## Build instructions #### Java compatibility note It is recommended to use JDK 1.8 for building Millfork. If you have multiple Java versions installed, enter `set JAVA_HOME=PATH_TO_JAVA\bin ` (Windows) `export JAVA_HOME=PATH_TO_JAVA/bin ` (Mac/Linux) (where PATH_TO_JAVA is a path to one of your JDK installations) into the command line before running sbt to choose a JDK. ### Building without tests Setting up the test suite for Millfork is tricky, so if you don't need the tests, you can remove them. #### Prerequisites * JDK 1.8 * sbt #### Steps * delete the `src/test` directory * remove all test dependencies from `build.sbt`: "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" "com.codingrodent.microprocessor" % "Z80Processor" "NeatMonster" % "Intel8086" "com.loomcom.symon" % "symon" "com.grapeshot" % "halfnes" "eu.rekawek.coffeegb" % "coffee-gb" * navigate to the project directory * run `sbt compile` to compile the project * run `sbt assembly` to build the executable jar file, it should appear in `target/scala-2.12` ### Building with tests Test suite is useful if you plan on modifying the compiler. Some test dependencies need manual installation. #### Prerequisites * JDK 1.8 with Nashorn (tests don't work on newer versions) * sbt * Maven #### Steps * download the dependencies that are not available in a central repository: https://github.com/sethm/symon/tree/71905fdb1998ee4f142260879504bc46cf27648f https://github.com/andrew-hoffman/halfnes/tree/061 https://github.com/trekawek/coffee-gb/tree/coffee-gb-1.0.0 https://github.com/sorenroug/osnine-java/tree/1b4e059c5886fe01e8901c70684f7eedefe65010 * for each of them, run `maven package` and `maven install` * navigate to the project directory * run `sbt compile` to compile the project * run `sbt assemble` to build the executable jar file, it should appear in `target/scala-2.12` ### Building a native executable This is experimental. #### Prerequisites * an executable jar with Millfork (see above) * GraalVM 19 or later * native-image * other tools required by native-image, appropriate for your operating system and GraalVM version (for example, Windows SDK 7.1 on Windows) * a lot of RAM #### Steps * navigate to the directory containing the jar, most likely `target/scala-2.12` * run `native-image -jar millfork.jar` to build a native executable for your operating system