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// Atari XL conio.h implementation
// Created by Mark Fisher @mark.j.fisher @fenrock https://atariage.com/forums/profile/73491-fenrock/
// https://gitlab.com/mark.j.fisher/kickc/-/tree/conio-atari
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <atari-xl.h>
// The screen width
#define CONIO_WIDTH 40
// The screen height
#define CONIO_HEIGHT 24
// The current reverse value indicator. Values 0 or 0x80 for reverse text
__ma char conio_reverse_value = 0;
// The current cursor enable flag. 1 = on, 0 = off.
__ma char conio_display_cursor = 1;
// The current scroll enable flag. 1 = on, 0 = off.
__ma char conio_scroll_enable = 1;
// Move cursor and output one character
// Same as "gotoxy (x, y); cputc (c);"
void cputcxy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c) {
gotoxy(x, y);
// Output one character at the current cursor position
// Moves the cursor forward. Scrolls the entire screen if needed
void cputc(char c) {
char screenCode;
if (c == '\r') { // 0x0d, CR = just set the cursor x value to 0
*COLCRS = 0;
} else if(c == '\n' || c == 0x9b) { // 0x0a LF, or atascii EOL
*COLCRS = 0;
} else {
*COLCRS = 0;
} else {
// Puts a character to the screen a the current location. Uses internal screencode. Deals with storing the old cursor value
void putchar(unsigned char code) {
char * loc = cursorLocation();
char newChar = code | conio_reverse_value;
*loc = newChar;
*OLDCHR = newChar;
// Output a NUL-terminated string at the current cursor position
void cputs(const char* s) {
char c;
while (c = *s++) {
// Move cursor and output a NUL-terminated string
// Same as "gotoxy (x, y); puts (s);"
void cputsxy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, const char* s) {
gotoxy(x, y);
// Return a pointer to the location of the cursor
char * cursorLocation() {
void newline() {
if ((*ROWCRS)++ == CONIO_HEIGHT) {
if (conio_scroll_enable == 1) {
// first hide the current screen cursor, so it doesn't scroll, but only if it is on
if (conio_display_cursor == 1) {
**OLDADR ^= 0x80;
// move screen up 1 line
char * start = *SAVMSC;
memcpy(start, start + CONIO_WIDTH, CONIO_WIDTH * 23);
memset(start + CONIO_WIDTH * 23, 0x00, CONIO_WIDTH);
} else {
gotoxy(0, 0);
// Handles cursor movement, displaying it if required, and inverting character it is over if there is one (and enabled)
void setcursor() {
// save the current oldchr into oldadr
// work out the new location for oldadr based on new column/row
char * loc = cursorLocation();
char c = *loc;
*OLDCHR = c;
*OLDADR = loc;
if (conio_display_cursor == 0) {
// cursor is off, don't affect the character at all, but do turn off cursor
*CRSINH = 1;
} else {
// cursor is on, so invert the inverse bit and turn cursor on
*CRSINH = 0;
c = c ^ 0x80;
**OLDADR = c;
// Print a newline
void cputln() {
*COLCRS = 0;
// Set the cursor to the specified position
void gotoxy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) {
*COLCRS = x;
*ROWCRS = y;
// Sets reverse mode for text. 1 enables reverse, 0 disables. Returns the old value.
unsigned char revers(unsigned char onoff) {
char old = conio_reverse_value;
if (onoff == 0) conio_reverse_value = 0; else conio_reverse_value = 0x80;
return old;
// If onoff is 1, scrolling is enabled when outputting past the end of the screen
// If onoff is 0, scrolling is disabled and the cursor instead moves to (0,0)
// The function returns the old scroll setting.
unsigned char scroll(unsigned char onoff) {
char old = conio_scroll_enable;
conio_scroll_enable = onoff;
return old;
// clears the screen and moves the cursor to the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
void clrscr() {
// Fill entire screen with spaces
memset(*SAVMSC, 0x00, CONIO_WIDTH * CONIO_HEIGHT); // 0x00 is screencode for space character
// set the old character to a space so the cursor doesn't reappear at the last position it was at
*OLDCHR = 0x00;
// If onoff is 1, a cursor is displayed when any text is output.
// If onoff is 0, the cursor is hidden instead.
unsigned char cursor(unsigned char onoff) {
// this just updates internal cursor flag value, doesn't update CRSINH
// onoff: 0 => cursor off, 1 => cursor on
// CRSINH is opposite to this, 0 == ON, 1 == OFF
char oldValue = conio_display_cursor;
conio_display_cursor = onoff;
return oldValue;
// Return the X position of the cursor
unsigned char wherex() {
return (*COLCRS & 0xff);
// Return the Y position of the cursor
unsigned char wherey() {
return *ROWCRS;
// Return the current screen size.
void screensize(unsigned char *x, unsigned char *y) {
// Return the current screen size X width.
char screensizex() {
// Return the current screen size Y height.
char screensizey() {
// Return 1 if there's a key waiting, return 0 if not
unsigned char kbhit() {
if (*CH == 0xff) return 0; else return 1;
// Clears the key waiting buffer.
inline void clrkb() {
*CH = 0xff;
// Set the color for the text. The old color setting is returned.
unsigned char textcolor(unsigned char color) {
char old = *COLOR1;
*COLOR1 = color;
return old;
// Set the color for the background. The old color setting is returned.
unsigned char bgcolor(unsigned char color) {
char old = *COLOR2;
*COLOR2 = color;
return old;
// Set the color for the border. The old color setting is returned.
unsigned char bordercolor(unsigned char color) {
char old = *COLOR4;
*COLOR4 = color;
return old;
// Convert an atascii character to its screen code representation. Requires 1 page lookup table generated below.
inline unsigned char convertToScreenCode(unsigned char* v) {
return rawmap[*v];
// create a static table to map char value to screen value
// use KickAsm functions to create a table of code -> screen code values, using cc65 algorithm
char rawmap[0x100] = kickasm {{
.var ht = Hashtable().put(0,64, 1,0, 2,32, 3,96) // the table for converting bit 6,7 into ora value
.for(var i=0; i<256; i++) {
.var idx = (i & 0x60) / 32
.var mask = i & 0x9f
.byte mask | ht.get(idx)