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package razorvine.ksim65
import razorvine.ksim65.components.Address
import razorvine.ksim65.components.BusComponent
import razorvine.ksim65.components.UByte
* 6502 cpu simulation (the NMOS version) including the 'illegal' opcodes.
* TODO: actually implement the illegal opcodes, see http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/docs/6502-NMOS.extra.opcodes or https://sourceforge.net/p/moarnes/code/ci/master/tree/src/6502.c
open class Cpu6502 : BusComponent() {
open val name = "6502"
var tracing: ((state: String) -> Unit)? = null
var totalCycles = 0L
protected set
private var resetTime = System.nanoTime()
var breakpointForBRK: BreakpointHandler? = null
class InstructionError(msg: String) : RuntimeException(msg)
companion object {
const val NMI_vector = 0xfffa
const val RESET_vector = 0xfffc
const val IRQ_vector = 0xfffe
class StatusRegister(var C: Boolean = false, var Z: Boolean = false, var I: Boolean = false, var D: Boolean = false,
var B: Boolean = false, var V: Boolean = false, var N: Boolean = false) {
fun asInt(): Int {
return (0b00100000 or (if (N) 0b10000000 else 0) or (if (V) 0b01000000 else 0) or (if (B) 0b00010000 else 0) or (if (D) 0b00001000 else 0) or (if (I) 0b00000100 else 0) or (if (Z) 0b00000010 else 0) or (if (C) 0b00000001 else 0))
fun fromInt(byte: Int) {
N = (byte and 0b10000000) != 0
V = (byte and 0b01000000) != 0
B = (byte and 0b00010000) != 0
D = (byte and 0b00001000) != 0
I = (byte and 0b00000100) != 0
Z = (byte and 0b00000010) != 0
C = (byte and 0b00000001) != 0
override fun toString(): String {
return asInt().toString(2).padStart(8, '0')
override fun hashCode(): Int = asInt()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other !is StatusRegister) return false
return asInt() == other.asInt()
* Breakpoint handlers have to return this to specify to the CPU simulator
* what should happen after the breakpoint code has executed.
* Setting changePC will continue execution from a different memory location.
* Setting changeOpcode will execute a different opcode in place of the one
* that's actually on the location of the breakpoint.
* (it's a bit limited; you can only use one-byte instructions for this)
* Setting causeBRK will simulate a software interrupt via BRK,
* without having to actually have a BRK in the breakpoint's memory location
* (this is the same as changeOpcode=0x00)
class BreakpointResultAction(val changePC: Address? = null, val changeOpcode: Int? = null, val causeBRK: Boolean = false)
class State(val A: UByte, val X: UByte, val Y: UByte, val SP: Address, val P: StatusRegister, val PC: Address, val cycles: Long) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "cycle:$cycles - pc=${hexW(PC)} "+"A=${hexB(A)} "+"X=${hexB(X)} "+"Y=${hexB(Y)} "+
"SP=${hexB(SP)} "+" n="+(if (P.N) "1" else "0")+" v="+(if (P.V) "1" else "0")+
" b="+(if (P.B) "1" else "0")+" d="+(if (P.D) "1" else "0")+" i="+(if (P.I) "1" else "0")+
" z="+(if (P.Z) "1" else "0")+" c="+(if (P.C) "1" else "0")
enum class AddrMode {
Imp, Acc, Imm, Zp, ZpX, ZpY, Rel, Abs, AbsX, AbsY, Ind, IzX, IzY,
// modes used only by the 65C02:
Zpr, Izp, IaX
class Instruction(val mnemonic: String, val mode: AddrMode, val cycles: Int)
var regA: Int = 0
var regX: Int = 0
var regY: Int = 0
var regSP: Int = 0
var regPC: Address = 0
val regP = StatusRegister()
var irqAsserted = false
var nmiAsserted = false
var currentOpcode: Int = 0
protected set
var currentOpcodeAddress: Address = 0 // the PC can be changed already depending on the addressing mode
protected set
var instrCycles: Int = 0
protected set
val isLooping: Boolean get() {
// jump loop detection
return (previousOpcodeAddress == currentOpcodeAddress) && !(nmiAsserted || irqAsserted)
private var previousOpcodeAddress: Address = 0xffff
lateinit var currentInstruction: Instruction
val averageSpeedKhzSinceReset: Double
get() = totalCycles.toDouble()/(System.nanoTime()-resetTime)*1_000_000
fun snapshot(): State {
val status = StatusRegister().also { it.fromInt(regP.asInt()) }
return State(regA.toShort(), regX.toShort(), regY.toShort(), regSP, status, regPC, totalCycles)
// data byte from the instruction (only set when addr.mode is Accumulator, Immediate or Implied)
protected var fetchedData: Int = 0
// all other addressing modes yield a fetched memory address
protected var fetchedAddress: Address = 0
private val breakpoints = mutableMapOf<Address, BreakpointHandler>()
fun addBreakpoint(address: Address, handler: BreakpointHandler) { breakpoints[address] = handler }
fun removeBreakpoint(address: Address) = breakpoints.remove(address)
fun disassemble(memory: Array<UByte>, range: IntRange, baseAddress: Address): Pair<List<String>, Address> {
var offset = range.first
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
while (offset <= range.last) {
val dis = disassembleOneInstruction(memory, offset, baseAddress)
offset += dis.second
return Pair(result, offset+baseAddress)
fun disassembleOneInstruction(memory: Array<UByte>, offset: Int, baseAddress: Address): Pair<String, Int> {
val spacing1 = " "
val spacing2 = " "
val spacing3 = " "
val byte = memory[offset]
val line = "\$${hexW(offset+baseAddress)} ${hexB(byte)} "
val opcode = instructions[byte.toInt()]
return when (opcode.mode) {
AddrMode.Acc -> {
Pair(line+"$spacing1 ${opcode.mnemonic} a", 1)
AddrMode.Imp -> {
Pair(line+"$spacing1 ${opcode.mnemonic}", 1)
AddrMode.Imm -> {
val value = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(value)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} #\$${hexB(value)}", 2)
AddrMode.Zp -> {
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexB(zpAddr)}", 2)
AddrMode.Zpr -> {
// addressing mode used by the 65C02, put here for convenience rather than the subclass
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
val rel = memory[offset+2]
val target = (if (rel <= 0x7f) offset+3+rel+baseAddress else offset+3-(256-rel)+baseAddress) and 0xffff
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} ${hexB(rel)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexB(zpAddr)}, \$${hexW(target, true)}", 3)
AddrMode.Izp -> {
// addressing mode used by the 65C02, put here for convenience rather than the subclass
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$(${hexB(zpAddr)})", 2)
AddrMode.IaX -> {
// addressing mode used by the 65C02, put here for convenience rather than the subclass
val lo = memory[offset+1]
val hi = memory[offset+2]
val absAddr = lo.toInt() or (hi.toInt() shl 8)
Pair(line+"${hexB(lo)} ${hexB(hi)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$(${hexW(absAddr)},x)", 3)
AddrMode.ZpX -> {
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexB(zpAddr)},x", 2)
AddrMode.ZpY -> {
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexB(zpAddr)},y", 2)
AddrMode.Rel -> {
val rel = memory[offset+1]
val target = (if (rel <= 0x7f) offset+2+rel+baseAddress else offset+2-(256-rel)+baseAddress) and 0xffff
Pair(line+"${hexB(rel)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexW(target, true)}", 2)
AddrMode.Abs -> {
val lo = memory[offset+1]
val hi = memory[offset+2]
val absAddr = lo.toInt() or (hi.toInt() shl 8)
Pair(line+"${hexB(lo)} ${hexB(hi)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexW(absAddr)}", 3)
AddrMode.AbsX -> {
val lo = memory[offset+1]
val hi = memory[offset+2]
val absAddr = lo.toInt() or (hi.toInt() shl 8)
Pair(line+"${hexB(lo)} ${hexB(hi)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexW(absAddr)},x", 3)
AddrMode.AbsY -> {
val lo = memory[offset+1]
val hi = memory[offset+2]
val absAddr = lo.toInt() or (hi.toInt() shl 8)
Pair(line+"${hexB(lo)} ${hexB(hi)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} \$${hexW(absAddr)},y", 3)
AddrMode.Ind -> {
val lo = memory[offset+1]
val hi = memory[offset+2]
val indirectAddr = lo.toInt() or (hi.toInt() shl 8)
Pair(line+"${hexB(lo)} ${hexB(hi)} $spacing3 ${opcode.mnemonic} (\$${hexW(indirectAddr)})", 3)
AddrMode.IzX -> {
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} (\$${hexB(zpAddr)},x)", 2)
AddrMode.IzY -> {
val zpAddr = memory[offset+1]
Pair(line+"${hexB(zpAddr)} $spacing2 ${opcode.mnemonic} (\$${hexB(zpAddr)}),y", 2)
* Reset the cpu
override fun reset() {
regP.I = true
regP.C = false
regP.Z = false
regP.D = false
regP.B = false
regP.V = false
regP.N = false
regSP = 0xfd
regPC = readWord(RESET_vector)
regA = 0
regX = 0
regY = 0
instrCycles = 8 // a reset takes 8 clock cycles
currentOpcode = 0
currentInstruction = instructions[0]
totalCycles = 0
resetTime = System.nanoTime()
* Process once clock cycle in the cpu.
* Use this if goal is cycle-perfect emulation.
override fun clock() {
if (instrCycles == 0) {
if(nmiAsserted || (irqAsserted && !regP.I)) {
// no interrupt, fetch next instruction from memory
previousOpcodeAddress = currentOpcodeAddress
currentOpcodeAddress = regPC
currentOpcode = read(regPC)
currentInstruction = instructions[currentOpcode]
// tracing and breakpoint handling
breakpoints[regPC]?.let {
if (breakpoint(it)) return
if (currentOpcode == 0x00) breakpointForBRK?.let {
if (breakpoint(it)) return
instrCycles = currentInstruction.cycles
val extraCycleFromAddr = applyAddressingMode(currentInstruction.mode)
val extraCycleFromInstr = dispatchOpcode(currentOpcode)
if(extraCycleFromAddr and extraCycleFromInstr)
private fun breakpoint(handler: BreakpointHandler): Boolean {
val oldPC = regPC
val result = handler(this, regPC)
when {
result.changePC != null -> regPC = result.changePC
result.changeOpcode != null -> {
currentOpcode = result.changeOpcode
currentInstruction = instructions[currentOpcode]
result.causeBRK -> {
currentOpcode = 0x00
currentInstruction = instructions[0x00]
return if (regPC != oldPC) {
} else false
* Execute one single complete instruction.
* Use this when the goal is emulation performance and not a cycle perfect system.
open fun step() {
totalCycles += instrCycles
instrCycles = 0
totalCycles += instrCycles
instrCycles = 0
protected fun getFetched() =
if (currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Imm || currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Acc || currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Imp) fetchedData
else read(fetchedAddress)
protected fun readPc(): Int = bus.read(regPC++).toInt()
protected fun pushStackAddr(address: Address) {
val lo = address and 0xff
val hi = (address ushr 8)
protected fun pushStack(status: StatusRegister) {
protected fun pushStack(data: Int) {
write(regSP or 0x0100, data)
regSP = (regSP-1) and 0xff
protected fun popStack(): Int {
regSP = (regSP+1) and 0xff
return read(regSP or 0x0100)
protected fun popStackAddr(): Address {
val lo = popStack()
val hi = popStack()
return lo or (hi shl 8)
protected fun read(address: Address): Int = bus.read(address).toInt()
protected fun readWord(address: Address): Int = bus.read(address).toInt() or (bus.read(address+1).toInt() shl 8)
protected fun write(address: Address, data: Int) = bus.write(address, data.toShort())
// opcodes table from http://www.oxyron.de/html/opcodes02.html
open val instructions: Array<Instruction> = listOf(
/* 00 */ Instruction("brk", AddrMode.Imp, 7),
/* 01 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 02 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 03 */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* 04 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 05 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 06 */ Instruction("asl", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 07 */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 08 */ Instruction("php", AddrMode.Imp, 3),
/* 09 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 0a */ Instruction("asl", AddrMode.Acc, 2),
/* 0b */ Instruction("anc", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 0c */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 0d */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 0e */ Instruction("asl", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 0f */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 10 */ Instruction("bpl", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* 11 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* 12 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 13 */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* 14 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 15 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 16 */ Instruction("asl", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 17 */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 18 */ Instruction("clc", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 19 */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* 1a */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 1b */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* 1c */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 1d */ Instruction("ora", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 1e */ Instruction("asl", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 1f */ Instruction("slo", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 20 */ Instruction("jsr", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 21 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 22 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 23 */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* 24 */ Instruction("bit", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 25 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 26 */ Instruction("rol", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 27 */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 28 */ Instruction("plp", AddrMode.Imp, 4),
/* 29 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 2a */ Instruction("rol", AddrMode.Acc, 2),
/* 2b */ Instruction("anc", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 2c */ Instruction("bit", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 2d */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 2e */ Instruction("rol", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 2f */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 30 */ Instruction("bmi", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* 31 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* 32 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 33 */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* 34 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 35 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 36 */ Instruction("rol", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 37 */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 38 */ Instruction("sec", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 39 */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* 3a */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 3b */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* 3c */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 3d */ Instruction("and", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 3e */ Instruction("rol", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 3f */ Instruction("rla", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 40 */ Instruction("rti", AddrMode.Imp, 6),
/* 41 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 42 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 43 */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* 44 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 45 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 46 */ Instruction("lsr", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 47 */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 48 */ Instruction("pha", AddrMode.Imp, 3),
/* 49 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 4a */ Instruction("lsr", AddrMode.Acc, 2),
/* 4b */ Instruction("alr", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 4c */ Instruction("jmp", AddrMode.Abs, 3),
/* 4d */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 4e */ Instruction("lsr", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 4f */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 50 */ Instruction("bvc", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* 51 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* 52 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 53 */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* 54 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 55 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 56 */ Instruction("lsr", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 57 */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 58 */ Instruction("cli", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 59 */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* 5a */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 5b */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* 5c */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 5d */ Instruction("eor", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 5e */ Instruction("lsr", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 5f */ Instruction("sre", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 60 */ Instruction("rts", AddrMode.Imp, 6),
/* 61 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 62 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 63 */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* 64 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 65 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 66 */ Instruction("ror", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 67 */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* 68 */ Instruction("pla", AddrMode.Imp, 4),
/* 69 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 6a */ Instruction("ror", AddrMode.Acc, 2),
/* 6b */ Instruction("arr", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 6c */ Instruction("jmp", AddrMode.Ind, 5),
/* 6d */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 6e */ Instruction("ror", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 6f */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* 70 */ Instruction("bvs", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* 71 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* 72 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 73 */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* 74 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 75 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 76 */ Instruction("ror", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 77 */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* 78 */ Instruction("sei", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 79 */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* 7a */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 7b */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* 7c */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 7d */ Instruction("adc", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* 7e */ Instruction("ror", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 7f */ Instruction("rra", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* 80 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 81 */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 82 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 83 */ Instruction("sax", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* 84 */ Instruction("sty", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 85 */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 86 */ Instruction("stx", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 87 */ Instruction("sax", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* 88 */ Instruction("dey", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 89 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 8a */ Instruction("txa", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 8b */ Instruction("xaa", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* 8c */ Instruction("sty", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 8d */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 8e */ Instruction("stx", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 8f */ Instruction("sax", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* 90 */ Instruction("bcc", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* 91 */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.IzY, 6),
/* 92 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 93 */ Instruction("ahx", AddrMode.IzY, 6),
/* 94 */ Instruction("sty", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 95 */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* 96 */ Instruction("stx", AddrMode.ZpY, 4),
/* 97 */ Instruction("sax", AddrMode.ZpY, 4),
/* 98 */ Instruction("tya", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 99 */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.AbsY, 5),
/* 9a */ Instruction("txs", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* 9b */ Instruction("tas", AddrMode.AbsY, 5),
/* 9c */ Instruction("shy", AddrMode.AbsX, 5),
/* 9d */ Instruction("sta", AddrMode.AbsX, 5),
/* 9e */ Instruction("shx", AddrMode.AbsY, 5),
/* 9f */ Instruction("ahx", AddrMode.AbsY, 5),
/* a0 */ Instruction("ldy", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* a1 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* a2 */ Instruction("ldx", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* a3 */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* a4 */ Instruction("ldy", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* a5 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* a6 */ Instruction("ldx", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* a7 */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* a8 */ Instruction("tay", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* a9 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* aa */ Instruction("tax", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* ab */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* ac */ Instruction("ldy", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* ad */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* ae */ Instruction("ldx", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* af */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* b0 */ Instruction("bcs", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* b1 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* b2 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* b3 */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* b4 */ Instruction("ldy", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* b5 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* b6 */ Instruction("ldx", AddrMode.ZpY, 4),
/* b7 */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.ZpY, 4),
/* b8 */ Instruction("clv", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* b9 */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* ba */ Instruction("tsx", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* bb */ Instruction("las", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* bc */ Instruction("ldy", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* bd */ Instruction("lda", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* be */ Instruction("ldx", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* bf */ Instruction("lax", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* c0 */ Instruction("cpy", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* c1 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* c2 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* c3 */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* c4 */ Instruction("cpy", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* c5 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* c6 */ Instruction("dec", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* c7 */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* c8 */ Instruction("iny", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* c9 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* ca */ Instruction("dex", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* cb */ Instruction("axs", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* cc */ Instruction("cpy", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* cd */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* ce */ Instruction("dec", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* cf */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* d0 */ Instruction("bne", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* d1 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* d2 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* d3 */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* d4 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* d5 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* d6 */ Instruction("dec", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* d7 */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* d8 */ Instruction("cld", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* d9 */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* da */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* db */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* dc */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* dd */ Instruction("cmp", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* de */ Instruction("dec", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* df */ Instruction("dcp", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* e0 */ Instruction("cpx", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* e1 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.IzX, 6),
/* e2 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* e3 */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.IzX, 8),
/* e4 */ Instruction("cpx", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* e5 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.Zp, 3),
/* e6 */ Instruction("inc", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* e7 */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.Zp, 5),
/* e8 */ Instruction("inx", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* e9 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* ea */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* eb */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.Imm, 2),
/* ec */ Instruction("cpx", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* ed */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.Abs, 4),
/* ee */ Instruction("inc", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* ef */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.Abs, 6),
/* f0 */ Instruction("beq", AddrMode.Rel, 2),
/* f1 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.IzY, 5),
/* f2 */ Instruction("???", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* f3 */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.IzY, 8),
/* f4 */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* f5 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.ZpX, 4),
/* f6 */ Instruction("inc", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* f7 */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.ZpX, 6),
/* f8 */ Instruction("sed", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* f9 */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.AbsY, 4),
/* fa */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.Imp, 2),
/* fb */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.AbsY, 7),
/* fc */ Instruction("nop", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* fd */ Instruction("sbc", AddrMode.AbsX, 4),
/* fe */ Instruction("inc", AddrMode.AbsX, 7),
/* ff */ Instruction("isc", AddrMode.AbsX, 7)).toTypedArray()
protected open fun applyAddressingMode(addrMode: AddrMode): Boolean {
// an addressing mode can cause an extra clock cycle on certain instructions
return when (addrMode) {
AddrMode.Imp, AddrMode.Acc -> {
fetchedData = regA
AddrMode.Imm -> {
fetchedData = readPc()
AddrMode.Zp -> {
fetchedAddress = readPc()
AddrMode.ZpX -> {
// note: zeropage index will not leave Zp when page boundary is crossed
fetchedAddress = (readPc()+regX) and 0xff
AddrMode.ZpY -> {
// note: zeropage index will not leave Zp when page boundary is crossed
fetchedAddress = (readPc()+regY) and 0xff
AddrMode.Rel -> {
val relative = readPc()
fetchedAddress = if (relative >= 0x80) {
regPC-(256-relative) and 0xffff
} else regPC+relative and 0xffff
AddrMode.Abs -> {
val lo = readPc()
val hi = readPc()
fetchedAddress = lo or (hi shl 8)
AddrMode.AbsX -> {
val lo = readPc()
val hi = readPc()
fetchedAddress = regX+(lo or (hi shl 8)) and 0xffff
// if this address is a different page, extra clock cycle:
(fetchedAddress and 0xff00) != hi shl 8
AddrMode.AbsY -> {
val lo = readPc()
val hi = readPc()
fetchedAddress = regY+(lo or (hi shl 8)) and 0xffff
// if this address is a different page, extra clock cycle:
(fetchedAddress and 0xff00) != hi shl 8
AddrMode.Ind -> {
var lo = readPc()
var hi = readPc()
fetchedAddress = lo or (hi shl 8)
if (lo == 0xff) {
// emulate 6502 bug (fixed in 65C02):
// not able to fetch an address which crosses the page boundary.
lo = read(fetchedAddress)
hi = read(fetchedAddress and 0xff00)
} else {
// normal behavior
lo = read(fetchedAddress)
hi = read(fetchedAddress+1)
fetchedAddress = lo or (hi shl 8)
AddrMode.IzX -> {
// note: not able to fetch an address which crosses the (zero)page boundary
fetchedAddress = readPc()
val lo = read((fetchedAddress+regX) and 0xff)
val hi = read((fetchedAddress+regX+1) and 0xff)
fetchedAddress = lo or (hi shl 8)
AddrMode.IzY -> {
// note: not able to fetch an address which crosses the (zero)page boundary
fetchedAddress = readPc()
val lo = read(fetchedAddress)
val hi = read((fetchedAddress+1) and 0xff)
fetchedAddress = regY+(lo or (hi shl 8)) and 0xffff
AddrMode.Zpr, AddrMode.Izp, AddrMode.IaX -> {
// addressing mode used by the 65C02 only
throw InstructionError("65c02 addressing mode not implemented on 6502")
protected open fun dispatchOpcode(opcode: Int): Boolean {
when (opcode) {
0x00 -> iBrk()
0x01 -> iOra()
0x02 -> iInvalid()
0x03 -> iSlo()
0x04 -> iNop()
0x05 -> iOra()
0x06 -> iAsl()
0x07 -> iSlo()
0x08 -> iPhp()
0x09 -> iOra()
0x0a -> iAsl()
0x0b -> iAnc()
0x0c -> iNop()
0x0d -> iOra()
0x0e -> iAsl()
0x0f -> iSlo()
0x10 -> iBpl()
0x11 -> iOra()
0x12 -> iInvalid()
0x13 -> iSlo()
0x14 -> iNop()
0x15 -> iOra()
0x16 -> iAsl()
0x17 -> iSlo()
0x18 -> iClc()
0x19 -> iOra()
0x1a -> iNop()
0x1b -> iSlo()
0x1c -> iNop()
0x1d -> iOra()
0x1e -> iAsl()
0x1f -> iSlo()
0x20 -> iJsr()
0x21 -> iAnd()
0x22 -> iInvalid()
0x23 -> iRla()
0x24 -> iBit()
0x25 -> iAnd()
0x26 -> iRol()
0x27 -> iRla()
0x28 -> iPlp()
0x29 -> iAnd()
0x2a -> iRol()
0x2b -> iAnc()
0x2c -> iBit()
0x2d -> iAnd()
0x2e -> iRol()
0x2f -> iRla()
0x30 -> iBmi()
0x31 -> iAnd()
0x32 -> iInvalid()
0x33 -> iRla()
0x34 -> iNop()
0x35 -> iAnd()
0x36 -> iRol()
0x37 -> iRla()
0x38 -> iSec()
0x39 -> iAnd()
0x3a -> iNop()
0x3b -> iRla()
0x3c -> iNop()
0x3d -> iAnd()
0x3e -> iRol()
0x3f -> iRla()
0x40 -> iRti()
0x41 -> iEor()
0x42 -> iInvalid()
0x43 -> iSre()
0x44 -> iNop()
0x45 -> iEor()
0x46 -> iLsr()
0x47 -> iSre()
0x48 -> iPha()
0x49 -> iEor()
0x4a -> iLsr()
0x4b -> iAlr()
0x4c -> iJmp()
0x4d -> iEor()
0x4e -> iLsr()
0x4f -> iSre()
0x50 -> iBvc()
0x51 -> iEor()
0x52 -> iInvalid()
0x53 -> iSre()
0x54 -> iNop()
0x55 -> iEor()
0x56 -> iLsr()
0x57 -> iSre()
0x58 -> iCli()
0x59 -> iEor()
0x5a -> iNop()
0x5b -> iSre()
0x5c -> iNop()
0x5d -> iEor()
0x5e -> iLsr()
0x5f -> iSre()
0x60 -> iRts()
0x61 -> iAdc()
0x62 -> iInvalid()
0x63 -> iRra()
0x64 -> iNop()
0x65 -> iAdc()
0x66 -> iRor()
0x67 -> iRra()
0x68 -> iPla()
0x69 -> iAdc()
0x6a -> iRor()
0x6b -> iArr()
0x6c -> iJmp()
0x6d -> iAdc()
0x6e -> iRor()
0x6f -> iRra()
0x70 -> iBvs()
0x71 -> iAdc()
0x72 -> iInvalid()
0x73 -> iRra()
0x74 -> iNop()
0x75 -> iAdc()
0x76 -> iRor()
0x77 -> iRra()
0x78 -> iSei()
0x79 -> iAdc()
0x7a -> iNop()
0x7b -> iRra()
0x7c -> iNop()
0x7d -> iAdc()
0x7e -> iRor()
0x7f -> iRra()
0x80 -> iNop()
0x81 -> iSta()
0x82 -> iNop()
0x83 -> iSax()
0x84 -> iSty()
0x85 -> iSta()
0x86 -> iStx()
0x87 -> iSax()
0x88 -> iDey()
0x89 -> iNop()
0x8a -> iTxa()
0x8b -> iXaa()
0x8c -> iSty()
0x8d -> iSta()
0x8e -> iStx()
0x8f -> iSax()
0x90 -> iBcc()
0x91 -> iSta()
0x92 -> iInvalid()
0x93 -> iAhx()
0x94 -> iSty()
0x95 -> iSta()
0x96 -> iStx()
0x97 -> iSax()
0x98 -> iTya()
0x99 -> iSta()
0x9a -> iTxs()
0x9b -> iTas()
0x9c -> iShy()
0x9d -> iSta()
0x9e -> iShx()
0x9f -> iAhx()
0xa0 -> iLdy()
0xa1 -> iLda()
0xa2 -> iLdx()
0xa3 -> iLax()
0xa4 -> iLdy()
0xa5 -> iLda()
0xa6 -> iLdx()
0xa7 -> iLax()
0xa8 -> iTay()
0xa9 -> iLda()
0xaa -> iTax()
0xab -> iLax()
0xac -> iLdy()
0xad -> iLda()
0xae -> iLdx()
0xaf -> iLax()
0xb0 -> iBcs()
0xb1 -> iLda()
0xb2 -> iInvalid()
0xb3 -> iLax()
0xb4 -> iLdy()
0xb5 -> iLda()
0xb6 -> iLdx()
0xb7 -> iLax()
0xb8 -> iClv()
0xb9 -> iLda()
0xba -> iTsx()
0xbb -> iLas()
0xbc -> iLdy()
0xbd -> iLda()
0xbe -> iLdx()
0xbf -> iLax()
0xc0 -> iCpy()
0xc1 -> iCmp()
0xc2 -> iNop()
0xc3 -> iDcp()
0xc4 -> iCpy()
0xc5 -> iCmp()
0xc6 -> iDec()
0xc7 -> iDcp()
0xc8 -> iIny()
0xc9 -> iCmp()
0xca -> iDex()
0xcb -> iAxs()
0xcc -> iCpy()
0xcd -> iCmp()
0xce -> iDec()
0xcf -> iDcp()
0xd0 -> iBne()
0xd1 -> iCmp()
0xd2 -> iInvalid()
0xd3 -> iDcp()
0xd4 -> iNop()
0xd5 -> iCmp()
0xd6 -> iDec()
0xd7 -> iDcp()
0xd8 -> iCld()
0xd9 -> iCmp()
0xda -> iNop()
0xdb -> iDcp()
0xdc -> iNop()
0xdd -> iCmp()
0xde -> iDec()
0xdf -> iDcp()
0xe0 -> iCpx()
0xe1 -> iSbc()
0xe2 -> iNop()
0xe3 -> iIsc()
0xe4 -> iCpx()
0xe5 -> iSbc()
0xe6 -> iInc()
0xe7 -> iIsc()
0xe8 -> iInx()
0xe9 -> iSbc()
0xea -> iNop()
0xeb -> iSbc()
0xec -> iCpx()
0xed -> iSbc()
0xee -> iInc()
0xef -> iIsc()
0xf0 -> iBeq()
0xf1 -> iSbc()
0xf2 -> iInvalid()
0xf3 -> iIsc()
0xf4 -> iNop()
0xf5 -> iSbc()
0xf6 -> iInc()
0xf7 -> iIsc()
0xf8 -> iSed()
0xf9 -> iSbc()
0xfa -> iNop()
0xfb -> iIsc()
0xfc -> iNop()
0xfd -> iSbc()
0xfe -> iInc()
0xff -> iIsc()
else -> { /* can't occur */ }
return false // TODO determine if instructions can cause extra clock cycle
// official instructions
protected open fun iAdc() {
val operand = getFetched()
if (regP.D) {
// BCD add
// see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/decimal_mode.html
// and http://nesdev.com/6502.txt
// and https://sourceforge.net/p/vice-emu/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/vice/src/6510core.c#l598
// (the implementation below is based on the code used by Vice)
var tmp = (regA and 0xf)+(operand and 0xf)+(if (regP.C) 1 else 0)
if (tmp > 9) tmp += 6
tmp = if (tmp <= 0x0f) {
(tmp and 0xf)+(regA and 0xf0)+(operand and 0xf0)
} else {
(tmp and 0xf)+(regA and 0xf0)+(operand and 0xf0)+0x10
regP.Z = regA+operand+(if (regP.C) 1 else 0) and 0xff == 0
regP.N = tmp and 0b10000000 != 0
regP.V = (regA xor tmp) and 0x80 != 0 && (regA xor operand) and 0b10000000 == 0
if (tmp and 0x1f0 > 0x90) tmp += 0x60
regP.C = tmp > 0xf0 // original: (tmp and 0xff0) > 0xf0
regA = tmp and 0xff
} else {
// normal add
val tmp = operand+regA+if (regP.C) 1 else 0
regP.N = (tmp and 0b10000000) != 0
regP.Z = (tmp and 0xff) == 0
regP.V = (regA xor operand).inv() and (regA xor tmp) and 0b10000000 != 0
regP.C = tmp > 0xff
regA = tmp and 0xff
protected fun iAnd() {
regA = regA and getFetched()
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iAsl() {
if (currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Acc) {
regP.C = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
regA = (regA shl 1) and 0xff
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
} else {
val data = read(fetchedAddress)
regP.C = (data and 0b10000000) != 0
val shifted = (data shl 1) and 0xff
write(fetchedAddress, shifted)
regP.Z = shifted == 0
regP.N = (shifted and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iBcc() {
if (!regP.C) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iBcs() {
if (regP.C) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iBeq() {
if (regP.Z) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected open fun iBit() {
val operand = getFetched()
regP.Z = (regA and operand) == 0
regP.V = (operand and 0b01000000) != 0
regP.N = (operand and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iBmi() {
if (regP.N) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iBne() {
if (!regP.Z) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iBpl() {
if (!regP.N) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected open fun iBrk() {
// handle BRK ('software interrupt')
return // if an NMI occurs during BRK, the BRK won't get executed on 6502 (65C02 fixes this)
regP.B = true
regP.I = true // interrupts are now disabled
// NMOS 6502 doesn't clear the D flag (CMOS 65C02 version does...)
regPC = readWord(IRQ_vector)
protected open fun handleInterrupt() {
// handle NMI or IRQ -- very similar to the BRK opcode above
regP.B = false
regP.I = true // interrupts are now disabled
// NMOS 6502 doesn't clear the D flag (CMOS 65C02 version does...)
// jump to the appropriate irq vector and clear the assertion status of the irq
// (hmm... should the cpu do that? or is this the peripheral's job?)
if(nmiAsserted) {
regPC = readWord(NMI_vector)
nmiAsserted = false
} else {
regPC = readWord(IRQ_vector)
irqAsserted = false
protected fun iBvc() {
if (!regP.V) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iBvs() {
if (regP.V) regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iClc() {
regP.C = false
protected fun iCld() {
regP.D = false
protected fun iCli() {
regP.I = false
protected fun iClv() {
regP.V = false
protected fun iCmp() {
val fetched = getFetched()
regP.C = regA >= fetched
regP.Z = regA == fetched
regP.N = ((regA-fetched) and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iCpx() {
val fetched = getFetched()
regP.C = regX >= fetched
regP.Z = regX == fetched
regP.N = ((regX-fetched) and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iCpy() {
val fetched = getFetched()
regP.C = regY >= fetched
regP.Z = regY == fetched
regP.N = ((regY-fetched) and 0b10000000) != 0
protected open fun iDec() {
val data = (read(fetchedAddress)-1) and 0xff
write(fetchedAddress, data)
regP.Z = data == 0
regP.N = (data and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iDex() {
regX = (regX-1) and 0xff
regP.Z = regX == 0
regP.N = (regX and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iDey() {
regY = (regY-1) and 0xff
regP.Z = regY == 0
regP.N = (regY and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iEor() {
regA = regA xor getFetched()
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected open fun iInc() {
val data = (read(fetchedAddress)+1) and 0xff
write(fetchedAddress, data)
regP.Z = data == 0
regP.N = (data and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iInx() {
regX = (regX+1) and 0xff
regP.Z = regX == 0
regP.N = (regX and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iIny() {
regY = (regY+1) and 0xff
regP.Z = regY == 0
regP.N = (regY and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iJmp() {
regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iJsr() {
regPC = fetchedAddress
protected fun iLda() {
regA = getFetched()
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iLdx() {
regX = getFetched()
regP.Z = regX == 0
regP.N = (regX and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iLdy() {
regY = getFetched()
regP.Z = regY == 0
regP.N = (regY and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iLsr() {
if (currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Acc) {
regP.C = (regA and 1) == 1
regA = regA ushr 1
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
} else {
val data = read(fetchedAddress)
regP.C = (data and 1) == 1
val shifted = data ushr 1
write(fetchedAddress, shifted)
regP.Z = shifted == 0
regP.N = (shifted and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iNop() {}
protected fun iOra() {
regA = regA or getFetched()
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iPha() {
protected fun iPhp() {
val origBreakflag = regP.B
regP.B = true
regP.B = origBreakflag
protected fun iPla() {
regA = popStack()
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iPlp() {
regP.B = true // break is always 1 except when pushing on stack
protected fun iRol() {
val oldCarry = regP.C
if (currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Acc) {
regP.C = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
regA = (regA shl 1 and 0xff) or (if (oldCarry) 1 else 0)
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
} else {
val data = read(fetchedAddress)
regP.C = (data and 0b10000000) != 0
val shifted = (data shl 1 and 0xff) or (if (oldCarry) 1 else 0)
write(fetchedAddress, shifted)
regP.Z = shifted == 0
regP.N = (shifted and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iRor() {
val oldCarry = regP.C
if (currentInstruction.mode == AddrMode.Acc) {
regP.C = (regA and 1) == 1
regA = (regA ushr 1) or (if (oldCarry) 0b10000000 else 0)
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
} else {
val data = read(fetchedAddress)
regP.C = (data and 1) == 1
val shifted = (data ushr 1) or (if (oldCarry) 0b10000000 else 0)
write(fetchedAddress, shifted)
regP.Z = shifted == 0
regP.N = (shifted and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iRti() {
regP.B = true // break is always 1 except when pushing on stack
regPC = popStackAddr()
protected fun iRts() {
regPC = popStackAddr()
regPC = (regPC+1) and 0xffff
protected open fun iSbc() {
val operand = getFetched()
val tmp = (regA-operand-if (regP.C) 0 else 1) and 0xffff
regP.V = (regA xor operand) and (regA xor tmp) and 0b10000000 != 0
if (regP.D) {
// BCD subtract
// see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/decimal_mode.html
// and http://nesdev.com/6502.txt
// and https://sourceforge.net/p/vice-emu/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/vice/src/6510core.c#l1396
// (the implementation below is based on the code used by Vice)
var tmpA = ((regA and 0xf)-(operand and 0xf)-if (regP.C) 0 else 1) and 0xffff
tmpA = if ((tmpA and 0x10) != 0) {
((tmpA-6) and 0xf) or (regA and 0xf0)-(operand and 0xf0)-0x10
} else {
(tmpA and 0xf) or (regA and 0xf0)-(operand and 0xf0)
if ((tmpA and 0x100) != 0) tmpA -= 0x60
regA = tmpA and 0xff
} else {
// normal subtract
regA = tmp and 0xff
regP.C = tmp < 0x100
regP.Z = (tmp and 0xff) == 0
regP.N = (tmp and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iSec() {
regP.C = true
protected fun iSed() {
regP.D = true
protected fun iSei() {
regP.I = true
protected fun iSta() {
write(fetchedAddress, regA)
protected fun iStx() {
write(fetchedAddress, regX)
protected fun iSty() {
write(fetchedAddress, regY)
protected fun iTax() {
regX = regA
regP.Z = regX == 0
regP.N = (regX and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iTay() {
regY = regA
regP.Z = regY == 0
regP.N = (regY and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iTsx() {
regX = regSP
regP.Z = regX == 0
regP.N = (regX and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iTxa() {
regA = regX
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
protected fun iTxs() {
regSP = regX
protected fun iTya() {
regA = regY
regP.Z = regA == 0
regP.N = (regA and 0b10000000) != 0
// unofficial/illegal 6502 instructions
private fun iAhx() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - ahx - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iAlr() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - alr=asr - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iAnc() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - anc - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iArr() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - arr - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iAxs() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - axs - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iDcp() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - dcp - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iIsc() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - isc=isb - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iLas() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - las=lar - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iLax() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - lax - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iRla() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - rla - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iRra() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - rra - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iSax() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - sax - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iShx() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - shx - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iShy() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - shy - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iSlo() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - slo=aso - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iSre() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - sre=lse - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iTas() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - tas - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
private fun iXaa() {
TODO("\$${hexB(currentOpcode)} - xaa - ('illegal' instruction) @ \$${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")
// invalid instruction (JAM / KIL / HLT)
private fun iInvalid() {
throw InstructionError("invalid instruction encountered: opcode=${hexB(currentOpcode)} instr=${currentInstruction.mnemonic} @ ${hexW(currentOpcodeAddress)}")