; Ignore stderr, we expect warnings there ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine 2> /dev/null -S | FileCheck %s ; CHECK-NOT: bitcast define void @a() { ret void } define signext i32 @b(i32* inreg %x) { ret i32 0 } define void @c(...) { ret void } define void @g(i32* %y) { call void bitcast (void ()* @a to void (i32*)*)( i32* noalias %y ) call <2 x i32> bitcast (i32 (i32*)* @b to <2 x i32> (i32*)*)( i32* inreg null ) ; <<2 x i32>>:1 [#uses=0] %x = call i64 bitcast (i32 (i32*)* @b to i64 (i32)*)( i32 0 ) ; <i64> [#uses=0] call void bitcast (void (...)* @c to void (i32)*)( i32 0 ) call void bitcast (void (...)* @c to void (i32)*)( i32 zeroext 0 ) ret void }