package net.razorvine.ksim65.components import class Ram(startAddress: Address, endAddress: Address): MemoryComponent(startAddress, endAddress) { private val memory = ShortArray(endAddress-startAddress+1) override operator fun get(address: Address): UByte = memory[address-startAddress] override operator fun set(address: Address, data: UByte) { memory[address-startAddress] = data } override fun cloneContents(): Array = memory.toTypedArray() override fun clock() { } override fun reset() { // contents of RAM doesn't change on a reset } fun fill(data: UByte) { memory.fill(data) } /** * load a c64-style prg program at the given address, * this file has the load address as the first two bytes. */ fun loadPrg(filename: String) { val bytes = File(filename).readBytes() val address = (bytes[0].toInt() or (bytes[1].toInt() shl 8)) and 65535 bytes.drop(2).forEachIndexed { index, byte -> memory[address+index] = if(byte>=0) byte.toShort() else (256+byte).toShort() } } /** * load a binary program at the given address */ fun load(filename: String, address: Address) { val bytes = File(filename).readBytes() bytes.forEachIndexed { index, byte -> memory[address+index] = if(byte>=0) byte.toShort() else (256+byte).toShort() } } }