[< back to index](../index.md) # Target platforms Currently, Millfork supports creating disk- or tape-based programs for Commodore, Apple, BBC and Atari 8-bit computers, NEC PC-88, ZX Spectrum 48k, CP/M, and cartridge-based programs for Commodore 64, VIC-20, Famicom/NES and Atari 2600, but it may be expanded to support other 6502-based and Z80-based platforms in the future. To add a custom platform yourself, see [the custom platform adding guide](./custom-platform.md). ## Supported platforms The following platforms are currently supported: * `c64` – Commodore 64 * `c64_crt8k` – Commodore 64, 8K ROM cartridge * `c64_crt16k` – Commodore 64, 16K ROM cartridge * `c64_scpu` – Commodore 64 with SuperCPU in emulation mode * `c64_scpu16` – Commodore 64 with SuperCPU in native, 16-bit mode (very buggy) * `lunix` – Commodore 64 or 128 running LUnix/LNG 0.21 Certain language features work differently on this target. Read [the LUnix programming guide](./lunix-programming-guide.md) for more info. * `c16` – Commodore 16 * `plus4` – Commodore Plus/4 * `vic20` – Commodore VIC-20 without memory expansion * `vic20_3k` – Commodore VIC-20 with 3K memory expansion * `vic20_8k` – Commodore VIC-20 with 8K or 16K memory expansion * `vic20_a000` – Commodore VIC-20, 8K ROM cartridge at $A000 * `c128` – Commodore 128 in its native mode * `pet` – Commodore PET * `nes_small` – a tiny 32K PRGROM + 8K CHRROM Famicom/NES program, using iNES mapper 0 (NROM) * `nes_mcc4` – a 128K PRGROM + 128K CHRROM + extra 8KRAM Famicom/NES program, using iNES mapper 10 (MMC4) For more complex programs, you need to create your own "platform" definition. Read [the NES programming guide](./famicom-programming-guide.md) for more info. * `vcs` – Atari VCS (also known as Atari 2600), 4K cartridge (experimental) * `a8` – Atari 8-bit computers * `bbcmicro` – BBC Micro model B (32k RAM) The compiler only emits raw binaries, not disk images. Read [the BBC Micro programming guide](./bbcmicro-programming-guide.md) for more info. * `apple2` – Apple II+/IIe/Enhanced IIe. The compiler only emits raw binaries, not disk images. Read [the Apple 2 programming guide](./apple2-programming-guide.md) for more info. * `pc88` – NEC PC-88 * `zxspectrum` – Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k * `zxspectrum_8080` – Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k, using only Intel 8080 instructions * `cpm` – CP/M on Intel 8080 * `cpm_z80` – CP/M on Z80 The primary and most tested platform is Commodore 64. Currently, targets that assume that the program will be loaded from disk or tape are better tested. Cartridge targets may exhibit unexpected bugs.