
284 lines
10 KiB

; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; lzsa1_6502.s
; NMOS 6502 decompressor for data stored in Emmanuel Marty's LZSA1 format.
; This code is written for the ACME assembler.
; The code is 169 bytes for the small version, and 193 bytes for the normal.
; Copyright John Brandwood 2021.
; Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
; (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
; http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; Decompression Options & Macros
; Choose size over decompression speed (within sane limits)?
; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; Data usage is last 7 bytes of zero-page.
lzsa_cmdbuf = $F9 ; 1 byte.
lzsa_winptr = $FA ; 1 word.
lzsa_srcptr = $FC ; 1 word.
lzsa_dstptr = $FE ; 1 word.
lzsa_offset = lzsa_winptr
; ***************************************************************************
; ***************************************************************************
; lzsa1_unpack - Decompress data stored in Emmanuel Marty's LZSA1 format.
; Args: lzsa_srcptr = ptr to compessed data
; Args: lzsa_dstptr = ptr to output buffer
lzsa1_unpack: ldy #0 ; Initialize source index.
ldx #0 ; Initialize hi-byte of length.
; Copy bytes from compressed source data.
; N.B. X=0 is expected and guaranteed when we get here.
.cp_length: !if LZSA_SMALL_SIZE {
jsr .get_byte
} else {
lda (lzsa_srcptr),y
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0
bne .cp_skip0
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1
.cp_skip0: sta <lzsa_cmdbuf ; Preserve this for later.
and #$70 ; Extract literal length.
lsr ; Set CC before ...
beq .lz_offset ; Skip directly to match?
lsr ; Get 3-bit literal length.
cmp #$07 ; Extended length?
bcc .cp_got_len
jsr .get_length ; X=0, CS from CMP, returns CC.
stx .cp_npages + 1 ; Hi-byte of length.
.cp_got_len: tax ; Lo-byte of length.
.cp_byte: lda (lzsa_srcptr),y ; CC throughout the execution of
sta (lzsa_dstptr),y ; of this .cp_page loop.
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0
bne .cp_skip1
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1
.cp_skip1: inc <lzsa_dstptr + 0
bne .cp_skip2
inc <lzsa_dstptr + 1
.cp_skip2: dex
bne .cp_byte
.cp_npages: lda #0 ; Any full pages left to copy?
beq .lz_offset
dec .cp_npages + 1 ; Unlikely, so can be slow.
bcc .cp_byte ; Always true!
; Copy bytes from decompressed window.
; Shorter but slower version.
; N.B. X=0 is expected and guaranteed when we get here.
.lz_offset: jsr .get_byte ; Get offset-lo.
.offset_lo: adc <lzsa_dstptr + 0 ; Always CC from .cp_page loop.
sta <lzsa_winptr + 0
lda #$FF
bit <lzsa_cmdbuf
bpl .offset_hi
jsr .get_byte ; Get offset-hi.
.offset_hi: adc <lzsa_dstptr + 1 ; lzsa_winptr < lzsa_dstptr, so
sta <lzsa_winptr + 1 ; always leaves CS.
.lz_length: lda <lzsa_cmdbuf ; X=0 from previous loop.
and #$0F
adc #$03 - 1 ; CS from previous ADC.
cmp #$12 ; Extended length?
bcc .lz_got_len
jsr .get_length ; CS from CMP, X=0, returns CC.
stx .lz_npages + 1 ; Hi-byte of length.
.lz_got_len: tax ; Lo-byte of length.
.lz_byte: lda (lzsa_winptr),y ; CC throughout the execution of
sta (lzsa_dstptr),y ; of this .lz_page loop.
inc <lzsa_winptr + 0
bne .lz_skip1
inc <lzsa_winptr + 1
.lz_skip1: inc <lzsa_dstptr + 0
bne .lz_skip2
inc <lzsa_dstptr + 1
.lz_skip2: dex
bne .lz_byte
.lz_npages: lda #0 ; Any full pages left to copy?
beq .cp_length
dec .lz_npages + 1 ; Unlikely, so can be slow.
bcc .lz_byte ; Always true!
} else {
; Copy bytes from decompressed window.
; Longer but faster.
; N.B. X=0 is expected and guaranteed when we get here.
.lz_offset: lda (lzsa_srcptr),y ; Get offset-lo.
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0
bne .offset_lo
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1
.offset_lo: sta <lzsa_offset + 0
lda #$FF ; Get offset-hi.
bit <lzsa_cmdbuf
bpl .offset_hi
lda (lzsa_srcptr),y
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0
bne .offset_hi
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1
.offset_hi: sta <lzsa_offset + 1
.lz_length: lda <lzsa_cmdbuf ; X=0 from previous loop.
and #$0F
adc #$03 ; Always CC from .cp_page loop.
cmp #$12 ; Extended length?
bcc .got_lz_len
jsr .get_length ; X=0, CS from CMP, returns CC.
.got_lz_len: inx ; Hi-byte of length+256.
eor #$FF ; Negate the lo-byte of length
tay ; and check for zero.
eor #$FF
.get_lz_dst: adc <lzsa_dstptr + 0 ; Calc address of partial page.
sta <lzsa_dstptr + 0 ; Always CC from .cp_page loop.
bcs .get_lz_win
dec <lzsa_dstptr + 1
.get_lz_win: clc ; Calc address of match.
adc <lzsa_offset + 0 ; N.B. Offset is negative!
sta <lzsa_winptr + 0
lda <lzsa_dstptr + 1
adc <lzsa_offset + 1
sta <lzsa_winptr + 1
.lz_byte: lda (lzsa_winptr),y
sta (lzsa_dstptr),y
bne .lz_byte
inc <lzsa_dstptr + 1
dex ; Any full pages left to copy?
bne .lz_more
jmp .cp_length ; Loop around to the beginning.
.lz_more: inc <lzsa_winptr + 1 ; Unlikely, so can be slow.
bne .lz_byte ; Always true!
; Get 16-bit length in X:A register pair, return with CC.
; N.B. X=0 is expected and guaranteed when we get here.
.get_length: clc ; Add on the next byte to get
adc (lzsa_srcptr),y ; the length.
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0
bne .skip_inc
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1
.skip_inc: bcc .got_length ; No overflow means done.
clc ; MUST return CC!
tax ; Overflow to 256 or 257?
beq .extra_word
.extra_byte: jsr .get_byte ; So rare, this can be slow!
.check_length: pla ; Length-lo.
bne .got_length ; Check for zero.
dex ; Do one less page loop if so.
.got_length: rts
.extra_word: jsr .get_byte ; So rare, this can be slow!
jsr .get_byte ; So rare, this can be slow!
bne .check_length ; Length-hi == 0 at EOF.
.finished: pla ; Length-lo.
pla ; Decompression completed, pop
pla ; return address.
.get_byte: lda (lzsa_srcptr),y ; Subroutine version for when
inc <lzsa_srcptr + 0 ; inlining isn't advantageous.
beq .next_page
.next_page: inc <lzsa_srcptr + 1 ; Inc & test for bank overflow.