mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2024-05-31 18:41:30 +00:00

X16: Updated to the newest hardware design

This commit is contained in:
Karol Stasiak 2020-05-01 15:19:25 +02:00
parent 655edc35ff
commit 4b5d290d6c
12 changed files with 540 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ These features are used to identify the target machine in multiplatform programs
1 if the target is the machine in question, 0 otherwise
* `VERA_VERSION` on Commander X16, the version of the VERA chip: `7` for 0.7, `8` for 0.8
* `VERA_VERSION` on Commander X16, the version of the VERA chip: `7` for 0.7, `8` for 0.8, `9` for 0.9
### Built-in preprocessor functions and operators

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
**WARNING!** Commander X16 is not yet a finalised design.
Therefore, both the device itself and the modules for its support may change at any moment.
The X16-oriented modules may be out of date and not support the current design of the device.
## x16_kernal
@ -11,6 +12,11 @@ The `x16_kernal` module is imported automatically on the X16 target.
Currently, it automatically imports the [`c64_kernal` module](./c64.md).
#### `void mouse_config(byte register(a) enable, byte register(x) scale)`
Configures the mouse pointer.
`enable` should be `1` to enable, `0` to disable and `$ff` to enable without reconfiguration.
`scale` should be `1` on 640×480 screens, `2` on 320×240 screens, and `0` to keep the current scale.
## x16_hardware
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ Copies `size` bytes from the RAM at address `source` into the VERA memory space
#### `struct vera_layer_setup`
Hardware register values for a video layer:
Hardware register values for a video layer. For VERA 0.7 and 0.8:
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
@ -52,13 +58,31 @@ Hardware register values for a video layer:
word hscroll
word vscroll
For VERA 0.9:
byte config
byte map_base
byte tile_base
word hscroll
word vscroll
#### `void set_vera_layer1(pointer.vera_layer_setup)`
Sets up the layer 1.
Sets up the layer 1. VERA 0.7 and 0.8 only.
On VERA 0.9, use `vera_layer0` directly.
#### `void set_vera_layer2(pointer.vera_layer_setup)`
Sets up the layer 2.
Sets up the layer 2. VERA 0.7 and 0.8 only.
On VERA 0.9, use `vera_layer1` directly.
#### `vera_layer_setup vera_layer0`
Direct access to registers for the layer 0. VERA 0.9 only.
#### `vera_layer_setup vera_layer1`
Direct access to registers for the layer 1. VERA 0.9 only.
#### `struct vera_sprite_data`
@ -70,15 +94,33 @@ Hardware register values for a sprite:
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
#### `const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL`
#### `void vera_upload_sprite(byte sprite_id, pointer.vera_sprite_data source)`
Uploads sprite data for given sprite id.
#### `const int24 VERA_PALETTE`
#### `const int24 VERA_LAYER_1`
#### `const int24 VERA_LAYER_2`
#### `const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL`
#### `const int24 VERA_SPRITES`
Various addresses in the VERA memory space.
#### `const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL`
#### `const int24 VERA_LAYER_1`
#### `const int24 VERA_LAYER_2`
#### `const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL`
Various addresses in the VERA memory space. VERA 0.7 and 0.8 only.
#### `void vera_reset()`
Resets the VERA.
#### `void vera_set_sprites_enable(bool enabled)`
Enables/disables sprites.
#### `void set_border(byte color)`
Changes the color of the border.
## x16_joy
@ -120,9 +162,22 @@ Variable | SNES controller | NES controller | Keyboard (joy 1 only)
`input_b` is an alias for `input_btn`. Single-button games should use `input_btn` for compatibility.
#### `x16_joy_type joy_type`
The type of the last read joystick. One of `joy_none`, `joy_nes`, `joy_snes`, `joy_keyboard`.
## x16_joy1_default module
Defines the joystick in port 1 as the default joystick.
#### `alias read_joy = read_joy1`
## x16_mouse
The `x16_mouse` module implements a mouse driver compatible with the `mouse` module.
Before using this, you may want to call `mouse_config` from the `x16_kernal` module.
#### `void read_mouse()`
Reads the state of the mouse.

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@ -94,3 +94,5 @@ no more one of which will display correctly depending on the default font of you
* [Palette](x16/palette.mfk) displays the default 256-colour palette.
* [Balls](x16/balls.mfk) 16 sprites using 240 colours.
* [Joy demo](x16/joydemo.mfk) simple joystick demo.

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void main () {
vera_upload_large($10000, sprite_bitmap.addr, sizeof(sprite_bitmap))
vera_upload_large(VERA_SPRITES, sprites.addr, sizeof(sprites))
// enable sprites:
vera_poke(VERA_SPRITE_CTRL, 1)
while true {
for i,0,paralleluntil,SPRITE_COUNT {
p = sprites[i].pointer

examples/x16/joydemo.mfk Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import x16_kernal
import x16_hardware
import x16_joy1_default
vera_sprite_data sprite
void main() {
sprite.address = $800
sprite.x = 100
sprite.y = 100
// no collision, above all layers, no flipping
sprite.ctrl0 = $c
// 32×32 pixels
sprite.ctrl1 = $a0
vera_upload_sprite(0, sprite.pointer)
vera_upload_large($10000, sprite_bitmap.addr, sizeof(sprite_bitmap))
while true {
sprite.x += input_dx
sprite.y += input_dy
if input_start != 0 {
sprite.ctrl1 = (sprite.ctrl1 & $f0) | ($f & (sprite.ctrl1 + 1))
vera_upload_sprite(0, sprite.pointer)
//vera_upload_large(VERA_SPRITES, sprite.addr, sizeof(sprite))
array sprite_bitmap = [

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@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ segment_himem_ff_bank=$ff
; Use VERA 0.8, as this is what the newest version of the emulator implements:
; Use VERA 0.9, as this is what the newest version of the emulator implements:

include/x16/vera_7_or_8.mfk Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL = $40040
const int24 VERA_PALETTE = $40200
const int24 VERA_LAYER_1 = $40000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_2 = $40010
const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL = $40020
const int24 VERA_SPRITES = $40800
volatile byte vera_addr_hi @ $9f20
volatile byte vera_addr_mi @ $9f21
volatile byte vera_addr_lo @ $9f22
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL = $F0000
const int24 VERA_PALETTE = $F1000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_1 = $F2000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_2 = $F3000
const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL = $F4000
const int24 VERA_SPRITES = $F5000
volatile byte vera_addr_hi @ $9f22
volatile byte vera_addr_mi @ $9f21
volatile byte vera_addr_lo @ $9f20
volatile int24 vera_addr @ $9f20
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
volatile byte vera_data1 @ $9f23
volatile byte vera_data2 @ $9f24
volatile byte vera_ctrl @ $9f25
volatile byte vera_ien @ $9f26
volatile byte vera_isr @ $9f27
struct vera_layer_setup {
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
word map_base
word tile_base
word hscroll
word vscroll
asm void set_vera_layer_internal(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax, byte y) {
sta __reg
stx __reg+1
stz vera_ctrl
lda $14
sta vera_addr_hi
stz vera_addr_mi
sty vera_addr_lo
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
lda $1F
sta vera_addr_hi
sty vera_addr_mi
stz vera_addr_lo
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
ldy #0
lda (__reg),y
sta vera_data1
cpy #sizeof(vera_layer_setup)
bne __set_layer_internal_loop
? rts
asm void set_vera_layer1(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax) {
? ldy #0
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
? ldy #$20
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
? jmp set_vera_layer_internal
asm void set_vera_layer2(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax) {
? ldy #$10
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
? ldy #$30
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
? jmp set_vera_layer_internal
inline void vera_poke(int24 address, byte value) {
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_data1 = value
inline byte vera_peek(int24 address) {
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2
vera_ctrl = 0
return vera_data1
inline void vera_fill(int24 address, byte value, word size) {
word i
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
vera_ctrl = 0
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data1 = value
void vera_upload_large(int24 address, pointer source, word size) {
word i
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data1 = source[i]
inline void vera_upload(int24 address, pointer source, byte size) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
asm {
? ldy #0
? lda (source),y
! sta vera_data1
? iny
? cpy size
? bne __vera_upload_loop
inline void vera_reset() {
vera_ctrl = $80
vera_ctrl = 0
inline void vera_set_sprites_enable(bool enabled) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_ctrl = 0
struct vera_sprite_data {
word address
word x
word y
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
void vera_upload_sprite(byte sprite_id, pointer.vera_sprite_data source) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = sprite_id << 3
vera_addr_mi = (sprite_id >> 5) | VERA_SPRITES.b1
vera_addr_hi = VERA_SPRITES.b2 | $10
asm {
? ldy #7
? lda (source),y
! sta vera_data0
? iny
? cpy #sizeof(vera_sprite_data)
? bne __vera_upload_sprite_loop
inline void vera_set_sprites_enable(bool enabled) {
vera_poke(VERA_SPRITE_CTRL, byte(enabled))
inline void vera_set_border(byte color) {
vera_poke(VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL + 3, color)
alias set_border = vera_set_border

include/x16/vera_9.mfk Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
const int24 VERA_PALETTE = $1FA00
const int24 VERA_SPRITES = $1FC00
volatile byte vera_addr_lo @ $9f20
volatile byte vera_addr_mi @ $9f21
volatile byte vera_addr_hi @ $9f22
volatile int24 vera_addr @ $9f20
volatile byte vera_data0 @ $9f23
volatile byte vera_data1 @ $9f24
volatile byte vera_ctrl @ $9f25
volatile byte vera_ien @ $9f26
volatile byte vera_isr @ $9f27
volatile byte vera_irqline @ $9f28
volatile byte vera_dc_video_hstart @ $9f29
volatile byte vera_dc_hscale_hstop @ $9f29
volatile byte vera_dc_vscale_vstart @ $9f2b
volatile byte vera_dc_border_vstop @ $9f2c
struct vera_layer_setup {
byte config
byte map_base
byte tile_base
word hscroll
word vscroll
volatile vera_layer_setup vera_layer0 @$9F2D
volatile vera_layer_setup vera_layer1 @$9F34
inline void vera_poke(int24 address, byte value) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr = address
vera_data0 = value
inline byte vera_peek(int24 address) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr = address
return vera_data0
inline void vera_fill(int24 address, byte value, word size) {
word i
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
vera_ctrl = 0
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data0 = value
void vera_upload_large(int24 address, pointer source, word size) {
word i
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data0 = source[i]
inline void vera_upload(int24 address, pointer source, byte size) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
asm {
? ldy #0
? lda (source),y
! sta vera_data0
? iny
? cpy size
? bne __vera_upload_loop
inline void vera_reset() {
vera_ctrl = $80
vera_ctrl = 0
struct vera_sprite_data {
word address
word x
word y
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
void vera_upload_sprite(byte sprite_id, pointer.vera_sprite_data source) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = sprite_id << 3
vera_addr_mi = (sprite_id >> 5) | VERA_SPRITES.b1
vera_addr_hi = VERA_SPRITES.b2 | $10
asm {
? ldy #0
? lda (source),y
! sta vera_data0
? iny
? cpy #sizeof(vera_sprite_data)
? bne __vera_upload_sprite_loop
inline void vera_set_sprites_enable(bool enabled) {
vera_ctrl = 0
if enabled {
vera_dc_video_hstart |= $40
} else {
vera_dc_video_hstart &= $ff ^ $40
inline void vera_set_border(byte color) {
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_dc_border_vstop = color
alias set_border = vera_set_border

View File

@ -1,162 +1,12 @@
const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL = $40040
const int24 VERA_PALETTE = $40200
const int24 VERA_LAYER_1 = $40000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_2 = $40010
const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL = $40020
const int24 VERA_SPRITES = $40800
volatile byte vera_addr_hi @ $9f20
volatile byte vera_addr_mi @ $9f21
volatile byte vera_addr_lo @ $9f22
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
const int24 VERA_COMPOSER_CTRL = $F0000
const int24 VERA_PALETTE = $F1000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_1 = $F2000
const int24 VERA_LAYER_2 = $F3000
const int24 VERA_SPRITE_CTRL = $F4000
const int24 VERA_SPRITES = $F5000
volatile byte vera_addr_hi @ $9f22
volatile byte vera_addr_mi @ $9f21
volatile byte vera_addr_lo @ $9f20
volatile int24 vera_addr @ $9f20
import x16/vera_7_or_8
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 9
import x16/vera_9
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
volatile byte vera_data1 @ $9f23
volatile byte vera_data2 @ $9f24
volatile byte vera_ctrl @ $9f25
volatile byte vera_ien @ $9f26
volatile byte vera_isr @ $9f27
struct vera_layer_setup {
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
word map_base
word tile_base
word hscroll
word vscroll
asm void set_vera_layer_internal(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax, byte y) {
sta __reg
stx __reg+1
stz vera_ctrl
lda $14
sta vera_addr_hi
stz vera_addr_mi
sty vera_addr_lo
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
lda $1F
sta vera_addr_hi
sty vera_addr_mi
stz vera_addr_lo
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
ldy #0
lda (__reg),y
sta vera_data1
cpy #sizeof(vera_layer_setup)
bne __set_layer_internal_loop
? rts
asm void set_vera_layer1(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax) {
? ldy #0
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
? ldy #$20
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
? jmp set_vera_layer_internal
asm void set_vera_layer2(pointer.vera_layer_setup ax) {
? ldy #$10
#elseif VERA_VERSION == 8
? ldy #$30
#error Unsupported VERA_VERSION
? jmp set_vera_layer_internal
inline void vera_poke(int24 address, byte value) {
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_data1 = value
inline byte vera_peek(int24 address) {
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2
vera_ctrl = 0
return vera_data1
inline void vera_fill(int24 address, byte value, word size) {
word i
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
vera_ctrl = 0
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data1 = value
void vera_upload_large(int24 address, pointer source, word size) {
word i
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
for i,0,paralleluntil,size {
vera_data1 = source[i]
inline void vera_upload(int24 address, pointer source, byte size) {
byte i
vera_ctrl = 0
vera_addr_lo = address.b0
vera_addr_mi = address.b1
vera_addr_hi = address.b2 | $10
asm {
? ldy #0
? lda (source),y
! sta vera_data1
? iny
? cpy size
? bne __vera_upload_loop
struct vera_sprite_data {
word address
word x
word y
byte ctrl0
byte ctrl1
inline asm void set_ram_bank(byte register(a) bank) {
! STA $9F61

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import joy
void x16_reset_joy() {
input_dx = 0
@ -40,6 +41,15 @@ byte input_l
byte input_r
enum x16_joy_type {
joy_nes = 0
joy_keyboard = 1
joy_snes = 15
joy_none = 255
x16_joy_type joy_type
void read_joy1() {
@ -48,26 +58,25 @@ void read_joy2() {
asm void read_also_joy1() {
BNE __read_also_joy1_skip
JSR x16_joy_byte0
JSR x16_joy_byte1
inline void read_also_joy1() {
asm void read_also_joy2() {
BNE __read_also_joy2_skip
inline void read_also_joy2() {
asm void __read_joy(byte register(a) joy_id) {
JSR $FF53 // TODO: should we?
STY joy_type
CPY #0
BMI __read_joy_skip
JSR x16_joy_byte0
JSR x16_joy_byte1
@ -86,4 +95,5 @@ void x16_joy_byte1(byte value) {
if value & 32 == 0 { input_l += 1 }
if value & 64 == 0 { input_x += 1 }
if value & 128 == 0 { input_a += 1 }
joy_type = x16_joy_type(value & 15)

View File

@ -1,2 +1,32 @@
// Let's be lazy:
import c64_kernal
array(word) kernal_registers [16] @ 2
struct clock_date_time_t {
byte year
byte month
byte day
byte hour
byte minute
byte second
byte jiffies
clock_date_time_t clock_date_time @ 2
asm void clock_set_date_time() @$FF4D extern
asm void clock_get_date_time() @$FF50 extern
asm void mouse_config(byte register(a) enable, byte register(x) scale) @$FF68 extern
asm byte mouse_get(byte register(x) offset) @$FF6B extern
asm void mouse_scan() @$FF71 extern
asm byte joystick_get(byte register(a) joy_id) @$FF56 extern
asm void joystick_scan() @$FF53 extern

include/x16_mouse.mfk Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import x16_kernal
import mouse
void read_mouse() {
byte btn
btn = mouse_get(0)
mouse_x = kernal_registers[0]
mouse_y = kernal_registers[1]
mouse_lbm = btn & 1 != 0
mouse_rbm = btn & 2 != 0
mouse_mbm = btn & 4 != 0