package razorvine.examplemachines import razorvine.ksim65.* import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener import java.awt.event.WindowEvent import import javax.swing.* import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret class DebugWindow(private val vm: IVirtualMachine) : JFrame("Debugger - ksim65 v${Version.version}"), ActionListener { private class UnaliasedTextBox(rows: Int, columns: Int) : JTextArea(rows, columns) { override fun paintComponent(g: Graphics) { g as Graphics2D g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF) g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF) super.paintComponent(g) } } private val cyclesTf = JTextField("00000000000000") private val speedKhzTf = JTextField("0000000") private val regAtf = JTextField("000") private val regXtf = JTextField("000") private val regYtf = JTextField("000") private val regPCtf = JTextField("00000") private val regSPtf = JTextField("000") private val regPtf = JTextArea("NV-BDIZC\n000000000") private val disassemTf = JTextField("00 00 00 lda (fffff),x") private val pauseBt = JButton("Pause").also { it.actionCommand = "pause" } private val zeropageTf = UnaliasedTextBox(8, 102).also { it.border = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() it.isEnabled = false it.disabledTextColor = Color.DARK_GRAY it.font = Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 12) } private val stackpageTf = UnaliasedTextBox(8, 102).also { it.border = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder() it.isEnabled = false it.disabledTextColor = Color.DARK_GRAY it.font = Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 12) } private val disassembler = Disassembler(vm.cpu) init { contentPane.layout = GridBagLayout() defaultCloseOperation = EXIT_ON_CLOSE val cpuPanel = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) cpuPanel.border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("CPU: ${}") val gc = GridBagConstraints() gc.insets = Insets(2, 2, 2, 2) gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST val cyclesLb = JLabel("cycles") val speedKhzLb = JLabel("speed (kHz)") val regAlb = JLabel("A") val regXlb = JLabel("X") val regYlb = JLabel("Y") val regSPlb = JLabel("SP") val regPClb = JLabel("PC") val regPlb = JLabel("Status") val disassemLb = JLabel("Instruction") cpuPanel.add(cyclesLb, gc.update(gridx=0, gridy=0)) cpuPanel.add(speedKhzLb, gc.update(gridx=5, gridy=0)) cpuPanel.add(regAlb, gc.update(gridx=0, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regXlb, gc.update(gridx=2, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regYlb, gc.update(gridx=4, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regPClb, gc.update(gridx=0, gridy=2)) cpuPanel.add(regSPlb, gc.update(gridx=2, gridy=2)) cpuPanel.add(regPlb, gc.update(gridx=0, gridy=3)) cpuPanel.add(disassemLb, gc.update(gridx=0, gridy=4)) gc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST cpuPanel.add(cyclesTf, gc.update(gridx=1, gridy=0, gridwidth = 3)) cpuPanel.add(speedKhzTf, gc.update(gridx=6, gridy=0)) cpuPanel.add(regAtf, gc.update(gridx=1, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regXtf, gc.update(gridx=3, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regYtf, gc.update(gridx=5, gridy=1)) cpuPanel.add(regPCtf, gc.update(gridx=1, gridy=2)) cpuPanel.add(regSPtf, gc.update(gridx=3, gridy=2)) cpuPanel.add(regPtf, gc.update(gridx=1, gridy=3, gridwidth=2)) cpuPanel.add(disassemTf, gc.update(gridx=1, gridy=4, gridwidth=5)) listOf(cyclesTf, speedKhzTf, regAtf, regXtf, regYtf, regSPtf, regPCtf, disassemTf, regPtf).forEach { it.font = Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 14) it.disabledTextColor = Color.DARK_GRAY it.isEnabled = false if (it is JTextField) { it.columns = it.text.length } else if (it is JTextArea) { it.border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.LIGHT_GRAY), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)) } } val buttonPanel = JPanel(FlowLayout()) buttonPanel.border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Control") val loadBt = JButton("Inject program").also { it.actionCommand = "inject" } val resetBt = JButton("Reset").also { it.actionCommand = "reset" } val stepBt = JButton("Step").also { it.actionCommand = "step" } val irqBt = JButton("IRQ").also { it.actionCommand = "irq" } val nmiBt = JButton("NMI").also { it.actionCommand = "nmi" } val quitBt = JButton("Quit").also { it.actionCommand = "quit" } listOf(loadBt, resetBt, irqBt, nmiBt, pauseBt, stepBt, quitBt).forEach { it.addActionListener(this) buttonPanel.add(it) } val zeropagePanel = JPanel() zeropagePanel.layout = BoxLayout(zeropagePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) zeropagePanel.border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Zeropage and Stack") val showZp = JCheckBox("show Zero page and Stack dumps", true) showZp.addActionListener { val visible = (it.source as JCheckBox).isSelected zeropageTf.isVisible = visible stackpageTf.isVisible = visible } zeropagePanel.add(showZp) zeropagePanel.add(zeropageTf) zeropagePanel.add(stackpageTf) val monitorPanel = JPanel() monitorPanel.layout = BoxLayout(monitorPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) monitorPanel.border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Built-in Monitor") val output = JTextArea(10, 80) output.font = Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 14) output.isEditable = false val outputScroll = JScrollPane(output) monitorPanel.add(outputScroll) outputScroll.verticalScrollBarPolicy = JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS (output.caret as DefaultCaret).updatePolicy = DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE val input = JTextField(50) input.border = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.LIGHT_GRAY) input.font = Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 14) input.addActionListener { output.append("\n") val command = input.text.trim() val result = vm.executeMonitorCommand(command) if (result.echo) output.append("> $command\n") output.append(result.output) input.text = result.prompt } monitorPanel.add(input) output.append(vm.executeMonitorCommand("h").output) gc.gridx = 0 gc.gridy = 0 gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH contentPane.add(cpuPanel, gc) gc.gridy++ contentPane.add(zeropagePanel, gc) gc.gridy++ contentPane.add(monitorPanel, gc) gc.gridy++ contentPane.add(buttonPanel, gc) pack() } override fun actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { when (e.actionCommand) { "inject" -> { val chooser = JFileChooser() chooser.dialogTitle = "Choose binary program or .prg to load" chooser.currentDirectory = File(".") chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled = false val result = chooser.showOpenDialog(this) if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { if (chooser.selectedFile.extension == "prg") { vm.loadFileInRam(chooser.selectedFile, null) } else { val addressStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "The selected file isn't a .prg.\nSpecify memory load address (hexadecimal) manually.", "Load address", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, "$") as String val loadAddress = Integer.parseInt(addressStr.removePrefix("$"), 16) vm.loadFileInRam(chooser.selectedFile, loadAddress) } } } "reset" -> { vm.reset() vm.bus.reset() updateCpu(vm.cpu, vm.bus) } "step" -> { vm.step() updateCpu(vm.cpu, vm.bus) } "pause" -> { vm.pause(true) pauseBt.actionCommand = "continue" pauseBt.text = "Continue" } "continue" -> { vm.pause(false) pauseBt.actionCommand = "pause" pauseBt.text = "Pause" } "irq" -> vm.cpu.irqAsserted = true "nmi" -> vm.cpu.nmiAsserted = true "quit" -> { dispatchEvent(WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)) } } } fun updateCpu(cpu: Cpu6502, bus: Bus) { val state = cpu.snapshot() cyclesTf.text = state.cycles.toString() regAtf.text = hexB(state.A) regXtf.text = hexB(state.X) regYtf.text = hexB(state.Y) regPtf.text = "NV-BDIZC\n"+state.P.asInt().toString(2).padStart(8, '0') regPCtf.text = hexW(state.PC) regSPtf.text = hexB(state.SP) val memory = listOf(bus[state.PC], bus[state.PC+1], bus[state.PC+2]).toTypedArray() val disassem = disassembler.disassembleOneInstruction(memory, 0, state.PC).first.substringAfter(' ').trim() disassemTf.text = disassem if (zeropageTf.isVisible || stackpageTf.isVisible) { val pages = vm.getZeroAndStackPages() if (pages.isNotEmpty()) { val zpLines = (0..0xff step 32).map { location -> " ${'$'}${location.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')} "+((0..31).joinToString(" ") { lineoffset -> pages[location+lineoffset].toString(16).padStart(2, '0') }) } val stackLines = (0x100..0x1ff step 32).map { location -> "${'$'}${location.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')} "+((0..31).joinToString(" ") { lineoffset -> pages[location+lineoffset].toString(16).padStart(2, '0') }) } zeropageTf.text = zpLines.joinToString("\n") stackpageTf.text = stackLines.joinToString("\n") } } speedKhzTf.text = "%.1f".format(cpu.averageSpeedKhzSinceReset) } } private fun GridBagConstraints.update(gridx: Int, gridy: Int, gridwidth: Int?=null): GridBagConstraints { val gc = this.clone() as GridBagConstraints gc.gridx = gridx gc.gridy = gridy if(gridwidth!=null) gc.gridwidth=gridwidth return gc }