// Routines from C64 KERNAL ROM // CHROUT. Write byte to default output. (If not screen, must call OPEN and CHKOUT beforehands.) // Input: A = Byte to write. asm void chrout(byte a) @$FFD2 extern // CHRIN. Read byte from default input (for keyboard, read a line from the screen). (If not keyboard, must call OPEN and CHKIN beforehands.) // Output: A = Byte read. asm byte chrin() @$FFCF extern alias getchar = chrin // CHKIN. Define file as default input. (Must call OPEN beforehands.) // Input: X = Logical number. asm void chkin(byte x) @$FFC6 extern // CHKOUT. Define file as default output. (Must call OPEN beforehands.) // Input: X = Logical number. asm void chkout(byte x) @$FFC9 extern // CLRCHN. Close default input/output files (for serial bus, send UNTALK and/or UNLISTEN); restore default input/output to keyboard/screen. asm void clrchn() @$FFCC extern // READST. Fetch status of current input/output device, value of ST variable. (For RS232, status is cleared.) // Output: A = Device status. asm byte readst() @$FFB7 extern asm void putchar(byte a) { JSR chrout LDA #0 STA $D4 ? RTS } noinline asm byte readkey() { __read_key__start: LDA $C6 BEQ __read_key__start JMP $E5B4 } inline void new_line() { chrout(13) } // OPEN. Open file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) asm void open() @$FFC0 extern // CLOSE. Close file. // Input: A = Logical number. asm void close(byte a) @$FFC3 extern // SETLFS. Set file parameters. // Input: A = Logical number; X = Device number; Y = Secondary address. asm void setlfs(byte a, byte x, byte y) @$FFBA extern // SETNAM. Set file name parameters. // Input: A = File name length; X/Y = Pointer to file name. asm void setnam(word xy, byte a) @$FFBD extern // LOAD. Load or verify file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) // Input: A: 0 = Load, 1-255 = Verify; X/Y = Load address (if secondary address = 0). // Output: Carry: 0 = No errors, 1 = Error; A = KERNAL error code (if Carry = 1); X/Y = Address of last byte loaded/verified (if Carry = 0). asm clear_carry load(byte a, word xy) @$FFD5 extern // SAVE. Save file. (Must call SETLFS and SETNAM beforehands.) // Input: A = Address of zero page register holding start address of memory area to save; X/Y = End address of memory area plus 1. // Output: Carry: 0 = No errors, 1 = Error; A = KERNAL error code (if Carry = 1). asm clear_carry save(byte a, word xy) @$FFD8 extern word irq_pointer @$314