From c054cadd1e4b4f2c487df57e50ec2e0ef715ccea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: g012 <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 00:45:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Started 6502 code.

 6502.lua | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 asm.lua  |   4 +-
 l65.lua  | 129 ++++++++++---------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/6502.lua b/6502.lua
index e9c4dda..730509a 100644
--- a/6502.lua
+++ b/6502.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,51 @@
+local M = {}
+local byte_normalize = function(v)
+    if v < -128 or v > 255 then error("value out of byte range: " .. v) end
+    if v < 0 then v = v + 0x100 end
+    return v & 0xff
+local word_normalize = function(v)
+    if v < -32768 or v > 65535 then error("value out of word range: " .. v) end
+    if v < 0 then v = v + 0x10000 end
+    return v & 0xffff
+local byte_emit = function(v, bin)
+    assert(v >=0 and v <= 0xff)
+    bin[#bin+1] = v
+local word_emit = function(v, bin)
+    assert(v >=0 and v <= 0xffff)
+    bin[#bin+1] = 0xff & (v % 0x100)
+    bin[#bin+1] = 0xff & (v // 0x100)
+M.byte = function(...)
+    local data = {...}
+    for _,v in ipairs(data) do byte_emit(byte_normalize(v)) end
+M.word = function(...)
+    local data = {...}
+    for _,v in ipairs(data) do word_emit(word_normalize(v)) end
+M.section = function(t)
+    local s = {}
+    if (type(t) == 'string') then = t
+    else
+        assert(type(t) == 'table')
+        assert(type( == 'string' and string.len( > 0)
+        s = t
+    end
+    s.instructions = {}
+return M
 adressing = {
     imm=0x09, zp=0x05, zpx=0x15, ab=0x0d, abx=0x1d, aby=0x19, inx=0x01, iny=0x11,
@@ -11,72 +59,4 @@ encode = {
     --lda = { imm=0xa9, zp=0xa5, zpx=0xb5, ab=0xad, abx=0xbd, aby=0xb9, inx=0xa1, iny=0xb1 },
-    lda #10     lda(10)                                                   lda"#10"
-    lda 10      lda{10}                                                   lda"10"
-    lda 10,x    lda{10,"x"}      ldax{10}      lda{x=10}                  lda"10,x"
-    lda $1000   lda{0x1000}
-    lda $1000,x lda{0x1000,"x"}  ldax{0x1000}
-    lda $1000,y lda{0x1000,"y"}  lday{0x1000}
-    lda (10,x)  lda{10,"(x)"}    lda_x{10}     a=(10,x)  a=mem[zp[10+x]]  lda"(10,x)"
-    lda (10),y  lda{10,"(y)"}    lda_y{10}     a=(10),y  a=mem[zp[10]+y]  lda"(10),y"
-    sta 10      sta{10}
-    sta 10,x    sta{10,"x"}
-    sta $1000   sta{0x1000}
-    sta $1000,x sta{0x1000,"x"}
-    sta $1000,y sta{0x1000,"y"}
-    sta (10,x)  sta{10,"(x)"}
-    sta (10),y  sta{10,"(y)"}
-local function setfenv(fn, env)
-    local i = 1
-    while true do
-        local name = debug.getupvalue(fn, i)
-        if name == "_ENV" then
-            debug.upvaluejoin(fn, i, (function() return env end), 1)
-            break
-        elseif not name then break end
-        i = i + 1
-    end
-    return fn
-local function getfenv(fn)
-    local i = 1
-    while true do
-        local name, val = debug.getupvalue(fn, i)
-        if name == "_ENV" then return val
-        elseif not name then break end
-        i = i + 1
-    end
-asm6502_env = {
-    lda = function(v)
-        emit(0xa9, v)
-    end,
-function asm(f, ...)
-    setfenv(f, asm6502_env)
-    f(...)
-a,x,y = 0,0,0
-    local regs = { a="a", x="x", y="y" }
-    setmetatable(_G, {
-        __index = function(t,k,v)
-            if regs[k] then assert(loadstring("ld" .. k .. "(" .. v .. ")"))() end
-            return t[k]
-        end,
-        __newindex = function(t,k,v)
-            if regs[k] then assert(loadstring("st" .. k .. "(" .. v .. ")"))() end
-            t[k] = v
-        end,
-    })
diff --git a/asm.lua b/asm.lua
index 91a2572..52e32c5 100644
--- a/asm.lua
+++ b/asm.lua
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ xyz = 1 << 2
+#pragma syntax6502 off
 lda = 5 if lda < 6 then print('yep') end
+#pragma syntax6502 on
 --@@data samepage byte(1, 2) crosspage byte(3, 4)
diff --git a/l65.lua b/l65.lua
index 90f14f8..e6a189b 100644
--- a/l65.lua
+++ b/l65.lua
@@ -2046,112 +2046,29 @@ local function Format65(ast)
     return table.concat(out.rope)
-local function splitFilename(name)
-    if name:find(".") then
-        local p, ext = name:match("()%.([^%.]*)$")
-        if p and ext then
-            if #ext == 0 then
-                return name, nil
-            else
-                local filename = name:sub(1,p-1)
-                return filename, ext
-            end
-        else
-            return name, nil
-        end
-    else
-        return name, nil
-    end
+if #arg ~= 2 then
+    print("Invalid arguments, usage:\nl65 source destination")
+    return
-if #arg == 1 then
-    local name, ext = splitFilename(arg[1])
-    local outname = name.."_min"
-    if ext then outname = outname.."."..ext end
-    --
-    local inf =[1], 'r')
-    if not inf then
-        print("Failed to open '"..arg[1].."' for reading")
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    local sourceText = inf:read('*all')
-    inf:close()
-    --
-    local st, ast = ParseLua(sourceText)
-    if not st then
-        --we failed to parse the file, show why
-        print(ast)
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    local outf =, 'w')
-    if not outf then
-        print("Failed to open '"..outname.."' for writing")
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    outf:write(Format65(ast))
-    outf:close()
-    --
-elseif #arg == 2 then
-    --keep the user from accidentally overwriting their non-minified file with 
-    if arg[1]:find("_min") then
-        print("Did you mix up the argument order?\n"..
-              "Current command will minify '"..arg[1].."' and OVERWRITE '"..arg[2].."' with the results")
-        while true do
-            io.write("Confirm (yes/cancel): ")
-            local msg ='*line')
-            if msg == 'yes' then
-                break
-            elseif msg == 'cancel' then
-                return
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    local inf =[1], 'r')
-    if not inf then
-        print("Failed to open '"..arg[1].."' for reading")
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    local sourceText = inf:read('*all')
-    inf:close()
-    --
-    local st, ast = ParseLua(sourceText)
-    if not st then
-        --we failed to parse the file, show why
-        print(ast)
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    if arg[1] == arg[2] then
-        print("Are you SURE you want to overwrite the source file?")
-        while true do
-            io.write("Confirm (yes/cancel): ")
-            local msg ='*line')
-            if msg == 'yes' then
-                break
-            elseif msg == 'cancel' then
-                return
-            end
-        end     
-    end
-    local outf =[2], 'w')
-    if not outf then
-        print("Failed to open '"..arg[2].."' for writing")
-        return
-    end
-    --
-    outf:write(Format65(ast))
-    outf:close()
-    --
-    print("Invalid arguments, usage:\nl65 source [destination]")
+local inf =[1], 'r')
+if not inf then
+    print("Failed to open '"..arg[1].."' for reading")
+    return
+local outf =[2], 'w')
+if not outf then
+    print("Failed to open '"..arg[2].."' for writing")
+    return
+local sourceText = inf:read('*all')
+local st, ast = ParseLua(sourceText)
+if not st then
+    print(ast)
+    return