package millfork.assembly.z80.opt import millfork.assembly.OptimizationContext import millfork.assembly.opt.{AnyStatus, FlowCache, SingleStatus, Status} import millfork.assembly.z80._ import millfork.env._ import millfork.node.Z80NiceFunctionProperty.{DoesntChangeA, DoesntChangeBC, DoesntChangeCF, DoesntChangeDE, DoesntChangeHL, SetsATo} import millfork.node.{NiceFunctionProperty, ZRegister} import millfork.CompilationFlag import scala.util.control.Breaks._ /** * @author Karol Stasiak */ object CoarseFlowAnalyzer { val cache = new FlowCache[ZLine, CpuStatus]("z80 forward") def analyze(f: NormalFunction, code: List[ZLine], optimizationContext: OptimizationContext): List[CpuStatus] = { cache.get(code).foreach(return _) val initialStatus = CpuStatus() val functionStartStatus = CpuStatus() val emptyStatus = CpuStatus() val flagArray = Array.fill[CpuStatus](code.length)(emptyStatus) val codeArray = code.toArray val compilationOptions = optimizationContext.options val z80 = compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.EmitZ80Opcodes) val niceFunctionProperties = optimizationContext.niceFunctionProperties def extractNiceConstant[T](callee: String)(matcher: NiceFunctionProperty => Option[T]): Status[T] = { var result: Status[T] = AnyStatus breakable { niceFunctionProperties.foreach{ np => if (np._2 == callee) matcher(np._1) match { case Some(x) => result = SingleStatus(x) break case _ => } } } result } // TODO: u16u16u16u16 division val preservesB: Set[String] = Set("__mul_u8u8u8", "__mul_u16u16u16") val preservesC: Set[String] = if (z80) Set("__mul_u8u8u8", "__mul_u16u16u16") else Set("__mul_u16u16u16") val preservesD: Set[String] = Set() val preservesE: Set[String] = Set("__divmod_u16u8u16u8") val preservesH: Set[String] = Set("__mul_u8u8u8") val preservesL: Set[String] = Set("__mul_u8u8u8") // does the code preserve the stack variables apart from direct writes, assuming Z80 and base pointer in IX? val preservesStackVariables = code.forall { case ZLine0(ZOpcode.ADD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.HL, ZRegister.SP), _) => false case ZLine0(ZOpcode.ADD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.IY, ZRegister.SP), _) => false case ZLine0(ZOpcode.ADD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.IX, ZRegister.SP), _) => compilationOptions.flag(CompilationFlag.UseIxForStack) case _ => true } var changed = true while (changed) { changed = false var currentStatus: CpuStatus = functionStartStatus for (i <- codeArray.indices) { import millfork.assembly.z80.ZOpcode._ if (flagArray(i) != currentStatus) { changed = true flagArray(i) = currentStatus } codeArray(i) match { case ZLine0(LABEL, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(l))) => val L = l currentStatus = codeArray.indices.flatMap(j => codeArray(j) match { case ZLine0(DJNZ, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(L))) => Some(flagArray(j).copy(b = AnyStatus)) case ZLine0(_, _, MemoryAddressConstant(Label(L))) => Some(flagArray(j)) case _ => None }).fold(currentStatus)(_ ~ _) case ZLine0(CALL, reg, MemoryAddressConstant(fun: FunctionInMemory)) => val n = val mayBeCalled = reg match { case IfFlagSet(f) => !currentStatus.getFlag(f).contains(false) case IfFlagClear(f) => !currentStatus.getFlag(f).contains(true) case _ => true } if (mayBeCalled) { val result = if (preservesStackVariables) initialStatus.copy(memIx = currentStatus.memIx) else initialStatus currentStatus = result.copy( b = if (preservesB(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeBC -> n)) currentStatus.b else result.b, c = if (preservesC(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeBC -> n)) currentStatus.c else result.c, d = if (preservesD(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeDE -> n)) currentStatus.d else result.d, e = if (preservesE(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeDE-> n)) currentStatus.e else result.e, h = if (preservesH(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeHL -> n)) currentStatus.h else result.h, l = if (preservesL(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeHL -> n)) currentStatus.l else result.l, hl = if (preservesH(n) && preservesL(n) || niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeHL -> n)) currentStatus.hl else result.hl, a = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeA -> n)) currentStatus.a else extractNiceConstant(n){ case SetsATo(a) => Some(a) case _ => None }, cf = if (niceFunctionProperties(DoesntChangeCF -> n)) else AnyStatus ) } case ZLine0(NOP | DISCARD_A | DISCARD_BC | DISCARD_DE | DISCARD_HL | DISCARD_F | SIM, _, _) => () case ZLine0(PUSH, _, _) => () case ZLine0(POP, OneRegister(r), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r, AnyStatus) case ZLine0(JR | JP | RET, IfFlagSet(flag), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setFlag(flag, newStatus = false) case ZLine0(JR | JP | RET, IfFlagClear(flag), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setFlag(flag, newStatus = true) case ZLine0(JR | JP | RET, NoRegisters | OneRegister(_), _) => currentStatus = initialStatus.copy(memIx = currentStatus.memIx) case ZLine0(DJNZ, _, _) => // TODO currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( b = Status.SingleZero, zf = Status.SingleTrue, nf = AnyStatus, cf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(BYTE, _, _) => currentStatus = initialStatus case ZLine0(SUB, OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(0, _)) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( nf = Status.SingleTrue, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = currentStatus.a.z(), sf = currentStatus.a.n(), pf = if (z80) Status.SingleFalse else AnyStatus, hf = Status.SingleFalse) case l@ZLine0(ADD, OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(n, _)) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(n.toInt,, Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case l@ZLine0(ADC, OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(n, _)) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(n.toInt,, Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case l@ZLine0(ADD, OneRegister(s), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(currentStatus.getRegister(s), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case l@ZLine0(ADC, OneRegister(s), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(currentStatus.getRegister(s), currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(SUB, OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(n, _)) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(SingleStatus(n.toInt & 0xff), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleTrue, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(SBC,OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(n, _))=> val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(SingleStatus(n.toInt & 0xff), currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleTrue, cf = newC,zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(SUB, OneRegister(s), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(currentStatus.getRegister(s), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleTrue, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(SBC, OneRegister(s), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(currentStatus.getRegister(s), currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleTrue, cf = newC,zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(AND, OneRegister(s), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s)) ((m, n) => (m & n) & 0xff), nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(OR, OneRegister(ZRegister.A), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(XOR, OneRegister(ZRegister.A), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = Status.SingleZero, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = Status.SingleTrue, sf = Status.SingleFalse, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(OR, OneRegister(s), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s)) ((m, n) => (m | n) & 0xff), nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(XOR, OneRegister(s), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s)) ((m, n) => (m ^ n) & 0xff), nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = Status.SingleFalse, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(CP, OneRegister(ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(n, _)) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(SingleStatus(n.toInt & 0xff), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(nf = AnyStatus, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(CP, OneRegister(s), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.sbb(currentStatus.getRegister(s), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(nf = AnyStatus, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(INC, OneRegister(r), _) => val newV = currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i.+(1).&(0xff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case ZLine0(DEC, OneRegister(r), _) => val newV = currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i.-(1).&(0xff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case ZLine0(INC, OneRegisterOffset(r, o), _) => val newV = currentStatus.cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r).getRegister(r, o).map(i => i.+(1).&(0xff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV, o) case ZLine0(DEC, OneRegisterOffset(r, o), _) => val newV = currentStatus.cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r).getRegister(r, o).map(i => i.-(1).&(0xff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV, o) case ZLine0(INC_16, OneRegister(r), _) => val newV = currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i.+(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV) case ZLine0(DEC_16, OneRegister(r), _) => val newV = currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i.-(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus. copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus). setRegister(r, newV) case ZLine0(LD_AHLI, _, _) => val newHL = currentStatus.getRegister(ZRegister.HL).map(i => i.+(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus).setRegister(ZRegister.HL, newHL). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, ZRegister.MEM_HL) case ZLine0(LD_HLIA, _, _) => val newHL = currentStatus.getRegister(ZRegister.HL).map(i => i.+(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(ZRegister.HL, newHL). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, ZRegister.MEM_HL) case ZLine0(LD_AHLD, _, _) => val newHL = currentStatus.getRegister(ZRegister.HL).map(i => i.-(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus).setRegister(ZRegister.HL, newHL). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, ZRegister.MEM_HL) case ZLine0(LD_HLDA, _, _) => val newHL = currentStatus.getRegister(ZRegister.HL).map(i => i.-(1).&(0xffff)) currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(ZRegister.HL, newHL). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, ZRegister.MEM_HL) case ZLine0(op, OneRegister(r), _) if ZOpcodeClasses.SET(op) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r, currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i | 1.<<(ZOpcodeClasses.SET_seq.indexOf(op)))). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case ZLine0(op, OneRegister(r), _) if ZOpcodeClasses.RES(op) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r, currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(i => i & ~1.<<(ZOpcodeClasses.RES_seq.indexOf(op)))). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case l@ZLine0(ADD, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(currentStatus.getRegister(s, o), Status.SingleFalse) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case l@ZLine0(ADC, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => val (newA, newC) = currentStatus.a.adc(currentStatus.getRegister(s, o), currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = newA, nf = Status.SingleFalse, cf = newC, zf = newA.z(), sf = newA.n(), pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(SUB, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s, o)) ((m, n) => (m - n) & 0xff), cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(AND, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s, o)) ((m, n) => (m & n) & 0xff), cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(OR, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s, o)) ((m, n) => (m | n) & 0xff), cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(XOR, OneRegisterOffset(s, o), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = (currentStatus.a <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s, o)) ((m, n) => (m ^ n) & 0xff), cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(CP, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(t, ZRegister.IMM_16), NumericConstant(value, _)) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(t, SingleStatus(value.toInt)) case ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.HL, ZRegister.IMM_16), xx) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setHL(SingleStatus(xx)) case ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.DE, ZRegister.IMM_16), xx) if xx.isProvablyDivisibleBy256 => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(d = AnyStatus, e = Status.SingleZero) case ZLine0(LD_16, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.BC, ZRegister.IMM_16), xx) if xx.isProvablyDivisibleBy256 => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(b = AnyStatus, c = Status.SingleZero) case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(ZRegister.A, ZRegister.I | ZRegister.R), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus, nf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegisters(t, ZRegister.IMM_8), NumericConstant(value, _)) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(t, SingleStatus(value.toInt)). cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, t) case ZLine0(LD, TwoRegistersOffset(t, ZRegister.IMM_8, o), NumericConstant(value, _)) => currentStatus = currentStatus.cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, t).setRegister(t, SingleStatus(value.toInt), o) case ZLine0(LD | LD_16, TwoRegisters(t, s), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(t, currentStatus.getRegister(s)).cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, t) case ZLine0(LD | LD_16, TwoRegistersOffset(t, s, o), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(t, currentStatus.getRegister(s, o), o) case ZLine0(EX_DE_HL, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(d = currentStatus.h, e = currentStatus.l, h = currentStatus.d, l = currentStatus.e) case ZLine0(ADD_16, TwoRegisters(t, s), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) .setRegister(t, (currentStatus.getRegister(t) <*> currentStatus.getRegister(s)) ((m, n) => (m + n) & 0xffff)) case ZLine0(SLA, OneRegister(r), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) .setRegister(r, currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(_.<<(1).&(0xff))) .cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case ZLine0(SRL, OneRegister(r), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) .setRegister(r, currentStatus.getRegister(r).map(_.>>(1).&(0x7f))) .cleanMemIxIfNeeded(preservesStackVariables, r) case ZLine0(RLA | RRA | RLCA | RRCA, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( a = AnyStatus, cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = Status.SingleFalse) case ZLine0(SCF, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = Status.SingleTrue, hf = Status.SingleFalse, nf = Status.SingleFalse) case ZLine0(CCF, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf =, hf = AnyStatus, nf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(CPL, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = ^ 0xff), hf = AnyStatus, nf = Status.SingleTrue) case ZLine0(NEG, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( a = => (-x)&0xff), hf = AnyStatus, zf = currentStatus.a.z(), sf = AnyStatus, cf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, nf = Status.SingleTrue) case ZLine0(DAA, _, _) => // TODO: full algorithm? currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( a = if (currentStatus.h.contains(false)) currentStatus.a else AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, cf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(BIT7, OneRegister(r), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( zf = currentStatus.getRegister(r).bit7.negate, hf = Status.SingleTrue, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, nf = Status.SingleFalse) case ZLine0(BIT0, OneRegister(r), _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy( zf = currentStatus.getRegister(r).bit0.negate, hf = Status.SingleTrue, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, nf = Status.SingleFalse) case ZLine0(RIM, _, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus) case ZLine0(opcode, registers, _) => currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(cf = AnyStatus, zf = AnyStatus, sf = AnyStatus, pf = AnyStatus, hf = AnyStatus) if (ZOpcodeClasses.ChangesAAlways(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(a = AnyStatus) if (ZOpcodeClasses.ChangesBCAlways(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(b = AnyStatus, c = AnyStatus) if (ZOpcodeClasses.ChangesDEAlways(opcode)) currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(d = AnyStatus, e = AnyStatus) registers match { case OneRegister(r) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r, AnyStatus) case TwoRegisters(r1, r2) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r1, AnyStatus).setRegister(r2, AnyStatus) case OneRegisterOffset(r1, o) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r1, AnyStatus, o) case TwoRegistersOffset(r1, r2, o) => currentStatus = currentStatus.setRegister(r1, AnyStatus, o).setRegister(r2, AnyStatus, o) case _ => () } } } //{ // case (fl, y) => if (y.isPrintable) println(f"$fl%-32s $y%-32s") // } // println("---------------------") } cache.put(code, flagArray.toList) } }