#!/usr/bin/env lua local function lookupify(tb, dst, not_val) if not dst then dst = tb end local val = not not_val for _, v in pairs(tb) do dst[v] = val end return tb end local WhiteChars = lookupify{' ', '\n', '\t', '\r'} local Spaces = lookupify{' ', '\t'} local EscapeLookup = {['\r'] = '\\r', ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\t'] = '\\t', ['"'] = '\\"', ["'"] = "\\'"} local LowerChars = lookupify{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'} local UpperChars = lookupify{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'} local Digits = lookupify{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'} local HexDigits = lookupify{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'a', 'B', 'b', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'F', 'f'} local BinDigits = lookupify{'0', '1'} local Symbols = lookupify{'+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%', ',', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', ';', '#', '&', '|', '!'} local Keywords = lookupify{ 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while', }; local Keywords_control = { } local Keywords_data = { 'dc', } local Keywords_7801 = { 'aci','adi','adinc','ani', 'block','calb','calf','call','calt','clc','ei','eqi','daa','di','dcr','dcx', 'ex','exx','gti','halt','inr','inx','jb','jmp','jr','lti','lxi','mov','mvi','nei','nop', 'offi','oni','ori','pen','per','pex','ret','reti','rets','rld','rrd','sio','softi','stc','stm', 'sbi','sui','suinb','table','xri', } local Registers_7801 = { a=8,b=8,c=8,d=8,e=8,h=8,l=8,v=8, bc=16,de=16,hl=16,sp=16 } local function syntax7801(on) syntax7801_on = on lookupify(Keywords_control, Keywords, not on) lookupify(Keywords_data, Keywords, not on) lookupify(Keywords_7801, Keywords, not on) end syntax7801(true) local opcode_arg_encapsulate_on local function opcode_arg_encapsulate(on) opcode_arg_encapsulate_on = not opcode_arg_encapsulate_on end opcode_arg_encapsulate(true) local opcode_encapsulate = {} -- additionnal opcode, to have basic encapsulation (function(a) return a end) local opcode_alias = {} -- alternate user names for opcodes local opcode_implied = lookupify{ 'block','calb','clc','ei','daa','dcr','di','ex','exx','halt','inr','jb','nop','pen', 'per','pex','ret','reti','rets','rld','rrd','sio','softi','stc','stm','table' } local opcode_immediate = lookupify{ 'calf', 'calt','call','jmp' } local opcode_relative = lookupify{ 'jr', } local opcode_reg = lookupify{ 'dcr','dcx','inr','inx' } local opcode_reg_reg = lookupify{ 'mov' } local opcode_regb = lookupify{ 'aci','adi','adinc','ani','eqi','gti','lti','mvi','nei','offi','oni','ori','sbi','sui','suinb','xri', } local opcode_regw = lookupify{ 'lxi' } local opcode_reg_list = { a = lookupify{'aci','adi','adinc','ani','dcr','inr','eqi','gti','lti','mvi','nei','offi','oni','ori','sbi','sui','suinb','xri'}, b = lookupify{'dcr','inr','mvi'}, c = lookupify{'dcr','inr','mvi'}, d = lookupify{'mvi'}, e = lookupify{'mvi'}, h = lookupify{'mvi'}, l = lookupify{'mvi'}, v = lookupify{'mvi'}, bc = lookupify{'lxi'}, de = lookupify{'lxi'}, hl = lookupify{'lxi'}, sp = lookupify{'dcx','inx','lxi'}, } local opcode_reg_reg_list = { a = { b = lookupify{'mov'}, c = lookupify{'mov'}, d = lookupify{'mov'}, e = lookupify{'mov'}, h = lookupify{'mov'}, l = lookupify{'mov'}, }, b = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, c = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, d = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, e = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, h = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, l = { a = lookupify{'mov'}, }, v = {}, } local addressing_map = { imp = opcode_implied, imm = opcode_immediate, rel = opcode_relative, reg = opcode_reg, regb = opcode_regb, regw = opcode_regw, } local Scope = { new = function(self, parent) local s = { Parent = parent, Locals = { }, Globals = { }, Children = { }, } if parent then table.insert(parent.Children, s) end return setmetatable(s, { __index = self }) end, AddLocal = function(self, v) table.insert(self.Locals, v) end, AddGlobal = function(self, v) table.insert(self.Globals, v) end, CreateLocal = function(self, name) local v v = self:GetLocal(name) if v then return v end v = { } v.Scope = self v.Name = name v.IsGlobal = false self:AddLocal(v) return v end, GetLocal = function(self, name) for k, var in pairs(self.Locals) do if var.Name == name then return var end end if self.Parent then return self.Parent:GetLocal(name) end end, CreateGlobal = function(self, name) local v v = self:GetGlobal(name) if v then return v end v = { } v.Scope = self v.Name = name v.IsGlobal = true self:AddGlobal(v) return v end, GetGlobal = function(self, name) for k, v in pairs(self.Globals) do if v.Name == name then return v end end if self.Parent then return self.Parent:GetGlobal(name) end end, } local function LexLua(src) --token dump local tokens = {} local st, err = pcall(function() --line / char / pointer tracking local p = 1 local line = 1 local char = 1 --get / peek functions local function get() local c = src:sub(p,p) if c == '\n' then char = 1 line = line + 1 else char = char + 1 end p = p + 1 return c end local function get_n(count) for i=1,count do get() end end local function peek(n) n = n or 0 return src:sub(p+n,p+n) end local function peek_n(sz) return src:sub(p, p+sz-1) end local function consume(chars) local c = peek() for i = 1, #chars do if c == chars:sub(i,i) then return get() end end end local function get_word(spaces) if not spaces then spaces = Spaces end local c repeat get() c = peek() until not spaces[c] local start = p repeat get() c = peek() until not (UpperChars[c] or LowerChars[c] or Digits[c] or c == '_') return src:sub(start, p-1) end local function peek_ident(i, spaces) if not spaces then spaces = Spaces end local c while true do c=peek(i) if not spaces[c] then break end i=i+1 end if not (UpperChars[c] or LowerChars[c] or c == '_') then return end local start = p+i repeat i=i+1 c = peek(i) until not (UpperChars[c] or LowerChars[c] or Digits[c] or c == '_') return src:sub(start, p+i-1),i,c end --shared stuff local function generateError(err) return error(">> :"..line..":"..char..": "..err, 0) end local function tryGetLongString() local start = p if peek() == '[' then local equalsCount = 0 local depth = 1 while peek(equalsCount+1) == '=' do equalsCount = equalsCount + 1 end if peek(equalsCount+1) == '[' then --start parsing the string. Strip the starting bit for _ = 0, equalsCount+1 do get() end --get the contents local contentStart = p while true do --check for eof if peek() == '' then generateError("Expected ']"..string.rep('=', equalsCount).."]' near .", 3) end --check for the end local foundEnd = true if peek() == ']' then for i = 1, equalsCount do if peek(i) ~= '=' then foundEnd = false end end if peek(equalsCount+1) ~= ']' then foundEnd = false end else --[[ if peek() == '[' then -- is there an embedded long string? local embedded = true for i = 1, equalsCount do if peek(i) ~= '=' then embedded = false break end end if peek(equalsCount + 1) == '[' and embedded then -- oh look, there was depth = depth + 1 for i = 1, (equalsCount + 2) do get() end end end ]] foundEnd = false end -- if foundEnd then depth = depth - 1 if depth == 0 then break else for i = 1, equalsCount + 2 do get() end end else get() end end --get the interior string local contentString = src:sub(contentStart, p-1) --found the end. Get rid of the trailing bit for i = 0, equalsCount+1 do get() end --get the exterior string local longString = src:sub(start, p-1) --return the stuff return contentString, longString else return nil end else return nil end end --main token emitting loop while true do --get leading whitespace. The leading whitespace will include any comments --preceding the token. This prevents the parser needing to deal with comments --separately. local leading = { } local leadingWhite = '' local longStr = false while true do local c = peek() if c == '#' and peek(1) == '!' and line == 1 then -- #! shebang for linux scripts get() get() leadingWhite = "#!" while peek() ~= '\n' and peek() ~= '' do leadingWhite = leadingWhite .. get() end local token = { Type = 'Comment', CommentType = 'Shebang', Data = leadingWhite, Line = line, Char = char } token.Print = function() return "<"..(token.Type .. string.rep(' ', 7-#token.Type)).." "..(token.Data or '').." >" end leadingWhite = "" table.insert(leading, token) end if c == ' ' or c == '\t' then --whitespace --leadingWhite = leadingWhite..get() local c2 = get() -- ignore whitespace table.insert(leading, { Type = 'Whitespace', Line = line, Char = char, Data = c2 }) elseif c == '\n' or c == '\r' then local nl = get() if leadingWhite ~= "" then local token = { Type = 'Comment', CommentType = longStr and 'LongComment' or 'Comment', Data = leadingWhite, Line = line, Char = char, } token.Print = function() return "<"..(token.Type .. string.rep(' ', 7-#token.Type)).." "..(token.Data or '').." >" end table.insert(leading, token) leadingWhite = "" end table.insert(leading, { Type = 'Whitespace', Line = line, Char = char, Data = nl }) elseif c == '-' and peek(1) == '-' then --comment get() get() leadingWhite = leadingWhite .. '--' local _, wholeText = tryGetLongString() if wholeText then leadingWhite = leadingWhite..wholeText longStr = true else while peek() ~= '\n' and peek() ~= '' do leadingWhite = leadingWhite..get() end end else break end end if leadingWhite ~= "" then local token = { Type = 'Comment', CommentType = longStr and 'LongComment' or 'Comment', Data = leadingWhite, Line = line, Char = char, } token.Print = function() return "<"..(token.Type .. string.rep(' ', 7-#token.Type)).." "..(token.Data or '').." >" end table.insert(leading, token) end --get the initial char local thisLine = line local thisChar = char local errorAt = ":"..line..":"..char..":> " local c = peek() --symbol to emit local toEmit = nil --pragma if char == 1 and peek_n(7) == '#pragma' then get_n(7) local dat,opt = get_word() local onoff = function(f, noerr) opt = get_word() if opt == 'on' then f(true) elseif opt == 'off' then f(false) elseif not noerr then generateError("invalid option for pragma " .. dat .. ", expected: [on,off]") end return opt end if dat == 'encapsulate' then local opcode = onoff(function() end, true) if opcode then opcode_encapsulate[opcode] = get_word() table.insert(Keywords_7801, opcode) Keywords[opcode] = syntax7801_on toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = ';'} else toEmit = {Type = 'Keyword', Data = 'encapsulate_' .. opt} end elseif dat == 'add_opcode' then local opcode,addressing = get_word(),get_word() local map = addressing_map[addressing] if not map then generateError("invalid addressing for pragma add_opcode: " .. addressing .. " (opcode: " .. opcode .. ")") end map[opcode] = true table.insert(Keywords_7801, opcode) Keywords[opcode] = syntax7801_on toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = ';'} elseif dat == 'alias' then local org,new = get_word(),get_word() opcode_alias[new] = org table.insert(Keywords_7801, new) Keywords[new] = syntax7801_on toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = ';'} else generateError("unknown pragma: " .. dat) end --branch on type elseif c == '' then --eof toEmit = { Type = 'Eof' } elseif UpperChars[c] or LowerChars[c] or c == '_' then --ident or keyword local start = p repeat get() c = peek() until not (UpperChars[c] or LowerChars[c] or Digits[c] or c == '_') local dat = src:sub(start, p-1) if Keywords[dat] then toEmit = {Type = 'Keyword', Data = dat} else toEmit = {Type = 'Ident', Data = dat} end elseif Digits[c] or (peek() == '.' and Digits[peek(1)]) then --number const local start = p local data_override if c == '0' and peek(1) == 'x' then get();get() while HexDigits[peek()] do get() end if consume('Pp') then consume('+-') while Digits[peek()] do get() end end elseif c == '0' and peek(1) == 'b' then get();get() while BinDigits[peek()] do get() end local pstart, val_s, val = p, src:sub(start+2, p-1), 0 for i=1,#val_s do if val_s:sub(i,i) == '1' then val = val + (1<<(#val_s-i)) end end if consume('Pp') then consume('+-') while Digits[peek()] do get() end end data_override = val .. src:sub(pstart, p-1) else while Digits[peek()] do get() end if consume('.') then while Digits[peek()] do get() end end if consume('Ee') then consume('+-') while Digits[peek()] do get() end end end toEmit = {Type = 'Number', Data = data_override or src:sub(start, p-1)} elseif c == '\'' or c == '\"' then local start = p --string const local delim = get() local contentStart = p while true do local c = get() if c == '\\' then get() --get the escape char elseif c == delim then break elseif c == '' then generateError("Unfinished string near ") end end local content = src:sub(contentStart, p-2) local constant = src:sub(start, p-1) toEmit = {Type = 'String', Data = constant, Constant = content} elseif c == '[' then local content, wholetext = tryGetLongString() if wholetext then toEmit = {Type = 'String', Data = wholetext, Constant = content} else get() toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '['} end elseif c == '<' and peek(1) == c then get() get() toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '<<'} elseif c == '>' and peek(1) == c then get() get() toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '>>'} elseif consume('>=<') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = consume('=') and c..'=' or c} elseif consume('~') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = consume('=') and '~=' or '~'} elseif consume('.') then if consume('.') then if consume('.') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '...'} else toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '..'} end else toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '.'} end elseif consume(':') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = consume(':') and '::' or ':'} elseif consume('/') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = consume('/') and '//' or '/'} elseif syntax7801_on and consume('@') then if consume('@') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '@@'} else toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '@'} end elseif syntax7801_on and consume('\\') then toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = '\\'} elseif Symbols[c] then get() toEmit = {Type = 'Symbol', Data = c} else local contents, all = tryGetLongString() if contents then toEmit = {Type = 'String', Data = all, Constant = contents} else generateError("Unexpected Symbol '"..c.."' in source.", 2) end end if toEmit[1] then toEmit[1].LeadingWhite = leading for k,v in ipairs(toEmit) do v.Line = thisLine v.Char = thisChar v.Print = function() return "<"..(v.Type..string.rep(' ', 7-#v.Type)).." "..(v.Data or '').." >" end tokens[#tokens+1] = v end else --add the emitted symbol, after adding some common data toEmit.LeadingWhite = leading -- table of leading whitespace/comments --for k, tok in pairs(leading) do -- tokens[#tokens + 1] = tok --end toEmit.Line = thisLine toEmit.Char = thisChar toEmit.Print = function() return "<"..(toEmit.Type..string.rep(' ', 7-#toEmit.Type)).." "..(toEmit.Data or '').." >" end tokens[#tokens+1] = toEmit --halt after eof has been emitted if toEmit.Type == 'Eof' then break end end end end) if not st then return false, err end --public interface: local tok = {} local savedP = {} local p = 1 function tok:getp() return p end function tok:setp(n) p = n end function tok:getTokenList() return tokens end --getters function tok:Peek(n) n = n or 0 return tokens[math.min(#tokens, p+n)] end function tok:Get(tokenList) local t = tokens[p] p = math.min(p + 1, #tokens) if tokenList then table.insert(tokenList, t) end return t end function tok:Is(t) return tok:Peek().Type == t end --save / restore points in the stream function tok:Save() savedP[#savedP+1] = p end function tok:Commit() savedP[#savedP] = nil end function tok:Restore() p = savedP[#savedP] savedP[#savedP] = nil end --either return a symbol if there is one, or return true if the requested --symbol was gotten. function tok:ConsumeSymbol(symb, tokenList) local t = self:Peek() if t.Type == 'Symbol' then if symb then if t.Data == symb then self:Get(tokenList) return true else return nil end else self:Get(tokenList) return t end else return nil end end function tok:ConsumeKeyword(kw, tokenList) local t = self:Peek() if t.Type == 'Keyword' and t.Data == kw then self:Get(tokenList) return true else return nil end end function tok:IsKeyword(kw) local t = tok:Peek() return t.Type == 'Keyword' and t.Data == kw end function tok:IsSymbol(s) local t = tok:Peek() return t.Type == 'Symbol' and t.Data == s end function tok:IsEof() return tok:Peek().Type == 'Eof' end return true, tok end local function ParseLua(src, src_name) local st, tok if type(src) ~= 'table' then st, tok = LexLua(src) else st, tok = true, src end if not st then return false, tok end -- local function GenerateError(msg) local err = (src_name or '=(string)') .. ":"..tok:Peek().Line..":"..tok:Peek().Char..": "..msg.."\n " --find the line local lineNum = 0 if type(src) == 'string' then for line in src:gmatch("[^\n]*\n?") do if line:sub(-1,-1) == '\n' then line = line:sub(1,-2) end lineNum = lineNum+1 if lineNum == tok:Peek().Line then err = err..line:gsub('\t',' ').."\n" for i = 1, tok:Peek().Char do local c = line:sub(i,i) if c == '\t' then err = err..' ' else err = err..' ' end end err = err.."^^^^" break end end end return err end -- local VarUid = 0 local function CreateScope(parent) local scope = Scope:new(parent) scope.Print = function() return "" end return scope end local ParseExpr local ParseStatementList local ParseSimpleExpr, ParseSubExpr, ParsePrimaryExpr, ParseSuffixedExpr local function ParseFunctionArgsAndBody(scope, tokenList) local funcScope = CreateScope(scope) if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'(' expected") end --arg list local argList = {} local isVarArg = false while not tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) do if tok:Is('Ident') then local arg = funcScope:CreateLocal(tok:Get(tokenList).Data) argList[#argList+1] = arg if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then if tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) then break else return false, GenerateError("')' expected") end end elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('...', tokenList) then isVarArg = true if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'...' must be the last argument of a function") end break else return false, GenerateError("Argument name or '...' expected") end end --body local st, body = ParseStatementList(funcScope) if not st then return false, body end --end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected after function body") end local nodeFunc = {} nodeFunc.AstType = 'Function' nodeFunc.Scope = funcScope nodeFunc.Arguments = argList nodeFunc.Body = body nodeFunc.VarArg = isVarArg nodeFunc.Tokens = tokenList -- return true, nodeFunc end function ParsePrimaryExpr(scope) local tokenList = {} if tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then local st, ex = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, ex end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("')' expected") end if false then --save the information about parenthesized expressions somewhere ex.ParenCount = (ex.ParenCount or 0) + 1 return true, ex else local parensExp = {} parensExp.AstType = 'Parentheses' parensExp.Inner = ex parensExp.Tokens = tokenList return true, parensExp end elseif tok:Is('Ident') then local id = tok:Get(tokenList) local var = scope:GetLocal(id.Data) if not var then var = scope:GetGlobal(id.Data) if not var then var = scope:CreateGlobal(id.Data) end end -- local nodePrimExp = {} nodePrimExp.AstType = 'VarExpr' nodePrimExp.Name = id.Data nodePrimExp.Variable = var nodePrimExp.Tokens = tokenList -- return true, nodePrimExp else return false, GenerateError("Primary expression expected") end end function ParseSuffixedExpr(scope, onlyDotColon) --base primary expression local st, prim = ParsePrimaryExpr(scope) if not st then return false, prim end -- while true do local tokenList = {} if tok:IsSymbol('.') or tok:IsSymbol(':') then local symb = tok:Get(tokenList).Data if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Identifier expected") end local id = tok:Get(tokenList) local nodeIndex = {} nodeIndex.AstType = 'MemberExpr' nodeIndex.Base = prim nodeIndex.Indexer = symb nodeIndex.Ident = id nodeIndex.Tokens = tokenList -- prim = nodeIndex elseif not onlyDotColon and tok:ConsumeSymbol('[', tokenList) then local st, ex = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, ex end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(']', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("']' expected") end local nodeIndex = {} nodeIndex.AstType = 'IndexExpr' nodeIndex.Base = prim nodeIndex.Index = ex nodeIndex.Tokens = tokenList -- prim = nodeIndex elseif not onlyDotColon and tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then local args = {} while not tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) do local st, ex = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, ex end args[#args+1] = ex if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then if tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) then break else return false, GenerateError("')' expected") end end end local nodeCall = {} nodeCall.AstType = 'CallExpr' nodeCall.Base = prim nodeCall.Arguments = args nodeCall.Tokens = tokenList -- prim = nodeCall elseif not onlyDotColon and tok:Is('String') then --string call local nodeCall = {} nodeCall.AstType = 'StringCallExpr' nodeCall.Base = prim nodeCall.Arguments = { tok:Get(tokenList) } nodeCall.Tokens = tokenList -- prim = nodeCall elseif not onlyDotColon and tok:IsSymbol('{') then --table call local st, ex = ParseSimpleExpr(scope) -- FIX: ParseExpr(scope) parses the table AND and any following binary expressions. -- We just want the table if not st then return false, ex end local nodeCall = {} nodeCall.AstType = 'TableCallExpr' nodeCall.Base = prim nodeCall.Arguments = { ex } nodeCall.Tokens = tokenList -- prim = nodeCall else break end end return true, prim end function ParseSimpleExpr(scope) local tokenList = {} if tok:Is('Number') then local nodeNum = {} nodeNum.AstType = 'NumberExpr' nodeNum.Value = tok:Get(tokenList) nodeNum.Tokens = tokenList return true, nodeNum elseif tok:Is('String') then local nodeStr = {} nodeStr.AstType = 'StringExpr' nodeStr.Value = tok:Get(tokenList) nodeStr.Tokens = tokenList return true, nodeStr elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('nil', tokenList) then local nodeNil = {} nodeNil.AstType = 'NilExpr' nodeNil.Tokens = tokenList return true, nodeNil elseif tok:IsKeyword('false') or tok:IsKeyword('true') then local nodeBoolean = {} nodeBoolean.AstType = 'BooleanExpr' nodeBoolean.Value = (tok:Get(tokenList).Data == 'true') nodeBoolean.Tokens = tokenList return true, nodeBoolean elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('...', tokenList) then local nodeDots = {} nodeDots.AstType = 'DotsExpr' nodeDots.Tokens = tokenList return true, nodeDots elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('{', tokenList) then local v = {} v.AstType = 'ConstructorExpr' v.EntryList = {} -- while true do if tok:IsSymbol('[', tokenList) then --key tok:Get(tokenList) local st, key = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, GenerateError("Key expression expected") end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(']', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("']' expected") end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('=', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'=' expected") end local st, value = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, GenerateError("Value expression expected") end v.EntryList[#v.EntryList+1] = { Type = 'Key'; Key = key; Value = value; } elseif tok:Is('Ident') then --value or key local lookahead = tok:Peek(1) if lookahead.Type == 'Symbol' and lookahead.Data == '=' then --we are a key local key = tok:Get(tokenList) if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('=', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'=' expected") end local st, value = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, GenerateError("Value expression expected") end v.EntryList[#v.EntryList+1] = { Type = 'KeyString'; Key = key.Data; Value = value; } else --we are a value local st, value = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, GenerateError("Value expected") end v.EntryList[#v.EntryList+1] = { Type = 'Value'; Value = value; } end elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('}', tokenList) then break else --value local st, value = ParseExpr(scope) v.EntryList[#v.EntryList+1] = { Type = 'Value'; Value = value; } if not st then return false, GenerateError("Value expected") end end if tok:ConsumeSymbol(';', tokenList) or tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then --all is good elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('}', tokenList) then break else return false, GenerateError("'}' or table entry expected") end end v.Tokens = tokenList return true, v elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('function', tokenList) then local st, func = ParseFunctionArgsAndBody(scope, tokenList) if not st then return false, func end -- func.IsLocal = true return true, func elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('\\', tokenList) then -- short lambdas \params(expr) local funcScope = CreateScope(scope) local argList = {} if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then while true do if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Identifier expected") end argList[#argList+1] = funcScope:CreateLocal(tok:Get(tokenList).Data) if tok:ConsumeSymbol('(', tokenList) then break end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'(' expected") end end end local st, body = ParseExpr(funcScope) if not st then return false, body end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(')', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("')' expected after lambda body") end local last_tok = body.Tokens[1] local last_char,last_line = last_tok.Char,last_tok.Line local space = { Char=last_char, Line=last_line, Data=' ', Type='Whitespace' } local ret = { AstType='ReturnStatement', Arguments={body}, TrailingWhite=true, Tokens={ { Char=last_char, Line=last_line, Print=function() return '' end, LeadingWhite={space}, Type='Keyword', Data='return' } }} local statList = { AstType='Statlist', Scope=CreateScope(funcScope), Tokens={}, Body={ret} } local tok_first = tokenList[1] tok_first.Type = 'Keyword' tok_first.Data = 'function' tok_first.Print=function() return '' end local ntokl = {} local paren_ix = 2 + math.max(0, #argList*2-1) table.insert(ntokl, tokenList[1]) table.insert(ntokl, tokenList[paren_ix]) for i=2,paren_ix-1 do table.insert(ntokl, tokenList[i]) end table.insert(ntokl, tokenList[#tokenList]) table.insert(ntokl, { Char=last_char, Line=last_line, Type='Keyword', Data='end', Print=function() return '' end, LeadingWhite={space} }) local func = { AstType='Function', Scope=funcScope, Arguments=argList, Body=statList, VarArg=false, Tokens=ntokl, isLocal=true } return true, func else return ParseSuffixedExpr(scope) end end local unops = lookupify{'-', 'not', '#', '~'} local unopprio = 12 local priority = { ['^'] = {14,13}; ['%'] = {11,11}; ['//'] = {11,11}; ['/'] = {11,11}; ['*'] = {11,11}; ['+'] = {10,10}; ['-'] = {10,10}; ['..'] = {9,8}; ['>>'] = {7,7}; ['<<'] = {7,7}; ['&'] = {6,6}; ['~'] = {5,5}; ['|'] = {4,4}; ['=='] = {3,3}; ['<'] = {3,3}; ['<='] = {3,3}; ['~='] = {3,3}; ['>'] = {3,3}; ['>='] = {3,3}; ['and'] = {2,2}; ['or'] = {1,1}; } function ParseSubExpr(scope, level) --base item, possibly with unop prefix local st, exp if unops[tok:Peek().Data] then local tokenList = {} local op = tok:Get(tokenList).Data st, exp = ParseSubExpr(scope, unopprio) if not st then return false, exp end local nodeEx = {} nodeEx.AstType = 'UnopExpr' nodeEx.Rhs = exp nodeEx.Op = op nodeEx.OperatorPrecedence = unopprio nodeEx.Tokens = tokenList exp = nodeEx else st, exp = ParseSimpleExpr(scope) if not st then return false, exp end end --next items in chain while true do local prio = priority[tok:Peek().Data] if prio and prio[1] > level then local tokenList = {} local op = tok:Get(tokenList).Data local st, rhs = ParseSubExpr(scope, prio[2]) if not st then return false, rhs end local nodeEx = {} nodeEx.AstType = 'BinopExpr' nodeEx.Lhs = exp nodeEx.Op = op nodeEx.OperatorPrecedence = prio[1] nodeEx.Rhs = rhs nodeEx.Tokens = tokenList -- exp = nodeEx else break end end return true, exp end ParseExpr = function(scope) return ParseSubExpr(scope, 0) end local pragma_map = { encapsulate_on = function() opcode_arg_encapsulate(true) end, encapsulate_off = function() opcode_arg_encapsulate(false) end, syntax7801k_on = function() syntax7801k(true) end, syntax7801k_off = function() syntax7801k(false) end, } local function ParseStatement(scope) local stat = nil local tokenList = {} local commaTokenList = {} local l,c = function() return tokenList[1].Line end, function() return tokenList[1].Char end local p = function(t,n) return function() return '<' .. t .. string.rep(' ', 7-#t) .. ' ' .. n .. ' >' end end local t = function(t,s,w) return { Type=t, Data=s, Print=p(t,s), Char=c(), Line=l(), LeadingWhite=w or {} } end local no_encapsulation = { Function=true, NumberExpr=true, StringExpr=true } local reg = function(e) local t=e.Tokens[1] if t then return Registers_7801[t.Data] end end local function emit_call(params) local name,args,inverse_encapsulate = params.name, params.args or {}, params.inverse_encapsulate if not params.func_white then params.func_white = tokenList[1].LeadingWhite end local space = { Char=c(), Line=l(), Data=' ', Type='Whitespace' } local op_var = { AstType='VarExpr', Name=name, Variable={ IsGlobal=true, Name=name, Scope=CreateScope(scope) }, Tokens = { t('Ident', name, params.func_white) } } local encapsulate = params.encapsulate if encapsulate == nil then encapsulate = opcode_arg_encapsulate_on end if type(inverse_encapsulate) == 'table' then -- this is a list of arguments, where each can be encapsulated for arg_ix,arg in ipairs(args) do if ( (encapsulate and not inverse_encapsulate[arg_ix]) or (not encapsulate and inverse_encapsulate[arg_ix]) ) and not no_encapsulation[arg.AstType] then local inner_call_scope = CreateScope(op_var.Variable.Scope) local inner_call_body = { AstType='StatList', Scope=CreateScope(inner_call_scope), Tokens={}, Body={ { AstType='ReturnStatement', Arguments={arg}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'return', {space}) } } } } local inner_call = { AstType='Function', VarArg=false, IsLocal=true, Scope=inner_call_scope, Body=inner_call_body, Arguments={}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'function'), t('Symbol', '('), t('Symbol', ')'), t('Keyword', 'end', {space}) } } if #arg.Tokens[1].LeadingWhite == 0 then table.insert(arg.Tokens[1].LeadingWhite, space) end args[arg_ix] = inner_call end end elseif #args > 0 and ( (encapsulate and not inverse_encapsulate) or (not encapsulate and inverse_encapsulate) ) and not no_encapsulation[args[1].AstType] then -- opcode arguments of type (late, early), where only late is to be encapsulated with _o parameter to be set to early and added to _f(late) local inner_call_scope,inner_call = CreateScope(op_var.Variable.Scope) if params.basic then local inner_call_body = { AstType='StatList', Scope=CreateScope(inner_call_scope), Tokens={}, Body={ { AstType='ReturnStatement', Arguments={args[1]}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'return', {space}) } } } } inner_call = { AstType='Function', VarArg=false, IsLocal=true, Scope=inner_call_scope, Body=inner_call_body, Arguments={}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'function'), t('Symbol', '('), t('Symbol', ')'), t('Keyword', 'end', {space}) } } else local fvarexpr = { AstType='VarExpr', Name='_f', Variable={ Name='_f', Scope=CreateScope(inner_call_scope) }, Tokens = { t('Ident', '_f') } } local inner_add = { AstType='BinopExpr', Op='+', OperatorPrecedence=10, Tokens={ t('Symbol', '+') }, Lhs = { AstType='VarExpr', Name='_o', Variable={ IsGlobal=false, Name='_o', Scope=inner_call_scope }, Tokens={ t('Ident', '_o', {space}) } }, Rhs = { AstType = 'CallExpr', Base = fvarexpr, Arguments = {args[1]}, Tokens = { t('Symbol', '('), t('Symbol', ')') } } } local inner_call_body = { AstType='StatList', Scope=CreateScope(inner_call_scope), Tokens={}, Body={ { AstType='ReturnStatement', Arguments={inner_add}, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'return', {space}) } } } } inner_call = { AstType='Function', VarArg=false, IsLocal=true, Scope=inner_call_scope, Body=inner_call_body, Arguments={ { IsGlobal=false, Name='_o', Scope=inner_call_scope }, { IsGlobal=false, Name='_f', Scope=inner_call_scope }, }, Tokens={ t('Keyword', 'function'), t('Symbol', '('), t('Ident', '_o'), t('Symbol', ','), t('Ident', '_f'), t('Symbol', ')'), t('Keyword', 'end', {space}) } } end args[1] = inner_call end local exp_call = { AstType = 'CallExpr', Base = op_var, Arguments = args, Tokens = { t('Symbol', '(', params.paren_open_white), t('Symbol', ')', params.paren_close_white) } } do local j=#commaTokenList for i=2,#args do assert(j > 0) table.insert(exp_call.Tokens, i, commaTokenList[j]) j = j - 1 end end return { AstType = 'CallStatement', Expression = exp_call, Tokens = {} } end local function as_string_expr(expr, s) local ss = '"'..s..'"' local lw = expr.Tokens and #expr.Tokens > 0 and expr.Tokens[1].LeadingWhite or {} local p = function() return '' end local v = { LeadingWhite=lw, Type='String', Data=ss, Constant=s, Char=c(), Line=l(), Print=p } return { AstType = 'StringExpr', Value = v, Tokens = {v} } end -- parser pragmas do ::search_pragma:: for k,v in pairs(pragma_map) do if tok:ConsumeKeyword(k) then v() goto search_pragma end end end -- label declarations if not stat then if tok:ConsumeSymbol('@@', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Identifier expected") end local label_name = tok:Get(tokenList) label_name = as_string_expr(label_name, label_name.Data) stat = emit_call{name = 'section', args = {label_name}, encapsulate=false} elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('@', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Identifier expected") end local label_name = tok:Get(tokenList) label_name = as_string_expr(label_name, label_name.Data) stat = emit_call{name = 'label', args = {label_name}, encapsulate=false} end end -- new statements if not stat then local pagestat = function(fpage) local st, nodeBlock = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, nodeBlock end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end local nodeDoStat = {} nodeDoStat.AstType = 'DoStatement' nodeDoStat.Body = nodeBlock nodeDoStat.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeDoStat tokenList[1].Data = 'do' local space = {{ Char=c(), Line=l(), Data=' ', Type='Whitespace' }} local opencall,closecall = emit_call{name=fpage,func_white=space},emit_call{name='endpage',func_white=space} table.insert(nodeBlock.Body, 1, opencall) table.insert(nodeBlock.Body, closecall) end if tok:ConsumeKeyword('samepage', tokenList) then pagestat('samepage') elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('crosspage', tokenList) then pagestat('crosspage') end end -- declare data if not stat then if tok:ConsumeKeyword('dc', tokenList) then if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('.', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'.' expected") end local suffix_list = { b='byte', w='word', l='long' } local func = suffix_list[tok:Get(tokenList).Data] if not func then return false, GenerateError("'b', 'w' or 'l' expected") end local inverse_encapsulate={} inverse_encapsulate[1] = tok:ConsumeSymbol('!', tokenList) local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end if inverse_encapsulate[1] then local d = expr.Tokens[1].LeadingWhite for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(d, v) end end local exprs = { expr } while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do commaTokenList[#commaTokenList+1] = tokenList[#tokenList] inverse_encapsulate[#exprs+1] = tok:ConsumeSymbol('!', tokenList) local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end if inverse_encapsulate[#exprs+1] then local d = expr.Tokens[1].LeadingWhite for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(d, v) end end exprs[#exprs+1] = expr end stat = emit_call{name=func, args=exprs, inverse_encapsulate=inverse_encapsulate} end end -- 7801 opcodes if not stat then local mod_st, mod_expr, inverse_encapsulate for _,op in pairs(Keywords_7801) do if tok:ConsumeKeyword(op, tokenList) then if opcode_relative[op] then local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end if expr.AstType == 'VarExpr' and expr.Variable.IsGlobal then expr = as_string_expr(expr, expr.Name) end stat = emit_call{name=op, args={expr}, encapsulate=false} break end if opcode_immediate[op] then inverse_encapsulate = tok:ConsumeSymbol('!', tokenList) local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, expr end local paren_open_whites = {} if inverse_encapsulate then for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList-1].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(paren_open_whites, v) end end for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(paren_open_whites, v) end if tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then commaTokenList[1] = tokenList[#tokenList] mod_st, mod_expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not mod_st then return false, mod_expr end end stat = emit_call{name=op, args={expr, mod_expr}, inverse_encapsulate=inverse_encapsulate, paren_open_white=paren_open_whites} break end if opcode_reg_reg[op] then tok:Save() local r0_name = tok:Get(tokenList).Data if not Registers_7801[r0_name] then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError(r0_name .. " is not a valid register") end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError("Opcode " .. op .. " doesn't support this addressing mode") end local r1_name = tok:Get(tokenList).Data if not Registers_7801[r1_name] then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError(r0_name .. " is not a valid register") end if not (opcode_reg_reg_list[r0_name] and opcode_reg_reg_list[r0_name][r1_name] and opcode_reg_reg_list[r0_name][r1_name][op]) then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError("Opcode " .. op .. " doesn't support this addressing mode") end tok:Commit() stat = emit_call{name=op .. r0_name .. r1_name} break elseif opcode_reg[op] or opcode_regb[op] or opcode_regw[op] then tok:Save() local register_name = tok:Get(tokenList).Data local call_args = {name=op..register_name} if not Registers_7801[register_name] then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError(register_name .. " is not a valid register") end if not opcode_reg_list[register_name] and opcode_reg_list[register_name][op] then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError("Opcode " .. op .. " doesn't support this addressing mode") end if opcode_regw[op] or opcode_regb[op] then if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then tok:Restore() return false, GenerateError("Opcode " .. op .. " doesn't support this addressing mode") end local inverse_encapsulate = tok:ConsumeSymbol('!', tokenList) local st, expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then tok:Restore() return false, expr end local paren_open_whites = {} if inverse_encapsulate then for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList-1].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(paren_open_whites, v) end end for _,v in ipairs(tokenList[#tokenList].LeadingWhite) do table.insert(paren_open_whites, v) end if tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then commaTokenList[1] = tokenList[#tokenList] mod_st, mod_expr = ParseExpr(scope) if not mod_st then tok:Restore() return false, mod_expr end end call_args.args={expr, mod_expr} call_args.inverse_encapsulate=inverse_encapsulate call_args.paren_open_white=paren_open_whites end tok:Commit() stat = emit_call(call_args) break end if opcode_implied[op] then stat = emit_call{name=op .. 'imp'} break end error("internal error: unable to find addressing of valid opcode " .. op) -- should not happen end end end if stat then -- nothing elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('if', tokenList) then --setup local nodeIfStat = {} nodeIfStat.AstType = 'IfStatement' nodeIfStat.Clauses = {} --clauses repeat local st, nodeCond = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, nodeCond end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('then', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'then' expected") end local st, nodeBody = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, nodeBody end nodeIfStat.Clauses[#nodeIfStat.Clauses+1] = { Condition = nodeCond; Body = nodeBody; } until not tok:ConsumeKeyword('elseif', tokenList) --else clause if tok:ConsumeKeyword('else', tokenList) then local st, nodeBody = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, nodeBody end nodeIfStat.Clauses[#nodeIfStat.Clauses+1] = { Body = nodeBody; } end --end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end nodeIfStat.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeIfStat elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('while', tokenList) then --setup local nodeWhileStat = {} nodeWhileStat.AstType = 'WhileStatement' --condition local st, nodeCond = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, nodeCond end --do if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('do', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'do' expected") end --body local st, nodeBody = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, nodeBody end --end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end --return nodeWhileStat.Condition = nodeCond nodeWhileStat.Body = nodeBody nodeWhileStat.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeWhileStat elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('do', tokenList) then --do block local st, nodeBlock = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, nodeBlock end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end local nodeDoStat = {} nodeDoStat.AstType = 'DoStatement' nodeDoStat.Body = nodeBlock nodeDoStat.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeDoStat elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('for', tokenList) then --for block if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Identifier expected") end local baseVarName = tok:Get(tokenList) if tok:ConsumeSymbol('=', tokenList) then --numeric for local forScope = CreateScope(scope) local forVar = forScope:CreateLocal(baseVarName.Data) -- local st, startEx = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, startEx end if not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("',' expected") end local st, endEx = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, endEx end local st, stepEx; if tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) then st, stepEx = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, stepEx end end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('do', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'do' expected") end -- local st, body = ParseStatementList(forScope) if not st then return false, body end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end -- local nodeFor = {} nodeFor.AstType = 'NumericForStatement' nodeFor.Scope = forScope nodeFor.Variable = forVar nodeFor.Start = startEx nodeFor.End = endEx nodeFor.Step = stepEx nodeFor.Body = body nodeFor.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeFor else --generic for local forScope = CreateScope(scope) -- local varList = { forScope:CreateLocal(baseVarName.Data) } while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("for variable expected.") end varList[#varList+1] = forScope:CreateLocal(tok:Get(tokenList).Data) end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('in', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'in' expected") end local generators = {} local st, firstGenerator = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, firstGenerator end generators[#generators+1] = firstGenerator while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do local st, gen = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, gen end generators[#generators+1] = gen end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('do', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'do' expected") end local st, body = ParseStatementList(forScope) if not st then return false, body end if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('end', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'end' expected") end -- local nodeFor = {} nodeFor.AstType = 'GenericForStatement' nodeFor.Scope = forScope nodeFor.VariableList = varList nodeFor.Generators = generators nodeFor.Body = body nodeFor.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeFor end elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('repeat', tokenList) then local st, body = ParseStatementList(scope) if not st then return false, body end -- if not tok:ConsumeKeyword('until', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'until' expected") end -- FIX: Used to parse in parent scope -- Now parses in repeat scope local st, cond = ParseExpr(body.Scope) if not st then return false, cond end -- local nodeRepeat = {} nodeRepeat.AstType = 'RepeatStatement' nodeRepeat.Condition = cond nodeRepeat.Body = body nodeRepeat.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeRepeat elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('function', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("function name expected") end local st, name = ParseSuffixedExpr(scope, true) --true => only dots and colons if not st then return false, name end -- local st, func = ParseFunctionArgsAndBody(scope, tokenList) if not st then return false, func end -- func.IsLocal = false func.Name = name stat = func elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('local', tokenList) then if tok:Is('Ident') then local varList = { tok:Get(tokenList).Data } while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("local var name expected") end varList[#varList+1] = tok:Get(tokenList).Data end local initList = {} if tok:ConsumeSymbol('=', tokenList) then repeat local st, ex = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, ex end initList[#initList+1] = ex until not tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) end --now patch var list --we can't do this before getting the init list, because the init list does not --have the locals themselves in scope. for i, v in pairs(varList) do varList[i] = scope:CreateLocal(v) end local nodeLocal = {} nodeLocal.AstType = 'LocalStatement' nodeLocal.LocalList = varList nodeLocal.InitList = initList nodeLocal.Tokens = tokenList -- stat = nodeLocal elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('function', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("function name expected") end local name = tok:Get(tokenList).Data local localVar = scope:CreateLocal(name) -- local st, func = ParseFunctionArgsAndBody(scope, tokenList) if not st then return false, func end -- func.Name = localVar func.IsLocal = true stat = func else return false, GenerateError("local var or function def expected") end elseif tok:ConsumeSymbol('::', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError('Label name expected') end local label = tok:Get(tokenList).Data if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('::', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'::' expected") end local nodeLabel = {} nodeLabel.AstType = 'LabelStatement' nodeLabel.Label = label nodeLabel.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeLabel elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('return', tokenList) then local exList = {} if not tok:IsKeyword('end') then local st, firstEx = ParseExpr(scope) if st then exList[1] = firstEx while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do local st, ex = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, ex end exList[#exList+1] = ex end end end local nodeReturn = {} nodeReturn.AstType = 'ReturnStatement' nodeReturn.Arguments = exList nodeReturn.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeReturn elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('break', tokenList) then local nodeBreak = {} nodeBreak.AstType = 'BreakStatement' nodeBreak.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeBreak elseif tok:ConsumeKeyword('goto', tokenList) then if not tok:Is('Ident') then return false, GenerateError("Label expected") end local label = tok:Get(tokenList).Data local nodeGoto = {} nodeGoto.AstType = 'GotoStatement' nodeGoto.Label = label nodeGoto.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeGoto elseif tok:IsSymbol(';') then stat = { AstType='SemicolonStatement', Tokens={} } else --statementParseExpr local st, suffixed = ParseSuffixedExpr(scope) if not st then return false, suffixed end --assignment or call? if tok:IsSymbol(',') or tok:IsSymbol('=') then --check that it was not parenthesized, making it not an lvalue if (suffixed.ParenCount or 0) > 0 then return false, GenerateError("Can not assign to parenthesized expression, is not an lvalue") end --more processing needed local lhs = { suffixed } while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do local st, lhsPart = ParseSuffixedExpr(scope) if not st then return false, lhsPart end lhs[#lhs+1] = lhsPart end --equals if not tok:ConsumeSymbol('=', tokenList) then return false, GenerateError("'=' expected") end --rhs local rhs = {} local st, firstRhs = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, firstRhs end rhs[1] = firstRhs while tok:ConsumeSymbol(',', tokenList) do local st, rhsPart = ParseExpr(scope) if not st then return false, rhsPart end rhs[#rhs+1] = rhsPart end --done local nodeAssign = {} nodeAssign.AstType = 'AssignmentStatement' nodeAssign.Lhs = lhs nodeAssign.Rhs = rhs nodeAssign.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeAssign elseif suffixed.AstType == 'CallExpr' or suffixed.AstType == 'TableCallExpr' or suffixed.AstType == 'StringCallExpr' then --it's a call statement local nodeCall = {} nodeCall.AstType = 'CallStatement' nodeCall.Expression = suffixed nodeCall.Tokens = tokenList stat = nodeCall else return false, GenerateError("Assignment statement expected") end end if tok:IsSymbol(';') then stat.Semicolon = tok:Get( stat.Tokens ) end return true, stat end local statListCloseKeywords = lookupify{'end', 'else', 'elseif', 'until'} ParseStatementList = function(scope) local nodeStatlist = {} nodeStatlist.Scope = CreateScope(scope) nodeStatlist.AstType = 'Statlist' nodeStatlist.Body = { } nodeStatlist.Tokens = { } -- --local stats = {} -- while not statListCloseKeywords[tok:Peek().Data] and not tok:IsEof() do local st, nodeStatement = ParseStatement(nodeStatlist.Scope) if not st then return false, nodeStatement end --stats[#stats+1] = nodeStatement nodeStatlist.Body[#nodeStatlist.Body + 1] = nodeStatement end if tok:IsEof() then local nodeEof = {} nodeEof.AstType = 'Eof' nodeEof.Tokens = { tok:Get() } nodeStatlist.Body[#nodeStatlist.Body + 1] = nodeEof end -- --nodeStatlist.Body = stats return true, nodeStatlist end local function mainfunc() local topScope = CreateScope() return ParseStatementList(topScope) end local st, main = mainfunc() return st, main end local function Format65(ast) local function splitLines(str) if str:match("\n") then local lines = {} for line in str:gmatch("[^\n]*") do table.insert(lines, line) end assert(#lines > 0) return lines else return { str } end end local formatStatlist, formatExpr local out = { rope = {}, -- List of strings line = 1, char = 1, appendStr = function(self, str) table.insert(self.rope, str) local lines = splitLines(str) if #lines == 1 then self.char = self.char + #str else self.line = self.line + #lines - 1 local lastLine = lines[#lines] self.char = #lastLine end end, appendToken = function(self, token) self:appendWhite(token) self:appendStr(token.Data) end, appendTokens = function(self, tokens) for _,token in ipairs(tokens) do self:appendToken( token ) end end, appendWhite = function(self, token) if token.LeadingWhite then self:appendTokens( token.LeadingWhite ) end end } formatExpr = function(expr) local tok_it = 1 local function appendNextToken(str) local tok = expr.Tokens[tok_it]; if str and tok.Data ~= str then error("Expected token '" .. str .. "'.") end out:appendToken( tok ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendToken(token) out:appendToken( token ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendWhite() local tok = expr.Tokens[tok_it]; if not tok then error("Missing token") end out:appendWhite( tok ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendStr(str) appendWhite() out:appendStr(str) end local function peek() if tok_it < #expr.Tokens then return expr.Tokens[tok_it].Data end end local function appendComma(mandatory, seperators) seperators = seperators or { "," } seperators = lookupify( seperators ) if not mandatory and not seperators[peek()] then return end assert(seperators[peek()], "Missing comma or semicolon") appendNextToken() end if expr.AstType == 'VarExpr' then if expr.Variable then appendStr( expr.Variable.Name ) else appendStr( expr.Name ) end elseif expr.AstType == 'NumberExpr' then appendToken( expr.Value ) elseif expr.AstType == 'StringExpr' then appendToken( expr.Value ) elseif expr.AstType == 'BooleanExpr' then appendNextToken( expr.Value and "true" or "false" ) elseif expr.AstType == 'NilExpr' then appendNextToken( "nil" ) elseif expr.AstType == 'BinopExpr' then formatExpr(expr.Lhs) appendStr( expr.Op ) formatExpr(expr.Rhs) elseif expr.AstType == 'UnopExpr' then appendStr( expr.Op ) formatExpr(expr.Rhs) elseif expr.AstType == 'DotsExpr' then appendNextToken( "..." ) elseif expr.AstType == 'CallExpr' then formatExpr(expr.Base) appendNextToken( "(" ) for i,arg in ipairs( expr.Arguments ) do formatExpr(arg) appendComma( i ~= #expr.Arguments ) end appendNextToken( ")" ) elseif expr.AstType == 'TableCallExpr' then formatExpr( expr.Base ) formatExpr( expr.Arguments[1] ) elseif expr.AstType == 'StringCallExpr' then formatExpr(expr.Base) appendToken( expr.Arguments[1] ) elseif expr.AstType == 'IndexExpr' then formatExpr(expr.Base) appendNextToken( "[" ) formatExpr(expr.Index) appendNextToken( "]" ) elseif expr.AstType == 'MemberExpr' then formatExpr(expr.Base) appendNextToken() -- . or : appendToken(expr.Ident) elseif expr.AstType == 'Function' then -- anonymous function appendNextToken( "function" ) appendNextToken( "(" ) if #expr.Arguments > 0 then for i = 1, #expr.Arguments do appendStr( expr.Arguments[i].Name ) if i ~= #expr.Arguments then appendNextToken(",") elseif expr.VarArg then appendNextToken(",") appendNextToken("...") end end elseif expr.VarArg then appendNextToken("...") end appendNextToken(")") formatStatlist(expr.Body) appendNextToken("end") elseif expr.AstType == 'ConstructorExpr' then appendNextToken( "{" ) for i = 1, #expr.EntryList do local entry = expr.EntryList[i] if entry.Type == 'Key' then appendNextToken( "[" ) formatExpr(entry.Key) appendNextToken( "]" ) appendNextToken( "=" ) formatExpr(entry.Value) elseif entry.Type == 'Value' then formatExpr(entry.Value) elseif entry.Type == 'KeyString' then appendStr(entry.Key) appendNextToken( "=" ) formatExpr(entry.Value) end appendComma( i ~= #expr.EntryList, { ",", ";" } ) end appendNextToken( "}" ) elseif expr.AstType == 'Parentheses' then appendNextToken( "(" ) formatExpr(expr.Inner) appendNextToken( ")" ) else error(string.format("Unknown AST Type: %s\n", tostring(statement.AstType))) end assert(tok_it == #expr.Tokens + 1) end local formatStatement = function(statement) local tok_it = 1 local function appendNextToken(str) local tok = statement.Tokens[tok_it]; assert(tok, string.format("Not enough tokens for %q. First token at %i:%i", str, statement.Tokens[1].Line, statement.Tokens[1].Char)) assert(tok.Data == str, string.format('Expected token %q, got %q', str, tok.Data)) out:appendToken( tok ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendToken(token) out:appendToken( str ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendWhite() local tok = statement.Tokens[tok_it]; out:appendWhite( tok ) tok_it = tok_it + 1 end local function appendStr(str) appendWhite() out:appendStr(str) end local function appendComma(mandatory) if mandatory or (tok_it < #statement.Tokens and statement.Tokens[tok_it].Data == ",") then appendNextToken( "," ) end end if statement.AstType == 'AssignmentStatement' then for i,v in ipairs(statement.Lhs) do formatExpr(v) appendComma( i ~= #statement.Lhs ) end if #statement.Rhs > 0 then appendNextToken( "=" ) for i,v in ipairs(statement.Rhs) do formatExpr(v) appendComma( i ~= #statement.Rhs ) end end elseif statement.AstType == 'CallStatement' then formatExpr(statement.Expression) elseif statement.AstType == 'LocalStatement' then appendNextToken( "local" ) for i = 1, #statement.LocalList do appendStr( statement.LocalList[i].Name ) appendComma( i ~= #statement.LocalList ) end if #statement.InitList > 0 then appendNextToken( "=" ) for i = 1, #statement.InitList do formatExpr(statement.InitList[i]) appendComma( i ~= #statement.InitList ) end end elseif statement.AstType == 'IfStatement' then appendNextToken( "if" ) formatExpr( statement.Clauses[1].Condition ) appendNextToken( "then" ) formatStatlist( statement.Clauses[1].Body ) for i = 2, #statement.Clauses do local st = statement.Clauses[i] if st.Condition then appendNextToken( "elseif" ) formatExpr(st.Condition) appendNextToken( "then" ) else appendNextToken( "else" ) end formatStatlist(st.Body) end appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'WhileStatement' then appendNextToken( "while" ) formatExpr(statement.Condition) appendNextToken( "do" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'DoStatement' then appendNextToken( "do" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'ReturnStatement' then appendNextToken( "return" ) if statement.TrailingWhite then out:appendStr(' ') end for i = 1, #statement.Arguments do formatExpr(statement.Arguments[i]) appendComma( i ~= #statement.Arguments ) end elseif statement.AstType == 'BreakStatement' then appendNextToken( "break" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'RepeatStatement' then appendNextToken( "repeat" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "until" ) formatExpr(statement.Condition) elseif statement.AstType == 'Function' then if statement.IsLocal then appendNextToken( "local" ) end appendNextToken( "function" ) if statement.IsLocal then appendStr(statement.Name.Name) else formatExpr(statement.Name) end appendNextToken( "(" ) if #statement.Arguments > 0 then for i = 1, #statement.Arguments do appendStr( statement.Arguments[i].Name ) appendComma( i ~= #statement.Arguments or statement.VarArg ) if i == #statement.Arguments and statement.VarArg then appendNextToken( "..." ) end end elseif statement.VarArg then appendNextToken( "..." ) end appendNextToken( ")" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'GenericForStatement' then appendNextToken( "for" ) for i = 1, #statement.VariableList do appendStr( statement.VariableList[i].Name ) appendComma( i ~= #statement.VariableList ) end appendNextToken( "in" ) for i = 1, #statement.Generators do formatExpr(statement.Generators[i]) appendComma( i ~= #statement.Generators ) end appendNextToken( "do" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'NumericForStatement' then appendNextToken( "for" ) appendStr( statement.Variable.Name ) appendNextToken( "=" ) formatExpr(statement.Start) appendNextToken( "," ) formatExpr(statement.End) if statement.Step then appendNextToken( "," ) formatExpr(statement.Step) end appendNextToken( "do" ) formatStatlist(statement.Body) appendNextToken( "end" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'LabelStatement' then appendNextToken( "::" ) appendStr( statement.Label ) appendNextToken( "::" ) elseif statement.AstType == 'GotoStatement' then appendNextToken( "goto" ) appendStr( statement.Label ) elseif statement.AstType == 'Eof' then appendWhite() elseif statement.AstType == 'SemicolonStatement' then else error(string.format("Unknown AST Type: %s\n", tostring(statement.AstType))) end if statement.Semicolon then appendNextToken(";") end assert(tok_it == #statement.Tokens + 1) end formatStatlist = function(statList) for _, stat in ipairs(statList.Body) do formatStatement(stat) end end formatStatlist(ast) return table.concat(out.rope) end local dirsep = package.config:sub(1,1) local dirl65 = (string.match(arg[0], "(.*[\\/]).*") or ''):gsub('/',dirsep) local searchl65 = '' if #dirl65 > 0 then searchl65 = string.format(";%s?;%s?.l65", dirl65, dirl65) package.path = package.path .. string.format(";%s?.lua", dirl65) end l65_def = { parse = ParseLua, format = Format65, searcher_index = 2, search_path = string.format(".%s?;.%s?.l65%s", dirsep, dirsep, searchl65), load_org = load, loadfile_org = loadfile, dofile_org = dofile, } if not l65 then l65 = l65_def else for k,v in pairs(l65_def) do l65[k]=v end end l65.report = function(success, ...) if success then return success,... end local message=... io.stderr:write(tostring(message)..'\n') os.exit(-1) end l65.msghandler = function(msg) local o = function(s) io.stderr:write(s) end msg = tostring(msg) msg = msg:gsub('%[string "(.-%.l65)"%]', '%1') -- [string "xxx.l65"] -> xxx.l65 local trace_cur = debug.traceback(nil, 2) trace_cur = trace_cur:gsub('%[string "(.-%.l65)"%]', '%1') -- [string "xxx.l65"] -> xxx.l65 trace_cur = trace_cur:gsub('stack traceback:', '') local i=2 while debug.getinfo(i) do local j = 1 while true do local n,v = debug.getlocal(i, j) if not n then break end if n == 'l65dbg' then o(string.format("%s\n", msg)) if trace_cur:find("in local 'late'") then local lines = {} for line in trace_cur:gmatch("[^\n]+") do if line:find("in local 'late'") then break end table.insert(lines, line) end o(table.concat(lines,'\n')) end local trace = v.trace:match(".-\n(.*)\n.-'xpcall'") trace = trace:gsub('%[string "(.-%.l65)"%]', '%1') trace = trace:gsub('stack traceback:', '') o(trace .. '\n') os.exit(-2) end j = j + 1 end i = i + 1 end trace_cur = trace_cur:match(".-\n(.*)\n.-'xpcall'") o(string.format("%s\n%s\n", msg, trace_cur)) os.exit(-3) end do local getembedded = type(arg[-1]) == 'function' and arg[-1] l65.load_embedded = function(name) if not getembedded then return end local src,isl65 = getembedded(name) if not src then return end if isl65 then name = name .. '.l65' local st, ast = l65.report(l65.parse(src, name)) src = l65.format(ast) else name = name .. '.lua' end local bc = assert(l65.load_org(src, name)) return bc, name end end l65.searcher = function(name) local filename,err = package.searchpath(name, l65.search_path, '.', '.') if not filename then return err end local file = assert(io.open(filename, 'rb')) local src = file:read('*a') file:close() local st, ast = l65.report(l65.parse(src, filename)) local bc = assert(l65.load_org(l65.format(ast), filename)) return bc, filename end l65.load = function(chunk, chunkname, mode, ...) local chunk_t,s = type(chunk) if chunk_t == 'string' then s = chunk elseif chunk_t == 'function' then s={} for x in chunk do if #x==0 then break end s[#s+1]=x end s = table.concat(s) else return nil, string.format("invalid type for chunk %s: %s", chunkname or "=(load)", chunk_t) end if s:sub(1,4) == "\x1bLua" then -- a binary file return l65.load_org(s, chunkname, mode, ...) end local st, ast = l65.report(l65.parse(s, chunkname or "=(load)")) return l65.load_org(l65.format(ast), chunkname, 't', ...) end l65.loadfile = function(filename, mode, ...) local s if not filename then s = io.read('*a') else local file = io.open(filename, 'rb') if not file then return nil,"failed to open " .. filename .. " for reading" end s = file:read('*a') file:close() end return l65.load(s, filename, mode, ...) end l65.dofile = function(filename) local f = l65.report(l65.loadfile(filename)) return f() end l65.installhooks = function() if package.searchers[l65.searcher_index] ~= l65.searcher then table.insert(package.searchers, l65.searcher_index, l65.searcher) end if not l65.hooks_installed then l65.hooks_installed = true load = l65.load loadfile = l65.loadfile dofile = l65.dofile end end l65.uninstallhooks = function() for k,v in ipairs(package.searchers) do if v == l65.searcher then table.remove(package.searchers, k) break end end if l65.hooks_installed then l65.hooks_installed = nil load = l65.load_org loadfile = l65.loadfile_org dofile = l65.dofile_org end end table.insert(package.searchers, l65.searcher_index, l65.load_embedded) l65.installhooks() function getopt(optstring, ...) local opts = { } local args = { ... } for optc, optv in optstring:gmatch"(%a)(:?)" do opts[optc] = { hasarg = optv == ":" } end return coroutine.wrap(function() local yield = coroutine.yield local i = 1 while i <= #args do local arg,argi = args[i], i i = i + 1 if arg == "--" then break elseif arg:sub(1, 1) == "-" then for j = 2, #arg do local opt = arg:sub(j, j) if opts[opt] then if opts[opt].hasarg then if j == #arg then if args[i] then yield(opt, args[i], argi) i=i+1 elseif optstring:sub(1, 1) == ":" then yield(':', opt, argi) else yield('?', opt, argi) end else yield(opt, arg:sub(j + 1), argi) end break else yield(opt, false, argi) end else yield('?', opt, argi) end end else yield(false, arg, argi) end end for i = i, #args do yield(false, args[i], i) end end) end local cfg=require"l65cfg" l65.cfg=cfg local version = function() print(string.format("l65 %s", cfg.version)) end local usage = function(f) if not f then f = io.stdout end f:write(string.format([[ Usage: %s [options] file [args] Options: -d Dump the Lua code after l65 parsing into file -h Display this information -v Display the release version ]], arg[0])) end local invalid_usage = function() io.stderr:write("Invalid usage.\n") usage(io.stderr) end local inf,dump,optix for opt,arg,i in getopt("d:hv", ...) do if opt == '?' then return invalid_usage() end if opt == 'h' then return usage() end if opt == 'v' then return version() end if opt == 'd' then dump = arg end if opt == false then inf=arg optix=i+1 break end end if not inf then return invalid_usage() end if dump then l65.format = function(ast) local s=Format65(ast) l65.format = Format65 local f = assert(io.open(dump, 'wb')) f:write(s) f:close() return s end end local fn='' for i=#inf,1,-1 do local c=inf:sub(i,i) if c==dirsep or c=='/' then break end fn=c..fn if c=='.' then fn='' end end filename=fn local f = l65.report(l65.loadfile(inf)) return xpcall(f, l65.msghandler, select(optix, ...))