#if not(NES) #warn nes_mmc4 module should be only used on NES/Famicom targets #endif asm inline void set_prg_bank(byte a) { STA $A000 ? RTS } // calling with with e.g. $1E will set $0000-$0fff to $E000-$EFFF in chrrom1 asm inline void set_chr_bank0(byte a) { STA $B000 STA $C000 ? RTS } // calling with with e.g. $1E will set $1000-$1fff to $E000-$EFFF in chrrom1 asm inline void set_chr_bank1(byte a) { STA $D000 STA $E000 ? RTS } // TODO: FD/FE latches asm inline void set_vertical_mirroring() { LDA #0 STA $F000 ? RTS } asm inline void set_horizontal_mirroring() { LDA #1 STA $F000 ? RTS }