mirror of https://github.com/KarolS/millfork.git synced 2025-03-18 18:29:29 +00:00

Allow modifying large things via pointers

This commit is contained in:
Karol Stasiak 2020-07-13 22:49:23 +02:00
parent b9736f924c
commit 632bb0c994
4 changed files with 172 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ object M6809LargeBuiltins {
case List(MLine(LEAX, _, _, _, _)) => None
case xs =>
result ++= xs
ctx.log.error("Invalid left-hand-side expression", target.position)
var firstNonzeroByte = 0

View File

@ -333,13 +333,14 @@ object BuiltIns {
def compileInPlaceWordOrLongShiftOps(ctx: CompilationContext, lhs: LhsExpression, rhs: Expression, aslRatherThanLsr: Boolean): List[AssemblyLine] = {
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
lhs match {
case dx: DerefExpression =>
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 4) {
ctx.log.error("Unsupported shift operation. Consider increasing the size of the zeropage register or simplifying the left hand side expression.", lhs.position)
return MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, lhs) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, rhs)
return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, rhs){ (ptr, reg, offset, r) =>
return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, rhs, fromMsb = !aslRatherThanLsr){ (ptr, reg, offset, r) =>
val shiftAmount = r match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(a, _)), AssemblyLine0(LDX, Immediate, _)) => Some(a.toInt)
case _ => None
@ -399,7 +400,65 @@ object BuiltIns {
storeFromR2 ++ List(
}(Left({ size =>
val compiledRhs = MosExpressionCompiler.compileToA(ctx, rhs)
val shiftAmount = compiledRhs match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, NumericConstant(a, _))) => Some(a.toInt)
case _ => None
val innerLoopLabel = ctx.nextLabel("sr")
val singleShift = if (aslRatherThanLsr) {
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, 0),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.immediate(CPY, size),
AssemblyLine.relative(BNE, innerLoopLabel))
} else {
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, size - 1),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(LDA, reg),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.relative(BPL, innerLoopLabel))
shiftAmount match {
case Some(0) => Nil
case Some(n) if n >= size * 8 =>
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, size - 1),
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDA, 0),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg),
AssemblyLine.relative(BPL, innerLoopLabel))
case Some(1) => singleShift
case Some(n) if n > 0 =>
val labelRepeat = ctx.nextLabel("sr")
compiledRhs ++ List(
AssemblyLine.label(labelRepeat)) ++ singleShift ++ List(
AssemblyLine.relative(BEQ, labelRepeat))
case _ =>
val labelSkip = ctx.nextLabel("ss")
val labelRepeat = ctx.nextLabel("sr")
compiledRhs ++ List(
AssemblyLine.relative(BEQ, labelSkip),
AssemblyLine.label(labelRepeat)) ++ singleShift ++ List(
AssemblyLine.relative(BEQ, labelRepeat),
case _ =>
val env = ctx.env
@ -1137,7 +1196,7 @@ object BuiltIns {
v match {
case dx: DerefExpression =>
// this is ugly, needs a rewrite
return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend){(ptr, reg, offset, r) =>
return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend, fromMsb = false){(ptr, reg, offset, r) =>
val constR = r match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDA, Immediate, l), AssemblyLine0(LDX, Immediate, h)) =>
h.asl(8).+(l).quickSimplify match {
@ -1211,7 +1270,7 @@ object BuiltIns {
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, ptr),
}(Left({size => ???}))
case _ =>
val b = ctx.env.get[Type]("byte")
@ -1466,15 +1525,17 @@ object BuiltIns {
private def handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx: CompilationContext, lhs: DerefExpression, rhs: Expression)(footer: (Constant, VariableInMemory, Int, List[AssemblyLine]) => List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = {
private def handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx: CompilationContext, lhs: DerefExpression, rhs: Expression, fromMsb: Boolean)
(wordFooter: (Constant, VariableInMemory, Int, List[AssemblyLine]) => List[AssemblyLine])
(eitherDoWholeThingOrMergeByte: Either[(Int) => List[AssemblyLine], (Int, List[AssemblyLine], Boolean) => List[AssemblyLine]]): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (ctx.options.zpRegisterSize < 2) {
ctx.log.error("Unsupported operation. Consider increasing the size of the zeropage register.", lhs.position)
return MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, lhs) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, rhs)
val env = ctx.env
val targetType = MosExpressionCompiler.getExpressionType(ctx, lhs)
val reg = env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
if (targetType.size == 2 ) {
val reg = env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
var l = MosExpressionCompiler.compileToZReg(ctx, lhs.inner)
val ptr = l match {
case List(AssemblyLine0(LDA, ZeroPage, p), AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _), AssemblyLine0(LDA, ZeroPage, q), AssemblyLine0(STA, ZeroPage, _)) if p.succ == q =>
@ -1487,15 +1548,30 @@ object BuiltIns {
val r = MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, rhs)
val s = footer(ptr, reg, lhs.offset, r)
val s = wordFooter(ptr, reg, lhs.offset, r)
if (MosExpressionCompiler.changesZpreg(r, 0) || MosExpressionCompiler.changesZpreg(r, 1)) {
r ++ MosExpressionCompiler.preserveRegisterIfNeeded(ctx, MosRegister.AX, l) ++ s
} else {
l ++ r ++ s
} else {
ctx.log.error("Too complex left-hand-side expression", lhs.position)
MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, lhs) ++ MosExpressionCompiler.compileToAX(ctx, rhs)
val result = ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
result ++= MosExpressionCompiler.compileToZReg(ctx, lhs.inner #+# lhs.offset)
eitherDoWholeThingOrMergeByte match {
case Left(wholeThing) => result ++= wholeThing(targetType.size)
case Right(mergeByte) =>
val loads = getLoadForEachByte(ctx, rhs, targetType.size).map(x => MosExpressionCompiler.preserve2ZpregIfNeededDestroyingAAndX(ctx, 0, 1, cmpTo(LDA, x)))
if (fromMsb) {
for(i <- targetType.size.-(1).to(0, -1)) {
result ++= mergeByte(i, loads(i), i == targetType.size - 1)
} else {
for(i <- 0 until targetType.size) {
result ++= mergeByte(i, loads(i), i == targetType.size - 1)
@ -1510,7 +1586,7 @@ object BuiltIns {
ctx.log.error("Too complex left hand side. Consider increasing the size of the zeropage register.", lhs.position)
return compileInPlaceWordOrLongAddition(ctx, lhs, addend, subtract = false, decimal = false)
return if (subtract) handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend)((ptr, reg, offset, _) => wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
return if (subtract) handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend, fromMsb = false)((ptr, reg, offset, _) => wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, offset),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2),
@ -1522,7 +1598,30 @@ object BuiltIns {
AssemblyLine.indexedY(LDA, ptr),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(SBC, reg, 2),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, ptr),
))) else handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend)((ptr, _, offset, _) => wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
)))(Right({(iy, r, last) =>
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
val result = ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
if (iy != 0) {
result ++= MosExpressionCompiler.preserveCarryIfNeeded(ctx, r)
} else {
result ++= r
result += AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, iy)
result += AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, 2)
result += AssemblyLine.indexedY(LDA, reg)
if (iy == 0) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(SEC)
if (decimal) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(SED)
result += AssemblyLine.zeropage(SBC, reg, 2)
if (decimal) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(CLD)
result += AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg)
})) else handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, addend, fromMsb = false)((ptr, _, offset, _) => wrapInSedCldIfNeeded(decimal, List(
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, offset),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(ADC, ptr),
@ -1531,7 +1630,28 @@ object BuiltIns {
AssemblyLine.indexedY(ADC, ptr),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, ptr),
)))(Right({(iy, r, last) =>
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
val result = ListBuffer[AssemblyLine]()
if (iy != 0) {
result ++= MosExpressionCompiler.preserveCarryIfNeeded(ctx, r)
} else {
result ++= r
result += AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, iy)
if (iy == 0) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(CLC)
if (decimal) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(SED)
result += AssemblyLine.indexedY(ADC, reg)
if (decimal) {
result += AssemblyLine.implied(CLD)
result += AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg)
case _ =>
val env = ctx.env
@ -1881,7 +2001,7 @@ object BuiltIns {
def compileInPlaceWordOrLongBitOp(ctx: CompilationContext, lhs: LhsExpression, param: Expression, operation: Opcode.Value): List[AssemblyLine] = {
lhs match {
case dx: DerefExpression => return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, param)((ptr, _, offset, _) => List(
case dx: DerefExpression => return handleWordOrLongInPlaceModificationViaDeref(ctx, dx, param, fromMsb = false)((ptr, _, offset, _) => List(
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, offset),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(operation, ptr),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, ptr),
@ -1889,7 +2009,13 @@ object BuiltIns {
AssemblyLine.indexedY(operation, ptr),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, ptr),
))(Right({ (iy, r, last) =>
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
r ++ List(
AssemblyLine.immediate(LDY, iy),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(operation, reg),
AssemblyLine.indexedY(STA, reg))
case _ =>
val env = ctx.env

View File

@ -104,6 +104,25 @@ object MosExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[AssemblyLine] {
} else code
def preserve2ZpregIfNeededDestroyingAAndX(ctx: CompilationContext, Offset1: Int, Offset2: Int, code: List[AssemblyLine]): List[AssemblyLine] = {
if (changesZpreg(code, Offset1) || changesZpreg(code, Offset2)) {
val reg = ctx.env.get[VariableInMemory]("__reg")
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, Offset1),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(LDA, reg, Offset2),
AssemblyLine.implied(PHA)) ++
code ++
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, Offset2),
AssemblyLine.zeropage(STA, reg, Offset1),
} else code
def changesZpreg(code: List[AssemblyLine], Offset: Int): Boolean = {
code.exists {
case AssemblyLine0(op,
@ -1500,11 +1519,8 @@ object MosExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[AssemblyLine] {
case i if i > 2 =>
l match {
case v: VariableExpression =>
case v: LhsExpression =>
BuiltIns.compileInPlaceWordOrLongAddition(ctx, v, r, subtract = false, decimal = false)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Cannot modify large object accessed via such complex expression", l.position)
compile(ctx, r, None, BranchSpec.None)
case "-=" =>
@ -1519,11 +1535,8 @@ object MosExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[AssemblyLine] {
case i if i > 2 =>
l match {
case v: VariableExpression =>
case v: LhsExpression =>
BuiltIns.compileInPlaceWordOrLongAddition(ctx, v, r, subtract = true, decimal = false)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Cannot modify large object accessed via such complex expression", l.position)
compile(ctx, r, None, BranchSpec.None)
case "+'=" =>
@ -1538,11 +1551,8 @@ object MosExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[AssemblyLine] {
case i if i > 2 =>
l match {
case v: VariableExpression =>
case v: LhsExpression =>
BuiltIns.compileInPlaceWordOrLongAddition(ctx, v, r, subtract = false, decimal = true)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Cannot modify large object accessed via such complex expression", l.position)
compile(ctx, r, None, BranchSpec.None)
case "-'=" =>
@ -1557,11 +1567,8 @@ object MosExpressionCompiler extends AbstractExpressionCompiler[AssemblyLine] {
case i if i > 2 =>
l match {
case v: VariableExpression =>
case v: LhsExpression =>
BuiltIns.compileInPlaceWordOrLongAddition(ctx, v, r, subtract = true, decimal = true)
case _ =>
ctx.log.error("Cannot modify large object accessed via such complex expression", l.position)
compile(ctx, r, None, BranchSpec.None)
case "<<=" =>

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@ -456,13 +456,20 @@ class ArraySuite extends FunSuite with Matchers with AppendedClues {
test("Invalid array things that will become valid in the future") {
EmuCrossPlatformBenchmarkRun(Cpu.Mos, Cpu.Intel8080, Cpu.Z80 , Cpu.Sharp, Cpu.Motorola6809)(
| array(int32) a[7] @$c000
| void main () {
| int32 tmp
| tmp = f()
| a[0] = tmp
| a[0] += 2
| a[0] <<= 2
| }
| noinline int32 f() = 5
""".stripMargin) { m =>
m.readLong(0xc000) should equal(28)
test("Various large assignments involving arrays") {