package millfork import millfork.output.{BankLayoutInFile, FormattableLabel} import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} /** * @author Karol Stasiak */ object DebugOutputFormat { val map: Map[String, DebugOutputFormat] = Map( "raw" -> RawDebugOutputFormat, "vice" -> ViceDebugOutputFormat, "nesasm" -> NesasmDebugOutputFormat, "fns" -> NesasmDebugOutputFormat, "fceux" -> FceuxDebugOutputFormat, "nl" -> FceuxDebugOutputFormat, "mlb" -> MesenOutputFormat, "mesen" -> MesenOutputFormat, "asm6f" -> MesenOutputFormat, "ld65" -> Ld65OutputFormat, "ca65" -> Ld65OutputFormat, "cc65" -> Ld65OutputFormat, "dbg" -> Ld65OutputFormat, "sym" -> SymDebugOutputFormat) } sealed trait DebugOutputFormat { def formatAll(b: BankLayoutInFile, labels: Seq[FormattableLabel], breakpoints: Seq[(Int, Int)]): String = { val labelPart = labelsHeader +"\n") + "\n" if (breakpoints.isEmpty) { labelPart } else { labelPart + breakpointsHeader + breakpoints.flatMap(formatBreakpointTupled).mkString("\n") + "\n" } } def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String final def formatBreakpointTupled(value: (Int, Int)): Seq[String] = formatBreakpoint(value._1, value._2).toSeq def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] def fileExtension(bank: Int): String def filePerBank: Boolean //noinspection MutatorLikeMethodIsParameterless def addOutputExtension: Boolean def labelsHeader: String = "" def breakpointsHeader: String = "" } object RawDebugOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = { f"${label.bankNumber}%02X:${label.startValue}%04X:${label.endValue.fold("")(_.formatted("%04X"))}%s:${label.category}%s:$label%s" } override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".labels" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = false override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = Some(f"$bank%02X:$value%04X::b:") } object ViceDebugOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = { val normalized = label.labelName.replace('$', '_').replace('.', '_') s"al ${label.startValue.toHexString} .$normalized" } override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".lbl" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = false override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = Some(s"break ${value.toHexString}") } object NesasmDebugOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = { label.labelName + " = $" + label.startValue.toHexString } override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".fns" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = false override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = None } object SymDebugOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = { f"${label.bankNumber}%02x:${label.startValue}%04x ${label.labelName}%s" } override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".sym" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = false override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = Some(f"$bank%02x:$value%04x") override def labelsHeader: String = "[labels]\n" override def breakpointsHeader: String = "[breakpoints]\n" } object FceuxDebugOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = { f"$$${label.startValue}%04x#${label.labelName}%s#" } override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = if (bank == 0xff) "" else s".$" override def filePerBank: Boolean = true override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = true override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = None } object MesenOutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatAll(b: BankLayoutInFile, labels: Seq[FormattableLabel], breakpoints: Seq[(Int, Int)]): String = { val allStarts = labels.groupBy(_.bankName).mapValues( labels.flatMap{ l => val mesenShift = b.getMesenShift(l.bankName) val shiftedStart = l.startValue + mesenShift var shiftedEnd = + mesenShift).filter(_ != shiftedStart) l.endValue match { case None => case Some(e) => // Mesen does not like labels of form XXX-XXX, where both ends are equal breakable { for (i <- l.startValue.+(1) to e) { if (allStarts.getOrElse(l.bankName, Set.empty).contains(i)) { shiftedEnd = None break } } } } if (shiftedStart >= 0 && shiftedEnd.forall(_ >= 0)) { val normalized = l.labelName.replace('$', '_').replace('.', '_') val comment = (l.category match { case 'F' => "function " case 'A' => "initialized array " case 'V' => "initialized variable " case 'a' => "array " case 'v' => "variable " case _ => "" }) + l.labelName Some(f"${l.mesenSymbol}%s:${shiftedStart}%04X${shiftedEnd.fold("")(e => f"-$e%04X")}%s:$normalized%s:$comment%s") } else { None } }.mkString("\n") } override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = throw new UnsupportedOperationException() override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = None override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".mlb" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = false } object Ld65OutputFormat extends DebugOutputFormat { override def formatLine(label: FormattableLabel): String = throw new UnsupportedOperationException() override def formatBreakpoint(bank: Int, value: Int): Option[String] = None override def fileExtension(bank: Int): String = ".dbg" override def filePerBank: Boolean = false override def addOutputExtension: Boolean = true override def formatAll(b: BankLayoutInFile, labels: Seq[FormattableLabel], breakpoints: Seq[(Int, Int)]): String = { val q = '"' val allBanksInFile = b.allBanks() val allBanks = ( ++ allBanksInFile).distinct val result = mutable.ListBuffer[String]() result += "version\tmajor=2,minor=0" result += s"info\tcsym=0,file=0,lib=0,line=0,mod=0,scope=1,seg=${allBanks.size},span=0,sym=${labels.size},type=4" for ((bank, ix) <- allBanks.zipWithIndex) { val common = s"seg\tid=${ix},name=$q${bank}$q,start=0x${b.getStart(bank).toHexString},size=0x0,addrsize=absolute" if (allBanksInFile.contains(bank)) { result += common + s",ooffs=${b.ld65Offset(bank)}" } else { result += common } } result += "scope\tid=0,name=\"\"" for ((label, ix) <- labels.sortBy(l => (l.bankName, l.startValue, l.labelName)).zipWithIndex) { val name = label.labelName.replace('$', '@').replace('.', '@') val sb = new StringBuilder sb ++= s"sym\tid=${ix},name=$q${name}$q,addrsize=absolute," label.endValue match { case Some(e) => if (!labels.exists(l => && l.startValue >= label.startValue && l.startValue <= e)) { sb ++= s"size=${ e - label.startValue + 1 }," } case None => } sb ++= s"scope=0,val=0x${label.startValue.toHexString},seg=${allBanks.indexOf(label.bankName)},type=lab" result += sb.toString } result.mkString("\n") } }