Check in LZSA2 implementation (ratio competitive with ZX7, faster decompression)

This commit is contained in:
emmanuel-marty 2019-05-09 16:51:29 +02:00
parent 49b0739050
commit 8b7b4a2b4f
26 changed files with 2982 additions and 936 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
The LZSA code is available under the Zlib license, except for src/shrink.c which is placed under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
The LZSA code is available under the Zlib license, except for src/matchfinder.c which is placed under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
Please consult and for more information.

View File

@ -10,10 +10,14 @@ $(OBJDIR)/%.o: src/../%.c
APP := lzsa
OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/src/main.o
OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/src/lzsa.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/frame.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/shrink.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/expand.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/lib.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/matchfinder.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/shrink_v1.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/shrink_v2.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/expand_v1.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/expand_v2.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/libdivsufsort/lib/divsufsort.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/libdivsufsort/lib/sssort.o
OBJS += $(OBJDIR)/src/libdivsufsort/lib/trsort.o

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Inspirations:
* The LZSA code is available under the Zlib license.
* The compressor (shrink.c) is available under the CC0 license due to using portions of code from Eric Bigger's Wimlib in the suffix array-based matchfinder.
* The match finder (matchfinder.c) is available under the CC0 license due to using portions of code from Eric Bigger's Wimlib in the suffix array-based matchfinder.
# Stream format

View File

@ -177,24 +177,32 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand_v1.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand_v2.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\format.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\frame.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\lib.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\include\config.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\include\divsufsort.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\include\divsufsort_private.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\matchfinder.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink_v1.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink_v2.h" />
<ClInclude Include="pch.h" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand_v1.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand_v2.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\frame.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\lib.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\lib\divsufsort.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\lib\sssort.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\lib\trsort.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\lib\utils.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\main.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\lzsa.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\matchfinder.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink_v1.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink_v2.c" />
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">

View File

@ -27,15 +27,9 @@
<ClInclude Include="pch.h">
<Filter>Fichiers d%27en-tête</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\format.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\include\config.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources\libdivsufsort\include</Filter>
@ -48,17 +42,26 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\src\frame.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand_v2.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink_v2.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\expand_v1.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\shrink_v1.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\matchfinder.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\src\lib.h">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\main.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\libdivsufsort\lib\utils.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources\libdivsufsort\lib</Filter>
@ -74,5 +77,26 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\src\frame.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand_v2.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink_v2.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\expand_v1.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\shrink_v1.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\matchfinder.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\lib.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="..\src\lzsa.c">
<Filter>Fichiers sources</Filter>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA block. Create one with lzsa -r <original_file> <compressed_file>
; Decompress raw LZSA1 block. Create one with lzsa -r <original_file> <compressed_file>
; in:
; * LZSA_SRC_LO and LZSA_SRC_HI contain the compressed raw block address
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
OFFSLO = $43 ; zero-page location for temp offset
OFFSHI = $44
LDY #$00

asm/6502/decompress_v2.asm Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA2 block.
; Create one with lzsa -r -f2 <original_file> <compressed_file>
; in:
; * LZSA_SRC_LO and LZSA_SRC_HI contain the compressed raw block address
; * LZSA_DST_LO and LZSA_DST_HI contain the destination buffer address
; out:
; * LZSA_DST_LO and LZSA_DST_HI contain the last decompressed byte address, +1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OFFSLO = $43 ; zero-page location for temp offset
OFFSHI = $44
LDY #$00
JSR GETSRC ; read token byte: XYZ|LL|MMM
PHA ; preserve token on stack
AND #$18 ; isolate literals count (LL)
BEQ NO_LITERALS ; skip if no literals to copy
CMP #$18 ; LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2 << 3?
BNE EMBEDDED_LITERALS ; if less, count is directly embedded in token
JSR GETNIBBLE ; get extra literals length nibble
CLC ; add nibble to len from token
CMP #$12 ; LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15 ?
BNE PREPARE_COPY_LITERALS ; if less, literals count is complete
JSR GETSRC ; get extra byte of variable literals count
TAX ; non-zero?
BNE PREPARE_COPY_LITERALS_HIGH ; if so, literals count is complete
; handle 16 bits literals count
; literals count = directly these 16 bits
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
TAY ; put high 8 bits in Y
LSR A ; shift literals count into place
JSR GETPUT ; copy one byte of literals
PLA ; retrieve token from stack
PHA ; preserve token again
BMI REPMATCH_OR_LARGE_OFFSET ; 1YZ: rep-match or 13/16 bit offset
ASL ; 0YZ: 5 or 9 bit offset
; 00Z: 5 bit offset
LSR A ; Shift Z (offset bit 4) in place
AND #$10
JSR GETNIBBLE ; get nibble for offset bits 0-3
ORA FIXUP ; merge offset bit 4
ORA #$E0 ; set offset bits 7-5 to 1
TAX ; store low byte of match offset
LDA #$0FF ; set offset bits 15-8 to 1
BNE GOT_OFFSET ; (*same as JMP GOT_OFFSET but shorter)
OFFSET_9_BIT ; 01Z: 9 bit offset
ASL ; shift Z (offset bit 8) in place
ORA #$FE ; set offset bits 15-9 to 1
JSR GETSRC ; get offset bits 0-7 from stream in A
TAX ; store low byte of match offset
JMP GOT_OFFSET_LO ; go prepare match
ASL ; 13 bit offset?
BMI REPMATCH_OR_16_BIT ; handle rep-match or 16-bit offset if not
; 10Z: 13 bit offset
LSR A ; shift Z (offset bit 4) in place
AND #$10
JSR GETSRC ; get offset bits 0-7 from stream in A
TAX ; store low byte of match offset
JSR GETNIBBLE ; get nibble for offset bits 8-11
ORA FIXUP ; merge offset bit 12
ADC #$DE ; set bits 13-15 to 1 and substract 2 (to substract 512)
BNE GOT_OFFSET ; go prepare match (*same as JMP GOT_OFFSET but shorter)
REPMATCH_OR_16_BIT ; rep-match or 16 bit offset
ASL ; XYZ=111?
BMI REP_MATCH ; reuse previous offset if so (rep-match)
; 110: handle 16 bit offset
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
STA OFFSHI ; store final match offset
CLC ; add dest + match offset
LDA PUTDST+1 ; low 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+1 ; store back reference address
LDA OFFSHI ; high 8 bits
STA COPY_MATCH_LOOP+2 ; store high 8 bits of address
PLA ; retrieve token from stack again
AND #$07 ; isolate match len (MMM)
ADC #$02 ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2
BNE PREPARE_COPY_MATCH ; if less, length is directly embedded in token
JSR GETNIBBLE ; get extra match length nibble
CLC ; add nibble to len from token
BNE PREPARE_COPY_MATCH ; if less, match length is complete
JSR GETSRC ; get extra byte of variable match length
TAX ; non-zero?
BNE PREPARE_COPY_MATCH_Y ; if so, the match length is complete
; Handle 16 bits match length
JSR GETLARGESRC ; grab low 8 bits in X, high 8 bits in A
TAY ; put high 8 bits in Y
; large match length with zero high byte?
BEQ DECOMPRESSION_DONE ; if so, this is the EOD code, bail
LDA $AAAA ; get one byte of backreference
JSR PUTDST ; copy to destination
LDA #$01
JSR GETSRC ; get 2 nibbles
AND #$0F ; isolate low 4 bits of nibble
JSR GETSRC ; grab low 8 bits
TAX ; move to X
; fall through grab high 8 bits

View File

@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
bits 16
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA block
; Decompress raw LZSA1 block
; inputs:
; * ds:si: raw LZSA block
; * ds:si: raw LZSA1 block
; * es:di: output buffer
; output:
; * ax: decompressed size
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push di ; remember decompression offset
cld ; make string operations (lods, movs, stos..) move forward

asm/8088/decompress_small_v2.S Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
; decompress_small.S - space-efficient decompressor implementation for 8088
; Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
segment .text
bits 16
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA2 block
; inputs:
; * ds:si: raw LZSA2 block
; * es:di: output buffer
; output:
; * ax: decompressed size
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push di ; remember decompression offset
cld ; make string operations (lods, movs, stos..) move forward
xor cx,cx
xor bx,bx
xor bp,bp
mov ax,cx ; clear ah - cx is zero from above or from after rep movsb in .copy_match
lodsb ; read token byte: XYZ|LL|MMMM
mov dx,ax ; keep token in dl
and al,018H ; isolate literals length in token (LL)
mov cl,3
shr al,cl ; shift literals length into place
cmp al,03H ; LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2?
jne .got_literals ; no, we have the full literals count from the token, go copy
call .get_nibble ; get extra literals length nibble
add al,cl ; add len from token to nibble
cmp al,012H ; LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15 ?
jne .got_literals ; if not, we have the full literals count, go copy
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
test al,al ; zero?
jne .got_literals ; if not, we have the full literals count, go copy
lodsw ; grab 16-bit extra length
xchg cx,ax
rep movsb ; copy cx literals from ds:si to es:di
test dl,dl ; check match offset mode in token (X bit)
js .rep_match_or_large_offset
cmp dl,040H ; check if this is a 5 or 9-bit offset (Y bit)
jnb .offset_9_bit
; 5 bit offset
xchg ax,cx ; clear ah - cx is zero from the rep movsb above
mov al,020H ; shift Z (offset bit 4) in place
and al,dl
shr al,1
call .get_nibble ; get nibble for offset bits 0-3
or al,cl ; merge nibble
or al,0E0H ; set offset bits 7-5 to 1
dec ah ; set offset bits 15-8 to 1
jmp short .get_match_length
.offset_9_bit: ; 9 bit offset
xchg ax,cx ; clear ah - cx is zero from the rep movsb above
lodsb ; get 8 bit offset from stream in A
dec ah ; set offset bits 15-8 to 1
test dl,020H ; test bit Z (offset bit 8)
jne .get_match_length
dec ah ; clear bit 8 if Z bit is clear
jmp short .get_match_length
cmp dl,0c0H ; check if this is a 13-bit offset or a 16-bit offset/rep match (Y bit)
jnb .rep_match_or_16_bit
; 13 bit offset
lodsb ; load match offset bits 0-7
mov ah,020H ; shift Z (offset bit 12) in place
and ah,dl
shr ah,1
call .get_nibble ; get nibble for offset bits 8-11
or ah,cl ; merge nibble
or ah,0E0H ; set offset bits 15-13 to 1
sub ah,2 ; substract 512
jmp short .get_match_length
test dl,020H ; test bit Z (offset bit 8)
jne .repeat_match ; rep-match
; 16 bit offset
lodsw ; Get 2-byte match offset
mov bp,ax ; bp: offset
mov ax,dx ; ax: original token
and al,07H ; isolate match length in token (MMM)
add al,2 ; add MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2
jne .got_matchlen ; no, we have the full match length from the token, go copy
call .get_nibble ; get extra literals length nibble
add al,cl ; add len from token to nibble
cmp al,018H ; MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2 + MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15?
jne .got_matchlen ; no, we have the full match length from the token, go copy
lodsb ; grab extra length byte
test al,al ; zero?
jne .got_matchlen ; if not, we have the entire length
lodsw ; grab 16-bit length
test ax,ax ; bail if we hit EOD
je short .done_decompressing
xchg cx,ax ; copy match length into cx
push ds ; save ds:si (current pointer to compressed data)
xchg si,ax
push es
pop ds
mov si,di ; ds:si now points at back reference in output data
add si,bp
rep movsb ; copy match
xchg si,ax ; restore ds:si
pop ds
jmp .decode_token ; go decode another token
pop ax ; retrieve the original decompression offset
xchg ax,di ; compute decompressed size
sub ax,di
ret ; done
dec bh ; nibble ready?
jns .has_nibble
mov cx,ax
lodsb ; load two nibbles
mov bl,al
mov bh,1
mov ax,cx
mov cl,4 ; swap 4 high and low bits of nibble
ror bl,cl
mov cl,0FH
and cl,bl

src/expand.c → src/expand_v1.c Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* expand.c - block decompressor implementation
* expand_v1.c - LZSA1 block decompressor implementation
* Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
@ -20,11 +20,21 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "format.h"
#include "expand.h"
#include "expand_v1.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
@ -32,11 +42,11 @@
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_literals_slow(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, unsigned int nLiterals, unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd) {
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v1(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, unsigned int nLiterals, unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd) {
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = *ppCurOutData;
if (nLiterals == LITERALS_RUN_LEN) {
if (nLiterals == LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V1) {
unsigned char nByte;
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
@ -83,12 +93,12 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_literals_slow(const unsigned char **p
return 0;
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, const unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned int nMatchLen, unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd, const unsigned char *pOutDataFastEnd) {
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow_v1(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, const unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned int nMatchLen, unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd, const unsigned char *pOutDataFastEnd) {
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = *ppCurOutData;
nMatchLen += MIN_MATCH_SIZE;
if (nMatchLen == (MATCH_RUN_LEN + MIN_MATCH_SIZE)) {
nMatchLen += MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V1;
if (nMatchLen == (MATCH_RUN_LEN_V1 + MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V1)) {
unsigned char nByte;
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
@ -159,7 +169,7 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow(const unsigned char **ppIn
* Decompress one data block
* Decompress one LZSA1 data block
* @param pInBlock pointer to compressed data
* @param nInBlockSize size of compressed data, in bytes
@ -169,7 +179,7 @@ static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow(const unsigned char **ppIn
* @return size of decompressed data in bytes, or -1 for error
int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize) {
int lzsa_expand_block_v1(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize) {
const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd = pInBlock + nBlockSize;
const unsigned char *pInBlockFastEnd = pInBlock + nBlockSize - 8;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = pOutData + nOutDataOffset;
@ -182,36 +192,35 @@ int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned ch
const unsigned char token = *pInBlock++;
unsigned int nLiterals = (unsigned int)((token & 0x70) >> 4);
if (nLiterals < LITERALS_RUN_LEN) {
if (nLiterals < LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V1) {
memcpy(pCurOutData, pInBlock, 8);
pInBlock += nLiterals;
pCurOutData += nLiterals;
else {
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v1(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
return -1;
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
int nMatchOffset;
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff));
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) | 0xffffff00;
if (token & 0x80) {
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff)) << 8);
nMatchOffset = (nMatchOffset & 0xffff00ff) | (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) << 8);
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData - nMatchOffset;
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData + nMatchOffset;
if (pSrc >= pOutData) {
unsigned int nMatchLen = (unsigned int)(token & 0x0f);
if (nMatchLen < MATCH_RUN_LEN && nMatchOffset >= 8 && pCurOutData < pOutDataFastEnd) {
if (nMatchLen < MATCH_RUN_LEN_V1 && nMatchOffset >= 8 && pCurOutData < pOutDataFastEnd) {
memcpy(pCurOutData, pSrc, 8);
memcpy(pCurOutData + 8, pSrc + 8, 8);
memcpy(pCurOutData + 16, pSrc + 16, 4);
pCurOutData += (MIN_MATCH_SIZE + nMatchLen);
pCurOutData += (MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V1 + nMatchLen);
else {
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow_v1(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
return -1;
@ -227,22 +236,21 @@ int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned ch
const unsigned char token = *pInBlock++;
unsigned int nLiterals = (unsigned int)((token & 0x70) >> 4);
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v1(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
return -1;
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
int nMatchOffset;
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff));
nMatchOffset = ((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) | 0xffffff00;
if (token & 0x80) {
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++ ^ 0xff)) << 8);
nMatchOffset = (nMatchOffset & 0xffff00ff) | (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) << 8);
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData - nMatchOffset;
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData + nMatchOffset;
if (pSrc >= pOutData) {
unsigned int nMatchLen = (unsigned int)(token & 0x0f);
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow_v1(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
return -1;
else {

src/expand.h → src/expand_v1.h Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* expand.h - block decompressor definitions
* expand_v1.h - LZSA1 block decompressor definitions
* Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
@ -20,11 +20,21 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef _EXPAND_H
#define _EXPAND_H
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#ifndef _EXPAND_V1_H
#define _EXPAND_V1_H
* Decompress one data block
* Decompress one LZSA1 data block
* @param pInBlock pointer to compressed data
* @param nInBlockSize size of compressed data, in bytes
@ -34,6 +44,6 @@
* @return size of decompressed data in bytes, or -1 for error
int lzsa_expand_block(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize);
int lzsa_expand_block_v1(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize);
#endif /* _EXPAND_H */
#endif /* _EXPAND_V1_H */

src/expand_v2.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
* expand_v2.c - LZSA2 block decompressor implementation
* Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "format.h"
#include "expand_v2.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
#else /* _MSC_VER */
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
static inline FORCE_INLINE unsigned int lzsa_get_nibble_v2(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, int *nCurNibbles, unsigned char *nibbles) {
unsigned int nValue;
if ((*nCurNibbles ^= 1) != 0) {
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
if (pInBlock >= pInBlockEnd) return -1;
(*nibbles) = *pInBlock++;
*ppInBlock = pInBlock;
nValue = ((unsigned int)((*nibbles) & 0xf0)) >> 4;
(*nibbles) <<= 4;
return nValue;
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v2(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, unsigned int nLiterals, int *nCurNibbles, unsigned char *nibbles,
unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd) {
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = *ppCurOutData;
if (nLiterals == LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2) {
nLiterals += lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nCurNibbles, nibbles);
if (nLiterals == (LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15)) {
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
nLiterals = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
if (nLiterals == 0) {
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) {
nLiterals = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nLiterals |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
else {
return -1;
else {
return -1;
if (nLiterals != 0) {
if ((pInBlock + nLiterals) <= pInBlockEnd &&
(pCurOutData + nLiterals) <= pOutDataEnd) {
memcpy(pCurOutData, pInBlock, nLiterals);
pInBlock += nLiterals;
pCurOutData += nLiterals;
else {
return -1;
*ppInBlock = pInBlock;
*ppCurOutData = pCurOutData;
return 0;
static inline FORCE_INLINE int lzsa_expand_match_slow_v2(const unsigned char **ppInBlock, const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd, const unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned int nMatchLen, int *nCurNibbles, unsigned char *nibbles,
unsigned char **ppCurOutData, const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd, const unsigned char *pOutDataFastEnd) {
const unsigned char *pInBlock = *ppInBlock;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = *ppCurOutData;
nMatchLen += MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2;
if (nMatchLen == (MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 + MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2)) {
nMatchLen += lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nCurNibbles, nibbles);
if (nMatchLen == (MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 + MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2 + 15)) {
if (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
nMatchLen = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
if (nMatchLen == 0) {
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) {
nMatchLen = ((unsigned int)*pInBlock++);
nMatchLen |= (((unsigned int)*pInBlock++) << 8);
else {
return -1;
else {
return -1;
if ((pCurOutData + nMatchLen) <= pOutDataEnd) {
/* Do a deterministic, left to right byte copy instead of memcpy() so as to handle overlaps */
if ((pCurOutData - pSrc) >= 8 && (pCurOutData + nMatchLen) < (pOutDataFastEnd - 15)) {
const unsigned char *pCopySrc = pSrc;
unsigned char *pCopyDst = pCurOutData;
const unsigned char *pCopyEndDst = pCurOutData + nMatchLen;
do {
memcpy(pCopyDst, pCopySrc, 8);
memcpy(pCopyDst + 8, pCopySrc + 8, 8);
pCopySrc += 16;
pCopyDst += 16;
} while (pCopyDst < pCopyEndDst);
pCurOutData += nMatchLen;
else {
while (nMatchLen >= 4) {
*pCurOutData++ = *pSrc++;
*pCurOutData++ = *pSrc++;
*pCurOutData++ = *pSrc++;
*pCurOutData++ = *pSrc++;
nMatchLen -= 4;
while (nMatchLen) {
*pCurOutData++ = *pSrc++;
else {
return -1;
*ppInBlock = pInBlock;
*ppCurOutData = pCurOutData;
return 0;
* Decompress one LZSA2 data block
* @param pInBlock pointer to compressed data
* @param nInBlockSize size of compressed data, in bytes
* @param pOutData pointer to output decompression buffer (previously decompressed bytes + room for decompressing this block)
* @param nOutDataOffset starting index of where to store decompressed bytes in output buffer (and size of previously decompressed bytes)
* @param nBlockMaxSize total size of output decompression buffer, in bytes
* @return size of decompressed data in bytes, or -1 for error
int lzsa_expand_block_v2(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize) {
const unsigned char *pInBlockEnd = pInBlock + nBlockSize;
const unsigned char *pInBlockFastEnd = pInBlock + nBlockSize - 8;
unsigned char *pCurOutData = pOutData + nOutDataOffset;
const unsigned char *pOutDataEnd = pCurOutData + nBlockMaxSize;
const unsigned char *pOutDataFastEnd = pOutDataEnd - 20;
int nCurNibbles = 0;
unsigned char nibbles;
int nMatchOffset = 0;
/* Fast loop */
while (pInBlock < pInBlockFastEnd && pCurOutData < pOutDataFastEnd) {
const unsigned char token = *pInBlock++;
unsigned int nLiterals = (unsigned int)((token & 0x18) >> 3);
if (nLiterals < LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2) {
memcpy(pCurOutData, pInBlock, 8);
pInBlock += nLiterals;
pCurOutData += nLiterals;
else {
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
return -1;
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
unsigned char nOffsetMode = token & 0xc0;
switch (nOffsetMode) {
case 0x00:
/* 5 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles);
nMatchOffset |= ((token & 0x20) >> 1);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffffffe0;
case 0x40:
/* 9 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(token & 0x20)) << 3);
nMatchOffset |= 0xfffffe00;
case 0x80:
/* 13 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(token & 0x20)) << 7);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffffe000;
nMatchOffset -= 512;
/* Check if this is a 16 bit offset or a rep-match */
if ((token & 0x20) == 0) {
/* 16 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffff0000;
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData + nMatchOffset;
if (pSrc >= pOutData) {
unsigned int nMatchLen = (unsigned int)(token & 0x07);
if (nMatchLen < MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 && nMatchOffset >= 8 && pCurOutData < pOutDataFastEnd) {
memcpy(pCurOutData, pSrc, 8);
memcpy(pCurOutData + 8, pSrc + 8, 4);
pCurOutData += (MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2 + nMatchLen);
else {
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
return -1;
else {
return -1;
/* Slow loop for the remainder of the buffer */
while (pInBlock < pInBlockEnd) {
const unsigned char token = *pInBlock++;
unsigned int nLiterals = (unsigned int)((token & 0x18) >> 3);
if (lzsa_expand_literals_slow_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, nLiterals, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd))
return -1;
if ((pInBlock + 1) < pInBlockEnd) { /* The last token in the block does not include match information */
unsigned char nOffsetMode = token & 0xc0;
switch (nOffsetMode) {
case 0x00:
/* 5 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles);
nMatchOffset |= ((token & 0x20) >> 1);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffffffe0;
case 0x40:
/* 9 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(token & 0x20)) << 3);
nMatchOffset |= 0xfffffe00;
case 0x80:
/* 13 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (lzsa_get_nibble_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(token & 0x20)) << 7);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffffe000;
nMatchOffset -= 512;
/* Check if this is a 16 bit offset or a rep-match */
if ((token & 0x20) == 0) {
/* 16 bit offset */
nMatchOffset = (unsigned int)(*pInBlock++);
nMatchOffset |= (((unsigned int)(*pInBlock++)) << 8);
nMatchOffset |= 0xffff0000;
const unsigned char *pSrc = pCurOutData + nMatchOffset;
if (pSrc >= pOutData) {
unsigned int nMatchLen = (unsigned int)(token & 0x07);
if (lzsa_expand_match_slow_v2(&pInBlock, pInBlockEnd, pSrc, nMatchLen, &nCurNibbles, &nibbles, &pCurOutData, pOutDataEnd, pOutDataFastEnd))
return -1;
else {
return -1;
return (int)(pCurOutData - (pOutData + nOutDataOffset));

src/expand_v2.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* expand_v2.h - LZSA2 block decompressor definitions
* Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#ifndef _EXPAND_V2_H
#define _EXPAND_V2_H
* Decompress one LZSA2 data block
* @param pInBlock pointer to compressed data
* @param nInBlockSize size of compressed data, in bytes
* @param pOutData pointer to output decompression buffer (previously decompressed bytes + room for decompressing this block)
* @param nOutDataOffset starting index of where to store decompressed bytes in output buffer (and size of previously decompressed bytes)
* @param nBlockMaxSize total size of output decompression buffer, in bytes
* @return size of decompressed data in bytes, or -1 for error
int lzsa_expand_block_v2(const unsigned char *pInBlock, int nBlockSize, unsigned char *pOutData, int nOutDataOffset, int nBlockMaxSize);
#endif /* _EXPAND_V2_H */

View File

@ -20,13 +20,28 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#ifndef _FORMAT_H
#define _FORMAT_H
#define MIN_MATCH_SIZE 3
#define MIN_OFFSET 1
#define MAX_OFFSET 0xffff
#define MATCH_RUN_LEN 15
#define MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V1 3
#define MATCH_RUN_LEN_V1 15
#define MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2 2
#define MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 7
#endif /* _FORMAT_H */

View File

@ -20,9 +20,18 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "frame.h"
#include "shrink.h"
#define LZSA_ID_0 0x7b
#define LZSA_ID_1 0x9e
@ -53,11 +62,11 @@ int lzsa_get_frame_size(void) {
* @return number of encoded bytes, or -1 for failure
int lzsa_encode_header(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataSize) {
if (nMaxFrameDataSize >= 3) {
int lzsa_encode_header(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataSize, int nFormatVersion) {
if (nMaxFrameDataSize >= 3 && (nFormatVersion == 1 || nFormatVersion == 2)) {
pFrameData[0] = LZSA_ID_0; /* Magic number */
pFrameData[1] = LZSA_ID_1;
pFrameData[2] = 0; /* Format version 1 */
pFrameData[2] = (nFormatVersion == 2) ? 0x20 : 0; /* Format version 1 */
return 3;
@ -139,14 +148,16 @@ int lzsa_encode_footer_frame(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataS
* @return 0 for success, or -1 for failure
int lzsa_decode_header(const unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nFrameDataSize) {
int lzsa_decode_header(const unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nFrameDataSize, int *nFormatVersion) {
if (nFrameDataSize != 3 ||
pFrameData[0] != LZSA_ID_0 ||
pFrameData[1] != LZSA_ID_1 ||
pFrameData[2] != 0) {
(pFrameData[2] & 0x1f) != 0 ||
((pFrameData[2] & 0xe0) != 0x00 && (pFrameData[2] & 0xe0) != 0x20)) {
return -1;
else {
*nFormatVersion = (pFrameData[2] & 0xe0) ? 2 : 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,16 @@
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#ifndef _FRAME_H
#define _FRAME_H
@ -45,7 +55,7 @@ int lzsa_get_frame_size(void);
* @return number of encoded bytes, or -1 for failure
int lzsa_encode_header(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataSize);
int lzsa_encode_header(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataSize, int nFormatVersion);
* Encode compressed block frame header
@ -87,7 +97,7 @@ int lzsa_encode_footer_frame(unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nMaxFrameDataS
* @return 0 for success, or -1 for failure
int lzsa_decode_header(const unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nFrameDataSize);
int lzsa_decode_header(const unsigned char *pFrameData, const int nFrameDataSize, int *nFormatVersion);
* Decode frame header

src/lib.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
* lib.c - LZSA library implementation
* Copyright (C) 2019 Emmanuel Marty
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Uses the libdivsufsort library Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
* Inspired by LZ4 by Yann Collet.
* With help, ideas, optimizations and speed measurements by spke <>
* With ideas from Lizard by Przemyslaw Skibinski and Yann Collet.
* Also with ideas from smallz4 by Stephan Brumme.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib.h"
#include "matchfinder.h"
#include "shrink_v1.h"
#include "shrink_v2.h"
#include "expand_v1.h"
#include "expand_v2.h"
#include "format.h"
* Initialize compression context
* @param pCompressor compression context to initialize
* @param nMaxWindowSize maximum size of input data window (previously compressed bytes + bytes to compress)
* @param nMinMatchSize minimum match size (cannot be less than MIN_MATCH_SIZE)
* @param nFlags compression flags
* @return 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int lzsa_compressor_init(lsza_compressor *pCompressor, const int nMaxWindowSize, const int nMinMatchSize, const int nFormatVersion, const int nFlags) {
int nResult;
int nMinMatchSizeForFormat = (nFormatVersion == 1) ? MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V1 : MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2;
nResult = divsufsort_init(&pCompressor->divsufsort_context);
pCompressor->intervals = NULL;
pCompressor->pos_data = NULL;
pCompressor->open_intervals = NULL;
pCompressor->match = NULL;
pCompressor->best_match = NULL;
pCompressor->slot_cost = NULL;
pCompressor->repmatch_opt = NULL;
pCompressor->min_match_size = nMinMatchSize;
if (pCompressor->min_match_size < nMinMatchSizeForFormat)
pCompressor->min_match_size = nMinMatchSizeForFormat;
else if (pCompressor->min_match_size > 5)
pCompressor->min_match_size = 5;
pCompressor->format_version = nFormatVersion;
pCompressor->flags = nFlags;
pCompressor->num_commands = 0;
if (!nResult) {