# Syntax Highlighting for the basic instruction set of the 6502 microprocessor. # This file only contains rules for 6502 mnemonics. The rules here are used by # other grammars only that add rules for comments, symbols, etc. scopeName: 'source.6502-opcodes' patterns: [ # The basic 6502 instruction set { include: '#mnemonics-6502' } ] # Respository starts here ----------------------------------------------------- repository: # basic 6502 instruction set 'mnemonics-6502': patterns: [ # mnemonics { match: '\\b(?i:ADC|AND|ASL|BCC|BCS|BEQ|BIT|BMI|BNE|BPL|BRK|BVC|BVS|CLC|CLD|CLI|CLV|CMP|CPX|CPY|DEC|DEX|DEY|EOR|INC|INX|INY|JMP|JSR|LDA|LDX|LDY|LSR|NOP|ORA|PHA|PHP|PLA|PLP|ROL|ROR|RTI|RTS|SBC|SEC|SED|SEI|STA|STX|STY|TAX|TAY|TSX|TXA|TXS|TYA)\\b' name: 'keyword.mnemonic.6502.6502-opcodes' } ]