require'vcs' mappers['4K']() local HEADER_LEN = 92 local PICTURE_LEN = 64 local STEP_COUNT = 32 -- FLUSH text as playfield local logo_img = assert(l65.image("flush.png")) -- analyse the image twice, so load it separately @@logo_col samepage byte(0x00, 0xd4, 0x72, linecol(logo_img)) end local pfs = playfield(logo_img) for i=1,#pfs do local pf = pfs[i] section("logo_pf"..(i-1)) samepage byte(0, pf[1], pf[#pf], pf) end end local LOGO_HEIGHT = #pfs[1] -- background local bg = linecol("flushbg.png") @@logo_bg_all samepage @logo_bg_pre for i=1,8 do dc.b bg[1] end @logo_bg for i=1,13 do dc.b bg[1] end byte(bg) for i=1,13 do dc.b bg[#bg] end @logo_bg_post for i=1,8 do dc.b bg[#bg] end end -- generate offset tables into logo_pf* do local DISP_HEIGHT = PICTURE_LEN local transfo,bgshift = {},{} for x=0,STEP_COUNT-1 do local theta = x/(STEP_COUNT-1) * math.pi/2 - math.pi/4 local s,c = math.sin(theta),math.cos(theta) local ra,rb,rc,rd = -c, s-c, s+c, c for y=0,DISP_HEIGHT-1 do local r = DISP_HEIGHT / LOGO_HEIGHT local yn = r * (2 * y/(DISP_HEIGHT-1) - 1) local function f() local y = (s-yn) / c return math.min(math.floor((y+1)/2*LOGO_HEIGHT), LOGO_HEIGHT-1) + 3 end local v if rd < rc then v = yn>rc and 0 or yn>rb and f(yn) or yn>ra and 2 or 0 else v = yn>rd and 0 or yn>rc and 1 or yn>rb and f(yn) or 0 end transfo[x*DISP_HEIGHT+DISP_HEIGHT-y] = v end bgshift[#bgshift+1] = math.floor(math.sin(math.pi+theta)*LOGO_HEIGHT/4) end @@logo_transfo byte(transfo) @@logo_bgshift byte(bgshift) end -- rotation anim do local PERIOD = 128 local f = \x((math.sin(x*2*math.pi/PERIOD)+1)/2 * (STEP_COUNT-1)) local rotation = {} for x=1,128 do rotation[#rotation+1] = math.floor(math.min(f(x-1), (STEP_COUNT-1))) end @@logo_rotation byte(rotation) end local bg_ptr = 0x80 local trans_ptr = 0x82 local time = 0x84 local tmp = 0x85 local on_vblank = function() inc time asl time lsr time ldy time lda logo_rotation,y sta tmp ldy tmp lda logo_bgshift,y sta bg_ptr lda#logo_bg&0xff clc adc bg_ptr sta bg_ptr lda#logo_bg>>8 sta bg_ptr+1 setptr(logo_transfo, trans_ptr) lda tmp asl asl asl asl asl asl clc adc trans_ptr sta trans_ptr lda trans_ptr+1 adc#0 sta trans_ptr+1 lda tmp lsr lsr clc adc trans_ptr+1 sta trans_ptr+1 ldy#PICTURE_LEN-1 lda (bg_ptr),y sta COLUBK end local kernel = function() ldy#HEADER_LEN @_header sta WSYNC dey bne _header samepage @_line lda (trans_ptr),y tax lda (bg_ptr),y sta WSYNC sta COLUBK lda logo_col,x sta COLUPF lda logo_pf0,x sta PF0 lda logo_pf1,x sta PF1 lda logo_pf2,x sta PF2 lda logo_pf3,x sta PF0 lda logo_pf4,x sta PF1 lda logo_pf5,x sta PF2 iny cpy#PICTURE_LEN bne _line end lda#0 sta WSYNC sta PF0 sta PF1 sta PF2 end @@main init() @_frame overscan() vblank(on_vblank) screen(kernel) jmp _frame ; writebin(filename..'.bin') writesym(filename..'.sym') print(stats)