<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Getting Started with LLVM System</title> </head> <body bgcolor=white> <h1>Getting Started with the LLVM System<br><font size=3>By: <a href="mailto:gshi1@uiuc.edu">Guochun Shi</a> and <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a></font></h1> <ul> <li><a href="#quickstart">Getting started with LLVM</a> <ol> <li><a href="#cvs">Checkout LLVM from CVS</a> <li><a href="#shared">Access to <tt>/shared</tt></a> <li><a href="#environment">Set up your environment</a> <li><a href="#compile">Compiling the Source Code</a> </ol> <li><a href="#layout">Program layout</a> <ol> <li><a href="#cvsdir">CVS directories</a> <li><a href="#dd"><tt>Depend</tt>, <tt>Debug</tt>, & <tt>Release</tt> directories</a></li> <li><a href="#include"><tt>llvm/include</tt></a> <li><a href="#lib"><tt>llvm/lib</tt></a> <li><a href="#test"><tt>llvm/test</tt></a> <li><a href="#tools"><tt>llvm/tools</tt></a> </ol> <li><a href="#tutorial">An example using the LLVM tool chain</a> <li><a href="#links">Links</a> </ul> <!--=====================================================================--> <h2><a name="quickstart">Getting Started with LLVM</a></h2> <!--=====================================================================--> <p>This guide is meant to get you up and running with LLVM as quickly as possible. Once you get the basic system running you can choose an area to dive into and learn more about. If you get stuck or something is missing from this document, please email <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris</a>.</p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="tools">Checkout LLVM from CVS</a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <p>First step is to get the actual source code. To do this, all you need to do is check it out from CVS. From your home directory, just enter:</p> <p><tt>cvs -d /home/vadve/vadve/Research/DynOpt/CVSRepository checkout llvm</tt></p> <p>This will create an '<tt>llvm</tt>' directory in your home directory and fully populate it with the source code for LLVM.</p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="shared">Access to <tt>/shared</tt></a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> By default, LLVM is configured to send all compiled files into the <tt>/shared/[yourloginname]/</tt> directory. The idea is that this directory is local to the machine you're working on, so the huge libraries and <tt>.o</tt> files you will be compiling will not have to be sent over NFS. If you are in a situation where this setup is correct, you don't have to do anything. If you don't have a <tt>/shared</tt> directory, you will have to make a couple of modifications to your setup.<p> The first modification is that you need to enable the "<tt>BUILD_ROOT = .</tt> line in the top level <tt>Makefile.common</tt>. This will instruct LLVM to build into the current directory tree instead of <tt>/shared</tt>.<p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="tools">Set up your environment</a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <p>Now that you have the source code available, you should set up your environment to be able to use the LLVM tools (once compiled) with as little hassle as possible. To do this, we recommend that you add the following lines to your <tt>.cshrc</tt> (or the corresponding lines to your <tt>.profile</tt> if you use a bourne shell derivative): <pre> # Make the C frontend easy to use... alias llvmgcc /home/vadve/lattner/cvs/gcc_install/bin/gcc # Make the LLVM tools easy to use... setenv PATH /shared/[yourloginname]/llvm/tools/Debug:${PATH} </pre> <p>The C compiler is not included in the CVS tree you just checked out, so we just point to the cannonical location, and access it with the <tt>llvmgcc</tt> command. The rest of the <a href="#tools">LLVM tools</a> will be built into the <tt>llvm/tools/Debug</tt> directory. If you do not have access to <tt>/shared</tt>, use this line instead:</p> <pre> setenv PATH ~/llvm/tools/Debug:${PATH} </pre> Adding these two lines to your path will make it much easier to use the LLVM tools.</p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="compile">Compiling the Source Code</a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <p>Every directory in the LLVM source tree includes a Makefile to build it, and any subdirectories that it contains. These makefiles require that you use <tt>gmake</tt>, instead of <tt>make</tt> to build them, but can otherwise be used freely. To build the entire LLVM system, just enter the top level <tt>llvm</tt> directory and type <tt>gmake</tt>. A few minutes later you will hopefully have a freshly compiled toolchain waiting for you in <tt>llvm/tools/Debug</tt>. If you want to look at the libraries that were compiled, look in <tt>llvm/lib/Debug</tt>.</p> <p>By default, the LLVM build process sends all temporary (<tt>.o</tt>, <tt>.so</tt>, <tt>.a</tt>) files into a <tt>/shared/[your login name]/...</tt> directory, which is supposed to be on a disk local to the current machine. If you get an error talking about a <tt>/shared</tt> directory, follow the instructions in the <a href="#shared">section about <tt>/shared</tt></a>.<p> <!--=====================================================================--> <h2><a name="layout">Program Layout</a></h2> <!--=====================================================================--> <p>One useful source of infomation about the LLVM sourcebase is the LLVM <a href="http://www.doxygen.org">doxygen</a> documentation, available at <tt><a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/doxygen/">http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/doxygen/</a></tt>. The following is a brief introduction to code layout:</p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="cvsdir"><tt>CVS</tt> directories</a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> Every directory checked out of CVS will contain a <tt>CVS</tt> directory, for the most part these can just be ignored. <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="ddr"><tt>Depend</tt>, <tt>Debug</tt>, & <tt>Release</tt> directories</a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> If you are building with the "<tt>BUILD_ROOT=.</tt>" option enabled in the <tt>Makefile.common</tt> file, most source directories will contain two directories, <tt>Depend</tt> and <tt>Debug</tt>. The <tt>Depend</tt> directory contains automatically generated dependance files which are used during compilation to make sure that source files get rebuilt if a header file they use is modified. The <tt>Debug</tt> directory holds the object files, library files and executables that are used for building a debug enabled build. The <tt>Release</tt> directory is created to hold the same files when the <tt>ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1</tt> flag is passed to <tt>gmake</tt>, causing an optimized built to be performed.<p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="include"><tt>llvm/include</tt></a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> This directory contains public header files exported from the LLVM library. The two main subdirectories of this directory are:<p> <ol> <li><tt>llvm/include/llvm</tt> - This directory contains all of the LLVM specific header files. This directory also has subdirectories for different portions of llvm: <tt>Analysis</tt>, <tt>CodeGen</tt>, <tt>Reoptimizer</tt>, <tt>Target</tt>, <tt>Transforms</tt>, etc... <li><tt>llvm/include/Support</tt> - This directory contains generic support libraries that are independant of LLVM, but are used by LLVM. For example, some C++ STL utilities and a Command Line option processing library. </ol> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="lib"><tt>llvm/lib</tt></a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> This directory contains most source files of LLVM system. In LLVM almost all code exists in libraries, making it very easy to share code among the different <a href="#tools">tools</a>.<p> <dl compact> <dt><tt>llvm/lib/VMCore/</tt><dd> This directory holds the core LLVM source files that implement core classes like Instruction and BasicBlock. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/AsmParser/</tt><dd> This directory holds the source code for the LLVM assembly language parser library. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/ByteCode/</tt><dd> This directory holds code for reading and write LLVM bytecode. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/CWrite/</tt><dd> This directory implements the LLVM to C converter. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/Analysis/</tt><dd> This directory contains a variety of different program analyses, such as Dominator Information, Call Graphs, Induction Variables, Interval Identification, Natural Loop Identification, etc... <dt><tt>llvm/lib/Transforms/</tt><dd> This directory contains the source code for the LLVM to LLVM program transformations, such as Aggressive Dead Code Elimination, Sparse Conditional Constant Propogation, Inlining, Loop Invarient Code Motion, Dead Global Elimination, Pool Allocation, and many others... <dt><tt>llvm/lib/Target/</tt><dd> This directory contains files that describe various target architectures for code generation. For example, the llvm/lib/Target/Sparc directory holds the Sparc machine description.<br> <dt><tt>llvm/lib/CodeGen/</tt><dd> This directory contains the major parts of the code generator: Instruction Selector, Instruction Scheduling, and Register Allocation. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/Reoptimizer/</tt><dd> This directory holds code related to the runtime reoptimizer framework that is currently under development. <dt><tt>llvm/lib/Support/</tt><dd> This directory contains the source code that corresponds to the header files located in <tt>llvm/include/Support/</tt>. </dl> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="test"><tt>llvm/test</tt></a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <p>This directory contains regression tests and source code that is used to test the LLVM infrastructure...</p> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <h3><a name="tools"><tt>llvm/tools</tt></a></h3> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------> <p>The <b>tools</b> directory contains the executables built out of the libraries above, which form the main part of the user interface. You can always get help for a tool by typing <tt>tool_name --help</tt>. The following is a brief introduction to the most important tools.</p> <dl compact> <dt><tt><b>as</b></tt><dd>The assembler transforms the human readable llvm assembly to llvm bytecode.<p> <dt><tt><b>dis</b></tt><dd>The disassembler transforms the llvm bytecode to human readable llvm assembly. Additionally it can convert LLVM bytecode to C, which is enabled with the <tt>-c</tt> option.<p> <dt><tt><b>lli</b></tt><dd> <tt>lli</tt> is the LLVM interpreter, which can directly execute LLVM bytecode (although very slowly...). In addition to a simple intepreter, <tt>lli</tt> is also has debugger and tracing modes (entered by specifying <tt>-debug</tt> or <tt>-trace</tt> on the command line, respectively).<p> <dt><tt><b>llc</b></tt><dd> <tt>llc</tt> is the LLVM backend compiler, which translates LLVM bytecode to a SPARC assembly file.<p> <dt><tt><b>llvmgcc</b></tt><dd> <tt>llvmgcc</tt> is a GCC based C frontend that has been retargeted to emit LLVM code as the machine code output. It works just like any other GCC compiler, taking the typical <tt>-c, -S, -E, -o</tt> options that are typically used. The source code for the <tt>llvmgcc</tt> tool is currently not included in the LLVM cvs tree because it is quite large and not very interesting.<p> <ol> <dt><tt><b>gccas</b></tt><dd> This took is invoked by the <tt>llvmgcc</tt> frontend as the "assembler" part of the compiler. This tool actually assembles its input, performs a variety of optimizations, and outputs LLVM bytecode. Thus when you invoke <tt>llvmgcc -c x.c -o x.o</tt>, you are causing <tt>gccas</tt> to be run, which writes the <tt>x.o</tt> file (which is an LLVM bytecode file that can be disassembled or manipulated just like any other bytecode file). The command line interface to <tt>gccas</tt> is designed to be as close as possible to the <b>system</b> <tt>as</tt> utility so that the gcc frontend itself did not have to be modified to interface to a "wierd" assembler.<p> <dt><tt><b>gccld</b></tt><dd> <tt>gccld</tt> links together several llvm bytecode files into one bytecode file and does some optimization. It is the linker invoked by the gcc frontend when multiple .o files need to be linked together. Like <tt>gccas</tt> the command line interface of <tt>gccld</tt> is designed to match the system linker, to aid interfacing with the GCC frontend.<p> </ol> <dt><tt><b>opt</b></tt><dd> <tt>opt</tt> reads llvm bytecode, applies a series of LLVM to LLVM transformations (which are specified on the command line), and then outputs the resultant bytecode. The '<tt>opt --help</tt>' command is a good way to get a list of the program transformations available in LLVM.<p> <dt><tt><b>analyze</b></tt><dd> <tt>analyze</tt> is used to run a specific analysis on an input LLVM bytecode file and print out the results. It is primarily useful for debugging analyses, or familiarizing yourself with what an analysis does.<p> </dl> <!--=====================================================================--> <h2><a name="tutorial">An example using the LLVM tool chain</h2> <!--=====================================================================--> <ol> <li>First, create a simple C file, name it 'hello.c': <pre> #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello world\n"); return 0; } </pre> <li>Next, compile the C file into a LLVM bytecode file:<p> <tt>% llvmgcc hello.c -o hello</tt><p> This will create two result files: <tt>hello</tt> and <tt>hello.bc</tt>. The <tt>hello.bc</tt> is the LLVM bytecode that corresponds the the compiled program and the library facilities that it required. <tt>hello</tt> is a simple shell script that runs the bytecode file with <tt>lli</tt>, making the result directly executable.<p> <li>Run the program. To make sure the program ran, execute one of the following commands:<p> <tt>% ./hello</tt><p> or<p> <tt>% lli hello.bc</tt><p> <li>Use the <tt>dis</tt> utility to take a look at the LLVM assembly code:<p> <tt>% dis < hello.bc | less</tt><p> <li>Compile the program to native Sparc assembly using the code generator:<p> <tt>% llc hello.bc -o hello.s</tt><p> <li>Assemble the native sparc assemble file into a program:<p> <tt>% /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=v9 hello.s -o hello.sparc</tt><p> <li>Execute the native sparc program:<p> <tt>% ./hello.sparc</tt><p> </ol> <!--=====================================================================--> <h2><a name="links">Links</a></h2> <!--=====================================================================--> <p>This document is just an <b>introduction</b> to how to use LLVM to do some simple things... there are many more interesting and complicated things that you can do that aren't documented here (but we'll gladly accept a patch if you want to write something up!). For more information about LLVM, check out:</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/">LLVM homepage</a></li> <li><a href="http://tank.cs.uiuc.edu/doxygen/">LLVM doxygen tree</a></li> </ul> <hr> If you have any questions or run into any snags (or you have any additions...), please send an email to <a href="mailto:sabre@nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a> or <a href="mailto:gshi1@uiuc.edu">Guochun Shi</a>. <p> <!-- Created: Mon Jul 1 02:29:02 CDT 2002 --> <!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Tue Aug 13 16:09:25 CDT 2002 <!-- hhmts end --> </body> </html>