Daniel Dunbar e10233b668 llvm-build: Avoid followlinks keyword argument to os.walk.
- llvm-build should now be Python2.4 compatible as best I know.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@143641 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
2011-11-03 19:45:52 +00:00

347 lines
14 KiB

import os
import sys
import componentinfo
from util import *
class LLVMProjectInfo(object):
def load_infos_from_path(llvmbuild_source_root):
# FIXME: Implement a simple subpath file list cache, so we don't restat
# directories we have already traversed.
# First, discover all the LLVMBuild.txt files.
# FIXME: We would like to use followlinks=True here, but that isn't
# compatible with Python 2.4. Instead, we will either have to special
# case projects we would expect to possibly be linked to, or implement
# our own walk that can follow links. For now, it doesn't matter since
# we haven't picked up the LLVMBuild system in any other LLVM projects.
for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(llvmbuild_source_root):
# If there is no LLVMBuild.txt file in a directory, we don't recurse
# past it. This is a simple way to prune our search, although it
# makes it easy for users to add LLVMBuild.txt files in places they
# won't be seen.
if 'LLVMBuild.txt' not in filenames:
del dirnames[:]
# Otherwise, load the LLVMBuild file in this directory.
assert dirpath.startswith(llvmbuild_source_root)
subpath = '/' + dirpath[len(llvmbuild_source_root)+1:]
llvmbuild_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
for info in componentinfo.load_from_path(llvmbuild_path, subpath):
yield info
def load_from_path(source_root, llvmbuild_source_root):
infos = list(
return LLVMProjectInfo(source_root, infos)
def __init__(self, source_root, component_infos):
# Store our simple ivars.
self.source_root = source_root
self.component_infos = component_infos
# Create the component info map and validate that component names are
# unique.
self.component_info_map = {}
for ci in component_infos:
existing = self.component_info_map.get(ci.name)
if existing is not None:
# We found a duplicate component name, report it and error out.
fatal("found duplicate component %r (at %r and %r)" % (
ci.name, ci.subpath, existing.subpath))
self.component_info_map[ci.name] = ci
# Disallow 'all' as a component name, which is a special case.
if 'all' in self.component_info_map:
fatal("project is not allowed to define 'all' component")
# Add the root component.
if '$ROOT' in self.component_info_map:
fatal("project is not allowed to define $ROOT component")
self.component_info_map['$ROOT'] = componentinfo.GroupComponentInfo(
'/', '$ROOT', None)
# Topologically order the component information according to their
# component references.
def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
# Check for a cycles.
if ci in current_set:
# We found a cycle, report it and error out.
cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
'%r (%s)' % (ci.name, relation)
for relation,ci in current_stack)
fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
ci.name, cycle_description, ci.name))
# If we have already visited this item, we are done.
if ci not in components_to_visit:
# Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.
# Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
if ci.parent is not None:
parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
if parent is None:
fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
ci.name, ci.parent, 'parent'))
for relation,referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
# Validate that the reference is ok.
referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
if referent is None:
fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
ci.name, referent_name, relation))
# Visit the reference.
visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)
# Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.
# FIXME: We aren't actually correctly checking for cycles along the
# parent edges. Haven't decided how I want to handle this -- I thought
# about only checking cycles by relation type. If we do that, it falls
# out easily. If we don't, we should special case the check.
self.ordered_component_infos = []
components_to_visit = set(component_infos)
while components_to_visit:
visit_component_info(iter(components_to_visit).next(), [], set())
# Canonicalize children lists.
for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
c.children.sort(key = lambda c: c.name)
def print_tree(self):
def visit(node, depth = 0):
print '%s%-40s (%s)' % (' '*depth, node.name, node.type_name)
for c in node.children:
visit(c, depth + 1)
def write_components(self, output_path):
# Organize all the components by the directory their LLVMBuild file
# should go in.
info_basedir = {}
for ci in self.component_infos:
# Ignore the $ROOT component.
if ci.parent is None:
info_basedir[ci.subpath] = info_basedir.get(ci.subpath, []) + [ci]
# Generate the build files.
for subpath, infos in info_basedir.items():
# Order the components by name to have a canonical ordering.
infos.sort(key = lambda ci: ci.name)
# Format the components into llvmbuild fragments.
fragments = filter(None, [ci.get_llvmbuild_fragment()
for ci in infos])
if not fragments:
assert subpath.startswith('/')
directory_path = os.path.join(output_path, subpath[1:])
# Create the directory if it does not already exist.
if not os.path.exists(directory_path):
# Create the LLVMBuild file.
file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
f = open(file_path, "w")
# Write the header.
header_fmt = ';===- %s %s-*- Conf -*--===;'
header_name = '.' + os.path.join(subpath, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
print >>f, """\
; The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
; This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
; License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
; This is an LLVMBuild description file for the components in this subdirectory.
; For more information on the LLVMBuild system, please see:
; http://llvm.org/docs/LLVMBuild.html
""" % header_string
for i,fragment in enumerate(fragments):
print >>f, '[component_%d]' % i
print >>f
def write_library_table(self, output_path):
# Write out the mapping from component names to required libraries.
# We do this in topological order so that we know we can append the
# dependencies for added library groups.
entries = {}
for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
# Only Library and LibraryGroup components are in the table.
if c.type_name not in ('Library', 'LibraryGroup'):
# Compute the llvm-config "component name". For historical reasons,
# this is lowercased based on the library name.
llvmconfig_component_name = c.get_llvmconfig_component_name()
# Get the library name, or None for LibraryGroups.
if c.type_name == 'LibraryGroup':
library_name = None
library_name = c.get_library_name()
# Get the component names of all the required libraries.
required_llvmconfig_component_names = [
for dep in c.required_libraries]
# Insert the entries for library groups we should add to.
for dep in c.add_to_library_groups:
# Add the entry.
entries[c.name] = (llvmconfig_component_name, library_name,
# Convert to a list of entries and sort by name.
entries = entries.values()
# Create an 'all' pseudo component. We keep the dependency list small by
# only listing entries that have no other dependents.
root_entries = set(e[0] for e in entries)
for _,_,deps in entries:
root_entries -= set(deps)
entries.append(('all', None, root_entries))
# Compute the maximum number of required libraries, plus one so there is
# always a sentinel.
max_required_libraries = max(len(deps)
for _,_,deps in entries) + 1
# Write out the library table.
f = open(output_path, 'w')
print >>f, """\
//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Component Library Depenedency Table
// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
print >>f, 'struct AvailableComponent {'
print >>f, ' /// The name of the component.'
print >>f, ' const char *Name;'
print >>f, ''
print >>f, ' /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).'
print >>f, ' const char *Library;'
print >>f, ''
print >>f, '\
/// The list of libraries required when linking this component.'
print >>f, ' const char *RequiredLibraries[%d];' % (
print >>f, '} AvailableComponents[%d] = {' % len(entries)
for name,library_name,required_names in entries:
if library_name is None:
library_name_as_cstr = '0'
# If we had a project level component, we could derive the
# library prefix.
library_name_as_cstr = '"libLLVM%s.a"' % library_name
print >>f, ' { "%s", %s, { %s } },' % (
name, library_name_as_cstr,
', '.join('"%s"' % dep
for dep in required_names))
print >>f, '};'
def main():
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
parser.add_option("", "--source-root", dest="source_root", metavar="PATH",
help="Path to the LLVM source (inferred if not given)",
action="store", default=None)
parser.add_option("", "--print-tree", dest="print_tree",
help="Print out the project component tree [%default]",
action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("", "--write-llvmbuild", dest="write_llvmbuild",
help="Write out the LLVMBuild.txt files to PATH",
action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
parser.add_option("", "--write-library-table",
dest="write_library_table", metavar="PATH",
help="Write the C++ library dependency table to PATH",
action="store", default=None)
parser.add_option("", "--llvmbuild-source-root",
"If given, an alternate path to search for LLVMBuild.txt files"),
action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Determine the LLVM source path, if not given.
source_root = opts.source_root
if source_root:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'VMCore',
parser.error('invalid LLVM source root: %r' % source_root)
llvmbuild_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
llvm_build_path = os.path.dirname(llvmbuild_path)
utils_path = os.path.dirname(llvm_build_path)
source_root = os.path.dirname(utils_path)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'VMCore',
parser.error('unable to infer LLVM source root, please specify')
# Construct the LLVM project information.
llvmbuild_source_root = opts.llvmbuild_source_root or source_root
project_info = LLVMProjectInfo.load_from_path(
source_root, llvmbuild_source_root)
# Print the component tree, if requested.
if opts.print_tree:
# Write out the components, if requested. This is useful for auto-upgrading
# the schema.
if opts.write_llvmbuild:
# Write out the required librariy, if requested.
if opts.write_library_table:
if __name__=='__main__':