package millfork.parser import java.lang.Long.parseLong import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import java.util import fastparse.all._ import fastparse.core.Parsed.Failure import millfork.assembly.Elidability import millfork.env._ import millfork.error.{ConsoleLogger, Logger} import millfork.node._ import millfork.output.{DivisibleAlignment, MemoryAlignment, NoAlignment} import millfork.{CompilationFlag, CompilationOptions, Confusables, SeparatedList} import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet /** * @author Karol Stasiak */ abstract class MfParser[T](fileId: String, input: String, currentDirectory: String, options: CompilationOptions, featureConstants: Map[String, Long]) { import MfParser._ var lastPosition = Position(fileId, 1, 1, 0) var lastLabel = "" protected val log: Logger = options.log def allowIntelHexAtomsInAssembly: Boolean val enableDebuggingOptions: Boolean = options.flag(CompilationFlag.EnableInternalTestSyntax) private def getCharacterNameSafe(c: Char): String = { try { "U+%04X %s".format(c.toInt, Character.getName(c)) } catch { case _: Throwable => c match { case '\n' => "U+000A LINE FEED" case '\r' => "U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN" case _ => "U+%04X" } } } def toAst: Parsed[Program] = { val parse = program.parse(input + "\n\n\n") parse match { case _: Failure[_, _] => if (lastPosition.cursor >= 0 && lastPosition.cursor < input.length) { val c = input(lastPosition.cursor) if (c >= 0x100 || c < 0x20 || c == '`') { log.error("Invalid character %s".format(getCharacterNameSafe(c)), Some(lastPosition)) match { case Some(ascii) =>"Did you mean: $ascii") case _ => } } } case _ => } parse } private val lineStarts: Array[Int] = (-1 +: input.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == '\n').map(_._2).map(_+1)).toArray def position(label: String = ""): P[Position] = => indexToPosition(i, label)) def indexToPosition(i: Int, label: String): Position = { var lineNumber = util.Arrays.binarySearch(lineStarts, i) if (lineNumber < 0) { lineNumber = - lineNumber - 2 } val columnNumber = i - lineStarts(lineNumber) + 1 lineNumber += 1 val newPosition = Position(fileId, lineNumber, columnNumber, i) if (newPosition.cursor > lastPosition.cursor) { lastPosition = newPosition lastLabel = label } newPosition } val comment: P[Unit] = P("//" ~ CharsWhile(c => c != '\n' && c != '\r', min = 0) ~ ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n")) val semicolon: P[Unit] = P(";" ~ CharsWhileIn("; \t", min = 0) ~ position("line break after a semicolon").map(_ => ()) ~ (comment | "\r\n" | "\r" | "\n").opaque("")) val semicolonComment: P[Unit] = P(";" ~ CharsWhile(c => c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '{' && c != '}', min = 0) ~ position("line break instead of braces").map(_ => ()) ~ ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n").opaque("")) val AWS: P[Unit] = P((CharIn(" \t\n\r") | semicolon | comment).rep(min = 0)).opaque("") val AWS_asm: P[Unit] = P((CharIn(" \t\n\r") | semicolonComment | comment).rep(min = 0)).opaque("") val Before_EOL: P[Unit] = HWS ~ &("\r" | "\n" | ";" | "//").opaque("") val EOL: P[Unit] = P(HWS ~ ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n" | semicolon | comment).opaque("") ~ AWS).opaque("") val EOL_asm: P[Unit] = P(HWS ~ ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n" | semicolonComment | comment).opaque("") ~ AWS_asm).opaque("") val EOLOrComma: P[Unit] = P(HWS ~ ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n" | "," | semicolon | comment).opaque("") ~ AWS).opaque("") val elidable: P[Elidability.Value] = (("!" | "?").! ~/ HWS).?.map{ case Some("?") => Elidability.Elidable case Some("!") => Elidability.Volatile case _ => Elidability.Fixed } val externFunctionBody: P[Option[List[Statement]]] = P("extern" ~/ PassWith(None)) val bankDeclaration: P[Option[String]] = ("segment" ~/ AWS ~/ "(" ~/ AWS ~/ identifier ~/ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ AWS).? val breakStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("break" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => Seq(BreakStatement(l.getOrElse("")))) val continueStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("continue" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ identifier.?).map(l => Seq(ContinueStatement(l.getOrElse("")))) val forDirection: P[ForDirection.Value] = ("parallel" ~ HWS ~ "to").!.map(_ => ForDirection.ParallelTo) | ("parallel" ~ HWS ~ "until").!.map(_ => ForDirection.ParallelUntil) | "until".!.map(_ => ForDirection.Until) | "to".!.map(_ => ForDirection.To) | ("down" ~/ HWS ~/ "to").!.map(_ => ForDirection.DownTo) private def flags_(allowed: String*): P[Set[String]] = (StringIn(allowed: _*).! ~ SWS).rep(min = 0).map(_.toSet).opaque("") val variableFlags: P[Set[String]] = flags_("const", "static", "volatile", "stack", "register") val functionFlags: P[Set[String]] = flags_("extern", "asm", "inline", "interrupt", "macro", "noinline", "reentrant", "kernal_interrupt", "const") val codec: P[TextCodecWithFlags] = P(position("text codec identifier") ~ identifier.?.map(_.getOrElse(""))).map { case (position, encoding) => val lenient = options.flag(CompilationFlag.LenientTextEncoding) encoding match { case "" | "default" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.defaultCodec, nullTerminated = false, lengthPrefixed = false, lenient = lenient) case "z" | "defaultz" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.defaultCodec, nullTerminated = true, lengthPrefixed = false, lenient = lenient) case "p" | "pdefault" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.defaultCodec, nullTerminated = false, lengthPrefixed = true, lenient = lenient) case "pz" | "pdefaultz" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.defaultCodec, nullTerminated = true, lengthPrefixed = true, lenient = lenient) case "scr" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.screenCodec, nullTerminated = false, lengthPrefixed = false, lenient = lenient) case "scrz" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.screenCodec, nullTerminated = true, lengthPrefixed = false, lenient = lenient) case "pscr" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.screenCodec, nullTerminated = false, lengthPrefixed = true, lenient = lenient) case "pscrz" => TextCodecWithFlags(options.platform.screenCodec, nullTerminated = true, lengthPrefixed = true, lenient = lenient) case _ => options.textCodecRepository.forName(encoding, Some(position), log) } } // def operator: P[String] = P(CharsWhileIn("!-+*/><=~|&^", min=1).!) // TODO: only valid operators val charAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { p <- position() c <- "'" ~/ CharPred(c => c >= ' ' && c != '\'' && !invalidCharLiteralTypes(Character.getType(c))).rep.! ~/ "'" TextCodecWithFlags(co, zt, pascal, lenient) <- HWS ~ codec } yield { if (zt) { log.error("Zero-terminated encoding is not a valid encoding for a character literal", Some(p)) } if (pascal) { log.error("Length-prefixed encoding is not a valid encoding for a character literal", Some(p)) } co.encode(options.log, Some(p), c.codePoints().toArray.toList, options, lenient = lenient) match { case List(value) => LiteralExpression(value, 1) case _ => log.error(s"Character `$c` cannot be encoded as one byte", Some(p)) LiteralExpression(co.stringTerminator.head, 1) } } //noinspection NameBooleanParameters val variableAtom: P[Expression] ={ i => featureConstants.get(i) match { case Some(value) => LiteralExpression(value, size(value, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)) case None => VariableExpression(i) } } val localLabelAtom : P[Expression] = ("." ~ identifier).!.map(VariableExpression) val textLiteral: P[List[Expression]] = P(position() ~ doubleQuotedString ~/ HWS ~ codec).map { case (p, s, TextCodecWithFlags(co, zt, lp, lenient)) => var characters = co.encode(options.log, None, s.codePoints().toArray.toList, options, lenient = lenient).map(c => LiteralExpression(c, 1).pos(p)) if (lp) { val sizeof = co.stringTerminator.length val codeUnitCount = characters.length / sizeof val maxAllowed = 1.<<(8*sizeof) - 1 if (codeUnitCount > maxAllowed) { log.error(s"Length-prefixed string too long, the length is $codeUnitCount, maximum allowed is $maxAllowed", Some(p)) } characters = (0 until sizeof).map(i => LiteralExpression(codeUnitCount.>>>(8*i).&(0xff), 1)).toList ++ characters } if (zt) characters ++= => LiteralExpression(nul, 1)) characters } val textLiteralAtom: P[TextLiteralExpression] = val literalAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = binaryAtom | hexAtom | octalAtom | quaternaryAtom | decimalAtom | charAtom val literalAtomWithIntel: P[LiteralExpression] = binaryAtom | hexAtom | octalAtom | quaternaryAtom | intelHexAtom | decimalAtom | charAtom val atom: P[Expression] = P(position() ~ (variableAtom | localLabelAtom | literalAtom | textLiteralAtom)).map{case (p,a) => a.pos(p)} val atomWithIntel: P[Expression] = P(position() ~ (variableAtom | localLabelAtom | literalAtomWithIntel | textLiteralAtom)).map{case (p,a) => a.pos(p)} val quotedAtom: P[String] = variableAtom.! |{ case LiteralExpression(value, _) => value.toString case x => x.toString } | textLiteralAtom.! val importStatement: P[Seq[ImportStatement]] = ("import" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~/ identifier.rep(min = 1, sep = "/") ~ HWS ~ ("<" ~/ HWS ~/ quotedAtom.rep(min = 1, sep = HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS) ~/ HWS ~/ ">" ~/ Pass).?). map{case (name, params) => Seq(ImportStatement(name.mkString("/"), params.getOrElse(Nil).toList))} val optimizationHintsDeclaration: P[Set[String]] = ("!" ~/ HWS ~/ identifier ~/ "").rep(min = 0, sep = AWS).map { _.toSet } val globalVariableDefinition: P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = variableDefinition(true) val localVariableDefinition: P[Seq[DeclarationStatement]] = variableDefinition(false) def singleVariableDefinition: P[(Position, String, Option[Expression], Option[Expression], Set[String], Option[MemoryAlignment])] = for { p <- position() name <- identifier ~/ HWS ~/ Pass alignment1 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ HWS optimizationHints <- optimizationHintsDeclaration ~/ HWS alignment2 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ HWS addr <- ("@" ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(1, false)).?.opaque("
") ~ HWS initialValue <- ("=" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(1, false)).? ~/ HWS // TODO } yield { if (alignment1.isDefined && alignment2.isDefined) log.error(s"Cannot define the alignment multiple times", Some(p)) val alignment = alignment1.orElse(alignment2) (p, name, addr, initialValue, optimizationHints, alignment) } def variableDefinition(implicitlyGlobal: Boolean): P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = for { p <- position() bank <- bankDeclaration flags <- variableFlags ~ HWS typ <- identifier ~/ SWS if typ != "array" vars <- singleVariableDefinition.rep(min = 1, sep = "," ~/ HWS) _ <- Before_EOL ~/ "" } yield { { case (p, name, addr, initialValue, optimizationHints, alignment) => VariableDeclarationStatement(name, typ, bank, global = implicitlyGlobal || flags("static"), stack = flags("stack"), constant = flags("const"), volatile = flags("volatile"), register = flags("register"), initialValue, addr, optimizationHints, alignment).pos(p) } } val paramDefinition: P[ParameterDeclaration] = for { p <- position() typ <- identifier ~/ SWS ~/ Pass name <- identifier ~/ Pass } yield { if (name == "register" || name == "const" || name == "ref" || name == "call") { log.error(s"Invalid parameter name: `$name`. Did you mean writing a macro?", Some(p)) } ParameterDeclaration(typ, ByVariable(name)).pos(p) } def asmExpression: P[Expression] = (position() ~ NoCut( ("<" ~/ HWS ~ mfExpression(mathLevel, allowIntelHexAtomsInAssembly)).map(e => HalfWordExpression(e, hiByte = false)) | (">" ~/ HWS ~ mfExpression(mathLevel, allowIntelHexAtomsInAssembly)).map(e => HalfWordExpression(e, hiByte = true)) | mfExpression(mathLevel, allowIntelHexAtomsInAssembly) )).map { case (p, e) => e.pos(p) } def asmExpressionWithParens: P[(Expression, Boolean)] = (position() ~ NoCut( ("(" ~ HWS ~ asmExpression ~ HWS ~ ")").map(_ -> true) | -> false) )).map { case (p, e) => e._1.pos(p) -> e._2 } def asmExpressionWithParensOrApostrophe: P[(Expression, Boolean)] = (position() ~ NoCut( ("(" ~ HWS ~ asmExpression ~ HWS ~ ")").map(_ -> true) | (asmExpression ~ "'").map(_ -> true) | -> false) )).map { case (p, e) => e._1.pos(p) -> e._2 } def appcRegister: P[ParamPassingConvention] val appcComplex: P[ParamPassingConvention] = for { pos <- position("passing method") keyword <- (("const" | "ref" | "register" | "call").! ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ Pass).? ~/ Pass _ <- if (keyword.contains("call")) {log.error(s"Invalid assembly macro parameter passing convention: `call`", Some(pos)) ; Pass } else Pass if !keyword.contains("call") _ <- position("register name") register <- keyword match { case Some("register") => (AWS ~ "(" ~/ AWS ~ appcRegister ~/ AWS ~ ")" ~/ AWS).map(Some(_)) case Some(_) => => None) case None => => None) } _ <- position("parameter name") ident <- identifier } yield ((keyword, register, ident) match { case (None, _, name) => ByVariable(name) case (Some("const"), _, name) => ByConstant(name) case (Some("ref"), _, name) => ByReference(name) case (Some("register"), Some(reg), _) => reg case x => log.fatal(s"Unknown assembly parameter passing convention: `$x`") }) val asmParamDefinition: P[ParameterDeclaration] = for { p <- position() typ <- identifier ~ SWS ~/ Pass appc <- appcRegister | appcComplex } yield ParameterDeclaration(typ, appc).pos(p) val macroParamDefinition: P[ParameterDeclaration] = for { p <- position() typ <- identifier ~ SWS ~/ Pass pos <- position("passing method") keyword <- ( ("const" | "ref" | "call" | "register").! ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ Pass).? _ <- if (keyword.contains("register")) {log.error(s"Invalid non-assembly macro parameter passing convention: `register`. Did you forget `asm`?", Some(pos)) ; Pass } else Pass if !keyword.contains("register") _ <- if (keyword.isDefined) SWS else Pass _ <- position("parameter name") name <- identifier } yield ParameterDeclaration(typ, (keyword match { case None => ByReference(name) case Some("ref") => ByReference(name) case Some("const") => ByConstant(name) case Some("call") => ByLazilyEvaluableExpressionVariable(name) case Some(x) => log.fatal(s"Invalid non-assembly macro parameter passing convention: `$x`") })).pos(p) def arrayListElement: P[ArrayContents] = arrayStringContents | arrayProcessedContents | arrayLoopContents | arrayFileContents | mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).map(e => LiteralContents(List(e))) def arrayProcessedContents: P[ArrayContents] = for { _ <- "@" ~/ HWS filter <- identifier _ <- AWS contents <- arrayContents } yield ProcessedContents(filter, contents) def arrayListContents: P[ArrayContents] = ("[" ~/ AWS ~/ arrayListElement.rep(sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~ "]" ~/ Pass).map(c => CombinedContents(c.toList)) // TODO: should reserve the `file` identifier here? val arrayFileContents: P[ArrayContents] = for { p <- "file" ~ HWS ~/ "(" ~/ HWS ~/ position("file name") filePath <- doubleQuotedString ~/ HWS _ <- position("file start") optStart <- ("," ~/ HWS ~/ literalAtom ~/ HWS ~/ Pass).? _ <- position("slice length") optLength <- ("," ~/ HWS ~/ literalAtom ~/ HWS ~/ Pass).? _ <- position("closing parentheses") _ <- ")" ~/ Pass } yield { val data = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(currentDirectory, filePath)) val slice: Array[Byte] = (, match { case (Some(start), Some(length)) => if (data.length < start) { log.error(s"File $filePath is shorter (${data.length} B) that the start offset $start", Some(p)) Array.fill(length)(0.toByte) } else if (data.length < start + length) { log.error(s"File $filePath is shorter (${data.length} B) that the start offset plus length ${start + length}", Some(p)) Array.fill(length)(0.toByte) } else { data.slice(start, start + length) } case (Some(start), None) => if (data.length < start) { log.error(s"File $filePath is shorter (${data.length} B) that the start offset $start", Some(p)) Array[Byte](0) } else { data.drop(start) } case (None, None) => data case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("error parsing file()") } LiteralContents( => LiteralExpression(c & 0xff, 1)).toList) } def arrayStringContents: P[ArrayContents] = def arrayLoopContents: P[ArrayContents] = for { identifier <- "for" ~ SWS ~/ identifier ~/ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~ Pass start <- mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass pos <- position("loop direction") direction <- forDirection ~/ HWS ~/ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass end <- mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false, allowTopLevelIndexing = false) body <- AWS ~ arrayContents } yield { val fixedDirection = direction match { case ForDirection.ParallelUntil => if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.FallbackValueUseWarning)) log.warn("`paralleluntil` is not allowed in array definitions, assuming `until`", Some(pos)) ForDirection.Until case ForDirection.ParallelTo => if (options.flag(CompilationFlag.FallbackValueUseWarning)) log.warn("`parallelto` is not allowed in array definitions, assuming `to`", Some(pos)) ForDirection.To case x => x } ForLoopContents(identifier, start, end, fixedDirection, body) } def arrayContents: P[ArrayContents] = arrayProcessedContents | arrayListContents | arrayLoopContents | arrayFileContents | arrayStringContents def arrayContentsForAsm: P[RawBytesStatement] = (arrayListContents | arrayStringContents).map(c => RawBytesStatement(c, options.isBigEndian)) val aliasDefinition: P[Seq[AliasDefinitionStatement]] = for { p <- position() name <- "alias" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~ identifier ~ HWS target <- "=" ~/ AWS ~/ identifier ~/ HWS important <- "!".!.? ~/ HWS } yield Seq(AliasDefinitionStatement(name, target, important.isDefined).pos(p)) def fastAlignmentForArrays: MemoryAlignment def fastAlignmentForFunctions: MemoryAlignment def alignmentDeclaration(fast: MemoryAlignment): P[MemoryAlignment] = (position() ~ "align" ~/ AWS ~/ "(" ~/ AWS ~/ atom ~/ AWS ~/ ")").map { case (_, LiteralExpression(1, _)) => NoAlignment case (pos, LiteralExpression(n, _)) => if (n >= 1 && n <= 0x8000 & (n & (n - 1)) == 0) DivisibleAlignment(n.toInt) else { log.error("Invalid alignment: " + n, Some(pos)) NoAlignment } case (pos, VariableExpression("fast")) => fast case (pos, _) => log.error("Invalid alignment", Some(pos)) NoAlignment } val arrayDefinition: P[Seq[ArrayDeclarationStatement]] = for { p <- position() bank <- bankDeclaration const <- ("const".! ~ HWS).? _ <- "array" ~ !letterOrDigit elementType <- ("(" ~/ AWS ~/ identifier ~ AWS ~ ")").? ~/ HWS name <- identifier ~/ HWS length <- ("[" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~ AWS ~ "]").? ~ HWS alignment1 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ HWS optimizationHints <- optimizationHintsDeclaration ~/ HWS alignment2 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ HWS addr <- ("@" ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(1, false)).? ~/ HWS contents <- ("=" ~/ AWS ~/ arrayContents).? ~/ HWS } yield { if (alignment1.isDefined && alignment2.isDefined) log.error(s"Cannot define the alignment multiple times", Some(p)) val alignment = alignment1.orElse(alignment2) Seq(ArrayDeclarationStatement(name, bank, length, elementType.getOrElse("byte"), addr, const.isDefined, contents, optimizationHints, alignment, options.isBigEndian).pos(p)) } def tightMfExpression(allowIntelHex: Boolean, allowTopLevelIndexing: Boolean): P[Expression] = { val a = if (allowIntelHex) atomWithIntel else atom if (allowTopLevelIndexing) mfExpressionWrapper[Expression](mfParenExpr(allowIntelHex) | derefExpression | functionCall(allowIntelHex) | a) else mfParenExpr(allowIntelHex) | derefExpression | functionCall(allowIntelHex) | a } def tightMfExpressionButNotCall(allowIntelHex: Boolean, allowTopLevelIndexing: Boolean): P[Expression] = { val a = if (allowIntelHex) atomWithIntel else atom if (allowTopLevelIndexing) mfExpressionWrapper[Expression](mfParenExpr(allowIntelHex) | derefExpression | a) else mfParenExpr(allowIntelHex) | derefExpression | a } def mfExpression(level: Int, allowIntelHex: Boolean, allowTopLevelIndexing: Boolean = true): P[Expression] = { val allowedOperators = mfOperatorsDropFlatten(level) def inner: P[SeparatedList[(Boolean, Expression), String]] = { for { minus <- ("-".rep(min = 1).!.map(_.length().&(1).==(1)) ~/ HWS).?.map(_.getOrElse(false)) head <- tightMfExpression(allowIntelHex, allowTopLevelIndexing) ~/ HWS maybeOperator <- (StringIn(allowedOperators: _*).! ~ !CharIn(Seq('/', '=', '-', '+', ':', '>', '<', '\''))).map(op => if (mfOperatorNormalizations.contains(op)) mfOperatorNormalizations(op) else op).? maybeTail <- maybeOperator.fold[P[Option[List[(String, (Boolean, Expression))]]]]( => None))(o => (AWS ~/ inner ~/ HWS).map(x2 => Some((o -> x2.head) :: x2.tail))) } yield { maybeTail.fold[SeparatedList[(Boolean, Expression), String]](SeparatedList.of(minus -> head))(t => SeparatedList(minus -> head, t)) } } def p(list: SeparatedList[(Boolean, Expression), String], level: Int): Expression = if (level == mfOperators.length) { if (list.head._1) { LiteralExpression(0, 1) #-# list.head._2 } else { list.head._2 } } else { val xs = list.split(mfOperators(level).toSet(_)) xs.separators.distinct match { case Nil => if (xs.tail.nonEmpty) log.error("Too many different operators; consider using parentheses for disambiguation", xs.head.head._2.position) p(xs.head, level + 1) case List("+") | List("-") | List("+", "-") | List("-", "+") => SumExpression(xs.toPairList("+").map { case (op, value) => if (value.count(_._1) > 0) { if (value.size == 1) { log.error("Too many different operators; consider using parentheses for disambiguation", xs.head.head._2.position) } (op == "+", p( => (false, p._2)), level + 1)) } else { (op == "-", p(value, level + 1)) } }, decimal = false).pos(list.head._2.position) case List("+'") | List("-'") | List("+'", "-'") | List("-'", "+'") => SumExpression(xs.toPairList("+").map { case (op, value) => if (value.exists(_._1)) log.error("Too many different operators; consider using parentheses for disambiguation", xs.head.head._2.position) (op == "-'", p(value, level + 1)) }, decimal = true).pos(list.head._2.position) case List(":") => if (xs.size != 2) { log.error("The `:` operator can have only two arguments", xs.head.head._2.position) LiteralExpression(0, 1) } else { SeparateBytesExpression(p(xs.head, level + 1), p(xs.tail.head._2, level + 1)).pos(list.head._2.position) } case List(eq) if level == 0 => if (xs.size != 2) { log.error(s"The `$eq` operator can have only two arguments", xs.head.head._2.position) LiteralExpression(0, 1) } else { FunctionCallExpression(eq, => p(value, level + 1))).pos(list.head._2.position) } case List(op) => FunctionCallExpression(op, => p(value, level + 1))).pos(list.head._2.position) case _ => log.error("Too many different operators; consider using parentheses for disambiguation", xs.head.head._2.position) LiteralExpression(0, 1) } } => p(x, 0)) } def index: P[Expression] = HWS ~ "[" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~ AWS ~/ "]" ~/ Pass def mfExpressionWrapper[E <: Expression](inner: P[E]): P[E] = for { expr <- inner firstIndices <- index.rep fieldPath <- (HWS ~ (("->".! ~/ AWS) | ".".!) ~/ AWS ~/ identifier ~/ index.rep).rep } yield (expr, firstIndices, fieldPath) match { case (_, Seq(), Seq()) => expr case (VariableExpression(vname), Seq(i), Seq()) => IndexedExpression(vname, i).pos(expr.position).asInstanceOf[E] case _ => val fixedFieldPath = fieldPath.flatMap { e => e match { case (".", "pointer", _) => Seq(e) case (".", f, _) if f.startsWith("pointer.") => Seq(e) case (".", "addr", _) => Seq(e) case (".", f, _) if f.startsWith("addr.") => Seq(e) case (".", f, i) => Seq((".", "pointer", Nil), ("->", f, i)) case _ => Seq(e) } } IndirectFieldExpression(expr, firstIndices, {case (a,b,c) => (a == ".", b, c)}).pos(expr.position).asInstanceOf[E] } // def mfLhsExpression: P[LhsExpression] = for { // (p, left) <- position() ~ mfLhsExpressionSimple // rightOpt <- (HWS ~ ":" ~/ HWS ~ mfLhsExpressionSimple).? // } yield rightOpt.fold(left)(right => SeparateBytesExpression(left, right).pos(p)) def mfLhsExpressionSimple: P[LhsExpression] = mfExpressionWrapper[LhsExpression](derefExpression | (position() ~ identifier).map{case (p,n) => VariableExpression(n).pos(p)} ~ HWS) def mfLhsExpression: P[LhsExpression] = mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).filter(_.isInstanceOf[LhsExpression]).map(_.asInstanceOf[LhsExpression]) def mfParenExpr(allowIntelHex: Boolean): P[Expression] = P("(" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, allowIntelHex) ~ AWS ~/ ")") def functionCall(allowIntelHex: Boolean): P[FunctionCallExpression] = for { p <- position() name <- identifier params <- HWS ~ "(" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, allowIntelHex).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "" } yield FunctionCallExpression(name, params.toList).pos(p) val derefExpression: P[DerefDebuggingExpression] = for { p <- position() if enableDebuggingOptions yens <- CharsWhileIn(Seq('¥')).! ~/ AWS inner <- mfParenExpr(false) } yield DerefDebuggingExpression(inner, yens.length).pos(p) val expressionStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = mfExpression(0, false).map { case FunctionCallExpression("=", List(t: LhsExpression, s)) => Seq(Assignment(t, s).pos(t.position)) case x@FunctionCallExpression("=", exprs) => log.error("Invalid left-hand-side of an assignment", x.position) case x => Seq(ExpressionStatement(x).pos(x.position)) } def keywordStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = P( returnOrDispatchStatement | gotoStatement | labelStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement | forEachStatement | forStatement | doWhileStatement | breakStatement | continueStatement | inlineAssembly) def executableStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => } def asmLabel: P[ExecutableStatement] def asmStatement: P[ExecutableStatement] def statement: P[Seq[Statement]] = (position() ~ P(keywordStatement | arrayDefinition | localVariableDefinition | expressionStatement)).map { case (p, s) => } def asmStatements: P[List[ExecutableStatement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS_asm ~/ (asmLabel.rep() ~ asmStatement.?).rep(sep = NoCut(EOL_asm) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS_asm ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(e => e.flatMap(x => (x._1 ++ x._2.toSeq).toList)).map(_.toList) def statements: P[List[Statement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~ statement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.flatten.toList) def mfFunctionSmallBody: P[List[Statement]] = for { _ <- "=" ~/ AWS expression <- mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) } yield List(ReturnStatement(Some(expression)).pos(expression.position)) def mfFunctionBody: P[List[Statement]] = statements | mfFunctionSmallBody def executableStatements: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~/ executableStatement.rep(sep = NoCut(EOL) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~ "}").map(_.flatten) val dispatchLabel: P[ReturnDispatchLabel] = ("default" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ AWS ~/ ("(" ~/ position("default branch range") ~ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").?).map{ case None => DefaultReturnDispatchLabel(None, None) case Some((_, Seq())) => DefaultReturnDispatchLabel(None, None) case Some((_, Seq(e))) => DefaultReturnDispatchLabel(None, Some(e)) case Some((_, Seq(s, e))) => DefaultReturnDispatchLabel(Some(s), Some(e)) case Some((pos, _)) => log.error("Invalid default branch declaration", Some(pos)) DefaultReturnDispatchLabel(None, None) } | mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS).map(exprs => StandardReturnDispatchLabel(exprs.toList)) val dispatchBranch: P[ReturnDispatchBranch] = for { pos <- position() l <- dispatchLabel ~/ HWS ~/ "@" ~/ HWS f <- tightMfExpressionButNotCall(false, allowTopLevelIndexing = false) ~/ HWS parameters <- ("(" ~/ position("dispatch actual parameters") ~ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").? } yield ReturnDispatchBranch(l, f, val dispatchStatementBody: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { indexer <- "[" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~/ AWS ~/ "]" ~/ AWS _ <- position("dispatch statement body") parameters <- ("(" ~/ position("dispatch parameters") ~ AWS ~/ mfLhsExpression.rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ ")" ~/ "").? _ <- AWS ~/ position("dispatch statement body") ~/ "{" ~/ AWS branches <- dispatchBranch.rep(sep = EOL ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) _ <- AWS ~/ "}" } yield Seq(ReturnDispatchStatement(indexer,, branches.toList)) val returnOrDispatchStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "return" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ (dispatchStatementBody | mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).?.map(ReturnStatement).map(Seq(_))) val gotoStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "goto" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false).map(GotoStatement).map(Seq(_)) val labelStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "label" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~ def ifStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { condition <- "if" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) thenBranch <- AWS ~/ executableStatements elseBranch <- (AWS ~ "else" ~/ AWS ~/ ((for{ p <- position() s <- ifStatement } yield | executableStatements)).? } yield Seq(IfStatement(condition, thenBranch.toList, elseBranch.getOrElse(Nil).toList)) def whileStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { condition <- "while" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) body <- AWS ~ executableStatements } yield Seq(WhileStatement(condition, body.toList, Nil)) def forStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { identifier <- "for" ~/ SWS ~/ identifier ~/ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~ Pass start <- mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~ HWS ~ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass direction <- forDirection ~/ HWS ~/ "," ~/ HWS ~/ Pass end <- mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) body <- AWS ~ executableStatements } yield Seq(ForStatement(identifier, start, end, direction, body.toList)) def forEachStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { id <- "for" ~ SWS ~ identifier ~ HWS ~ ("," ~ HWS ~ identifier ~ HWS).? ~ ":" ~/ HWS ~ Pass values <- ("[" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(0, false).rep(min = 0, sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~/ "]" ~/ "").map(seq => Right(seq.toList)) | mfExpression(0, false).map(Left(_)) body <- AWS ~ executableStatements } yield Seq(ForEachStatement(id._1, id._2, values, body.toList)) def inlineAssembly: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = "asm" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ AWS ~ asmStatements //noinspection MutatorLikeMethodIsParameterless def doWhileStatement: P[Seq[ExecutableStatement]] = for { body <- "do" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ AWS ~ executableStatements ~/ AWS condition <- "while" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) } yield Seq(DoWhileStatement(body.toList, Nil, condition)) val functionDefinition: P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = for { p <- position() bank <- bankDeclaration flags <- functionFlags ~ HWS returnType <- identifier ~ SWS if !Environment.neverValidTypeIdentifiers(returnType) name <- identifier ~ HWS params <- "(" ~/ AWS ~/ (if (flags("asm")) asmParamDefinition else if (flags("macro")) macroParamDefinition else paramDefinition).rep(sep = AWS ~ "," ~/ AWS) ~ AWS ~ ")" ~/ AWS alignment1 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ AWS optimizationHints <- optimizationHintsDeclaration ~/ HWS alignment2 <- alignmentDeclaration(fastAlignmentForFunctions).? ~/ AWS addr <- ("@" ~/ HWS ~/ mfExpression(1, false)).?.opaque("
") ~/ AWS statements <- (externFunctionBody | (if (flags("asm")) asmStatements else mfFunctionBody).map(l => Some(l))) ~/ Pass } yield { if (alignment1.isDefined && alignment2.isDefined) log.error(s"Cannot define the alignment multiple times", Some(p)) val alignment = alignment1.orElse(alignment2) if (flags("extern")) log.error("The extern keyword should go at the end of a function declaration", Some(p)) if (flags("interrupt") && flags("macro")) log.error(s"Interrupt function `$name` cannot be macros", Some(p)) if (flags("kernal_interrupt") && flags("macro")) log.error(s"Kernal interrupt function `$name` cannot be macros", Some(p)) if (flags("interrupt") && flags("reentrant")) log.error(s"Interrupt function `$name` cannot be reentrant", Some(p)) if (flags("interrupt") && flags("kernal_interrupt")) log.error(s"Interrupt function `$name` cannot be a Kernal interrupt", Some(p)) if (flags("macro") && flags("reentrant")) log.error("Reentrant and macro exclude each other", Some(p)) if (flags("inline") && flags("noinline")) log.error("Noinline and inline exclude each other", Some(p)) if (flags("macro") && flags("noinline")) log.error("Noinline and macro exclude each other", Some(p)) if (flags("inline") && flags("macro")) log.error("Macro and inline exclude each other", Some(p)) if (flags("interrupt") && returnType != "void") log.error(s"Interrupt function `$name` has to return void", Some(p)) if (flags("const") && returnType == "void") log.error(s"Const-pure function `$name` cannot return void", Some(p)) if (flags("const") && flags("interrupt")) log.error(s"Const-pure function `$name` cannot be an interrupt", Some(p)) if (flags("const") && flags("kernal_interrupt")) log.error(s"Const-pure function `$name` cannot be a Kernal interrupt", Some(p)) if (flags("const") && flags("macro")) log.error(s"Const-pure function `$name` cannot be a macro", Some(p)) if (flags("const") && flags("asm")) log.error(s"Const-pure function `$name` cannot contain assembly", Some(p)) if (addr.isEmpty && statements.isEmpty) log.error(s"Extern function `$name` must have an address", Some(p)) if (addr.isDefined && alignment.isDefined) log.error(s"Function `$name` has both address and alignment", Some(p)) if (statements.isEmpty && alignment.isDefined) log.error(s"Extern function `$name` cannot have alignment", Some(p)) if (statements.isEmpty && !flags("asm") && params.nonEmpty) log.error(s"Extern non-asm function `$name` cannot have parameters", Some(p)) if (flags("asm")) validateAsmFunctionBody(p, flags, name, statements) if (flags("macro")) { statements.flatMap(_.find(_.isInstanceOf[VariableDeclarationStatement])) match { case Some(s) => log.error(s"Macro functions cannot declare variables", s.position) case None => } statements.flatMap(_.find(_.isInstanceOf[ArrayDeclarationStatement])) match { case Some(s) => log.error(s"Macro functions cannot declare arrays", s.position) case None => } } Seq(FunctionDeclarationStatement(name, returnType, params.toList, bank, addr, optimizationHints, alignment, statements, flags("macro"), if (flags("inline")) Some(true) else if (flags("noinline")) Some(false) else None, flags("asm"), flags("interrupt"), flags("kernal_interrupt"), flags("const") && !flags("asm"), flags("reentrant")).pos(p)) } def validateAsmFunctionBody(p: Position, flags: Set[String], name: String, statements: Option[List[Statement]]) val enumVariant: P[(String, Option[Expression])] = for { name <- identifier ~/ HWS value <- ("=" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(1, false)).? ~ HWS } yield name -> value val enumVariants: P[List[(String, Option[Expression])]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~ enumVariant.rep(sep = NoCut(EOLOrComma) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.toList) val enumDefinition: P[Seq[EnumDefinitionStatement]] = for { p <- position() _ <- "enum" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~ position("enum name") name <- identifier ~/ HWS _ <- position("enum defintion block") variants <- enumVariants ~/ Pass } yield Seq(EnumDefinitionStatement(name, variants).pos(p)) val compoundTypeField: P[FieldDesc] = ("array".! ~ !letterOrDigit ~ HWS ~/ Pass).?.flatMap { case None => (identifier ~/ HWS ~ identifier ~/ HWS).map { case (typ, name) => FieldDesc(typ, name, None) } case Some(_) => (("(" ~/ AWS ~/ identifier ~ AWS ~ ")").? ~/ HWS ~/ identifier ~ HWS ~ "[" ~/ AWS ~/ mfExpression(nonStatementLevel, false) ~ AWS ~ "]" ~/ HWS ).map{ case (elementType, name, length) => FieldDesc(elementType.getOrElse("byte"), name, Some(length)) } } val compoundTypeFields: P[List[FieldDesc]] = ("{" ~/ AWS ~ compoundTypeField.rep(sep = NoCut(EOLOrComma) ~ !"}" ~/ Pass) ~/ AWS ~/ "}" ~/ Pass).map(_.toList) val structDefinition: P[Seq[StructDefinitionStatement]] = { (position() ~ "struct" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~/ position("struct name").map(_ => ()) ~ identifier ~/ HWS ~ alignmentDeclaration(NoAlignment).? ~/ HWS ~ position("struct definition block").map(_ => ()) ~ compoundTypeFields ~/ Pass).map{ case (p, name, align, fields) => Seq(StructDefinitionStatement(name, fields, align).pos(p)) } } val unionDefinition: P[Seq[UnionDefinitionStatement]] = { (position() ~ "union" ~ !letterOrDigit ~/ SWS ~/ position("union name").map(_ => ()) ~ identifier ~/ HWS ~ alignmentDeclaration(NoAlignment).? ~/ HWS ~ position("union definition block").map(_ => ()) ~ compoundTypeFields ~/ Pass).map{ case (p, name, align, fields) => Seq(UnionDefinitionStatement(name, fields, align).pos(p)) } } val segmentBlock: P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = for { (_, bankName) <- "segment" ~ AWS ~ "(" ~ AWS ~ position("segment name") ~ identifier ~ AWS ~ ")" ~ AWS ~ "{" ~/ AWS body <- locatableDefinition.rep(sep = EOL) _ <- AWS ~ "}" ~/ Pass } yield { { stmt => if ( stmt.withChangedBank(bankName) else stmt } } def checkForNonlocatableDefinitions: P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = ((StringIn("alias", "enum", "struct", "union", "import").! ~ SWS) ~/ position()).map{ x => log.fatal(s"`${x._1}` statements are not allowed inside segment blocks", Some(x._2)) } def locatableDefinition: P[Seq[BankedDeclarationStatement]] = checkForNonlocatableDefinitions | segmentBlock | arrayDefinition | functionDefinition | globalVariableDefinition val program: Parser[Program] = for { _ <- Start ~/ AWS ~/ position("top level statement") definitions <- (importStatement | aliasDefinition | enumDefinition | structDefinition | unionDefinition | locatableDefinition).rep(sep = EOL) _ <- AWS ~ End } yield Program(definitions.flatten.toList) } object MfParser { val SWS: P[Unit] = P(CharsWhileIn(" \t", min = 1)).opaque("") val HWS: P[Unit] = P(CharsWhileIn(" \t", min = 0)).opaque("") val letter: P[String] = P(CharIn("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_").!) val mosOpcodeLetter: P[String] = P(CharIn("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012").!) val octalDigit: P[String] = P(CharIn("01234567").!) val letterOrDigit: P[Unit] = P(CharIn("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.$1234567890")) val realLetterOrDigit: P[Unit] = P(CharIn("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.1234567890")) val identifierTail: P[String] = CharsWhileIn("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.1234567890", min = 1).rep(min = 1, sep = "$").! val identifier: P[String] = (letter ~ ("$".? ~ identifierTail).?).!.map(_.intern()).opaque("") val doubleQuotedString: P[String] = P("\"" ~/ CharsWhile(c => c != '\"' && c != '\n' && c != '\r').?.! ~ "\"") def size(value: Long, wordLiteral: Boolean, int24Literal: Boolean, int32Literal: Boolean, int40Literal: Boolean, int48Literal: Boolean, int56Literal: Boolean, int64Literal: Boolean): Int = { val w = value > 0xff || value < -0x80 || wordLiteral val f = value > 0xffff || value < -0x8000 || int24Literal val l = value > 0xffffff || value < -0x800000 || int32Literal val q5 = value > 0xFFFFffffL || value < -0x80000000L || int40Literal val q6 = value > 0xffFFFFffffL || value < -0x8000000000L || int48Literal val q7 = value > 0xffffFFFFffffL || value < -0x800000000000L || int56Literal val q8 = value > 0xFFffffFFFFffffL || value < -0x8000000000000L || int64Literal if (q8) 8 else if (q7) 7 else if (q6) 6 else if (q5) 5 else if (l) 4 else if (f) 3 else if (w) 2 else 1 } def sign(abs: Long, minus: Boolean): Long = if (minus) -abs else abs val invalidCharLiteralTypes: BitSet = BitSet( Character.LINE_SEPARATOR, Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR, Character.CONTROL, Character.PRIVATE_USE, Character.SURROGATE, Character.UNASSIGNED) val decimalAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? s <- CharsWhileIn("1234567890", min = 1).!.opaque("") ~ !("x" | "b") } yield { val abs = parseLong(s, 10) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 3, s.length > 5, s.length > 7, s.length > 10, s.length > 13, s.length > 15, s.length > 17)) } val binaryAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? _ <- P("0b" | "%") ~/ Pass s <- CharsWhileIn("01", min = 1).!.opaque("") } yield { val abs = parseLong(s, 2) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 8, s.length > 16, s.length > 24, s.length > 32, s.length > 40, s.length > 48, s.length > 52)) } val hexAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? _ <- P("0x" | "0X" | "$") ~/ Pass s <- CharsWhileIn("1234567890abcdefABCDEF", min = 1).!.opaque("") } yield { val abs = parseLong(s, 16) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 2, s.length > 4, s.length > 6, s.length > 8, s.length > 10, s.length > 12, s.length > 14)) } val intelHexAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? head <- CharIn("0123456789").! tail <- CharsWhileIn("1234567890abcdefABCDEF", min = 1).!.opaque("") _ <- P("h" | "H") } yield { // check for marking zero: val s = if (head == "0" && tail.nonEmpty && tail.head >'9') tail else head + tail val abs = parseLong(s, 16) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 2, s.length > 4, s.length > 6, s.length > 8, s.length > 10, s.length > 12, s.length > 14)) } val octalAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? _ <- P("0o" | "0O") ~/ Pass s <- CharsWhileIn("01234567", min = 1).!.opaque("") } yield { val abs = parseLong(s, 8) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 3, s.length > 6, s.length > 8, s.length > 11, s.length > 14, s.length > 16, s.length > 19)) } val quaternaryAtom: P[LiteralExpression] = for { minus <- "-".!.? _ <- P("0q" | "0Q") ~/ Pass s <- CharsWhileIn("0123", min = 1).!.opaque("") } yield { val abs = parseLong(s, 4) val value = sign(abs, minus.isDefined) LiteralExpression(value, size(value, s.length > 4, s.length > 8, s.length > 12, s.length > 16, s.length > 20, s.length > 24, s.length > 28)) } val mfOperators = List( List("+=", "-=", "+'=", "-'=", "^=", "&=", "|=", "*=", "*'=", "<<=", ">>=", "<<'=", ">>'=", "/=", "%%=", "=", "$*=", "$+=", "$-=", "$<<=", "$>>="), List("||", "^^"), List("&&"), List("==", "<=", ">=", "!=", "<", ">"), List(":"), List("+'", "-'", "<<'", ">>'", ">>>>", "+", "-", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", "$+", "$-", "$<<", "$>>"), List("*'", "$*", "*", "/", "%%")) val mfOperatorNormalizations = Map( "$+" -> "+'", "$-" -> "-'", "$+=" -> "+'=", "$-=" -> "-'=", "$<<" -> "<<'", "$>>" -> ">>'", "$<<=" -> "<<'=", "$>>=" -> ">>'=", "$*" -> "*'", "$*=" -> "*'=", ) val mfOperatorsDropFlatten: IndexedSeq[List[String]] = => mfOperators.drop(i).flatten) val nonStatementLevel = 1 // everything but not `=` val mathLevel = 4 // the `:` operator val minusLevel = 5 // the `-` operator }