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2017-12-06 23:23:30 +00:00
package millfork.env
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions}
import millfork.assembly.Opcode
import millfork.compiler._
import millfork.error.ErrorReporting
import millfork.node._
import millfork.output.VariableAllocator
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Karol Stasiak
//noinspection NotImplementedCode
class Environment(val parent: Option[Environment], val prefix: String) {
private var baseStackOffset = 0x101
private val relVarId = new AtomicLong
def genRelativeVariable(constant: Constant, typ: Type, zeropage: Boolean): RelativeVariable = {
val variable = RelativeVariable(".rv__" + relVarId.incrementAndGet().formatted("%06d"), constant, typ, zeropage = zeropage)
addThing(variable, None)
def allThings: Environment = {
val allThings: Map[String, Thing] = things.values.map {
case m: FunctionInMemory =>
case m: InlinedFunction =>
case _ => Map[String, Thing]()
}.fold(things.toMap)(_ ++ _)
val e = new Environment(None, "")
e.things ++= allThings
private def getAllPrefixedThings = {
things.toMap.map { case (n, th) => (if (n.startsWith(".")) n else prefix + n, th) }
def getAllLocalVariables: List[Variable] = things.values.flatMap {
case v: Variable =>
case _ => None
def allPreallocatables: List[PrellocableThing] = things.values.flatMap {
case m: NormalFunction => Some(m)
case m: InitializedArray => Some(m)
case _ => None
def allConstants: List[ConstantThing] = things.values.flatMap {
case m: NormalFunction => m.environment.allConstants
case m: InlinedFunction => m.environment.allConstants
case m: ConstantThing => List(m)
case _ => Nil
def allocateVariables(nf: Option[NormalFunction], callGraph: CallGraph, allocator: VariableAllocator, options: CompilationOptions, onEachVariable: (String, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
val b = get[Type]("byte")
val p = get[Type]("pointer")
var params = nf.fold(List[String]()) { f =>
f.params match {
case NormalParamSignature(ps) =>
ps.map(p => p.name)
case _ =>
val toAdd = things.values.flatMap {
case m: UninitializedMemory =>
val vertex = if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.VariableOverlap)) {
nf.fold[VariableVertex](GlobalVertex) { f =>
if (m.alloc == VariableAllocationMethod.Static) {
} else if (params(m.name)) {
} else {
} else GlobalVertex
m.alloc match {
case VariableAllocationMethod.None =>
case VariableAllocationMethod.Zeropage =>
m.sizeInBytes match {
case 2 =>
val addr =
allocator.allocatePointer(callGraph, vertex)
onEachVariable(m.name, addr)
ConstantThing(m.name.stripPrefix(prefix) + "`", NumericConstant(addr, 2), p)
case VariableAllocationMethod.Auto | VariableAllocationMethod.Static =>
m.sizeInBytes match {
case 0 => Nil
case 2 =>
val addr =
allocator.allocateBytes(callGraph, vertex, options, 2)
onEachVariable(m.name, addr)
ConstantThing(m.name.stripPrefix(prefix) + "`", NumericConstant(addr, 2), p)
case count =>
val addr = allocator.allocateBytes(callGraph, vertex, options, count)
onEachVariable(m.name, addr)
ConstantThing(m.name.stripPrefix(prefix) + "`", NumericConstant(addr, 2), p)
case f: NormalFunction =>
f.environment.allocateVariables(Some(f), callGraph, allocator, options, onEachVariable)
case _ => Nil
val tagged: List[(String, Thing)] = toAdd.map(x => x.name -> x)
things ++= tagged
val things: mutable.Map[String, Thing] = mutable.Map()
private def addThing(t: Thing, position: Option[Position]): Unit = {
assertNotDefined(t.name, position)
things(t.name.stripPrefix(prefix)) = t
def removeVariable(str: String): Unit = {
things -= str
things -= str + ".addr"
def get[T <: Thing : Manifest](name: String, position: Option[Position] = None): T = {
val clazz = implicitly[Manifest[T]].runtimeClass
if (things.contains(name)) {
val t: Thing = things(name)
if ((t ne null) && clazz.isInstance(t)) {
} else {
ErrorReporting.fatal(s"`$name` is not a ${clazz.getSimpleName}", position)
} else parent.fold {
ErrorReporting.fatal(s"${clazz.getSimpleName} `$name` is not defined", position)
} {
_.get[T](name, position)
def maybeGet[T <: Thing : Manifest](name: String): Option[T] = {
if (things.contains(name)) {
val t: Thing = things(name)
val clazz = implicitly[Manifest[T]].runtimeClass
if ((t ne null) && clazz.isInstance(t)) {
} else {
} else parent.flatMap {
def getArrayOrPointer(arrayName: String): Thing = {
orElse(maybeGet[ThingInMemory](arrayName + ".array")).
getOrElse(ErrorReporting.fatal(s"`$arrayName` is not an array or a pointer"))
if (parent.isEmpty) {
addThing(VoidType, None)
addThing(BuiltInBooleanType, None)
addThing(BasicPlainType("byte", 1), None)
addThing(BasicPlainType("word", 2), None)
addThing(BasicPlainType("long", 4), None)
addThing(DerivedPlainType("pointer", get[PlainType]("word"), isSigned = false), None)
addThing(DerivedPlainType("ubyte", get[PlainType]("byte"), isSigned = false), None)
addThing(DerivedPlainType("sbyte", get[PlainType]("byte"), isSigned = true), None)
addThing(DerivedPlainType("cent", get[PlainType]("byte"), isSigned = false), None)
val trueType = ConstantBooleanType("true$", value = true)
val falseType = ConstantBooleanType("false$", value = false)
addThing(trueType, None)
addThing(falseType, None)
addThing(ConstantThing("true", NumericConstant(0, 0), trueType), None)
addThing(ConstantThing("false", NumericConstant(0, 0), falseType), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("set_carry", Opcode.BCS, Opcode.BCC), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("clear_carry", Opcode.BCC, Opcode.BCS), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("set_overflow", Opcode.BVS, Opcode.BVC), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("clear_overflow", Opcode.BVC, Opcode.BVS), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("set_zero", Opcode.BEQ, Opcode.BNE), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("clear_zero", Opcode.BNE, Opcode.BEQ), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("set_negative", Opcode.BMI, Opcode.BPL), None)
addThing(FlagBooleanType("clear_negative", Opcode.BPL, Opcode.BMI), None)
def assertNotDefined(name: String, position: Option[Position]): Unit = {
if (things.contains(name) || parent.exists(_.things.contains(name)))
ErrorReporting.fatal(s"`$name` is already defined", position)
def registerType(stmt: TypeDefinitionStatement): Unit = {
// addThing(DerivedPlainType(stmt.name, get(stmt.parent)))
def sequence[A](a: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] = a match {
case Nil => Some(Nil)
case None :: _ => None
case Some(r) :: t => sequence(t) map (r :: _)
def evalVariableAndConstantSubParts(e: Expression): (Option[Expression], Constant) =
e match {
case SumExpression(params, false) =>
val (constants, variables) = params.map { case (sign, expr) => (sign, expr, eval(expr)) }.partition(_._3.isDefined)
val constant = eval(SumExpression(constants.map(x => (x._1, x._2)), decimal = false)).get
val variable = variables match {
case Nil => None
case List((false, x, _)) => Some(x)
case _ => Some(SumExpression(variables.map(x => (x._1, x._2)), decimal = false))
variable -> constant
case _ => eval(e) match {
case Some(c) => None -> c
case None => Some(e) -> Constant.Zero
def eval(e: Expression): Option[Constant] = {
e match {
case LiteralExpression(value, size) => Some(NumericConstant(value, size))
case VariableExpression(name) =>
case IndexedExpression(_, _) => None
case HalfWordExpression(param, hi) => eval(e).map(c => if (hi) c.hiByte else c.loByte)
case SumExpression(params, decimal) =>
params.map {
case (minus, param) => (minus, eval(param))
}.foldLeft(Some(Constant.Zero).asInstanceOf[Option[Constant]]) { (oc, pair) =>
oc.flatMap { c =>
pair match {
case (_, None) => None
case (minus, Some(addend)) =>
val op = if (decimal) {
if (minus) MathOperator.DecimalMinus else MathOperator.DecimalPlus
} else {
if (minus) MathOperator.Minus else MathOperator.Plus
Some(CompoundConstant(op, c, addend))
case SeparateBytesExpression(h, l) => for {
lc <- eval(l)
hc <- eval(h)
} yield hc.asl(8) + lc
case FunctionCallExpression(name, params) =>
name match {
case "*" =>
constantOperation(MathOperator.Times, params)
case "&&" | "&" =>
constantOperation(MathOperator.And, params)
case "^" =>
constantOperation(MathOperator.Exor, params)
case "||" | "|" =>
constantOperation(MathOperator.Or, params)
case _ =>
private def constantOperation(op: MathOperator.Value, params: List[Expression]) = {
params.map(eval(_)).reduceLeft[Option[Constant]] { (oc, om) =>
for {
c <- oc
m <- om
} yield CompoundConstant(op, c, m)
def registerFunction(stmt: FunctionDeclarationStatement, options: CompilationOptions): Unit = {
val w = get[Type]("word")
val name = stmt.name
val resultType = get[Type](stmt.resultType)
if (stmt.reentrant && stmt.interrupt) ErrorReporting.error(s"Reentrant function `$name` cannot be an interrupt handler", stmt.position)
if (stmt.reentrant && stmt.params.nonEmpty) ErrorReporting.error(s"Reentrant function `$name` cannot have parameters", stmt.position)
if (stmt.interrupt && stmt.params.nonEmpty) ErrorReporting.error(s"Interrupt function `$name` cannot have parameters", stmt.position)
if (stmt.inlined) {
if (!stmt.assembly) {
if (stmt.params.nonEmpty) ErrorReporting.error(s"Inline non-assembly function `$name` cannot have parameters", stmt.position) // TODO: ???
if (resultType != VoidType) ErrorReporting.error(s"Inline non-assembly function `$name` must return void", stmt.position)
if (stmt.params.exists(_.assemblyParamPassingConvention.inNonInlinedOnly))
ErrorReporting.error(s"Inline function `$name` cannot have by-variable parameters", stmt.position)
} else {
if (!stmt.assembly) {
if (stmt.params.exists(!_.assemblyParamPassingConvention.isInstanceOf[ByVariable]))
ErrorReporting.error(s"Non-assembly function `$name` cannot have non-variable parameters", stmt.position)
if (stmt.params.exists(_.assemblyParamPassingConvention.inInlinedOnly))
ErrorReporting.error(s"Non-inline function `$name` cannot have inlinable parameters", stmt.position)
val env = new Environment(Some(this), name + "$")
stmt.params.foreach(p => env.registerParameter(p))
val params = if (stmt.assembly) {
AssemblyParamSignature(stmt.params.map {
pd =>
val typ = env.get[Type](pd.typ)
pd.assemblyParamPassingConvention match {
case ByVariable(vn) =>
AssemblyParam(typ, env.get[MemoryVariable](vn), AssemblyParameterPassingBehaviour.Copy)
case ByRegister(reg) =>
AssemblyParam(typ, RegisterVariable(reg, typ), AssemblyParameterPassingBehaviour.Copy)
case ByConstant(vn) =>
AssemblyParam(typ, Placeholder(vn, typ), AssemblyParameterPassingBehaviour.ByConstant)
case ByReference(vn) =>
AssemblyParam(typ, Placeholder(vn, typ), AssemblyParameterPassingBehaviour.ByReference)
} else {
NormalParamSignature(stmt.params.map { pd =>
stmt.statements match {
case None =>
stmt.address match {
case None =>
ErrorReporting.error(s"Extern function `${stmt.name}`needs an address", stmt.position)
case Some(a) =>
val addr = eval(a).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Address of `${stmt.name}` is not a constant", stmt.position))
val mangled = ExternFunction(
addThing(mangled, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(mangled, stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(name + '`', addr, w), stmt.position)
case Some(statements) =>
statements.foreach {
case v: VariableDeclarationStatement => env.registerVariable(v, options)
case _ => ()
val executableStatements = statements.flatMap {
case e: ExecutableStatement => Some(e)
case _ => None
val needsExtraRTS = !stmt.inlined && !stmt.assembly && (statements.isEmpty || !statements.last.isInstanceOf[ReturnStatement])
if (stmt.inlined) {
val mangled = new InlinedFunction(
executableStatements ++ (if (needsExtraRTS) List(AssemblyStatement.implied(Opcode.RTS, elidable = true)) else Nil),
addThing(mangled, stmt.position)
} else {
var stackVariablesSize = env.things.values.map {
case StackVariable(n, t, _) if !n.contains(".") => t.size
case _ => 0
val mangled = NormalFunction(
stmt.address.map(a => this.eval(a).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Address of `${stmt.name}` is not a constant"))),
executableStatements ++ (if (needsExtraRTS) List(ReturnStatement(None)) else Nil),
interrupt = stmt.interrupt,
reentrant = stmt.reentrant,
position = stmt.position
addThing(mangled, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(mangled, stmt.position)
private def registerAddressConstant(thing: ThingInMemory, position: Option[Position]): Unit = {
val addr = thing.toAddress
addThing(ConstantThing(thing.name + ".addr", addr, get[Type]("pointer")), position)
addThing(ConstantThing(thing.name + ".addr.hi", addr.hiByte, get[Type]("byte")), position)
addThing(ConstantThing(thing.name + ".addr.lo", addr.loByte, get[Type]("byte")), position)
def registerParameter(stmt: ParameterDeclaration): Unit = {
val typ = get[Type](stmt.typ)
val b = get[Type]("byte")
val p = get[Type]("pointer")
stmt.assemblyParamPassingConvention match {
case ByVariable(name) =>
val zp = typ.name == "pointer" // TODO
val v = MemoryVariable(prefix + name, typ, if (zp) VariableAllocationMethod.Zeropage else VariableAllocationMethod.Auto)
addThing(v, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(v, stmt.position)
if (typ.size == 2) {
val addr = v.toAddress
addThing(RelativeVariable(v.name + ".hi", addr + 1, b, zeropage = zp), stmt.position)
addThing(RelativeVariable(v.name + ".lo", addr, b, zeropage = zp), stmt.position)
case ByRegister(_) => ()
case ByConstant(name) =>
val v = ConstantThing(prefix + name, UnexpandedConstant(prefix + name, typ.size), typ)
addThing(v, stmt.position)
case ByReference(name) =>
val addr = UnexpandedConstant(prefix + name, typ.size)
val v = RelativeVariable(prefix + name, addr, p, zeropage = false)
addThing(v, stmt.position)
addThing(RelativeVariable(v.name + ".hi", addr + 1, b, zeropage = false), stmt.position)
addThing(RelativeVariable(v.name + ".lo", addr, b, zeropage = false), stmt.position)
def registerArray(stmt: ArrayDeclarationStatement): Unit = {
val b = get[Type]("byte")
val p = get[Type]("pointer")
stmt.elements match {
case None =>
stmt.length match {
case None => ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` without size nor contents", stmt.position)
case Some(l) =>
val address = stmt.address.map(a => eval(a).getOrElse(ErrorReporting.fatal(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has non-constant address", stmt.position)))
val lengthConst = eval(l).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has non-constant length", stmt.position))
lengthConst match {
case NumericConstant(length, _) =>
if (length > 0xffff || length < 0) ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has invalid length", stmt.position)
val array = address match {
case None => UninitializedArray(stmt.name + ".array", length.toInt)
case Some(aa) => RelativeArray(stmt.name + ".array", aa, length.toInt)
addThing(array, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(stmt.name, p, VariableAllocationMethod.None), stmt.position)
val a = address match {
case None => array.toAddress
case Some(aa) => aa
addThing(RelativeVariable(stmt.name + ".first", a, b, zeropage = false), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name, a, p), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".hi", a.hiByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".lo", a.loByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".array.hi", a.hiByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".array.lo", a.loByte, b), stmt.position)
if (length < 256) {
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".length", lengthConst, b), stmt.position)
case _ => ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has weird length", stmt.position)
case Some(contents) =>
stmt.length match {
case None =>
case Some(l) =>
val lengthConst = eval(l).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has non-constant length", stmt.position))
lengthConst match {
case NumericConstant(ll, _) =>
if (ll != contents.length) ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has different declared and actual length", stmt.position)
case _ => ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has weird length", stmt.position)
val length = contents.length
if (length > 0xffff || length < 0) ErrorReporting.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has invalid length", stmt.position)
val address = stmt.address.map(a => eval(a).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has non-constant address", stmt.position)))
val data = contents.map(x => eval(x).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Array `${stmt.name}` has non-constant contents", stmt.position)))
val array = InitializedArray(stmt.name + ".array", address, data)
addThing(array, stmt.position)
registerAddressConstant(MemoryVariable(stmt.name, p, VariableAllocationMethod.None), stmt.position)
val a = address match {
case None => array.toAddress
case Some(aa) => aa
addThing(RelativeVariable(stmt.name + ".first", a, b, zeropage = false), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name, a, p), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".hi", a.hiByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".lo", a.loByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".array.hi", a.hiByte, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".array.lo", a.loByte, b), stmt.position)
if (length < 256) {
addThing(ConstantThing(stmt.name + ".length", NumericConstant(length, 1), b), stmt.position)
def registerVariable(stmt: VariableDeclarationStatement, options: CompilationOptions): Unit = {
if (stmt.volatile) {
ErrorReporting.warn("`volatile` not yet supported", options)
val name = stmt.name
val position = stmt.position
if (stmt.stack && parent.isEmpty) {
if (stmt.stack && stmt.global) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is static or global and cannot be on stack", position)
val b = get[Type]("byte")
val typ = get[PlainType](stmt.typ)
if (stmt.typ == "pointer") {
// if (stmt.constant) {
// ErrorReporting.error(s"Pointer `${stmt.name}` cannot be constant")
// }
stmt.address.flatMap(eval) match {
case Some(NumericConstant(a, _)) =>
if ((a & 0xff00) != 0)
ErrorReporting.error(s"Pointer `${stmt.name}` cannot be located outside the zero page")
case _ => ()
if (stmt.constant) {
if (stmt.stack) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is a constant and cannot be on stack", position)
if (stmt.address.isDefined) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is a constant and cannot have an address", position)
if (stmt.initialValue.isEmpty) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is a constant and requires a value", position)
val constantValue: Constant = stmt.initialValue.flatMap(eval).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"`$name` has a non-constant value", position))
if (constantValue.requiredSize > typ.size) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is has an invalid value: not in the range of `$typ`", position)
addThing(ConstantThing(prefix + name, constantValue, typ), stmt.position)
if (typ.size == 2) {
addThing(ConstantThing(prefix + name + ".hi", constantValue + 1, b), stmt.position)
addThing(ConstantThing(prefix + name + ".lo", constantValue, b), stmt.position)
} else {
if (stmt.stack && stmt.global) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is static or global and cannot be on stack", position)
if (stmt.initialValue.isDefined) ErrorReporting.error(s"`$name` is not a constant and cannot have a value", position)
if (stmt.stack) {
val v = StackVariable(prefix + name, typ, this.baseStackOffset)
baseStackOffset += typ.size
addThing(v, stmt.position)
if (typ.size == 2) {
addThing(StackVariable(prefix + name + ".lo", b, baseStackOffset), stmt.position)
addThing(StackVariable(prefix + name + ".hi", b, baseStackOffset + 1), stmt.position)
} else {
val (v, addr) = stmt.address.fold[(VariableInMemory, Constant)]({
val alloc = if (typ.name == "pointer") VariableAllocationMethod.Zeropage else if (stmt.global) VariableAllocationMethod.Static else VariableAllocationMethod.Auto
val v = MemoryVariable(prefix + name, typ, alloc)
registerAddressConstant(v, stmt.position)
(v, v.toAddress)
})(a => {
val addr = eval(a).getOrElse(Constant.error(s"Address of `$name` has a non-constant value", position))
val zp = addr match {
case NumericConstant(n, _) => n < 0x100
case _ => false
(RelativeVariable(prefix + name, addr, typ, zeropage = zp), addr)
addThing(v, stmt.position)
if (!v.isInstanceOf[MemoryVariable]) {
addThing(ConstantThing(v.name + "`", addr, b), stmt.position)
if (typ.size == 2) {
addThing(RelativeVariable(prefix + name + ".hi", addr + 1, b, zeropage = v.zeropage), stmt.position)
addThing(RelativeVariable(prefix + name + ".lo", addr, b, zeropage = v.zeropage), stmt.position)
def lookup[T <: Thing : Manifest](name: String): Option[T] = {
if (things.contains(name)) {
} else {
def lookupFunction(name: String, actualParams: List[(Type, Expression)]): Option[MangledFunction] = {
if (things.contains(name)) {
val function = get[MangledFunction](name)
if (function.params.length != actualParams.length) {
ErrorReporting.error(s"Invalid number of parameters for function `$name`", actualParams.headOption.flatMap(_._2.position))
function.params match {
case NormalParamSignature(params) =>
function.params.types.zip(actualParams).zip(params).foreach { case ((required, (actual, expr)), m) =>
if (!actual.isAssignableTo(required)) {
ErrorReporting.error(s"Invalid value for parameter `${m.name}` of function `$name`", expr.position)
case AssemblyParamSignature(params) =>
function.params.types.zip(actualParams).zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((required, (actual, expr)), ix) =>
if (!actual.isAssignableTo(required)) {
ErrorReporting.error(s"Invalid value for parameter ${ix + 1} of function `$name`", expr.position)
} else {
parent.flatMap(_.lookupFunction(name, actualParams))
def collectDeclarations(program: Program, options: CompilationOptions): Unit = {
program.declarations.foreach {
case f: FunctionDeclarationStatement => registerFunction(f, options)
case v: VariableDeclarationStatement => registerVariable(v, options)
case a: ArrayDeclarationStatement => registerArray(a)
case i: ImportStatement => ()