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maraflush e57aee36bd nes samples :
- show anametable
- show a 8x8 pixels sprite
- show the metasprites
2019-06-09 08:11:02 -07:00

93 lines
3.3 KiB

-- samples : extacted of the demo : Let's Go To The Very Important Party 2018
-- original code : 2018 - mara/flush
-- asm code : 2019 - mara/flush
-- gfx : Exocet/Up Rough
mappers.CNROM{chrmap = function(ci) return ci*0x2000, 0x2000, (ci&1)*0x2000 end}
@@ghosts_tiles do local f, s = assert(io.open('nes_ghosts.chr','rb')) s=f:read('*all') f:close() byte{s:byte(1,-1)} end
@@nmi rti
@@irq rti
-- ghosts' palette
local ghosts_pal = { 0x0F, 0x30, 0x25, 0x15, 0x0F, 0x21, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x1B, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F }
-- metasprite is a set of sprites to draw a big sprite
-- here you have two big sprites, the son and mother ghosts
-- it's a set of oam bank
-- index, x position, y position, tile number, palette number
local ghosts_spr = {
{ 2, x= 0+0x80, y= 0+0x88, tile=0x01, palette=1 }, -- begin sprite son
{ 3, x= 8+0x80, y= 0+0x88, tile=0x02, palette=1 },
{ 4, x=16+0x80, y= 0+0x88, tile=0x03, palette=1 },
{ 5, x=24+0x80, y= 0+0x88, tile=0x04, palette=1 },
{ 6, x= 0+0x80, y= 8+0x88, tile=0x07, palette=1 },
{ 7, x= 8+0x80, y= 8+0x88, tile=0x08, palette=1 },
{ 8, x=16+0x80, y= 8+0x88, tile=0x09, palette=1 },
{ 9, x=24+0x80, y= 8+0x88, tile=0x0a, palette=1 },
{ 10, x= 0+0x80, y=16+0x88, tile=0x0f, palette=1 },
{ 11, x= 8+0x80, y=16+0x88, tile=0x10, palette=1 },
{ 12, x=16+0x80, y=16+0x88, tile=0x11, palette=1 },
{ 13, x=24+0x80, y=16+0x88, tile=0x12, palette=1 },
{ 14, x= 0+0x80, y=24+0x88, tile=0x17, palette=1 },
{ 15, x= 8+0x80, y=24+0x88, tile=0x18, palette=1 },
{ 16, x=16+0x80, y=24+0x88, tile=0x19, palette=1 },
{ 17, x=24+0x80, y=24+0x88, tile=0x1a, palette=1 },
{ 18, x= 8+0x40, y= 0+0x80, tile=0x05, palette=0 }, --begin sprite mother
{ 19, x=16+0x40, y= 0+0x80, tile=0x06, palette=0 },
{ 20, x= 0+0x40, y= 8+0x80, tile=0x0b, palette=0 },
{ 21, x= 8+0x40, y= 8+0x80, tile=0x0c, palette=0 },
{ 22, x=16+0x40, y= 8+0x80, tile=0x0d, palette=0 },
{ 23, x=24+0x40, y= 8+0x80, tile=0x0e, palette=0 },
{ 24, x= 0+0x40, y= 16+0x80, tile=0x13, palette=0 },
{ 25, x= 8+0x40, y= 16+0x80, tile=0x14, palette=0 },
{ 26, x=16+0x40, y= 16+0x80, tile=0x15, palette=0 },
{ 27, x=24+0x40, y= 16+0x80, tile=0x16, palette=0 },
{ 28, x= 0+0x40, y= 24+0x80, tile=0x1b, palette=0 },
{ 29, x= 8+0x40, y= 24+0x80, tile=0x1c, palette=0 },
{ 30, x=16+0x40, y= 24+0x80, tile=0x1d, palette=0 },
{ 31, x=24+0x40, y= 24+0x80, tile=0x1e, palette=0 },
{ 32, x= 0+0x40, y= 32+0x80, tile=0x1f, palette=0 },
{ 33, x= 8+0x40, y= 32+0x80, tile=0x20, palette=0 },
{ 34, x=16+0x40, y= 32+0x80, tile=0x21, palette=0 },
{ 35, x=24+0x40, y= 32+0x80, tile=0x22, palette=0 }
lda #0b00011000
lda #0
-- load SPRITE palette in PPU RAM
for _,v in ipairs(ghosts_pal) do lda #v sta PPUDATA end
-- load the metasprites
for _,v in ipairs(ghosts_spr) do oam_set(v) end
-- reset scroll position
ppu_addr(0) sta BGSCROL sta BGSCROL
-- idle
@_loop jmp _loop
writesym(filename..'.mlb', 'mesen')
writesym(filename..'.nes', 'fceux')