/* * utils.c for libdivsufsort * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "divsufsort_private.h" /*- Private Function -*/ #if 0 /* Binary search for inverse bwt. */ static saidx_t binarysearch_lower(const saidx_t *A, saidx_t size, saidx_t value) { saidx_t half, i; for(i = 0, half = size >> 1; 0 < size; size = half, half >>= 1) { if(A[i + half] < value) { i += half + 1; half -= (size & 1) ^ 1; } } return i; } /*- Functions -*/ /* Burrows-Wheeler transform. */ saint_t bw_transform(const sauchar_t *T, sauchar_t *U, saidx_t *SA, saidx_t n, saidx_t *idx) { saidx_t *A, i, j, p, t; saint_t c; /* Check arguments. */ if((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (n < 0) || (idx == NULL)) { return -1; } if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } *idx = n; return 0; } if((A = SA) == NULL) { i = divbwt(T, U, NULL, n); if(0 <= i) { *idx = i; i = 0; } return (saint_t)i; } /* BW transform. */ if(T == U) { t = n; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i) { p = t - 1; t = A[i]; if(0 <= p) { c = T[j]; U[j] = (j <= p) ? T[p] : (sauchar_t)A[p]; A[j] = c; j++; } else { *idx = i; } } p = t - 1; if(0 <= p) { c = T[j]; U[j] = (j <= p) ? T[p] : (sauchar_t)A[p]; A[j] = c; } else { *idx = i; } } else { U[0] = T[n - 1]; for(i = 0; A[i] != 0; ++i) { U[i + 1] = T[A[i] - 1]; } *idx = i + 1; for(++i; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = T[A[i] - 1]; } } if(SA == NULL) { /* Deallocate memory. */ free(A); } return 0; } /* Inverse Burrows-Wheeler transform. */ saint_t inverse_bw_transform(const sauchar_t *T, sauchar_t *U, saidx_t *A, saidx_t n, saidx_t idx) { saidx_t C[ALPHABET_SIZE]; sauchar_t D[ALPHABET_SIZE]; saidx_t *B; saidx_t i, p; saint_t c, d; /* Check arguments. */ if((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (n < 0) || (idx < 0) || (n < idx) || ((0 < n) && (idx == 0))) { return -1; } if(n <= 1) { return 0; } if((B = A) == NULL) { /* Allocate n*sizeof(saidx_t) bytes of memory. */ if((B = (saidx_t *)malloc((size_t)n * sizeof(saidx_t))) == NULL) { return -2; } } /* Inverse BW transform. */ for(c = 0; c < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c) { C[c] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ++C[T[i]]; } for(c = 0, d = 0, i = 0; c < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c) { p = C[c]; if(0 < p) { C[c] = i; D[d++] = (sauchar_t)c; i += p; } } for(i = 0; i < idx; ++i) { B[C[T[i]]++] = i; } for( ; i < n; ++i) { B[C[T[i]]++] = i + 1; } for(c = 0; c < d; ++c) { C[c] = C[D[c]]; } for(i = 0, p = idx; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = D[binarysearch_lower(C, d, p)]; p = B[p - 1]; } if(A == NULL) { /* Deallocate memory. */ free(B); } return 0; } /* Checks the suffix array SA of the string T. */ saint_t sufcheck(const sauchar_t *T, const saidx_t *SA, saidx_t n, saint_t verbose) { saidx_t C[ALPHABET_SIZE]; saidx_t i, p, q, t; saint_t c; if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "sufcheck: "); } /* Check arguments. */ if((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0)) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments.\n"); } return -1; } if(n == 0) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); } return 0; } /* check range: [0..n-1] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if((SA[i] < 0) || (n <= SA[i])) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of the range [0,%" PRIdSAIDX_T "].\n" " SA[%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%" PRIdSAIDX_T "\n", n - 1, i, SA[i]); } return -2; } } /* check first characters. */ for(i = 1; i < n; ++i) { if(T[SA[i - 1]] > T[SA[i]]) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Suffixes in wrong order.\n" " T[SA[%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%d" " > T[SA[%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%d\n", i - 1, SA[i - 1], T[SA[i - 1]], i, SA[i], T[SA[i]]); } return -3; } } /* check suffixes. */ for(i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i) { C[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ++C[T[i]]; } for(i = 0, p = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i) { t = C[i]; C[i] = p; p += t; } q = C[T[n - 1]]; C[T[n - 1]] += 1; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { p = SA[i]; if(0 < p) { c = T[--p]; t = C[c]; } else { c = T[p = n - 1]; t = q; } if((t < 0) || (p != SA[t])) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Suffix in wrong position.\n" " SA[%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%" PRIdSAIDX_T " or\n" " SA[%" PRIdSAIDX_T "]=%" PRIdSAIDX_T "\n", t, (0 <= t) ? SA[t] : -1, i, SA[i]); } return -4; } if(t != q) { ++C[c]; if((n <= C[c]) || (T[SA[C[c]]] != c)) { C[c] = -1; } } } if(1 <= verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); } return 0; } static int _compare(const sauchar_t *T, saidx_t Tsize, const sauchar_t *P, saidx_t Psize, saidx_t suf, saidx_t *match) { saidx_t i, j; saint_t r; for(i = suf + *match, j = *match, r = 0; (i < Tsize) && (j < Psize) && ((r = T[i] - P[j]) == 0); ++i, ++j) { } *match = j; return (r == 0) ? -(j != Psize) : r; } /* Search for the pattern P in the string T. */ saidx_t sa_search(const sauchar_t *T, saidx_t Tsize, const sauchar_t *P, saidx_t Psize, const saidx_t *SA, saidx_t SAsize, saidx_t *idx) { saidx_t size, lsize, rsize, half; saidx_t match, lmatch, rmatch; saidx_t llmatch, lrmatch, rlmatch, rrmatch; saidx_t i, j, k; saint_t r; if(idx != NULL) { *idx = -1; } if((T == NULL) || (P == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (Tsize < 0) || (Psize < 0) || (SAsize < 0)) { return -1; } if((Tsize == 0) || (SAsize == 0)) { return 0; } if(Psize == 0) { if(idx != NULL) { *idx = 0; } return SAsize; } for(i = j = k = 0, lmatch = rmatch = 0, size = SAsize, half = size >> 1; 0 < size; size = half, half >>= 1) { match = MIN(lmatch, rmatch); r = _compare(T, Tsize, P, Psize, SA[i + half], &match); if(r < 0) { i += half + 1; half -= (size & 1) ^ 1; lmatch = match; } else if(r > 0) { rmatch = match; } else { lsize = half, j = i, rsize = size - half - 1, k = i + half + 1; /* left part */ for(llmatch = lmatch, lrmatch = match, half = lsize >> 1; 0 < lsize; lsize = half, half >>= 1) { lmatch = MIN(llmatch, lrmatch); r = _compare(T, Tsize, P, Psize, SA[j + half], &lmatch); if(r < 0) { j += half + 1; half -= (lsize & 1) ^ 1; llmatch = lmatch; } else { lrmatch = lmatch; } } /* right part */ for(rlmatch = match, rrmatch = rmatch, half = rsize >> 1; 0 < rsize; rsize = half, half >>= 1) { rmatch = MIN(rlmatch, rrmatch); r = _compare(T, Tsize, P, Psize, SA[k + half], &rmatch); if(r <= 0) { k += half + 1; half -= (rsize & 1) ^ 1; rlmatch = rmatch; } else { rrmatch = rmatch; } } break; } } if(idx != NULL) { *idx = (0 < (k - j)) ? j : i; } return k - j; } /* Search for the character c in the string T. */ saidx_t sa_simplesearch(const sauchar_t *T, saidx_t Tsize, const saidx_t *SA, saidx_t SAsize, saint_t c, saidx_t *idx) { saidx_t size, lsize, rsize, half; saidx_t i, j, k, p; saint_t r; if(idx != NULL) { *idx = -1; } if((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (Tsize < 0) || (SAsize < 0)) { return -1; } if((Tsize == 0) || (SAsize == 0)) { return 0; } for(i = j = k = 0, size = SAsize, half = size >> 1; 0 < size; size = half, half >>= 1) { p = SA[i + half]; r = (p < Tsize) ? T[p] - c : -1; if(r < 0) { i += half + 1; half -= (size & 1) ^ 1; } else if(r == 0) { lsize = half, j = i, rsize = size - half - 1, k = i + half + 1; /* left part */ for(half = lsize >> 1; 0 < lsize; lsize = half, half >>= 1) { p = SA[j + half]; r = (p < Tsize) ? T[p] - c : -1; if(r < 0) { j += half + 1; half -= (lsize & 1) ^ 1; } } /* right part */ for(half = rsize >> 1; 0 < rsize; rsize = half, half >>= 1) { p = SA[k + half]; r = (p < Tsize) ? T[p] - c : -1; if(r <= 0) { k += half + 1; half -= (rsize & 1) ^ 1; } } break; } } if(idx != NULL) { *idx = (0 < (k - j)) ? j : i; } return k - j; } #endif