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package dk.camelot64.kickc.model;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.StatementSource;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.ArraySpec;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.StructDefinition;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.Variable;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.*;
import java.util.*;
/** Utility methods for initializing variables */
public class Initializers {
* Create a statement that initializes a variable with the default (zero) value. The statement has to be added to the program by the caller.
* @param typeSpec The type of the variable
* @param statementSource The source line
* @return The new statement
public static ConstantValue createZeroValue(ValueTypeSpec typeSpec, StatementSource statementSource) {
if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypeIntegerFixed) {
// Add an zero value initializer
return new ConstantInteger(0L, typeSpec.getType());
} else if(typeSpec.getType().equals(SymbolType.BOOLEAN)) {
return new ConstantBool(false);
} else if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) {
// Add an zero-struct initializer
SymbolTypeStruct typeStruct = (SymbolTypeStruct) typeSpec.getType();
return new StructZero(typeStruct);
} else if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
SymbolTypePointer typePointer = (SymbolTypePointer) typeSpec.getType();
if(typePointer.getArraySpec() == null) {
// Add an zero value initializer
return new ConstantPointer(0L, typePointer.getElementType());
} else {
// Add an zero-filled array initializer
if(typePointer.getArraySpec().getArraySize() == null) {
throw new CompileError("Array has no declared size.", statementSource);
return new ConstantArrayFilled(typePointer.getElementType(), typePointer.getArraySpec().getArraySize());
} else {
throw new CompileError("Default initializer not implemented for type " + typeSpec.getType().toCDecl(), statementSource);
/** Specifies type properties for a value. Holds normal type and array specification. */
public static class ValueTypeSpec {
SymbolType type;
public ValueTypeSpec(SymbolType type) {
this.type = type;
public SymbolType getType() {
return type;
* Convert as much as possible of the passed value to a constant. Will convert the entire value if possible. If not all sub-values are converted as possible.
* @param initValue The value to convert
* @param typeSpec The specified type of the value (including any array properties)
* @param program The program
* @param source The statement source (for error messages)
* @return The constantified value. A {@link ConstantValue} is possible
public static RValue constantify(RValue initValue, ValueTypeSpec typeSpec, Program program, StatementSource source) {
// Remove any const/volatile qualifiers
typeSpec = new ValueTypeSpec(typeSpec.getType().getQualified(false, false));
if(initValue == null) {
// Add an zero-value
initValue = createZeroValue(typeSpec, source);
} else if(initValue instanceof ForwardVariableRef) {
// Do not constantify
} else if(initValue instanceof CastValue) {
final CastValue castValue = (CastValue) initValue;
if(castValue.getValue() instanceof ValueList && castValue.getToType() instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) {
final SymbolType toType = castValue.getToType();
final RValue constantSub = constantify(castValue.getValue(), new ValueTypeSpec(toType), program, source);
if(constantSub instanceof ConstantValue) {
return new ConstantCastValue(toType, (ConstantValue) constantSub);
} else if(initValue instanceof UnionDesignator) {
initValue = constantifyUnion((UnionDesignator) initValue, (SymbolTypeStruct) typeSpec.getType(), program, source);
} else if(initValue instanceof ValueList) {
ValueList initList = (ValueList) initValue;
if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer && ((SymbolTypePointer) typeSpec.getType()).getArraySpec() != null) {
// Type is an array
initValue = constantifyArray(initList, (SymbolTypePointer) typeSpec.getType(), program, source);
} else if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) {
// Type is a struct
initValue = constantifyStructOrUnion(initList, (SymbolTypeStruct) typeSpec.getType(), program, source);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Value list cannot initialize type " + typeSpec.getType(), source);
} else if(SymbolType.isInteger(typeSpec.getType())) {
if(initValue instanceof ConstantInteger) {
Long integer = ((ConstantInteger) initValue).getInteger();
if(typeSpec.getType() instanceof SymbolTypeIntegerFixed) {
SymbolTypeIntegerFixed typeIntegerFixed = (SymbolTypeIntegerFixed) typeSpec.getType();
if(!typeIntegerFixed.contains(integer)) {
throw new CompileError("Constant init-value has a non-matching type \n type: " + typeSpec.getType().toString() + "\n value: " + initValue.toString(), source);
initValue = new ConstantInteger(integer, typeSpec.getType());
} else if(initValue instanceof ConstantValue) {
SymbolType initValueType = ((ConstantValue) initValue).getType(program.getScope());
initValue = new ConstantCastValue(typeSpec.getType(), (ConstantValue) initValue);
} else {
SymbolType inferredType = SymbolTypeInference.inferType(program.getScope(), initValue);
if(!typeSpec.getType().equals(inferredType) && !SymbolType.VAR.equals(inferredType)) {
if(SymbolTypeConversion.assignmentTypeMatch(typeSpec.getType(), inferredType))
initValue = new CastValue(typeSpec.getType(), initValue);
throw new CompileError("Type mismatch (" + typeSpec.getType().toCDecl() + ") cannot be assigned from '" + initValue + "'.", source);
return initValue;
* Convert a union designator initializer to a constant.
* @param unionInit The union initializer
* @param structType The union type
* @param program The program
* @param source The source line
* @return The constantified value
private static RValue constantifyUnion(UnionDesignator unionInit, SymbolTypeStruct structType, Program program, StatementSource source) {
StructDefinition structDefinition = structType.getStructDefinition(program.getScope());
Collection<Variable> memberDefinitions = structDefinition.getAllVars(false);
final String memberName = unionInit.getMemberName();
final RValue initValue = unionInit.getMemberValue();
Variable memberDef = null;
for(Variable definition : memberDefinitions) {
if(definition.getLocalName().equals(memberName)) {
memberDef = definition;
throw new CompileError( "Union member not found", source);
RValue constantifiedMemberValue = constantify(initValue, new ValueTypeSpec(memberDef.getType()), program, source);
if(constantifiedMemberValue instanceof ConstantValue) {
LinkedHashMap<SymbolVariableRef, ConstantValue> constMemberMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
constMemberMap.put(memberDef.getRef(), (ConstantValue) constantifiedMemberValue);
return new ConstantStructValue(structType, constMemberMap);
} else {
throw new CompileError( "Union initializer is not constant", source);
* Convert as much as possible of a struct to constants.
* @param valueList The value list
* @param structType The struct type
* @param program The program
* @param source The source line
* @return The constantified value
private static RValue constantifyStructOrUnion(ValueList valueList, SymbolTypeStruct structType, Program program, StatementSource source) {
// Recursively cast all sub-elements
StructDefinition structDefinition = structType.getStructDefinition(program.getScope());
Collection<Variable> memberDefinitions = structDefinition.getAllVars(false);
int structInitNeedSize = structDefinition.isUnion() ? 1 : memberDefinitions.size();
if(structInitNeedSize != valueList.getList().size()) {
if(structDefinition.isUnion()) {
throw new CompileError(
"Union initializer has wrong size. One value is required.\n" +
" Union initializer: " + valueList.toString(program),
} else {
throw new CompileError(
"Struct initializer has wrong size (" + valueList.getList().size() + "), " +
"which does not match the number of members in " + structType.toCDecl() + " (" + structInitNeedSize + " members).\n" +
" Struct initializer: " + valueList.toString(program),
boolean allConst = true;
// Constantified values in a list
List<RValue> constantifiedList = new ArrayList<>();
// Map filled if all member values become constant
LinkedHashMap<SymbolVariableRef, ConstantValue> constMemberMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Iterator<Variable> memberDefIt = memberDefinitions.iterator();
Iterator<RValue> valueIt = valueList.getList().iterator();
for(int i = 0; i < structInitNeedSize; i++) {
Variable memberDef = memberDefIt.next();
RValue memberValue = valueIt.next();
RValue constantifiedMemberValue = constantify(memberValue, new ValueTypeSpec(memberDef.getType()), program, source);
if(constantifiedMemberValue instanceof ConstantValue)
constMemberMap.put(memberDef.getRef(), (ConstantValue) constantifiedMemberValue);
allConst = false;
if(allConst) {
// Constant struct
return new ConstantStructValue(structType, constMemberMap);
} else {
// Constantified list with a cast
return new CastValue(structType, new ValueList(constantifiedList));
* Convert as much of an array to constant as possible. Also zero-pads the value-list to the declared array length (if possible).
* @param valueList The list of values
* @param arrayType The pointer type of the array
* @param program The program
* @param source The source line
* @return The constantified value
private static RValue constantifyArray(ValueList valueList, SymbolTypePointer arrayType, Program program, StatementSource source) {
ArraySpec arraySpec = arrayType.getArraySpec();
SymbolType elementType = arrayType.getElementType();
// TODO: Handle array of array
ValueTypeSpec elementTypeSpec = new ValueTypeSpec(elementType);
boolean allConst = true;
List<RValue> constantifiedList = new ArrayList<>();
for(RValue elementValue : valueList.getList()) {
RValue constantifiedElement = constantify(elementValue, elementTypeSpec, program, source);
if(!(constantifiedElement instanceof ConstantValue))
allConst = false;
if(allConst) {
// Convert to ConstantArrayList (throwing away the array size)
ArrayList<ConstantValue> constElementList = new ArrayList<>();
for(RValue rValue : constantifiedList) {
constElementList.add((ConstantValue) rValue);
return new ConstantArrayList(constElementList, elementType, arraySpec.getArraySize());
} else {
// Convert to a ValueList with a cast to the pointer-type (throwing away the array size)
return new CastValue(arrayType, new ValueList(constantifiedList));