require'vcs' mappers['2K']() local AUDC0s = 0x90 local AUDC1s, AUDF0s, AUDF1s, AUDV0s, AUDV1s = AUDC0s+1, AUDC0s+2, AUDC0s+3, AUDC0s+4, AUDC0s+5 local vubars = 0xA0 local tmp = 0xF0 local zic_filename = 'Ishtar.ttt' local zic = ttt(zic_filename) print(string.format('Using file %s (ttt version %d)\n Name: %s\n Author: %s\n%s', zic_filename, zic.version,,, zic.comment)) -- debug printing of zic data --[[ local printbytetable = function(v) local s = ' ' for kk,vv in ipairs(v) do s = s .. string.format('%02x, ', vv) if #s >= 34 then print(s) s = ' ' end end if #s > 0 then print(s) end end for k,v in pairs(zic) do if type(v) ~= 'table' then print(k,v) elseif type(v[1]) == 'number' then print(k) printbytetable(v) elseif type(v[1]) == 'table' then for ek, e in ipairs(v) do print(k, ek, printbytetable(e) end end end ]] @@tt_InsCtrlTable byte(zic.insctrltable) @@tt_InsADIndexes byte(zic.insadindexes) @@tt_InsSustainIndexes byte(zic.inssustainindexes) @@tt_InsReleaseIndexes byte(zic.insreleaseindexes) @@tt_InsFreqVolTable byte(zic.insfreqvoltable) @@tt_PercIndexes byte(zic.percindexes) @@tt_PercFreqTable byte(zic.percfreqtable) @@tt_PercCtrlVolTable byte(zic.percctrlvoltable) local patterns = {} for i,pattern in ipairs(zic.patterns) do table.insert(patterns, section("pattern"..i)) byte(pattern) end @@tt_PatternSpeeds byte(zic.patternspeeds) @@tt_PatternPtrLo byte_lo(patterns) @@tt_PatternPtrHi byte_hi(patterns) @@tt_SequenceTable byte(zic.sequence[1]) byte(zic.sequence[2]) local tt = { -- ===================================================================== -- Permanent variables. These are states needed by the player. -- ===================================================================== 'timer', -- current music timer value 'cur_pat_index_c0', -- current pattern index into tt_SequenceTable 'cur_pat_index_c1', 'cur_note_index_c0', -- note index into current pattern 'cur_note_index_c1', 'envelope_index_c0', -- index into ADSR envelope 'envelope_index_c1', 'cur_ins_c0', -- current instrument 'cur_ins_c1', -- ===================================================================== -- Temporary variables. These will be overwritten during a call to the -- player routine, but can be used between calls for other things. -- ===================================================================== 'ptr', -- 2 bytes } for k,v in ipairs(tt) do tt[v] = k + 0x7F end tt.FREQ_MASK = 0b00011111 tt.INS_HOLD = 8 tt.INS_PAUSE = 16 tt.FIRST_PERC = 17 tt.fetchCurrentNoteImpl = function() @_constructPatPtr ldy tt.cur_pat_index_c0,x lda tt_SequenceTable,y if zic.usegoto then bpl _noPatternGoto ;and #0b01111111 sta tt.cur_pat_index_c0,x bpl _constructPatPtr @_noPatternGoto end tay lda tt_PatternPtrLo,y sta tt.ptr lda tt_PatternPtrHi,y sta tt.ptr+1 if zic.overlay then clv lda tt.cur_note_index_c0,x bpl _notPrefetched ;and #0b01111111 sta tt.cur_note_index_c0,x bit tt_Bit6Set @_notPrefetched tay else ldy tt.cur_note_index_c0,x end lda (tt.ptr),y bne _noEndOfPattern sta tt.cur_note_index_c0,x inc tt.cur_pat_index_c0,x bne _constructPatPtr @_noEndOfPattern end if zic.useoverlay then @@tt_fetchCurrentNoteSection tt.fetchCurrentNoteImpl() rts tt.fetchCurrentNote = function() jsr tt_fetchCurrentNoteSection end else tt.fetchCurrentNote = tt.fetchCurrentNoteImpl end @@tt_CalcInsIndex lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr tay @tt_Bit6Set rts local function zic_tick() dec tt.timer bpl _noNewNote ldx #1 @_advanceLoop tt.fetchCurrentNote() cmp #tt.INS_PAUSE if zic.useslide then beq _pause bcs _newNote adc tt.cur_ins_c0,x sec sbc #8 sta tt.cur_ins_c0,x bcs _finishedNewNote else bcc _finishedNewNote bne _newNote end @_pause lda tt.cur_ins_c0,x jsr tt_CalcInsIndex lda tt_InsReleaseIndexes-1,y clc adc #1 bcc _storeADIndex @_newNote sta tt.cur_ins_c0,x cmp #tt.FREQ_MASK+1 bcs _startInstrument tay lda tt_PercIndexes-tt.FIRST_PERC,y bne _storeADIndex @_startInstrument if zic.useoverlay then bvs _finishedNewNote end jsr tt_CalcInsIndex lda tt_InsADIndexes-1,y @_storeADIndex sta tt.envelope_index_c0,x @_finishedNewNote inc tt.cur_note_index_c0,x @_sequencerNextChannel dex bpl _advanceLoop if zic.globalspeed then ldx #zic.speed-1 if zic.usefunktempo then lda tt.cur_note_index_c0 lsr bcc _noOddFrame ldx #zic.oddspeed-1 @_noOddFrame end stx tt.timer else ldx tt.cur_pat_index_c0 ldy tt_SequenceTable,x if zic.usefunktempo then lda tt.cur_note_index_c0 lsr lda tt_PatternSpeeds,y bcc _evenFrame ;and #0x0f bcs _storeFunkTempo @_evenFrame lsr lsr lsr lsr @_storeFunkTempo sta tt.timer else lda tt_PatternSpeeds,y sta tt.timer end end @_noNewNote ldx #1 @_updateLoop lda tt.cur_ins_c0,x if not zic.startswithnotes then beq _afterAudioUpdate end cmp #tt.FREQ_MASK+1 bcs _instrument ldy tt.envelope_index_c0,x lda tt_PercCtrlVolTable-1,y beq _endOfPercussion inc tt.envelope_index_c0,x @_endOfPercussion sta AUDV0,x lsr lsr lsr lsr sta AUDC0,x lda tt_PercFreqTable-1,y sta AUDF0,x sta AUDF0s,x -- EXTRA for vumeter rendering if zic.useoverlay then bpl _afterAudioUpdate tt.fetchCurrentNote() cmp #tt.FREQ_MASK+1 bcc _afterAudioUpdate sta tt.cur_ins_c0,x jsr tt_CalcInsIndex lda tt_InsSustainIndexes-1,y sta tt.envelope_index_c0,x asl tt.cur_note_index_c0,x sec ror tt.cur_note_index_c0,x bmi _afterAudioUpdate else jmp _afterAudioUpdate end @_instrument jsr tt_CalcInsIndex lda tt_InsCtrlTable-1,y sta AUDC0,x sta AUDC0s,x -- EXTRA for vumeter rendering lda tt.envelope_index_c0,x cmp tt_InsReleaseIndexes-1,y bne _noEndOfSustain lda tt_InsSustainIndexes-1,y @_noEndOfSustain tay lda tt_InsFreqVolTable,y beq _endOfEnvelope iny @_endOfEnvelope sty tt.envelope_index_c0,x sta AUDV0,x sta AUDV0s,x -- EXTRA for vumeter rendering lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc tt.cur_ins_c0,x sec sbc #8 sta AUDF0,x sta AUDF0s,x -- EXTRA for vumeter rendering @_afterAudioUpdate dex bpl _updateLoop end local function zic_init() if zic.c0init ~= 0 then lda#zic.c0init sta tt.cur_pat_index_c0 end if zic.c1init ~= 0 then lda#zic.c1init sta tt.cur_pat_index_c1 end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- equalizer anim ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- convert to freq: -- maps AUDCi to 0-7 3 bits (<<5) value for wave length of: 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 93, 465, 511 @@wavlen samepage dc.b 0x00,0x60,0xC0,0xC0,0x20,0x20,0x80,0x80, 0xF0,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x40,0x40,0xA0,0xA0 end local wavelen_map = { 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 93, 465, 511 } local freq_ranges = { 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 9999999 } local t = {} for i=0,255 do local wavelen = wavelen_map[(i>>5)+1] local note = (i&31)+1 local freq = 3546894 / 114 / wavelen / note for x=1,9 do if freq <= freq_ranges[x] then t[#t+1] = x-1 break end end end section{'regfreq', align=256} byte(t) @@vm_pf2 samepage dc.b 0x00,0x80,0xC0,0xE0,0xF0,0xF8,0xFC,0xFE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF end @@vm_pf1 samepage dc.b 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x01,0x03,0x07,0x0F,0x1F,0x3F,0x7F end @@vm_col samepage dc.b 0x3C,0x7C,0x9C,0xDC,0x2C,0x4C,0x6C,0xAC end local vumeter_tick = function() lda #0 ldy #15 @_vudec ldx vubars,y dex bmi _vudecskip stx vubars,y @_vudecskip dey bpl _vudec lda AUDF0s ldy AUDC0s ora wavlen,y tax ldy regfreq,x lda AUDV0s cmp vubars,y bmi _vuless0 sta vubars,y @_vuless0 lda AUDF1s ldy AUDC1s ora wavlen,y tax ldy regfreq,x lda AUDV1s cmp vubars+8,y bmi _vuless1 sta vubars+8,y @_vuless1 end local vumeter_draw = function() lda #ctrlpf.PF_MIRRORED sta CTRLPF ldy #7 @_vudraw samepage lda #21 sta tmp @_vudraw1 sta WSYNC lda vm_col,y sta COLUPF sleep(4) ldx vubars,y lda vm_pf1,x sta PF1 lda vm_pf2,x sta PF2 sleep(8) ldx vubars+8,y lda vm_pf2,x sta PF2 lda vm_pf1,x sta PF1 dec tmp bpl _vudraw1 sta WSYNC lda #0 sta PF2 sta PF1 sta WSYNC dey bpl _vudraw end lda #0 sta CTRLPF sta WSYNC sta WSYNC end local tick = function() zic_tick() vumeter_tick() end @@main init() zic_init() @_frame overscan() vblank(tick) screen(vumeter_draw) jmp _frame ; -- needed if last instruction is implied writebin(filename..'.bin') writesym(filename..'.sym') print(stats)