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2017-12-06 23:23:30 +00:00
package millfork.assembly.opt
import millfork.CompilationOptions
import millfork.assembly.{AssemblyLine, OpcodeClasses}
import millfork.env.NormalFunction
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
* @author Karol Stasiak
object ChangeIndexRegisterOptimizationPreferringX2Y extends ChangeIndexRegisterOptimization(true)
object ChangeIndexRegisterOptimizationPreferringY2X extends ChangeIndexRegisterOptimization(false)
class ChangeIndexRegisterOptimization(preferX2Y: Boolean) extends AssemblyOptimization {
object IndexReg extends Enumeration {
val X, Y = Value
object IndexDirection extends Enumeration {
val X2Y, Y2X = Value
import IndexReg._
import IndexDirection._
import millfork.assembly.AddrMode._
import millfork.assembly.Opcode._
type IndexReg = IndexReg.Value
type IndexDirection = IndexDirection.Value
override def name = "Changing index registers"
override def optimize(f: NormalFunction, code: List[AssemblyLine], options: CompilationOptions): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val usesIndex = code.exists(l =>
OpcodeClasses.ReadsXAlways(l.opcode) ||
OpcodeClasses.ReadsYAlways(l.opcode) ||
OpcodeClasses.ChangesX(l.opcode) ||
OpcodeClasses.ChangesY(l.opcode) ||
Set(AbsoluteX, AbsoluteY, ZeroPageY, ZeroPageX, IndexedX, IndexedY)(l.addrMode)
if (!usesIndex) {
return code
val canX2Y = f.returnType.size <= 1 && canOptimize(code, X2Y, None)
val canY2X = canOptimize(code, Y2X, None)
(canX2Y, canY2X) match {
case (false, false) => code
case (true, false) =>
ErrorReporting.debug("Changing index register from X to Y")
case (false, true) =>
ErrorReporting.debug("Changing index register from X to Y")
case (true, true) =>
if (preferX2Y) {
ErrorReporting.debug("Changing index register from X to Y (arbitrarily)")
} else {
ErrorReporting.debug("Changing index register from Y to X (arbitrarily)")
//noinspection OptionEqualsSome
private def canOptimize(code: List[AssemblyLine], dir: IndexDirection, loaded: Option[IndexReg]): Boolean = code match {
case AssemblyLine(_, AbsoluteY, _, _) :: xs if loaded != Some(Y) => false
case AssemblyLine(_, ZeroPageY, _, _) :: xs if loaded != Some(Y) => false
case AssemblyLine(_, IndexedX, _, _) :: xs if dir == X2Y || loaded != Some(Y) => false
case AssemblyLine(_, AbsoluteX, _, _) :: xs if loaded != Some(X) => false
case AssemblyLine(_, ZeroPageX, _, _) :: xs if loaded != Some(X) => false
case AssemblyLine(_, IndexedY, _, _) :: xs if dir == Y2X || loaded != Some(Y) => false
// using a wrong index register for one instruction is fine
case AssemblyLine(LDY | TAY, _, _, _) :: AssemblyLine(_, IndexedY, _, _) :: xs if dir == Y2X =>
canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(LDX | TAX, _, _, _) :: AssemblyLine(_, IndexedX, _, _) :: xs if dir == X2Y =>
canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(LDX | TAX, _, _, _) :: AssemblyLine(INC | DEC | ASL | ROL | ROR | LSR | STZ, AbsoluteX | ZeroPageX, _, _) :: xs if dir == X2Y =>
canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(INC | DEC | ASL | ROL | ROR | LSR | STZ, AbsoluteX | ZeroPageX, _, _) :: xs if dir == X2Y => false
case AssemblyLine(LAX, _, _, _) :: xs => false
case AssemblyLine(JSR, _, _, _) :: xs => false // TODO
case AssemblyLine(JMP, _, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(op, _, _, _) :: xs if OpcodeClasses.ShortBranching(op) => canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(RTS, _, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(LABEL, _, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, None)
case AssemblyLine(DISCARD_XF, _, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, loaded.filter(_ != X))
case AssemblyLine(DISCARD_YF, _, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, loaded.filter(_ != Y))
case AssemblyLine(_, DoesNotExist, _, _) :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, loaded)
case AssemblyLine(TAX | LDX | PLX, _, _, e) :: xs =>
(e || dir == Y2X) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(X))
case AssemblyLine(TAY | LDY | PLY, _, _, e) :: xs =>
(e || dir == X2Y) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(Y))
case AssemblyLine(TXA | STX | PHX | CPX | INX | DEX, _, _, e) :: xs =>
(e || dir == Y2X) && loaded == Some(X) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(X))
case AssemblyLine(TYA | STY | PHY | CPY | INY | DEY, _, _, e) :: xs =>
(e || dir == X2Y) && loaded == Some(Y) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(Y))
case AssemblyLine(SAX | TXS | SBX, _, _, _) :: xs => dir == Y2X && loaded == Some(X) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(X))
case AssemblyLine(TSX, _, _, _) :: xs => dir == Y2X && loaded != Some(Y) && canOptimize(xs, dir, Some(X))
case _ :: xs => canOptimize(xs, dir, loaded)
case Nil => true
private def switchX2Y(code: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = code match {
case (a@AssemblyLine(LDX | TAX, _, _, _)) :: (b@AssemblyLine(INC | DEC | ASL | ROL | ROR | LSR | STZ, AbsoluteX | ZeroPageX, _, _)) :: xs => a :: b :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (a@AssemblyLine(LDX | TAX, _, _, _)) :: (b@AssemblyLine(_, IndexedX, _, _)) :: xs => a :: b :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(TAX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = TAY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(TXA, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = TYA) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(STX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = STY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(LDX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = LDY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(INX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = INY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(DEX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = DEY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(CPX, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = CPY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case AssemblyLine(LAX, _, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected LAX")
case AssemblyLine(TXS, _, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected TXS")
case AssemblyLine(TSX, _, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected TSX")
case AssemblyLine(SBX, _, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected SBX")
case AssemblyLine(SAX, _, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected SAX")
case (x@AssemblyLine(_, AbsoluteX, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(addrMode = AbsoluteY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(_, ZeroPageX, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(addrMode = ZeroPageY) :: switchX2Y(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(_, IndexedX, _, _)) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected IndexedX")
case x::xs => x :: switchX2Y(xs)
case Nil => Nil
private def switchY2X(code: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = code match {
case AssemblyLine(LDY | TAY, _, _, _) :: AssemblyLine(_, IndexedY, _, _) :: xs => code.take(2) ++ switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(TAY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = TAX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(TYA, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = TXA) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(STY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = STX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(LDY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = LDX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(INY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = INX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(DEY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = DEX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(CPY, _, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(opcode = CPX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(_, AbsoluteY, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(addrMode = AbsoluteX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case (x@AssemblyLine(_, ZeroPageY, _, _)) :: xs => x.copy(addrMode = ZeroPageX) :: switchY2X(xs)
case AssemblyLine(_, IndexedY, _, _) :: xs => ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected IndexedY")
case x::xs => x :: switchY2X(xs)
case Nil => Nil