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synced 2025-02-12 22:31:40 +00:00
NASM versions of Jim Leonard's speed-optimized depackers
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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
; lzsa1fta.asm time-efficient decompressor implementation for 8088
; Turbo Assembler IDEAL mode dialect; can also be assembled with NASM.
; Usual DOS assembler SMALL model assumptions apply. This code:
; - Assumes it was invoked via NEAR call (change RET to RETF for FAR calls)
; - Is interrupt-safe
; - Is not re-entrant (do not decompress while already running decompression)
; - Trashes all data and segment registers
; Copyright (C) 2019 Jim Leonard, Emmanuel Marty
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
segment .text
bits 16
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA1 block
; inputs:
; * ds:si: raw LZSA1 block
; * es:di: output buffer
; output:
; * ax: decompressed size
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Must declare this in the code segment:
DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h
DB 01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h,01h
DB 02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h,02h
DB 03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h
DB 04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h,04h
DB 05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h,05h
DB 06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h
DB 07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h,07h
push di ;remember decompression offset
cld ;ensure string ops move forward
mov bx,SHR4table
xor cx,cx
xchg cx,ax ;clear ah (cx = 0 from match copy's rep movsb)
lodsb ;read token byte: O|LLL|MMMM
mov dx,ax ;copy our token to dl for later MMMM handling
and al,070H ;isolate literals length in token (LLL)
jz .check_offset_size ;if LLL=0, we have no literals; goto match
cmp al,070H ;LITERALS_RUN_LEN?
jne .got_literals ;no, we have full count from token; go copy
lodsb ;grab extra length byte
add al,07H ;add LITERALS_RUN_LEN
jnc .got_literals_exact ;if no overflow, we have full count
je .big_literals
lodsb ;grab single extra length byte
inc ah ;add 256
xchg cx,ax ;with longer counts, we can save some time
shr cx,1 ;by doing a word copy instead of a byte copy.
rep movsw ;We don't need to account for overlap because
adc cx,0 ;source for literals isn't the output buffer.
rep movsb
jmp .check_offset_size
lodsw ;grab 16-bit extra length
xchg cx,ax ;with longer counts, we can save some time
shr cx,1 ;by doing a word copy instead of a byte copy.
rep movsw
adc cx,0
rep movsb
jmp .check_offset_size
cs xlat ;shift literals length into place
xchg cx,ax
rep movsb ;copy cx literals from ds:si to es:di
test dl,dl ;check match offset size in token (O bit)
js .get_long_offset ;load absolute 16-bit match offset
mov ah,0ffh ;set up high byte
lodsb ;load low byte
xchg dx,ax ;dx: match offset ax: original token
and al,0FH ;isolate match length in token (MMMM)
cmp al,0FH ;MATCH_RUN_LEN?
jne .got_matchlen_short ;no, we have the full match length from the token, go copy
lodsb ;grab extra length byte
jnc .do_long_copy ;if no overflow, we have the entire length
jne .mid_matchlen
lodsw ;grab 16-bit length
xchg cx,ax ;get ready to do a long copy
jcxz .done_decompressing ;wait, is it the EOD marker? Exit if so
jmp .copy_len_preset ;otherwise, do the copy
lodsw ;Get 2-byte match offset
jmp .get_match_length
add al,3 ;add MIN_MATCH_SIZE
xchg cx,ax ;copy match length into cx
mov bp,ds ;save ds
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax ;ds=es
xchg ax,si ;save si
mov si,di ;ds:si now points at back reference in output data
add si,dx
rep movsb ;copy match
xchg si,ax ;restore si
mov ds,bp ;restore ds
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
pop ax ;retrieve the original decompression offset
xchg di,ax ;compute decompressed size
sub ax,di
ret ;done decompressing, exit to caller
;With a confirmed longer match length, we have an opportunity to optimize for
;the case where a single byte is repeated long enough that we can benefit
;from rep movsw to perform the run (instead of rep movsb).
lodsb ;grab single extra length byte
inc ah ;add 256
xchg cx,ax ;copy match length into cx
push ds ;save ds
mov bp,es
mov ds,bp ;ds=es
mov bp,si ;save si
mov si,di ;ds:si now points at back reference in output data
add si,dx
cmp dx,-2 ;do we have a byte/word run to optimize?
jae .do_run ;perform a run
;You may be tempted to change "jae" to "jge" because DX is a signed number.
;Don't! The total window is 64k, so if you treat this as a signed comparison,
;you will get incorrect results for offsets over 32K.
;If we're here, we have a long copy and it isn't byte-overlapping (if it
;overlapped, we'd be in .do_run_1) So, let's copy faster with REP MOVSW.
;This won't affect 8088 that much, but it speeds up 8086 and higher.
shr cx,1
rep movsw
adc cx,0
rep movsb
mov si,bp ;restore si
pop ds
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
je .do_run_2 ;fall through to byte (common) if not word run
lodsb ;load first byte of run into al
mov ah,al
shr cx,1
rep stosw ;perform word run
adc cx,0
rep stosb ;finish word run
mov si,bp ;restore si
pop ds
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
lodsw ;load first word of run
shr cx,1
rep stosw ;perform word run
adc cx,0 ;despite 2-byte offset, compressor might
rep stosb ;output odd length. better safe than sorry.
mov si,bp ;restore si
pop ds
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
;Speed optimization history (decompression times in microseconds @ 4.77 MHz):
; original E. Marty code shuttle 123208 alice 65660 robotron 407338 ***
; table for shr al,4 shuttle 120964 alice 63230 robotron 394733 +++
; push/pop to mov/mov shuttle 118176 alice 61835 robotron 386762 +++
; movsw for literalcpys shuttle 124102 alice 64908 robotron 400220 --- rb
; stosw for byte runs shuttle 118897 alice 65040 robotron 403518 --- rb
; better stosw for runs shuttle 117712 alice 65040 robotron 403343 +--
; disable RLE by default shuttle 116924 alice 60783 robotron 381226 +++
; optimize got_matchlen shuttle 115294 alice 59588 robotron 374330 +++
; fall through to getML shuttle 113258 alice 59572 robotron 372004 +++
; fall through to midLI shuttle 113258 alice 59572 robotron 375060 ..- rb
; fall through midMaLen shuttle 113247 alice 59572 robotron 372004 +.+
; movsw for litlen > 255 shuttle 113247 alice 59572 robotron 371612 ..+
; rep stosw for long runs shuttle 113247 alice 59572 robotron 371612 ...
; rep movsw for long cpys shuttle 113247 alice 59572 robotron 371035 ..+
; xchg/dec ah -> mov ah,val shuttle 112575 alice 59272 robotron 369198 +++
; force >12h len.to longcpy shuttle 101998 alice 59266 robotron 364459 +.+
; more efficient run branch shuttle 102239 alice 59297 robotron 364716 --- rb
; even more eff. run branch shuttle 101998 alice 59266 robotron 364459 ***
; BUGFIX - bad sign compare shuttle 101955 alice 59225 robotron 364117 +++
; reverse 16-bit len compar shuttle 102000 alice 59263 robotron 364460 --- rb
; jcxz for EOD detection no change to speed, but is 1 byte shorter +++
; force movsw for literals shuttle 107183 alice 62555 robotron 379524 --- rb
; defer shr4 until necessry shuttle 102069 alice 60236 robotron 364096 ---
; skip literals if LLL=0 shuttle 98655 alice 57849 robotron 363358 ---
; fall through to mid_liter shuttle 98595 alice 57789 robotron 361998 +++
; == jumptable experiments begin ==
; jumptable for small copys shuttle 101594 alice 61078 robotron 386018 ---
; start:xchg instead of mov shuttle 100948 alice 60467 robotron 381112 +++
; use table for LLL=0 check shuttle 106972 alice 63333 robotron 388304 --- rb
; jmptbl to fallthrough mov shuttle 102532 alice 60760 robotron 383070 ---
; cpy fallthrough check_ofs shuttle 98939 alice 58917 robotron 371019 +**
; single jumptable jump shuttle 97528 alice 57264 robotron 362194 ++*
; conditional check for L=7 shuttle 98610 alice 58521 robotron 368153 --- rb
; rip out the jumptable :-/ shuttle 97616 alice 57128 robotron 360697 +++
; defer add MIN_MATCH_SIZE shuttle 97250 alice 57004 robotron 361191 ++?
; cache constants in regs shuttle 104681 alice 59939 robotron 380125 --- rb
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
; lzsa2fta.asm - LZSA v2 time-efficient decompressor implementation for 8088
; NASM syntax.
; Usual DOS assembler SMALL model assumptions apply. This code:
; - Assumes it was invoked via NEAR call (change RET to RETF for FAR calls)
; - Is interrupt-safe
; - Is not re-entrant (do not decompress while already running decompression)
; - Trashes all data and segment registers
; Copyright (C) 2019 Jim Leonard, Emmanuel Marty
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
segment .text
bits 16
;While LZSA2 is technically capable of generating a match offset of -2,
;this sequence never actually showed up in my LZSA2 test corpus, likely due
;to compressor optimizations and the LZSA2 format itself. If you know your
;test data will contain a match offset of -2, you can enable code to write
;out the sequence very quickly at the cost of 18 bytes of code.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress raw LZSA2 block
; inputs:
; * ds:si: raw LZSA2 block
; * es:di: output buffer
; output:
; * ax: decompressed size
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%macro get_nybble 0
neg bh ;nybble ready?
jns %%has_nybble
xchg bx,ax
lodsb ;load two nybbles
xchg bx,ax
mov cl,4 ;swap 4 high and low bits of nybble
ror bl,cl
mov cl,0FH
and cl,bl
push di ;remember decompression offset
cld ;make string operations go forward
xor cx,cx
mov bx,0100H ;bx used by get_nybble
mov ax,cx ;clear ah - cx is zero (and must stay that way)
lodsb ;read token byte: XYZ|LL|MMMM
mov dx,ax ;keep copy of token in dl
and al,018H ;isolate literals length in token (LL)
jz .check_offset ;no literals? stop decoding, go to matches
;At this point, al can be in three (unshifted) states: 1, 2, or 3.
;3 = not done yet.
cmp al,(2 << 3) ;LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2? (original: cmp al,03h)
jb .lit1b ;LZSA2 output 1-byte more often, so test first
je .lit2b
mov cl,3
shr al,cl ;shift literals length into place
get_nybble ;cl := get extra literals length nybble
add al,cl ;add len from token to nybble
cmp al,012H ;LITERALS_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15 ?
jne .got_literals ;if not, we have the full literals count
lodsb ;grab extra length byte
add al,012H ;overflow?
jnc .got_literals_big ;if not, we have a big full literals count
lodsw ;grab 16-bit extra length
;For larger counts, it pays to set up a faster copy
xchg cx,ax
shr cx,1
rep movsw
adc cx,0
rep movsb
jmp .check_offset
xchg cx,ax
rep movsb ;copy cx literals from ds:si to es:di
jmp .check_offset
;LZSA2 likes to produce tiny literals of 1 or 2 bytes. Handle them here.
test dl,dl ;check match offset mode in token (X bit)
js .rep_match_or_large_offset
cmp dl,040H ;check if this is a 5 or 9-bit offset (Y bit)
jnb .offset_9_bit
;5 bit offset:
xchg cx,ax ;clear ah - cx is zero from prior rep movs
mov al,020H ;shift Z (offset bit 4) in place
and al,dl
shl al,1
shl al,1
get_nybble ;get nybble for offset bits 0-3
or al,cl ;merge nybble
rol al,1
xor al,0E1H ;set offset bits 7-5 to 1
dec ah ;set offset bits 15-8 to 1
jmp .get_match_length
test dl,020H ;test bit Z (offset bit 8)
jne .repeat_match ;rep-match
;16 bit offset:
lodsw ;Get 2-byte match offset
xchg ah,al
jmp .get_match_length
;9 bit offset:
xchg cx,ax ;clear ah - cx is zero from prior rep movs
lodsb ;get 8 bit offset from stream in A
dec ah ;set offset bits 15-8 to 1
test dl,020H ;test bit Z (offset bit 8)
je .get_match_length
dec ah ;clear bit 8 if Z bit is clear
jmp .get_match_length
cmp dl,0c0H ;check if this is a 13-bit offset
;or a 16-bit offset/rep match (Y bit)
jnb .rep_match_or_16_bit
;13 bit offset:
mov ah,020H ;shift Z (offset bit 12) in place
and ah,dl
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
get_nybble ;get nybble for offset bits 8-11
or ah,cl ;merge nybble
rol ah,1
xor ah,0E1H ;set offset bits 15-13 to 1
sub ah,2 ;substract 512
lodsb ;load match offset bits 0-7
mov bp,ax ;bp:=offset
mov ax,dx ;ax: original token
and al,07H ;isolate match length in token (MMM)
add al,2 ;add MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2
jne .got_matchlen ;no, we have full match length from token
get_nybble ;get extra literals length nybble
add al,cl ;add len from token to nybble
cmp al,018H ;MIN_MATCH_SIZE_V2 + MATCH_RUN_LEN_V2 + 15?
jne .got_matchlen ;no, we have full match length from token
lodsb ;grab extra length byte
add al,018H ;overflow?
jnc .got_matchlen_big ;if not, we have entire (big) length
je .done_decompressing ; detect EOD code
lodsw ;grab 16-bit length
;If we're here, we have a larger match copy and can optimize how we do that
xchg cx,ax ;copy match length into cx
mov dx,ds ;save ds
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax ;ds:=es
xchg si,ax ;dx:ax = old ds:si
mov si,di ;ds:si now points at back reference in output data
add si,bp
cmp bp,-2 ;do we have a byte/word run to optimize?
jae .do_run ;perform a run
cmp bp,-1 ;do we have a byte run to optimize?
je .do_run_1 ;perform a byte run
;You may be tempted to change "jae" to "jge" because DX is a signed number.
;Don't! The total window is 64k, so if you treat this as a signed comparison,
;you will get incorrect results for offsets over 32K.
;If we're here, we have a long copy and it isn't byte-overlapping (if it
;overlapped, we'd be in .do_run_1) So, let's copy faster with REP MOVSW.
;This won't affect 8088 that much, but it speeds up 8086 and higher.
shr cx,1
rep movsw
adc cx,0
rep movsb
xchg si,ax
mov ds,dx ;restore ds:si
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
;Smaller match copies handled here:
xchg cx,ax ;copy match length into cx
mov dx,ds ;save ds
mov ax,es
mov ds,ax ;ds:=es
xchg si,ax ;dx:ax = old ds:si
mov si,di ;ds:si = back reference in output data
add si,bp
rep movsb ;copy match
xchg si,ax
mov ds,dx ;restore ds:si
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
pop ax ;retrieve the original decompression offset
xchg di,ax ;compute decompressed size
sub ax,di
ret ;done
je .do_run_2 ;fall through to byte (common) if not word run
push ax
lodsb ;load first byte of run into al
mov ah,al
shr cx,1
rep stosw ;perform word run
adc cx,0
rep stosb ;finish word run
pop si
mov ds,dx
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
push ax
lodsw ;load first word of run
shr cx,1
rep stosw ;perform word run
adc cx,0 ;despite 2-byte offset, compressor might
rep stosb ;output odd length. better safe than sorry.
pop si
mov ds,dx
jmp .decode_token ;go decode another token
;Speed optimization history (decompression times in microseconds @ 4.77 MHz):
;Compression corpus:shuttle alice robotro rletest largetx linewar ...... ..
;Start of exercise 160828 113311 665900 238507 1053865 1004237 ******
;add al,val -> al,cl 160813 113296 668721 237484 1053604 1003815 ++-+++
;sub ah,2 -> dec dec 160907 113585 666744 237484 1056651 1005172 --+*-- rb
;mov ax,cx->xchgcxax 159741 112460 660594 237477 1046770 998323 ++++++
;unroll get_nibble 152552 106327 621119 237345 982381 942373 ++++++
;early exit if LL=0 147242 103842 615559 239318 946863 942932 +++-+-
;push/pop->mov/mov 145447 100832 604822 237288 927017 931366 ++++++
;push/pop->mov/mov(2)143214 98817 592920 239298 908217 910955 +++-++
;rep stos for -1, -2 143289 102812 617087 237164 942081 940688 ---+-- rb
;larger literal cpys 143214 98817 591940 238296 907237 909657 **++++
;larger copys & runs 132440 98802 586551 178768 904129 896709 ++++++ :-)
;smaller lit. copies 131991 99131 583933 177760 901824 898308 +-+++-
;swap smal lit compa 131828 99022 585121 177757 901793 894054 ++-*++
;compare before shif 130587 95970 569908 177753 889221 872461 +++*++
;getmatchlength base 130587 95970 570634 177753 893536 871556 ...... ===
; f->rep_match_or_16 xxxxxx xxxxx 569910 xxxxxx 889266 871435 ..+.++
; f->rep_match_or_la 129966 94748 566169 xxxxxx 880870 867030 +++.++ +++
; f->offset_9_bit 132126 95258 568869 xxxxxx 893169 870364 -++.-+
;final fallthrough 129966 94748 566169 177753 880870 865023 ******
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