mirror of https://github.com/g012/l65.git synced 2025-03-21 04:31:51 +00:00

Encapsulated first argument of opcodes into a function for late evaluation after symbol resolving.

This commit is contained in:
g012 2017-09-15 10:23:19 +02:00
parent e9edd228ca
commit 8c71fe11a8
2 changed files with 34 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
toto(function(o) return o+(data) end, 5)
local g = function(a) return a*3 end
local f = \a(a*3)

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ local Keywords = lookupify{
'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while',
-- 6502 opcodes
-- 6502
local Keywords_control = {
-- control keywords
'samepage', 'crosspage',
@ -1173,15 +1173,38 @@ local function ParseLua(src)
local tok1 = tokenList[1]
if not params.func_white then params.func_white = tok1.LeadingWhite end
local c,l = tok1.Char, tok1.Line
local p = function(t,n) return function() return '<' .. t .. string.rep(' ', 7-#t) .. ' ' .. n .. ' >' end end
local t = function(t,s,w) return { Type=t, Data=s, Print=p(t,s), Char=c, Line=l, LeadingWhite=w or {} } end
local space = { Char=c, Line=l, Data=' ', Type='Whitespace' }
local op_var = {
AstType='VarExpr', Name=name, Variable={ IsGlobal=true, Name=name, Scope=CreateScope(scope) }, Tokens = {
{ LeadingWhite = params.func_white, Type='Ident', Data=name, Char=c, Line=l, Print=function() return '<Ident '..name..' >' end },
AstType='VarExpr', Name=name, Variable={ IsGlobal=true, Name=name, Scope=CreateScope(scope) }, Tokens = { t('Ident', name, params.func_white) }
if #args > 0 then
local inner_call_scope = CreateScope(op_var.Variable.Scope)
local inner_add = {
AstType='BinopExpr', Op='+', OperatorPrecedence=10, Tokens={ t('Symbol', '+') },
Lhs = {
AstType='VarExpr', Name='o', Variable={ IsGlobal=false, Name='o', Scope=inner_call_scope }, Tokens={ t('Ident', 'o', {space}) }
Rhs = {
AstType='Parentheses', Inner=args[1], Tokens={ t('Symbol', '('), t('Symbol', ')') }
local inner_call_body = {
AstType='StatList', Scope=CreateScope(inner_call_scope), Tokens={}, Body={
{ AstType='ReturnStatement', Arguments={inner_add}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'return', {space}) } }
local inner_call = {
AstType='Function', VarArg=false, IsLocal=true, Scope=inner_call_scope, Body=inner_call_body,
Arguments={ { IsGlobal=false, Name='o', Scope=inner_call_scope } },
Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'function'), t('Symbol', '('), t('Ident', 'o'), t('Symbol', ')'), t('Keyword', 'end', {space}) }
args[1] = inner_call
local exp_call = {
AstType = 'CallExpr', Base = op_var, Arguments = args, Tokens = {
{ LeadingWhite = params.paren_open_white or {}, Type='Symbol', Data='(', Char=c, Line=l, Print=function() return '<Symbol ( >' end },
{ LeadingWhite = params.paren_close_white or {}, Type='Symbol', Data=')', Char=c, Line=l, Print=function() return '<Symbol ) >' end },
t('Symbol', '(', params.paren_open_white), t('Symbol', ')', params.paren_close_white)
@ -1261,9 +1284,11 @@ local function ParseLua(src)
stat = emit_call{name=op .. "_relative" .. (is_local and '_local' or ''), args={expr}} break
if opcode_immediate[op] and tok:ConsumeSymbol('#') then
if opcode_immediate[op] and tok:ConsumeSymbol('#', tokenList) then
local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end
stat = emit_call{name=op .. "_immediate", args={expr}} break
local paren_open_whites = {}
for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(paren_open_whites, v) end
stat = emit_call{name=op .. "_immediate", args={expr}, paren_open_white=paren_open_whites} break
if (opcode_indirect[op] or opcode_indirect_x[op] or opcode_indirect_y[op]) and tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then
local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end