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-- set cpu to 6502
cpu = require "6502"
setmetatable(_ENV, cpu)
nes = {
OAM = 0x200, -- 0x100 bytes
RAM = 0x300, -- 0x500 bytes + ZP 0x100 bytes + Stack 0x100 bytes + OAM 0x100 bytes = 0x800 bytes
-- 2C02 / 2C07 PPU
PPUCTRL = 0x2000,
PPUMASK = 0x2001,
PPUSTAT = 0x2002,
OAMADDR = 0x2003,
OAMDATA = 0x2004,
BGSCROL = 0x2005,
PPUADDR = 0x2006,
PPUDATA = 0x2007,
-- 2A03 / 2A07 CPU+APU
SQ1VOL = 0x4000,
SQ1SWEEP = 0x4001,
SQ1LO = 0x4002,
SQ1HI = 0x4003,
SQ2VOL = 0x4004,
SQ2SWEEP = 0x4005,
SQ2LO = 0x4006,
SQ2HI = 0x4007,
TRILINEAR = 0x4008,
TRILO = 0x400A,
TRIHI = 0x400B,
NOISEVOL = 0x400C,
NOISELO = 0x400E,
NOISEHI = 0x400F,
DMCFREQ = 0x4010,
DMCRAW = 0x4011,
DMCSTART = 0x4012,
DMCLEN = 0x4013,
OAMDMA = 0x4014,
SNDCNT = 0x4015,
SPECIO1 = 0x4016,
SPECIO2 = 0x4017,
SRAM = 0x6000, -- 0x2000 bytes
ROM = 0x8000, -- 0x8000 bytes
-- PPU Memory declarations
CHAR0 = 0x0000, -- 0x1000 bytes
CHAR1 = 0x1000, -- 0x1000 bytes
SCREEN0 = 0x2000, -- 0x400 bytes
SCREEN1 = 0x2400, -- 0x400 bytes
SCREEN2 = 0x2800, -- 0x400 bytes
SCREEN3 = 0x2C00, -- 0x400 bytes
BGPAL = 0x3F00, -- 0x10 bytes
OBJPAL = 0x3F10, -- 0x10 bytes
local symbols = cpu.symbols
for k,v in pairs(nes) do symbols[k] = v end
-- add some symbol file formats for NES debuggers
cpu.getsym_as.mesen = function() -- .mlb
local ins,fmt = table.insert,string.format
local s = getsym(function(a,l)
local prefix = {}
if a < 0x2000 then prefix[1]='R'
elseif a >= 0x6000 and a < 0x8000 then prefix[1]='S' prefix[2]='W' a=a-0x6000
elseif a >= 0x8000 and a < 0x10000 then prefix[1]='P' a=a-0x8000
else prefix[1]='G' end
local s = {}
for _,p in ipairs(prefix) do ins(s, fmt("%s:%04x:%s", p, a, l)) end
return s
return table.concat(s, '\n')
cpu.getsym_as.fceux = function(filename) -- .nl, multiple files
local ins,fmt = table.insert,string.format
local ram,rom = {},{}
local s = getsym(function(a,l)
local s = fmt("$%04x#%s#", a, l)
if a < 0x8000 then ins(ram, s)
local a_org = symbolsorg[l] or a
local bank = math.floor((a_org - 0x8000) / 0x4000)
if not rom[bank] then rom[bank] = {} end
ins(rom[bank], s)
local fn = filename
if not fn:find('%.') then fn = fn .. '.nes' end
local fni = fn .. '.ram.nl'
local f = assert(io.open(fni, "wb"), "failed to open " .. fni .. " for writing")
f:write(table.concat(ram, '\n')) f:close()
for k,v in pairs(rom) do
fni = fn .. '.' .. k .. '.nl'
f = assert(io.open(fni, "wb"), "failed to open " .. fni .. " for writing")
f:write(table.concat(v, '\n')) f:close()
vblank_waitbegin = function()
local l=label() lda PPUSTAT bpl l
vblank_waitend = function()
local l=label() lda PPUSTAT bmi l
ppu_addr = function(addr)
lda #addr>>8 sta PPUADDR
if addr&0xff ~= addr>>8 then lda #addr&0xff end
oam_bytes = function(t)
return {
t.y - 1,
(t.palette or 0)&3 | ((t.behind or t.priority==1) and 0x20 or 0) | (t.flipx and 0x40 or 0) | (t.flipy and 0x80 or 0),
oam_set = function(t)
local b = oam_bytes(t)
lda #t[1]*4 sta OAMADDR
for _,v in ipairs(b) do lda #v sta OAMDATA end
oamcache = OAM -- change it to set other location
oamcache_clear = function()
local oam = oamcache
ldx #0 lda #0xff
local l=label() sta oam,x inx inx inx inx bne l
oamcache_flush = function()
local oam = oamcache
lda #0 sta OAMADDR lda #oam>>8 sta OAMDMA
oamcache_set = function(t)
local oam = oamcache
local b = oam_bytes(t)
ldx #t[1]*4 lda #b[1] sta oam,x
inx lda #b[2] sta oam,x
inx lda #b[3] sta oam,x
inx lda #b[4] sta oam,x
--[[ button state:
bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
button: A B Select Start Up Down Left Right
-- fast reading of just the A button
-- return C if A is pressed, c otherwise
read_joy_a = function(joy_index)
local joy = joy_index == 2 and SPECIO2 or SPECIO1
lda #1 sta joy lsr sta joy lda joy lsr
-- read one joypad state into dst
read_joy = function(dst, joy_index)
local joy = joy_index == 2 and SPECIO2 or SPECIO1
lda #1 sta joy sta dst lsr sta joy
@_readbutton lda joy lsr rol dst bcc _readbutton
-- read both joypad states and Famicom's DA15 expansion port
read_joys = function(dst1, dst2)
lda #1 sta SPECIO1 sta dst2 lsr sta SPECIO1
lda SPECIO1 and #3 cmp #1 rol dst1
lda SPECIO2 and #3 cmp #1 rol dst2
bcc _readbuttons
-- read both joypad states on even cycles only, to safely work with DPCM
-- must be called right after oamcache_flush or any other sta OAMDMA
read_joys_even = function(dst1, dst2)
ldx #1 stx dst1 stx SPECIO1 dex stx SPECIO1
lda SPECIO2 and #3 cmp #1 rol dst2,x
lda SPECIO1 and #3 cmp #1 rol dst1
bcc _readbuttons
init = function()
sei cld
ldx #0x40 stx SPECIO2
ldx #0xff txs inx stx PPUCTRL stx PPUMASK stx DMCFREQ
-- stop APU channels
lda #0 sta SNDCNT
-- clear CPU RAM
sta 0x0000,x sta 0x0100,x sta 0x0200,x sta 0x0300,x
sta 0x0400,x sta 0x0500,x sta 0x0600,x sta 0x0700,x
inx bne _zeroram
-- clear OAM
oamcache_clear() oamcache_flush()
-- clear PPU RAM
lda PPUSTAT ppu_addr(0x2000) tax ldy #0x10
sta PPUDATA dex bne _zeroppu dey bne _zeroppu
-- reset latch
-- NES 2.0 (backward compatible with iNES)
-- https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NES_2.0
header = function(t)
if not t then t = {} end
local logsz = function(sz)
assert(sz >= 0 and sz <= 1048576, "invalid size: " .. sz .. ", expected [0, 1048576]")
if sz < 1 then return 0 end
if sz <= 128 then return 1 end
return math.ceil(math.log(sz/64, 2))
-- mapper
local mi1 = t.mapperid or 0
assert(mi1 >= 0 and mi1 < 4096, "invalid mapper id: " .. mi1 .. ", expected [0, 4095]")
local ms1 = t.submapperid or 0
assert(ms1 >= 0 and ms1 < 16, "invalid submapper id: " .. ms1 .. ", expected [0, 15]")
local mapper6 = (mi1 & 0xf) << 4
local mapper7 = mi1 & 0xf0
local mapper8 = (mi1 >> 8) | (ms1 << 4)
-- prgsize
local prgsize = math.tointeger((t.prgsize or 16384) / 16384)
assert(prgsize, "prgsize must be a multiple of 16384")
-- chrsize
local chrsize = math.tointeger((t.chrsize or 0) / 8192)
assert(chrsize, "chrsize must be a multiple of 8192")
-- wramsize (not battery-backed)
local wramsize = logsz(t.wramsize or 0)
-- bramsize (battery-backed)
local bramsize = logsz(t.bramsize or 0)
-- chrbramsize (battery-backed)
local chrbramsize = logsz(t.chrbramsize or 0)
-- chrramsize (not battery-backed)
local chrramsize = logsz(t.chrramsize or (chrbramsize==0 and chrsize==0 and 8192 or 0))
local battery_bit = bramsize == 0 and chrbramsize == 0 and 0 or 2
-- mirror: 'H' for horizontal mirroring, 'V' for vertical mirroring
-- '4' for four-screen VRAM, 218 for four-screen and vertical
local mirror = (t.mirror or 'h'):lower()
mirror = ({ h=0, v=1, ['4']=8, [218]=9 })[mirror]
assert(mirror, "invalid mirror mode: " .. mirror .. ", expected 'H', 'V', '4', or 218")
-- tv: 'N' for NTSC, 'P' for PAL, 'NP' for both preferring NTSC, 'PN' for both preferring PAL
local tv, tvm = 0, (t.tv or 'n'):lower()
assert(tvm=='n' or tvm=='p' or tvm=='np' or tvm=='pn', "invalid tv mode: " .. tostring(t.tv) .. ", expected 'N', 'P', 'NP' or 'PN'")
if tvm[1] == 'p' then tv = 1 end
if #tvm > 1 then tv = tv + 2 end
@@header -- size: 16 bytes
dc.b 0x4e, 0x45, 0x53 -- 'NES'
dc.b 0x1a
dc.b prgsize, chrsize
dc.b mapper6 | mirror | battery_bit
dc.b mapper7 | 8
dc.b mapper8
dc.b ((chrsize >> 4) & 0xF0) | ((prgsize >> 8) & 0x0F)
dc.b (bramsize << 4) | wramsize
dc.b (chrbramsize << 4) | chrramsize
dc.b tv, 0, 0, 0
-- update table with defaulted values
t.prgsize = prgsize
t.chrsize = chrsize
t.wramsize = wramsize
t.bramsize = bramsize
t.chrbramsize = chrbramsize
t.chrramsize = chrramsize
mappers = {}
local n0ne = function(x) return not x or x == 0 end
local val0 = function(x) return x and x or 0 end
mappers.NROM = function(t)
if not t then t = {} end
if not t.prgsize then t.prgsize = 16384 end
assert(t.prgsize == 16384 or t.prgsize == 32768, "prgrom must be 16 or 32kB")
if n0ne(t.chrsize) and n0ne(t.chrramsize) and n0ne(t.chrbramsize) then t.chrsize = 8192 end
assert(val0(t.chrsize) + val0(t.chrramsize) + val0(t.chrbramsize) == 8192, "chrrom/ram must be 8kB")
assert(not t.mirror or ({ h=1, v=1 })[t.mirror:lower()], "only H and V mirroring are supported")
local prgstart = 0x10000 - t.prgsize
hdrrom = location{prgstart - 16, prgstart - 1, name='header'}
prgrom = location{prgstart, 0xffff, name='prgrom'}
section{"vectors", org=0xfffa} dc.w nmi, main, irq
if (t.chrsize > 0) then chrrom = location{0x10000, 0x10000 + 0x1fff, name='chrrom'} end
mappers[0] = mappers.NROM
mappers.MMC1 = function(t)
mappers[1] = mappers.MMC1
mappers.MMC3 = function(t)
mappers[4] = mappers.MMC3