(* RUN: %ocamlc llvm.cma llvm_bitwriter.cma %s -o %t * RUN: ./%t %t.bc * RUN: llvm-dis < %t.bc > %t.ll *) (* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlc to link an executable with libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of little ones. *) open Llvm open Llvm_bitwriter (* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *) let exit_status = ref 0 let case_num = ref 0 let group name = case_num := 0; prerr_endline (" " ^ name ^ "...") let insist cond = incr case_num; let msg = if cond then " pass " else begin exit_status := 10; " FAIL " end in prerr_endline (msg ^ (string_of_int !case_num)) let suite name f = prerr_endline (name ^ ":"); f () (*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*) let filename = Sys.argv.(1) let m = create_module filename (*===-- Types -------------------------------------------------------------===*) let test_types () = (* RUN: grep {Ty01.*void} < %t.ll *) group "void"; insist (add_type_name "Ty01" void_type m); insist (Void_type == classify_type void_type); (* RUN: grep {Ty02.*i1} < %t.ll *) group "i1"; insist (add_type_name "Ty02" i1_type m); insist (Integer_type == classify_type i1_type); (* RUN: grep {Ty03.*i32} < %t.ll *) group "i32"; insist (add_type_name "Ty03" i32_type m); (* RUN: grep {Ty04.*i42} < %t.ll *) group "i42"; let ty = make_integer_type 42 in insist (add_type_name "Ty04" ty m); (* RUN: grep {Ty05.*float} < %t.ll *) group "float"; insist (add_type_name "Ty05" float_type m); insist (Float_type == classify_type float_type); (* RUN: grep {Ty06.*double} < %t.ll *) group "double"; insist (add_type_name "Ty06" double_type m); insist (Double_type == classify_type double_type); (* RUN: grep {Ty07.*i32.*i1, double} < %t.ll *) group "function"; let ty = make_function_type i32_type [| i1_type; double_type |] false in insist (add_type_name "Ty07" ty m); insist (Function_type = classify_type ty); insist (not (is_var_arg ty)); insist (i32_type == return_type ty); insist (double_type == (param_types ty).(1)); (* RUN: grep {Ty08.*\.\.\.} < %t.ll *) group "vararg"; let ty = make_function_type void_type [| i32_type |] true in insist (add_type_name "Ty08" ty m); insist (is_var_arg ty); (* RUN: grep {Ty09.*\\\[7 x i8\\\]} < %t.ll *) group "array"; let ty = make_array_type i8_type 7 in insist (add_type_name "Ty09" ty m); insist (7 = array_length ty); insist (i8_type == element_type ty); insist (Array_type == classify_type ty); (* RUN: grep {Ty10.*float\*} < %t.ll *) group "pointer"; let ty = make_pointer_type float_type in insist (add_type_name "Ty10" ty m); insist (float_type == element_type ty); insist (Pointer_type == classify_type ty); (* RUN: grep {Ty11.*\<4 x i16\>} < %t.ll *) group "vector"; let ty = make_vector_type i16_type 4 in insist (add_type_name "Ty11" ty m); insist (i16_type == element_type ty); insist (4 = vector_size ty); (* RUN: grep {Ty12.*opaque} < %t.ll *) group "opaque"; let ty = make_opaque_type () in insist (add_type_name "Ty12" ty m); insist (ty == ty); insist (ty <> make_opaque_type ()) (*===-- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------===*) let test_constants () = (* RUN: grep {Const01.*i32.*-1} < %t.ll *) group "int"; let c = make_int_constant i32_type (-1) true in ignore (define_global "Const01" c m); insist (i32_type = type_of c); insist (is_constant c); (* RUN: grep {Const02.*i64.*-1} < %t.ll *) group "sext int"; let c = make_int_constant i64_type (-1) true in ignore (define_global "Const02" c m); insist (i64_type = type_of c); (* RUN: grep {Const03.*i64.*4294967295} < %t.ll *) group "zext int64"; let c = make_int64_constant i64_type (Int64.of_string "4294967295") false in ignore (define_global "Const03" c m); insist (i64_type = type_of c); (* RUN: grep {Const04.*"cruel\\\\00world"} < %t.ll *) group "string"; let c = make_string_constant "cruel\x00world" false in ignore (define_global "Const04" c m); insist ((make_array_type i8_type 11) = type_of c); (* RUN: grep {Const05.*"hi\\\\00again\\\\00"} < %t.ll *) group "string w/ null"; let c = make_string_constant "hi\x00again" true in ignore (define_global "Const05" c m); insist ((make_array_type i8_type 9) = type_of c); (* RUN: grep {Const06.*3.1459} < %t.ll *) group "real"; let c = make_real_constant double_type 3.1459 in ignore (define_global "Const06" c m); insist (double_type = type_of c); let one = make_int_constant i16_type 1 true in let two = make_int_constant i16_type 2 true in let three = make_int_constant i32_type 3 true in let four = make_int_constant i32_type 4 true in (* RUN: grep {Const07.*\\\[ i32 3, i32 4 \\\]} < %t.ll *) group "array"; let c = make_array_constant i32_type [| three; four |] in ignore (define_global "Const07" c m); insist ((make_array_type i32_type 2) = (type_of c)); (* RUN: grep {Const08.*< i16 1, i16 2.* >} < %t.ll *) group "vector"; let c = make_vector_constant [| one; two; one; two; one; two; one; two |] in ignore (define_global "Const08" c m); insist ((make_vector_type i16_type 8) = (type_of c)); (* RUN: grep {Const09.*\{ i16, i16, i32, i32 \} \{} < %t.ll *) group "structure"; let c = make_struct_constant [| one; two; three; four |] false in ignore (define_global "Const09" c m); insist ((make_struct_type [| i16_type; i16_type; i32_type; i32_type |] false) = (type_of c)); (* RUN: grep {Const10.*zeroinit} < %t.ll *) group "null"; let c = make_null (make_struct_type [| i1_type; i8_type; i64_type; double_type |] true) in ignore (define_global "Const10" c m); (* RUN: grep {Const11.*-1} < %t.ll *) group "all ones"; let c = make_all_ones i64_type in ignore (define_global "Const11" c m); (* RUN: grep {Const12.*undef} < %t.ll *) group "undef"; let c = make_undef i1_type in ignore (define_global "Const12" c m); insist (i1_type = type_of c); insist (is_undef c) (*===-- Global Values -----------------------------------------------------===*) let test_global_values () = let (++) x f = f x; x in let zero32 = make_null i32_type in (* RUN: grep {GVal01} < %t.ll *) group "naming"; let g = define_global "TEMPORARY" zero32 m in insist ("TEMPORARY" = value_name g); set_value_name "GVal01" g; insist ("GVal01" = value_name g); (* RUN: grep {GVal02.*linkonce} < %t.ll *) group "linkage"; let g = define_global "GVal02" zero32 m ++ set_linkage Link_once_linkage in insist (Link_once_linkage = linkage g); (* RUN: grep {GVal03.*Hanalei} < %t.ll *) group "section"; let g = define_global "GVal03" zero32 m ++ set_section "Hanalei" in insist ("Hanalei" = section g); (* RUN: grep {GVal04.*hidden} < %t.ll *) group "visibility"; let g = define_global "GVal04" zero32 m ++ set_visibility Hidden_visibility in insist (Hidden_visibility = visibility g); (* RUN: grep {GVal05.*align 128} < %t.ll *) group "alignment"; let g = define_global "GVal05" zero32 m ++ set_alignment 128 in insist (128 = alignment g) (*===-- Global Variables --------------------------------------------------===*) let test_global_variables () = let (++) x f = f x; x in let fourty_two32 = make_int_constant i32_type 42 false in (* RUN: grep {GVar01.*external} < %t.ll *) group "declarations"; let g = declare_global i32_type "GVar01" m in insist (is_declaration g); (* RUN: grep {GVar02.*42} < %t.ll * RUN: grep {GVar03.*42} < %t.ll *) group "definitions"; let g = define_global "GVar02" fourty_two32 m in let g2 = declare_global i32_type "GVar03" m ++ set_initializer fourty_two32 in insist (not (is_declaration g)); insist (not (is_declaration g2)); insist ((global_initializer g) == (global_initializer g2)); (* RUN: grep {GVar04.*thread_local} < %t.ll *) group "threadlocal"; let g = define_global "GVar04" fourty_two32 m ++ set_thread_local true in insist (is_thread_local g); (* RUN: grep -v {GVar05} < %t.ll *) group "delete"; let g = define_global "GVar05" fourty_two32 m in delete_global g (*===-- Writer ------------------------------------------------------------===*) let test_writer () = group "writer"; insist (write_bitcode_file m filename); dispose_module m (*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*) let _ = suite "types" test_types; suite "constants" test_constants; suite "global values" test_global_values; suite "global variables" test_global_variables; suite "writer" test_writer; exit !exit_status