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2017-12-06 23:23:30 +00:00
package millfork.assembly.opt
import millfork.CompilationOptions
import millfork.assembly.{AddrMode, AssemblyLine}
import millfork.assembly.Opcode._
import millfork.assembly.AddrMode._
import millfork.env._
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* @author Karol Stasiak
object VariableToRegisterOptimization extends AssemblyOptimization {
// If any of these opcodes is present within a method,
// then it's too hard to assign any variable to a register.
private val opcodesThatAlwaysPrecludeXAllocation = Set(JSR, STX, TXA, PHX, PLX, INX, DEX, CPX, SBX, SAX)
private val opcodesThatAlwaysPrecludeYAllocation = Set(JSR, STY, TYA, PHY, PLY, INY, DEY, CPY)
// If any of these opcodes is used on a variable
// then it's too hard to assign that variable to a register.
// Also, LDY prevents assigning a variable to X and LDX prevents assigning a variable to Y.
private val opcodesThatCannotBeUsedWithIndexRegistersAsParameters =
override def name = "Allocating variables to index registers"
override def optimize(f: NormalFunction, code: List[AssemblyLine], options: CompilationOptions): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val paramVariables = f.params match {
case NormalParamSignature(ps) =>
case _ =>
// assembly functions do not get this optimization
return code
val stillUsedVariables = code.flatMap {
case AssemblyLine(_, _, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) => Some(th.name)
case _ => None
val localVariables = f.environment.getAllLocalVariables.filter {
case MemoryVariable(name, typ, VariableAllocationMethod.Auto) =>
typ.size == 1 && !paramVariables(name) && stillUsedVariables(name)
case _ => false
val candidates = None :: localVariables.map(v => Option(v.name))
val variants = for {
vx <- candidates.par
vy <- candidates
if vx != vy
(score, prologueLength) <- canBeInlined(vx, vy, code.tail, Some(1))
if prologueLength >= 1
} yield (score, prologueLength, vx, vy)
if (variants.isEmpty) {
return code
val (_, bestPrologueLength, bestX, bestY) = variants.max
if ((bestX.isDefined || bestY.isDefined) && bestPrologueLength != 0xffff) {
(bestX, bestY) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) => ErrorReporting.debug(s"Inlining $x to X and $y to Y")
case (Some(x), None) => ErrorReporting.debug(s"Inlining $x to X")
case (None, Some(y)) => ErrorReporting.debug(s"Inlining $y to Y")
case _ =>
code.take(bestPrologueLength) ++ inlineVars(bestX, bestY, code.drop(bestPrologueLength))
} else {
private def add(i: Int) = (p: (Int, Int)) => (p._1 + i) -> p._2
private def mark(i: Option[Int]) = (p: (Int, Int)) => p._1 -> i.getOrElse(p._2)
def canBeInlined(xCandidate: Option[String], yCandidate: Option[String], lines: List[AssemblyLine], instrCounter: Option[Int]): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
val vx = xCandidate.getOrElse("-")
val vy = yCandidate.getOrElse("-")
val next = instrCounter.map(_ + 1)
val next2 = instrCounter.map(_ + 2)
lines match {
case AssemblyLine(_, Immediate, SubbyteConstant(MemoryAddressConstant(th), _), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx || th.name == vy =>
// if an address of a variable is used, then that variable cannot be assigned to a register
case AssemblyLine(_, Immediate, HalfWordConstant(MemoryAddressConstant(th), _), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx || th.name == vy =>
// if an address of a variable is used, then that variable cannot be assigned to a register
case AssemblyLine(_, AbsoluteX | AbsoluteY | ZeroPageX | ZeroPageY, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs =>
// if a variable is used as an array, then it cannot be assigned to a register
if (th.name == vx || th.name == vy) {
} else {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
case AssemblyLine(opcode, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx && (opcode == LDY || opcodesThatCannotBeUsedWithIndexRegistersAsParameters(opcode)) =>
// if a variable is used by some opcodes, then it cannot be assigned to a register
case AssemblyLine(opcode, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy && (opcode == LDX || opcode == LAX || opcodesThatCannotBeUsedWithIndexRegistersAsParameters(opcode)) =>
// if a variable is used by some opcodes, then it cannot be assigned to a register
case AssemblyLine(LDX, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: xs
if xCandidate.isDefined =>
// if a register is populated with a different variable, then this variable cannot be assigned to that register
// removing LDX saves 3 cycles
if (elidable && th.name == vx) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(3)).map(mark(instrCounter))
} else {
case AssemblyLine(LAX, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: xs
if xCandidate.isDefined =>
// LAX = LDX-LDA, and since LDX simplifies to nothing and LDA simplifies to TXA,
// LAX simplifies to TXA, saving two bytes
if (elidable && th.name == vx) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(2)).map(mark(instrCounter))
} else {
case AssemblyLine(LDY, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: xs if yCandidate.isDefined =>
// if a register is populated with a different variable, then this variable cannot be assigned to that register
// removing LDX saves 3 cycles
if (elidable && th.name == vy) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(3)).map(mark(instrCounter))
} else {
case AssemblyLine(LDX, _, _, _) :: xs if xCandidate.isDefined =>
// if a register is populated with something else than a variable, then no variable cannot be assigned to that register
case AssemblyLine(LDY, _, _, _) :: xs if yCandidate.isDefined =>
// if a register is populated with something else than a variable, then no variable cannot be assigned to that register
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: AssemblyLine(TAX, _, _, elidable2) :: xs
if xCandidate.isDefined =>
// a variable cannot be inlined if there is TAX not after LDA of that variable
// but LDA-TAX can be simplified to TXA
if (elidable && elidable2 && th.name == vx) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(3)).map(mark(instrCounter))
} else {
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: AssemblyLine(TAY, _, _, elidable2) :: xs
if yCandidate.isDefined =>
// a variable cannot be inlined if there is TAY not after LDA of that variable
// but LDA-TAY can be simplified to TYA
if (elidable && elidable2 && th.name == vy) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(3)).map(mark(instrCounter))
} else {
case AssemblyLine(LDA | STA | INC | DEC, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), elidable) :: xs =>
// changing LDA->TXA, STA->TAX, INC->INX, DEC->DEX saves 2 cycles
if (th.name == vy || th.name == vx) {
if (elidable) canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(add(2)).map(mark(instrCounter))
else None
} else {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
case AssemblyLine(TAX, _, _, _) :: xs if xCandidate.isDefined =>
// a variable cannot be inlined if there is TAX not after LDA of that variable
if (instrCounter.isDefined) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
} else None
case AssemblyLine(TAY, _, _, _) :: xs if yCandidate.isDefined =>
// a variable cannot be inlined if there is TAY not after LDA of that variable
if (instrCounter.isDefined) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
} else None
case AssemblyLine(LABEL, _, _, _) :: xs =>
// labels always end the initial section
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, None).map(mark(instrCounter))
case x :: xs =>
if (instrCounter.isDefined) {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
} else {
if (xCandidate.isDefined && opcodesThatAlwaysPrecludeXAllocation(x.opcode)) {
} else if (yCandidate.isDefined && opcodesThatAlwaysPrecludeYAllocation(x.opcode)) {
} else {
canBeInlined(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs, next)
case Nil => Some(0 -> -1)
def inlineVars(xCandidate: Option[String], yCandidate: Option[String], lines: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val vx = xCandidate.getOrElse("-")
val vy = yCandidate.getOrElse("-")
lines match {
case AssemblyLine(INC, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
AssemblyLine.implied(INX) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(INC, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
AssemblyLine.implied(INY) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(DEC, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
AssemblyLine.implied(DEX) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(DEC, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
AssemblyLine.implied(DEY) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDX, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LAX, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
AssemblyLine.implied(TXA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDY, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), true) :: AssemblyLine(TAX, _, _, true) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
// these TXA's may get optimized away by a different optimization
AssemblyLine.implied(TXA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), true) :: AssemblyLine(TAY, _, _, true) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
// these TYA's may get optimized away by a different optimization
AssemblyLine.implied(TYA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, am, param, true) :: AssemblyLine(STA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), true) :: xs
if th.name == vx && doesntUseX(am) =>
// these TXA's may get optimized away by a different optimization
AssemblyLine(LDX, am, param) :: AssemblyLine.implied(TXA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, am, param, true) :: AssemblyLine(STA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), true) :: xs
if th.name == vy && doesntUseY(am) =>
// these TYA's may get optimized away by a different optimization
AssemblyLine(LDY, am, param) :: AssemblyLine.implied(TYA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: AssemblyLine(CMP, am, param, true) :: xs
if th.name == vx && doesntUseXOrY(am) =>
// ditto
AssemblyLine.implied(TXA) :: AssemblyLine(CPX, am, param) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: AssemblyLine(CMP, am, param, true) :: xs
if th.name == vy && doesntUseXOrY(am) =>
// ditto
AssemblyLine.implied(TYA) :: AssemblyLine(CPY, am, param) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
AssemblyLine.implied(TXA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(LDA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
AssemblyLine.implied(TYA) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(STA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vx =>
AssemblyLine.implied(TAX) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(STA, Absolute, MemoryAddressConstant(th), _) :: xs
if th.name == vy =>
AssemblyLine.implied(TAY) :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case AssemblyLine(TAX, _, _, _) :: xs if xCandidate.isDefined =>
ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected TAX")
case AssemblyLine(TAY, _, _, _) :: xs if yCandidate.isDefined =>
ErrorReporting.fatal("Unexpected TAY")
case x :: xs => x :: inlineVars(xCandidate, yCandidate, xs)
case Nil => Nil
def doesntUseY(am: AddrMode.Value): Boolean = am match {
case AbsoluteY | ZeroPageY | IndexedY => false
case _ => true
def doesntUseX(am: AddrMode.Value): Boolean = am match {
case AbsoluteX | ZeroPageX | IndexedX => false
case _ => true
def doesntUseXOrY(am: AddrMode.Value): Boolean = am match {
case Immediate | ZeroPage | Absolute | Relative | Indirect => true
case _ => false