; ; Size-optimized LZSA decompressor by spke (v.1 19/04/2019, 81 bytes) ; ; The data must be comressed using the command line compressor by Emmanuel Marty ; The compression is done as follows: ; ; lzsa.exe -r ; ; where option -r asks for the generation of raw (frame-less) data. ; ; The decompression is done in the standard way: ; ; ld hl,CompressedData ; ld de,WhereToDecompress ; call DecompressLZSA ; ; Of course, LZSA compression algorithm is (c) 2019 Emmanuel Marty, ; see https://github.com/emmanuel-marty/lzsa for more information ; ; Drop me an email if you have any comments/ideas/suggestions: zxintrospec@gmail.com ; @DecompressLZSA: ld b,0 ReadToken: ; first a byte token "O|LLL|MMMM" is read from the stream, ; where LLL is the number of literals and MMMM is ; a length of the match that follows after the literals ld a,(hl) : exa : ld a,(hl) : inc hl and #70 : jr z,NoLiterals rrca : rrca : rrca : rrca ; LLL<7 means 0..6 literals... cp #07 : call z,ReadLongBA ; LLL=7 means 7+ literals... ld c,a : ldir ; next we read the first byte of the offset NoLiterals: push de : ld e,(hl) : inc hl : ld d,b ; the top bit of token is set if the offset contains two bytes exa : or a : jp p,ShortOffset LongOffset: ld d,(hl) : inc hl ShortOffset: and #0F : add 3 : cp 15+3 : call z,ReadLongBA ld c,a ex (sp),hl : push hl ; BC = len, DE = offset, HL = dest, SP ->[dest,src] scf : sbc hl,de : pop de ; BC = len, DE = dest, HL = dest-offset, SP->[src] ldir : pop hl ; BC = 0, DE = dest, HL = src jr ReadToken ReadLongBA: ld c,(hl) : inc hl add c : jr nc,$+3 : inc b inc c : jr z,.Code255 inc c : ret nz .Code254 add (hl) : inc hl : ret nc : inc b : ret .Code255 ld c,(hl) : inc hl : ld b,(hl) : inc hl ld a,b : or c : ld a,c : ret nz pop de : pop de : ret