )
[15] (byte*) main::dist#2 ← phi( main::@1/(byte*) main::dist#0 main::@9/(byte*) main::dist#1 )
[15] (byte*) main::fill#2 ← phi( main::@1/(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL main::@9/(byte*) main::fill#1 )
[16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10
main::@4: scope:[main] from main::@2
[17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2)
[18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11
main::@5: scope:[main] from main::@4
[19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2
main::@3: scope:[main] from main::@10 main::@11 main::@5
[20] (byte*) main::min_fill#2 ← phi( main::@10/(byte*) main::min_fill#5 main::@11/(byte*) main::min_fill#5 main::@5/(byte*~) main::min_fill#10 )
[20] (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 ← phi( main::@10/(word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 main::@11/(word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 main::@5/(word) main::dist_angle#0 )
[21] (byte*) main::dist#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::dist#2
[22] (byte*) main::angle#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::angle#2
[23] (byte*) main::fill#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::fill#2
[24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9
main::@6: scope:[main] from main::@3
[25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7
main::@return: scope:[main] from main::@6
[26] return
main::@7: scope:[main] from main::@6
[27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR
main::@9: scope:[main] from main::@3
[28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3
main::@11: scope:[main] from main::@4
[29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2
main::@10: scope:[main] from main::@2
[30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2
(void()) init_angle_screen((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen)
init_angle_screen: scope:[init_angle_screen] from main::@8
[31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c
[32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c
init_angle_screen::@1: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen init_angle_screen::@4
[33] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 )
[33] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 )
[33] (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 ← phi( init_angle_screen/(byte) 0 init_angle_screen::@4/(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 )
init_angle_screen::@2: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@1 init_angle_screen::@5
[34] (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte) $27 init_angle_screen::@5/(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 )
[34] (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 ← phi( init_angle_screen::@1/(byte) 0 init_angle_screen::@5/(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 )
[35] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3
init_angle_screen::@4: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@2
[36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28
[37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28
[38] (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5
[39] if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_angle_screen::@1
init_angle_screen::@return: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@4
[40] return
init_angle_screen::@3: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@2
[41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1
[42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3
[43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0
[44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1
[45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0
[46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0
[47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0
[48] call atan2_16
[49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0
init_angle_screen::@5: scope:[init_angle_screen] from init_angle_screen::@3
[50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2
[51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80
[52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11
[53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
[54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
[55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13
[56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
[57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14
[58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0
[59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15
[60] (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2
[61] (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2
(word()) atan2_16((signed word) atan2_16::x , (signed word) atan2_16::y)
atan2_16: scope:[atan2_16] from init_angle_screen::@3
[62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1
atan2_16::@2: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16
[63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0
atan2_16::@3: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@1 atan2_16::@2
[64] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 ← phi( atan2_16::@1/(signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::@2/(signed word~) atan2_16::$2 )
[65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4
atan2_16::@5: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@3
[66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0
atan2_16::@6: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@4 atan2_16::@5
[67] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 ← phi( atan2_16::@4/(signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::@5/(signed word~) atan2_16::$7 )
atan2_16::@10: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@19 atan2_16::@6
[68] (word) atan2_16::angle#12 ← phi( atan2_16::@19/(word) atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::@6/(byte) 0 )
[68] (byte) atan2_16::i#2 ← phi( atan2_16::@19/(byte) atan2_16::i#1 atan2_16::@6/(byte) 0 )
[68] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 )
[68] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@19/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::@6/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 )
[69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11
atan2_16::@12: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@10 atan2_16::@19
[70] (word) atan2_16::angle#6 ← phi( atan2_16::@10/(word) atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::@19/(word) atan2_16::angle#13 )
[71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1
[72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7
atan2_16::@21: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@12
[73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1
atan2_16::@7: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@12 atan2_16::@21
[74] (word) atan2_16::angle#11 ← phi( atan2_16::@12/(word) atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::@21/(word) atan2_16::angle#4 )
[75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8
atan2_16::@9: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@7
[76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11
atan2_16::@8: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@7 atan2_16::@9
[77] (word) atan2_16::return#0 ← phi( atan2_16::@9/(word) atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::@7/(word) atan2_16::angle#11 )
atan2_16::@return: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@8
[78] return
atan2_16::@11: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@10
[79] (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2
[80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3
[81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3
atan2_16::@13: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@11 atan2_16::@14
[82] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@11/(signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::@14/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 )
[82] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 ← phi( atan2_16::@11/(signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::@14/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 )
[82] (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 ← phi( atan2_16::@11/(byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::@14/(byte) atan2_16::shift#1 )
[83] if((byte) atan2_16::shift#2>=(byte) 2) goto atan2_16::@14
atan2_16::@15: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@13
[84] if((byte) 0==(byte) atan2_16::shift#2) goto atan2_16::@17
atan2_16::@16: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@15
[85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1
[86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1
atan2_16::@17: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@15 atan2_16::@16
[87] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 )
[87] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 ← phi( atan2_16::@15/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::@16/(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 )
[88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18
atan2_16::@20: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@17
[89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5
[90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5
[91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1
[92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23)
atan2_16::@19: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@18 atan2_16::@20
[93] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 )
[93] (word) atan2_16::angle#13 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(word) atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::@20/(word) atan2_16::angle#3 )
[93] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 ← phi( atan2_16::@18/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::@20/(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 )
[94] (byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← ++ (byte) atan2_16::i#2
[95] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto atan2_16::@12
atan2_16::@18: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@17
[96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5
[97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5
[98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1
[99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22)
atan2_16::@14: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@13
[100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2
[101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2
[102] (byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 - (byte) 2
atan2_16::@4: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16::@3
[103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0
atan2_16::@1: scope:[atan2_16] from atan2_16
[104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0
(void()) init_dist_screen((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen)
init_dist_screen: scope:[init_dist_screen] from main
[105] phi()
[106] call init_squares
init_dist_screen::@11: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen
[107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18
init_dist_screen::@1: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@11 init_dist_screen::@7
[108] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@11/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 )
[108] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@11/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 )
[108] (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@11/(byte) 0 init_dist_screen::@7/(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 )
[109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1
[110] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0>=(byte) $18) goto init_dist_screen::@2
init_dist_screen::@3: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@1
[111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0
init_dist_screen::@4: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@2 init_dist_screen::@3
[112] (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@2/(byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::@3/(byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 )
[113] (byte) sqr::val#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0
[114] call sqr
[115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0
init_dist_screen::@12: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@4
[116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2
init_dist_screen::@5: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@12 init_dist_screen::@14
[117] (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@12/(byte) $27 init_dist_screen::@14/(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 )
[117] (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@12/(byte) 0 init_dist_screen::@14/(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 )
[118] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6
init_dist_screen::@7: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@5
[119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28
[120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28
[121] (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10
[122] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_dist_screen::@1
init_dist_screen::@return: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@7
[123] return
init_dist_screen::@6: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@5
[124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1
[125] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0>=(byte) $27) goto init_dist_screen::@8
init_dist_screen::@9: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@6
[126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0
init_dist_screen::@10: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@8 init_dist_screen::@9
[127] (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@8/(byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::@9/(byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 )
[128] (byte) sqr::val#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0
[129] call sqr
[130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0
init_dist_screen::@13: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@10
[131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3
[132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0
[133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0
[134] call sqrt
[135] (byte) sqrt::return#2 ← (byte) sqrt::return#0
init_dist_screen::@14: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@13
[136] (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 ← (byte) sqrt::return#2
[137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
[138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
[139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
[140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0
[141] (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2
[142] (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2
init_dist_screen::@8: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@6
[143] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 - (byte) $27
init_dist_screen::@2: scope:[init_dist_screen] from init_dist_screen::@1
[144] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 - (byte) $18
(byte()) sqrt((word) sqrt::val)
sqrt: scope:[sqrt] from init_dist_screen::@13
[145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0
[146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1
[147] call bsearch16u
[148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1
sqrt::@1: scope:[sqrt] from sqrt
[149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3
[150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1
[151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1
[152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1
sqrt::@return: scope:[sqrt] from sqrt::@1
[153] return
(word*()) bsearch16u((word) bsearch16u::key , (word*) bsearch16u::items , (byte) bsearch16u::num)
bsearch16u: scope:[bsearch16u] from sqrt
[154] phi()
bsearch16u::@3: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u bsearch16u::@7
[155] (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 ← phi( bsearch16u/(word*) bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::@7/(word*) bsearch16u::items#8 )
[155] (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 ← phi( bsearch16u/(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 bsearch16u::@7/(byte) bsearch16u::num#0 )
[156] if((byte) bsearch16u::num#3>(byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@4
bsearch16u::@5: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@3
[157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2
bsearch16u::@1: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@5
[158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
bsearch16u::@2: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@1 bsearch16u::@5
[159] (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 ← phi( bsearch16u::@5/(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::@1/(word*~) bsearch16u::$2 )
bsearch16u::@return: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@2 bsearch16u::@8
[160] (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 ← phi( bsearch16u::@8/(word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::@2/(word*) bsearch16u::return#2 )
[161] return
bsearch16u::@4: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@3
[162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1
[163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1
[164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16
[165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0)
[166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6
bsearch16u::@8: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@4
[167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0
bsearch16u::@6: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@4
[168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7
bsearch16u::@9: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@6
[169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
[170] (byte) bsearch16u::num#1 ← -- (byte) bsearch16u::num#3
bsearch16u::@7: scope:[bsearch16u] from bsearch16u::@6 bsearch16u::@9
[171] (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 ← phi( bsearch16u::@9/(word*) bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::@6/(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 )
[171] (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 ← phi( bsearch16u::@9/(byte) bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::@6/(byte) bsearch16u::num#3 )
[172] (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (byte) 1
(word()) sqr((byte) sqr::val)
sqr: scope:[sqr] from init_dist_screen::@10 init_dist_screen::@4
[173] (byte) sqr::val#2 ← phi( init_dist_screen::@10/(byte) sqr::val#1 init_dist_screen::@4/(byte) sqr::val#0 )
[174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1
[175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0)
sqr::@return: scope:[sqr] from sqr
[176] return
(void()) init_squares()
init_squares: scope:[init_squares] from init_dist_screen
[177] phi()
[178] call malloc
init_squares::@2: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares
[179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
[180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1
init_squares::@1: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares::@1 init_squares::@2
[181] (byte) init_squares::i#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(byte) init_squares::i#1 init_squares::@2/(byte) 0 )
[181] (word*) init_squares::squares#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word*) init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::@2/(word*) init_squares::squares#0 )
[181] (word) init_squares::sqr#2 ← phi( init_squares::@1/(word) init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::@2/(byte) 0 )
[182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2
[183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD
[184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1
[185] (byte~) init_squares::$4 ← (byte~) init_squares::$3 + (byte) 1
[186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4
[187] (byte) init_squares::i#1 ← ++ (byte) init_squares::i#2
[188] if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto init_squares::@1
init_squares::@return: scope:[init_squares] from init_squares::@1
[189] return
(void*()) malloc((word) malloc::size)
malloc: scope:[malloc] from @1 @3 init_squares
[190] (word) malloc::size#3 ← phi( @1/(word) $3e8 @3/(word) $3e8 init_squares/(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD )
[190] (byte*) heap_head#12 ← phi( @1/(const byte*) HEAP_TOP @3/(byte*) heap_head#1 init_squares/(byte*) heap_head#1 )
[191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3
[192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0
malloc::@return: scope:[malloc] from malloc
[193] return
(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE 0.08695652173913043
(void*) SCREEN_DIST 0.08
(word*) SQUARES
(void*) SQUARES#1 0.03225806451612903
(word()) atan2_16((signed word) atan2_16::x , (signed word) atan2_16::y)
(signed word~) atan2_16::$2 4.0
(byte~) atan2_16::$22 2002.0
(byte~) atan2_16::$23 2002.0
(signed word~) atan2_16::$7 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle
(word) atan2_16::angle#1 3.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#11 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#12 190.66666666666666
(word) atan2_16::angle#13 1334.6666666666667
(word) atan2_16::angle#2 2002.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#3 2002.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#4 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#5 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#6 2004.0
(byte) atan2_16::i
(byte) atan2_16::i#1 1501.5
(byte) atan2_16::i#2 208.54166666666669
(word) atan2_16::return
(word) atan2_16::return#0 34.99999999999999
(word) atan2_16::return#2 202.0
(byte) atan2_16::shift
(byte) atan2_16::shift#1 20002.0
(byte) atan2_16::shift#2 8001.25
(byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 667.3333333333334
(signed word) atan2_16::x
(signed word) atan2_16::x#0 2.8684210526315796
(signed word) atan2_16::xd
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 6667.333333333333
(signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 7668.333333333332
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 6.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 500.5
(signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 4.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 500.5
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 267.0666666666667
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::y
(signed word) atan2_16::y#0 2.724999999999999
(signed word) atan2_16::yd
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 10001.0
(signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 4601.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yi
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 1.2000000000000002
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 667.3333333333334
(signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 4.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 667.3333333333334
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 353.4117647058823
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 1001.0
(word*()) bsearch16u((word) bsearch16u::key , (word*) bsearch16u::items , (byte) bsearch16u::num)
(byte~) bsearch16u::$16 2002.0
(word*~) bsearch16u::$2 4.0
(byte~) bsearch16u::$6 2002.0
(word*) bsearch16u::items
(word*) bsearch16u::items#0 1001.0
(word*) bsearch16u::items#1 2.0
(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 334.5555555555556
(word*) bsearch16u::items#8 1501.5
(word) bsearch16u::key
(word) bsearch16u::key#0 0.26666666666666666
(byte) bsearch16u::num
(byte) bsearch16u::num#0 2002.0
(byte) bsearch16u::num#1 2002.0
(byte) bsearch16u::num#3 556.1111111111111
(byte) bsearch16u::num#5 3003.0
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 501.0
(signed word) bsearch16u::result
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 1501.5
(word*) bsearch16u::return
(word*) bsearch16u::return#1 2.0
(word*) bsearch16u::return#2 6.0
(word*) bsearch16u::return#3 4.0
(word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 4.0
(byte*) heap_head
(byte*) heap_head#1 0.6000000000000001
(byte*) heap_head#12 6.0
(void()) init_angle_screen((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen)
(word~) init_angle_screen::$11 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 202.0
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 84.16666666666666
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 202.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 3.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 4.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 7.333333333333333
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 9.04
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 2.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 5.5
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 9.416666666666666
(byte) init_angle_screen::x
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 101.0
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 28.857142857142858
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 202.0
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 18.363636363636363
(signed word) init_angle_screen::xw
(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 33.666666666666664
(byte) init_angle_screen::y
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 16.5
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 4.730769230769231
(signed word) init_angle_screen::yw
(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 50.5
(void()) init_dist_screen((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen)
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 202.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 202.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 22.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 22.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::d
(byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 126.25
(word) init_dist_screen::ds
(word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 202.0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 1.5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 4.0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 7.333333333333333
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 6.848484848484849
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 5.5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 7.0625
(byte) init_dist_screen::x
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 101.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 30.3
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 19.238095238095237
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 303.0
(word) init_dist_screen::xds
(word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::y
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 16.5
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 0.9705882352941178
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 22.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 33.0
(word) init_dist_screen::yds
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 4.869565217391305
(void()) init_squares()
(byte~) init_squares::$3 22.0
(byte~) init_squares::$4 22.0
(byte) init_squares::i
(byte) init_squares::i#1 16.5
(byte) init_squares::i#2 5.5
(word) init_squares::sqr
(word) init_squares::sqr#1 7.333333333333333
(word) init_squares::sqr#2 6.6000000000000005
(word*) init_squares::squares
(word*) init_squares::squares#0 4.0
(word*) init_squares::squares#1 3.6666666666666665
(word*) init_squares::squares#2 17.5
(void()) main()
(byte*) main::angle
(byte*) main::angle#0 22.0
(byte*) main::angle#1 50.5
(byte*) main::angle#2 34.888888888888886
(byte*) main::dist
(byte*) main::dist#0 11.0
(byte*) main::dist#1 40.4
(byte*) main::dist#2 39.25
(word) main::dist_angle
(word) main::dist_angle#0 101.0
(byte*) main::fill
(byte*) main::fill#1 101.0
(byte*) main::fill#2 40.4
(word) main::min_dist_angle
(word) main::min_dist_angle#2 101.0
(word) main::min_dist_angle#3 83.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 202.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 202.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 202.0
(byte*) main::min_fill
(byte*~) main::min_fill#10 202.0
(byte*) main::min_fill#2 59.285714285714285
(byte*) main::min_fill#5 50.5
(void*()) malloc((word) malloc::size)
(byte*) malloc::mem
(byte*) malloc::mem#0 0.6666666666666666
(void*) malloc::return
(word) malloc::size
(word) malloc::size#3 2.0
(word()) sqr((byte) sqr::val)
(byte~) sqr::$0 4.0
(word) sqr::return
(word) sqr::return#0 28.5
(word) sqr::return#2 22.0
(word) sqr::return#3 202.0
(byte) sqr::val
(byte) sqr::val#0 22.0
(byte) sqr::val#1 202.0
(byte) sqr::val#2 114.0
(byte()) sqrt((word) sqrt::val)
(word~) sqrt::$1 2.0
(word~) sqrt::$3 4.0
(word*) sqrt::found
(word*) sqrt::found#0 4.0
(byte) sqrt::return
(byte) sqrt::return#0 34.33333333333333
(byte) sqrt::return#2 202.0
(byte) sqrt::sq
(word) sqrt::val
(word) sqrt::val#0 103.0
Initial phi equivalence classes
[ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ]
[ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
[ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ]
[ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ]
[ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ]
[ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
[ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ]
[ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ]
[ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ]
[ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ]
[ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ]
[ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ]
[ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ]
[ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ]
[ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
[ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ]
[ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
[ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ]
[ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ]
[ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ]
[ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
[ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ]
[ malloc::size#3 ]
Added variable SCREEN_DIST to zero page equivalence class [ SCREEN_DIST ]
Added variable SCREEN_ANGLE to zero page equivalence class [ SCREEN_ANGLE ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::screen#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$3 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$3 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$4 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$4 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::xw#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$7 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$7 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::yw#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ]
Added variable atan2_16::x#0 to zero page equivalence class [ atan2_16::x#0 ]
Added variable atan2_16::y#0 to zero page equivalence class [ atan2_16::y#0 ]
Added variable atan2_16::return#2 to zero page equivalence class [ atan2_16::return#2 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$11 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$11 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$13 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$14 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
Added variable init_angle_screen::$15 to zero page equivalence class [ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
Added variable atan2_16::$23 to zero page equivalence class [ atan2_16::$23 ]
Added variable atan2_16::$22 to zero page equivalence class [ atan2_16::$22 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::y2#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
Added variable sqr::return#2 to zero page equivalence class [ sqr::return#2 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::yds#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::x2#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ]
Added variable sqr::return#3 to zero page equivalence class [ sqr::return#3 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::xds#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::ds#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ]
Added variable sqrt::val#0 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::val#0 ]
Added variable sqrt::return#2 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::return#2 ]
Added variable init_dist_screen::d#0 to zero page equivalence class [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::key#0 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::key#0 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::return#3 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::return#3 ]
Added variable sqrt::found#0 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::found#0 ]
Added variable sqrt::$3 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::$3 ]
Added variable sqrt::$1 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::$1 ]
Added variable sqrt::return#0 to zero page equivalence class [ sqrt::return#0 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::$6 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::$6 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::$16 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::$16 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::pivot#0 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ]
Added variable bsearch16u::result#0 to zero page equivalence class [ bsearch16u::result#0 ]
Added variable sqr::$0 to zero page equivalence class [ sqr::$0 ]
Added variable sqr::return#0 to zero page equivalence class [ sqr::return#0 ]
Added variable SQUARES#1 to zero page equivalence class [ SQUARES#1 ]
Added variable init_squares::$3 to zero page equivalence class [ init_squares::$3 ]
Added variable init_squares::$4 to zero page equivalence class [ init_squares::$4 ]
Added variable malloc::mem#0 to zero page equivalence class [ malloc::mem#0 ]
Complete equivalence classes
[ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ]
[ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
[ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ]
[ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ]
[ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ]
[ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
[ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
[ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ]
[ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ]
[ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ]
[ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ]
[ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ]
[ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ]
[ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ]
[ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ]
[ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
[ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
[ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ]
[ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
[ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ]
[ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ]
[ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ]
[ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
[ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ]
[ malloc::size#3 ]
[ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$3 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$4 ]
[ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$7 ]
[ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ]
[ atan2_16::x#0 ]
[ atan2_16::y#0 ]
[ atan2_16::return#2 ]
[ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$11 ]
[ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
[ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
[ atan2_16::$23 ]
[ atan2_16::$22 ]
[ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
[ sqr::return#2 ]
[ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ]
[ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ]
[ sqr::return#3 ]
[ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ]
[ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ]
[ sqrt::val#0 ]
[ sqrt::return#2 ]
[ init_dist_screen::d#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::key#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::return#3 ]
[ sqrt::found#0 ]
[ sqrt::$3 ]
[ sqrt::$1 ]
[ sqrt::return#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::$6 ]
[ bsearch16u::$16 ]
[ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ]
[ bsearch16u::result#0 ]
[ sqr::$0 ]
[ sqr::return#0 ]
[ init_squares::$3 ]
[ init_squares::$4 ]
[ malloc::mem#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:2 [ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:4 [ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:6 [ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:8 [ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ]
Allocated zp[2]:10 [ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ]
Allocated zp[2]:12 [ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ]
Allocated zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ]
Allocated zp[1]:25 [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ]
Allocated zp[2]:28 [ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ]
Allocated zp[1]:30 [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ]
Allocated zp[2]:33 [ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ]
Allocated zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:36 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:38 [ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:40 [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
Allocated zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:43 [ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ]
Allocated zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:46 [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:47 [ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:52 [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:53 [ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ]
Allocated zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 ]
Allocated zp[2]:57 [ SCREEN_DIST ]
Allocated zp[2]:59 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ]
Allocated zp[2]:61 [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:63 [ init_angle_screen::$3 ]
Allocated zp[1]:64 [ init_angle_screen::$4 ]
Allocated zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:67 [ init_angle_screen::$7 ]
Allocated zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:70 [ atan2_16::x#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:72 [ atan2_16::y#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 ]
Allocated zp[2]:76 [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:78 [ init_angle_screen::$11 ]
Allocated zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:81 [ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
Allocated zp[1]:82 [ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
Allocated zp[1]:83 [ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
Allocated zp[1]:84 [ atan2_16::$23 ]
Allocated zp[1]:85 [ atan2_16::$22 ]
Allocated zp[1]:86 [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 ]
Allocated zp[2]:89 [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:91 [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 ]
Allocated zp[2]:94 [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:98 [ sqrt::val#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:100 [ sqrt::return#2 ]
Allocated zp[1]:101 [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:102 [ bsearch16u::key#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:104 [ bsearch16u::return#3 ]
Allocated zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:108 [ sqrt::$3 ]
Allocated zp[2]:110 [ sqrt::$1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:112 [ sqrt::return#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:113 [ bsearch16u::$6 ]
Allocated zp[1]:114 [ bsearch16u::$16 ]
Allocated zp[2]:115 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:117 [ bsearch16u::result#0 ]
Allocated zp[1]:119 [ sqr::$0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:120 [ sqr::return#0 ]
Allocated zp[2]:122 [ SQUARES#1 ]
Allocated zp[1]:124 [ init_squares::$3 ]
Allocated zp[1]:125 [ init_squares::$4 ]
Allocated zp[2]:126 [ malloc::mem#0 ]
Target platform is c64basic / MOS6502X
// File Comments
// Fill screen using a spiral based on distance-to-center / angle-to-center
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
.const SIZEOF_WORD = 2
// The number of iterations performed during 16-bit CORDIC atan2 calculation
.const CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16 = $f
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_FILL = $400
// Char to fill with
.const FILL_CHAR = '@'
// Top of the heap used by malloc()
.label HEAP_TOP = $a000
.const NUM_SQUARES = $30
// Screen containing distance to center
.label SCREEN_DIST = $39
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_ANGLE = $3b
.label heap_head = $35
.label SQUARES = $7a
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
jmp __b1
// @1
// [2] call malloc
// [190] phi from @1 to malloc [phi:@1->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@1->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (const byte*) HEAP_TOP [phi:@1->malloc#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head
lda #>HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head+1
jsr malloc
jmp __b3
// @3
// [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [4] call malloc
// [190] phi from @3 to malloc [phi:@3->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@3->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:@3->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
jmp __b4
// @4
// [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [6] phi from @4 to @2 [phi:@4->@2]
jmp __b2
// @2
// [7] call main
jsr main
// [8] phi from @2 to @end [phi:@2->@end]
jmp __bend
// @end
// main
main: {
.label dist = 4
.label angle = 6
.label fill = 2
.label dist_angle = $c
.label min_dist_angle = 8
.label min_dist_angle_1 = $c
.label min_fill = $a
// [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen+1
// [10] call init_dist_screen
// [105] phi from main to init_dist_screen [phi:main->init_dist_screen]
jsr init_dist_screen
jmp __b8
// main::@8
// [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen+1
// [12] call init_angle_screen
jsr init_angle_screen
jmp __b1
// main::@1
// [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
// Find the minimum dist/angle that is not already filled
sta.z dist
sta.z dist+1
// [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z angle
sta.z angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@1 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#0] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z min_fill
sta.z min_fill+1
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word) $ffff [phi:main::@1->main::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda #>$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#4] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z fill
sta.z fill+1
jmp __b2
// main::@2
// [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 -- _deref_pbuz1_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
ldy #0
cmp (fill),y
beq __b10
jmp __b4
// main::@4
// [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) -- vwuz1=_deref_pbuz2_word__deref_pbuz3
ldy #0
lda (angle),y
sta.z dist_angle
lda (dist),y
sta.z dist_angle+1
// [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 -- vwuz1_ge_vwuz2_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
cmp.z dist_angle+1
bne !+
lda.z min_dist_angle
cmp.z dist_angle
beq __b11
bcc __b11
jmp __b5
// main::@5
// [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z fill
sta.z min_fill
lda.z fill+1
sta.z min_fill+1
// [20] phi from main::@10 main::@11 main::@5 to main::@3 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3]
// [20] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#2 = (byte*) main::min_fill#5 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [20] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// main::@3
// [21] (byte*) main::dist#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::dist#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z dist
bne !+
inc.z dist+1
// [22] (byte*) main::angle#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::angle#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z angle
bne !+
inc.z angle+1
// [23] (byte*) main::fill#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z fill
bne !+
inc.z fill+1
// [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 -- pbuz1_lt_pbuc1_then_la1
lda.z fill+1
cmp #>SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
bne !+
lda.z fill
cmp #<SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
jmp __b6
// main::@6
// [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
cmp #>$ffff
bne __b7
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
cmp #<$ffff
bne __b7
jmp __breturn
// main::@return
// [26] return
// main::@7
// [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
// Fill the found location
ldy #0
sta (min_fill),y
jmp __b1
// main::@9
// [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@9 to main::@2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (byte*) main::min_fill#2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#4] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// main::@11
// [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3_from___b11
// main::@10
// [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3_from___b10
// init_angle_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the angle to the center.
// Utilizes symmetry around the center
// init_angle_screen(byte* zeropage($3d) screen)
init_angle_screen: {
.label __3 = $3f
.label __4 = $40
.label __7 = $43
.label __11 = $4e
.label __13 = $51
.label __14 = $52
.label __15 = $53
.label screen = $3d
.label screen_topline = $f
.label screen_bottomline = $11
.label xw = $41
.label yw = $44
.label angle_w = $4c
.label ang_w = $50
.label x = $13
.label xb = $14
.label y = $e
// [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline+1
// [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
jmp __b1
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen::@4 to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_angle_screen::@1
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@1 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
jmp __b2
// init_angle_screen::@2
// [35] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b3
jmp __b4
// init_angle_screen::@4
// [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_topline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen_topline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_topline+1
// [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_bottomline
sta.z screen_bottomline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_bottomline+1
// [38] (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [39] if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_angle_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1_from___b4
jmp __breturn
// init_angle_screen::@return
// [40] return
// init_angle_screen::@3
// [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z x
sta.z __3
// [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_minus_vbuz2
lda #$27
sbc.z __3
sta.z __4
// [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuz2_word_vbuc1
lda.z __4
ldy #0
sta.z xw+1
sty.z xw
// [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z y
sta.z __7
// [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuz2_word_vbuc1
lda.z __7
ldy #0
sta.z yw+1
sty.z yw
// [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z xw
sta.z atan2_16.x
lda.z xw+1
sta.z atan2_16.x+1
// [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z yw
sta.z atan2_16.y
lda.z yw+1
sta.z atan2_16.y+1
// [48] call atan2_16
jsr atan2_16
// [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z atan2_16.return
sta.z atan2_16.return_1
lda.z atan2_16.return+1
sta.z atan2_16.return_1+1
jmp __b5
// init_angle_screen::@5
// [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z atan2_16.return_1
sta.z angle_w
lda.z atan2_16.return_1+1
sta.z angle_w+1
// [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_plus_vbuc1
lda #$80
adc.z angle_w
sta.z __11
lda #0
adc.z angle_w+1
sta.z __11+1
// [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 -- vbuz1=_hi_vwuz2
lda.z __11+1
sta.z ang_w
// [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z ang_w
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuz1=_neg_vbuz2
lda.z ang_w
eor #$ff
adc #1
sta.z __13
// [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z __13
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_topline),y
// [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_plus_vbuz2
lax.z ang_w
axs #-[$80]
stx.z __14
// [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z __14
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_minus_vbuz2
lda #$80
sbc.z ang_w
sta.z __15
// [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z __15
ldy.z x
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [60] (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [61] (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@5 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// atan2_16
// Find the atan2(x, y) - which is the angle of the line from (0,0) to (x,y)
// Finding the angle requires a binary search using CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16
// Returns the angle in hex-degrees (0=0, 0x8000=PI, 0x10000=2*PI)
// atan2_16(signed word zeropage($46) x, signed word zeropage($48) y)
atan2_16: {
.label __2 = $15
.label __7 = $17
.label __22 = $55
.label __23 = $54
.label yi = $15
.label xi = $17
.label angle = $1c
.label xd = $21
.label yd = $1f
.label shift = $1e
.label angle_1 = $1a
.label i = $19
.label return = $1c
.label x = $46
.label y = $48
.label return_1 = $4a
// [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bpl __b1
jmp __b2
// atan2_16::@2
// [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z y
sta.z __2
lda #0
sbc.z y+1
sta.z __2+1
// [64] phi from atan2_16::@1 atan2_16::@2 to atan2_16::@3 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3]
// [64] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// atan2_16::@3
// [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bpl __b4
jmp __b5
// atan2_16::@5
// [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z x
sta.z __7
lda #0
sbc.z x+1
sta.z __7+1
// [67] phi from atan2_16::@4 atan2_16::@5 to atan2_16::@6 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6]
// [67] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b6
// atan2_16::@6
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@6 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
lda #<0
sta.z angle_1
lda #>0
sta.z angle_1+1
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z i
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// atan2_16::@10
// [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bne __b11
lda.z yi
bne __b11
// [70] phi from atan2_16::@10 atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12]
// [70] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#6 = (word) atan2_16::angle#12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b12
// atan2_16::@12
// [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_ror_1
lda.z angle_1+1
sta.z angle+1
lda.z angle_1
sta.z angle
// [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bpl __b7_from___b12
jmp __b21
// atan2_16::@21
// [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 -- vwuz1=vwuc1_minus_vwuz1
lda #<$8000
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #>$8000
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [74] phi from atan2_16::@12 atan2_16::@21 to atan2_16::@7 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7]
// [74] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#11 = (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b7
// atan2_16::@7
// [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bpl __b8_from___b7
jmp __b9
// atan2_16::@9
// [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 -- vwuz1=_neg_vwuz1
lda #0
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #0
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [77] phi from atan2_16::@7 atan2_16::@9 to atan2_16::@8 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8]
// [77] phi (word) atan2_16::return#0 = (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b8
// atan2_16::@8
jmp __breturn
// atan2_16::@return
// [78] return
// atan2_16::@11
// [79] (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuz1=vbuz2
lda.z i
sta.z shift
// [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z xi
sta.z xd
lda.z xi+1
sta.z xd+1
// [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z yi
sta.z yd
lda.z yi+1
sta.z yd+1
// [82] phi from atan2_16::@11 atan2_16::@14 to atan2_16::@13 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13]
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#0] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#1] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 = (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b13
// atan2_16::@13
// [83] if((byte) atan2_16::shift#2>=(byte) 2) goto atan2_16::@14 -- vbuz1_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z shift
cmp #2
bcs __b14
jmp __b15
// atan2_16::@15
// [84] if((byte) 0==(byte) atan2_16::shift#2) goto atan2_16::@17 -- vbuc1_eq_vbuz1_then_la1
lda #0
cmp.z shift
beq __b17_from___b15
jmp __b16
// atan2_16::@16
// [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// [87] phi from atan2_16::@15 atan2_16::@16 to atan2_16::@17 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17]
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#0] -- register_copy
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b17
// atan2_16::@17
// [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bpl __b18
jmp __b20
// atan2_16::@20
// [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
sbc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
sbc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
adc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
adc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z i
sta.z __23
// [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_minus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuz2
ldy.z __23
lda.z angle_1
sta.z angle_1
lda.z angle_1+1
sta.z angle_1+1
// [93] phi from atan2_16::@18 atan2_16::@20 to atan2_16::@19 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19]
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#0] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#13 = (word) atan2_16::angle#2 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#1] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b19
// atan2_16::@19
// [94] (byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← ++ (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z i
// [95] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto atan2_16::@12 -- vbuz1_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
cmp.z i
beq __b12_from___b19
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (word) atan2_16::angle#13 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#0] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) atan2_16::i#1 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#1] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// atan2_16::@18
// [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
adc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
adc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
sbc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
sbc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z i
sta.z __22
// [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuz2
ldy.z __22
lda.z angle_1
sta.z angle_1
lda.z angle_1+1
sta.z angle_1+1
jmp __b19_from___b18
// atan2_16::@14
// [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// [102] (byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 - (byte) 2 -- vbuz1=vbuz1_minus_2
dec.z shift
dec.z shift
jmp __b13_from___b14
// atan2_16::@4
// [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z x
sta.z xi
lda.z x+1
sta.z xi+1
jmp __b6_from___b4
// atan2_16::@1
// [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z y
sta.z yi
lda.z y+1
sta.z yi+1
jmp __b3_from___b1
// init_dist_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the distance to the center.
// The actual value stored is distance*2 to increase precision
// init_dist_screen(byte* zeropage($24) screen)
init_dist_screen: {
.label __5 = $28
.label __7 = $28
.label __14 = $2b
.label __16 = $2b
.label screen = $24
.label screen_bottomline = $26
.label y2 = $56
.label yd = $28
.label yds = $59
.label x2 = $5b
.label screen_topline = $24
.label y = $23
.label xd = $2b
.label xds = $5e
.label ds = $60
.label d = $65
.label x = $29
.label xb = $2a
// [106] call init_squares
// [177] phi from init_dist_screen to init_squares [phi:init_dist_screen->init_squares]
jsr init_squares
jmp __b11
// init_dist_screen::@11
// [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@11 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
jmp __b1
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@7 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_dist_screen::@1
// [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z y
sta.z y2
// [110] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0>=(byte) $18) goto init_dist_screen::@2 -- vbuz1_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z y2
cmp #$18
bcs __b2
jmp __b3
// init_dist_screen::@3
// [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_minus_vbuz2
lda #$18
sbc.z y2
sta.z __5
// [112] phi from init_dist_screen::@2 init_dist_screen::@3 to init_dist_screen::@4 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4]
// [112] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b4
// init_dist_screen::@4
// [113] (byte) sqr::val#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 -- vbuz1=vbuz2
lda.z yd
sta.z sqr.val
// [114] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@4 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return
sta.z sqr.return_1
lda.z sqr.return+1
sta.z sqr.return_1+1
jmp __b12
// init_dist_screen::@12
// [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return_1
sta.z yds
lda.z sqr.return_1+1
sta.z yds+1
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@12 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
jmp __b5
// init_dist_screen::@5
// [118] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b6
jmp __b7
// init_dist_screen::@7
// [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_topline
sta.z screen_topline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_topline+1
// [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_bottomline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen_bottomline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [121] (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [122] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_dist_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1_from___b7
jmp __breturn
// init_dist_screen::@return
// [123] return
// init_dist_screen::@6
// [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z x
sta.z x2
// [125] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0>=(byte) $27) goto init_dist_screen::@8 -- vbuz1_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x2
cmp #$27
bcs __b8
jmp __b9
// init_dist_screen::@9
// [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 -- vbuz1=vbuc1_minus_vbuz2
lda #$27
sbc.z x2
sta.z __14
// [127] phi from init_dist_screen::@8 init_dist_screen::@9 to init_dist_screen::@10 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10]
// [127] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// init_dist_screen::@10
// [128] (byte) sqr::val#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 -- vbuz1=vbuz2
lda.z xd
sta.z sqr.val
// [129] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@10 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return
sta.z sqr.return_2
lda.z sqr.return+1
sta.z sqr.return_2+1
jmp __b13
// init_dist_screen::@13
// [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return_2
sta.z xds
lda.z sqr.return_2+1
sta.z xds+1
// [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_plus_vwuz3
lda.z xds
adc.z yds
sta.z ds
lda.z xds+1
adc.z yds+1
sta.z ds+1
// [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z ds
sta.z sqrt.val
lda.z ds+1
sta.z sqrt.val+1
// [134] call sqrt
jsr sqrt
// [135] (byte) sqrt::return#2 ← (byte) sqrt::return#0 -- vbuz1=vbuz2
lda.z sqrt.return
sta.z sqrt.return_1
jmp __b14
// init_dist_screen::@14
// [136] (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 ← (byte) sqrt::return#2 -- vbuz1=vbuz2
lda.z sqrt.return_1
sta.z d
// [137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z d
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// [138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z d
ldy.z x
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z d
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_topline),y
// [140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z d
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [141] (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [142] (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@14 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- register_copy
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b5
// init_dist_screen::@8
// [143] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 - (byte) $27 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_minus_vbuc1
lax.z x2
axs #$27
stx.z __16
jmp __b10_from___b8
// init_dist_screen::@2
// [144] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 - (byte) $18 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_minus_vbuc1
lax.z y2
axs #$18
stx.z __7
jmp __b4_from___b2
// sqrt
// Find the (integer) square root of a word value
// If the square is not an integer then it returns the largest integer N where N*N <= val
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqrt(word zeropage($62) val)
sqrt: {
.label __1 = $6e
.label __3 = $6c
.label found = $6a
.label return = $70
.label val = $62
.label return_1 = $64
// [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z val
sta.z bsearch16u.key
lda.z val+1
sta.z bsearch16u.key+1
// [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z bsearch16u.items
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z bsearch16u.items+1
// [147] call bsearch16u
// [154] phi from sqrt to bsearch16u [phi:sqrt->bsearch16u]
jsr bsearch16u
// [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
lda.z bsearch16u.return
sta.z bsearch16u.return_1
lda.z bsearch16u.return+1
sta.z bsearch16u.return_1+1
jmp __b1
// sqrt::@1
// [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
lda.z bsearch16u.return_1
sta.z found
lda.z bsearch16u.return_1+1
sta.z found+1
// [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- vwuz1=pwuz2_minus_pwuz3
lda.z found
sta.z __3
lda.z found+1
sbc.z SQUARES+1
sta.z __3+1
// [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz2_ror_1
lda.z __3+1
sta.z __1+1
lda.z __3
sta.z __1
// [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 -- vbuz1=_byte_vwuz2
lda.z __1
sta.z return
jmp __breturn
// sqrt::@return
// [153] return
// bsearch16u
// Searches an array of nitems unsigned words, the initial member of which is pointed to by base, for a member that matches the value key.
// - key - The value to look for
// - items - Pointer to the start of the array to search in
// - num - The number of items in the array
// Returns pointer to an entry in the array that matches the search key
// bsearch16u(word zeropage($66) key, word* zeropage($2c) items, byte zeropage($2e) num)
bsearch16u: {
.label __2 = $2c
.label __6 = $71
.label __16 = $72
.label pivot = $73
.label result = $75
.label return = $2c
.label num = $2e
.label items = $2c
.label key = $66
.label return_1 = $68
// [155] phi from bsearch16u to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
sta.z num
jmp __b3
// bsearch16u::@3
// [156] if((byte) bsearch16u::num#3>(byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@4 -- vbuz1_gt_0_then_la1
lda.z num
bne __b4
jmp __b5
// bsearch16u::@5
// [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 -- _deref_pwuz1_le_vwuz2_then_la1
ldy #1
lda (items),y
cmp.z key+1
bne !+
lda (items),y
cmp.z key
beq __b2_from___b5
bcc __b2_from___b5
jmp __b1
// bsearch16u::@1
// [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z __2
sta.z __2
lda.z __2+1
sta.z __2+1
// [159] phi from bsearch16u::@1 bsearch16u::@5 to bsearch16u::@2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2]
// [159] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// bsearch16u::@2
// [160] phi from bsearch16u::@2 bsearch16u::@8 to bsearch16u::@return [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return]
// [160] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 = (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return#0] -- register_copy
jmp __breturn
// bsearch16u::@return
// [161] return
// bsearch16u::@4
// [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_ror_1
lda.z num
sta.z __6
// [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z __6
sta.z __16
// [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuz3
lda.z __16
adc.z items
sta.z pivot
lda #0
adc.z items+1
sta.z pivot+1
// [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) -- vwsz1=vwsz2_minus__deref_pwsz3
lda.z key
ldy #0
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result
lda.z key+1
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result+1
// [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
lda.z result+1
bne __b6
lda.z result
bne __b6
jmp __b8
// bsearch16u::@8
// [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
lda.z pivot
sta.z return
lda.z pivot+1
sta.z return+1
jmp __breturn_from___b8
// bsearch16u::@6
// [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 -- vwsz1_le_0_then_la1
lda.z result+1
bmi __b7_from___b6
bne !+
lda.z result
beq __b7_from___b6
jmp __b9
// bsearch16u::@9
// [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuc1
adc.z pivot
sta.z items
lda #0
adc.z pivot+1
sta.z items+1
// [170] (byte) bsearch16u::num#1 ← -- (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z num
// [171] phi from bsearch16u::@6 bsearch16u::@9 to bsearch16u::@7 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7]
// [171] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#0] -- register_copy
// [171] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b7
// bsearch16u::@7
// [172] (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz1_ror_1
lsr.z num
// [155] phi from bsearch16u::@7 to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// sqr
// Find the square of a byte value
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqr(byte zeropage($2f) val)
sqr: {
.label __0 = $77
.label return = $78
.label val = $2f
.label return_1 = $57
.label return_2 = $5c
// [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z val
sta.z __0
// [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) -- vwuz1=pwuz2_derefidx_vbuz3
ldy.z __0
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return+1
jmp __breturn
// sqr::@return
// [176] return
// init_squares
// Initialize squares table
// Uses iterative formula (x+1)^2 = x^2 + 2*x + 1
init_squares: {
.label __3 = $7c
.label __4 = $7d
.label squares = $32
.label sqr = $30
.label i = $34
// [178] call malloc
// [190] phi from init_squares to malloc [phi:init_squares->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [phi:init_squares->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
sta.z malloc.size
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:init_squares->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
jmp __b2
// init_squares::@2
// [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
sta.z SQUARES+1
// [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z squares
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z squares+1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@2 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z i
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#2] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
lda #<0
sta.z sqr
lda #>0
sta.z sqr+1
jmp __b1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@1 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) init_squares::i#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (word) init_squares::sqr#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_squares::@1
// [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 -- _deref_pwuz1=vwuz2
ldy #0
lda.z sqr
sta (squares),y
lda.z sqr+1
sta (squares),y
// [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_plus_vbuc1
adc.z squares
sta.z squares
bcc !+
inc.z squares+1
// [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_rol_1
lda.z i
sta.z __3
// [185] (byte~) init_squares::$4 ← (byte~) init_squares::$3 + (byte) 1 -- vbuz1=vbuz2_plus_1
ldy.z __3
sty.z __4
// [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vbuz2
lda.z __4
adc.z sqr
sta.z sqr
bcc !+
inc.z sqr+1
// [187] (byte) init_squares::i#1 ← ++ (byte) init_squares::i#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z i
// [188] if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto init_squares::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #NUM_SQUARES-1+1
cmp.z i
bne __b1_from___b1
jmp __breturn
// init_squares::@return
// [189] return
// malloc
// Allocates a block of size bytes of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block.
// The content of the newly allocated block of memory is not initialized, remaining with indeterminate values.
// malloc(word zeropage($37) size)
malloc: {
.label mem = $7e
.label size = $37
// [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_minus_vwuz3
lda.z heap_head
sbc.z size
sta.z mem
lda.z heap_head+1
sbc.z size+1
sta.z mem+1
// [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z mem
sta.z heap_head
lda.z mem+1
sta.z heap_head+1
jmp __breturn
// malloc::@return
// [193] return
// File Data
// Angles representing ATAN(0.5), ATAN(0.25), ATAN(0.125), ...
.for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2
Statement [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Statement [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Statement [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Statement [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Statement [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Statement [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:25 [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ]
Statement [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 [ atan2_16::angle#11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [ atan2_16::angle#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:30 [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ]
Statement [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 [ init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
Statement [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
Statement [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0 [ bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 [ SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 [ sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 [ bsearch16u::items#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::items#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
Statement [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::$2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:46 [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
Statement [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:46 [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
Statement [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 [ bsearch16u::return#6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) [ sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte a as potential for zp[1]:52 [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:52 [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
Statement [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 [ malloc::mem#0 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 [ atan2_16::angle#11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [ atan2_16::angle#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 [ init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Removing always clobbered register reg byte y as potential for zp[1]:101 [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ]
Statement [138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0 [ bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 [ SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 [ sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 [ bsearch16u::items#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::items#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::$2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 [ bsearch16u::return#6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) [ sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 [ malloc::mem#0 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ( [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::dist#0 main::angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::dist_angle#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::dist_angle#0 main::min_fill#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_fill#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#1 main::dist#1 main::angle#1 main::min_dist_angle#6 main::min_fill#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#8 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ( main:7 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE main::fill#2 main::dist#2 main::angle#2 main::min_fill#5 main::min_dist_angle#7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xw#0 init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::return#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 init_angle_screen::$14 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::$15 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::$7 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [ atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 [ atan2_16::angle#11 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#11 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [ atan2_16::angle#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::angle#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::yd#10 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#2 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::xd#5 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::$23 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::xi#2 atan2_16::yi#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::$22 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::xi#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::xd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::yd#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 [ atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ( main:7::init_angle_screen:12::atan2_16:48 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::xb#2 atan2_16::x#0 atan2_16::y#0 atan2_16::yi#16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 [ init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::y2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::$5 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#2 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::x2#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::$14 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#3 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::ds#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::val#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::d#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte y
Statement [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0 [ bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::items#1 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 [ SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::found#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqrt::$1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 [ sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqrt::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 [ bsearch16u::items#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::items#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::$2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::$2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::$16 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 bsearch16u::result#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 [ bsearch16u::return#6 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::return#6 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqrt:134::bsearch16u:147 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 bsearch16u::key#0 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 SQUARES#1 sqr::$0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) [ sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:114 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::sqr:129 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::yds#0 init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::xb#2 sqr::return#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ SQUARES#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::i#2 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a reg byte y
Statement [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::$3 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 [ SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ( main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 SQUARES#1 init_squares::i#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_squares::squares#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 [ malloc::mem#0 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Statement [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ( malloc:2 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] malloc:4 [ malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] main:7::init_dist_screen:10::init_squares:106::malloc:178 [ SCREEN_DIST SCREEN_ANGLE init_dist_screen::screen#0 malloc::mem#0 heap_head#1 ] ) always clobbers reg byte a
Potential registers zp[2]:2 [ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ] : zp[2]:2 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:4 [ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ] : zp[2]:4 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:6 [ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ] : zp[2]:6 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:8 [ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ] : zp[2]:8 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:10 [ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ] : zp[2]:10 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:12 [ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ] : zp[2]:12 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ] : zp[1]:14 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] : zp[2]:15 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] : zp[2]:17 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ] : zp[1]:19 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ] : zp[1]:20 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ] : zp[2]:21 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ] : zp[2]:23 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:25 [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ] : zp[1]:25 , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] : zp[2]:26 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:28 [ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ] : zp[2]:28 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:30 [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ] : zp[1]:30 , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ] : zp[2]:31 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:33 [ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ] : zp[2]:33 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ] : zp[1]:35 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[2]:36 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ] : zp[2]:36 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:38 [ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] : zp[2]:38 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:40 [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ] : zp[1]:40 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ] : zp[1]:41 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ] : zp[1]:42 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[1]:43 [ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ] : zp[1]:43 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ] : zp[2]:44 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:46 [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ] : zp[1]:46 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[1]:47 [ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ] : zp[1]:47 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ] : zp[2]:48 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] : zp[2]:50 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:52 [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ] : zp[1]:52 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[2]:53 [ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ] : zp[2]:53 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 ] : zp[2]:55 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:57 [ SCREEN_DIST ] : zp[2]:57 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:59 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ] : zp[2]:59 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:61 [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] : zp[2]:61 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:63 [ init_angle_screen::$3 ] : zp[1]:63 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:64 [ init_angle_screen::$4 ] : zp[1]:64 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] : zp[2]:65 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:67 [ init_angle_screen::$7 ] : zp[1]:67 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] : zp[2]:68 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:70 [ atan2_16::x#0 ] : zp[2]:70 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:72 [ atan2_16::y#0 ] : zp[2]:72 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 ] : zp[2]:74 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:76 [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] : zp[2]:76 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:78 [ init_angle_screen::$11 ] : zp[2]:78 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] : zp[1]:80 , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[1]:81 [ init_angle_screen::$13 ] : zp[1]:81 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:82 [ init_angle_screen::$14 ] : zp[1]:82 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:83 [ init_angle_screen::$15 ] : zp[1]:83 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:84 [ atan2_16::$23 ] : zp[1]:84 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:85 [ atan2_16::$22 ] : zp[1]:85 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:86 [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ] : zp[1]:86 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 ] : zp[2]:87 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:89 [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ] : zp[2]:89 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:91 [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ] : zp[1]:91 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 ] : zp[2]:92 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:94 [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ] : zp[2]:94 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ] : zp[2]:96 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:98 [ sqrt::val#0 ] : zp[2]:98 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:100 [ sqrt::return#2 ] : zp[1]:100 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:101 [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ] : zp[1]:101 , reg byte a , reg byte x ,
Potential registers zp[2]:102 [ bsearch16u::key#0 ] : zp[2]:102 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:104 [ bsearch16u::return#3 ] : zp[2]:104 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 ] : zp[2]:106 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:108 [ sqrt::$3 ] : zp[2]:108 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:110 [ sqrt::$1 ] : zp[2]:110 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:112 [ sqrt::return#0 ] : zp[1]:112 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:113 [ bsearch16u::$6 ] : zp[1]:113 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:114 [ bsearch16u::$16 ] : zp[1]:114 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:115 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] : zp[2]:115 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:117 [ bsearch16u::result#0 ] : zp[2]:117 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:119 [ sqr::$0 ] : zp[1]:119 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:120 [ sqr::return#0 ] : zp[2]:120 ,
Potential registers zp[2]:122 [ SQUARES#1 ] : zp[2]:122 ,
Potential registers zp[1]:124 [ init_squares::$3 ] : zp[1]:124 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[1]:125 [ init_squares::$4 ] : zp[1]:125 , reg byte a , reg byte x , reg byte y ,
Potential registers zp[2]:126 [ malloc::mem#0 ] : zp[2]:126 ,
Uplift Scope [atan2_16] 28,670.58: zp[1]:30 [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ] 20,608: zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ] 17,338.67: zp[2]:33 [ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ] 7,533.33: zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] 2,698.28: zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ] 2,283.07: zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ] 2,002: zp[1]:84 [ atan2_16::$23 ] 2,002: zp[1]:85 [ atan2_16::$22 ] 1,710.04: zp[1]:25 [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ] 202: zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 ] 50: zp[2]:28 [ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ] 2.87: zp[2]:70 [ atan2_16::x#0 ] 2.72: zp[2]:72 [ atan2_16::y#0 ]
Uplift Scope [bsearch16u] 7,563.11: zp[1]:46 [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ] 2,855.06: zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ] 2,002: zp[1]:113 [ bsearch16u::$6 ] 2,002: zp[1]:114 [ bsearch16u::$16 ] 1,501.5: zp[2]:117 [ bsearch16u::result#0 ] 501: zp[2]:115 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] 4: zp[2]:104 [ bsearch16u::return#3 ] 0.27: zp[2]:102 [ bsearch16u::key#0 ]
Uplift Scope [init_angle_screen] 220.36: zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ] 202: zp[1]:63 [ init_angle_screen::$3 ] 202: zp[1]:64 [ init_angle_screen::$4 ] 202: zp[1]:67 [ init_angle_screen::$7 ] 202: zp[2]:76 [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] 202: zp[2]:78 [ init_angle_screen::$11 ] 202: zp[1]:81 [ init_angle_screen::$13 ] 202: zp[1]:82 [ init_angle_screen::$14 ] 202: zp[1]:83 [ init_angle_screen::$15 ] 129.86: zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ] 84.17: zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] 50.5: zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] 33.67: zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] 21.23: zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ] 20.37: zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] 16.92: zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] 3: zp[2]:61 [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ]
Uplift Scope [init_dist_screen] 707: zp[1]:43 [ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ] 221.24: zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ] 202: zp[1]:91 [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ] 202: zp[2]:94 [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ] 202: zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ] 131.3: zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ] 126.25: zp[1]:101 [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ] 77: zp[1]:40 [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ] 22: zp[1]:86 [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ] 18.18: zp[2]:38 [ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] 17.47: zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ] 14.06: zp[2]:36 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ] 4.87: zp[2]:89 [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ]
Uplift Scope [main] 588: zp[2]:12 [ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ] 311.79: zp[2]:10 [ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ] 303: zp[2]:8 [ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ] 141.4: zp[2]:2 [ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ] 107.39: zp[2]:6 [ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ] 90.65: zp[2]:4 [ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
Uplift Scope [sqr] 338: zp[1]:47 [ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ] 202: zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 ] 28.5: zp[2]:120 [ sqr::return#0 ] 22: zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 ] 4: zp[1]:119 [ sqr::$0 ]
Uplift Scope [sqrt] 202: zp[1]:100 [ sqrt::return#2 ] 103: zp[2]:98 [ sqrt::val#0 ] 34.33: zp[1]:112 [ sqrt::return#0 ] 4: zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 ] 4: zp[2]:108 [ sqrt::$3 ] 2: zp[2]:110 [ sqrt::$1 ]
Uplift Scope [init_squares] 25.17: zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] 22: zp[1]:52 [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ] 22: zp[1]:124 [ init_squares::$3 ] 22: zp[1]:125 [ init_squares::$4 ] 13.93: zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ]
Uplift Scope [] 6.6: zp[2]:53 [ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ] 0.09: zp[2]:59 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ] 0.08: zp[2]:57 [ SCREEN_DIST ] 0.03: zp[2]:122 [ SQUARES#1 ]
Uplift Scope [malloc] 2: zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 ] 0.67: zp[2]:126 [ malloc::mem#0 ]
Uplift Scope [RADIX]
Uplifting [atan2_16] best 1247286 combination reg byte y [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ] zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ] zp[2]:33 [ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ] zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ] zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ] reg byte a [ atan2_16::$23 ] reg byte a [ atan2_16::$22 ] reg byte x [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ] zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 ] zp[2]:28 [ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ] zp[2]:70 [ atan2_16::x#0 ] zp[2]:72 [ atan2_16::y#0 ]
Limited combination testing to 100 combinations of 144 possible.
Uplifting [bsearch16u] best 1228286 combination reg byte x [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ] zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ] reg byte a [ bsearch16u::$6 ] reg byte a [ bsearch16u::$16 ] zp[2]:117 [ bsearch16u::result#0 ] zp[2]:115 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] zp[2]:104 [ bsearch16u::return#3 ] zp[2]:102 [ bsearch16u::key#0 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1226686 combination zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ] reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$3 ] reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$4 ] reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$7 ] zp[2]:76 [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] zp[2]:78 [ init_angle_screen::$11 ] zp[1]:81 [ init_angle_screen::$13 ] zp[1]:82 [ init_angle_screen::$14 ] zp[1]:83 [ init_angle_screen::$15 ] zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ] zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ] zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ] zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] zp[2]:61 [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ]
Limited combination testing to 100 combinations of 65536 possible.
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1223486 combination reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ] zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ] reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ] zp[2]:94 [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ] zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ] zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ] reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ] zp[1]:40 [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ] zp[1]:86 [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ] zp[2]:38 [ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ] zp[2]:36 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ] zp[2]:89 [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ]
Limited combination testing to 100 combinations of 6144 possible.
Uplifting [main] best 1223486 combination zp[2]:12 [ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ] zp[2]:10 [ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ] zp[2]:8 [ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ] zp[2]:2 [ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ] zp[2]:6 [ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ] zp[2]:4 [ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
Uplifting [sqr] best 1223149 combination reg byte a [ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ] zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 ] zp[2]:120 [ sqr::return#0 ] zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 ] reg byte a [ sqr::$0 ]
Uplifting [sqrt] best 1222246 combination reg byte a [ sqrt::return#2 ] zp[2]:98 [ sqrt::val#0 ] reg byte a [ sqrt::return#0 ] zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 ] zp[2]:108 [ sqrt::$3 ] zp[2]:110 [ sqrt::$1 ]
Uplifting [init_squares] best 1222046 combination zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] reg byte x [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ] reg byte a [ init_squares::$3 ] reg byte a [ init_squares::$4 ] zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ]
Uplifting [] best 1222046 combination zp[2]:53 [ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ] zp[2]:59 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ] zp[2]:57 [ SCREEN_DIST ] zp[2]:122 [ SQUARES#1 ]
Uplifting [malloc] best 1222046 combination zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 ] zp[2]:126 [ malloc::mem#0 ]
Uplifting [RADIX] best 1222046 combination
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1222046 combination zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1222046 combination zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:81 [ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1221446 combination reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:82 [ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1221046 combination reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:83 [ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1220446 combination reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1220446 combination zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1220446 combination zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1220446 combination zp[1]:80 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:40 [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1220376 combination reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:86 [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1220276 combination reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Uplifting [init_angle_screen] best 1220276 combination zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Attempting to uplift remaining variables inzp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
Uplifting [init_dist_screen] best 1220276 combination zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:61 [ init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 ] ] with [ zp[2]:28 [ atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:104 [ bsearch16u::return#3 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 ] ] with [ zp[2]:126 [ malloc::mem#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:70 [ atan2_16::x#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:72 [ atan2_16::y#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 ] ] with [ zp[2]:76 [ init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 ] ] with [ zp[2]:89 [ init_dist_screen::yds#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 ] ] with [ zp[2]:94 [ init_dist_screen::xds#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:120 [ sqr::return#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:98 [ sqrt::val#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:108 [ sqrt::$3 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 ] ] with [ zp[2]:74 [ atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 ] ] with [ zp[2]:106 [ sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 malloc::mem#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:122 [ SQUARES#1 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 sqr::return#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:96 [ init_dist_screen::ds#0 sqrt::val#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:78 [ init_angle_screen::$11 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 ] ] with [ zp[2]:110 [ sqrt::$1 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 sqr::return#0 init_dist_screen::ds#0 sqrt::val#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:102 [ bsearch16u::key#0 ] ] - score: 1
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:2 [ main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:4 [ main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 ] ] with [ zp[2]:6 [ main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 ] ] with [ zp[2]:8 [ main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 init_angle_screen::$11 ] ] with [ zp[2]:10 [ main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 ] ] with [ zp[2]:12 [ main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[1]:35 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 ] ] with [ zp[1]:14 [ init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:36 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:33 [ atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[1]:41 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 ] ] with [ zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[1]:42 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 ] ] with [ zp[1]:20 [ init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:38 [ init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:44 [ bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 sqrt::$1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:65 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 atan2_16::x#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:53 [ heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:68 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::y#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:55 [ malloc::size#3 malloc::mem#0 SQUARES#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:48 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:50 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 sqrt::$1 ] ] with [ zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen#0 main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:87 [ sqr::return#2 init_dist_screen::yds#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:21 [ atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:92 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 sqr::return#0 init_dist_screen::ds#0 sqrt::val#0 bsearch16u::key#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:23 [ atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:115 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:26 [ atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 init_angle_screen::$11 main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ] ]
Coalescing zero page register [ zp[2]:117 [ bsearch16u::result#0 ] ] with [ zp[2]:31 [ atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ] ]
Allocated (was zp[1]:35) zp[1]:2 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:36) zp[2]:3 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ]
Allocated (was zp[1]:41) zp[1]:5 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[1]:42) zp[1]:6 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:48) zp[2]:7 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:50) zp[2]:9 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 sqrt::$1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen#0 main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:57) zp[2]:11 [ SCREEN_DIST ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:59) zp[2]:13 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:65) zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 atan2_16::x#0 heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:68) zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::y#0 malloc::size#3 malloc::mem#0 SQUARES#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[1]:80) zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:87) zp[2]:20 [ sqr::return#2 init_dist_screen::yds#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:92) zp[2]:22 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 sqr::return#0 init_dist_screen::ds#0 sqrt::val#0 bsearch16u::key#0 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:115) zp[2]:24 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 init_angle_screen::$11 main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ]
Allocated (was zp[2]:117) zp[2]:26 [ bsearch16u::result#0 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ]
// File Comments
// Fill screen using a spiral based on distance-to-center / angle-to-center
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
.const SIZEOF_WORD = 2
// The number of iterations performed during 16-bit CORDIC atan2 calculation
.const CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16 = $f
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_FILL = $400
// Char to fill with
.const FILL_CHAR = '@'
// Top of the heap used by malloc()
.label HEAP_TOP = $a000
.const NUM_SQUARES = $30
// Screen containing distance to center
.label SCREEN_DIST = $b
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_ANGLE = $d
.label heap_head = $f
.label SQUARES = $11
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
jmp __b1
// @1
// [2] call malloc
// [190] phi from @1 to malloc [phi:@1->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@1->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (const byte*) HEAP_TOP [phi:@1->malloc#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head
lda #>HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head+1
jsr malloc
jmp __b3
// @3
// [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [4] call malloc
// [190] phi from @3 to malloc [phi:@3->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@3->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:@3->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
jmp __b4
// @4
// [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [6] phi from @4 to @2 [phi:@4->@2]
jmp __b2
// @2
// [7] call main
jsr main
// [8] phi from @2 to @end [phi:@2->@end]
jmp __bend
// @end
// main
main: {
.label dist = 9
.label angle = $14
.label fill = 7
.label dist_angle = $1a
.label min_dist_angle = $16
.label min_dist_angle_1 = $1a
.label min_fill = $18
// [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen+1
// [10] call init_dist_screen
// [105] phi from main to init_dist_screen [phi:main->init_dist_screen]
jsr init_dist_screen
jmp __b8
// main::@8
// [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen+1
// [12] call init_angle_screen
jsr init_angle_screen
jmp __b1
// main::@1
// [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
// Find the minimum dist/angle that is not already filled
sta.z dist
sta.z dist+1
// [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z angle
sta.z angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@1 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#0] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z min_fill
sta.z min_fill+1
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word) $ffff [phi:main::@1->main::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda #>$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#4] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z fill
sta.z fill+1
jmp __b2
// main::@2
// [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 -- _deref_pbuz1_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
ldy #0
cmp (fill),y
beq __b10
jmp __b4
// main::@4
// [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) -- vwuz1=_deref_pbuz2_word__deref_pbuz3
ldy #0
lda (angle),y
sta.z dist_angle
lda (dist),y
sta.z dist_angle+1
// [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 -- vwuz1_ge_vwuz2_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
cmp.z dist_angle+1
bne !+
lda.z min_dist_angle
cmp.z dist_angle
beq __b11
bcc __b11
jmp __b5
// main::@5
// [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z fill
sta.z min_fill
lda.z fill+1
sta.z min_fill+1
// [20] phi from main::@10 main::@11 main::@5 to main::@3 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3]
// [20] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#2 = (byte*) main::min_fill#5 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [20] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// main::@3
// [21] (byte*) main::dist#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::dist#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z dist
bne !+
inc.z dist+1
// [22] (byte*) main::angle#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::angle#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z angle
bne !+
inc.z angle+1
// [23] (byte*) main::fill#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z fill
bne !+
inc.z fill+1
// [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 -- pbuz1_lt_pbuc1_then_la1
lda.z fill+1
cmp #>SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
bne !+
lda.z fill
cmp #<SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
jmp __b6
// main::@6
// [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
cmp #>$ffff
bne __b7
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
cmp #<$ffff
bne __b7
jmp __breturn
// main::@return
// [26] return
// main::@7
// [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
// Fill the found location
ldy #0
sta (min_fill),y
jmp __b1
// main::@9
// [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@9 to main::@2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (byte*) main::min_fill#2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#4] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// main::@11
// [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3_from___b11
// main::@10
// [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3_from___b10
// init_angle_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the angle to the center.
// Utilizes symmetry around the center
// init_angle_screen(byte* zeropage(9) screen)
init_angle_screen: {
.label __11 = $18
.label screen = 9
.label screen_topline = 7
.label screen_bottomline = 9
.label xw = $f
.label yw = $11
.label angle_w = $18
.label ang_w = $13
.label x = 5
.label xb = 6
.label y = 2
// [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline+1
// [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_bottomline
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen_bottomline+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
jmp __b1
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen::@4 to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_angle_screen::@1
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@1 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
jmp __b2
// init_angle_screen::@2
// [35] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b3
jmp __b4
// init_angle_screen::@4
// [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_topline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen_topline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_topline+1
// [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_bottomline
sta.z screen_bottomline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_bottomline+1
// [38] (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [39] if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_angle_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1_from___b4
jmp __breturn
// init_angle_screen::@return
// [40] return
// init_angle_screen::@3
// [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z x
// [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$27+1
// [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuaa_word_vbuc1
ldy #0
sta.z xw+1
sty.z xw
// [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z y
// [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuaa_word_vbuc1
ldy #0
sta.z yw+1
sty.z yw
// [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0
// [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0
// [48] call atan2_16
jsr atan2_16
// [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0
jmp __b5
// init_angle_screen::@5
// [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2
// [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$80
adc.z __11
sta.z __11
bcc !+
inc.z __11+1
// [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 -- vbuz1=_hi_vwuz2
lda.z __11+1
sta.z ang_w
// [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
lda.z ang_w
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=_neg_vbuz1
lda.z ang_w
eor #$ff
adc #1
// [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_topline),y
// [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_plus_vbuz1
lda #$80
adc.z ang_w
// [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuz1
lda #$80
sbc.z ang_w
// [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [60] (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [61] (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@5 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// atan2_16
// Find the atan2(x, y) - which is the angle of the line from (0,0) to (x,y)
// Finding the angle requires a binary search using CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16
// Returns the angle in hex-degrees (0=0, 0x8000=PI, 0x10000=2*PI)
// atan2_16(signed word zeropage($f) x, signed word zeropage($11) y)
atan2_16: {
.label __2 = $14
.label __7 = $16
.label yi = $14
.label xi = $16
.label angle = $18
.label xd = 3
.label yd = $1a
.label return = $18
.label x = $f
.label y = $11
// [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bpl __b1
jmp __b2
// atan2_16::@2
// [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z y
sta.z __2
lda #0
sbc.z y+1
sta.z __2+1
// [64] phi from atan2_16::@1 atan2_16::@2 to atan2_16::@3 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3]
// [64] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// atan2_16::@3
// [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bpl __b4
jmp __b5
// atan2_16::@5
// [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z x
sta.z __7
lda #0
sbc.z x+1
sta.z __7+1
// [67] phi from atan2_16::@4 atan2_16::@5 to atan2_16::@6 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6]
// [67] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b6
// atan2_16::@6
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@6 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
lda #<0
sta.z angle
lda #>0
sta.z angle+1
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#1] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
ldx #0
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// atan2_16::@10
// [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bne __b11
lda.z yi
bne __b11
// [70] phi from atan2_16::@10 atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12]
// [70] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#6 = (word) atan2_16::angle#12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b12
// atan2_16::@12
// [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_ror_1
lsr.z angle+1
ror.z angle
// [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bpl __b7_from___b12
jmp __b21
// atan2_16::@21
// [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 -- vwuz1=vwuc1_minus_vwuz1
lda #<$8000
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #>$8000
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [74] phi from atan2_16::@12 atan2_16::@21 to atan2_16::@7 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7]
// [74] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#11 = (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b7
// atan2_16::@7
// [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bpl __b8_from___b7
jmp __b9
// atan2_16::@9
// [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 -- vwuz1=_neg_vwuz1
lda #0
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #0
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [77] phi from atan2_16::@7 atan2_16::@9 to atan2_16::@8 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8]
// [77] phi (word) atan2_16::return#0 = (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b8
// atan2_16::@8
jmp __breturn
// atan2_16::@return
// [78] return
// atan2_16::@11
// [79] (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuyy=vbuxx
// [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z xi
sta.z xd
lda.z xi+1
sta.z xd+1
// [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z yi
sta.z yd
lda.z yi+1
sta.z yd+1
// [82] phi from atan2_16::@11 atan2_16::@14 to atan2_16::@13 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13]
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#0] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#1] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 = (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b13
// atan2_16::@13
// [83] if((byte) atan2_16::shift#2>=(byte) 2) goto atan2_16::@14 -- vbuyy_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cpy #2
bcs __b14
jmp __b15
// atan2_16::@15
// [84] if((byte) 0==(byte) atan2_16::shift#2) goto atan2_16::@17 -- vbuc1_eq_vbuyy_then_la1
cpy #0
beq __b17_from___b15
jmp __b16
// atan2_16::@16
// [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// [87] phi from atan2_16::@15 atan2_16::@16 to atan2_16::@17 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17]
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#0] -- register_copy
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b17
// atan2_16::@17
// [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bpl __b18
jmp __b20
// atan2_16::@20
// [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
sbc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
sbc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
adc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
adc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_minus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuaa
lda.z angle
sta.z angle
lda.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [93] phi from atan2_16::@18 atan2_16::@20 to atan2_16::@19 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19]
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#0] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#13 = (word) atan2_16::angle#2 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#1] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b19
// atan2_16::@19
// [94] (byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← ++ (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [95] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto atan2_16::@12 -- vbuxx_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
beq __b12_from___b19
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (word) atan2_16::angle#13 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#0] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) atan2_16::i#1 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#1] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// atan2_16::@18
// [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
adc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
adc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
sbc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
sbc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuaa
lda.z angle
sta.z angle
lda.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
jmp __b19_from___b18
// atan2_16::@14
// [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// [102] (byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 - (byte) 2 -- vbuyy=vbuyy_minus_2
jmp __b13_from___b14
// atan2_16::@4
// [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z x
sta.z xi
lda.z x+1
sta.z xi+1
jmp __b6_from___b4
// atan2_16::@1
// [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z y
sta.z yi
lda.z y+1
sta.z yi+1
jmp __b3_from___b1
// init_dist_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the distance to the center.
// The actual value stored is distance*2 to increase precision
// init_dist_screen(byte* zeropage(3) screen)
init_dist_screen: {
.label screen = 3
.label screen_bottomline = 7
.label yds = $14
.label screen_topline = 3
.label y = 2
.label xds = $16
.label ds = $16
.label x = 5
.label xb = 6
// [106] call init_squares
// [177] phi from init_dist_screen to init_squares [phi:init_dist_screen->init_squares]
jsr init_squares
jmp __b11
// init_dist_screen::@11
// [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@11 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
jmp __b1
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@7 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_dist_screen::@1
// [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z y
// [110] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0>=(byte) $18) goto init_dist_screen::@2 -- vbuaa_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cmp #$18
bcs __b2
jmp __b3
// init_dist_screen::@3
// [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$18+1
// [112] phi from init_dist_screen::@2 init_dist_screen::@3 to init_dist_screen::@4 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4]
// [112] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b4
// init_dist_screen::@4
// [113] (byte) sqr::val#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0
// [114] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@4 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return
sta.z sqr.return_1
lda.z sqr.return+1
sta.z sqr.return_1+1
jmp __b12
// init_dist_screen::@12
// [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@12 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
jmp __b5
// init_dist_screen::@5
// [118] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b6
jmp __b7
// init_dist_screen::@7
// [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_topline
sta.z screen_topline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_topline+1
// [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_bottomline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen_bottomline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [121] (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [122] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_dist_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1_from___b7
jmp __breturn
// init_dist_screen::@return
// [123] return
// init_dist_screen::@6
// [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z x
// [125] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0>=(byte) $27) goto init_dist_screen::@8 -- vbuaa_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cmp #$27
bcs __b8
jmp __b9
// init_dist_screen::@9
// [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$27+1
// [127] phi from init_dist_screen::@8 init_dist_screen::@9 to init_dist_screen::@10 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10]
// [127] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// init_dist_screen::@10
// [128] (byte) sqr::val#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0
// [129] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@10 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0
jmp __b13
// init_dist_screen::@13
// [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3
// [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vwuz2
lda.z ds
adc.z yds
sta.z ds
lda.z ds+1
adc.z yds+1
sta.z ds+1
// [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0
// [134] call sqrt
jsr sqrt
// [135] (byte) sqrt::return#2 ← (byte) sqrt::return#0
jmp __b14
// init_dist_screen::@14
// [136] (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 ← (byte) sqrt::return#2
// [137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// [138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_topline),y
// [140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// [141] (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [142] (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@14 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- register_copy
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b5
// init_dist_screen::@8
// [143] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 - (byte) $27 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_minus_vbuc1
sbc #$27
jmp __b10_from___b8
// init_dist_screen::@2
// [144] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 - (byte) $18 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_minus_vbuc1
sbc #$18
jmp __b4_from___b2
// sqrt
// Find the (integer) square root of a word value
// If the square is not an integer then it returns the largest integer N where N*N <= val
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqrt(word zeropage($16) val)
sqrt: {
.label __1 = 9
.label __3 = 9
.label found = 9
.label val = $16
// [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0
// [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z bsearch16u.items
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z bsearch16u.items+1
// [147] call bsearch16u
// [154] phi from sqrt to bsearch16u [phi:sqrt->bsearch16u]
jsr bsearch16u
// [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1
jmp __b1
// sqrt::@1
// [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3
// [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- vwuz1=pwuz1_minus_pwuz2
lda.z __3
sta.z __3
lda.z __3+1
sbc.z SQUARES+1
sta.z __3+1
// [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_ror_1
lsr.z __1+1
ror.z __1
// [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 -- vbuaa=_byte_vwuz1
lda.z __1
jmp __breturn
// sqrt::@return
// [153] return
// bsearch16u
// Searches an array of nitems unsigned words, the initial member of which is pointed to by base, for a member that matches the value key.
// - key - The value to look for
// - items - Pointer to the start of the array to search in
// - num - The number of items in the array
// Returns pointer to an entry in the array that matches the search key
// bsearch16u(word zeropage($16) key, word* zeropage(9) items, byte register(X) num)
bsearch16u: {
.label __2 = 9
.label pivot = $18
.label result = $1a
.label return = 9
.label items = 9
.label key = $16
// [155] phi from bsearch16u to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
jmp __b3
// bsearch16u::@3
// [156] if((byte) bsearch16u::num#3>(byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@4 -- vbuxx_gt_0_then_la1
cpx #0
bne __b4
jmp __b5
// bsearch16u::@5
// [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 -- _deref_pwuz1_le_vwuz2_then_la1
ldy #1
lda (items),y
cmp.z key+1
bne !+
lda (items),y
cmp.z key
beq __b2_from___b5
bcc __b2_from___b5
jmp __b1
// bsearch16u::@1
// [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z __2
sta.z __2
lda.z __2+1
sta.z __2+1
// [159] phi from bsearch16u::@1 bsearch16u::@5 to bsearch16u::@2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2]
// [159] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2#0] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// bsearch16u::@2
// [160] phi from bsearch16u::@2 bsearch16u::@8 to bsearch16u::@return [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return]
// [160] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 = (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return#0] -- register_copy
jmp __breturn
// bsearch16u::@return
// [161] return
// bsearch16u::@4
// [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_ror_1
// [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_rol_1
// [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuaa
adc.z items
sta.z pivot
lda #0
adc.z items+1
sta.z pivot+1
// [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) -- vwsz1=vwsz2_minus__deref_pwsz3
lda.z key
ldy #0
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result
lda.z key+1
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result+1
// [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
lda.z result+1
bne __b6
lda.z result
bne __b6
jmp __b8
// bsearch16u::@8
// [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
lda.z pivot
sta.z return
lda.z pivot+1
sta.z return+1
jmp __breturn_from___b8
// bsearch16u::@6
// [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 -- vwsz1_le_0_then_la1
lda.z result+1
bmi __b7_from___b6
bne !+
lda.z result
beq __b7_from___b6
jmp __b9
// bsearch16u::@9
// [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuc1
adc.z pivot
sta.z items
lda #0
adc.z pivot+1
sta.z items+1
// [170] (byte) bsearch16u::num#1 ← -- (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 -- vbuxx=_dec_vbuxx
// [171] phi from bsearch16u::@6 bsearch16u::@9 to bsearch16u::@7 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7]
// [171] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#0] -- register_copy
// [171] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b7
// bsearch16u::@7
// [172] (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuxx=vbuxx_ror_1
// [155] phi from bsearch16u::@7 to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// sqr
// Find the square of a byte value
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqr(byte register(A) val)
sqr: {
.label return = $16
.label return_1 = $14
// [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_rol_1
// [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) -- vwuz1=pwuz2_derefidx_vbuaa
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return+1
jmp __breturn
// sqr::@return
// [176] return
// init_squares
// Initialize squares table
// Uses iterative formula (x+1)^2 = x^2 + 2*x + 1
init_squares: {
.label squares = 9
.label sqr = 7
// [178] call malloc
// [190] phi from init_squares to malloc [phi:init_squares->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [phi:init_squares->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
sta.z malloc.size
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:init_squares->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
jmp __b2
// init_squares::@2
// [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
// [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z squares
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z squares+1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@2 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
ldx #0
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#2] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
lda #<0
sta.z sqr
lda #>0
sta.z sqr+1
jmp __b1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@1 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) init_squares::i#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (word) init_squares::sqr#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#2] -- register_copy
jmp __b1
// init_squares::@1
// [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 -- _deref_pwuz1=vwuz2
ldy #0
lda.z sqr
sta (squares),y
lda.z sqr+1
sta (squares),y
// [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_plus_vbuc1
adc.z squares
sta.z squares
bcc !+
inc.z squares+1
// [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// [185] (byte~) init_squares::$4 ← (byte~) init_squares::$3 + (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_plus_1
adc #1
// [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vbuaa
adc.z sqr
sta.z sqr
bcc !+
inc.z sqr+1
// [187] (byte) init_squares::i#1 ← ++ (byte) init_squares::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [188] if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto init_squares::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
cpx #NUM_SQUARES-1+1
bne __b1_from___b1
jmp __breturn
// init_squares::@return
// [189] return
// malloc
// Allocates a block of size bytes of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block.
// The content of the newly allocated block of memory is not initialized, remaining with indeterminate values.
// malloc(word zeropage($11) size)
malloc: {
.label mem = $11
.label size = $11
// [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_minus_vwuz1
lda.z heap_head
sbc.z mem
sta.z mem
lda.z heap_head+1
sbc.z mem+1
sta.z mem+1
// [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z mem
sta.z heap_head
lda.z mem+1
sta.z heap_head+1
jmp __breturn
// malloc::@return
// [193] return
// File Data
// Angles representing ATAN(0.5), ATAN(0.25), ATAN(0.125), ...
.for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b3
Removing instruction jmp __b4
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __bend
Removing instruction jmp __b8
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __b4
Removing instruction jmp __b5
Removing instruction jmp __b3
Removing instruction jmp __b6
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __b4
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b5
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __b3
Removing instruction jmp __b5
Removing instruction jmp __b6
Removing instruction jmp __b10
Removing instruction jmp __b12
Removing instruction jmp __b21
Removing instruction jmp __b7
Removing instruction jmp __b9
Removing instruction jmp __b8
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b13
Removing instruction jmp __b15
Removing instruction jmp __b16
Removing instruction jmp __b17
Removing instruction jmp __b20
Removing instruction jmp __b19
Removing instruction jmp __b11
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b3
Removing instruction jmp __b4
Removing instruction jmp __b12
Removing instruction jmp __b5
Removing instruction jmp __b7
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b9
Removing instruction jmp __b10
Removing instruction jmp __b13
Removing instruction jmp __b14
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b3
Removing instruction jmp __b5
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b8
Removing instruction jmp __b9
Removing instruction jmp __b7
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __b2
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Removing instruction jmp __breturn
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
Removing instruction ldy #0
Removing instruction lda.z ang_w
Removing instruction lda.z ang_w
Removing instruction ldy.z xb
Removing instruction ldy.z x
Removing instruction lda #>0
Replacing instruction ldx #0 with TAX
Removing instruction ldy.z x
Removing instruction ldy.z xb
Removing instruction lda.z result+1
Replacing instruction lda #<0 with TXA
Removing instruction lda #>0
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination
Replacing label __bbegin with __b1
Replacing label __b3_from___b11 with __b3
Replacing label __b3_from___b10 with __b3
Replacing label __b1_from___b4 with __b1
Replacing label __b7_from___b12 with __b7
Replacing label __b8_from___b7 with __b8
Replacing label __b17_from___b15 with __b17
Replacing label __b12_from___b19 with __b12
Replacing label __b19_from___b18 with __b19
Replacing label __b13_from___b14 with __b13
Replacing label __b6_from___b4 with __b6
Replacing label __b3_from___b1 with __b3
Replacing label __b1_from___b7 with __b1
Replacing label __b10_from___b8 with __b10
Replacing label __b4_from___b2 with __b4
Replacing label __b2_from___b5 with __b2
Replacing label __b2_from___b5 with __b2
Replacing label __breturn_from___b8 with __b2
Replacing label __b7_from___b6 with __b7
Replacing label __b7_from___b6 with __b7
Replacing label __b1_from___b1 with __b1
Removing instruction __bbegin:
Removing instruction __b1_from___bbegin:
Removing instruction malloc_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b4:
Removing instruction __bend_from___b2:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b10:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b11:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b5:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b4:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b2:
Removing instruction __b6_from___b4:
Removing instruction __b6_from___b5:
Removing instruction __b10_from___b6:
Removing instruction __b12_from___b10:
Removing instruction __b12_from___b19:
Removing instruction __b7_from___b12:
Removing instruction __b7_from___b21:
Removing instruction __b8_from___b7:
Removing instruction __b8_from___b9:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b13_from___b11:
Removing instruction __b13_from___b14:
Removing instruction __b17_from___b15:
Removing instruction __b17_from___b16:
Removing instruction __b19_from___b18:
Removing instruction __b19_from___b20:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b7:
Removing instruction __b4_from___b2:
Removing instruction __b4_from___b3:
Removing instruction sqr_from___b4:
Removing instruction __b5_from___b12:
Removing instruction __b10_from___b8:
Removing instruction __b10_from___b9:
Removing instruction sqr_from___b10:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b5:
Removing instruction __breturn_from___b2:
Removing instruction __breturn_from___b8:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b7_from___b6:
Removing instruction __b7_from___b9:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b1:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5RedundantLabelElimination
Removing instruction __b3:
Removing instruction malloc_from___b3:
Removing instruction __b4:
Removing instruction __b2:
Removing instruction __bend:
Removing instruction init_dist_screen_from_main:
Removing instruction __b8:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b1:
Removing instruction __b4:
Removing instruction __b5:
Removing instruction __b6:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b9:
Removing instruction __b1_from_init_angle_screen:
Removing instruction __b4:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b5:
Removing instruction __b2_from___b5:
Removing instruction __b2:
Removing instruction __b5:
Removing instruction __b21:
Removing instruction __b9:
Removing instruction __b15:
Removing instruction __b16:
Removing instruction __b20:
Removing instruction __b10_from___b19:
Removing instruction init_squares_from_init_dist_screen:
Removing instruction __b11:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b11:
Removing instruction __b3:
Removing instruction __b12:
Removing instruction __b7:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b9:
Removing instruction __b13:
Removing instruction __b14:
Removing instruction __b5_from___b14:
Removing instruction bsearch16u_from_sqrt:
Removing instruction __b1:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __b3_from_bsearch16u:
Removing instruction __b5:
Removing instruction __b1:
Removing instruction __b8:
Removing instruction __b9:
Removing instruction __b3_from___b7:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction malloc_from_init_squares:
Removing instruction __b2:
Removing instruction __b1_from___b2:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Removing instruction __breturn:
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnusedLabelElimination
Replacing jump to rts with rts in jmp __b2
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5DoubleJumpElimination
Adding RTS to root block
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5AddMainRts
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Removing instruction jmp __b1
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5NextJumpElimination
Removing instruction ldy #0
Succesful ASM optimization Pass5UnnecesaryLoadElimination
Fixing long branch [382] beq __b12 to bne
Fixing long branch [276] bpl __b1 to bmi
Fixing long branch [288] bpl __b4 to bmi
(label) @1
(label) @2
(label) @3
(label) @4
(label) @begin
(label) @end
(const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 = kickasm {{ .for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2
(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16 = (number) $f
(const byte) FILL_CHAR = (byte) '@'
(const byte*) HEAP_TOP = (byte*) 40960
(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 NUM_SQUARES = (byte) $30
(const byte) RADIX::BINARY = (number) 2
(const byte) RADIX::DECIMAL = (number) $a
(const byte) RADIX::HEXADECIMAL = (number) $10
(const byte) RADIX::OCTAL = (number) 8
(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE zp[2]:13 0.08695652173913043
(void*) SCREEN_DIST zp[2]:11 0.08
(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL = (byte*) 1024
(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD = (byte) 2
(word*) SQUARES
(void*) SQUARES#1 SQUARES zp[2]:17 0.03225806451612903
(word()) atan2_16((signed word) atan2_16::x , (signed word) atan2_16::y)
(signed word~) atan2_16::$2 zp[2]:20 4.0
(byte~) atan2_16::$22 reg byte a 2002.0
(byte~) atan2_16::$23 reg byte a 2002.0
(signed word~) atan2_16::$7 zp[2]:22 4.0
(label) atan2_16::@1
(label) atan2_16::@10
(label) atan2_16::@11
(label) atan2_16::@12
(label) atan2_16::@13
(label) atan2_16::@14
(label) atan2_16::@15
(label) atan2_16::@16
(label) atan2_16::@17
(label) atan2_16::@18
(label) atan2_16::@19
(label) atan2_16::@2
(label) atan2_16::@20
(label) atan2_16::@21
(label) atan2_16::@3
(label) atan2_16::@4
(label) atan2_16::@5
(label) atan2_16::@6
(label) atan2_16::@7
(label) atan2_16::@8
(label) atan2_16::@9
(label) atan2_16::@return
(word) atan2_16::angle
(word) atan2_16::angle#1 angle zp[2]:24 3.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#11 angle zp[2]:24 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#12 angle zp[2]:24 190.66666666666666
(word) atan2_16::angle#13 angle zp[2]:24 1334.6666666666667
(word) atan2_16::angle#2 angle zp[2]:24 2002.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#3 angle zp[2]:24 2002.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#4 angle zp[2]:24 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#5 angle zp[2]:24 4.0
(word) atan2_16::angle#6 angle zp[2]:24 2004.0
(byte) atan2_16::i
(byte) atan2_16::i#1 reg byte x 1501.5
(byte) atan2_16::i#2 reg byte x 208.54166666666669
(word) atan2_16::return
(word) atan2_16::return#0 return zp[2]:24 34.99999999999999
(word) atan2_16::return#2 return zp[2]:24 202.0
(byte) atan2_16::shift
(byte) atan2_16::shift#1 reg byte y 20002.0
(byte) atan2_16::shift#2 reg byte y 8001.25
(byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 reg byte y 667.3333333333334
(signed word) atan2_16::x
(signed word) atan2_16::x#0 x zp[2]:15 2.8684210526315796
(signed word) atan2_16::xd
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 xd zp[2]:3 6667.333333333333
(signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 xd zp[2]:3 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 xd zp[2]:3 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 xd zp[2]:3 7668.333333333332
(signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 xd zp[2]:3 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 xi zp[2]:22 6.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 xi zp[2]:22 500.5
(signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 xi zp[2]:22 4.0
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 xi zp[2]:22 500.5
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 xi zp[2]:22 267.0666666666667
(signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 xi zp[2]:22 1001.0
(signed word) atan2_16::y
(signed word) atan2_16::y#0 y zp[2]:17 2.724999999999999
(signed word) atan2_16::yd
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 yd zp[2]:26 10001.0
(signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 yd zp[2]:26 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 yd zp[2]:26 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 yd zp[2]:26 4601.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 yd zp[2]:26 2002.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yi
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 yi zp[2]:20 1.2000000000000002
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 yi zp[2]:20 667.3333333333334
(signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 yi zp[2]:20 4.0
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 yi zp[2]:20 667.3333333333334
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 yi zp[2]:20 353.4117647058823
(signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 yi zp[2]:20 1001.0
(word*()) bsearch16u((word) bsearch16u::key , (word*) bsearch16u::items , (byte) bsearch16u::num)
(byte~) bsearch16u::$16 reg byte a 2002.0
(word*~) bsearch16u::$2 zp[2]:9 4.0
(byte~) bsearch16u::$6 reg byte a 2002.0
(label) bsearch16u::@1
(label) bsearch16u::@2
(label) bsearch16u::@3
(label) bsearch16u::@4
(label) bsearch16u::@5
(label) bsearch16u::@6
(label) bsearch16u::@7
(label) bsearch16u::@8
(label) bsearch16u::@9
(label) bsearch16u::@return
(word*) bsearch16u::items
(word*) bsearch16u::items#0 items zp[2]:9 1001.0
(word*) bsearch16u::items#1 items zp[2]:9 2.0
(word*) bsearch16u::items#2 items zp[2]:9 334.5555555555556
(word*) bsearch16u::items#8 items zp[2]:9 1501.5
(word) bsearch16u::key
(word) bsearch16u::key#0 key zp[2]:22 0.26666666666666666
(byte) bsearch16u::num
(byte) bsearch16u::num#0 reg byte x 2002.0
(byte) bsearch16u::num#1 reg byte x 2002.0
(byte) bsearch16u::num#3 reg byte x 556.1111111111111
(byte) bsearch16u::num#5 reg byte x 3003.0
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot
(word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 pivot zp[2]:24 501.0
(signed word) bsearch16u::result
(signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 result zp[2]:26 1501.5
(word*) bsearch16u::return
(word*) bsearch16u::return#1 return zp[2]:9 2.0
(word*) bsearch16u::return#2 return zp[2]:9 6.0
(word*) bsearch16u::return#3 return zp[2]:9 4.0
(word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 return zp[2]:9 4.0
(byte*) heap_head
(byte*) heap_head#1 heap_head zp[2]:15 0.6000000000000001
(byte*) heap_head#12 heap_head zp[2]:15 6.0
(void()) init_angle_screen((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen)
(word~) init_angle_screen::$11 zp[2]:24 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 reg byte a 202.0
(label) init_angle_screen::@1
(label) init_angle_screen::@2
(label) init_angle_screen::@3
(label) init_angle_screen::@4
(label) init_angle_screen::@5
(label) init_angle_screen::@return
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w
(byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ang_w zp[1]:19 84.16666666666666
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w
(word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 angle_w zp[2]:24 202.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 screen zp[2]:9 3.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 screen_bottomline zp[2]:9 4.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 screen_bottomline zp[2]:9 7.333333333333333
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 screen_bottomline zp[2]:9 9.04
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 screen_topline zp[2]:7 2.0
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 screen_topline zp[2]:7 5.5
(byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 screen_topline zp[2]:7 9.416666666666666
(byte) init_angle_screen::x
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 x zp[1]:5 101.0
(byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 x zp[1]:5 28.857142857142858
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 xb zp[1]:6 202.0
(byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 xb zp[1]:6 18.363636363636363
(signed word) init_angle_screen::xw
(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 xw zp[2]:15 33.666666666666664
(byte) init_angle_screen::y
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 y zp[1]:2 16.5
(byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 y zp[1]:2 4.730769230769231
(signed word) init_angle_screen::yw
(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 yw zp[2]:17 50.5
(void()) init_dist_screen((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen)
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 reg byte a 202.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 reg byte a 22.0
(byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 reg byte a 22.0
(label) init_dist_screen::@1
(label) init_dist_screen::@10
(label) init_dist_screen::@11
(label) init_dist_screen::@12
(label) init_dist_screen::@13
(label) init_dist_screen::@14
(label) init_dist_screen::@2
(label) init_dist_screen::@3
(label) init_dist_screen::@4
(label) init_dist_screen::@5
(label) init_dist_screen::@6
(label) init_dist_screen::@7
(label) init_dist_screen::@8
(label) init_dist_screen::@9
(label) init_dist_screen::@return
(byte) init_dist_screen::d
(byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 reg byte a 126.25
(word) init_dist_screen::ds
(word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ds zp[2]:22 202.0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 screen zp[2]:3 1.5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 screen_bottomline zp[2]:7 4.0
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 screen_bottomline zp[2]:7 7.333333333333333
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 screen_bottomline zp[2]:7 6.848484848484849
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 screen_topline zp[2]:3 5.5
(byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 screen_topline zp[2]:3 7.0625
(byte) init_dist_screen::x
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 x zp[1]:5 101.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 x zp[1]:5 30.3
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2
(byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 reg byte a 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 xb zp[1]:6 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 xb zp[1]:6 19.238095238095237
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd
(byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 reg byte a 303.0
(word) init_dist_screen::xds
(word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 xds zp[2]:22 202.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::y
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 y zp[1]:2 16.5
(byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 y zp[1]:2 0.9705882352941178
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2
(byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 reg byte a 22.0
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd
(byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 reg byte a 33.0
(word) init_dist_screen::yds
(word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 yds zp[2]:20 4.869565217391305
(void()) init_squares()
(byte~) init_squares::$3 reg byte a 22.0
(byte~) init_squares::$4 reg byte a 22.0
(label) init_squares::@1
(label) init_squares::@2
(label) init_squares::@return
(byte) init_squares::i
(byte) init_squares::i#1 reg byte x 16.5
(byte) init_squares::i#2 reg byte x 5.5
(word) init_squares::sqr
(word) init_squares::sqr#1 sqr zp[2]:7 7.333333333333333
(word) init_squares::sqr#2 sqr zp[2]:7 6.6000000000000005
(word*) init_squares::squares
(word*) init_squares::squares#0 squares zp[2]:9 4.0
(word*) init_squares::squares#1 squares zp[2]:9 3.6666666666666665
(word*) init_squares::squares#2 squares zp[2]:9 17.5
(void()) main()
(label) main::@1
(label) main::@10
(label) main::@11
(label) main::@2
(label) main::@3
(label) main::@4
(label) main::@5
(label) main::@6
(label) main::@7
(label) main::@8
(label) main::@9
(label) main::@return
(byte*) main::angle
(byte*) main::angle#0 angle zp[2]:20 22.0
(byte*) main::angle#1 angle zp[2]:20 50.5
(byte*) main::angle#2 angle zp[2]:20 34.888888888888886
(byte*) main::dist
(byte*) main::dist#0 dist zp[2]:9 11.0
(byte*) main::dist#1 dist zp[2]:9 40.4
(byte*) main::dist#2 dist zp[2]:9 39.25
(word) main::dist_angle
(word) main::dist_angle#0 dist_angle zp[2]:26 101.0
(byte*) main::fill
(byte*) main::fill#1 fill zp[2]:7 101.0
(byte*) main::fill#2 fill zp[2]:7 40.4
(word) main::min_dist_angle
(word) main::min_dist_angle#2 min_dist_angle zp[2]:22 101.0
(word) main::min_dist_angle#3 min_dist_angle_1 zp[2]:26 83.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 min_dist_angle zp[2]:22 202.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 min_dist_angle_1 zp[2]:26 202.0
(word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 min_dist_angle_1 zp[2]:26 202.0
(byte*) main::min_fill
(byte*~) main::min_fill#10 min_fill zp[2]:24 202.0
(byte*) main::min_fill#2 min_fill zp[2]:24 59.285714285714285
(byte*) main::min_fill#5 min_fill zp[2]:24 50.5
(void*()) malloc((word) malloc::size)
(label) malloc::@return
(byte*) malloc::mem
(byte*) malloc::mem#0 mem zp[2]:17 0.6666666666666666
(void*) malloc::return
(word) malloc::size
(word) malloc::size#3 size zp[2]:17 2.0
(word()) sqr((byte) sqr::val)
(byte~) sqr::$0 reg byte a 4.0
(label) sqr::@return
(word) sqr::return
(word) sqr::return#0 return zp[2]:22 28.5
(word) sqr::return#2 return_1 zp[2]:20 22.0
(word) sqr::return#3 return zp[2]:22 202.0
(byte) sqr::val
(byte) sqr::val#0 reg byte a 22.0
(byte) sqr::val#1 reg byte a 202.0
(byte) sqr::val#2 reg byte a 114.0
(byte()) sqrt((word) sqrt::val)
(word~) sqrt::$1 zp[2]:9 2.0
(word~) sqrt::$3 zp[2]:9 4.0
(label) sqrt::@1
(label) sqrt::@return
(word*) sqrt::found
(word*) sqrt::found#0 found zp[2]:9 4.0
(byte) sqrt::return
(byte) sqrt::return#0 reg byte a 34.33333333333333
(byte) sqrt::return#2 reg byte a 202.0
(byte) sqrt::sq
(word) sqrt::val
(word) sqrt::val#0 val zp[2]:22 103.0
reg byte x [ atan2_16::i#2 atan2_16::i#1 ]
reg byte y [ atan2_16::shift#2 atan2_16::shift#5 atan2_16::shift#1 ]
zp[1]:2 [ init_dist_screen::y#10 init_dist_screen::y#1 init_angle_screen::y#5 init_angle_screen::y#1 ]
zp[2]:3 [ init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 init_dist_screen::screen#0 init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 atan2_16::xd#5 atan2_16::xd#3 atan2_16::xd#10 atan2_16::xd#1 atan2_16::xd#2 ]
reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::yd#0 init_dist_screen::$7 init_dist_screen::$5 ]
zp[1]:5 [ init_dist_screen::x#2 init_dist_screen::x#1 init_angle_screen::x#2 init_angle_screen::x#1 ]
zp[1]:6 [ init_dist_screen::xb#2 init_dist_screen::xb#1 init_angle_screen::xb#2 init_angle_screen::xb#1 ]
reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::xd#0 init_dist_screen::$16 init_dist_screen::$14 ]
reg byte x [ bsearch16u::num#5 bsearch16u::num#1 bsearch16u::num#3 bsearch16u::num#0 ]
reg byte a [ sqr::val#2 sqr::val#1 sqr::val#0 ]
zp[2]:7 [ init_squares::sqr#2 init_squares::sqr#1 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 main::fill#2 main::fill#1 ]
zp[2]:9 [ init_squares::squares#2 init_squares::squares#1 init_squares::squares#0 bsearch16u::return#1 bsearch16u::return#6 bsearch16u::return#2 bsearch16u::items#2 bsearch16u::items#1 bsearch16u::items#8 bsearch16u::$2 bsearch16u::items#0 bsearch16u::return#3 sqrt::found#0 sqrt::$3 sqrt::$1 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 init_angle_screen::screen#0 main::dist#2 main::dist#0 main::dist#1 ]
reg byte x [ init_squares::i#2 init_squares::i#1 ]
zp[2]:11 [ SCREEN_DIST ]
zp[2]:13 [ SCREEN_ANGLE ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$3 ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$4 ]
zp[2]:15 [ init_angle_screen::xw#0 atan2_16::x#0 heap_head#12 heap_head#1 ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$7 ]
zp[2]:17 [ init_angle_screen::yw#0 atan2_16::y#0 malloc::size#3 malloc::mem#0 SQUARES#1 ]
zp[1]:19 [ init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$13 ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$14 ]
reg byte a [ init_angle_screen::$15 ]
reg byte a [ atan2_16::$23 ]
reg byte a [ atan2_16::$22 ]
reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::y2#0 ]
zp[2]:20 [ sqr::return#2 init_dist_screen::yds#0 atan2_16::yi#3 atan2_16::yi#8 atan2_16::yi#0 atan2_16::yi#16 atan2_16::$2 atan2_16::yi#1 atan2_16::yi#2 main::angle#2 main::angle#0 main::angle#1 ]
reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::x2#0 ]
zp[2]:22 [ sqr::return#3 init_dist_screen::xds#0 sqr::return#0 init_dist_screen::ds#0 sqrt::val#0 bsearch16u::key#0 atan2_16::xi#3 atan2_16::xi#8 atan2_16::xi#0 atan2_16::xi#13 atan2_16::$7 atan2_16::xi#1 atan2_16::xi#2 main::min_dist_angle#2 main::min_dist_angle#6 ]
reg byte a [ sqrt::return#2 ]
reg byte a [ init_dist_screen::d#0 ]
reg byte a [ sqrt::return#0 ]
reg byte a [ bsearch16u::$6 ]
reg byte a [ bsearch16u::$16 ]
zp[2]:24 [ bsearch16u::pivot#0 atan2_16::angle#6 atan2_16::angle#12 atan2_16::angle#13 atan2_16::angle#2 atan2_16::angle#3 atan2_16::return#0 atan2_16::angle#5 atan2_16::angle#11 atan2_16::angle#1 atan2_16::angle#4 atan2_16::return#2 init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 init_angle_screen::$11 main::min_fill#5 main::min_fill#2 main::min_fill#10 ]
zp[2]:26 [ bsearch16u::result#0 atan2_16::yd#5 atan2_16::yd#3 atan2_16::yd#10 atan2_16::yd#1 atan2_16::yd#2 main::min_dist_angle#3 main::min_dist_angle#7 main::min_dist_angle#8 main::dist_angle#0 ]
reg byte a [ sqr::$0 ]
reg byte a [ init_squares::$3 ]
reg byte a [ init_squares::$4 ]
Score: 1112746
// File Comments
// Fill screen using a spiral based on distance-to-center / angle-to-center
// Upstart
.pc = $801 "Basic"
.pc = $80d "Program"
// Global Constants & labels
.const SIZEOF_WORD = 2
// The number of iterations performed during 16-bit CORDIC atan2 calculation
.const CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16 = $f
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_FILL = $400
// Char to fill with
.const FILL_CHAR = '@'
// Top of the heap used by malloc()
.label HEAP_TOP = $a000
.const NUM_SQUARES = $30
// Screen containing distance to center
.label SCREEN_DIST = $b
// Screen containing angle to center
.label SCREEN_ANGLE = $d
.label heap_head = $f
.label SQUARES = $11
// @begin
// [1] phi from @begin to @1 [phi:@begin->@1]
// @1
// malloc(1000)
// [2] call malloc
// [190] phi from @1 to malloc [phi:@1->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@1->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (const byte*) HEAP_TOP [phi:@1->malloc#1] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
lda #<HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head
lda #>HEAP_TOP
sta.z heap_head+1
jsr malloc
// @3
// malloc(1000)
// [3] (void*) SCREEN_DIST ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [4] call malloc
// [190] phi from @3 to malloc [phi:@3->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (word) $3e8 [phi:@3->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$3e8
sta.z malloc.size
lda #>$3e8
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:@3->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
// @4
// malloc(1000)
// [5] (void*) SCREEN_ANGLE ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pvoz1=pvoz2
lda.z malloc.mem
lda.z malloc.mem+1
// [6] phi from @4 to @2 [phi:@4->@2]
// @2
// [7] call main
jsr main
// [8] phi from @2 to @end [phi:@2->@end]
// @end
// main
main: {
.label dist = 9
.label angle = $14
.label fill = 7
.label dist_angle = $1a
.label min_dist_angle = $16
.label min_dist_angle_1 = $1a
.label min_fill = $18
// init_dist_screen(SCREEN_DIST)
// [9] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen
sta.z init_dist_screen.screen+1
// [10] call init_dist_screen
// [105] phi from main to init_dist_screen [phi:main->init_dist_screen]
jsr init_dist_screen
// main::@8
// init_angle_screen(SCREEN_ANGLE)
// [11] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen
sta.z init_angle_screen.screen+1
// [12] call init_angle_screen
jsr init_angle_screen
// main::@1
// dist = SCREEN_DIST
// [13] (byte*) main::dist#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_DIST -- pbuz1=pbuz2
// Find the minimum dist/angle that is not already filled
sta.z dist
sta.z dist+1
// angle = SCREEN_ANGLE
// [14] (byte*) main::angle#0 ← (byte*)(void*) SCREEN_ANGLE -- pbuz1=pbuz2
sta.z angle
sta.z angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@1 to main::@2 [phi:main::@1->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#0] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z min_fill
sta.z min_fill+1
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word) $ffff [phi:main::@1->main::@2#1] -- vwuz1=vwuc1
lda #<$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda #>$ffff
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#0 [phi:main::@1->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (const byte*) SCREEN_FILL [phi:main::@1->main::@2#4] -- pbuz1=pbuc1
sta.z fill
sta.z fill+1
// main::@2
// if(*fill!=FILL_CHAR)
// [16] if(*((byte*) main::fill#2)==(const byte) FILL_CHAR) goto main::@10 -- _deref_pbuz1_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
ldy #0
cmp (fill),y
beq __b10
// main::@4
// dist_angle = { *dist, *angle }
// [17] (word) main::dist_angle#0 ← *((byte*) main::dist#2) w= *((byte*) main::angle#2) -- vwuz1=_deref_pbuz2_word__deref_pbuz3
lda (angle),y
sta.z dist_angle
lda (dist),y
sta.z dist_angle+1
// if(dist_angle<min_dist_angle)
// [18] if((word) main::dist_angle#0>=(word) main::min_dist_angle#2) goto main::@11 -- vwuz1_ge_vwuz2_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
cmp.z dist_angle+1
bne !+
lda.z min_dist_angle
cmp.z dist_angle
beq __b11
bcc __b11
// main::@5
// [19] (byte*~) main::min_fill#10 ← (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z fill
sta.z min_fill
lda.z fill+1
sta.z min_fill+1
// [20] phi from main::@10 main::@11 main::@5 to main::@3 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3]
// [20] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#2 = (byte*) main::min_fill#5 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [20] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 [phi:main::@10/main::@11/main::@5->main::@3#1] -- register_copy
// main::@3
// dist++;
// [21] (byte*) main::dist#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::dist#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z dist
bne !+
inc.z dist+1
// angle++;
// [22] (byte*) main::angle#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::angle#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z angle
bne !+
inc.z angle+1
// fill++;
// [23] (byte*) main::fill#1 ← ++ (byte*) main::fill#2 -- pbuz1=_inc_pbuz1
inc.z fill
bne !+
inc.z fill+1
// while (fill<SCREEN_FILL+1000)
// [24] if((byte*) main::fill#1<(const byte*) SCREEN_FILL+(word) $3e8) goto main::@9 -- pbuz1_lt_pbuc1_then_la1
lda.z fill+1
cmp #>SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
bne !+
lda.z fill
cmp #<SCREEN_FILL+$3e8
bcc __b9
// main::@6
// if(min_dist_angle==0xffff)
// [25] if((word) main::min_dist_angle#3!=(word) $ffff) goto main::@7 -- vwuz1_neq_vwuc1_then_la1
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
cmp #>$ffff
bne __b7
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
cmp #<$ffff
bne __b7
// main::@return
// }
// [26] return
// main::@7
// *min_fill = FILL_CHAR
// [27] *((byte*) main::min_fill#2) ← (const byte) FILL_CHAR -- _deref_pbuz1=vbuc1
// Fill the found location
ldy #0
sta (min_fill),y
jmp __b1
// main::@9
// [28] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#3 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle_1
sta.z min_dist_angle
lda.z min_dist_angle_1+1
sta.z min_dist_angle+1
// [15] phi from main::@9 to main::@2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2]
// [15] phi (byte*) main::min_fill#5 = (byte*) main::min_fill#2 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 = (word~) main::min_dist_angle#6 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#1] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::angle#2 = (byte*) main::angle#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#2] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::dist#2 = (byte*) main::dist#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#3] -- register_copy
// [15] phi (byte*) main::fill#2 = (byte*) main::fill#1 [phi:main::@9->main::@2#4] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// main::@11
// [29] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#8 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3
// main::@10
// [30] (word~) main::min_dist_angle#7 ← (word) main::min_dist_angle#2 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z min_dist_angle
sta.z min_dist_angle_1
lda.z min_dist_angle+1
sta.z min_dist_angle_1+1
jmp __b3
// init_angle_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the angle to the center.
// Utilizes symmetry around the center
// init_angle_screen(byte* zeropage(9) screen)
init_angle_screen: {
.label __11 = $18
.label screen = 9
.label screen_topline = 7
.label screen_bottomline = 9
.label xw = $f
.label yw = $11
.label angle_w = $18
.label ang_w = $13
.label x = 5
.label xb = 6
.label y = 2
// screen_topline = screen+40*12
// [31] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_topline+1
// screen_bottomline = screen+40*12
// [32] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $c -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_bottomline
adc #<$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen_bottomline+1
adc #>$28*$c
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
// [33] phi from init_angle_screen::@4 to init_angle_screen::@1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1]
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 = (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [33] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 = (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@4->init_angle_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
// init_angle_screen::@1
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@1 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_angle_screen::@1->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
// init_angle_screen::@2
// for( byte x=0,xb=39; x<=19; x++, xb--)
// [35] if((byte) init_angle_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_angle_screen::@3 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b3
// init_angle_screen::@4
// screen_topline -= 40
// [36] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_topline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_topline
lda.z screen_topline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_topline+1
// screen_bottomline += 40
// [37] (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_bottomline
sta.z screen_bottomline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_bottomline+1
// for(byte y: 0..12)
// [38] (byte) init_angle_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [39] if((byte) init_angle_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_angle_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1
// init_angle_screen::@return
// }
// [40] return
// init_angle_screen::@3
// x*2
// [41] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z x
// 39-x*2
// [42] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 ← (byte) $27 - (byte~) init_angle_screen::$3 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$27+1
// (word){ 39-x*2, 0 }
// [43] (word) init_angle_screen::xw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$4 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuaa_word_vbuc1
ldy #0
sta.z xw+1
sty.z xw
// y*2
// [44] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_angle_screen::y#5 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z y
// (word){ y*2, 0 }
// [45] (word) init_angle_screen::yw#0 ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$7 w= (byte) 0 -- vwuz1=vbuaa_word_vbuc1
sta.z yw+1
sty.z yw
// atan2_16(xw, yw)
// [46] (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::xw#0
// [47] (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 ← (signed word)(word) init_angle_screen::yw#0
// [48] call atan2_16
jsr atan2_16
// [49] (word) atan2_16::return#2 ← (word) atan2_16::return#0
// init_angle_screen::@5
// angle_w = atan2_16(xw, yw)
// [50] (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 ← (word) atan2_16::return#2
// angle_w+0x0080
// [51] (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 ← (word) init_angle_screen::angle_w#0 + (byte) $80 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$80
adc.z __11
sta.z __11
bcc !+
inc.z __11+1
// ang_w = >(angle_w+0x0080)
// [52] (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 ← > (word~) init_angle_screen::$11 -- vbuz1=_hi_vwuz2
lda.z __11+1
sta.z ang_w
// screen_bottomline[xb] = ang_w
// [53] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuz3
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// -ang_w
// [54] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 ← - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=_neg_vbuz1
eor #$ff
adc #1
// screen_topline[xb] = -ang_w
// [55] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$13 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
sta (screen_topline),y
// 0x80+ang_w
// [56] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 ← (byte) $80 + (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_plus_vbuz1
lda #$80
adc.z ang_w
// screen_topline[x] = 0x80+ang_w
// [57] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_topline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$14 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// 0x80-ang_w
// [58] (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 ← (byte) $80 - (byte) init_angle_screen::ang_w#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuz1
lda #$80
sbc.z ang_w
// screen_bottomline[x] = 0x80-ang_w
// [59] *((byte*) init_angle_screen::screen_bottomline#6 + (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2) ← (byte~) init_angle_screen::$15 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// for( byte x=0,xb=39; x<=19; x++, xb--)
// [60] (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [61] (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [34] phi from init_angle_screen::@5 to init_angle_screen::@2 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2]
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#0] -- register_copy
// [34] phi (byte) init_angle_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_angle_screen::x#1 [phi:init_angle_screen::@5->init_angle_screen::@2#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b2
// atan2_16
// Find the atan2(x, y) - which is the angle of the line from (0,0) to (x,y)
// Finding the angle requires a binary search using CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16
// Returns the angle in hex-degrees (0=0, 0x8000=PI, 0x10000=2*PI)
// atan2_16(signed word zeropage($f) x, signed word zeropage($11) y)
atan2_16: {
.label __2 = $14
.label __7 = $16
.label yi = $14
.label xi = $16
.label angle = $18
.label xd = 3
.label yd = $1a
.label return = $18
.label x = $f
.label y = $11
// (y>=0)?y:-y
// [62] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@1 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bmi !__b1+
jmp __b1
// atan2_16::@2
// [63] (signed word~) atan2_16::$2 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z y
sta.z __2
lda #0
sbc.z y+1
sta.z __2+1
// [64] phi from atan2_16::@1 atan2_16::@2 to atan2_16::@3 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3]
// [64] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 [phi:atan2_16::@1/atan2_16::@2->atan2_16::@3#0] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@3
// (x>=0)?x:-x
// [65] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@4 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bmi !__b4+
jmp __b4
// atan2_16::@5
// [66] (signed word~) atan2_16::$7 ← - (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=_neg_vwsz2
lda #0
sbc.z x
sta.z __7
lda #0
sbc.z x+1
sta.z __7+1
// [67] phi from atan2_16::@4 atan2_16::@5 to atan2_16::@6 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6]
// [67] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 [phi:atan2_16::@4/atan2_16::@5->atan2_16::@6#0] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@6
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@6 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
lda #<0
sta.z angle
sta.z angle+1
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#1] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#0 [phi:atan2_16::@6->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@10
// if(yi==0)
// [69] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3!=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@11 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bne __b11
lda.z yi
bne __b11
// [70] phi from atan2_16::@10 atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12]
// [70] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#6 = (word) atan2_16::angle#12 [phi:atan2_16::@10/atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@12#0] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@12
// angle /=2
// [71] (word) atan2_16::angle#1 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#6 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_ror_1
lsr.z angle+1
ror.z angle
// if(x<0)
// [72] if((signed word) atan2_16::x#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@7 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z x+1
bpl __b7
// atan2_16::@21
// angle = 0x8000-angle
// [73] (word) atan2_16::angle#4 ← (word) $8000 - (word) atan2_16::angle#1 -- vwuz1=vwuc1_minus_vwuz1
lda #<$8000
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #>$8000
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [74] phi from atan2_16::@12 atan2_16::@21 to atan2_16::@7 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7]
// [74] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#11 = (word) atan2_16::angle#1 [phi:atan2_16::@12/atan2_16::@21->atan2_16::@7#0] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@7
// if(y<0)
// [75] if((signed word) atan2_16::y#0>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@8 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z y+1
bpl __b8
// atan2_16::@9
// angle = -angle
// [76] (word) atan2_16::angle#5 ← - (word) atan2_16::angle#11 -- vwuz1=_neg_vwuz1
lda #0
sbc.z angle
sta.z angle
lda #0
sbc.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [77] phi from atan2_16::@7 atan2_16::@9 to atan2_16::@8 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8]
// [77] phi (word) atan2_16::return#0 = (word) atan2_16::angle#11 [phi:atan2_16::@7/atan2_16::@9->atan2_16::@8#0] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@8
// atan2_16::@return
// }
// [78] return
// atan2_16::@11
// [79] (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuyy=vbuxx
// [80] (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z xi
sta.z xd
lda.z xi+1
sta.z xd+1
// [81] (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z yi
sta.z yd
lda.z yi+1
sta.z yd+1
// [82] phi from atan2_16::@11 atan2_16::@14 to atan2_16::@13 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13]
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::yd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#0] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 = (signed word~) atan2_16::xd#10 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#1] -- register_copy
// [82] phi (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 = (byte~) atan2_16::shift#5 [phi:atan2_16::@11/atan2_16::@14->atan2_16::@13#2] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@13
// while(shift>=2)
// [83] if((byte) atan2_16::shift#2>=(byte) 2) goto atan2_16::@14 -- vbuyy_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cpy #2
bcs __b14
// atan2_16::@15
// if(shift)
// [84] if((byte) 0==(byte) atan2_16::shift#2) goto atan2_16::@17 -- vbuc1_eq_vbuyy_then_la1
cpy #0
beq __b17
// atan2_16::@16
// xd >>= 1
// [85] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// yd >>= 1
// [86] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 1 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_1
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// [87] phi from atan2_16::@15 atan2_16::@16 to atan2_16::@17 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17]
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#0] -- register_copy
// [87] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 = (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 [phi:atan2_16::@15/atan2_16::@16->atan2_16::@17#1] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@17
// if(yi>=0)
// [88] if((signed word) atan2_16::yi#3>=(signed byte) 0) goto atan2_16::@18 -- vwsz1_ge_0_then_la1
lda.z yi+1
bpl __b18
// atan2_16::@20
// xi -= yd
// [89] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
sbc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
sbc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// yi += xd
// [90] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#2 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
adc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
adc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// angle -= CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16[i]
// [91] (byte~) atan2_16::$23 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// [92] (word) atan2_16::angle#3 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 - *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$23) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_minus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuaa
lda.z angle
sta.z angle
lda.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
// [93] phi from atan2_16::@18 atan2_16::@20 to atan2_16::@19 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19]
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#0] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#13 = (word) atan2_16::angle#2 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#1] -- register_copy
// [93] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 [phi:atan2_16::@18/atan2_16::@20->atan2_16::@19#2] -- register_copy
// atan2_16::@19
// for( byte i: 0..CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-1)
// [94] (byte) atan2_16::i#1 ← ++ (byte) atan2_16::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [95] if((byte) atan2_16::i#1==(const byte) CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto atan2_16::@12 -- vbuxx_eq_vbuc1_then_la1
bne !__b12+
jmp __b12
// [68] phi from atan2_16::@19 to atan2_16::@10 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10]
// [68] phi (word) atan2_16::angle#12 = (word) atan2_16::angle#13 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#0] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (byte) atan2_16::i#2 = (byte) atan2_16::i#1 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#1] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::xi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#2] -- register_copy
// [68] phi (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 = (signed word) atan2_16::yi#8 [phi:atan2_16::@19->atan2_16::@10#3] -- register_copy
jmp __b10
// atan2_16::@18
// xi += yd
// [96] (signed word) atan2_16::xi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xi#3 + (signed word) atan2_16::yd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_plus_vwsz2
lda.z xi
adc.z yd
sta.z xi
lda.z xi+1
adc.z yd+1
sta.z xi+1
// yi -= xd
// [97] (signed word) atan2_16::yi#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yi#3 - (signed word) atan2_16::xd#5 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_minus_vwsz2
lda.z yi
sbc.z xd
sta.z yi
lda.z yi+1
sbc.z xd+1
sta.z yi+1
// angle += CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16[i]
// [98] (byte~) atan2_16::$22 ← (byte) atan2_16::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// [99] (word) atan2_16::angle#2 ← (word) atan2_16::angle#12 + *((const word[CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16]) CORDIC_ATAN2_ANGLES_16 + (byte~) atan2_16::$22) -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_pwuc1_derefidx_vbuaa
lda.z angle
sta.z angle
lda.z angle+1
sta.z angle+1
jmp __b19
// atan2_16::@14
// xd >>= 2
// [100] (signed word) atan2_16::xd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::xd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
lda.z xd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z xd+1
ror.z xd
// yd >>= 2
// [101] (signed word) atan2_16::yd#1 ← (signed word) atan2_16::yd#3 >> (signed byte) 2 -- vwsz1=vwsz1_ror_2
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
lda.z yd+1
cmp #$80
ror.z yd+1
ror.z yd
// shift -=2
// [102] (byte) atan2_16::shift#1 ← (byte) atan2_16::shift#2 - (byte) 2 -- vbuyy=vbuyy_minus_2
jmp __b13
// atan2_16::@4
// [103] (signed word~) atan2_16::xi#13 ← (signed word) atan2_16::x#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z x
sta.z xi
lda.z x+1
sta.z xi+1
jmp __b6
// atan2_16::@1
// [104] (signed word~) atan2_16::yi#16 ← (signed word) atan2_16::y#0 -- vwsz1=vwsz2
lda.z y
sta.z yi
lda.z y+1
sta.z yi+1
jmp __b3
// init_dist_screen
// Populates 1000 bytes (a screen) with values representing the distance to the center.
// The actual value stored is distance*2 to increase precision
// init_dist_screen(byte* zeropage(3) screen)
init_dist_screen: {
.label screen = 3
.label screen_bottomline = 7
.label yds = $14
.label screen_topline = 3
.label y = 2
.label xds = $16
.label ds = $16
.label x = 5
.label xb = 6
// init_squares()
// [106] call init_squares
// [177] phi from init_dist_screen to init_squares [phi:init_dist_screen->init_squares]
jsr init_squares
// init_dist_screen::@11
// screen_bottomline = screen+40*24
// [107] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 + (word)(number) $28*(number) $18 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_plus_vwuc1
lda.z screen
adc #<$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen+1
adc #>$28*$18
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@11 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@11->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z y
// [108] phi from init_dist_screen::@7 to init_dist_screen::@1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1]
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 = (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [108] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 = (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@7->init_dist_screen::@1#2] -- register_copy
// init_dist_screen::@1
// y2 = y*2
// [109] (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z y
// (y2>=24)?(y2-24):(24-y2)
// [110] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0>=(byte) $18) goto init_dist_screen::@2 -- vbuaa_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cmp #$18
bcs __b2
// init_dist_screen::@3
// [111] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$5 ← (byte) $18 - (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$18+1
// [112] phi from init_dist_screen::@2 init_dist_screen::@3 to init_dist_screen::@4 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4]
// [112] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 [phi:init_dist_screen::@2/init_dist_screen::@3->init_dist_screen::@4#0] -- register_copy
// init_dist_screen::@4
// sqr(yd)
// [113] (byte) sqr::val#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::yd#0
// [114] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@4 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@4->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// sqr(yd)
// [115] (word) sqr::return#2 ← (word) sqr::return#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz2
lda.z sqr.return
sta.z sqr.return_1
lda.z sqr.return+1
sta.z sqr.return_1+1
// init_dist_screen::@12
// yds = sqr(yd)
// [116] (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#2
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@12 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) $27 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #$27
sta.z xb
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_dist_screen::@12->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- vbuz1=vbuc1
lda #0
sta.z x
// init_dist_screen::@5
// for( byte x=0,xb=39; x<=19; x++, xb--)
// [118] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x#2<(byte) $13+(byte) 1) goto init_dist_screen::@6 -- vbuz1_lt_vbuc1_then_la1
lda.z x
cmp #$13+1
bcc __b6
// init_dist_screen::@7
// screen_topline += 40
// [119] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_plus_vbuc1
lda #$28
adc.z screen_topline
sta.z screen_topline
bcc !+
inc.z screen_topline+1
// screen_bottomline -= 40
// [120] (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#1 ← (byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 - (byte) $28 -- pbuz1=pbuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z screen_bottomline
sbc #<$28
sta.z screen_bottomline
lda.z screen_bottomline+1
sbc #>$28
sta.z screen_bottomline+1
// for(byte y: 0..12)
// [121] (byte) init_dist_screen::y#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::y#10 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z y
// [122] if((byte) init_dist_screen::y#1!=(byte) $d) goto init_dist_screen::@1 -- vbuz1_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
lda #$d
cmp.z y
bne __b1
// init_dist_screen::@return
// }
// [123] return
// init_dist_screen::@6
// x2 = x*2
// [124] (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuz1_rol_1
lda.z x
// (x2>=39)?(x2-39):(39-x2)
// [125] if((byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0>=(byte) $27) goto init_dist_screen::@8 -- vbuaa_ge_vbuc1_then_la1
cmp #$27
bcs __b8
// init_dist_screen::@9
// [126] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$14 ← (byte) $27 - (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 -- vbuaa=vbuc1_minus_vbuaa
eor #$ff
adc #$27+1
// [127] phi from init_dist_screen::@8 init_dist_screen::@9 to init_dist_screen::@10 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10]
// [127] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0 = (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 [phi:init_dist_screen::@8/init_dist_screen::@9->init_dist_screen::@10#0] -- register_copy
// init_dist_screen::@10
// sqr(xd)
// [128] (byte) sqr::val#1 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::xd#0
// [129] call sqr
// [173] phi from init_dist_screen::@10 to sqr [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr]
// [173] phi (byte) sqr::val#2 = (byte) sqr::val#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@10->sqr#0] -- register_copy
jsr sqr
// sqr(xd)
// [130] (word) sqr::return#3 ← (word) sqr::return#0
// init_dist_screen::@13
// xds = sqr(xd)
// [131] (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 ← (word) sqr::return#3
// ds = xds+yds
// [132] (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::xds#0 + (word) init_dist_screen::yds#0 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vwuz2
lda.z ds
adc.z yds
sta.z ds
lda.z ds+1
adc.z yds+1
sta.z ds+1
// sqrt(ds)
// [133] (word) sqrt::val#0 ← (word) init_dist_screen::ds#0
// [134] call sqrt
jsr sqrt
// [135] (byte) sqrt::return#2 ← (byte) sqrt::return#0
// init_dist_screen::@14
// d = sqrt(ds)
// [136] (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 ← (byte) sqrt::return#2
// screen_topline[x] = d
// [137] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z x
sta (screen_topline),y
// screen_bottomline[x] = d
// [138] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// screen_topline[xb] = d
// [139] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_topline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
ldy.z xb
sta (screen_topline),y
// screen_bottomline[xb] = d
// [140] *((byte*) init_dist_screen::screen_bottomline#11 + (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2) ← (byte) init_dist_screen::d#0 -- pbuz1_derefidx_vbuz2=vbuaa
sta (screen_bottomline),y
// for( byte x=0,xb=39; x<=19; x++, xb--)
// [141] (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 ← ++ (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 -- vbuz1=_inc_vbuz1
inc.z x
// [142] (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 ← -- (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 -- vbuz1=_dec_vbuz1
dec.z xb
// [117] phi from init_dist_screen::@14 to init_dist_screen::@5 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5]
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::xb#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#0] -- register_copy
// [117] phi (byte) init_dist_screen::x#2 = (byte) init_dist_screen::x#1 [phi:init_dist_screen::@14->init_dist_screen::@5#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b5
// init_dist_screen::@8
// (x2>=39)?(x2-39):(39-x2)
// [143] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$16 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::x2#0 - (byte) $27 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_minus_vbuc1
sbc #$27
jmp __b10
// init_dist_screen::@2
// (y2>=24)?(y2-24):(24-y2)
// [144] (byte~) init_dist_screen::$7 ← (byte) init_dist_screen::y2#0 - (byte) $18 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_minus_vbuc1
sbc #$18
jmp __b4
// sqrt
// Find the (integer) square root of a word value
// If the square is not an integer then it returns the largest integer N where N*N <= val
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqrt(word zeropage($16) val)
sqrt: {
.label __1 = 9
.label __3 = 9
.label found = 9
.label val = $16
// bsearch16u(val, SQUARES, NUM_SQUARES)
// [145] (word) bsearch16u::key#0 ← (word) sqrt::val#0
// [146] (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z bsearch16u.items
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z bsearch16u.items+1
// [147] call bsearch16u
// [154] phi from sqrt to bsearch16u [phi:sqrt->bsearch16u]
jsr bsearch16u
// bsearch16u(val, SQUARES, NUM_SQUARES)
// [148] (word*) bsearch16u::return#3 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#1
// sqrt::@1
// found = bsearch16u(val, SQUARES, NUM_SQUARES)
// [149] (word*) sqrt::found#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::return#3
// found-SQUARES
// [150] (word~) sqrt::$3 ← (word*) sqrt::found#0 - (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- vwuz1=pwuz1_minus_pwuz2
lda.z __3
sta.z __3
lda.z __3+1
sbc.z SQUARES+1
sta.z __3+1
// [151] (word~) sqrt::$1 ← (word~) sqrt::$3 >> (byte) 1 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_ror_1
lsr.z __1+1
ror.z __1
// (byte)(found-SQUARES)
// [152] (byte) sqrt::return#0 ← (byte)(word~) sqrt::$1 -- vbuaa=_byte_vwuz1
lda.z __1
// sqrt::@return
// }
// [153] return
// bsearch16u
// Searches an array of nitems unsigned words, the initial member of which is pointed to by base, for a member that matches the value key.
// - key - The value to look for
// - items - Pointer to the start of the array to search in
// - num - The number of items in the array
// Returns pointer to an entry in the array that matches the search key
// bsearch16u(word zeropage($16) key, word* zeropage(9) items, byte register(X) num)
bsearch16u: {
.label __2 = 9
.label pivot = $18
.label result = $1a
.label return = 9
.label items = 9
.label key = $16
// [155] phi from bsearch16u to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#1 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3 [phi:bsearch16u->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
// bsearch16u::@3
// while (num > 0)
// [156] if((byte) bsearch16u::num#3>(byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@4 -- vbuxx_gt_0_then_la1
cpx #0
bne __b4
// bsearch16u::@5
// *items<=key?items:items-1
// [157] if(*((word*) bsearch16u::items#2)<=(word) bsearch16u::key#0) goto bsearch16u::@2 -- _deref_pwuz1_le_vwuz2_then_la1
ldy #1
lda (items),y
cmp.z key+1
bne !+
lda (items),y
cmp.z key
beq __b2
bcc __b2
// bsearch16u::@1
// [158] (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 - (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_minus_vwuc1
lda.z __2
sta.z __2
lda.z __2+1
sta.z __2+1
// [159] phi from bsearch16u::@1 bsearch16u::@5 to bsearch16u::@2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2]
// [159] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 = (word*~) bsearch16u::$2 [phi:bsearch16u::@1/bsearch16u::@5->bsearch16u::@2#0] -- register_copy
// bsearch16u::@2
// [160] phi from bsearch16u::@2 bsearch16u::@8 to bsearch16u::@return [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return]
// [160] phi (word*) bsearch16u::return#1 = (word*) bsearch16u::return#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@2/bsearch16u::@8->bsearch16u::@return#0] -- register_copy
// bsearch16u::@return
// }
// [161] return
// bsearch16u::@4
// num >> 1
// [162] (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_ror_1
// items + (num >> 1)
// [163] (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 ← (byte~) bsearch16u::$6 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_rol_1
// [164] (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 + (byte~) bsearch16u::$16 -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuaa
adc.z items
sta.z pivot
lda #0
adc.z items+1
sta.z pivot+1
// result = (signed int)key-(signed int)*pivot
// [165] (signed word) bsearch16u::result#0 ← (signed word)(word) bsearch16u::key#0 - (signed word)*((word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0) -- vwsz1=vwsz2_minus__deref_pwsz3
lda.z key
ldy #0
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result
lda.z key+1
sbc (pivot),y
sta.z result+1
// if (result == 0)
// [166] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0!=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@6 -- vwsz1_neq_0_then_la1
bne __b6
lda.z result
bne __b6
// bsearch16u::@8
// [167] (word*~) bsearch16u::return#6 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
lda.z pivot
sta.z return
lda.z pivot+1
sta.z return+1
// bsearch16u::@6
// if (result > 0)
// [168] if((signed word) bsearch16u::result#0<=(signed byte) 0) goto bsearch16u::@7 -- vwsz1_le_0_then_la1
lda.z result+1
bmi __b7
bne !+
lda.z result
beq __b7
// bsearch16u::@9
// items = pivot+1
// [169] (word*) bsearch16u::items#0 ← (word*) bsearch16u::pivot#0 + (byte) 1*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz2_plus_vbuc1
adc.z pivot
sta.z items
lda #0
adc.z pivot+1
sta.z items+1
// num--;
// [170] (byte) bsearch16u::num#1 ← -- (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 -- vbuxx=_dec_vbuxx
// [171] phi from bsearch16u::@6 bsearch16u::@9 to bsearch16u::@7 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7]
// [171] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#0] -- register_copy
// [171] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 [phi:bsearch16u::@6/bsearch16u::@9->bsearch16u::@7#1] -- register_copy
// bsearch16u::@7
// num >>= 1
// [172] (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 ← (byte) bsearch16u::num#5 >> (byte) 1 -- vbuxx=vbuxx_ror_1
// [155] phi from bsearch16u::@7 to bsearch16u::@3 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3]
// [155] phi (word*) bsearch16u::items#2 = (word*) bsearch16u::items#8 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#0] -- register_copy
// [155] phi (byte) bsearch16u::num#3 = (byte) bsearch16u::num#0 [phi:bsearch16u::@7->bsearch16u::@3#1] -- register_copy
jmp __b3
// sqr
// Find the square of a byte value
// Uses a table of squares that must be initialized by calling init_squares()
// sqr(byte register(A) val)
sqr: {
.label return = $16
.label return_1 = $14
// return SQUARES[val];
// [174] (byte~) sqr::$0 ← (byte) sqr::val#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_rol_1
// [175] (word) sqr::return#0 ← *((word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 + (byte~) sqr::$0) -- vwuz1=pwuz2_derefidx_vbuaa
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return
lda (SQUARES),y
sta.z return+1
// sqr::@return
// }
// [176] return
// init_squares
// Initialize squares table
// Uses iterative formula (x+1)^2 = x^2 + 2*x + 1
init_squares: {
.label squares = 9
.label sqr = 7
// malloc(NUM_SQUARES*sizeof(word))
// [178] call malloc
// [190] phi from init_squares to malloc [phi:init_squares->malloc]
// [190] phi (word) malloc::size#3 = (const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3*(const byte) SIZEOF_WORD [phi:init_squares->malloc#0] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
sta.z malloc.size
sta.z malloc.size+1
// [190] phi (byte*) heap_head#12 = (byte*) heap_head#1 [phi:init_squares->malloc#1] -- register_copy
jsr malloc
// init_squares::@2
// malloc(NUM_SQUARES*sizeof(word))
// [179] (void*) SQUARES#1 ← (void*)(byte*) malloc::mem#0
// squares = SQUARES
// [180] (word*) init_squares::squares#0 ← (word*)(void*) SQUARES#1 -- pwuz1=pwuz2
sta.z squares
lda.z SQUARES+1
sta.z squares+1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@2 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#0] -- vbuxx=vbuc1
ldx #0
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (byte) 0 [phi:init_squares::@2->init_squares::@1#2] -- vwuz1=vbuc1
sta.z sqr
sta.z sqr+1
// [181] phi from init_squares::@1 to init_squares::@1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1]
// [181] phi (byte) init_squares::i#2 = (byte) init_squares::i#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#0] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word*) init_squares::squares#2 = (word*) init_squares::squares#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#1] -- register_copy
// [181] phi (word) init_squares::sqr#2 = (word) init_squares::sqr#1 [phi:init_squares::@1->init_squares::@1#2] -- register_copy
// init_squares::@1
// *squares++ = sqr
// [182] *((word*) init_squares::squares#2) ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 -- _deref_pwuz1=vwuz2
ldy #0
lda.z sqr
sta (squares),y
lda.z sqr+1
sta (squares),y
// *squares++ = sqr;
// [183] (word*) init_squares::squares#1 ← (word*) init_squares::squares#2 + (const byte) SIZEOF_WORD -- pwuz1=pwuz1_plus_vbuc1
adc.z squares
sta.z squares
bcc !+
inc.z squares+1
// i*2
// [184] (byte~) init_squares::$3 ← (byte) init_squares::i#2 << (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuxx_rol_1
// i*2+1
// [185] (byte~) init_squares::$4 ← (byte~) init_squares::$3 + (byte) 1 -- vbuaa=vbuaa_plus_1
adc #1
// sqr += i*2+1
// [186] (word) init_squares::sqr#1 ← (word) init_squares::sqr#2 + (byte~) init_squares::$4 -- vwuz1=vwuz1_plus_vbuaa
adc.z sqr
sta.z sqr
bcc !+
inc.z sqr+1
// for( byte i: 0..NUM_SQUARES-1)
// [187] (byte) init_squares::i#1 ← ++ (byte) init_squares::i#2 -- vbuxx=_inc_vbuxx
// [188] if((byte) init_squares::i#1!=(const byte) NUM_SQUARES#3-(byte) 1+(byte) 1) goto init_squares::@1 -- vbuxx_neq_vbuc1_then_la1
cpx #NUM_SQUARES-1+1
bne __b1
// init_squares::@return
// }
// [189] return
// malloc
// Allocates a block of size bytes of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block.
// The content of the newly allocated block of memory is not initialized, remaining with indeterminate values.
// malloc(word zeropage($11) size)
malloc: {
.label mem = $11
.label size = $11
// mem = heap_head-size
// [191] (byte*) malloc::mem#0 ← (byte*) heap_head#12 - (word) malloc::size#3 -- pbuz1=pbuz2_minus_vwuz1
lda.z heap_head
sbc.z mem
sta.z mem
lda.z heap_head+1
sbc.z mem+1
sta.z mem+1
// heap_head = mem
// [192] (byte*) heap_head#1 ← (byte*) malloc::mem#0 -- pbuz1=pbuz2
lda.z mem
sta.z heap_head
lda.z mem+1
sta.z heap_head+1
// malloc::@return
// }
// [193] return
// File Data
// Angles representing ATAN(0.5), ATAN(0.25), ATAN(0.125), ...
.for (var i=0; i<CORDIC_ITERATIONS_16; i++)
.word 256*2*256*atan(1/pow(2,i))/PI/2