mirror of https://github.com/g012/l65.git synced 2025-03-25 15:32:56 +00:00

Added relative opcodes.

This commit is contained in:
g012 2017-09-18 16:01:52 +02:00
parent 663040a62c
commit 3974d3bf5d
3 changed files with 60 additions and 37 deletions

@ -391,7 +391,8 @@ M.word = function(...)
table.insert(M.section_current.instructions, { data=data, size=#data*2, asbin=asbin })
local op,cycles_def = function(code, cycles, extra_on_crosspage)
local op,cycles_def
op = function(code, cycles, extra_on_crosspage)
return { opc=code, cycles=cycles or cycles_def, xcross=extra_on_crosspage or 0 }
cycles_def=2 local opimp={
@ -488,5 +489,25 @@ for k,v in pairs(opabs) do
table.insert(M.section_current.instructions, ins)
cycles_def=2 local oprel={
bcc=op(0x90), bcs=op(0xb0), beq=op(0xf0), bmi=op(0x30), bne=op(0xd0), bpl=op(0x10), bvc=op(0x50), bvs=op(0x70),
} M.oprel = oprel
for k,v in pairs(oprel) do
M[k .. 'rel'] = function(label)
local parent = M.label_current
local asbin = function(b)
local x = label
if type(x) == 'function' then x=x() end
if type(x) == 'string' then
if x:sub(1,1) == '_' then x = parent .. x end
x = symbols[x]
if type(x) ~= 'number' then error("unresolved branch target: " .. x) end
if x < -128 or x > 127 then error("branch target out of range: " .. x) end
b[#b+1]=v.opc b[#b+1]=x&0xff
table.insert(M.section_current.instructions, { size=2, cycles=2, asbin=asbin })
return M


@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ lda = 5 if lda < 6 then print('yep') end
local function ptr_table(label, ...)
local vals = {...}
section(label .. "_lo") byte_lo(vals)
section(label .. "_hi") byte_hi(vals)
section{label .. "_lo", align=16} byte_lo(vals)
section{label .. "_hi", align=16} byte_hi(vals)
charset(" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-")
section(function(o) return o+("message2") end) byte(4, "test", 0)
section("message2") byte(4, "test", 0)
section(function(o) return o+("message") end) byte(4, "test", 0)
section("message") byte(4, "test", 0)
section(function(o) return o+("data") end)
do crosspage()
byte(1, 2) byte(3, 4) endpage()
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ptr_table("ptrs", message, data, 0)
--section{ "toto", align = 256, offset = 16 }
--section{ "toto", org = 0xf100 }
--section "waitForIntim"
section(function(o) return o+("waitForIntim") end) --alt short syntax when no other option
section("waitForIntim") --alt short syntax when no other option
-- n_{ a=INTIM } ?
--lda(INTIM) -- or a=INTIM
--bne "waitForIntim"
@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ section(function(o) return o+("waitForIntim") end) --alt short syntax when no ot
ldximm (function(o) return o+(15) end,3)
local kernel_cycles,kernel_size
hook(function() kernel_cycles=cycles kernel_size=size end)
table.insert(section_current.instructions, { asbin=function() kernel_cycles=cycles kernel_size=size end })
ldaabs(function(o) return o+( data) end)
ldaabs(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldaabx(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldaaby(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldaabs(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldaabx(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldaaby(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldazab(function(o) return o+( data) end)
ldazab(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldazax(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldazay(function(o) return o+( data) end,5)
ldazab(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldazax(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldazay(function(o) return o+( data+3) end,12)
ldainx (function(o) return o+(INTIM) end,5)
ldainx (function(a) return a+2 end,INTIM)
ldainy (function(o) return o+(INTIM) end,5)
@ -71,40 +71,40 @@ section(function(o) return o+("waitForIntim") end) --alt short syntax when no ot
jmpind (function(o) return o+(INTIM-4) end)
-- cycles are counted without taking any branch
hook(function() return print('kernel cycles: ', cycles-kernel_cycles, 'kernel size: ', size-kernel_size) end)
table.insert(section_current.instructions, { asbin=function() print('kernel cycles: ', cycles-kernel_cycles, 'kernel size: ', size-kernel_size) end })
ldaabs( function(c) return data * c end, v)
ldaabs( function(c) return data*c end, v)
local f = function(c) return data*c end v=5 ldaabs(f,v) v=12 ldaabs(f,v)
ldazab( function(c) return data * c end, v)
ldazab( function(c) return data*c end, v)
local f = function(c) return data*c end v=5 ldazab(f,v) v=12 ldazab(f,v)
local g = function() return function(c) return data * c end end
ldaabs( f,v)
ldaabx (function(o) return o+(_toto+15) end,16)
ldazab( f,v)
ldazax (function(o) return o+(_toto+15) end,16)
ldaimm (15)
do samepage()
ldaimm (function(o) return o+(0xac) end)
ldaimm (function(o) return o+(INTIM) end)
ldaabs(function(o) return o+( 0xbeef) end)
ldazab(function(o) return o+( 0xbeef) end)
ldazab(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldaabs(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldaabsw(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldaabx(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldaaby(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldazax(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldazay(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
ldainx (function(o) return o+(INTIM) end)
ldainy (function(o) return o+(INTIM) end) endpage()
aslabs(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
aslzab(function(o) return o+( INTIM) end)
label(function(o) return o+("_toto") end)
bnerel(function(o) return o+( "test") end)
bnerel(function(o) return o+( "waitForIntim") end)
bnerel(function(o) return o+( f()) end)
bnerel(function(o) return o+( "_toto") end)
bnerel( "test")
bnerel( "waitForIntim")
bnerel( f())
bnerel( "_toto")
jamimp() aslimp() lsrimp() ldximm (function(o) return o+(16) end) ldyabs(function(o) return o+( 0xf0f0) end)
jamimp() aslimp() lsrimp() ldximm (function(o) return o+(16) end) ldyzab(function(o) return o+( 0xf0f0) end)


@ -1191,7 +1191,9 @@ local function ParseLua(src)
local op_var = {
AstType='VarExpr', Name=name, Variable={ IsGlobal=true, Name=name, Scope=CreateScope(scope) }, Tokens = { t('Ident', name, params.func_white) }
if #args > 0 and ( (opcode_arg_encapsulate_on and not inverse_encapsulate) or (not opcode_arg_encapsulate_on and inverse_encapsulate) ) and args[1].AstType ~= 'Function' then
local encapsulate = params.encapsulate
if encapsulate == nil then encapsulate = opcode_arg_encapsulate_on end
if #args > 0 and ( (encapsulate and not inverse_encapsulate) or (not encapsulate and inverse_encapsulate) ) and args[1].AstType ~= 'Function' then
local inner_call_scope = CreateScope(op_var.Variable.Scope)
local inner_add = {
AstType='BinopExpr', Op='+', OperatorPrecedence=10, Tokens={ t('Symbol', '+') },
@ -1251,12 +1253,12 @@ local function ParseLua(src)
if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("<ident> expected.") end
local label_name = tok:Get(tokenList)
label_name = as_string_expr(label_name, label_name.Data)
stat = emit_call{name = 'section', args = {label_name}}
stat = emit_call{name = 'section', args = {label_name}, encapsulate=false}
elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('@', tokenList) then
if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("<ident> expected.") end
local label_name = tok:Get(tokenList)
label_name = as_string_expr(label_name, label_name.Data)
stat = emit_call{name = 'label', args = {label_name}}
stat = emit_call{name = 'label', args = {label_name}, encapsulate=false}
end end
-- new statements
@ -1297,7 +1299,7 @@ local function ParseLua(src)
if expr.AstType == 'VarExpr' and expr.Variable.IsGlobal then
expr = as_string_expr(expr, expr.Name)
stat = emit_call{name=op .. "rel", args={expr}} break
stat = emit_call{name=op .. "rel", args={expr}, encapsulate=false} break
if opcode_immediate[op] and tok:ConsumeSymbol('#', tokenList) then
if tok:ConsumeSymbol('!', tokenList) then inverse_encapsulate = true end