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package dk.camelot64.kickc.passes;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.CpuAddressingMode;
import dk.camelot64.cpufamily6502.CpuClobber;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.asm.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.fragment.synthesis.AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.InternalError;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.operators.Operators;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.statements.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.symbols.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolType;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypeIntegerFixed;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypePointer;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.types.SymbolTypeStruct;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.model.values.*;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.passes.calcs.PassNCalcVariableReferenceInfos;
import dk.camelot64.kickc.passes.utils.SizeOfConstants;
import java.util.*;
* Code Generation of 6502 Assembler from ICL/SSA Control Flow Graph
public class Pass4CodeGeneration {
* Should the generated ASM contain verbose alive info for the statements (costs a bit more to generate).
boolean verboseAliveInfo;
* Missing fragments produce a warning instead of an error.
boolean warnFragmentMissing;
* The program being generated.
private final Program program;
* Keeps track of the phi transitions into blocks during code generation.
* Used to ensure that duplicate transitions are only code generated once.
* Maps to-blocks to the transition information for the block
private final Map<PhiTransitions.PhiTransition, Boolean> transitionsGenerated = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* Determines if a phi-transition has already been code-generated
* @param transition The transition to examine
* @return true if it has already been generated
private boolean transitionIsGenerated(PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(transitionsGenerated.get(transition));
* Mark a Phi transition as generated
* @param transition The transition
private void transitionSetGenerated(PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition) {
transitionsGenerated.put(transition, Boolean.TRUE);
public Pass4CodeGeneration(Program program, boolean verboseAliveInfo, boolean warnFragmentMissing) {
this.program = program;
this.verboseAliveInfo = verboseAliveInfo;
this.warnFragmentMissing = warnFragmentMissing;
ControlFlowGraph getGraph() {
return program.getGraph();
ProgramScope getScope() {
return program.getScope();
public void generate() {
AsmProgram asm = new AsmProgram(program.getTargetCpu());
ScopeRef currentScope = ScopeRef.ROOT;
// Add file level comments
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, "File Comments");
generateComments(asm, program.getMainFileComments());
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, "Upstart");
final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = program.getTargetPlatform();
// Add Target CPU - if it is not the default
final TargetCpu targetCpu = program.getTargetCpu();
if (!targetCpu.equals(TargetCpu.DEFAULT)) asm.addLine(new AsmSetCpu(targetCpu));
String linkScriptBody = targetPlatform.getLinkScriptBody();
String outputFileName = program.getOutputFileManager().getBinaryOutputFile().getFileName().toString();
linkScriptBody = linkScriptBody.replace("%O", outputFileName);
linkScriptBody = linkScriptBody.replace("%_O", outputFileName.toLowerCase());
linkScriptBody = linkScriptBody.replace("%^O", outputFileName.toUpperCase());
String entryName = program.getStartProcedure().getFullName();
linkScriptBody = linkScriptBody.replace("%E", entryName);
Number startAddress = program.getTargetPlatform().getStartAddress();
if (startAddress != null) linkScriptBody = linkScriptBody.replace("%P", AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(startAddress));
asm.addLine(new AsmInlineKickAsm(linkScriptBody, 0L, 0L, CpuClobber.CLOBBER_ALL));
// Generate global ZP labels
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, "Global Constants & labels");
addConstantsAndLabels(asm, currentScope);
for (ControlFlowBlock block : getGraph().getAllBlocks()) {
if (!block.getScope().equals(currentScope)) {
// The current block is in a different scope. End the old scope.
generateScopeEnding(asm, currentScope);
currentScope = block.getScope();
if (block.isProcedureEntry(program)) {
Procedure procedure = block.getProcedure(program);
currentCodeSegmentName = procedure.getSegmentCode();
setCurrentSegment(currentCodeSegmentName, asm);
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, block.getLabel().getFullName());
// Add any procedure comments
if (block.isProcedureEntry(program)) {
Procedure procedure = block.getProcedure(program);
generateComments(asm, procedure.getComments());
// Generate parameter information
generateSignatureComments(asm, procedure);
// Start the new scope
// Add all ZP labels for the scope
addConstantsAndLabels(asm, currentScope);
generateComments(asm, block.getComments());
// Generate entry points (if needed)
genBlockEntryPoints(asm, block);
if (block.isProcedureEntry(program)) {
// Generate interrupt entry if needed
Procedure procedure = block.getProcedure(program);
if (procedure != null && procedure.getInterruptType() != null) {
generateInterruptEntry(asm, procedure);
} else {
// Generate label for block inside procedure
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, block.getLabel().getFullName());
// Generate statements
genStatements(asm, block);
// Generate exit
ControlFlowBlock defaultSuccessor = getGraph().getDefaultSuccessor(block);
if (defaultSuccessor != null) {
if (defaultSuccessor.hasPhiBlock()) {
PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition = getTransitions(defaultSuccessor).getTransition(block);
if (!transitionIsGenerated(transition)) {
genBlockPhiTransition(asm, block, defaultSuccessor, defaultSuccessor.getScope());
String label = AsmFormat.asmFix(defaultSuccessor.getLabel().getLocalName());
asm.addInstruction("JMP", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, label, false);
} else {
String label = AsmFormat.asmFix(defaultSuccessor.getLabel().getLocalName() + "_from_" + block.getLabel().getLocalName());
asm.addInstruction("JMP", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, label, false);
} else {
String label = AsmFormat.asmFix(defaultSuccessor.getLabel().getLocalName());
asm.addInstruction("JMP", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, label, false);
generateScopeEnding(asm, currentScope);
currentScope = ScopeRef.ROOT;
asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, "File Data");
addData(asm, ScopeRef.ROOT);
addAbsoluteAddressData(asm, ScopeRef.ROOT);
// Name of the current data segment
private String currentCodeSegmentName = Scope.SEGMENT_CODE_DEFAULT;
// Name of the current code segment
private final String currentDataSegmentName = Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT;
// Name of the current active segment
private String currentSegmentName = "";
* Set the current ASM segment - if needed
* @param segmentName The segment name we want
* @param asm The ASM program (where a .segment line is added if needed)
private void setCurrentSegment(String segmentName, AsmProgram asm) {
if (!currentSegmentName.equals(segmentName)) {
asm.addLine(new AsmSegment(segmentName));
currentSegmentName = segmentName;
* Counter used to separate indirect calls
private int indirectCallCount = 1;
* Generate the end of a scope
* @param asm The assembler program being generated
* @param currentScope The current scope, which is ending here
private void generateScopeEnding(AsmProgram asm, ScopeRef currentScope) {
if (!ScopeRef.ROOT.equals(currentScope)) {
if (asm.hasStash()) asm.startChunk(currentScope, null, "Outside Flow");
// Generate all stashed ASM lines
addData(asm, currentScope);
* Generate a comment that describes the procedure signature and parameter transfer.
* @param asm The assembler program being generated
* @param procedure The procedure
private void generateSignatureComments(AsmProgram asm, Procedure procedure) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
signature.append(" ");
generateSignatureVar(procedure.getLocalVar("return"), procedure, signature);
signature.append(" ").append(procedure.getLocalName()).append("(");
int i = 0;
for (Variable parameter : procedure.getParameters()) {
if (i++ > 0) signature.append(", ");
Variable param = generateSignatureVar(parameter, procedure, signature);
if (i > 0) {
asm.addComment(signature.toString(), false);
if(procedure.getBank() != null) {
asm.addComment(" " + procedure.getBank(), false);
* Generate part of a comment that describes a returnvalue/parameter
* @param param The variable to describe
* @param scope The scope (procedure)
* @param signature The signature to append to
* @return The version of the variable chosen
Variable generateSignatureVar(Variable param, Scope scope, StringBuilder signature) {
if (param == null) return param;
if (param.isKindPhiMaster()) {
List<Variable> versions = new ArrayList<>(scope.getVersions(param));
if (versions.size() > 0) if (param.getLocalName().equals("return")) {
// Choose the last version for return values
param = versions.get(versions.size() - 1);
} else {
// Choose the first version for parameters
param = versions.get(0);
// Parameter optimized away to a constant or unused
return param;
Registers.Register allocation = param.getAllocation();
if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterZpMem) {
Registers.RegisterZpMem registerZp = (Registers.RegisterZpMem) allocation;
signature.append("__zp(").append(AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(registerZp.getZp())).append(") ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterMainMem) {
Registers.RegisterMainMem registerMainMem = (Registers.RegisterMainMem) allocation;
signature.append("__mem(").append(registerMainMem.getAddress() == null ? "" : AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(registerMainMem.getAddress())).append(") ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterAByte) {
signature.append("__register(A) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterXByte) {
signature.append("__register(X) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterYByte) {
signature.append("__register(Y) ");
} else if (allocation instanceof Registers.RegisterZByte) {
signature.append("__register(Z) ");
return param;
* Add comments to the assembler program
* @param asm The assembler program
* @param comments The comments to add
private void generateComments(AsmProgram asm, List<Comment> comments) {
for (Comment comment : comments) {
asm.addComment(comment.getComment(), comment.isBlock());
private boolean hasData(Variable constantVar) {
ConstantValue constantValue = constantVar.getInitValue();
if (constantValue instanceof ConstantArray) return true;
else if (constantValue instanceof ConstantStructValue) return true;
else if (constantValue instanceof ConstantString) return true;
else return false;
* Determines whether to use a .label instead of .const for a constant.
* This can be necessary because KickAssembler does not allow constant references between scopes.
* If a constant in one scope is referenced from another scope a .label is generated in stead - to allow the cross-scope reference.
* @param scopeRef The current scope
* @param constantVar The constant to examine
* @return true if a .label should be used in the generated ASM
private boolean useLabelForConst(ScopeRef scopeRef, Variable constantVar) {
boolean useLabel = false;
Collection<Integer> constRefStatements = program.getVariableReferenceInfos().getConstRefStatements(constantVar.getConstantRef());
if (constRefStatements != null) {
for (Integer constRefStmtIdx : constRefStatements) {
Statement statement = program.getStatementInfos().getStatement(constRefStmtIdx);
ScopeRef refScope = program.getStatementInfos().getBlock(constRefStmtIdx).getScope();
if (statement instanceof StatementPhiBlock) {
// Const reference in PHI block - examine if the only predecessor is current scope
boolean found = false;
for (StatementPhiBlock.PhiVariable phiVariable : ((StatementPhiBlock) statement).getPhiVariables()) {
for (StatementPhiBlock.PhiRValue phiRValue : phiVariable.getValues()) {
RValue phiRRValue = phiRValue.getrValue();
Collection<ConstantRef> phiRValueConstRefs = PassNCalcVariableReferenceInfos.getReferencedConsts(phiRRValue);
for (ConstantRef phiRValueConstRef : phiRValueConstRefs) {
if (phiRValueConstRef.equals(constantVar.getRef())) {
found = true;
// Found the constant
LabelRef pred = phiRValue.getPredecessor();
ControlFlowBlock predBlock = program.getGraph().getBlock(pred);
ScopeRef predScope = predBlock.getScope();
if (!predScope.equals(scopeRef)) {
// Scopes in PHI RValue differs from const scope - generate label
useLabel = true;
if (!found) {
// PHI-reference is complex - generate label
program.getLog().append("Warning: Complex PHI-value using constant. Using .label as fallback. " + statement);
useLabel = true;
} else if (!refScope.equals(scopeRef)) {
// Used in a non-PHI statement in another scope - generate label
useLabel = true;
Collection<SymbolVariableRef> symbolRefConsts = program.getVariableReferenceInfos().getConstRefSymbols(constantVar.getConstantRef());
if (symbolRefConsts != null) {
for (SymbolVariableRef symbolRefConst : symbolRefConsts) {
Variable symbolRefVar = (Variable) program.getScope().getSymbol(symbolRefConst);
if (!symbolRefVar.getScope().getRef().equals(scopeRef)) {
// Used in constant in another scope - generate label
useLabel = true;
return useLabel;
* Add constant declarations for constants without data and labels for memory variables without data.
* Added before the the code of the scope.
* @param asm The ASM program
* @param scopeRef The scope
private void addConstantsAndLabels(AsmProgram asm, ScopeRef scopeRef) {
Scope scope = program.getScope().getScope(scopeRef);
Set<String> added = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Collection<Variable> scopeConstants = scope.getAllConstants(false);
// First add all constants without data that can become constants in KickAsm
for (Variable constantVar : scopeConstants) {
if (!hasData(constantVar)) {
String asmName = constantVar.getAsmName() == null ? constantVar.getLocalName() : constantVar.getAsmName();
if (asmName != null && !added.contains(asmName)) {
if (isIntTypeInScope(constantVar)) {
// Use label for integers/bools referenced in other scope - to allow cross-scope referencing
if (!useLabelForConst(scopeRef, constantVar)) {
// Use constant for constant integers not referenced outside scope
// Find the constant value calculation
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, constantVar.getInitValue(), 99, scopeRef);
addConstant(asmName, constantVar, asmConstant, asm);
} else if (!(constantVar.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer)) {
// Use constant otherwise
// Find the constant value calculation
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, constantVar.getInitValue(), 99, scopeRef);
addConstant(asmName, constantVar, asmConstant, asm);
// Add constants without data that must be labels in KickAsm
for (Variable constantVar : scopeConstants) {
if (!hasData(constantVar)) {
String asmName = constantVar.getAsmName() == null ? constantVar.getLocalName() : constantVar.getAsmName();
if (asmName != null && !added.contains(asmName)) {
if (constantVar.getType() instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
// Must use a label for pointers
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, constantVar.getInitValue(), 99, scopeRef);
addConstantLabelDecl(asmName, constantVar, asmConstant, asm);
} else if (isIntTypeInScope(constantVar)) {
// Use label for integers referenced in other scope - to allow cross-scope referencing
if (useLabelForConst(scopeRef, constantVar)) {
// Use label for integers referenced in other scope - to allow cross-scope referencing
// Add any comments
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, constantVar.getInitValue(), 99, scopeRef);
addConstantLabelDecl(asmName, constantVar, asmConstant, asm);
// Add labels for memory variables without data
Collection<Variable> scopeVars = scope.getAllVariables(false);
for (Variable scopeVar : scopeVars) {
Registers.Register register = scopeVar.getAllocation();
if (register != null) {
if (Registers.RegisterType.ZP_MEM.equals(register.getType())) {
Registers.RegisterZpMem registerZp = (Registers.RegisterZpMem) register;
String asmName = scopeVar.getAsmName();
if (asmName != null && !added.contains(asmName)) {
addConstantLabelDecl(asmName, scopeVar, AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(registerZp.getZp()), asm);
} else if (Registers.RegisterType.MAIN_MEM.equals(register.getType()) && ((Registers.RegisterMainMem) register).getAddress() != null) {
String asmName = scopeVar.getAsmName();
if (asmName != null && !added.contains(asmName)) {
// Add the label declaration
Long address = ((Registers.RegisterMainMem) register).getAddress();
addConstantLabelDecl(asmName, scopeVar, AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(address), asm);
private boolean isIntTypeInScope(Variable constantVar) {
return (SymbolType.isInteger(constantVar.getType()) || SymbolType.BOOLEAN.equals(constantVar.getType())) && constantVar.getRef().getScopeDepth() > 0;
private void addConstant(String asmName, Variable constantVar, String asmConstant, AsmProgram asm) {
// Add any comments
generateComments(asm, constantVar.getComments());
// Ensure encoding is good
AsmEncodingHelper.ensureEncoding(asm, constantVar.getInitValue());
asm.addConstant(AsmFormat.asmFix(asmName), asmConstant);
private void addConstantLabelDecl(String asmName, Variable variable, String asmConstant, AsmProgram asm) {
// Add any comments
generateComments(asm, variable.getComments());
// Ensure encoding is good
AsmEncodingHelper.ensureEncoding(asm, variable.getInitValue());
// Find the constant value calculation
asm.addLabelDecl(AsmFormat.asmFix(asmName), asmConstant);
* Add all constants with data that must be placed at an absolute address
* Added at the end of the file
* @param asm The ASM program
* @param scopeRef The scope
private void addAbsoluteAddressData(AsmProgram asm, ScopeRef scopeRef) {
Scope scope = program.getScope().getScope(scopeRef);
Collection<Variable> scopeConstants = scope.getAllConstants(false);
Set<String> added = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// Add all constants arrays incl. strings with data
for (Variable constantVar : scopeConstants) {
if (hasData(constantVar)) {
// Skip if already added
String asmName = constantVar.getAsmName() == null ? constantVar.getLocalName() : constantVar.getAsmName();
if (added.contains(asmName)) {
// Skip if address is not absolute
if (constantVar.getMemoryAddress() == null) continue;
// Set segment
setCurrentSegment(constantVar.getDataSegment(), asm);
// Set absolute address
asm.addLine(new AsmSetPc(asmName, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, constantVar.getMemoryAddress(), 99, scopeRef)));
// Add any comments
generateComments(asm, constantVar.getComments());
// Add any alignment
Integer declaredAlignment = constantVar.getMemoryAlignment();
if (declaredAlignment != null) {
String alignment = AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(declaredAlignment);
ConstantValue constantValue = constantVar.getInitValue();
if (constantValue instanceof ConstantArray || constantValue instanceof ConstantString || constantValue instanceof ConstantStructValue) {
AsmDataChunk asmDataChunk = new AsmDataChunk();
addChunkData(asmDataChunk, constantValue, constantVar.getType(), constantVar.getArraySpec(), scopeRef);
asmDataChunk.addToAsm(AsmFormat.asmFix(asmName), asm);
} else {
throw new InternalError("Constant Variable not handled " + constantVar.toString(program));
* Add constants with data and memory variables with data for a scope.
* Added after the the code of the scope.
* @param asm The ASM program
* @param scopeRef The scope
private void addData(AsmProgram asm, ScopeRef scopeRef) {
Scope scope = program.getScope().getScope(scopeRef);
Collection<Variable> scopeConstants = scope.getAllConstants(false);
Set<String> added = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// Add all constants arrays incl. strings with data
for (Variable constantVar : scopeConstants) {
if (hasData(constantVar)) {
// Skip if already added
String asmName = constantVar.getAsmName() == null ? constantVar.getLocalName() : constantVar.getAsmName();
if (added.contains(asmName)) {
// Skip if address is absolute
if (constantVar.getMemoryAddress() != null) continue;
// Set segment
setCurrentSegment(constantVar.getDataSegment(), asm);
// Add any comments
generateComments(asm, constantVar.getComments());
// Add any alignment
Integer declaredAlignment = constantVar.getMemoryAlignment();
if (declaredAlignment != null) {
String alignment = AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(declaredAlignment);
ConstantValue constantValue = constantVar.getInitValue();
if (constantValue instanceof ConstantArray || constantValue instanceof ConstantString || constantValue instanceof ConstantStructValue) {
AsmDataChunk asmDataChunk = new AsmDataChunk();
addChunkData(asmDataChunk, constantValue, constantVar.getType(), constantVar.getArraySpec(), scopeRef);
asmDataChunk.addToAsm(AsmFormat.asmFix(asmName), asm);
} else {
throw new InternalError("Constant Variable not handled " + constantVar.toString(program));
// Add all memory variables
Collection<Variable> scopeVariables = scope.getAllVariables(false);
for (Variable variable : scopeVariables) {
Registers.Register allocation = variable.getAllocation();
if (variable.getAllocation() instanceof Registers.RegisterMainMem) {
Registers.RegisterMainMem registerMainMem = (Registers.RegisterMainMem) allocation;
// Skip PHI masters
if (variable.isKindPhiMaster()) continue;
// Skip if already added
if (added.contains(variable.getAsmName())) continue;
if (variable.isKindLoadStore() || variable.isKindPhiVersion() || variable.isKindIntermediate()) {
final Variable mainVar = program.getScope().getVariable(registerMainMem.getVariableRef());
if (registerMainMem.getAddress() == null) {
// Generate into the data segment
// Set segment
// We check first the bank of the variable. Only local variables can be stored in the bank.
// Parameters must be stored in main memory.
if(!variable.getDataSegment().equals(Scope.SEGMENT_DATA_DEFAULT)) {
if(scope instanceof Procedure) {
Procedure procedure = (Procedure) scope;
List<Variable> parameters = procedure.getParameters();
if (variable.isKindPhiVersion()) {
Variable master = variable.getPhiMaster();
if (master != null) {
if (parameters.contains(master) || master.getLocalName().equals("return")) {
// Intermediate variables are placed at the banked data segment, but parameters and return values are kept untouched.
if (variable.isKindIntermediate()) {
if (scope instanceof Procedure) {
Procedure procedure = (Procedure) scope;
setCurrentSegment(variable.getDataSegment(), asm);
setCurrentSegment(variable.getDataSegment(), asm);
// Add any comments
generateComments(asm, variable.getComments());
final String mainAsmName = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, new ConstantSymbolPointer(mainVar.getRef()), 99, scopeRef);
final String asmSymbolName = AsmFormat.getAsmSymbolName(program, variable, scopeRef);
if (!mainAsmName.equals(asmSymbolName)) {
asm.addLabelDecl(asmSymbolName, mainAsmName);
} else {
// Add any alignment
Integer declaredAlignment = variable.getMemoryAlignment();
if (declaredAlignment != null) {
String alignment = AsmFormat.getAsmNumber(declaredAlignment);
if (variable.getInitValue() != null) {
// Variable has a constant init Value
ConstantValue constantValue = variable.getInitValue();
AsmDataChunk asmDataChunk = new AsmDataChunk();
addChunkData(asmDataChunk, constantValue, variable.getType(), variable.getArraySpec(), scopeRef);
asmDataChunk.addToAsm(AsmFormat.asmFix(variable.getAsmName()), asm);
} else {
// Zero-fill variable
AsmDataChunk asmDataChunk = new AsmDataChunk();
ConstantValue zeroValue = Initializers.createZeroValue(new Initializers.ValueTypeSpec(variable.getType()), null);
addChunkData(asmDataChunk, zeroValue, variable.getType(), variable.getArraySpec(), scopeRef);
asmDataChunk.addToAsm(AsmFormat.asmFix(variable.getAsmName()), asm);
} else {
throw new InternalError("Not handled variable storage " + variable.toString());
* Get the declared size of an array type as an integer
* @param declaredSize The declared size
* @return The integer size. Null if it can't be determined
private Integer getArrayDeclaredSize(ConstantValue declaredSize) {
if (declaredSize != null) {
ConstantLiteral declaredSizeVal = declaredSize.calculateLiteral(getScope());
if (!(declaredSizeVal instanceof ConstantInteger)) {
throw new CompileError("Error! Array declared size is not integer " + declaredSize.toString());
return ((ConstantInteger) declaredSizeVal).getInteger().intValue();
return null;
* Fill the data of a constant value into a data chunk
* @param dataChunk The data chunk
* @param value The constant value
* @param valueType The declared type of the value
* @param valueArraySpec The array properties of the value
* @param scopeRef The scope containing the data chunk
private void addChunkData(AsmDataChunk dataChunk, ConstantValue value, SymbolType valueType, ArraySpec valueArraySpec, ScopeRef scopeRef) {
if (valueType instanceof SymbolTypeStruct) {
if (value instanceof ConstantStructValue) {
// Add each struct member recursively
ConstantStructValue structValue = (ConstantStructValue) value;
int size = 0;
for (SymbolVariableRef memberRef : structValue.getMembers()) {
ConstantValue memberValue = structValue.getValue(memberRef);
Variable memberVariable = getScope().getVar(memberRef);
addChunkData(dataChunk, memberValue, memberVariable.getType(), memberVariable.getArraySpec(), scopeRef);
size += SymbolTypeStruct.getMemberSizeBytes(memberVariable.getType(), memberVariable.getArraySize(), getScope());
// Add padding if this is a union and the first member does not use all bytes
final int declaredSize = structValue.getStructType().getSizeBytes();
if (size < declaredSize) {
long paddingSize = declaredSize - size;
// TODO: Use SIZEOF constant
ConstantValue paddingSizeVal = new ConstantInteger(paddingSize);
String paddingBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, paddingSizeVal, 99, scopeRef);
ConstantValue zeroValue = new ConstantInteger(0l, SymbolType.BYTE);
dataChunk.addDataZeroFilled(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, paddingBytesAsm, (int) paddingSize, AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(zeroValue));
} else if (value instanceof StructZero) {
final SymbolTypeStruct typeStruct = ((StructZero) value).getTypeStruct();
final ConstantRef structSize = SizeOfConstants.getSizeOfConstantVar(getScope(), typeStruct);
String totalSizeBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, structSize, 99, scopeRef);
int totalSizeBytes = typeStruct.getSizeBytes();
dataChunk.addDataZeroFilled(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, totalSizeBytesAsm, totalSizeBytes, null);
} else if (valueType instanceof SymbolTypePointer && valueArraySpec != null) {
SymbolTypePointer constTypeArray = (SymbolTypePointer) valueType;
SymbolType elementType = constTypeArray.getElementType();
SymbolType dataType = value.getType(program.getScope());
int dataNumElements = 0;
if (value instanceof ConstantArrayFilled) {
ConstantArrayFilled constantArrayFilled = (ConstantArrayFilled) value;
ConstantValue arraySize = constantArrayFilled.getSize();
ConstantLiteral arraySizeConst = arraySize.calculateLiteral(getScope());
if (!(arraySizeConst instanceof ConstantInteger)) {
throw new Pass2SsaAssertion.AssertionFailed("Error! Array size is not constant integer " + arraySize.toString(program));
dataNumElements = ((ConstantInteger) arraySizeConst).getInteger().intValue();
int elementSizeBytes = elementType.getSizeBytes();
String totalSizeBytesAsm;
if (elementSizeBytes > 1) {
// TODO: Use a SIZEOF constant for the element size ASM
totalSizeBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, new ConstantBinary(new ConstantInteger((long) elementSizeBytes, SymbolType.NUMBER), Operators.MULTIPLY, arraySize), 99, scopeRef);
} else {
totalSizeBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, arraySize, 99, scopeRef);
if (elementType instanceof SymbolTypeIntegerFixed || elementType instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
// Use an ASM type in the fill that matches the element type
dataChunk.addDataZeroFilled(getNumericType(elementType), totalSizeBytesAsm, dataNumElements, null);
} else {
// Complex fill type - calculate byte size and use that
int totalSizeBytes = elementSizeBytes * dataNumElements;
dataChunk.addDataZeroFilled(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, totalSizeBytesAsm, totalSizeBytes, null);
} else if (value instanceof ConstantArrayKickAsm) {
ConstantArrayKickAsm kickAsm = (ConstantArrayKickAsm) value;
// default - larger then 256
int bytes = 1023;
Integer declaredSize = getArrayDeclaredSize(valueArraySpec.getArraySize());
if (declaredSize != null) {
bytes = declaredSize * elementType.getSizeBytes();
dataChunk.addDataKickAsm(bytes, kickAsm.getKickAsmCode(), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
dataNumElements = bytes;
} else if (value instanceof ConstantString) {
ConstantString stringValue = (ConstantString) value;
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, stringValue, 99, scopeRef);
dataChunk.addDataString(asmConstant, AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(stringValue));
if (stringValue.isZeroTerminated()) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, "0", null);
dataNumElements = stringValue.getStringLength();
} else {
// Assume we have a ConstantArrayList
ConstantArrayList constantArrayList = (ConstantArrayList) value;
// Output each element to the chunk
for (ConstantValue element : constantArrayList.getElements()) {
addChunkData(dataChunk, element, elementType, null, scopeRef);
dataNumElements = constantArrayList.getElements().size();
// Pad output to match declared size (if larger than the data list)
if (!(value instanceof ConstantArrayKickAsm)) {
Integer declaredSize = getArrayDeclaredSize(valueArraySpec.getArraySize());
if (declaredSize != null && declaredSize > dataNumElements) {
long paddingSize = declaredSize - dataNumElements;
ConstantValue paddingSizeVal = new ConstantInteger(paddingSize);
int elementSizeBytes = elementType.getSizeBytes();
String paddingBytesAsm;
if (elementSizeBytes > 1) {
// TODO: Use a SIZEOF constant for the element size ASM - combine this with ConstantArrayFilled above
paddingBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, new ConstantBinary(new ConstantInteger((long) elementSizeBytes, SymbolType.NUMBER), Operators.MULTIPLY, paddingSizeVal), 99, scopeRef);
} else {
paddingBytesAsm = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, paddingSizeVal, 99, scopeRef);
ConstantValue zeroValue = Initializers.createZeroValue(new Initializers.ValueTypeSpec(elementType), null);
if (zeroValue instanceof ConstantInteger | zeroValue instanceof ConstantPointer) {
dataChunk.addDataZeroFilled(getNumericType(elementType), paddingBytesAsm, (int) paddingSize, AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(zeroValue));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < paddingSize; i++) {
addChunkData(dataChunk, zeroValue, elementType, null, scopeRef);
} else if (value instanceof ConstantString) {
ConstantString stringValue = (ConstantString) value;
// Ensure encoding is good
String asmConstant = AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, stringValue, 99, scopeRef);
dataChunk.addDataString(asmConstant, AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(stringValue));
if (stringValue.isZeroTerminated()) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, "0", null);
} else if (SymbolType.BYTE.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SBYTE.equals(valueType)) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, value, 99, scopeRef), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
} else if (SymbolType.WORD.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SWORD.equals(valueType)) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.WORD, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, value, 99, scopeRef), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
} else if (SymbolType.DWORD.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SDWORD.equals(valueType)) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.DWORD, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, value, 99, scopeRef), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
} else if (valueType instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.WORD, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, value, 99, scopeRef), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
} else if (SymbolType.BOOLEAN.equals(valueType)) {
dataChunk.addDataNumeric(AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE, AsmFormat.getAsmConstant(program, value, 99, scopeRef), AsmEncodingHelper.getEncoding(value));
} else {
throw new InternalError("Unhandled array element type " + valueType.toString() + " value " + value.toString(program));
* Get the numeric data type to use when outputting a value type to ASM
* @param valueType The value type
* @return The numeric data type
private static AsmDataNumeric.Type getNumericType(SymbolType valueType) {
if (SymbolType.BYTE.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SBYTE.equals(valueType)) {
return AsmDataNumeric.Type.BYTE;
} else if (SymbolType.WORD.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SWORD.equals(valueType)) {
return AsmDataNumeric.Type.WORD;
} else if (SymbolType.DWORD.equals(valueType) || SymbolType.SDWORD.equals(valueType)) {
return AsmDataNumeric.Type.DWORD;
} else if (valueType instanceof SymbolTypePointer) {
return AsmDataNumeric.Type.WORD;
} else {
throw new InternalError("Unhandled type " + valueType.toString());
private void genStatements(AsmProgram asm, ControlFlowBlock block) {
Iterator<Statement> statementsIt = block.getStatements().iterator();
while (statementsIt.hasNext()) {
Statement statement = statementsIt.next();
if (!(statement instanceof StatementPhiBlock)) {
try {
generateStatementAsm(asm, block, statement, true);
} catch (AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer.UnknownFragmentException e) {
StatementSource statementSource = statement.getSource();
if (warnFragmentMissing) {
String stmtFormat = "";
if (statementSource != null) stmtFormat = statementSource.format();
program.getLog().append("Warning! Unknown fragment for statement " + statement.toString(program, false) + "\nMissing ASM fragment " + e.getFragmentSignature() + "\n" + stmtFormat);
asm.addLine(new AsmInlineKickAsm(".assert \"Missing ASM fragment " + e.getFragmentSignature() + "\", 0, 1", 0L, 0L, CpuClobber.CLOBBER_NONE));
} else {
throw new CompileError("Unknown fragment for statement " + statement.toString(program, false) + "\nMissing ASM fragment " + e.getFragmentSignature(), statementSource);
} catch (CompileError e) {
if (e.getSource() == null) {
throw new CompileError(e.getMessage(), statement);
* Generate ASM code for a single statement
* @param asm The ASM program to generate into
* @param block The block containing the statement
* @param statement The statement to generate ASM code for
void generateStatementAsm(AsmProgram asm, ControlFlowBlock block, Statement statement, boolean genCallPhiEntry) {
asm.startChunk(block.getScope(), statement.getIndex(), statement.toString(program, verboseAliveInfo));
generateComments(asm, statement.getComments());
if (!(statement instanceof StatementPhiBlock)) {
if (statement instanceof StatementAssignment) {
StatementAssignment assignment = (StatementAssignment) statement;
LValue lValue = assignment.getlValue();
if (assignment.getOperator() == null && assignment.getrValue1() == null && isRegisterCopy(lValue, assignment.getrValue2())) {
//asm.addComment(lValue.toString(program) + " = " + assignment.getrValue2().toString(program) + " // register copy " + getRegister(lValue));
} else {
// sven - catch this error decently, it sometimes throws an exception!
try {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.assignment(assignment, program), program);
} catch( AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer.UnknownFragmentException e) {
throw new AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer.UnknownFragmentException(e.getMessage());
} catch( RuntimeException e) {
throw new CompileError("Problem with source, runtime Exception: " + e.getMessage(), statement);
} else if (statement instanceof StatementConditionalJump) {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.conditionalJump((StatementConditionalJump) statement, block, program), program);
} else if (statement instanceof StatementCall) {
StatementCall call = (StatementCall) statement;
Procedure toProcedure = getScope().getProcedure(call.getProcedure());
Procedure fromProcedure = block.getProcedure(this.program); // We obtain from where the procedure is called, to validate the bank equality.
if (toProcedure.isDeclaredIntrinsic()) {
if (Pass1ByteXIntrinsicRewrite.INTRINSIC_MAKELONG4.equals(toProcedure.getFullName())) {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.makelong4(call, program), program);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Intrinsic procedure not supported " + toProcedure.toString(program));
} else if (Procedure.CallingConvention.PHI_CALL.equals(toProcedure.getCallingConvention())) {
// Generate PHI transition
if (genCallPhiEntry) {
ControlFlowBlock callSuccessor = getGraph().getCallSuccessor(block);
if (callSuccessor != null && callSuccessor.hasPhiBlock()) {
PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition = getTransitions(callSuccessor).getTransition(block);
if (transitionIsGenerated(transition)) {
throw new InternalError("Error! JSR transition already generated. Must modify PhiTransitions code to ensure this does not happen.");
genBlockPhiTransition(asm, block, callSuccessor, block.getScope());
final Procedure.CallingProximity callingProximity = Procedure.CallingProximity.forCall(fromProcedure.getBank(), toProcedure.getBank());
if(Procedure.CallingProximity.NEAR.equals(callingProximity)) {
asm.addInstruction("jsr", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, call.getProcedure().getFullName(), false);
} else {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.callBanked("phi", callingProximity, toProcedure.getBank(), call.getProcedure().getFullName(), program), program);
} else if (Procedure.CallingConvention.STACK_CALL.equals(toProcedure.getCallingConvention())) {
final Procedure.CallingProximity callingProximity = Procedure.CallingProximity.forCall(fromProcedure.getBank(), toProcedure.getBank());
if(Procedure.CallingProximity.NEAR.equals(callingProximity)) {
asm.addInstruction("jsr", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, call.getProcedure().getFullName(), false);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Stack Call procedure not supported in banked mode " + toProcedure.toString(program));
} else if (statement instanceof StatementCallExecute) {
StatementCallExecute call = (StatementCallExecute) statement;
ProcedureRef procedureRef = call.getProcedure();
if(procedureRef != null) {
ProgramScope scope = getScope();
Procedure toProcedure = scope.getProcedure(procedureRef);
Procedure fromProcedure = block.getProcedure(this.program);
final Procedure.CallingProximity callingProximity = Procedure.CallingProximity.forCall(fromProcedure.getBank(), toProcedure.getBank());
if(Procedure.CallingProximity.NEAR.equals(callingProximity)) {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.call(call, indirectCallCount++, program), program);
} else {
throw new CompileError("Stack Call procedure not supported in banked mode " + toProcedure.toString(program));
RValue procedureRVal = call.getProcedureRVal();
if (!(procedureRVal instanceof ProcedureRef)) {
} else {
RValue procedureRVal = call.getProcedureRVal();
// Generate ASM for a call
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.call(call, indirectCallCount++, program), program);
if (!(procedureRVal instanceof ProcedureRef)) {
} else if (statement instanceof StatementExprSideEffect) {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.exprSideEffect((StatementExprSideEffect) statement, program), program);
} else if (statement instanceof StatementReturn) {
Procedure procedure = null;
ScopeRef scope = block.getScope();
if (!scope.equals(ScopeRef.ROOT)) {
procedure = getScope().getProcedure((ProcedureRef) scope);
if (procedure == null || procedure.getInterruptType() == null) {
asm.addInstruction("rts", CpuAddressingMode.NON, null, false);
} else {
generateInterruptExit(asm, procedure);
} else if (statement instanceof StatementAsm) {
StatementAsm statementAsm = (StatementAsm) statement;
HashMap<String, Value> bindings = new HashMap<>();
AsmFragmentInstance asmFragmentInstance = new AsmFragmentInstance(program, "inline", block.getScope(), new AsmFragmentTemplate(statementAsm.getAsmLines(), program.getTargetCpu()), bindings);
AsmChunk currentChunk = asm.getCurrentChunk();
if (statementAsm.getDeclaredClobber() != null) {
} else {
for (AsmLine asmLine : currentChunk.getLines()) {
if (asmLine instanceof AsmInstruction) {
AsmInstruction asmInstruction = (AsmInstruction) asmLine;
if (asmInstruction.getCpuOpcode().getMnemonic().equals("jsr")) {
} else if (statement instanceof StatementKickAsm) {
StatementKickAsm statementKasm = (StatementKickAsm) statement;
addKickAsm(asm, statementKasm);
if (statementKasm.getDeclaredClobber() != null) {
} else if (statement instanceof StatementCallPointer) {
throw new InternalError("Statement not supported " + statement);
* Generate exit-code for entering an interrupt procedure based on the interrupt type
* @param asm The assembler to generate code into
* @param procedure The interrupt procedure
private void generateInterruptEntry(AsmProgram asm, Procedure procedure) {
final String interruptType = procedure.getInterruptType().toLowerCase();
AsmFragmentInstanceSpec entryFragment;
String entryName;
if (interruptType.contains("clobber")) {
entryFragment = AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.interruptEntry(interruptType.replace("clobber", "all"), program);
entryName = entryFragment.getSignature().replace("all", "clobber");
} else {
entryFragment = AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.interruptEntry(interruptType, program);
entryName = entryFragment.getSignature();
try {
asm.startChunk(procedure.getRef(), null, "interrupt(" + entryName + ")");
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, entryFragment, program);
} catch (AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer.UnknownFragmentException e) {
throw new CompileError("Interrupt type not supported " + procedure.getInterruptType() + " int " + procedure + "\n" + e.getMessage());
* Generate exit-code for ending an interrupt procedure based on the interrupt type
* @param asm The assembler to generate code into
* @param procedure The procedure
private void generateInterruptExit(AsmProgram asm, Procedure procedure) {
final String interruptType = procedure.getInterruptType().toLowerCase();
AsmFragmentInstanceSpec entryFragment;
String entryName;
if (interruptType.contains("clobber")) {
entryFragment = AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.interruptExit(interruptType.replace("clobber", "all"), program);
entryName = entryFragment.getSignature().replace("all", "clobber");
} else {
entryFragment = AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.interruptExit(interruptType, program);
entryName = entryFragment.getSignature();
asm.startChunk(procedure.getRef(), null, "interrupt(" + entryName + ")");
try {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, entryFragment, program);
} catch (AsmFragmentTemplateSynthesizer.UnknownFragmentException e) {
throw new CompileError("Interrupt type not supported " + procedure.getInterruptType() + " int " + procedure + "\n" + e.getMessage());
private void addKickAsm(AsmProgram asm, StatementKickAsm statementKasm) {
Long asmBytes = null;
if (statementKasm.getBytes() != null) {
ConstantValue kasmBytes = (ConstantValue) statementKasm.getBytes();
ConstantLiteral kasmBytesLiteral = kasmBytes.calculateLiteral(getScope());
asmBytes = ((ConstantInteger) kasmBytesLiteral).getInteger();
Long asmCycles = null;
if (statementKasm.getCycles() != null) {
ConstantValue kasmCycles = (ConstantValue) statementKasm.getCycles();
ConstantLiteral kasmCyclesLiteral = kasmCycles.calculateLiteral(getScope());
asmCycles = ((ConstantInteger) kasmCyclesLiteral).getInteger();
asm.addInlinedKickAsm(statementKasm.getKickAsmCode(), asmBytes, asmCycles, statementKasm.getDeclaredClobber());
* Generate all block entry points (phi transitions) which have not already been generated.
* @param asm The ASM program to generate into
* @param toBlock The block to generate remaining entry points for.
private void genBlockEntryPoints(AsmProgram asm, ControlFlowBlock toBlock) {
PhiTransitions transitions = getTransitions(toBlock);
for (ControlFlowBlock fromBlock : transitions.getFromBlocks()) {
PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition = transitions.getTransition(fromBlock);
if (!transitionIsGenerated(transition) && toBlock.getLabel().equals(fromBlock.getConditionalSuccessor())) {
genBlockPhiTransition(asm, fromBlock, toBlock, toBlock.getScope());
asm.addInstruction("JMP", CpuAddressingMode.ABS, AsmFormat.asmFix(toBlock.getLabel().getLocalName()), false);
* Generate a phi block transition. The transition performs all necessary assignment operations when moving from one block to another.
* The transition can be inserted either at the start of the to-block (used for conditional jumps)
* or at the end of the from-block ( used at default block transitions and before JMP/JSR)
* @param asm The ASP program to generate the transition into.
* @param fromBlock The from-block
* @param toBlock The to-block
* @param scope The scope where the ASM code is being inserted. Used to ensure that labels inserted in the code reference the right variables.
* If the transition code is inserted in the to-block, this is the scope of the to-block.
* If the transition code is inserted in the from-block this is the scope of the from-block.
private void genBlockPhiTransition(AsmProgram asm, ControlFlowBlock fromBlock, ControlFlowBlock toBlock, ScopeRef scope) {
PhiTransitions transitions = getTransitions(toBlock);
PhiTransitions.PhiTransition transition = transitions.getTransition(fromBlock);
if (!transitionIsGenerated(transition)) {
Statement toFirstStatement = toBlock.getStatements().get(0);
String chunkSrc = "[" + toFirstStatement.getIndex() + "] phi from ";
for (ControlFlowBlock fBlock : transition.getFromBlocks()) {
chunkSrc += fBlock.getLabel().getFullName() + " ";
chunkSrc += "to " + toBlock.getLabel().getFullName();
asm.startChunk(scope, toFirstStatement.getIndex(), chunkSrc);
for (ControlFlowBlock fBlock : transition.getFromBlocks()) {
asm.addLabel(AsmFormat.asmFix(toBlock.getLabel().getLocalName() + "_from_" + fBlock.getLabel().getLocalName()));
List<PhiTransitions.PhiTransition.PhiAssignment> assignments = transition.getAssignments();
for (PhiTransitions.PhiTransition.PhiAssignment assignment : assignments) {
LValue lValue = assignment.getVariable();
RValue rValue = assignment.getrValue();
Statement statement = assignment.getPhiBlock();
// Generate an ASM move fragment
asm.startChunk(scope, statement.getIndex(), "[" + statement.getIndex() + "] phi " + lValue.toString(program) + " = " + rValue.toString(program));
if (isRegisterCopy(lValue, rValue)) {
} else {
AsmFragmentCodeGenerator.generateAsm(asm, AsmFragmentInstanceSpecBuilder.assignment(lValue, rValue, program, scope), program);
} else {
program.getLog().append("Already generated transition from " + fromBlock.getLabel() + " to " + toBlock.getLabel() + " - not generating it again!");
* Get phi transitions for a specific to-block.
* @param toBlock The block
* @return The transitions into the block
private PhiTransitions getTransitions(ControlFlowBlock toBlock) {
return program.getPhiTransitions().get(toBlock.getLabel());
private Registers.Register getRegister(RValue rValue) {
if (rValue instanceof VariableRef) {
VariableRef rValueRef = (VariableRef) rValue;
return program.getSymbolInfos().getVariable(rValueRef).getAllocation();
} else if (rValue instanceof CastValue) {
return getRegister(((CastValue) rValue).getValue());
} else {
return null;
private boolean isRegisterCopy(LValue lValue, RValue rValue) {
return getRegister(lValue) != null && getRegister(rValue) != null && getRegister(lValue).equals(getRegister(rValue));