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/// @file
/// A lightweight library for printing on the C64.
/// Printing with this library is done by calling print_ function for each element
// Commodore 64 PRG executable file
.file [name="constants.prg", type="prg", segments="Program"]
.segmentdef Program [segments="Basic, Code, Data"]
.segmentdef Basic [start=$0801]
.segmentdef Code [start=$80d]
.segmentdef Data [startAfter="Code"]
.segment Basic
.const GREEN = 5
.const RED = 2
.label BG_COLOR = $d021
.label print_screen = $400
.label print_char_cursor = 2
.label print_line_cursor = 6
.segment Code
main: {
// print_cls()
jsr print_cls
lda #GREEN
// test_bytes()
jsr test_bytes
// test_sbytes()
jsr test_sbytes
// }
// Clear the screen. Also resets current line/char cursor.
print_cls: {
// memset(print_screen, ' ', 1000)
jsr memset
// }
// Test different byte constants
test_bytes: {
.const bb = 0
.const bc = 2
.const bd = bc-4
// assert_byte("0=0", bb, 0)
lda #<print_screen
sta.z print_line_cursor
lda #>print_screen
sta.z print_line_cursor+1
lda #0
sta.z assert_byte.c
ldx #bb
lda #<print_screen
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda #>print_screen
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
lda #<msg
sta.z assert_byte.msg
lda #>msg
sta.z assert_byte.msg+1
jsr assert_byte
lda.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
// assert_byte("0+2=2", bc, 2)
lda #2
sta.z assert_byte.c
ldx #bc
lda #<msg1
sta.z assert_byte.msg
lda #>msg1
sta.z assert_byte.msg+1
jsr assert_byte
lda.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
// assert_byte("0+2-4=254", bd, 254)
lda #$fe
sta.z assert_byte.c
ldx #bd
lda #<msg2
sta.z assert_byte.msg
lda #>msg2
sta.z assert_byte.msg+1
jsr assert_byte
// }
.segment Data
msg2: .text "0+2-4=254"
.byte 0
.segment Code
// Test different signed byte constants
test_sbytes: {
.const bb = 0
.const bf = -$7f-$7f
.const bc = 2
.const bd = bc-4
.const be = -bd
// assert_sbyte("0=0", bb, 0)
lda #0
sta.z assert_sbyte.c
ldx #bb
lda #<msg
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg
lda #>msg
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg+1
jsr assert_sbyte
// assert_sbyte("0+2=2", bc, 2)
lda #2
sta.z assert_sbyte.c
ldx #bc
lda #<msg1
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg
lda #>msg1
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg+1
jsr assert_sbyte
// assert_sbyte("0+2-4=-2", bd, -2)
lda #-2
sta.z assert_sbyte.c
ldx #bd
lda #<msg2
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg
lda #>msg2
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg+1
jsr assert_sbyte
// assert_sbyte("-(0+2-4)=2", be, 2)
lda #2
sta.z assert_sbyte.c
ldx #be
lda #<msg3
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg
lda #>msg3
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg+1
jsr assert_sbyte
// assert_sbyte("-127-127=2", bf, 2)
lda #2
sta.z assert_sbyte.c
ldx #bf
lda #<msg4
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg
lda #>msg4
sta.z assert_sbyte.msg+1
jsr assert_sbyte
// }
.segment Data
msg2: .text "0+2-4=-2"
.byte 0
msg3: .text "-(0+2-4)=2"
.byte 0
msg4: .text "-127-127=2"
.byte 0
.segment Code
// Copies the character c (an unsigned char) to the first num characters of the object pointed to by the argument str.
// void * memset(void *str, char c, unsigned int num)
memset: {
.const c = ' '
.const num = $3e8
.label str = print_screen
.label end = str+num
.label dst = 4
lda #<str
sta.z dst
lda #>str
sta.z dst+1
// for(char* dst = str; dst!=end; dst++)
lda.z dst+1
cmp #>end
bne __b2
lda.z dst
cmp #<end
bne __b2
// }
// *dst = c
lda #c
ldy #0
sta (dst),y
// for(char* dst = str; dst!=end; dst++)
inc.z dst
bne !+
inc.z dst+1
jmp __b1
// void assert_byte(__zp(4) char *msg, __register(X) char b, __zp(8) char c)
assert_byte: {
.label msg = 4
.label c = 8
// print_str(msg)
jsr print_str
// print_str(" ")
lda #<str
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
// if(b!=c)
cpx.z c
bne __b1
// print_str("ok")
lda #<str2
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str2
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
// print_ln()
jsr print_ln
// }
lda #RED
// print_str("fail!")
lda #<str1
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str1
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
jmp __b2
// void assert_sbyte(__zp(4) char *msg, __register(X) signed char b, __zp(8) signed char c)
assert_sbyte: {
.label msg = 4
.label c = 8
// print_str(msg)
lda.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_char_cursor
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
sta.z print_char_cursor+1
// print_str(msg)
jsr print_str
// print_str(" ")
lda #<str
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
// if(b!=c)
cpx.z c
bne __b1
// print_str("ok")
lda #<str2
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str2
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
// print_ln()
jsr print_ln
// }
lda #RED
// print_str("fail!")
lda #<str1
sta.z print_str.str
lda #>str1
sta.z print_str.str+1
jsr print_str
jmp __b2
// Print a zero-terminated string
// void print_str(__zp(4) char *str)
print_str: {
.label str = 4
// while(*str)
ldy #0
lda (str),y
cmp #0
bne __b2
// }
// print_char(*(str++))
ldy #0
lda (str),y
jsr print_char
// print_char(*(str++));
inc.z str
bne !+
inc.z str+1
jmp __b1
// Print a newline
print_ln: {
// print_line_cursor + 0x28
lda #$28
adc.z print_line_cursor
sta.z print_line_cursor
bcc !+
inc.z print_line_cursor+1
// while (print_line_cursor<print_char_cursor)
lda.z print_line_cursor+1
cmp.z print_char_cursor+1
bcc __b1
bne !+
lda.z print_line_cursor
cmp.z print_char_cursor
bcc __b1
// }
// Print a single char
// void print_char(__register(A) char ch)
print_char: {
// *(print_char_cursor++) = ch
ldy #0
sta (print_char_cursor),y
// *(print_char_cursor++) = ch;
inc.z print_char_cursor
bne !+
inc.z print_char_cursor+1
// }
.segment Data
msg: .text "0=0"
.byte 0
msg1: .text "0+2=2"
.byte 0
str: .text " "
.byte 0
str1: .text "fail!"
.byte 0
str2: .text "ok"
.byte 0