[< back to index](../doc_index.md) # List of keywords ## Normal keywords ### Top level keywords These keywords can occur at the top level of the file: import segment array struct union enum alias ### Declaration modifiers These keywords occur within variable, array and function declarations: * Variable declaration modifiers: `const volatile register static stack` * Function declaration modifiers: `asm inline noinline interrupt kernal_interrupt macro reentrant extern` * Array declaration modifiers: `const` * Common modifiers: `segment align` ### Statement keywords These keywords occur within function bodies: if else for while do goto label asm return ### Sub-statement keywords These keywords occur within bodies of certain other statements: * for-loop directions: `to until downto parallelto paralleluntil` * special return-dispatch branch: `default` * loop control flow: `break continue` ## Contextual keywords These are not considered keywords, but have special meaning in certain syntactical locations: * special alignment constant: `fast` * special array function: `file` * text encoding names: `z defaultz scr scrz`; for the rest, see [the list of text encodings](./text.md) `default` is also a name of a text encoding, but it's also a keyword ## Reserved identifiers Most of reserved identifiers are considered keywords (i.e. you cannot override them, even locally). Some are not, but overriding them is strongly discouraged and for highest code clarity should also be considered keywords. The keyword status of those identifiers may change in the future. ### Built-in types The following identifiers are considered keywords: byte ubyte sbyte word long pointer void bool set_carry set_zero set_overflow set_negative clear_carry clear_zero clear_overflow clear_negative int16 int24 int32 int40 int 48 int56 int64 int72 int80 int88 int96 int104 int112 int120 int128 unsigned8 signed8 `farword` is a deprecated alias for `int24` and it is not a keyword. It will be removed in the future. ### Built-in constants The following identifiers are considered keywords: true false The following identifiers are not considered keywords: nullptr nullchar ### Built-in functions and operators The following identifiers are considered keywords: not hi lo nonet sizeof The following identifiers are not considered keywords: sin cos tan call ## Reserved field names It is not allowed to define a struct or a union with a field with any of the following names: pointer addr rawaddr return ## Preprocesor keywords ### Directives #if #elseif #else #endif #define #use #pragma #fatal #error #warn #info #infoeval ### Built-in functions not hi lo defined if